Massage tapping on points of the future past. Dmitry Koval Tapping active points is a method of awakening healing energy. With a detailed atlas. Where to look for the last point

The emotional freedom technique (tapping) helped me a lot 3 years ago. I lived for some time in another country and when I returned home, I could not find a decent job. I ran around for interviews for a long time, and everything was not the same, everything was not this, the money was running out, and the disappointment and emptiness intensified. I even fell into depression. I saw that it was my blocks that were preventing me from finding what I needed. In general, I literally I spent hours tapping out my reluctance, my lack of self-confidence, the feeling of “I’m a failure,” and a bunch of other things. She tapped, cried, fell asleep, got up to eat, and continued to tapped again. I didn’t go to interviews for two weeks, I just worked. In general, after two weeks I felt purity in myself and confidence that I was great and the employer would be lucky with me. And literally on the second day after finishing the work, I got my dream job) Thanks to God and this method. The method perfectly relieves acute negative emotions, you physically feel liberation. But in order to do something serious, as in my case, you need to get angry with yourself and take action. In general, I highly, highly recommend this method!
*** Added: 29 Nov 2015. Date of original message: 29 Nov 2015 ***

By the way, on this site there are trainings by an excellent EFT (tapping) trainer Katerina Kalchenko. I bought the “I Love Money” course from her. For me, this course was effective in terms of changes not only in the internal, but also in the physical world.

*** Added: 30 Nov 2015 ***

And here’s what I wanted to say, I realized this and see it in my life and maybe it will be useful to someone.
When working through your blocks, let go of your desire to get rid of them; the more you want to get rid of them, the more they will cling to you. You must accept them, because they are yours, dear ones, even love them, thank them for existing.
Tell this block “Hello, yes, you exist, I recognize you, I love you.”
And in the EFT technique, one must also recognize this block and say, “Despite this and that, I love and accept myself and I love and accept this and that.”
I rarely use EFT now, because I rarely feel bright negative emotions. And quiet negative emotions or to thoughts I simply say “Hi, yes, I acknowledge that you are in me and I accept and love you.” And if it is possible to close my eyes, then looking at her I mentally kiss and embrace this feeling or emotion. Surprisingly, there is always transformation, silence and quiet joy.
Blocks are transformed, wishes will come true by themselves.
But if, against the background of a general calm internal state, what you want does not come, I think you need to deal with it, with hidden programs that are not visible and you do not feel them in the body. The main thing is to understand that happiness and unhappiness are all within us. And we live in such a wonderful age that there is so much wonderful information, books, trainings. And everything can change for the better)

"Tapping" technique - instant results!

The Tapping technique is also called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. This is a psychological massage technique biologically active points, which I highly recommend trying to optimize your emotional health. Many are already aware of the fact that emotional health is absolutely essential for your health. physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are proper nutrition and lifestyle, you will not achieve ideal healing for your body if emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT is very easy to learn and using it will help you:
Eliminate negative emotions.
Reduce appetite.
Reduce or eliminate pain.
Develop the ability to make what you want into reality.
Reprogram your consciousness for abundance and begin to attract wealth.
Gain self-control and get rid of destructive habits.
Develop your intuition and become more creative at work.
Change your self-image to a more positive one and live the life you deserve.
Feel peace in your soul. This is the feeling that appears when a person begins to live in the present moment.

This ancient technique of stimulating the body's meridians and speaking affirmations will help you achieve big changes in problematic areas of your life. Tapping helps neutralize subconscious fear-based limiting beliefs quickly and effectively.

With simple, basic instructions, you can begin to tap your way to better health, more high self-esteem, abundance and a calmer mental attitude right now!

Start with a more “formal” tapping protocol. It helps with most subconscious fears. And against particularly stubborn fears, use additional techniques that can delve into the deeper recesses of the subconscious.

These additions will allow you to achieve maximum effectiveness in using the technique by using both sides of the brain and both parts of the body for a highly effective holistic approach to solving internal problems.

Tapping can be used anytime, anywhere – for quick self-programming in any area of ​​your life in which you want to achieve a breakthrough.

Emotions, Beliefs and Secrets

EVERYTHING that happens to you is stored in your body (not just in your brain). Sequences of tapping done with the other hand and in other physical positions can help reveal habitual emotional material that may be hidden behind habitual physical actions.. The point is that your mental habits have their "traditional" hiding places, and if you don't use other physical actions, these hiding places may go unnoticed.

You can successfully get rid of many problems by diligently applying following instructions.

The first thing you need to understand is what will happen from tapping your fingers. There are a number of acupuncture meridians on your fingertips, and when you finger tap, you not only use the meridians you tap on, but also the ones on your fingertips. And while it's important to target the correct area, you don't have to worry about hitting it perfectly because the overall area is sufficient.

You can tap with either hand. Most points are on both sides of the body, so it doesn't matter which side you tap on, it won't matter if you switch sides while tapping. For example, you can tap under your right eye and then under your left hand.

You should use fairly firm but gentle pressure, not to the point of pain or bruising, as if you were drumming on a table or testing a melon for ripeness.

You can use all four fingers, or just the first two (index and middle). Four fingers, usually used on the top of the head, collarbone, under the arm... wider areas. On sensitive areas like around the eyes, traditionally only two are used.

Tap with your fingertips, not your nails.

You can use both hands and all fingers. Using multiple fingers covers a larger area and allows you to access large acupuncture points.

If you decide to use both hands, I recommend alternating your tapping slightly so that each hand is slightly behind the other and you're not tapping with both hands at the same time.

Tapping each point is done 5-7 times. In fact the number is not critical and should ideally last for the time it takes for one full cycle breathing - inhale-exhale.

Identify the problem you want to focus on. It may be general anxiety, or it may be a specific situation or issue that makes you feel anxious.

Consider this problem or situation. How intense are you feeling right now? Rate the intensity level, from zero - the lowest level, to ten - the highest.

Traditional EFT phrase uses the following settings:

« Even though I have ___, I deeply and completely accept myself»
You can replace the second part of the phrase with: " I deeply and completely love and accept myself».

Even though I have a headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have depression, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Although I feel anxious about my financial situation, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I panic when I think about ___, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have a feeling of ___, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have trouble breathing, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Create your statement. In an affirmation, you must acknowledge the problem and accept yourself despite the existence of the problem. This is what is needed for the statement to be effective.

5 Step Tapping Method

Through her experience as a clinical hypnotherapist, Carol has developed her own 5-step algorithm for performing the tapping technique to achieve powerful and lasting results in less time:

With her method, you can always find the sources of your fears and effectively get rid of them through tapping - even if you have never done tapping before.

In short, The 5 step tapping method is as follows:

STEP 1 – Select a target for EFT – an emotion, block, belief or abundance issue.

STEP 2 – Rate the degree of discomfort this feeling, belief, or abundance issue brings on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 = no discomfort, 10 = severe discomfort), or simply describe how you feel.

STEP 3 – Continuously tap the karate point on either hand while repeating the INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT corresponding to the abundance issue being addressed.

The INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT expresses the purpose and also contains an affirmation. Example of an INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT: “Even though I have blocks related to money, I fully accept myself.”

STEP 4 – End each exercise with a slow, deep breath to encourage the flow of energy in your body.

For today's lesson, we'll look at how you can use this 5-step method to replace fears that are working against you with beliefs that empower you!

Step-by-step tips for beginners

Verbal commands (affirmations) are pronounced simultaneously with light tapping of the meridian points with your fingertips. Stimulation of these Chinese acupuncture points in conjunction with psychological techniques helps to get rid of blocks in thoughts and their physical manifestations.

This is incredible efficient technique, because it addresses the source of fears. Often this is enough to get rid of fear. A combination of tapping and verbal commands will relieve even the most stubborn fears.

What fears should I start with?

Many of us have fears in various areas of life: fear of rejection, fear of loneliness, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of pain, fear of poverty, etc. Where to start?

Usually (and this may not be true for you personally) a person's greatest fear is not being good enough, being a victim of failure, or being rejected.

Simply choose an area of ​​your life in which you are struggling (finances, health, relationships, or career/purpose) and focus on that area. When you target one specific area, it teaches you not to tackle multiple problems at once. Some fears can be related to several areas at once (for example, the fear of not being good enough can manifest itself in all four areas) and by eliminating this fear in one area, you automatically improve the situation in others.


First, say the “capital affirmation” while doing the tapping. The title statement defines the problem and contains the seed of its solution. While tapping the karate point on each hand, say the title statement in full.
Then perform a “negative tapping sequence” - when the current situation is clearly described and the source of fear is found. Starting at the eyebrow point, tap each of the sequence of 8 points. Tap each point approximately 7-10 times, while repeating the negative reminder given for of this type Problems.


Using the fingers of one hand, tap the point karate on the other hand. The karate point is on the outside of the hand, on the opposite side of the thumb.

Repeat the affirmation three times out loud while simultaneously tapping the karate point.

Now take a deep breath!

The tapping order starts at the top and works down. This sequence is not critical; you can tap in any order. It's just easier - from top to bottom.

Tap each point in the following sequence:

The top of the head, in the center of the skull.

The inner edges of the eyebrows, slightly higher and away from the nose.

Outer side of eyes
Hard area between the eye and temple. Tap this area carefully to avoid getting it in your eyes!

Under the eyes
A hard area under the eyes that merges with the cheekbone; on the line under the pupil.

Under your nose
A point centered between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip.

This is the point directly below the previous one and is centered between the lower lip and chin.

The point is just below the protruding part of the collarbone. To find it, first place your index finger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the sternum (where a man's tie knot is). From the bottom of the U, move your index finger down towards the navel 2.5 cm, and then move to the left (or right) 2.5 cm. This point is called the clavicle, although it is not on the collarbone, per se.

About 10 cm down from the armpit.

And back to where you started to complete the circle - the cycle.

At the same time, it is important to focus your consciousness on the negative thinking patterns that cause any problem in your life. You let go of negative thought patterns by becoming aware of them and realizing that they are not doing you any good, but they have been a part of your life for a while.

As you tap at each point, repeat a simple phrase that reminds you of your problem, such as 'my depression' or 'my financial situation'. This way, you constantly “remind” your system of the problem you are working on.

After the sequence of negative tapping, you need to tap each meridian point 7-10 times, while simultaneously repeating different phrases for different points.

For each of the 8 points, a positive reminder is provided. Starting again at the eyebrow point, tap each point approximately 7-10 times, repeating a different phrase each time for each of the 8 indicated tapping points.

Take another deep breath!

The exercise ends with a deep breath to help the energy spread throughout your body. You may feel incredible relief - instantly or within minutes. You may feel physical discomfort for a while as emotional toxins are being flushed out of your body. You may feel elated or sad. Whatever feelings you have, this is normal - this is the reaction of the body and mind to the use of the technique.

Now that you have finished tapping, focus on your problem again. Rate the problem now, compared to a few minutes ago, on the same number scale.
If your score is still higher than "2", you can do another round of tapping. Continue tapping until the anxiety goes away. You can change your settings to fix the problem for further progress.

“Even though I'm still a little _____, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
“Even though I still have a bit of a headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.” And so on.
The reminder phrase also changes - ‘remaining headache’.

It doesn't matter whether you believe the statement or not... just say it. It's better to say it with feeling and heartfelt, but the statement will usually get the job done even without it.

More quick method Faster EFT was created by Robert Smith. There are several videos with translation on YouTube, I recommend watching them, and more.

You will experience an extraordinary surge of motivation as you instantly feel the impact of tapping, and that impact will be expressed in your actions and words!

Additional tapping techniques

The Tapping techniques below are a fun way to introduce changes into your routine. Some of these tips are so simple that you may be tempted to ignore them - but remember that sometimes The best solution is a simple solution!

1. Do it differently! Tap with your other hand. If you are right-handed, tap with your left hand for one day. This promotes integrity of emotional material because you are connecting both sides of the brain and both sides of the body.

As an option, you can perform cross tapping - tapping with both hands at the same time, but on opposite sides of the body.

Experiment with new ones in interesting ways incorporating tapping into your day. Try tapping while standing; lying down; on the run; on the side. You may notice that when you change physical position on the surface there is new material which you need to get rid of.

Remember, you may have to look for your hidden fears in unusual ways to prevent their habitual hiding places from going unnoticed and emptying those hiding places.

2. Refuse to get rid of the problem. It may sound paradoxical, but it works. Throughout your life, your subconscious has been programmed under the influence of people important to you (and this programming has been reinforced by you). And to overcome the emotional resistance to getting rid of the programming, do a full circle of Tapping, expressing a firm decision to refuse to get rid of it (you admit that you refused to get rid of this belief very for a long time). Then move on to getting rid of the belief.

3. Look at yourself while Tapping. Tapping in front of a mirror can produce interesting and effective results: you get a visual image of yourself while the technique causes subtle changes in your body. You will notice changes in skin color, muscle tone, even the sparkle in your eyes. Pay attention to this - all this is a physical reflection of your inner atmosphere!

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you create a strong connection with yourself. You can smile at yourself as you tap and see how it brings about physical changes that correspond to the release of fears.

4. Tap and sing. Chanting affirmations helps engage the right hemisphere of the brain to reinforce them more effectively.

5. Tapping with the word “Thank you”- a great way to get rid of blockages! Don't underestimate the power of a simple "thank you" in letting go of something you haven't let go of for a long time. If you can wholeheartedly be grateful for the difficulties in your life, learning from them, you can thank them and let go of the emotional baggage associated with them.

6. Photo tapping: Looking at old photos while tapping helps you get to the bottom of old emotions you think you might be dealing with. In particular, looking at school photos while Tapping can help uncover many suppressed emotions and resolve issues related to them. During the teenage years, a huge number of emotional problems and limiting beliefs are often formed.

These are just a few examples of how you can get creative with Tapping for your needs.

To be angry, offended, irritated, ashamed, afraid... for a person these feelings seem to be natural, for some it does not happen. When negative feelings and emotions accumulate and become unexpressed, they become destructive.

If you have not heard of the meridian tapping technique, search on the Internet or watch an American documentary director Nicholas Polizzi “Emotional Freedom Technique - A remedy for all occasions.”

This method was invented by the American psychologist Dr. Roger Callaghan in the early 80s., and in the 90s the American Gary Craig improved it and created the emotional release technique (EFT). The main thing is that a person can apply it anywhere.

The Meridial Tapping technique works with any type of emotional stress.– this is anxiety, fears, guilt, all types of addictions, limiting beliefs that prevent people from creating a successful prosperous life, as well as physical pain and illness. Any problem that has an emotional basis can be healed using this method.

The technique of tapping meridian points is practically acupuncture, which is also based on the same meridians.

Just like tapping, acupuncture achieves its effect by stimulating the energy meridians of the human body. But, unlike acupuncture, tapping does not require the use of needles! “Acupuncture without needles” is one of the important advantages of the tapping method or, as it is also called, the technique of emotional release.

  • How will the meridian tapping method help?
  • Tapping will help you relax
  • Tapping will ease the pain
  • Tapping will reduce stress levels
  • Tapping will help you get rid of bad habits
  • Tapping will teach you how to overcome your fear and phobias

Tapping will remove the influence of childhood memories

Determine as specifically as possible what worries, scares, saddens, irritates you, for example, at work. And after that, rate the strength of your feelings and emotions on a 10-point scale. A score of 0 means it's not a problem for you at all, a score of 10 means you're beside yourself. Now start hitting the karate point on the edge of your palm and repeating only one of the phrases: “I’m so tired at work. So much tension. It squeezes all the juice out of me. I feel exhausted. The stress at work makes me feel tense and anxious.”

By stimulating the point, we free ourselves and release negativity from ourselves. If sitting inside negative feeling, emotion, it means a block in your body. The truth is that in this case, just speaking out feelings and tapping on the points does not create even more negativity, but on the contrary, it gets rid of it. The clearer and more specific you define the problem in short phrase, all the better.

Now continue tapping in a circle, starting from the point at the beginning of the eyebrow, and say what you feel, moving to the next point with each new phrase.

If during the process of tapping your emotions intensify, this means that until this moment you suppressed them in yourself and did not recognize them. Therefore, continue tapping and you will see how these emotions, after strengthening, will begin to go away.

Tapping itself is similar to how we energetically type on a keyboard or lightly drum on a table. You should tap the dots in a circle (see picture), while simultaneously saying out loud certain phrases and sentences. At this stage, it is very important to call a spade a spade, turn off all censorship, and simply, clearly and out loud say what you feel.

If your stress or problem is buried deep in your soul, neglected, it is better to turn to specialists in the field of psychotherapy.

Tapping is surprisingly easy to learn. Even children can quickly learn it. But to get better results, to be able to use it effectively for yourself and those you love, you need to keep studying, studying and using it.

Here are five mistakes I see with the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Mistake #1 - Don't use it!

Okay, okay, I know this seems a little obvious... haha. But this is a serious problem, and I'm sure you've encountered it. How often have you looked back at an event, the day, or physical pain and thought, “Why didn’t I call on that?”

I know I spent half a day with a sore neck from not sleeping properly before I thought, “Oh! We need to tap on her! "And I should be The Expert and the Tapping Guy- how could I forget? 🙂

If you don't know what tapping can do, here's a short list:

  • Pain relief
  • Weight loss
  • Stress Reduction
  • Turning off depression
  • Clearing resentment
  • Autoimmune diseases

The reality is that this Tapping technique is relatively new to all of us. I've been using it, studying, teaching about it for the last 10 years or so. But in the previous 25 years, I didn't know about it, didn't use it, and didn't have that experience. We lived for many years without this technology, especially in childhood.

We simply haven't had tapping as a part of our lives and have developed many habits that don't include this technique. If you were taught how to tap as a child, and they explained to you that it is as important (or even more important!) as brushing your teeth. Then you will now have different experiences and different habits.

So the main reason most of us don't use EFT is because we simply forget. There may also be deeper issues associated with not using it, such as self-sabotage, resistance, fear of change, etc. I will cover them separately in future posts. But for now, it's important to just recognize that when you don't use it, it's often simply because you're not thinking about it - and gently and gently remind yourself to USE TAPING! 🙂

Here are some tapping scenarios to clear some of that resistance and those old habits. Try it now and see how it impacts your week.

Karate Point: Even though I haven't used tapping as much as I could have, I am deeply and completely accepting of myself.
Karate Point: Even though I could have made my life easier by using tapping on ____________ (fill in the blank for when you didn't use tapping), I decided to relax and forgive myself now.
Karate Point: Even though I was not used to turning to tapping to solve my problems, I decided to start using it andbecome more creative and remember to use this powerful tool!

Start of Eyebrows: I didn't knock
Edge of the Eye: Why not?
Under the eye: Am I sabotaging myself?
Under Your Nose: May be …
Chin: Or maybe I just forgot
Collarbone: Maybe I'm just not used to doing this
At hand: But I can start using it now
On the head: I'm tapping now!

Start of Eyebrows: And that's great
Edge of the Eye: I prefer to remember
Under the eye: about tapping!
Under Your Nose: I choose to develop this positive habit
Chin: This can help me a lot
Collarbone: This will make my life easier
At hand: And this is the choice I want to make
On the head: I choose when I need it most.

Take a deep breath...

And let it go... Repeat several times or focus on something that came up during these short circles.

Okay, now...

Mistake #2 – Lacks Depth and Precision

I always encourage people to start with global statements because that's usually the easiest way to start and can get things moving in the right direction. What do I mean by global statement? Something in common:

“Even though I am not happy right now... I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

This statement is global because it is broad and does not focus on a detailed situation.

From there, however, after a round of tapping or two global statements, it is important to be more precise.

So in this case, you can go from: "Even though I'm not happy right now..." as the first statement, to "Even though I'm not happy now because my boss was such a jerk today..."

Now you are focused on a specific event that will bring you better results. The more specific you can be, the better. Which brings us to mistake #3...

Mistake #3 – Not addressing all “aspects” of the problem

Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, was a genius in identifying the importance of “aspects” to getting great results. What is meant by aspects? An aspect is a certain “side” of a problem.

So, in the above case of “Not Happy,” we go from the general to the specific: “I'm not happy because my boss was such a jerk,” to more specific “aspects.”

So here are some potential aspects in this example:

"I'm not happy because my boss yelled at me." (This is the "audible" aspect of the event)

"I don't like the way he looked at me." (This is one aspect of the experience, "visual cues")

“I felt his words hit me in the stomach.” (For example, “body sensation”)

"I'm Worried He'll Fire Me" ("Future Fear")

“It reminds me of how my father talked to me” (“From Childhood”)

"I've never had good relations with my bosses" (“Limiting Beliefs/Past Experiences”)

And we could go on and on!

Now sometimes issues can be handled with global taps, but the great thing about working on aspects is that you will likely discover a lot more things going on in your life. And cleaning up this particular experience with your boss can have serious consequences for a bunch of other things!

For example, you start with experience with your boss. But then you talk like your father talked to you and you heal that relationship problem. After this process, you end up with a new, better (and less reactive) experience with your boss.

If you take the time to do it right, it can have profound consequences that last a lifetime.

Which leads perfectly to mistake #4...

Mistake #4 – Not tapping long enough

This is a mistake I see a LOT of people make. They say, “Yeah, I tried tapping on it, it didn’t work.” And when I ask them how long they've been tapping on this problem, they say a couple of minutes or one or two laps! This is rarely enough.

I see this with physical pain in particular. “Oh, my neck hurt, so I tapped, but the pain didn’t go away...”

“How long have you been doing this?”

"Two or three minutes."


1-minute miracles happen, but most often it requires longer tapping.

I'm not saying you have to spend hours on this, but you should really give tapping on this topic at least 15 minutes of continuous practice. This will help solve the problem.

My trick when I tap on something is to set a timer or some kind of alarm and I promise I won't stop until 15 minutes. This prevents me from quickly giving up, getting distracted, etc. And finally...

Mistake #5 - Not writing down what you're working with

If you're working on your own, it's very helpful to have a pen and paper (or computer) to take notes on what you want to work on or have already worked on. It is important to record your progress on a scale of 1-10 or write down what rises and comes as you tap.

The last element may be the most important - write down other things that come up. (This is the most important point in courses - approx. translator and EFT trainer)

So here's what it might look like. You write down:

“I'm upset about all the bills I received in the mail today. This is a 7 on a scale of 0-10. "

You start tapping, the frustration subsides. But suddenly some kind of anger arises. You write it.

“I'm angry at myself for not working harder this month. At 8".

You tap on it. Relief comes and turns to sadness.

“I'm sad that this keeps happening to me. At 5. "

You tap on it.

You will return to the disappointment you wrote about above. This is 1, you hardly feel it.

Anger has moved to 4. There is still something there, you tap on it further.

As you do this tapping, you remember two events from your childhood.

"That time my father said I'd never amount to anything."

“My mother cried because we didn’t have enough money.”

You write down both events because you know you want to look at them separately.

It's like peeling an onion. And although it may seem difficult at first, once you understand the whole process, it is easy. And it becomes even easier when you write everything down and keep track of what's happening internally.

Another nice thing about writing down everything that happens before and after tapping is that you can come back to the topic later. You don’t always have the time and energy to tap everything at once.

Well, here it is! Top 5 mistakes I see people make using tapping and how to solve them!

See you later…

Thanks to Nick Ortner and for the information.

Translation and comments,

Varvara Semenikhina

Video about mistakes made by tapping trainers

Current page: 3 (book has 9 pages total) [available reading passage: 7 pages]


100% +

Chapter 3. Basic tapping method. Restoration of strength, saturation with energy, improvement of well-being

Characteristics of the main points for tapping

First of all, we need to master the basic technique of tapping active points. It can be used as an independent method to improve well-being, restore strength, and daily harmonize your condition. But this is also a training method, necessary so that later on its basis we can apply specific methods for solving certain problems.

Let's get acquainted with a detailed description of all the points we need for our work. You already know one of them - this is a karate point. In our method, its main purpose is to maintain the desired level of energy and positive self-esteem. The basic technique will require knowledge of eight more points located on the face, head and upper body. Here they are detailed description and serial numbers, which we will use to further denote these points for convenience.

1. A point at the inner edge of the eyebrow. Her Chinese nameTsuan-chu, which can roughly be translated as “Thickets of Bamboo.” Also in ancient times Chinese healers have identified a direct connection between this point and the activity of the brain. Moreover, they perceived the brain precisely as the receptacle of the vital spirit. That is why working with this point is especially effective for treating ailments associated with a decline in vitality, lack of energy and a disorder of the vital spirit.

2. Point at the outer corner of the eye - Tongzi ("Pupil"). It is located at the outer corner of the eye at the level of the pupil. It is associated not only with the health of the eyes and head, but also with the ability to clearly see and understand the essence of what is happening to you, including awareness of your condition, but any healing begins with awareness.

3. Point under the eye – Sy-bai (“Four Whites”), located approximately one centimeter below the lower edge of the orbit, strictly under the pupil. This point is also called expanding and illuminating - it gives the energy necessary not only to expand the field of vision, but also for the ability to perceive reality in its true light. This point must be tapped carefully, gently, avoiding strong blows.

4. A point above the upper lip, closer to the nose, in the nasolabial fold - Shui-gou ("Water Channel"). This is a very important point, it allows you to awaken vital forces, even if a person is in a critical condition, both physical and psychological, and even when the channels of vital forces are completely clogged. Exposure to it helps with fainting, dizziness, convulsions, motion sickness, brings out stupor and prostration, and sometimes even helps with comatose states. Working with this point can instantly remove energy blockages.

5. Point in the center of the chin - Cheng-jiang (“Fluid intake”). This point brings vital forces into balance and saves both from insufficient activity and from excessive activity. Therefore, impact on this point heals both from apathy, despondency and depression, and from violent attacks, hysteria and madness. With its help, harmony of the vital spirit is achieved.

6. Point under the collarbone – Shu-fu ("Heart of Dots"), located two cun outward from the midline of the body. This point is also called the place from which the movement of energy begins.

It is associated with the lungs and is responsible for both breathing and the free flow of vital forces, as well as their fullness and saturation.

7. A point on the lateral surface of the body, six cuns below the armpit - Da-bao ("Big Hug"). This point improves the flow of energy throughout the body, eliminating, first of all, weakness and lack of strength. It also relieves pain throughout the body and helps overcome joint weakness. Returns freedom of breathing, which means the flow of energy into the body.

8. Point on the top of the head - Bai-hui ("One Hundred Crossings"). Located in the center of the crown, seven cuns above the back border of the hair and five cuns above the front border of the hair. You can also find it if you mentally connect the tops of the ears with one line passing through the center of the head. At the intersection of this line and the midline of the body, the Bai-hui point is located. In accordance with its name, many energy channels intersect at once, and therefore this point is the most important for healing, both physical and psychological. It helps overcome almost all ailments associated with lack of energy. It can instantly restore energy in case of fatigue or “deprivation” due to illness or psychological problems.

Additional hand preparation: opening energy channels on the fingers

So, we have listed all the points we need to apply the basic method.

Important: we will tap the points in exactly the order in which they are listed. This is necessary to get the best result.

To perform the basic tapping method to improve overall well-being and restore strength, we also need additional preparation of the hands, namely, opening the energy channels on the fingers.

In the corners of the nails there are biologically active points that belong to the energy channels of our body. For the practice to be effective, the points must be open to receiving and transmitting energy. This will help create a real flow of energy in the body. By the way, the exercise of opening channels has its own significance. It can be performed in the morning and also in the evening before bed.

To open channels, perform the following sequence of actions.

1. Bend your elbows so that your hands are in front of your chest.

2. Using the pads of the thumb and middle fingers of your right hand, grab the lateral surfaces of the thumb at its base and pull along these surfaces, as if you want to stretch your finger. Repeat one more time.

Then, one by one, extend each finger of your left hand along the side surfaces in the same way. Then switch hands and repeat with each finger of your right hand, alternately grabbing their lateral surfaces with the thumb and middle fingers of your left hand.

3. Using the pad of your thumb, alternately massage the pads of each finger of the opposite hand - first one, then the other. To do this, grab the upper phalanx of the finger being massaged with the pads of the thumb and index fingers of the opposite hand (index - from the side of the nail, thumb - from the side of the pad).

Your hands are ready to receive and transmit energy!

Basic tapping method. Let's revitalize your vitality and fill yourself with energy

For the method to work more effectively, you need, as at the preliminary stage, to combine tapping with psychological work, namely, with statements that will set you up in a positive way, and therefore give you a surge of energy.

Please note: some points are paired; all of them, except point 7, are tapped with both hands at the same time. Point 7 is tapped alternately on each side of the body with the opposite hand.

Let us remind you: the points are tapped with the pads of the index and middle fingers folded together and slightly bent at a speed of approximately four beats per second. You need to tap each point for as long as it takes to slowly say the corresponding statement three times, but it can be longer. Monitor your sensations - tap as long as you want to continue. You must move to each subsequent point without interruption.

Here is a diagram of the whole work.

Tap two points 1 at the same time, gradually increasing the force of the blows so that it is approximately the same as when typing on a computer keyboard, while simultaneously saying out loud, in a whisper or silently to yourself the statement: “I am filled with vitality.”

Tap both points at the same time 2 enough with strong blows, saying the statement: “I clearly see and am aware of everything that is happening.”

Tap both points 3 at the same time, making soft, light strokes, with the following statement: “I accept myself and my life as it is with joy and gratitude.”

Tap point 4 with fairly strong finger strikes of either hand with the statement: “I release energy blockages and allow my life force to flow freely.”

Tap point 5 with fairly strong blows of the fingers of either hand and say: “I bring my energy into balance and come to the harmony of the vital spirit.”

Tap both points 6 at the same time. It is most convenient to do this with your arms crossed over your chest, that is, each point is tapped with the opposite hand. The blows should be moderately strong. At the same time, the statement is pronounced: “I gain emotional and spiritual freedom, I gain fullness and saturation of life energy.”

Tap points 7 one by one, it is best to do this with the opposite hand. Start from any of these points, left or right, it doesn't matter. The blows must be strong enough. At the same time, say the affirmation: “Strength fills me, my body, my mind and my spirit gain the power and energy to heal.”

Tap point 8 with very light, soft strokes with the statement: “I am recovering. I'm healing. I gain new life full of joy, success and prosperity."

You can choose your own statements that are similar in meaning. The main thing is that they sound organic and convincing to you.

If you want to always be in the best shape, it is advisable to do this tapping every day. But from the very first day, be very attentive to yourself and your feelings. Tapping is absolutely safe and can significantly improve your well-being and mood. But because it is about activating energy, you may begin to notice areas of energy blockage in your body that were previously invisible. In general, this is a positive process, because if such blocks appear, it means they are ready to be worked on. But at first, this may be associated with not very pleasant sensations of tension, and perhaps even pain in some areas of the body. If this happens, there is no need to be afraid; these phenomena will pass as you continue to work. But in order to alleviate your condition (as well as for prevention), it is very useful to carry out a special cycle of massage movements every day, designed to eliminate stagnation of energy. This is useful for self-healing, and for increasing vitality, and for improving mood.

“Acceleration of energy”: daily massage of stagnant zones

1. Start the massage by tapping the head - perform “finger rain”, tapping the entire scalp in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head with small, fractional movements.

2. Then massage the same area with light ruffling pinch movements, lightly grasping the scalp and, if possible, slightly pulling it back.

3. Perform a hand massage: extend one hand forward and vigorously spank it with all fingers of the other hand from palm to shoulder - first the outer surface, then the inner. Don't be afraid to spank hard, even to the point of redness! Then do the same with the other hand.

4. Now you need to tap the side surfaces of the body from the armpits to the waist. We do this with the pads of the index and middle fingers folded together (as in the basic tapping method). Tap each side surface from top to bottom for two minutes.

5. Then knead each armpit one at a time with the palm of the opposite hand, using circular movements.

6. Stretch your shoulder joints by grasping your shoulder with the palm of your opposite hand and making circular movements.

7. Place your hands back behind your neck and use the fingers of both hands to vigorously knead the base of your neck on either side of your spine.

8. Then, using exciting pinch movements with both hands, vigorously knead the collar area and upper back as far as you can reach. This is the area where stagnation of energy most often occurs, and it needs to be dispersed “manually”, because otherwise this area is very difficult to relax.

Ancient Eastern practices to help modern man

Notice that the more stress and negative emotions in your life, the more constricted and tense your body is. The body becomes “hard”, and the most interesting thing is that this affects both the character and behavior of a person. Have you ever met tough people and they seemed strong to you? But it is possible that these are just very stressed people. They carry within them psychological traumas that have not been experienced or worked out, which is why they seem to be encased in armor. Such people only look strong, but in reality they are neither successful nor very happy. It is no coincidence that Eastern wisdom says: where the soft bends, the hard breaks. In addition, such a tough person loses the ability to feel normally and adequately perceive the world. He is driven by strict negative programs written in his brain. This means that they can no longer create anything positive in their life.

And in the east they say this: death is a loss of elasticity. It turns out that if we become tough, then life slowly leaves us.

If you feel that there is a certain rigidity in you, if your body is tense and you find it difficult to relax, if you easily give in to negative emotions, begin to use methods and techniques that help you relax your muscles, release tension and, as a result, become more free and physically and psychologically.

These are methods based on ancient Eastern practices. They are time-tested, and their value is that they lead to harmony of soul and body, mind and psyche. And, of course, they clean energy channels, open active points, eliminate stagnation of energy and very quickly fill you with strength. You can practice them daily, and the results will be noticeable very soon: your condition will begin to improve day by day, your mood will improve, nervousness and irritability will pass, it will be easier for you to live, work, and communicate with people.

Exercise "Big Tree"

In China they say that the Big Tree forms Big Man. Formation occurs due to the energy of the sky (in which the crown of the tree) and the earth (where its roots are). The exercise is best done in the morning. In the evening, after performing the “Big Tree”, there is an excess of energy, which makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Stage 1. Opening energy channels

Before practicing the “Big Tree”, open the energy channels on your fingers and toes using the tapping method:

standing, pat both palms alternately on the inner and outer surfaces, then sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward and pat your right and left feet with your palms, outside and inside.

Stage 2. “Big Tree” Practice

1. Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight, your pelvis leans forward a little. Imagine that you have a third point of support - the massive tail of a kangaroo. The neck should be elongated and straight; for this, the chin should be lowered slightly, and the head should be “hung” by the crown. Relax your body, your tongue touches your upper palate, your eyes are closed.

2. Imagine that your feet are growing deep into the ground, becoming the roots of a large tree. Roots absorb moisture from the ground, nutrients, the energy of the earth.

3. Then imagine your torso growing high into the sky, reaching the clouds, growing through the clouds towards the sunlight. There the body unhinderedly receives the energy of the sky, space, and itself becomes huge, like space.

4. Raise your hands to the level of your navel. Move your elbows away from your body. Imagine that you are pressing a rubber ball towards you with your elbows. The palms are round, as if they are actually holding this ball. Try to feel this ball between your navel and your palms.

5. Now imagine that the ball between your navel and your palms begins to grow and grows so large that you find yourself inside the ball. You are huge, like space, but the ball is even bigger. It is filled with living energies, vibrates and even sounds like music. You can feel this energy.

6. Then imagine that the ball begins to shrink and the energy inside it condenses. The shell of the ball is already passing through your body, and soon it again finds itself between the navel and palms.

7. Imagine that the ball grows and shrinks three times, you find yourself inside the ball three times, then again hold it between your palms and your navel.

8. When finishing the exercise, place your palms one on top of the other on the navel area (for women, the left palm is on top, for men, the right). Imagine slowly squeezing the ball and placing it under your palms. There it further decreases and turns into a point. Feel its hot pulsation under your palms. After this, open your eyes.

Stage 3. Exiting the exercise using the clapping method

1. Pat the outer and inner surface of the palm with a massaging hand until you feel heat. Change hands. Intense tapping helps to balance the energy of heaven and earth. If after performing the “Big Tree” the temperature of the palms is different, it means that the energy balance has not yet been achieved.

2. Apply gentle slaps across the face (from the chin to the hair). Then from the center of the forehead to its lateral surfaces. Then pat your cheeks down from your temples to your chin. Pat your ears. When you pat your face after the “Big Tree,” the skin is massaged with a field of energy. With regular patting, the skin takes on a healthy appearance. Patting the ears affects all systems, since on the auricle there are projections of the internal organs (active points associated with the organs of the body).

3. Relax your palms. Using soft, light movements, pat your head from the back of your head to your forehead. Patting helps open biologically active points on the head and normalize brain energy.

4. Make several movements with soft, rounded fingers, combing your hair like a comb, from the forehead to the back of the head, and from the temples to the back of the head.

5. Knead your ears with your fingers and rub them until you feel “burning ears.” If, when rubbing your ears, you find pain points, intensify the rubbing on them: additional energy concentrated in the palms will be directed to the corresponding organs in which there are any pathologies or functional disorders.

6. Using a soft palm, clap the arm from the shoulder to the wrist, on the outside and inside of the arm. Alternately clap both hands.

7. With both hands, pat the torso from the neck to the pubis, then pat the entire lower back area.

8. Slap your legs from the hip joint to the ankle on all sides.

9. Now pat your back from bottom to top along the spine. With regular intense patting, the body begins to react to blows not as harshly as before, but accepts them softly and painlessly.

10. Rub your palms and warm the kidney area with them.

During the exercise, a lot of saliva is formed in the mouth. The more practice, the more amazing the taste of this saliva: it becomes sweet with a floral aftertaste. When you swallow it, it has a healing effect on the stomach lining.

Reactions of the body and mind accompanying the exercise

The passage of energy through the body causes different sensations and emotions, which are compared with the influence of elements, colors, etc. We will look at typical reactions of the physical body and consciousness.

Standard reactions common to all practitioners.

1. If the energies in the body are not balanced, an alternating sensation occurs cold or heat, almost everyone has this reaction. Some people experience constant chills during the first weeks of practice. There is no need to warm yourself externally with a hot shower or drink! It is necessary to intensify the practice of the “Big Tree”. The body does not resist practice; on the contrary, it itself continues to change after the end of classes. Endure the condition, do not change it artificially if you are sure that the chills are caused precisely by “ Big tree”, and not hypothermia in free time.

2. There may be a feeling different temperatures left and right palms. This is a normal reaction. Martial arts masters cultivated this property in the body to a huge temperature difference in order to strike the enemy with either cold or heat.

3. Feeling heat occurs when intensively receiving energy from the outside. Especially with the mental image of a reduced ball filled with energy. The heat in the navel or center of the chest can be unbearable. At the same time, the heart rate increases and sweat is released profusely.

4. " Goosebumps" And itching skin appear when biologically active points open. Unblocking the points of the head gives a particularly unbearable itching on the scalp. There is a feeling of “goosebumps” with vibration, they roll in waves, arouse the practitioner’s interest without causing trouble. Vibration can be so strong that it feels like there are electrical wires running through the body.

5. Sometimes “goosebumps” appear with pain, this means that the process of opening biologically active points is very intensive. After a while, the skin and entire body may feel porous and airy. This is a borderline state that requires attention to the body. You should not take cold water procedures (including contrasting ones) so as not to cause harm.

6. Feeling weightlessness the body arises during the transition to a new state. It indicates that the practitioner has managed to relax and distract himself from the physical body. Weightlessness and lightness are expected states.

7. Heaviness body may indicate an inability to relax. However, it may also be a consequence of the entry of energy, when the legs swell, the fingers swell, energy is redistributed and the blood supply to the tissues changes. This feeling will pass over time.

8. Upon admission large quantity energy may arise feeling of stuffy ears and buzzing in my head. This method of energy entry sometimes predetermines the aggravation of hearing in the future.

9. If the energy penetrates the area between the eyebrows, the practitioner can see flashes of bright light as if inside the head.

10. Various visions“from other worlds”, “voices”, “meetings with saints” are rare and are an illusion that is in no way connected with the truth. This is just a splash of your impressions from past experiences. Don't pay any attention to him. Ignore the visions, no matter how interesting they may be! Visions pull back into oneself, and the practitioner must receive vital energy from the outside.

11. Finally, after performing the “Big Tree” exercise, the physical body gets tired- This is fine. But the energy increases and the mood improves!

Reactions that occur in various diseases

1. When passing through blocked areas of energy channels, pain occurs. There may be an acute pain sensation when the energy suddenly passes through the blocked area. If the pain goes away quickly enough and does not return, it means that the disease is receding.

Pain may appear under the guise of an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It may take several weeks. If the practice is stopped, the pain disappears completely or becomes wandering. This means that energy accumulation is slow, metabolism is impaired, or the body is oversaturated with drugs. The practice must be continued, no complications will follow! Energy does its job, try to accumulate it, overcoming unpleasant sensations.

After suffering injuries, in the case of chronic inflammation of the joints, internal organs, maxillary sinuses, etc., pain (usually discomfort) is natural. The practice is going well, we need to continue it.

2. If the practitioner suffers from cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension, or is physically weakened, he may feel faint while performing the exercise. In this case, you need to stop the practice and tap (or press firmly) the point under the nose on the upper lip. Using your thumbs, massage your temples and the entire area where hair starts to grow. Stopping the practice is not advisable; gradually the condition improves and vigor appears.

3. If the practitioner’s nervous system is often excited and there are numerous clamps on the nerves and energy channels, the energy cannot break through them and begins to look for workarounds. In these cases, vibrations of the whole body may accompany the practice. Try to relax well. If the vibrations get out of control, apply intense pressure to a point on the back of your hand at the base of the thumb where it meets the palm. This point is also called the resuscitation point; it instantly brings you to your senses and adds energy. It is easy to find: you need to press your thumb against your palm and look where the fold ends between the palm and the thumb. This is where this point is located - you will find it by slight pain when pressed. Massage these points first on one hand, then on the other, and then fold your hands over the navel area.

4. Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cause nausea and vomiting. Empty your stomach and continue your practice.

5. Strong swaying can occur when the muscle corset becomes enslaved. The body strives to relax it, this happens in 2-3 days.

Intense movements and rocking associated with overexcitation nervous system, suffered injuries (especially the spine), are caused by a spasm of energy channels. In this case, practice “Big Tree” with your eyes open and for no more than thirty minutes.

6. Crying, laughter, and other emotional sound reactions to practice are not an obstacle to continuing practice. It is believed that sound reactions are caused by diseases of the heart, lungs or other internal organs. Sounds help to heal faster; there is no need to restrain them and generally pay attention to these reactions.

Exercise “Small Heavenly Circle”

The “Small Heavenly Circle” exercise solves the same problems as the previous exercise: it cultivates vitality. It is especially useful for sluggish blood flow and vascular hypotension.

Practice of the “Small Heavenly Circle”

1. Starting position: sitting on the tip of a chair, or on the floor on a small pillow, or with your legs crossed in Turkish style. The chin is lowered slightly to straighten the neck, and the head is "hung" by the crown (as in "Big Tree"). The eyes are slightly closed so that the light penetrates through the eyelids. The tongue touches the upper palate, hands folded at the navel: in women right hand bottom, top left; for men it’s the opposite.

2. Concentrate on the navel area. Let's imagine and feel a hot ball in it.

3. As you inhale, the stomach retracts. Lightly push it inward with your hands. The ball rushes into the stomach. We squeeze our buttocks and squeeze our anus. The ball rushes to the crotch. We pull in the stomach, continue to squeeze the anus - the ball moves up to the chest. We try to “trace” its movement as high as possible, to the top of the head (Bai-hui point).

4. Exhale the air, release the stomach, relax the body. A ball of energy moves from the top of the head to the upper palate. It rolls over the tongue, then smoothly slides down into the navel area.

5. Another cycle of “inhale-exhale” and another “rise-lower” ball of energy to the navel area.

In most cases, the exercise is performed for no more than twenty minutes.

Quitting the exercise

Exiting the exercise is necessary so that the energy does not stagnate in the head and heart and blood pressure does not increase. The energy should drop, this is facilitated by rubbing and patting.

1. Using soft fingers, “comb” the hair from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temples to the back of the head. Tap the scalp with your fingertips.

2. Knead your ears with your fingers and rub them until you feel “burning ears.” Pat your ears with your palms.

3. Using a soft palm, clap the arm from the shoulder to the wrist, on the outside and inside of the arm. Alternately both hands.

4. With both hands, pat your torso from neck to pubis, then the entire lower back area.

5. Slap your legs from the hip joint to the ankle on all sides.

Reactions of the body and consciousness accompanying the “Small Heavenly Circle”

1. Pain in the first days of practice is normal. They are caused by stagnation in energy channels. Pain may occur as the energy moves: internal organs, spine, nasopharynx. These are normal healing reactions.

2. When energy passes from the top of the head down, pain, tingling, flashes of light before the eyes, and pressure on the eyes occur. This means that the movement of the energy ball is active. There is no need to be afraid of such sensations!

3. The body’s main reactions occur after several weeks of practice: brain activity is activated, the body becomes more energetic, and a desire for movement and an active life arises. Quite quickly you will notice an improvement in your memory.