Is it possible to obtain two higher educations at the same time? Is it possible to obtain two higher educations at the same time? Get 2 educations

Obtaining a second higher education in last years became very popular in Russia. The main reason for this lies not only in the natural desire of a person to expand the boundaries of his knowledge, but also in significant changes in the structure of the economy of our country, the growing need for specialists with a diverse set of professional competencies, as well as labor market mobility.

According to statistics, large companies give preference to those applicants who have not only work experience, but also two higher education. And the salaries of such specialists are higher than those of their colleagues with only a higher education.

Today the procedure for admission to state higher education educational establishments Russian Federation provides the possibility of receiving parallel second higher education. Parallel education is training simultaneously in two specialties in one or different universities, as a result of which the graduate receives two diplomas of higher education. By simultaneously obtaining two specialties, the main resource – time – is saved, and this is the main advantage of parallel training.

Parallel education gives a large number of opportunities, because upon graduation you receive two diplomas at once. The parallel education program offers students a variety of forms, terms and learning technologies. This education can be obtained full-time or part-time. Some higher education institutions offer tuition payment in installments.

With parallel training, students who have work experience in various fields, having received a second higher education, can expand the range of their capabilities and powers, climb the career ladder, and even if they change their field of activity, have good competitiveness in the labor market.

Students who wish to obtain two specialties at the same time are enrolled in the department of second higher education on a contract basis. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, persons simultaneously receiving a second higher education professional education, have the status of “listeners”, which in terms of receiving educational services is equal to the status of a student of a higher educational institution of the corresponding form of study. Thus, a student who successfully graduates from the university as a student will receive a diploma identical to the student’s diploma.

Senior students entering a direction related to the first direction of study can enter directly into the second or third year. Due to this, the actual training period is reduced. First-year students can also receive parallel education, however, it is recommended to wait until they enter at least the third year before starting to master the second higher education program. This way, the student will not have to take exams twice in disciplines common to both programs.

Students are admitted to the faculty of second higher education for parallel training on the basis of certification tests (written testing of a profile focus).

Before deciding to receive parallel education, you need to understand that simultaneous training in two areas of training is a large physical and mental load. But still, many students choose parallel education for the following reasons:

1. Saving time when obtaining two specialties.

2. Financial savings (when receiving a second higher education after the first, you will have to pay much more).

3. Acquiring a useful skill to properly manage your time.

4. Acquiring a double baggage of knowledge, and knowledge acquired at one faculty will most likely be useful at another.

5. Obtaining two diplomas at the same time.

Thus, a student receiving a parallel second higher education is in a more advantageous position compared to students of single-disciplinary higher educational institutions.

Having weighed all the pros and cons and having decided to receive parallel education, you must contact the admissions committee and, instead of the original education document, provide a certified photocopy of a state-issued document and an academic certificate from the department or faculty of which you are a student. The student also needs an application, 3*4 cm photographs and a copy of the receipt or payment order.

Obtaining a parallel second higher education is the key to successful employment, mobility in the labor market, and career advancement. Also, obtaining two specialties simultaneously, rather than sequentially, will save you time and money.

Nowhere today. Few people decide to receive two higher educations at the same time. First you need to determine the goal - why it is needed. It is important to think about what other specialty is needed in order to understand whether it is possible to apply the knowledge and see the future.

Also for this it is important to monitor, study the labor market and assess your strengths. Will there be enough psychological and material resources to obtain two higher educations at the same time? Are you ready to spend twice as much time studying?

First you need to understand why you need two higher

Studying in two directions at the same time is suitable if:

  1. I enrolled in one, completed my studies to the 2-3rd year and was disappointed because the chosen education was not suitable.
  2. I would like to receive additional education to the main one, which will be beneficial.
  3. It is necessary to improve knowledge and skills.

However, to obtain two higher educations at the same time you need:

  1. Seriousness and readiness for a double academic load. It’s worth thinking about whether you’ll be able to keep up everywhere and completely change the rhythm of your life.
  2. Good studies. Getting a second diploma just like that is stupid. If you don’t need knowledge and skills in another field, you shouldn’t even try.
  3. Time, patience, supply of nerve cells.
  4. Procedure.

You can study in two directions in parallel, one course at a time. Or get a second education after the first/second/third year. In the second option, it is easier to study, since the easier subjects and the diploma do not need to be written at the same time. In the first case, it is more difficult to study, since there are two sessions in a row, the diploma is written year after year.

If you enroll immediately in the first year in two different areas, you must provide Unified State Exam results to the admissions committee. And when enrolling after the second or third year, you can take entrance tests or send the results of the Unified State Exam (at the discretion of the university).

It is beneficial to receive two higher educations at the same time. The training time is reduced, and you can become a specialist in various fields.

In Russia you can receive two higher educations at the same time. But according to the laws, you can only study for free once. You can get two educations at the same time, either in one or in different ones. You can get two educations for free only by studying simultaneously at a college/technical school/school and a university.

You can study at one university or at different ones. In order to enroll in a second specialty, you must submit a copy of your certificate and Unified State Examination results to the university/pass the entrance examination at the university.

What forms of training can be combined

You can study in two specialties at once in various ways:

Of all the offered forms of training, the most popular is the combination of full-time and correspondence forms. However, at the same time, the best and most convenient form is a combination of full-time and remote forms.

Pros and cons of such training

People with multiple degrees are more competitive

The advantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Having two diplomas after graduation.
  2. Competition. The level of competitiveness in the labor market is increasing. More employment opportunities.
  3. Expanding the scope of employment.
  4. get the desired specialty immediately, and not in a few years.
  5. Saving money, since obtaining a second higher education after completing the first costs several times more than simultaneous training in two specialties.
  6. Variety of study options: in one university in different faculties or in completely different universities, which may be located in different cities, evening form of education combined with full-time or part-time with full-time.
  7. The opportunity to move up the career ladder faster than with just a diploma in hand.
  8. Saving “future” time. After your first education, you don’t need to spend another 4-5 years again, take time off from work for the period of the session, etc.

You will also have to be doubly tired

The disadvantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Two sessions per semester at the same time, if studying in parallel. There is a risk of not having time to attend two exams at once.
  2. Psychological and moral tension, stress. The exam may fall on the same day, study load there can be a lot both in the first education and in the second.
  3. It takes a lot. You will have to study twice as much. Evenings are spent doing laboratory tests, tests, coursework, and computational and graphic work, multiplied by two. Sometimes you can't count on weekends.
  4. Tuition payment. The second education, even if received simultaneously with the first, must be paid every semester. The correspondence course does not cost as much as the full-time course.
  5. Physical fatigue.

But still, the advantages of a second higher education significantly outweigh the disadvantages, which you should go through without fear of difficulties. As a rule, a second higher education pays off.

Students' opinions on this matter

Many guys do not welcome two higher educations at the same time. This is motivated by:

  • there is no point in getting a second “tower” by repeating after others. You need to understand yourself and determine your own motivation. If you are satisfied with working in a clothing store, then you should not even get your first higher education;
  • if you want to become a real pro, you don’t have to get a second one. You can successfully develop in the field of your first education. Enroll in master's, postgraduate, and qualifying courses. Highly qualified specialists do not always have two diplomas;
  • Obtaining higher education in itself is associated with certain pressures. In combination with work or a second education it will be even more difficult. The university requirements for all students are the same. You need to be prepared for such difficulties.

But there are also a lot of guys who are in favor:

  • It’s better to immediately get a second higher education than, after working in one place for 10-15 years, to understand that you should do something else. It’s never too late to think about getting a second education, but the sooner the better;
  • The peculiarities of the modern labor market are that new industries are emerging every day and highly qualified specialists with knowledge and skills in the required field are required. It is not necessary to enroll in another specialty at the university in the first year. Having realized your motivation and the needs of the labor market, you can choose a university and specialty while studying in your second/third/fourth year;
  • great employment opportunities. Looking for work in two specialties at once provides a greater chance of finding a job.

How to act in a given situation is up to you to decide for yourself. The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths, think through plans for the future and study your needs.

In this video you will learn how to get two degrees abroad:

It is believed that today, in order to be competitive in the labor market, it is necessary to constantly supplement your education. Of course, this is true: changes occur every day - and this applies to almost any activity, from office cleaning to senior management. And if you fall behind the trends outlined by your industry, you will likely be left behind.

But, if you are just starting your career, having a second higher education can be a good bonus. Another advantage of having an additional diploma is that you can choose from two specialties (and at the beginning of your journey, as practice shows, it is very important to have an alternative). Or you can work at the intersection of the disciplines you have learned - then you will be a truly indispensable specialist and will certainly occupy your niche.

And one more thing: obtaining a second higher education is an excellent way out for those who, for some reason, were unable to study what they had dreamed of all their lives. This was the case for me: the results of the Unified State Exam in social studies, which I took as a reserve, turned out to be impressive, and therefore paid training I preferred free sociological education to journalism. The desire to be a journalist did not disappear anywhere, but sociology became more and more exciting as I studied. Therefore, I began to look for opportunities to master both professions - and soon found them.

An important fact is that a second higher education cannot be obtained on a budgetary basis. Therefore, if you are studying in a higher education program or already have a diploma, the government will not fund your studies, no matter how well you do in the exams.

The Federal Law on Education (Article No. 34) states that any student has the right to simultaneously master several professional educational programs. But how can this be done technically?..


Few people know that, in addition to students, so-called listeners- people who, for one reason or another, cannot provide original educational documents and are enrolled in the course as if “in advance.” An important feature of this status is that it is provided only in correspondence or distance learning (perhaps in some places you can become a student on a full-time basis - but this is rather an exception to the rule). At the same time, students go to classes in the same way, write tests and take exams.

Therefore it is best do not start getting a second degree in the same year First of all, there is a high probability that problems will arise with obtaining a diploma. And from a psychological point of view, this can be very difficult: after all, at school there is a different format of education, and, having become a student, you need to get used to the new rules and join the team. It is also important to establish interaction with teachers, because it depends on them what consequences your absenteeism will have. And absenteeism, alas, will definitely happen, because even while receiving education by correspondence, sometimes it is necessary to be present at the educational institution - and this time may coincide with the time of main classes.

I entered the second institute, having barely completed the first year, and soon realized that I had made a mistake: my studies could have lasted one or two years less if I had more disciplines already mastered (they can be re-credited - this is done by the scientific part of the new university) . In general, it is best to finish your studies at least until the third year in your first specialty in order to begin mastering the second.

By the way, about admission. Each university has its own rules for admitting students to a second degree. However, usually for those who wish to receive parallel education, before reaching the third year at the main institute, most often they arrange the most ordinary selection - with results Unified State Exam And entrance exam(it’s not a fact that it is necessary - it depends on the specialty). Let us remind you that the results of the Unified State Exam in Russia are valid 4 years. The only consolation in this situation is that the competition for the correspondence course is usually several times less than for the full-time course.

Those who decide to enroll in a second higher education after the start of the third year of the main institute are usually enrolled only according to the results entrance examinations .

By the way, in some universities (including the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University) there are parallel education programs within the same university, as a result of which a graduate can receive two diplomas. However, the range of specialties is usually limited.

Parallel distance learning At first, it can also be difficult and unusual. Especially during exam sessions. Of course, face-to-face and correspondence departments usually do not coincide in time: this is done for the convenience of teachers. But sometimes exams at two institutes can still overlap - in this case you will have to stock up on strong coffee and Novopassit. But this period, as practice shows, is quickly ending. And there is nothing better than celebrating the end of two sessions at once!

In general, in order to study at two universities at the same time, you need to have a stable psyche, an incredible ability to work, and an incredible desire to know everything at once. But employers usually value graduates with two higher educations and willingly hire them for internships and open vacancies. And, besides, such students save the main resource modern man - time, which in the future can be spent not on sitting at a desk, but on travel, family or something else.

And parallel higher education is very interesting. It's great when you can go beyond the boundaries of your profession, offer something new, experiment, applying the methods of one profession to another. Often, work done for one university was useful for me to complete assignments at another. By the way, it will be very useful to calculate the area of ​​your scientific interests as early as possible: then all the developments over the years of study will be useful to you in writing theses at both universities. And then, perhaps, when writing your master's thesis - if you are going to write it at all.

A second higher education is now more relevant than ever, but the process of obtaining it raises many questions. The legislation explains to future students how to obtain a second higher education.

Second higher education: features and advantages

Additional education provides an opportunity improve qualifications and professional level any citizen, and also contributes to broader inclusive development. Therefore, obtaining a second higher education has predominantly advantages. The only downside is financial losses, since this type of education does not involve a budgetary form of training. In this case, receiving additional education has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • less time spent: instead of 5 years, it will take 3.5 years to complete the program;
  • opportunity to work and study at the same time with other activities;
  • higher status and professional level of a specialist, having two higher educations, accordingly, the salary will be higher;
  • gaining new knowledge and skills has a positive effect on the graduate’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Before as get a second higher education, it is important to decide what professional priorities the applicant currently faces. This can be either a radical change of profession or mastering a new branch of an already familiar specialty.

Nuances, important points

It is important for applicants to know that the length of study often depends on how radically the new specialty will differ from the one already obtained. In most cases this time is about 3 years.

An important feature is that despite the exclusively paid basis, the cost of the second education is still lower than when receiving the first education on a contract basis.

You can enroll for a second time at any university in the country, the rules are basically the same. So, after choosing a specialty, an applicant needs to find out from the dean’s office of the chosen university how to get a second higher education, all the nuances of admission and a list necessary documents. After this, the applicant must pass the required entrance examination and, having waited for its results, conclude a contract with the university, paying part of the agreed amount.

Student schedule, receiving a second higher education, is often compiled taking into account individual wishes And student opportunities. This may include training in the evenings or weekends, as well as by correspondence or externally.

Editorial "site"

Russian laws on education do not prohibit the parallel development of educational programs. This can be either different areas of training at the same university, or training at two universities that are in no way connected with each other. In addition, if there is a desire to receive secondary education in parallel with the “tower” special education, upon entering college, the student also has every right to do this.

You can enroll in two universities either in one year or with a shift. Often students who understand that they want to expand their educational trajectory apply for a second higher education in their 3rd or 4th year. In this case, it is somewhat easier to obtain another education - many general education subjects (for example, history, concepts modern natural science, computer science, etc.) at “University No. 2” can be re-credited.

What forms of training can be combined

There are no legal restrictions on the form of education during parallel studies at two universities. However, in practice, it is almost impossible to receive two full-time educations at the same time - classes take place at the same time, attendance is controlled, the workload is designed for what students devote to studying most of its time.

Therefore, the combination “face-to-face + face-to-face” is quite rare, usually in one of the following cases:

  • we are talking about studying in two areas of study at one university and the programs partially overlap;

  • a student enters a second higher education course in his final years, when quite a lot of time is already allocated in the schedule for independent work and preparation of a diploma, and at the new university you can re-credit some of the subjects.

As a rule, when studying at two universities one combines:

  • full-time study in one place with correspondence or evening study in another,

  • evening (full-time-correspondence) form with correspondence,

  • two correspondence courses.

Studying at two universities at the same time can be difficult if their session dates coincide. The workload that falls on a part-time student during a session is very high; tests and exams can take place almost every day, and “maneuvering” between two educational institutions can be difficult.

Distance learning, which implies a flexible schedule for mastering the program, can usually “adjust” to the pace set by the student himself, and therefore can be combined with study of any form.

Is it possible to study at two universities on a budget?

In accordance with Russian laws on education, a person can receive an unlimited number of higher educations, but on a budgetary basis this can only be done once.

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain two higher educations at public expense. Regardless of whether you study at the same time or enter a second university after graduating from the first, you will receive a second education at your own expense.

In this case, only a technical school can be free (having a university diploma does not cancel the right to free secondary vocational education).

What to do with documents when studying simultaneously at two universities

When accepting documents to a university, you can submit to the admissions committee both the original certificate of secondary education and its copy. However, in order to be accepted as a student, you usually need to submit your original certificate to the university.

There are two ways to solve this problem. One can be called “unofficial”: in some universities, when applying for commercial studies (usually evening), they may be content with a notarized copy of the certificate. Whether this is possible is best to find out from the admissions office of the educational institution.

If we adhere to the “letter of the law”, then in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”, when studying in parallel at two universities (or in two specialties at the same university), a person studies in one of the programs “on a general basis”, and according to the second - in the status not of a student, but of a “listener”. To enroll, students provide the university with a certified copy of their certificate, accompanied by a certificate stating that they are studying at another university - and sign an agreement with the educational institution to pay for tuition.

The university cannot refuse admission under these conditions - the right to receive a second higher education simultaneously with the first and the status of a student are secured by Article 18 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”. And all accredited higher education institutions are required to adhere to it.

What is the difference between a listener and a student?

The differences in status between a student and a trainee are more of a legal nature; this does not affect educational issues. Students master the same course, undergo practical training, defend coursework and dissertations, and receive a diploma on a “general basis” (by the way, there will also be no indication of a “special” status).

In this case, the student has the right to independently choose in which of the two universities he will be registered as a student, and in which as a student with tuition fees.

Status may change during the course of your studies. For example, if a person has already “passed” a budget competition at another university while studying at a commercial university, he has the right to write at his first place of study an application for transfer to the status of a student and become a budget student. And if he has completed his studies at the university where the original certificate is located, but continues to master the program in another, “university No. 2” becomes his only place of study, and nothing prevents him from being transferred to the status of a student studying on a contract basis.

Thus, you can study at two universities at the same time completely legally, having the status of a student in one of them, and a student in the other.