Motivation to study - quotes. Motivating student learning Project motivating students to study in the evening

After reading motivational quotes, the desire to learn and act immediately appears.

Motivational quotes from Harvard students

Legend has it that Harvard University students re-read these quotes every morning before school and are charged with energy and motivation. This helps them in difficult moments, when “it doesn’t work out”, “everything is not going according to plan”, “there is no more strength” - such situations are familiar to every schoolchild and student. If you understand that now is the moment, read the quotes in English with translation from this article and get motivated!

A little advice from the author: if you want to improve your mental abilities, don’t forget to train your brain every day in a convenient simulator 👉🏻 Vikium

  1. If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.(If you fall asleep now, you will dream your dream, but if you study now, you will make your dream come true).
  2. The pain of studying is only temporary. But the pain of not knowing – ignorance - is forever.(The pain of learning is only temporary. The pain of ignorance - ignorance - is eternal).
  3. Studying is not about time. It's about effort.(Study is not time. Study is effort).
  4. Life is not all about studying. But if you can’t even conquer this little part of life, then what else can you possibly do?(Life isn't all about studying, but if you can't even get through that part of it, how will you know what you're capable of?)
  5. It’s those who are earlier than the others, those who put in more effort, who can enjoy the feelings of success.(Learn to do everything early, learn to put in the effort, learn to enjoy the results).
  6. Not everyone can truly succeed in everything. But success only comes with self-management and determination.(Not everyone can truly succeed at everything. But success only comes with self-improvement and determination).
  7. If you don’t walk today, you’ll have to run tomorrow.(If you don't walk today, you'll have to run tomorrow).
  8. People who invest in the future are realists.(People who invest in the future are realists).
  9. The level of education is in direct correlation with your salary.(Your salary is directly proportional to your level of education).
  10. Even now, your enemies are eagerly flipping through books. (Even now your rivals are leafing through smart books).

Motivational quotes about studying from Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the best examples of motivated
  1. Patience is a virtue and I am learning to be patient. But these are difficult lessons.
  2. If you show people the right path, then there will be no problems with motivation.
  3. It's okay to make mistakes. The main thing is to make mistakes in something new every time.
  4. Quantity never compensates for talent, and two people who don’t know something are no better than one.
  5. The main player on the team is not necessarily the one who scores the most goals, it can be the one who makes the passes.

Motivational Quotes for Study and Self Development

  1. Between success and failure lies a chasm called “I don’t have time.” Franklin Field
  2. Discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve. John Maxwell
  3. There is only one way to avoid criticism - do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. Aristotle
  4. I am not what happened to me, I am what I decided to become. Carl Gustav Jung
  5. Physical exercise, if done properly, helps a person become healthier, and mental exercise helps a person become richer. Laziness deprives a person of both health and wealth. Robert Kiyosaki

A modern student comes to university guided by many motives.

Problems of motivation have been the subject of study in philosophy, cultural studies, political science, psychology, sociology, etc. for many millennia. Motivation is one of the fundamental problems of both domestic and foreign psychology. Its significance for the development of modern psychology is associated with the analysis of the sources of human activity, the motivating forces of his activity, and behavior.

The complexity and multifaceted nature of the problem of motivation determines the multiplicity of approaches to understanding its essence, nature, structure, as well as methods of studying it (V.G. Aseev, L.I. Bozhovich, E.P. Ilyin, A.N. Leontyev, A. K. Markova, L.A. Regush, S.L. Rubinstein, E.A. Sorokoumova, X. Heckhausen, Z. Freud, and many others). For the first time in 1910 the word "motivation" used by A. Schopenhauer in the article “Four Principles of Sufficient Cause.” Further, the term was used to describe the behavior of humans and animals in the behavioral direction. In the context of the activity theory of A.N. Leontiev, the term “motive” is used in the sense of specifying a need, conditions, direction of activity. Continuing this scientific tradition, L.I. Bozhovich believes that a motive is a powerful motivating force for carrying out an activity, “objects can act as a motive outside world, ideas, ideas, feelings and experiences. In a word, everything in which the need was embodied."

The concept of “motive” is narrower than the concept of “motivation”, which “acts as a complex mechanism for a person to correlate external and internal factors of behavior, determines the emergence, direction, and methods of implementing specific forms of activity”

The concept of “motivation” appears in psychology as a general designation for numerous processes and phenomena, the essence of which boils down to the fact that Living being chooses his behavior based on its expected consequences, and controls it in terms of its direction and energy expenditure. A dynamic approach to motivation involves continuous movement behind it.

Students’ educational activities are characterized by a combination of different motivations and depend on: choice educational institution educational system, on the basis of which educational activities are implemented; organizations educational process; subjective characteristics of the student (age, gender, intellectual development, abilities, level of aspirations, self-esteem, etc.); subjective characteristics of the teacher and, above all, the system of his relations to the student and his professional activity; specifics academic subject, student motivation, etc. Student motivation is an important structural component educational activities.

Analyzing psychological characteristics development of educational and cognitive activity of students, divide the entire period of study at the university into three stages. The first stage - 1 course, typical high level professional and educational motives. At the second stage - 2-3 courses, the intensity of all motivational components of student learning is already reduced. The third stage (4-5 course) - there is an increase in the degree of awareness and unification various forms motives for teaching.

With the advent cognitive motivation restructuring is taking place mental processes perception, memory, thinking and other human capabilities that contribute to the implementation of the activity that aroused interest.

Purpose of the study: studying the educational motivation of students. Hypothesis : The motive of “acquiring knowledge” is predominant among university students. Among some of the empirical tasks of the study, the following can be identified: to identify the characteristics of educational motivation among students, to determine the prevailing motives of students based on the use of mathematical data processing, to offer recommendations to students with different types of motivation. The sample was represented by university students and consisted of 50 people. To confirm the hypothesis, we used the “Methodology for studying the motives of students’ educational activities” modified by A.A. Reanom, V.A. Yakunin, methodology for studying motivation for studying at a university” T.I. Ilyina.

Analysis of the data obtained showed that the most significant motives for studying for this sample of students are the following: motive No. 1 “to become a highly qualified specialist” (t = 1.74, p £ 0.05), motive No. 2 “get a diploma” (t = 0.63, p £ 0.05 ), motive No. 6 “to acquire deep and lasting knowledge”, motive No. 10 “to ensure the success of future professional activities”, motive No. 16 “to obtain intellectual satisfaction”.

The least significant motives for this sample population are: motive No. 9 “Keep up with fellow students”, motive No. 11 “fulfill pedagogical requirements”, motive No. 12 “gain the respect of teachers”, motive No. 13 “be an example for fellow students”, motive No. 15 “ avoid condemnation and punishment for poor academic performance.” Histogram 1 reflects 16 motives according to their level of significance.

Histogram 1

The average values ​​for these motives were calculated in Excel. Histogram 2 shows that the motive “Acquisition of knowledge” has a large average value. ( 6.2), “Mastering a profession” (5.4), and less - “Obtaining a diploma” (5.2).

Histogram 2

Thus, it was suggested that there may be significant differences between motives, and that the leading motive of university students may be the “acquisition of knowledge” motive, which was confirmed.

  • Awareness of the theoretical and practical significance of the knowledge gained. It is important to understand that the knowledge acquired in each course can ensure successful professional activity.
  • Rating is modern method student motivation. The first lines in the student success rating can significantly increase the chances of a graduate’s future employment.
  • Expanding the boundaries of students' personal responsibility as an opportunity to express themselves in the area that is closest to them.
  • Call of Duty can also update motivation. The student must remember that he is responsible for what kind of specialist he will become. However, an important point must be taken into account here - a sense of duty should not be imposed from the outside, but should arise in the process of the student realizing the importance of his chosen profession.
  • Mastering goal setting skills. It is important to set achievable goals that are not too long in time, imagine a more tangible result and result for the future, write them down in as much detail as possible in verb forms of action and strive to achieve them in the near future.
  • Independent search. Students can analyze own knowledge, creating self-test situations for yourself, as well as explaining difficult tasks to less prepared students.

As a result of the study, priority activities were identified that, according to students, will help increase their motivation to study. These are the wider application of innovations in teaching; increasing scholarships, strengthening financial incentives for students; motivation of teachers and creation of conditions for material incentives for students; the ability to choose subjects studied; the introduction of a block system of education, when exams are taken at the end of the discipline, and not at the end of the semester; increasing the share of classroom hours, reducing hours by independent work students; creating a healthy competitive environment among students using economic and non-economic methods of motivation, including “automatic” passing of tests and exams based on the results of their studies (work), stimulating a creative approach by teachers; solving problems of students' recreation (providing vouchers to resorts, sanatoriums, dispensaries).

Psychologists say that when learning, motive is 2.5–3 times more important than intelligence. In theory, motivation is a person’s motivation to perform conscious or unconscious actions, the ability to actively satisfy one’s needs and achieve a set goal. In fact, it is perseverance and determination, without which not a single goal can be achieved.

How to motivate a child to study if he doesn’t want to study, doesn’t do his homework, is often distracted in class, and isn’t worried about his progress? When he associates class and school with psychological discomfort, anxiety, and boredom, no incentives will help. There may be several reasons.

  1. The baby is simply not prepared for school. His parents believe that he is precocious and has a broad outlook. However, a first-grader may not be psychologically ready to obey the school routine and cannot sit calmly in class or listen to the teacher. In this case, perhaps he should stay in kindergarten for another year.
  2. The reason for poor performance may be conflicts with the teacher or schoolmates. Understand the situation and try to change it. If this is not possible, homeschooling may be your best option. Psychologically, it is much more comfortable than studying in large classes. The reason for the lack of desire to go to school may be physical characteristics. Children often tease those who stand out from the crowd. Switching to an online school will help alleviate the problem at least for a period until the baby grows up and is psychologically formed.
  3. It happens that the desire to study is discouraged by the exorbitant ambitions of parents. Some people scold their children for bringing home B grades instead of A grades. Then the child develops low self-esteem and considers himself incapable of learning better. The emotional connection with parents disappears. Others enroll their child in several clubs at the same time, without asking if he wants to attend them. As a result, the student does not live up to expectations and studies much worse than he could have if he had not been hampered by excessive demands from his family.

Individual approach

Children perceive new information in different ways: some visually, others auditorily. Depending on this, it is preferable for one student to read the textbook in order to learn the lesson, and for another to listen to the teacher’s explanations and repeat the task out loud at home. Some have a penchant for the exact sciences, others are pronounced humanists, others find it boring to study because they grasp everything on the fly, while others need more time and effort to understand new material.

When difficulties accumulate, the student simply loses interest, without which even the most brilliant teacher will not be able to convey knowledge properly. Unfortunately, the program secondary school is designed for the average student and does not take these nuances into account. Let's think about how we can unobtrusively, without pressure, increase motivation to study.

1. Let's show an example

Remember your school days and share your experience. What specifically interested you most about the age your son or daughter is now? Tell us what difficulties you faced and how you overcame them. The student needs to feel that he is not alone in his experiences.

Look around at those around you. Using the example of people who have achieved a lot in life, explain to your child in an accessible form that success and well-being do not come by themselves. To do this, you need to try very hard; you can achieve the same results only thanks to the knowledge gained.

2. Setting a goal

A timely and correctly set goal stimulates perseverance and inspires, increasing self-esteem. Divide your goals into long-term (long-term) and short-term. Highlight the most attractive in each category. Place an emotional emphasis on intermediate results, this will help increase the desire to study and focus on the final result.

3. Fantasize about “astronauts” and “ballerinas”

Try to get your child to think about choosing a profession as early as possible. What does he want to be when he grows up? This is a global goal, towards which it is necessary to move now, gaining knowledge, without which he will not be able to do in the future. Let the choice of profession change as you grow older, the main thing is to understand that it is a shame for a future cosmonaut not to know mathematics, but for a ballerina, knowledge of physics will be useful on stage.

4. The result that can be seen now

In the lower grades, children understand more clearly what will happen in a day, in a week. Get your child interested in a task for the near future. For example, getting a good or excellent grade in a given material.

Each goal has its own deadline, which avoids uncertainty. Visualizing the task will make it easier to complete, so it’s better to write it down. It may consist of several stages. Accordingly, each stage is recorded as a separate paragraph and each has its own deadline.

5. About the effectiveness of gingerbread

Emotional, like material, reward is the driving mechanism, the most powerful incentive to action. Receiving an award leads to satisfaction, an understanding that everything done was not in vain. And the more work expended, the sweeter the success. This is how the idea of ​​a positive factor in the result of hard work is fixed in the mind. Positive emotions will spur you on to further work, and you won’t be sorry to spend more effort and time on the next goal.

The carrot method is much more effective than stick stimulation. Systematic punishments and forcing them to do homework will have the opposite effect. This is especially true for kids primary classes. Psychologists recommend choosing something for your child that he will certainly be happy about. It’s a good idea to discuss in advance what the gift will be. You should not encourage him in the process of achieving results. And of course, in case of failure there should be no talk of reward.

The more difficult the goal and the more effort spent on it, the more significant the encouragement should be. Emerging progress and higher grades in a quarter are a reason for encouragement. What can serve as a reward is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

But don’t shower your child with gifts for any reason. The process of acquiring knowledge and good grades will lose their significance.

6. Passion

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best motivations. It is impossible to love all school subjects equally. But if some of them (or even one) are of interest to the student, this will significantly increase the efficiency of the process of acquiring knowledge in all subjects. Helps to engage students innovative technologies, non-standard presentation of educational material, thematic excursions. Practiced in elementary grades game uniform training.

Passion for a subject largely depends on how clearly the teacher explains the material being studied. But the role of parents here is far from the last. If you attend age-appropriate visits together theater performances, museums, exhibitions, interactive platforms, such events broaden his horizons.

If older children believe that they have decided on their future specialization, then they often begin to ignore non-core subjects. It is important to explain that this is an error that can lead to unpredictable results in the future. After all, every item school curriculum Connected with real life. Select examples from everyday life when this or that material studied at school will have practical significance. Find fascinating books and unusual material on the topic you are studying.

7. Self-motivation

Those who have been accustomed to setting goals since childhood will find it easier in the future to acquire new knowledge, navigate a rapidly changing world, build a career, become respected and successful. The question is especially relevant for children of transitional age. A teenager may have a weakened desire to learn and an understanding of the need to receive a full education. Correct and sufficient self-motivation:

  • increases interest in educational process;
  • improves discipline;
  • facilitates understanding and assimilation of new material;
  • improves grades in all subjects.

You shouldn’t wait until next Monday to start exercising, look for excuses, cite lack of desire, fatigue, or any other reasons. We need to do this right now. This may temporarily deprive you of comfort, but there will be no reason for laziness. You should not expect that the problem will disappear overnight - over time, the brain adapts, and less and less effort will be required to force itself. Perhaps the very first small victory over oneself will be a harbinger of further takeoff. Moreover, studying at school does not take so much time.

There is such a word - “necessary”. Sometimes, better than any persuasion and tricks on the part of parents, it gives an impetus to starting homework. Children know this very well.

8. Organization of the workplace and daily routine

Proper organization of the workplace plays an important role in training. A table at which it is comfortable to sit, an ergonomic chair, properly selected lighting, a rack or cabinet for textbooks, notebooks, albums, bright stationery, covers with beautiful pictures, a favorite photo on the wall. External surroundings influence the desire to learn!

During online school classes and during the preparation period homework try to prevent extraneous sounds from distracting you from your studies: close the window, turn off the phone, turn off the TV sound as much as possible.

Don't put off tasks until later. Nobody knows what will happen next: the electricity will be turned off, the temperature will rise, extra lessons will be assigned, unforeseen matters will appear. But you shouldn’t do everything at once. Overwork decreases the level of concentration. And the motivation to study noticeably suffers from this. It is best to evenly distribute the load and set realistic goals for the student that correspond to his capabilities.


Schoolchildren initially have varying degrees of motivation to learn. Some people are able to motivate themselves quite strongly. Others need outside help. How younger child, the easier it is to awaken his interest in learning. But you can also find an approach to older children.

The willingness to work, to set more and more new tasks always leads to success. It’s not for nothing that Harvard students’ motivation list includes the following item: “If you don’t sweat, you don’t earn money.”


More and more adults, trying to find themselves better job, sit down at virtual desks. But the final question is “How to motivate adults to learn?” not closed. There are many obstacles on the way for adults to study. Let's try to overcome them.

An adult’s head is filled with different thoughts much more densely than a child’s. He might have wanted to complete the assignment for the online course, but he was just overwhelmed. In addition, older people do not experience the fruits of their academic efforts as clearly as younger students. Their study habits have also long since faded into the background or even been completely forgotten. Moreover, often adult students are not so interested in learning as they are forced to take online courses in order to improve their skills and retain workplace, get a job new job or advance your career. This is why it is difficult to motivate adult students to study and make them active participants.

The good thing is that we have 17 ways to increase adult students' motivation to study. Let's use them all!

1. Place students in groups of similar ages and similar academic backgrounds.

Focus on practical training. It’s great if the knowledge gained can be immediately applied in practice! Older students are much more likely to prefer practical skills than various kinds abstract theories and facts.

2. Bring out the research spirit in online students.

It is known that children are especially curious and have a thirst for exploration. However, it is also nice for adult students to sometimes be children and satisfy their cognitive interest. Give them this opportunity. Let them have all kinds of free resources at their disposal: educational materials, references, charts, short videos, podcasts, etc. An ideal information environment inspires the acquisition of knowledge.

3. Connect students using a social network.

4. Don't limit yourself to voiceover.

Add a personal touch. Let students associate your online course with your face. Be available to students. Host live discussions, Q&A sessions, and invite experts, other educators, and specialists.

5. Introduce a playful twist to online learning.

Come up with game-based exercises and case studies that could be done different ways. Let your students search and find solutions!

6. Humor is everything!

With the help of humor, you will interest the most uninterested participants. If students know that they might hear something funny in your lectures, they will listen very carefully so as not to accidentally miss the most interesting part. Be witty - and you will always win!

7. Split up information.

Small portions are easier to digest. Make it easy for online students to absorb and remember information.

8. Create tension!

Don't reveal all your cards at once. Let students wonder what will happen next. If you know how the book ends, reading it is no longer so interesting.

9. Show students career prospects.

Tell them how they can use their new knowledge to meet their needs. Let them be personally interested in gaining knowledge!

10. Stimulate students.

Encourage them when they use their brains. Let them rack their brains over some interesting task.

11. Let students learn from their mistakes.

Here's an experiment one online teacher conducted. He divided his students into two groups. The first group received educational material over 4 lectures. Another group received the same material during one lecture, and took the test to learn new things 3 times. And what? The second group learned the material 50% better. Moral - don't be afraid if the first or even the second pancake is lumpy.

12. Take care of the visual effect.

You know that we perceive 83% of information with our eyes?

13. Infuse your lecture with emotion.

If there is no spark of inspiration in your story, if the material sounds boring and flat, how will you get students to perceive and remember it? “Punch” students’ emotions - come up with contradictory theses, tap into memories, include stories from real life in your story.

Studying diligently is a big plus both for self-development and for a certificate or diploma. But there are times when stupor sets in and there is not the slightest desire to study or do anything at all. What to do in such a situation? will tell you how to motivate yourself to study.

Successful people are motivated. Those who want to gain knowledge cope flawlessly with their studies and work. and understands why he’s doing all this

No action occurs without a motive - external or internal. If you are caught in the rain on the road, you hurry home. The teacher gives test, motivating students to get a higher score for it. In this case, we are talking about extrinsic motivation.. You are free to follow it or ignore it.

Intrinsic motivation relates to personal interests and desires. For example, you study biology not because the teacher asked you to. T fucking love this item, And are you ready in free time study it yourself.From our examples it follows that motivation is all the internal and external factors that influence human behavior.

Psychologists highlight two main types of motivation:

- aimed at achieving success. The goal is to achieve something positive. For example: “I’m preparing for an exam to pass it with excellent marks.”

- aimed at avoiding failure. The goal is to get away from trouble. Let's say: "I'm preparing for the exam so as not to get a bad mark."

Do you feel the difference?

Which motivation is better?

The desire to achieve success is more usefulfor us than the attitude of avoiding failure. After all, when we think about how to avoid something unpleasant, we willy-nilly imagine our failure. A negative emotions They eat up energy that could be spent on achieving the goal. The same scheme works in our favor if we set ourselves up for success. Positive emotions allow you to be more productive.

There is such a thing as “triggering yourself.” Some people tend to create their own obstacles to success. A person does ridiculous things and blames their failure on them. For example: “I didn’t pass the exam because I had a fight with the teacher” or “I couldn’t prepare for the exam because I was at the club all evening yesterday.” This is a much smaller blow to pride than a frank admission to oneself: “I did not pass the exam because I was not capable and hardworking enough.”

Where does motivation come from?

Motives are directly related to human needs, which have a certain priority. This is well illustrated by Maslow’s pyramid, named after its creator, a psychologist.

Physiological needs are located at the bottom level, self-realization is at the top.

Until the needs of the lower level are satisfied, it is difficult to move to the next one. What hungry person would prefer reading a book to a delicious meal? Or will he indulge in speculation about the meaning of life, without a warm and safe home? Self-development and satisfaction of cognitive needs is a kind of “psychological luxury.” And, by the way, the higher the level of needs that motivate a person to work, the more productive his work is.

What are the dangers of weak and excessive motivation?

If the motivation is too weak, a person works carelessly and, as a result, does not achieve success. And if the motivation is excessive, efforts are no longer put into work as much as they are spent worrying about it. Much depends on how familiar the person is with the activity. Each has its own optimal activation level: for simple activities it is quite high, for complex activities it is lower.

Let’s say, to prepare for an oral answer in physics, you need to learn the formulas and understand the essence physical processes. If you consider completing a task important to you and perceive it as a source of stress, your preparation will be more productive than if you have an indifferent attitude. Simple cramming combined with high motivation will only do harm.

However, this law does not apply to motivation aimed at the desire to learn something new. It is impossible to be “too thirsty for knowledge.” The more insatiable this “greed” is, the more effectively new information is mastered.

Another thing is that if a person is so passionate about acquiring knowledge that he does not have enough time and energy to use it, this is unlikely to lead him to professional success. There is no such profession as a “walking reference book,” and it is not needed in the era of information technology.

How to learn to motivate yourself?

To find motivation, you need to understand yourself and manage your emotions. and focus on current tasks.

The main killer of motivation is self-doubt. Sometimes you start coming up with explanations for why you haven’t achieved something yet. Give credit for what you have already achieved. Write a list of your strengths, past and present achievements. When you truly believe that you deserve success, your mind will create ways to achieve it.

The second motivation killer is inability to concentrate attention. Think about how often you focus on what you don't really need, instead of focusing on a specific goal. For example, thoughts are quite normal. "I'm afraid I won't get anywhere." "I'm afraid people will think I'm stupid." Fear feeds on itself and robs us of motivation. If you have a fear of not getting into university, it’s better to create one.

The last piece in the motivational puzzle is... If we don’t clearly see the next step, we begin to put off action until later. Make a list of all your actions. The first should be simple and easy to do, and each subsequent one should be more difficult. By solving easy problems, you create a positive mood, which makes you want to reach the end.

For example, you have a main task - to enter a university (you don’t yet know what specialty and where). Your list of actions might look like this:

    Think about what school subjects you can use to get your certificate to the highest possible score. And yes, don’t be lazy, work for your certificate.

    Sign up for the subjects you need to see your initial level of preparation.

    While preparing for the CT, study to have an idea of ​​the passing scores and admission plan for the specialty you are interested in.