When a comma is not used when listing adjectives. Comma for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Definitions are heterogeneous if

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Several definitions for one defined noun are not always and therefore are not always separated by commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics school curriculum. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; further in the section “Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions” some of them are discussed in more detail and are accompanied by examples.

Signs of homogeneity of definitions(concisely) :

  • indicate characteristics of homogeneous objects: blue, yellow, red balls;
  • denote features that are synonymous in context: powerful, violent, deafening downpour;
  • denote characteristics that are interdependent in context (= since, therefore): moonlit, clear evening(= clear, because lunar);
  • denote artistic images, metaphors: leaden, faded eyes;
  • there is a semantic gradation: joyful, festive, radiant mood;
  • the single definition is placed before the common one: empty field covered with snow;
  • located after the defined word: young woman, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming;
  • denote a subjective characteristic (optional attribute): a small, golden cloud; long, narrow carpet;
  • in the position after the word being defined: the clouds are round, high, golden-gray, with delicate white edges.

Signs of heterogeneity of definitions(concisely):

  • indicate shape and material: potbellied nut bureau;
  • indicate color and shape: white round clouds;
  • indicate size and material: large stone houses;
  • indicate quality and location: gloomy Siberian river.

Punctuation marks whenhomogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions not connected by conjunctions.

Definitions are homogeneous, If

a) indicate the distinctive features of different objects: Red, white, pink, yellow carnations made up a beautiful bouquet;

b) indicate various signs of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand: A strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river.;

c) each of the definitions directly relates to the defined noun, and therefore a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between them "And". Wed: clear, calm moonlight (pure and calm moonlight); a cup of thick, strong coffee (a cup of thick and strong coffee) and so on.


  • homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, if at the same time in context they are united by some common feature (the similarity of the impression they make, appearance etc.): He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me; Heavy, cold clouds lay on the tops of the surrounding mountains; Gray strands glittered in his thick, dark hair; pale, stern face; cheerful, good-natured laughter; a deserted, inhospitable house; gentle, lively eyes; proud, brave appearance; dry, cracked lips; heavy, angry feeling; gray, continuous, light rain etc.;
  • as a rule, they are homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets): His pale blue, glassy eyes;
  • homogeneous also synonymous(in context) definitions: quiet, modest river; silent, timid, timid girl. In a series of such definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the characteristic they express, forming a semantic gradation: There was a joyful, festive, radiant mood; In autumn, the steppes completely change and take on their own unusual, special, incomparable appearance.;
  • the role of homogeneous definitions is usually played by adjective and following participial phrase:An elderly man with a bushy beard, beginning to turn gray, entered.;
  • As a rule, agreed upon definitions are homogeneous, coming after the word being defined: Three greyhounds are running along a boring winter road. Exception make up combinations of terminological nature: thin-walled electric-welded stainless steel pipes; late-ripening winter pear;
  • homogeneous definitions are those that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Six months later, long, cold nights give way to quiet, warm ones.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous, if they characterize an object from different sides: big stone house(size and material); white round pebbles(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous if they are united by a common feature: Our terrace now stands on new brick pillars(the unifying feature is “durable”).


  • heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives: a new leather briefcase, an interesting children's book, a warm July night, a light birch grove, transparent window panes and so on.;
  • less often, heterogeneous definitions consist of a combination of qualitative adjectives: old gloomy house, interesting rare publications.

Exercises for the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions"

Exercise 1. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which commas must be inserted.

1. He was born into a poor peasant family.

2. A clear, bright, thoughtful smile lies on the clouds.
3. The sun's rays play on the thick, lush, dewy grass.
4. She involuntarily surrendered to involuntary, selfless love.
5. Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.
6. I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman.
7. In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin.
8. Light was breaking through the small ice-covered window.
9. Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror.
10. He had big fish eyes.
11. A flat, dull steppe stretched around.
12. A sonorous child's laughter was heard.
13. The dark, unlit windows of the houses looked unfriendly.
14. Everyone fell asleep in a sound, healthy sleep.
15. It was a cold autumn evening.
16. Large heavy drops hung on the branches.
17. Memories are a living, trembling world full of poetry.
18. Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden.
19. A dry hot wind was blowing.
20. A sound pre-dawn sleep overcame him.
21. There was wet, loose and dazzling snow in the fields.
22. We walked through the quiet, star-lit taiga.
23. The young grass washed by the rain smelled intoxicating.
24. Tolstoy could not write unless he had good, clean paper in front of him.
25. On a warm summer morning I went to Lvov.
26. Red blue yellow rocky peaks rise to the sky.
27. A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest.
28. The old country park is quiet.
29. A yellow maple leaf killed in autumn slowly falls to the ground.
30. All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits.

Answers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

Exercise 2. Copy the text, adding the missing commas.
Meanwhile, the sun rose a little more above the horizon. Now the sea no longer shone entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon, a long shining strip was burning, and dozens of bright, eye-catching stars flashed in the slowly approaching waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the gentle, sad blue of the August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different, new and unprecedented. It changes every hour before our eyes. Then it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. Then it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo wool, as if it were being ironed against the pile.


  • Section “Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members” in the manual by Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section “Definitions” in the electronic manual “

Hello! Please tell me if a comma is needed between adjectives: Place in a dark, warm place.

Definitions may be separated by a comma (meaning "dark and warm").

Question No. 300261

Good afternoon Should I use commas? between adjectives in the following sentences: 1. The leaves of the trees are different, bright...... 2. The strawberries are red and sweet..... Thank you. With all respect, Andrew. P.S. How can I find out what number is assigned to my question? A.

Answer help desk Russian language

In both cases commas between adjectives needed.

Until the question is answered, unfortunately, there is no way to find out the number.

Question No. 300051

Is a comma necessary? between adjectives in the sentence: “Thank you for your caring(,) responsible approach”?

Russian help desk response

A comma is needed. The definitions are homogeneous because they are synonymous.

Question No. 295507

Dear Gramota! Help me deal with commas between adjectives. The source says this: This is a revolutionary comprehensive, universal, multi-directional care... Why only 1 comma? Well, I really need it... Thank you!

Russian help desk response

It is appropriate to separate all definitions with commas, considering such definitions to be homogeneous.

Question No. 288219

Dear experts, please tell me which is correct: from the Kaliningrad to the Irkutsk regions or from the Kaliningrad to Irkutsk region and why? I'm leaning towards a single number, the only thing that confuses me is that there are two areas :-) Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Right: from Kaliningrad to Irkutsk regions. The noun is put in the form singular, because between adjectives- there is no coordinating connection between the names.

Question No. 286214

I listened to a long, eerie howl. Is a comma required? between adjectives or not?

Russian help desk response

There are options here. A comma is needed if the author wants the definitions to be perceived as homogeneous: the howl was prolonged and therefore terrible - words lingering And creepy sb are close in meaning, synonymous relations are created between them. However, it is possible to interpret these definitions as heterogeneous: the terrible howl was prolonged. In this case, a comma is not needed. The choice remains with the author.

Question No. 284498

Good afternoon. Please explain the difference between adjectives artillery and artillery. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Only correct artillery. This is an adjective and artillery, and to artilleryman

Question No. 278455
Is there a difference between adjectives“Latvian” and “Latvian” or are they absolutely identical and interchangeable?

Russian help desk response

The difference is about the same as between adjectives Russian And Russian: the first is more connected with statehood, the second - with nationality. For example: Latvian lat(Not Latvian), But Latvian(Not Latvian). Wed: Russian ruble, But Russian language.

Question No. 271559
Hello! Please tell me if I need to put commas between adjectives? Thank you in advance)
"City integrated specialized technical service station"

Russian help desk response

No commas required.

Question No. 266839
Hello! Are commas necessary? between adjectives in a sentence:
"thin_non-slip_graphic synthetic lining"? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

No commas needed.

Question No. 265462
good afternoon, is a comma necessary: ​​“a pleasant, bright holiday awaits you” between adjectives?

Russian help desk response

No comma required.

Question No. 254653
Hello! Please tell me what the difference is between adjectives erotic and erotic? Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

According to dictionaries, erotic – imbued with eroticism (eroticism is excessive sensuality, manifestation of sexual desire). Erotic – 1) relating to eroticism and eroticism (sensuality, sexuality; also works of literature and art devoted to the description of their manifestation), associated with them; 2) the same as erotic. Thus, these words are synonymous and interchangeable in the meaning of “imbued with sensuality, sexuality”, for example: erotic movement And erotic movement. However, in the meaning “associated with erotica as works of literature and art” the adjective is used erotic, for example: erotic film.

See also the discussion on our “Forum”.

Question No. 254584
The tiger is a big beautiful cat.
Is a comma necessary? between adjectives, what kind of right is this?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

No comma needed: adjectives big And beautiful are not homogeneous, because they characterize the object from different sides (size and aesthetic perception).

Question No. 237050
Does a comma separate adjectives in words? offer: stationary telescopic galvanized mast 5 meters high.

Russian help desk response

Commas between adjectives Not needed.

Question No. 226861
Please tell me if there is a difference between adjectives"laconic" and "laconic"?

Russian help desk response

Commas between adjectives - when should they be used and when should they not be used? and got the best answer

Answer from Yofya Ukhobotov[active]
A comma is not placed between adjectives characterizing a noun if the adjectives are completely different in qualitative characteristics. For example "white fluffy snow", "warm beige blanket", etc. A comma is used when listing adjectives of equal quality "blue, red"
By the way, I think your second example is not correct, because HUGE and BLUE-GREEN are different in characteristics
But for example: Red and green lights replaced each other!
Would you like me to give you a hint on how to identify a comma?
It's simple: It is possible to insert a conjunction between homogeneous definitions, but impossible between heterogeneous ones.

Answer from Alexander Shchukin[guru]
Commas are used when there is a listing, for example: you are gorgeous, attractive, charming, sexy and so loved.

Answer from Ahmatist[guru]
1) transfer
2) opposition
3) conjunctions a, but

Answer from N[guru]
A comma is not placed between adjectives characterizing a noun if the adjectives are completely different in qualitative characteristics.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Commas between adjectives - when should they be used and when should they not be used?

Commas between adjectives - when should they be used and when should they not be used? and got the best answer

Answer from Yofya Ukhobotov[active]
A comma is not placed between adjectives characterizing a noun if the adjectives are completely different in qualitative characteristics. For example, “white fluffy snow”, “warm beige blanket”, etc. A comma is used when listing adjectives of the same quality “blue, red”
By the way, I think your second example is not correct, because HUGE and BLUE-GREEN are different in characteristics
But for example: Red and green lights replaced each other!
Would you like me to give you a hint on how to identify a comma?
It's simple: It is possible to insert a conjunction between homogeneous definitions, but impossible between heterogeneous ones.

Answer from Alexander Shchukin[guru]
Commas are used when there is a listing, for example: you are gorgeous, attractive, charming, sexy and so loved.

Answer from Ahmatist[guru]
1) transfer
2) opposition
3) conjunctions a, but

Answer from N[guru]
A comma is not placed between adjectives characterizing a noun if the adjectives are completely different in qualitative characteristics.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Commas between adjectives - when should they be used and when should they not be used?

Several agreed upon definitions that are not interconnected by unions can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions; a comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous definitions are directly related to the defined (main) word, while between themselves they are in an enumerative relationship (they are pronounced with enumerative intonation and a conjunction and can be placed between them).

Example: Blue and green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls.

Heterogeneous definitions are not pronounced with enumerative intonation; it is usually impossible to put the conjunction and between them. Heterogeneous definitions are differently connected with the defined (main) word. One of the definitions (the closest) is directly related to the word being defined, while the second is already connected to a phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition:

Long freight train. With the main word train The closest definition to it is directly related - commodity. Definition long associated with the whole phrase - freight train. (The freight train is long).

To distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, it is necessary to take into account a whole complex of characteristics. When parsing and arranging punctuation marks, pay attention to the meaning, method of expression and order of definitions in the sentence.

Definitions are HOMOGENEOUS if:

    indicate the distinctive features of different objects;

    Red, green balls - red and green balls; the balls were red; the balls were green.

    denote various signs of one object, characterizing it on one side;

    A ruined and burned city is a ruined and burned city; the city was ruined; the city was burned.

    characterize an object from different angles, but in a given context are united by some common feature;

    Moonlight, clear evening- “lunar, and therefore clear”; hard, dark times- “heavy, and therefore gloomy.”

    under contextual conditions, synonymous relationships are created between definitions;

    Dull, pressing pain in the chest- in this context, forms stupid And pressing act as synonyms, that is, as words that are close in meaning.

    represent artistic definitions - epithets;

    Round, fish eyes.

    form a gradation, that is, each subsequent definition strengthens the characteristic it expresses;

    Joyful, festive, radiant mood.

    a single definition is followed by a definition expressed by a participial phrase, that is, a participle with a dependent word;

    Black, smoothly combed hair.


    A) this should not be a single participle, but a participle with a dependent word (cf.: black combed hair);

    b) the participial phrase should be in second place (cf.: slick black hair); V) commas are only placed between homogeneous members; after the participial phrase, if there are no special conditions for isolation, a comma is not placed (!);

    stand after the word being defined;

    Black hair, combed.

    the second definition explains the first - between the definitions you can put the conjunction that is or namely.