Who graduated from the military department. Pros and cons of studying at a military department. Advantages of the military department

For many university applicants it has great importance, is there a military department at the university? It is known that such a department makes it possible to solve the problem of military conscription directly within the walls of the university. Thus, for many young people, a university with a military department looks much more attractive than an educational institution without one. What is a military department, what does it offer to students in 2018, why is it important not to confuse the department with a military training center.

What is a military department at a university?

Military departments at universities are essentially departments of additional education. Additional education in this case it is a military specialty.

Depending on the duration of the course, a student, by attending additional classes, can acquire the specialty of a soldier, sergeant or lieutenant. This solves the problem of military conscription - students acquire a military specialty at a civilian university, without undergoing military service.

Upon graduating from a university and receiving a diploma, the student already has a military ID in his hands and is a private, sergeant or reserve lieutenant. He doesn't need to serve in the army.

What title a student will receive depends on the program and duration of the course:

  • reserve soldier (or sailor) - 18 months,
  • reserve sergeant (or sergeant major) - 24 months,
  • reserve officer - 30 months.

Classes at the military department usually take up one additional day of study. If, for example, classes at a university run from Monday to Friday, then students of the military department study until 8-9 o’clock on Saturday. Classes may include both theory and a practical part, including a trip to the territory of the nearest military unit.

Why you shouldn’t confuse a military department and a military training center

When entering a university and focusing on whether a particular university has a military department, a young man needs to be careful. In addition to military departments at universities, there may also be military training centers.

The difference between them is quite significant. The main difference is that the military department trains reserve servicemen, and the training center trains future contract soldiers.

Simply put, when a student graduates from the military department, receives a military ID and goes into the reserves, he is not required to serve in the army. But a student at a military training center signs a contract according to which he is obliged, after graduating from a university, to go to serve in the specialty and rank that he receives at this center. The term of service under such a contract is at least three years.

Military training centers are more suitable for those who would like to do military career. In fact, civilian universities with such centers are an alternative to military universities. And if for some reason a young man was unable to enter a military university, he can submit documents to civilian university with the military training center. Such a university provides a more in-depth education in civilian specialties and a less in-depth education in military ones. However, this is an opportunity to join the army as a junior officer and begin a career in the army.

If the main thing for a young man is to avoid military service after graduation, he needs a military department.

The military department is an excellent opportunity to avoid military service for those who are not eager to give back to their country, gain serious physical skills, and then proudly answer girls’ questions about serving in the armed forces Russian Federation. Of course, the reasons why young people do not want to go into service can be different - from a pacifist worldview to weak physical characteristics. Also, a person is able to prefer training with a subsequent career instead of push-ups, shooting and forced marches.

Currently in 37 higher educational institutions The country has a military department that offers the opportunity to combine study with preparation for (or instead of) military service. These 37 universities are not very evenly distributed throughout the country and are located only in eight cities of Russia: Moscow (17), St. Petersburg (12), Novosibirsk (2), Nizhny Novgorod (2), Perm (1), Tyumen (1) , Yekaterinburg (1) and Chelyabinsk (1).

When enrolling in the department, students must understand that studying at the department is voluntary and is not part of the approved program of the educational institution.

And refusal to stay in the military service will not affect the deferment from military service received during the study. This provision is regulated by Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Upon completion of the department, the student receives an officer rank - usually a lieutenant - and becomes a reserve soldier who can be called up for service only in wartime. This department not only provides exemption from military service, but is also beneficial in that it can become a graduate’s second profession, on a par with the main specialty obtained at the university. Moreover, in Lately There is a tendency for employers to hire employees who also have a non-civilian profession with great pleasure.

How to get to the military department

Naturally, in order to study at this department, you first need to become a student at an educational institution that has this department. It is extremely difficult to enroll in such universities, since in Russia, instead of 226 in 2008, there are currently only 37 left. Therefore, the demand for studying in them among applicants is quite high and, as a result, the passing score is higher than in other institutions.

In order to enroll in the military service, you need to undergo a medical examination and collect a package of documents. At this stage, some applicants drop out due to the hassle of enrolling, forgetting that later they will spend much more time in the army. The list of documents that the department’s management will accept for consideration is as follows:

  • passport and photocopies of its 1, 2, 3 and 4 pages;
  • ID card of a Russian citizen subject to service in the armed forces and its photocopy;
  • photocopy of the temporary registration document (if necessary);
  • record book;
  • four photographs in 3 × 4 format.

These documents are attached to the application on a standard form issued by the military department. The application must be endorsed by the head of the physical training department (about the student’s physical readiness) and from the dean of the faculty (recommendation for military training). The student receives a referral for preliminary selection to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. On pre-selection are assessed:

  1. Physical training, according to which the conscript is determined by the fitness group for service: “A” - fit, “B” - fit with restrictions.
  2. Psychological selection, where the category of professional suitability is established - 1, 2 or 3. The remaining categories are eliminated.
  3. Applicant suitability necessary conditions for military service (for example, no criminal record).

After this, persons who have passed the preliminary events are admitted to the main selection, which is carried out by a special commission of the Ministry of Defense. At this stage the requirements are stricter:

  • physical training (sprinting and distance running, pull-ups);
  • training (level of knowledge in the main type of training);
  • those who have the right of preferential enrollment (orphans, children of military personnel and pupils Suvorov schools and cadet corps).

After this, students who have successfully passed this most difficult stage of selection are included in the competitive list, which is given by the chairman of the commission to the rector with a recommendation to allow the listed children to take classes. Those who are dissatisfied with the commission’s decision have the right to challenge it within three days in the form of an appeal.

Features of study

The military department, although it is a fairly independent unit, for a student it should be associated with studies in the main specialty. Different universities look at military school passes differently (it all depends on the interaction between the military and the main one), but it is worth considering that expulsion from the “native” department automatically means dismissal from the second one. After this former student There is only one way left - to the military registration and enlistment office during the next conscription.

In many educational institutions, passing the military department can also be based on on a paid basis, which implies more serious rules than those of public sector employees. For example, they are able to bring conditions as close as possible to active service, which can result in strict requirements for appearance(short haircut, lack of all kinds of jewelry - earrings, piercings, etc.).

In any case, when attending these classes, students should understand that high self-discipline, responsibility and the ability to follow the instructions of their commanders are highly valued here. And the end of the classes is crowned with a training camp, during which future reserve officers demonstrate their skills achieved during the classes. Those who successfully complete the training are given a document stating that they have graduated from the military department. After this, students are assigned officer ranks and are assigned to the reserves.

Girls at the military department

From the point of view of Russian legislation, women do not have any obligations to the state in terms of the need to undergo military service. And public opinion towards representatives of the fairer sex who want to devote themselves to the army, as has historically been the case, is quite skeptical. However, any student can easily enter the department and master any non-civilian specialty.

The very word “army” causes nervous tremors in many young men. Not everyone wants to join the army and “waste” their time there, especially if they have a desire to study. The military department is a unique opportunity for male students to prepare for military service. Naturally, whether to use this opportunity or not is a personal matter for everyone, but if a student did not attend a military department, he should be called up for service immediately after graduating from university. Despite the fact that the military department was in demand, it is now preserved only in 35 universities in the country, and special military training centers have been created in 33 universities. These lists can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Some universities have retained military education departments, information about which needs to be clarified directly there.

The meaning of training at the military department

If a young man enters a university with the goal of “stepping out” from the army for a certain period, he may not need a military department. If a student does not want to have anything to do with the army at all, the military department is a mandatory step, because after attending such training they are no longer drafted into the army. After graduating from the military department, the student is awarded an officer rank (most often lieutenant) and is enlisted in the reserves. Due to the fact that one can enter the reserves only after completing the army, a student cannot be called up for compulsory military service as a private, but can be called up as an officer. Studying at a military department involves an additional specialty, which for a man can be very beneficial in life. Nowadays, many employers want the men they hire to have military school behind them. And the military specialty, which can be obtained at the military department, allows you to master not only the main specialty, but also receive a rank.

Interaction between the main and military departments

In order to get into a military department, you must at least enroll in the university where this department is supposed to be offered. This is quite difficult to do, because it remained only in the most prestigious universities countries where the passing score is quite high. In order to enroll in a military department, you need to collect quite a lot of documents, pass a medical examination, etc. For many young men, the desire to acquire a military specialty disappears due to the need to spend time on this, but later they may be drafted and spend more time on the army.

If we talk about the relationship between the military department and the main department, we cannot help but say that a student, of course, may not pay due attention to the military department and, in fact, nothing will happen to him for this (if everything is within the permissible limits). But if a student does not do well in his main specialty, he can easily be expelled. If a student is expelled from a university, he is also expelled from the military department.

Features of training at the military department

The military department in many universities can work on a paid basis. Students attend a certain number of classes. They walk according to form, without any remarkable or distinctive features. You cannot wear earrings, long hair, any accessories, etc. For this reason, many young men refuse such training, although in the army everything is much stricter. Young men attend classes according to the regulations, and theoretical aspects. Students attending the military department need to have strong self-control and be quite disciplined. At the end of the training, students are sent to training camps, where the guys consolidate their knowledge in practice and undergo drill and fire training. After successful completion of this event young men are given a document stating that they have passed military school and are reserve officers.

The difference between a military department and a military training center

Many young students do not understand the difference between military department and a military training center. If the military department is an additional specialty at a university after completion, in which the young man is not drafted into the army (during peacetime), then the military training center assumes further service. Thus, the features of the military training center are:

  1. The need to conclude a contract for further military service;
  2. The contract is concluded for a minimum of 3 years (it can be extended if desired);
  3. You can cancel the contract by writing a written statement and paying a certain amount. Which was spent on the young man during his education.

In this context, it is important to take into account that further contract service requires a salary. If earning money as a military man is a student’s goal, preference should still be given to a military training center.

Girls and the military department

The attitude towards military girls is now quite skeptical. Few of the fairer sex want to obtain such an additional specialty. However, there are such girls. If a girl has a desire to master a military specialty, her health allows her to do so, and she successfully passes the professional psychological selection process - the girl can easily begin training. Every student who studies at the military department must have excellent physical fitness. In this sense, girls are not given any discounts, because this is their personal choice. Female students have the same opportunity as male students to attend a military training center and later continue to serve under a contract.

The most popular universities with a military department

Based on the number of people enrolled in certain universities, taking into account the presence of a military department there, the most popular and successful universities in Russia have been identified:

Due to the fact that the number of military departments has been reduced, there are also not so many military training centers, but there are enough people willing - the competition is quite large. Therefore, if a student has the opportunity to master a military specialty at a university without “wasting” time in the army, it is better not to miss this chance. After all, for men this is an additional area of ​​development in which they can express themselves. As for girls, they don’t owe anything in the context military service. Therefore, if girls still want to get such a specialty, this is for them additional opportunity prove yourself and even earn money.

What is a military department? Why do students need it? How to get there? Let's figure it out together.

Military classes are held 1-2 times a week

What is a military department and what does it give to students?

A military department is a department at a civilian university that provides military training to students. Its essence is that in addition to your main specialty, you have the opportunity to also acquire a military profession. Upon graduation, you will be promoted to the rank of officer, sergeant, or reserve soldier.

One of the main advantages of training is exemption from compulsory military service. You can only be called up for military training, which most often lasts no more than a month. If you decide to connect your life with the army, you can enroll in contract service.

Another plus - in some universities, military departments provide additional payments to the main scholarship.

How to get to the military department

Not everyone can get there. A competitive selection is held among those interested. To participate you must:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age not older than 30 years;
  • good academic performance at the main faculty;
  • admission for military service;
  • absence of unexpunged or outstanding criminal record and other problems with the law.

The competitive selection is carried out in two stages: preliminary and main. The preliminary one takes place at the military registration and enlistment office, the main one at the university.

To participate in the preliminary competition you need to write statement at the military department, providing a passport and registration certificate. After which the head of the department issues a referral to passing the military medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration or stay. Application deadlines can be found on the university website; most often admission starts from March 18.

To pass the main stage you need to provide:

  • decision of the medical board on suitability;
  • photo format 4 x 6;
  • characteristics from the dean's office;
  • grade book and student ID.
  • a supporting document if there is an advantage for enrollment.

The following are entitled to priority for enrollment:

  • orphans;
  • family members of military personnel;
  • students who completed conscription service.

At the main competitive selection you need to pass physical fitness standards: running at a distance of 100 m and 3 km, pull-ups on the crossbar. Admission to the department is carried out based on their results, as well as after an analysis of overall performance.

After graduating from the military department, you can enlist in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

How is the educational process at the military department?

Students who have entered the department continue their studies in their specialty and at the same time undergo military training. For this Military days are determined 1-2 times a week. The total training period for reserve officers is 3 years, for sergeants - 2, for soldiers - 1.5.

The military day begins at 8:45 with a morning formation and inspection. Then students begin theoretical and practical classes. In theory, they study the statutes, orders and disciplines that correspond to their military profession. Practical training consists of fire, drill and tactical training. At the end of the general training period, military training takes place, which lasts 1 month.

Students at the military department are required to increased requirements for discipline and appearance. Guys must have short hair; piercings, tattoos, jewelry and other provocative attributes are not allowed. For gross violations of discipline and internal regulations, students may be expelled.

What is the difference between a military department and military training centers?

If you decide to enroll in a military department, be careful; some universities have military training centers (MTC) instead. It's not the same thing. Upon admission to the Educational Training Center, the Ministry of Defense enters into an agreement with the student, according to which he is obliged, after completing his studies, to serve in the army for 3 years as an officer. Catch.

The military department is not just an excuse for the army. And getting there is not so easy. Remember that in addition to basic training, you will have to complete the Young Fighter Course (YMC). If you are ready for this, start tightening up your physical training. After all, only the strong and hardy are accepted into the military department.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Quite a long time ago, an article was published about this, or not, and it was said that the military department allows you to avoid serving as privates. So let's talk a little about what a military department is, what are the pros and cons of studying at a military department, and in general, what does a military department at a university give to a student. Yes, another important point is what is needed in order to be accepted into the military department.

Generally speaking, the military department is not such a bad thing; even girls wanted to enroll here, but they were not accepted. Well, God be with them, with girlish desires, let’s still return to the topic of the article and talk about everything consistently.

What do you need to get into the military department?

I’ll play captain a little - it’s obvious, firstly, there must be a military department at a university. Now seriously, first you need to submit documents and undergo examination at the military commissariat.

You will have to provide the following documents to the military department:

  • A copy of the registration certificate;
  • Copies of several pages of the passport;
  • Record book;
  • A certificate from the dean's office stating that you are studying at this institute.

The examination for enlisted personnel and future officers is quite different. So it’s not a bad idea to remember your illnesses and look in the “schedule of illnesses” to see if you can be an officer. If everything went well at the military registration and enlistment office and you were given a document that says that you are healthy and capable of being an officer, then a start has been made.

You'll have to go, probably more than once

If everything went well, then you are now not only studying at a university, but also studying at the military department, that is, you are gradually becoming a reserve lieutenant.

Military department, training

Studying at a military department is not only difficult in itself, but rather difficult to combine with studying at an institute. Although it cannot be said, and I did not say, that studying at a military department is so simple, in many ways it is similar to studying at a university.

There are also lectures that you need to study and then pass, and practical classes, where you will be introduced to the technique, let you look at everything with your own eyes and poke your fingers, and not just show it in the picture. In addition, during practical classes there will be drill training, where you will get acquainted with the drill regulations of the RF Armed Forces, and you will also diligently train to walk in formation and hone turns in motion. Also at the military department there are such subjects as Social and State Training (or Public State Training, I already forgot which is correct), where you will learn military history Russia, fire training, they will tell you about AK-74, PM, and grenades, their composition, purpose and use. Study other types of regulations (Internal service, disciplinary regulations, drill regulations, regulations of the garrison and guard service of the RF Armed Forces). But the most important thing is that there will be a strong emphasis on equipment, which you will have to be able to operate, and what is even more serious - to know all the processes occurring inside and be able to repair this very equipment in the event of a breakdown. Yes, Russian officers must be able to do everything.

At the end of the semester there are 1-2 exams and 1-2 tests, which, of course, must be passed in order to continue studying. Another very important point is attendance, all classes must be attended; in case of missing classes, a certificate from a medical institution is required.

At the end of the training, you will receive military training lasting 1 month, after which you will receive the rank of reserve lieutenant. The training consists of the fact that you live the life of a soldier for the entire month, in the mode in which you would live if you went to military service. At these training camps there will be a lot of practical training on the equipment itself. At the end of the training camp, you pass the state examination and take the military oath.

Taking the oath after training

What does a military department at a university give to a student?

The military department has a lot of advantages, even if you don’t attend the military department, you have an extra day off. If you attend a military department, then you have 2 options:

  1. Receive the rank of reserve lieutenant and forget about the army. The only thing is, after 5 years (if I’m not mistaken), you will have to go through training again, after which you will receive the rank of senior lieutenant in the reserves.
  2. Go to serve in the army, but not as a private, but as an officer, with a lot of problems, but a good salary.

The conclusion is that for guys who have good health and those who do not have the desire to join the army as a private, the military department is a very good, and most importantly, legal way to avoid military service!

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