When will the railway bridge to the Crimea be ready. The movement of trains on the Crimean bridge will open at the end of the year. When will the Crimean bridge for trains open, latest news

The new railroad will connect Crimean bridge with the tracks of the Krasnodar Territory through the Vyshesteblievskaya station, is already 80% ready. This will be a double-track approach, which is laid on a layer of sand and gravel with sections of rails and sleepers up to 800 meters long each. Trains on this track will move almost silently.

The railway track to the Crimea is being built in a seamless way. This is the so-called velvet track made of rail lashes. They are several times longer than the standard 25-meter rail. The longer the rails, the fewer joints between them, passing through which the wheels of the trains characteristically knock. On the velvet track, trains run smoothly and almost without noise. Such a road is more reliable, more durable and more convenient in operation, - said Vitaly Beshliu, head of the design department of FKU "Rostransmodernizatsiya".

New length railway on the Taman Peninsula is about 40 kilometers. It leads to the new deep water port of Taman and branches off to the Crimean bridge. Work is underway along the entire length of the track.

The embankment is already completely ready, tracks have been laid on 80% of the site, 130 turnouts have been assembled, over 2200 reinforced concrete poles and metal racks of the contact network have been installed. The degree of readiness of artificial structures, including bridges and overpasses, is from 60 to 100%. More than 1,000 engineers and workers and 110 units of equipment are employed at the facility, according to the Crimean Bridge information center. In Taman, the construction of the railway station is already underway.

Short-distance and long-distance trains will pass through the Taman-passenger station both in the direction of the Crimea, and in the direction of the Krasnodar Territory and other regions. Residents of villages and settlements on the Taman Peninsula will have a more convenient way to travel anywhere in the country. To do this, a complex of buildings is being built, including a station for 50 people, passenger and luggage platforms, receiving and departure tracks and other facilities, - said Anatoly Vereshchaka, Deputy Head of Department, Project Manager of FKU Rostransmodernizatsiya.

From the Crimean side, a railway approach 18 kilometers long leads to the bridge, including a bridge and five overpasses. Builders are building the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station. The approach will connect the bridge with the railroads on the peninsula, which connect Kerch, Dzhankoy, Feodosia, Simferopol and other cities by rail.

Approaches from Crimea and Kuban will be put into operation together with the railway part of the Crimean bridge in 2019. Its capacity will be 47 pairs of passenger and freight trains per day in both directions, - said Deputy General Director for Infrastructure Projects at Stroygazmontazh Leonid Ryzhenkin.

In Crimea, a preliminary train schedule for 2020 has already been prepared. It is assumed that in the first year of operation between the Crimean peninsula and continental Russia, 29 pairs of trains per day will run, including 15 passenger, 10 freight and 4 commuter trains.

As for the construction of the railway part of the Crimean bridge, at the moment all the piles have been loaded, over 290 supports out of 307 are ready, more than 100 thousand out of 160 thousand tons of metal structures of span structures have been assembled. The first trains will pass through the Kerch Strait in 2019.

More than 7,000 engineers and workers work daily at the construction site. Almost 200 pieces of equipment and more than 30 watercraft are involved in the work. By the end of 2018, the builders plan to complete the construction of supports and install a significant part of the spans. After the installation of the bridge deck, the construction of the tracks will begin.

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The construction of the Crimean bridge has been underway since February 2016. Its road section was opened for traffic of cars and buses on May 16, 2018. During the current period, more than 900,000 vehicles have passed over the bridge.

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Construction of the railway to the Crimean bridge.

What they write on one well-known forum:

If the schedules have been prepared since December 9 this year, this does not mean that the first trains will go through the Kerch Strait already in 2018. The southern range of Russian Railways is being prepared in advance for the passage of trains to the Crimea. As we know, the traffic in the railway south of Russia is very intense.
Passenger rail traffic to Crimea is scheduled for the summer of 2019.
The directions are already clearly marked. Basically, what was expected. I never doubted that "Ekaterinburg - Simferopol" would be returned to the historical route.
With trains from the capitals (state and cultural) to the resort towns of Crimea, everything was also clear: naturally they will be.
With regard to trains to Kerch, I was also not mistaken: there will be no PDS from the terminal in Kerch. They are simply no longer needed. Kerch became a transit city. Quite enough and passing.

At the first stage, Sevastopol receives fast trains from Moscow and St. Petersburg. All three federal cities are connected by rail. It is right. In winter, two pairs will go: Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the summer, they may well add another one or two. Not more.

Simferopol receives all Sevastopol transit and its own: to Ektaterinburg, Murmansk, Chelyabinsk, Izhevsk, Ufa, Saratov, Perm, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. In Simferopol, there will be no problems at all with the Moscow direction.

Pass by Simferopol "Moscow-Evpatoria" and "SPB-Evpatoria". These must be for summer. They did not go under Ukraine in winter either. There were only trailer cars "Evpatoria - Moscow". So it will continue to be.

The same can be said about Theodosius. In summer there will be direct trains, in winter - trailer cars to those passing through Vladislavovka.

It is not yet clear how Murmansk and Nizhny Novgorod will be allowed on the mainland. Will they go through Moscow? Will Murmansk go through St. Petersburg? They can also launch it by, for greater connection between the regions of the European part of Russia and the Crimea. It would be logical. Purely metropolitan trains already exist. It is also necessary to gather people in the "bending" outback.

The cars of the Crimean railway will also appear on the Trans-Siberian. The farthest, to Asia, to the east will be "Simferopol - Novosibirsk". I would like to go to Irkutsk. But the new terminal of the airport "Simferopol" is already dictating its own competitive conditions.

So far, silence at the expense of regional trains: between the cities of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Some express trains were planned.

By the spring of 2019, it will become clear exactly what, where exactly, and how, will walk.

The rolling stock of the Crimean railway has not yet been updated. Will they have time to deliver new cars by the summer of 2019? If they don’t make it in time, it’s okay - they will give it out for rent from Russian Railways. There are no problems with wagons.

Yes, and the Tver Carriage Building bakes new cars like pies. They may well have time to make several new two-story trains.

P.S. We also decided not to visit Dzhankoy. Two years ago he proposed this: by diesel locomotive to (from) Simferopol.

This makes me happy.

99.9% of train passengers do not need to travel to Dzhankoy. Who needs Dzhankoy - for those to equip a convenient platform closer to the city. All passenger trains here -

There is no need to waste time changing the locomotive and direction of movement.

Of course, it is quite possible that all trains will not go this way. Some will be brought to the Dzhankoy railway station. To not be completely empty.

After the opening of the road part of the Crimean bridge, all the forces of the builders in the Kerch Strait were thrown into the construction of the railway component. According to the schedule, the first trains will run from the coast of Taman to Crimea in December 2019.

Two tracks with a capacity of up to 47 steam trains per day will run through the strait. Estimated speed of passenger trains is 120 km/h, freight trains – 80 km/h.

Now specialists are preparing the last supports, the assembly of spans is in full swing. Their total weight is almost 160 thousand tons, which is 1.5 times more than on the road part of the structure.

There are from six to 95 piles under each support, as well as under a road bridge, some of them are driven into the ground vertically, some at an angle. Inclined piles will increase the stability of the bridge in the event of an earthquake.

One railway span weighs 580 tons and consists of 40 elements, which are connected by welding and high-strength bolts. Such spans are placed on supports, the distance between which does not exceed 65 meters. A feature of the railway bridge is a smooth climb to the arch above the fairway.

Each subsequent support is about half a meter higher than the previous one. The railway bridge is smoothly “growing”: from 5 meters it begins to rise higher and higher on the island of Tuzla, so that the height of the supports reaches almost 17 meters to the sea section, and further - 35 meters above the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal Canal, - says Chief technical service company "SGM-Most" Yuri Beskov. - Such a smooth rise will ensure a comfortable and safe entry of passenger and cargo trains to the arched span, under which ships pass freely.

In parallel with the work in the Kerch Strait, a railway is being built along both banks. 40 kilometers of new tracks will appear on the Taman Peninsula, and 17.5 kilometers on the Crimean Peninsula.

The railway approaches will be put into operation simultaneously with the railway part of the Crimean bridge, in 2019, the Crimean Bridge information center reports.

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Crimean bridge: 27 months of construction in 3 minutes. Video: Info-center "Crimean bridge".


Not everyone went! The head of Rosavtodor ran 19 km of the Crimean bridge

It turns out that the head of Rosavtodor managed to test the transport crossing before the official opening. True, not by car, but on foot. On May 8, 2018, the acceptance of the bridge took place

They dreamed of connecting the coasts of Crimea and Taman a thousand years ago

Neither Prince Gleb Svyatoslavovich of Tmutarakan almost a thousand years ago, nor the British in the 19th century, nor Stalin clearly saw the Kerch Strait like this. All of them dreamed of connecting the Crimea and Taman, but they managed to do this only in our days.

The builder of the Crimean bridge about a trip in KamAZ with Putin: It was so calm to go, I would have turned a circle!

A couple of minutes before the opening of the bridge, Vladimir Putin approached the builders who had been working on the "construction of the century" from the very beginning - since 2015. Among them was Dmitry Kondakov, who came from Moscow, and for whom Kerch became a second home

“My daughter went to first grade in Kerch!” Putin shook hands with the builder of the Crimean bridge

Today we have a big holiday, - Andrey Vanichkin, foreman of the site at the construction of the Crimean bridge, does not hide his feelings. - We built a transport crossing in record time

Live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait with the participation of Vladimir Putin will begin on May 15, 2018 at 14:00 Moscow time ()

"Let's go!": Vladimir Putin on KamAZ opened the Crimean bridge

On May 15, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first to drive across the bridge across the Kerch Strait in a KamAZ truck ()

In 2018, with the participation of the Ministry economic development Crimea, a project is being created for a direct railway from the bridge in the direction to Simferopol across the Kerch Strait.

Interdepartmental working group has already considered a project for the development of railways on the peninsula.
The project allows for the possibility of building a railway in a common corridor with the Tavrida highway.

How will the railway in the Crimea

This option has a high social significance and undeniable economic advantages. Experts believe that the railway will receive the status of the shortest route between Simferopol and Kerch. Also, this direction will become part of the railway communication through the Kerch Strait.

The head of the project management of FKU "Rostransmodernizatsiya" reported that the railway is being built without joints. Rail whips with this method of construction are several times longer than a standard rail (standard length: 25 meters).

The use of long rails makes it possible to reduce the number of joints on the railway track. The trains will move along it without the characteristic knocks of the wheels, almost silently and smoothly. According to the representative of FKU "Rostransmodernizatsiya", such a road is convenient to operate, and its service life is noticeably increased. Designers call this path "velvet".

At the same time as the railway tracks, the Taman-Passenger station was being constructed. Trains will move through it in the direction not only the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, but regions remote from the southern part of Russia for thousands of kilometers.

In addition, the project includes the construction of several more nodal railway stations intended for freight trains. Dzhankoy station and the section of the road from Feodosiya to Simferopol will be reconstructed. It is also planned to build and reconstruct wagon and locomotive depots, which are now located in Feodosia and Simferopol.

The Russia Crimea railway from the side of the Taman Peninsula has two tracks. It is formed by sleeper-rail structures up to eight hundred meters long. Sleeper-rail structures are laid on a specially prepared layer of crushed stone and sand, then connected to each other. Construction and installation are carried out along the entire route simultaneously.

According to information Center, right now the construction of the subgrade and embankment is 100 percent complete, and the installation of the upper structure of the track is at the completion stage. 130 turnouts have already been assembled, and over two thousand contact network racks and reinforced concrete poles have been installed. Artificial structures have different levels of current readiness - from 60 to 100 percent. About a thousand workers work at the facility, more than a hundred units of special equipment are involved.

The developers of the concept estimate the first stage of the construction of the railway at 35 billion rubles. We are talking about the Simferopol-Kerch section. The section passes through Belogorsk, and its length will be 215 kilometers. Money for the construction is planned to be taken from extrabudgetary sources on the basis of bond issues or sponsorship agreements.

When will the opening take place?

As planned by the designers, the first stage is the launch of the Kerch-Feodosia railway line. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2018-2019. The length of the road is just over 94 kilometers. Then add another locality(Simferopol), and the path will increase by 27 kilometers. Until 2020, it is planned to launch railway stations, transport hubs and several new stations in these settlements.

The second stage of the project is the launch of the railway line - Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol. Its length will be a little over 120 kilometers. Also, as part of the second phase of construction, two small sections will be launched:

  • Simferopol - Saki - Evpatoria;
  • airport - railway station (Simferopol).

The second phase is planned to be completed by 2022.

The Crimean Railway Company has been preparing for the operation of the bridge since the end of 2019. The company managed to prepare a schedule for the movement of trains for 2020, but so far it remains preliminary. Experts suggest that in the first year of the railway communication between the continental part of the country and the Crimean peninsula, the road will be heavily loaded. In 24 hours, 29 passages will pass here. The main load on the railway tracks will come from short-range and long-distance passenger trains. Suburban and freight trains will also pass here daily.

The total capacity of the railway is 47 trains in any direction per day. This applies to both passenger and freight trains. This information confirmed one of the managers of the department of infrastructure projects of the enterprise "Stroygazmontazh".

As of August 19, 2018, construction work continues at full speed. What is happening today can be seen in the photo:

P.S. As of 11/23/2018, the railway project on the approach to the bridge changes its direction due to the discovery of the ancient estate of Monitra. Read more.

After the opening of the road part of the Crimean bridge, all the forces of the builders in the Kerch Strait were thrown into the construction of the railway component. The Crimean bridge for the railway will open in December 2019. Thus, on the Crimean bridge, the railway will be launched by the end of 2019 and, according to the schedule, the first trains will pass from the coast of Taman to Crimea

Two tracks with a capacity of up to 47 steam trains per day will run through the strait. Estimated speed of passenger trains is 120 km/h, freight trains – 80 km/h.

When will the Crimean bridge for trains open, latest news

Now specialists are preparing the last supports, the assembly of spans is in full swing. Their total weight is almost 160 thousand tons, which is 1.5 times more than on the road part of the structure.

There are from six to 95 piles under each support, as well as under a road bridge, some of them are driven into the ground vertically, some at an angle. Inclined piles will increase the stability of the bridge in the event of an earthquake.

One railway span weighs 580 tons and consists of 40 elements, which are connected by welding and high-strength bolts. Such spans are placed on supports, the distance between which does not exceed 65 meters. A feature of the railway bridge is a smooth climb to the arch above the fairway.

Each subsequent support is about half a meter higher than the previous one. The railway bridge is gradually “growing”: from 5 meters it begins to rise higher and higher on the island of Tuzla, so that the height of the supports reaches almost 17 meters to the sea section, and further - 35 meters above the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal Canal, - says the head of the technical service company "SGM-Most" Yuri Beskov. - Such a smooth rise will ensure a comfortable and safe entry of passenger and cargo trains to the arched span, under which ships can freely pass.

In parallel with the work in the Kerch Strait, a railway is being built along both banks. 40 kilometers of new tracks will appear on the Taman Peninsula, and 17.5 kilometers on the Crimean Peninsula.

The railway approaches will be put into operation simultaneously with the railway part of the Crimean bridge, in 2019, the Crimean Bridge information center reports.