National archival traditions: Russian State Archive of the Navy. Portal “Archives of Russia Russian State Archive of the Navy RGAVMF

E-mail for sending your resume: mails@rgavmf. ru The archive stores military documents - navy Russia ( late XVII V. - 1940. Since September 21, 2010, the archive repository of scientific and technical documentation has been operating to serve users. Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 13.00 to 17.00.

Created in 1724 as the Archive of the State Admiralty Board (later - the Ministry of the Navy). From VI. 1992 - Russian!

Comment: stores documents of the Russian Navy from the end of the 17th century. to 1940. Russian State Archive of Economics (RGEA): .

In August 1917, it was renamed the Central Archive of the Fleet and Maritime Department. In 1918, the Central Archives of the Fleet and Maritime Department entered the third section (Army and Navy Archives) of the State Archive Fund (EGAF) as the second (naval department). Russian Navy archive. MILITARY NAVY ARCHIVE Russian State (RGAVMF) (Millionnaya St., 36), main. V. Available to users: subject-thematic catalogue; inventories and documents of the funds of the Russian fleet up to 1917 inclusive, with the exception of materials from the archive of scientific and technical documentation, 68 personal funds and 18 collections (as the complex of technical work is completed, they will also be available), all lists of funds temporarily limited for issuance to users are available in the reading room hall

The Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF) includes documents from the Archive of the Naval Ministry, which existed in? Russian State Archive of the Navy. 08/09/2011 | Author: Alexander Vorobyov. Materials on personnel could. Archives of Russia (2000), . 202-207; Archives of Russia (1997), pp. 163-167; FAR NSA (1994), pp. 49-56; GA Handbook (1989), pp. 33-40; Handbook (1983), pp. 32-33; KG M&L (1972), pp. 138-142; Libraries of St. Petersburg (1993), p. 201. At the beginning of this century, the archive received a second building - at Serebristy Boulevard, 24.


Russian State Navy Archive (Russian State Archive of the Navy). Address: 191065, St. Petersburg, st. Millionnaia (formerly? On Fridays from 10.00 to 16.00 the reading room of the scientific and reference library is open. The last Friday of each month is a sanitary day. According to the “Regulations on the State Archive of the USSR” in 1941, the archive received the status of a central state archive and a new name - TsGAVMF.

Archival reference books. List of guides. Russian state.

Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGA VMF). Address St. Petersburg, Serebristy Boulevard, 24, bldg. 1. Phone (812)! Access: To obtain a pass and visit the archive, you must have a passport or identity card (for military personnel). Since June 1992, the name of the archive is the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF). The building that has housed the archive since 1926.

    - (RGAVMF) in St. Petersburg. Founded in 1718. Modern name since 1992. Documents from the end. 17 at... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian State Archive of the Navy- founded in 1718 in St. Petersburg. as an archive of the Admiralty Collegium; from 1827 Archive Marine. min va. In 1918, his materials were included in the military. mor. sections of the Unified State. archival fund. As an independent archive, the archive has existed since 1934. Modern. name (since 1992) Russian... ...

    - (RGAVMF), in St. Petersburg. Founded in 1718. Modern name since 1992. Documents on history Russian fleet from the end of the 17th century... encyclopedic Dictionary

    RUSSIAN STATE ARCHIVE OF THE NAVY FLEET (RGAVMF), in St. Petersburg. Founded in 1718. Modern name since 1992. Documents from the end. 17 at... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Central State Archives of the Navy- See Russian State Archive of the Navy... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Coordinates: 59°55′57.85″ N. w. 30°25′40.87″ E. d. / 59.932737° n. w... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Archive (meanings). The information in this article or some sections of it is out of date. You can help the project... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Military Legal Academy. Military Legal Academy of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (WYUA RKKA) Founded 1939 ... Wikipedia

    Included in the Archive Fund Russian Federation includes archival documents located on the territory of Russia, regardless of their source of origin, time and method of creation, type of media, forms of ownership and place of storage, including... ... Wikipedia

    Includes abbreviations of organizations and publications often found in scientific Russian-language publications on historical topics. Contents 1 Abbreviations 1.1 Museums 1.1.1 A ... Wikipedia


  • The Russian State Naval Archive / Russian State Archive of the Navy (set of 20 postcards), . The Russian State Archive of the Navy has a glorious past and, without a doubt, a brilliant future. The key to this is the well-coordinated work of his team, the continuity of generations...

Near house 36, on Millionnaya Street, not only curious passers-by slow down, but also time. Within the walls of this building on one of the oldest streets in St. Petersburg, both valiant victories and loud defeats of the Russian Navy were frozen. Created by oral order of Peter I, the historical treasury has continued for almost three centuries and today continues the traditions of archival work in Russia.

History of the archive and composition of its funds

Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF) is the successor to Russian archival traditions from the era of imperial conquest and Soviet times. On January 28, 1724, by oral decree of Peter I, an archive was founded at the Admiralty College for the collection and storage of documents of the college, which included materials from expeditions and offices. At first, the collection of the archive was not carried out systematically: according to private decisions of the board in connection with the liquidation of institutions subordinate to it, as well as the dismissal or death of the head. From the mid-1760s, cases were handed over to the archives on a regular basis as they were completed in office work.

In 1827, the Admiralty Board was abolished, and the naval archive became part of the General Archives of the Naval Ministry. At the beginning of the new century, the department began preparations for a general reorganization of the archival system. At this time, the archival funds were significantly replenished through donations from private individuals.

In 1917, the archive was renamed the Central Archive of the Fleet and Maritime Department, and in 1918 it was transferred to the Unified State Archival Fund. From 1925 to 1934 it was the naval section of the Leningrad branch of the Central Historical Archive and since 1941 it became the Central State Archive of the USSR Navy.

After the collapse of the USSR, it entered the network of Russian federal archives and was renamed the Russian State Archive of the Navy. Today it is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Archival Agency of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The RGAVMF stores over 1.5 million files, covering the period from the end of the 17th century to 1940. These are documents from the funds of fleets and flotillas, naval educational institutions and research institutions, shipbuilding and other enterprises, hydrographic and scientific expeditions. In addition, the archive contains personal funds of famous sailors, navy figures and even artists. For example, few people know that the outstanding composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and lexicographer V.I. Dahl were graduates of the Marine cadet corps.

Maritime historians will be interested in the archive's extensive scientific and reference library, which contains more than 54 thousand volumes. They include legislative acts, books on shipbuilding and naval art, publications on the history of the Naval Ministry and the Naval Cadet Corps, works on uniforms, insignia, flags, etc., as well as biographical documents of the famous naval commanders F.F. Ushakova, P.S. Nakhimova, D.N. Senyavina, S.O. Makarov, navigators V. Bering, I.F. Krusenstern, V.M. Golovnina, Yu.F. Lisyansky, O.E. Kotzebue, Decembrist sailors, participants revolutionary movement and the Civil War.

The oldest documents in the archive are maps and atlases from the Archive of the Central Cartographic Production of the Navy: sea portolan charts of 1550 and “Atlas of the Whole World” by Battista Agnese of 1554.

With annotated fund inventory register The Russian State Archive of the Navy can be found on the website of the Russian Archive.

Travel history of the Navy archive

Over the several centuries of its existence, the naval archive has visited both Vasilyevsky Island and near Palace Square. His funds received shelter in the Main Admiralty, New Holland and in one of the premises of the Senate. Today, more than 1.5 million files from the rich treasury of the archive are stored on one of the oldest streets of St. Petersburg in the building of the State Council archive, designed by the architect M.E. Messmacher.

Millionnaya Street began to acquire buildings immediately after its foundation in 1704. The highest naval ranks, headed by the emperor himself, settled on it. Subsequently, in 1887, a monumental building in the Renaissance style, the State Council Archives, rose here.

The project for the construction of a building on Millionnaya was completed free of charge. Not only Messmacher took part in it, but also the talented military engineer V.M. Karlovich. From the point of view of architectural style, the project is a variation on the theme of Renaissance Florence. This monumental, but at the same time far from pompous, building on the facade is decorated with mosaic inserts - markers of time. For its construction, the architect was awarded an honorary state award - the Order of St. Stanislav third degree (awarded for public service and socially beneficial activities).

Behind the thick walls of the building lies a detailed layout, in which the archival specifics of the room were taken into account. The architect used the latest advances in the field of heating and ventilation. It was thanks to this that it was possible to maintain constant air humidity in the archive. In addition, fireproof structures were used during construction, which would have saved documents from total destruction during a fire.

In addition to the archive, the building housed the Russian Historical Society, and since the 1920s, under the chairmanship of S.F. Platonov, the Society of Russian Archivists worked. Since 1926, the Russian State Archives of the Navy received permanent registration at 36 Millionnaya. Since the beginning of the 20th century, one of its buildings has been located at Serebristy Boulevard, 24.

290 years of archival history of the Navy

On January 28, 2014, the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF) turns 290 years old. In connection with the anniversary events, the Russian Historical Archive hosts the exhibition “Military Sailors in Science and Culture.” The press center of the archive reports this.

The central theme of the exhibition was the humanitarian mission of the Russian Navy, illuminated through the prism of the personalities of graduates of maritime educational institutions: the Naval Cadet Corps, the Naval Engineering School and the Nikolaev Maritime Academy. Graduates of these institutions devoted their lives not only to serving the fleet, but also to social and cultural activities - they became famous writers, artists and scientists.

The exhibition presents documents of famous navigators V.M. Golovnina, F.P. Litke and S.O. Makarov, shipbuilder A.N. Krylov, the founder of Russian oceanography Yu.M. Shokalsky, as well as archival materials related to the names of the writer V.I. Dahl, artist A.P. Bogolyubov, composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and an outstanding scientist in the field of radio electronics and automation A.I. Berg.


photo: Yana Velichkovskaya,