When is conscription into the army? When they are drafted into the army. Who is called up for military service?

Is it true that service life in the army will be increased in 2017up to 1 year and 8 months?How to get a deferment from the army while studyingand for other legal reasons?When does spring conscription begin in 2017?? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Read to the end, and you will find out what three mistakes you should never make if you decide not to join the army.

Spring conscription 2017: conscription deadlines

Spring call starts April 1 throughout the country and continues until July 15. There are only three exceptions:

  1. Residents of some areas of the Far North are called up for military service a month later, from May 1 to July 15.
  2. Residents of villages and towns engaged in sowing work are called up only in the fall.
  3. Employees of educational institutions are called up a month later, from May 1 to July 15, in order to have time to complete their work before the end of the school year.

Is it worth going to spring conscription in the army in 2017

Are you wondering whether it’s worth giving a year of your life to military service? Perhaps you have just started Good work or met the girl of your dreams, and then tarpaulins and camouflage loomed on the horizon.What happens when you evade the army?, and what is the best thing to do: “mow down” or still serve?

Everyone decides for themselves. I can say one thing: if you don’t want to serve, then look for legitimate reasons. Behinddraft evasionPunishment awaits you:

  • Fine up to 200 thousand rubles.
  • Arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months.
  • Imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Many conscripts have. If you don’t have any, then it’s better to serve and not have problems with the law later. After visiting the military registration and enlistment office, be sure to read mine and find out the answers to. It’s a pity that I didn’t come across such articles at one time: I would have been more prepared for the numerous “surprises” of a soldier’s life.

Are there any innovations in the army from January 1, 2017?

Amendments have been made to Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”. Now there is a deferment from conscription for military service provided to students receiving secondary education professional education, regardless of their age.

There are no other innovations yet, however, if you are not aware of the innovations of previous years, I will briefly list them:

  • You can take a mobile phone into the armyand use it at a certain time.
  • You can wear civilian clothes while on furlough.
  • Conscript soldiers are entitled to a “quiet hour” for rest during the daytime.
  • When choosing a military unit for service, preference is given to units in your home region, so you can be home while on leave.
  • Selection is underway for scientific companies for conscripts with higher education engaged in scientific work.
  • You can choose to serve 1 year by conscription or 2 years by contract.

Rumors periodically arise that the service life has increased to 1 year 8 months or even 2 years. This is wrong!

Three “deadly” mistakes of a draft dodger: who is guaranteed problems with the military registration and enlistment office

So, you have a subpoena in your hands. Many conscripts, in a panic, make unforgivable mistakes, for which they later have to pay. Here is a list of what you should never do.

Sign the summons and then fail to appear at the military registration and enlistment office

In case of failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, a criminal case may be opened against the draft dodger. And it makes no sense to “run” until you are 27 years old: when you reach the non-conscription age, you will not be given a military service certificate, but a certificate.

Trying to buy a military ID in 2017

Most of the “well-wishers” who trade in the coveted crusts are deceivers. Once they receive your money, they will disappear. Upon attemptbuy military ID pricemay turn out to be unjustifiably high, since a fine of up to 200,000 rubles will be added to it in accordance with Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Apply for a deferment from the army due to health at the last minute at the military registration and enlistment office

Think you might haveexemption from the army for medical reasons? Start being examined in advance and collecting expert opinions. Don’t expect that draft board doctors will confirm your illness simply by listening to you with a stethoscope and tapping your knee with a hammer.List of diseases that are not allowed into the army in 2017, also includes ailments that can only be diagnosed using professional hospital equipment. Therefore, go through all the examinations and tests in advance in order to appear before the military commissar with a full set of certificates.

If you haven’t decided yet, then it’s time to do it, because there are only a few weeks left before the draft. Not sure if you are entitled to a deferment? Are you afraid? Have questions? Ask in the comments - I answer everyone!

There have been quite a lot of questions regarding military conscription in 2019. Let's look at all the most important issues: deadlines for conscription, grounds for deferments and release. The most common questions were liability for evasion of military service (administrative and criminal), conscription methods (appearing at the military registration and enlistment office without a summons), and last news on the issue of conscription. Let's figure it all out!

Army conscription deadlines in 2019: when does conscription begin and end?

The provisions on the deadlines for conscription into the army in 2019 (as well as many years before) are contained in the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service.” The spring conscription in 2019 begins on April 1 and ends on July 15. The autumn conscription in 2019 is scheduled to begin on October 1 and end on December 31.

These deadlines change only for residents of agricultural settlements (for them the spring conscription is canceled altogether), education workers and residents of the Far North - they are conscripted from May 1.

The service life is still the same - 1 year. Men between the ages of 18 and 27, who do not have deferments or exemptions, are conscripted into the army. Nothing has changed from this position.

Initially, I did not want to touch on the moral side of the issue of the “repayment of debt to the homeland” procedure, but the experts gave me food for thought...

How is the recruitment procedure carried out?

If you do not have a deferment from conscription, or even exemption from military service, then at the age of 17 you are required to register for military service (usually these events are organized by the school, and much earlier than the 17th birthday), and at the age of 18, upon receipt of the appropriate summons, you will appear to the military registration and enlistment office.

  1. First, you receive a summons to undergo the IHC. It determines your eligibility for military service. There are 5 of them: A, B, C, D, E, there are also subgroups.
  2. Next, they are presented with a document confirming their attendance at a meeting of the draft commission, where the issue of further service or the granting of a deferment/exemption will be decided.
  3. When the fitness category has been established and the order of service has been determined, the conscript is given another summons, which will oblige him to come to the training camp with things to be sent to the place of duty. That's it. Yu in the army now (You are in the army now).

Categories of suitability for military service

Category A. This category is assigned if the conscript is fit without restrictions. Be it the Airborne Forces, or the special forces, or anywhere. Basically, people with this category are sent to serve in the air force, marines, and navy.

A1. The conscript does not have any diseases at all that could interfere with military service.

A2. The conscript had an injury or serious illness, but this does not interfere with his service.

B2. Most often, those with this category of suitability for military service serve in the navy and tank forces.

B3. Internal troops, rocket troops, crew of infantry fighting vehicles.

B4. There are already some serious obstacles to serving in the army, and to serve with this category are most often sent to guard military facilities, radio engineering units and other units where good health is not needed.

Category B. This category of fitness for military service is assigned in the event that a conscript still does not go into the army upon conscription. It’s not easy to get it, because there must be fairly compelling health reasons. Guys assigned to this category are considered partially fit for military service.

Usually people with this category are given a military ID and enlisted in the reserves. In peacetime they are not called up at all, but in wartime they are called up, but in second place.

Category G. Temporary unfitness for military service. Traditionally associated with temporary difficulties in completing military service, which may pass over time. For example, broken limbs or obesity.

Sometimes this category is prescribed instead of category B. In this case, they have to constantly go through draft boards, although by law they are entitled to exemption from military service. No, but what if they recover?

Category D. Young men in this category are completely exempt from military service. The corresponding marks are placed in the passport and military ID. To obtain this category of fitness for military service, there must be very serious health problems. For example, HIV infection, acute tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, complete hearing loss.

Who will not be accepted into the army in 2019: grounds for exemption and deferments from conscription

Young men who are classified in categories B and D are traditionally exempt from conscription into the army; those in category D will most likely receive another deferment (welcome in six months to a year, maybe you’ll recover).

However, it is not only for health reasons that one can obtain an exemption from military service or a deferment. There are other reasons.

If you are a student or scientist...

People with an academic degree are not conscripted into the army: candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences; full-time students of higher education and postgraduate studies are not conscripted.

If you are a government employee...

Deputies and law enforcement officials are not called up for military service. By the way, this is an excellent reason to become a deputy. Regarding law enforcement, there is a nuance. Without completing compulsory military service in the army, they will not be accepted there, except in cases where a person graduates from a departmental university and enters the service immediately upon graduation. Again, in this case, only one deferment is provided for those who enter there after school. Former students of technical schools who, after graduating, decide to enroll in departmental universities, are at risk of joining the army during their studies. This is the practice. Alas…

If you perform important social functions...

Single fathers, guardians or men with two or more children are exempt from military service.

In some cases, deferments from military service are issued. Reasons for this:

  • Caring for a sick relative.
  • Having a disabled child under 3 years of age.
  • The wife is more than 26 weeks pregnant.

Also, people with an outstanding criminal record and those under investigation are not conscripted into the army. But these are already some too radical ways to avoid the army...

What about military draft dodgers in 2019? Responsibility for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office

Now let’s look at the questions of those who were interested in draft dodgers and sanctions for attempts (sometimes very successful) to “dodge” the army. In 2017, more than 150,000 draft dodgers were counted throughout Russia.

In what cases does administrative liability arise for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office when summoned? In the event that you received it, signed for it, but did not show up. They may be subject to both administrative and criminal liability. It all depends on the specific circumstances.

In what cases does administrative liability arise for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office?

Typically, the basis for liability is the conscript’s failure to appear when summoned. In this case it applies Article 21.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure of citizens to fulfill military registration obligations.” This offense is committed if you first received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and decided to ignore it, and it does not matter what the nature of the summons itself was - about appearing, about passing the Military Military Commissariat, or about being sent to a place of duty.

You may also be charged if you fail to provide information important to the military registration and enlistment office - change of place of residence, marital status, education, place of work, etc. They can also be charged for damaging documents. This is Art. 21.7 Code of Administrative Offences. The sanctions are the same.

Evasion of appearing on a subpoena, or failure to report relevant data to the military registration and enlistment office falls under Article 21.5 - a fine of 100 to 500 rubles.

In what cases is there criminal liability for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office?

Everything is more serious here. If you have already been brought to administrative responsibility, served with a new summons, and you also ignored it, then you may even face criminal liability. Here we should build on the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2008 No. 3, according to which criminal punishment should be applied in the event that a conscript repeatedly fails to appear on a summons to the military registration and enlistment office for several conscriptions in a row, refuses to accept summonses against signature and generally trying

This act falls under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Evasion from military and alternative civil service.” Here the fine is up to 200,000 rubles, they can even impose imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Practice of application of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

In practice, criminal punishment is imposed quite rarely, because many guys manage to avoid criminal punishment altogether through active repentance: they come to the military registration and enlistment office on their own, fall at the feet of the military commissar and express thoughts about an irresistible desire to serve in the army.

If actual punishments are imposed, they traditionally include a fine of 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The reason for such loyalty is the presence of mitigating circumstances. If they are not there, then they may well impose a fine of 60-70,000 rubles.

Every year, as the time for military conscription approaches, many rumors arise about possible changes to the rules for military service. Young men who have crossed the threshold of maturity, hearing such unverified information, are at a loss, not knowing what awaits them ahead. The excitement is also fueled by incessant rumors that the deadline will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already thinking through plans to evade military duty.

Basic Concepts

The procedure for conscription into the army in 2018-2019 in Russian Federation regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service,” as well as by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 “On approval of the Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service.” Conscription into the army is a set of events that includes appearing for a medical examination and a meeting of the draft commission, as well as appearing at the time and place specified in the military commissariat’s agenda to be sent to the place of military service and staying at the military commissariat before the start of military service.

Duration of military service in 2019

Rumors are constantly spreading among conscripts that the period of military service will be increased to two years. This change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the military personnel are willing to spend an extra year fulfilling their military duty. Such news is still at the level of rumors and in fact has no basis in reality. real facts. The fact is that previously they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, it took six months to master theoretical knowledge. The employee was required to spend the remaining 18 months in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. The government later came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened. Among young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried different ways“to avoid” conscription and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the army's effectiveness was low. But with the shortening of the period, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to military registration and enlistment offices to do military service.

2019 Recruitment Campaign

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, conscription campaigns will not change the timing of their work next year. That is, the deadlines for conscription into the army in 2019 are similar to those in effect now: the spring campaign will start on April 1 and last until July 15; autumn - between 1.10 and 31.12 annually.

In addition to the service in 2018-19, alternatives to completing it will also be available:

  1. Higher education educational institution in conditions military department. In this case, theoretical and practical training of children at the training ground is provided. Classes are structured in such a way that you can receive higher education, upon completion of which have the rank of officer.
  2. Applying for public service. Let us remind you that by law, working in such an institution is equivalent to serving in the army. This option is available to those young people who are unable to complete traditional service. For example, due to religious beliefs. But there is a condition: resigning before the deadline, which is 21 months, is unacceptable. Violation of this condition may result in criminal prosecution and subsequent punishment.

Who is subject to conscription

In accordance with the law, military service in the army is carried out:

  • citizens - by conscription and voluntarily (under contract);
  • foreign citizens - under contract in military positions to be filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military formations.

Citizens (foreign citizens) undergoing military service are military personnel.

Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, whether registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered and not in the reserves, are subject to conscription for military service, unless they are granted a deferment from conscription. Citizens who are exempt from military service, conscription, and citizens who are not subject to conscription are also not conscripted for military service. The decision to conscript citizens for military service can be made only after they reach the age of 18 full years. Persons over 27 years of age are not subject to conscription into the army. If, upon reaching the age of 27, a citizen had the right to a deferment and did not serve, then he is issued a military ID.

Spring conscription 2019

You can only be drafted into the army during conscription periods. Conscription is carried out twice a year (spring and autumn call z) on the basis of the relevant decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which indicate the dates (dates) of the beginning of the conscription and when the conscription ends. Spring conscription into the army begins on April 1 and lasts until July 15. In 2017, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the spring conscription took place from April 1 to July 15.

Autumn call 2019

Autumn conscription into the army runs from October 1 to December 31. Autumn conscription is also established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Possible exceptions

There are exceptions to the general conscription periods:

  • citizens living in certain regions of the Far North or certain localities equated to regions of the Far North are called up for military service during the spring conscription from May 1 to July 15 or during the autumn conscription from November 1 to December 31;
  • citizens living in rural areas and directly involved in sowing and harvesting work may be called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
  • citizens who are teaching workers educational organizations, are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.

For some, conscription into the army is a long-awaited and exciting event, and for others it is a difficult and burdensome duty, despite this, everyone wants to know what to prepare for, what the conditions for conscription will be, and most importantly, how long they will have to serve.

Duration of military service in 2018

Committee State Duma Defense Committee many times brought up for consideration the issue of increasing service life, the main argument in favor of this was the lack of ordinary soldiers in all military units Moreover, the current service period of one year cannot provide the country’s defenders with the necessary knowledge and skills. It is simply impossible to train real specialists under such conditions. Despite all the facts and arguments, the President of the Russian Federation rejected the proposed bill, categorically refusing to increase the service life. On the other hand, he has the right to reconsider his decision at any time; it is quite possible that the presidential elections in 2018 will also play a role in changing the length of service in the ranks of the country’s armed forces.

What is the call? In fact, this is a set of events that a conscript must undergo. First you need to register for military service. Upon reaching conscription age and receiving a summons, you must visit the military commissariat at the appointed time. The summons is issued personally to the conscript upon signature of receipt. Service of a summons is determined by time; failure to appear on time is subject to both administrative and criminal liability.

This is followed by a mandatory medical commission; all those liable for military service undergo it, with the exception of those with a deferment from conscription. This commission, after a thorough examination, makes a decision on the conscript’s suitability for military service. There are 5 categories of suitability for military service.

  • A – fit;
  • B - suitable with minor restrictions;
  • B – limited suitability;
  • G – temporarily unsuitable;
  • D – not suitable.

There are cases when the commission cannot make an unambiguous decision, and therefore the conscript is sent for an inpatient or outpatient examination at a medical institution. After which a new conscription period is assigned. After receiving a medical report, the draft commission issues its verdict to the conscript; he can be sent to military service, called up for alternative civilian service, granted a deferment, exempted from conscription, enlisted in the reserves, or released from military service altogether. Men who have reached the age of 27 and have not completed military service for any reason are removed from the military register.

Deadlines for conscription into the army in 2018. 2018 recruitment campaign

Many are interested in the timing of conscription next year, despite the fact that it is almost impossible to prepare for this, everyone still wants to know when this day is possible. There are two conscriptions: spring, which begins on April 1 and ends on July 15, and autumn, which lasts from October 1 to December 31; conscription into the armed forces is possible only during these periods.

There are exceptions to these rules, so conscripts of the Far North receive summonses from May 1 to July 15, and from November 1 to December 31. Those living in rural areas and engaged in harvesting and sowing work have the right to conscription in the fall from October 15 to December 31, educators and teachers for spring conscription from May 1 to July 15.

Spring conscription 2018, autumn conscription 2018

The President of the Russian Federation has repeatedly expressed his vision of the future army of our country. The first step in the change was to reduce the service life; since 2006, it has decreased from 24 months to 12, which pleased not only many conscripts, but also their parents. Despite all the attempts of the Civil Service Committee on Defense to increase the term by at least half, the president stands his ground. The main idea is to create a permanent contract army in which trained professionals will serve.

It was planned that by 2018, conscript soldiers would make up only 15% of the entire active army of the Russian Federation; this will become possible only with the popularity of contract service. Now conscripts have the right to choose their service, 1 year - fixed-term, 2 years - contract. Among other things, the presidential decree increased the age limits for professional military service, by a total of 5 years.

The Russian army has always been famous for its courage and organization; serving in it was honorable and prestigious; every boy dreamed of becoming a pilot or tankman. Gradually, the prestige of the army declined, many young men began to hide from conscription, many were afraid of violence from their fellow soldiers. Today, our army is not going through its best times, but is gradually once again becoming a reliable support for the country and citizens, again thousands of boys want to take the oath and become officers.

Similar materials

Conscription into the army in 2019 will not differ significantly from similar rules in previous years. Minor changes that come into force on February 17, 2019 will only affect the obligations of employers to identify workers who have not registered and notify conscripts about the time to report to the military registration and enlistment office.

In this material, we will examine in more detail the new rules for conscription into the army from February 17, 2019, as well as the procedure for passing the draft commission.

What's new in the recruitment rules in 2019

The procedure for conducting conscription campaigns is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and other regulatory and departmental acts. Any male citizen of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 27 years old, fit for service and without benefits or deferments for conscription, can join the ranks of conscripts. Failure to comply with such obligations may result in criminal penalties.

The procedure for conscription into the army last years practically does not change. In February 2019, a number of amendments to Law No. 53-FZ will come into force, which expand the list of requirements for employers:

  1. managers and officials of enterprises are responsible for identifying male workers aged 18-27 years who have not registered with the military registration and enlistment office (if such subjects are identified, information must be sent to the military registration and enlistment office within 14 days);
  2. the administration of the enterprise will be responsible for the delivery and delivery of orders (summons) for the appearance of citizens at the military registration and enlistment office (previously there was an obligation to notify about such a call and provide time to appear at the military registration and enlistment office);
  3. For violation of these requirements, the head of the enterprise or other officials will be held personally liable.

How will these amendments affect the rights and responsibilities of ordinary conscripts? First of all, it will be more difficult to avoid receiving summonses from the military registration and enlistment office. If you refuse to receive a summons at your place of work, an act will be issued indicating that the citizen is familiar with the order. In this case, the conscript will be considered notified of the obligation to appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the appointed time and place.

Also in February 2019, amendments will come into force that slightly clarify the procedure for registering and recruiting citizens at the place of their temporary stay or permanent registration:

  • if the subject does not have registration, he is not exempt from the obligation to register with the military commissariat and fulfill other requirements of Law No. 53-FZ;
  • in the absence of registration, or when leaving the main place of residence for a period of 3 months or more, citizens are required to submit an application and register at the place of their actual location;
  • the responsibilities of registered persons include notification of a change not only in the place of work, but also in study (even if the citizen has already completed military service and remains liable for military service).

According to the legislator, these norms will help reduce the number of draft dodgers and streamline the registration of persons temporarily absent from their main registration address. Otherwise, the procedure for conscription into the army remained unchanged. Below we will tell you when the conscription will take place in 2019, and what mandatory events conscripts must undergo.

By law, the annual conscription takes place during the spring and autumn campaigns. The following time frames apply for the spring conscription:

  1. the official deadline for conscription and sending conscripts to the army is from April 1 to July 15 (this does not mean that other activities aimed at training and testing conscripts cannot be carried out before April 1);
  2. the deadlines for men living in certain areas of the Far North (FN), specified in the legislation, are shifted - from May 1 to July 15;
  3. Village workers involved in direct sowing work are not subject to conscription in the spring, so they will only receive a summons for the autumn conscription.

The cut-off date (July 15) implies that during this period all conscripts must receive distribution and go for service, military courses, or other areas of the Russian Defense Ministry.

The autumn conscription lasts from October 1 to December 31. From November 1, men from certain districts of the KS will be sent to military service, and from October 15, rural workers engaged in harvesting work. Special rules apply to teachers employed on a permanent basis in educational institutions. They are not eligible for the fall conscription because they are busy with the start of the school year.

Persons who have reached the age of 18 are eligible for conscription campaigns within the specified period. It is important that before reaching adulthood, citizens can be sent to undergo medical examinations, but they cannot be given a summons for conscription. If a child turns 18 only at the end of the spring draft (for example, July 10), he will receive a summons only in the fall. The obligation to perform military service ends only after reaching 27 years of age. If a man turns 27 years old after being drafted into the army, he will be required to serve his entire term.

Who will not be accepted into the army?

In addition to the conscription deadlines, the list of benefits and deferments for certain categories of citizens has not changed. The list of diseases by which categories of fitness for military service will be determined has also remained unchanged. In Art. 24 of Law No. 53-FZ provides an exhaustive list of deferments under which citizens will not be subject to the current conscription:

  • Citizens recognized by the medical commission as temporarily unfit for service may receive a deferment for up to 1 year;
  • persons who are supported by close relatives, if they are not on state support, and MSEC has issued a conclusion on the need for care for health reasons;
  • a conscript who acts as a guardian or trustee for minor brothers and sisters (naturally, a deferment is given only in the absence of other persons obligated to provide financial support to the brother and/or sister);
  • single father, i.e. when the child has no mother;
  • a conscript with two minor children (in fact, this basis makes it possible to completely eliminate the obligation to serve in the army);
  • a man whose family has a disabled child under 3 years of age;
  • a deferment will be granted for the duration of service in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, drug control, customs authorities (if the conscript has a specialized higher education and qualifications);
  • if the conscript has a child and the wife’s pregnancy is at least 26 weeks;
  • Deputies of representative bodies of government will receive a deferment for the entire term of office if they are approved for a permanent position;
  • during the election period, candidates for elected bodies can count on a deferment.

To receive such benefits, the conscript must document the basis for the deferment, i.e. submit documents in advance.

Additional grounds for deferment are provided by law for students studying at universities, technical schools, and other educational institutions that have state accreditation. It is better to check the exact list of benefits at the military registration and enlistment office, or in consultation with a professional lawyer. With the help of a lawyer, it will be easier to collect supporting documents and prove your case to the military registration and enlistment office employees.

To be released from the army, you can also use the option of alternative service (for example, for religious or other reasons). You will have to prove your right to perform alternative service at a commission at the military registration and enlistment office. If a refusal is issued, you can challenge it in court.

The grounds for complete or temporary exemption from conscription if a man is diagnosed with health problems deserve special attention. To do this, you need to evaluate the criteria for suitability for military service and the procedure for passing a medical examination.

The state is interested in staffing the army with healthy conscripts. Therefore, every man who falls under conscription age must undergo a medical examination by a commission created at the military commissariat. To pass the commission, citizens registered with the military registration and enlistment office and included in the conscription lists are sent a summons indicating the date, time and place of the doctor's examination.

As a rule, for the convenience of Ministry of Defense officials, doctors and conscripts, all necessary examinations can be completed in one day in one institution. Naturally, to undergo mandatory tests and procedures, or to conduct additional examinations, referrals to inpatient medical institutions may be issued (including on other days).

Based on the results of the medical examination, the following consequences may occur:

  1. a man's health condition can completely exclude him from the list of conscripts, i.e. he will be declared unfit for service;
  2. temporary unsuitability of the service may be established, i.e. the identified disease will be treated, and a medical examination will be carried out again to re-assess suitability;
  3. eligibility criteria may be established that limit recruitment to certain branches of the military or to certain positions (professions);
  4. in the complete absence of the disease, a citizen can be sent to serve in any branch and branch of the military, including “elite” units.

To eliminate abuse on the part of conscripts and reduce the chance of medical error or deliberate distortion of examination data, the regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation clearly stipulate examination parameters, fitness categories, types of diseases, and grounds for making the final conclusion.

A complete register of diseases and diagnoses for which a citizen will receive a deferment or complete exemption from conscription is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565. First of all, we will evaluate the categories of suitability for military service.

What does it mean

What consequences does

Presence or absence of subcategories

Suitability without restrictions

The complete absence of health problems allows you to receive a referral to elite military branches and units, to serve with increased loads, etc.

Minor limitation to the service

Depending on the nature of the identified illness or diagnosis, a man will not be able to receive assignment to certain branches of the military, to certain positions and professions

Limited fitness for duty

A man is not subject to conscription in peacetime; he is enlisted in the reserves with the issuance of a military ID. In wartime, he will be sent to the army in 2 turns

Temporary unfit for service

Identified diseases will be checked during a medical examination during subsequent calls, after which a change in fitness category is possible

Completely unfit for service

Complete exemption from conscription and military service is given

You can learn about your state of health and fitness category from the conclusion that the commission will make based on the results of the examinations. As a rule, it is when confirming diseases and diagnoses, as well as when assigning a fitness category, that greatest number disputes between conscripts and military registration and enlistment offices.

The list according to Government Decree No. 565 indicates more than 100 different diseases for which health status will be checked. Let us highlight a number of diagnoses for which a man cannot be called up for service:

  1. serious, persistent and chronic diseases musculoskeletal system(for example, arthrosis various types, scoliosis above degree 2, etc.);
  2. pathological diseases of the visual organs (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.);
  3. chronic hearing diagnoses (for example, complete deafness);
  4. genitourinary diseases (enuresis, urolithiasis, etc.);
  5. diagnoses on the cardiovascular system (heart defects, ischemia, etc.);
  6. other categories of pathologies and diseases.

Naturally, there can be no talk of conscripting persons who are missing a limb or other vital organs. Exemption will be provided for obesity above degree 2, diabetes mellitus, and other diagnoses. Only category A confirms the conscript’s almost perfect health. Moreover, for various subcategories A, the anthropometric data of the citizen (height, weight, etc.) will also be taken into account.

If a conscript does not agree with the commission’s conclusions, he has the right to undergo a re-examination and challenge the list of diseases and fitness category. This is especially true for borderline diagnoses, which may belong to two adjacent categories or subcategories. In addition, no one has canceled the standard procedure for executing the plan for the number of conscripts, which the military registration and enlistment office is obliged to implement. Therefore, it will depend only on the actions of the citizen himself whether he can prove his illness with documents and receive a legal deferment or exemption from service.

If the state of health allows for service, after the announcement of conscription, summonses will be sent to conscripts in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and departmental acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This document indicates when and at what time you need to arrive at the recruiting station, what documents you need to have with you, and other mandatory information. The conscription service period in 2019 is 12 months, after which the citizen will be enlisted in the reserves.

There is no point in avoiding receiving subpoenas. Practice shows that even the transmission of a subpoena through family and friends will be considered as proper notification. An attempt to avoid conscription by not receiving a summons is almost always doomed to failure. If the conscript’s actions are confirmed to be intentional, he faces liability under the laws of the Russian Federation. Below we will consider the grounds for prosecution and the most serious sanctions for such an offense.

If a man is of conscription age, and his health condition or other circumstances do not allow him to obtain a legal deferment or exemption from military service, draft evasion will be punished according to the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Sanctions for evading service are provided for in Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and they will be applied according to the following rules:

  • the basis for initiating a criminal case will be the commission of an action or inaction to evade the legal requirements of the military commissar to appear at a medical examination or at a recruiting station;
  • sanctions will follow only for deliberate actions or inactions, i.e. the conscript must be aware that he has no right to evade service, but continues to violate the law;
  • to confirm the conscript’s guilt in evasion, it will be proven that the man changed his place of residence, work or study without notifying the military registration and enlistment office, submitted false documents about his state of health or the emergence of rights to a deferment, and committed other illegal actions.

As a rule, evasion consists of an attempt to avoid registration with a military commissariat, concealment of place of residence or work before reaching the age of 27, failure to appear when summonsed and subpoenaed. In recent years, it has become much more difficult to evade conscription. With the support of law enforcement agencies, officials of the RF Ministry of Defense have the right to conduct complete or random document and identity checks, especially in places where young people gather. If evaders are identified, they will be detained and taken to the police for subsequent initiation of a case.

At the legislative level, additional measures of influence have been introduced against persons who do not want to fulfill their obligation to serve in the RF Armed Forces. For example, to apply for certain categories of positions in state and municipal bodies, a military ID is required. This document cannot be obtained before serving or if you are completely unfit for conscription. To avoid such consequences, it is enough to serve 12 months, or take advantage of many reasons for deferment.

If the investigation and the court confirm guilt in evading service, under Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may face the following sanctions:

  1. a fine in the amount of up to 200 thousand rubles, or in the amount of salary up to 18 months;
  2. forced labor for up to 2 years;
  3. arrest for a period of up to 6 months;
  4. imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The final decision on the type and amount of punishment will be made by the court. To mitigate the sanction, a man can prove mitigating factors, collect positive characteristics at your place of residence, work or study. When initiating a criminal case, it is advisable to immediately use the services of a lawyer who has experience in defending conscripts under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. With the support of a defense lawyer, it is possible to prove the absence of intent to evade service, reduce the amount of punishment, or achieve an acquittal.

It must be taken into account that even the mildest punishment under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will mean a criminal record. This significantly limits the opportunities for obtaining a prestigious job, entering a position in the courts, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government departments.