Names of class hours on May 9. Methodological development of a class hour on the topic “Victory Day. III. Final word

Class hour for Victory Day in 1st grade

“We are entrusted with memory”

What holiday is coming up? What event is it dedicated to?

Yes, it's Victory Day. This year we celebrate the 71st anniversary of the victory. Victory Day is celebrated by all peoples of our country, as great holiday. Many valiant and courageous warriors defended our land: on land, on water and in the sky. Victory Day brought peace to our people and a happy childhood to our children.

There are events that people must remember. Books are written about them, poems and songs are composed. One of these events was the Great Patriotic War our people against Nazi Germany. This event will forever remain in the memory of our people. You and I know about the war only by hearsay. Our grandfathers told about it to their children - our parents, our parents told us, and we tell our children about it. This is how the memory of those heroic, but very bitter and terrible years is passed on from generation to generation. You and I have been entrusted with the memory of those people who, at the cost of their lives, won peace for us throughout the entire Earth, and we are obliged to carry it through the years, through the centuries, so that our descendants would know what kind of holiday May 9 is.

“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

On that distant summer day, June 22, 1941, people were doing their usual business. No one suspected that much in their lives would be erased by one terrible word - war. Now imagine the carefree life of guys like you. Holidays. Summer. Warm. You are going outdoors with your parents... And suddenly - war...

It seemed cold to the flowers

And they faded slightly from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes,

We searched through German binoculars.

A flower, covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,

And the border guard extended his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war

Just five minutes left!

Slide recordingLevitanA"On the Beginning of the War"

The Nazi-German troops were commanded by Adolf Hitler.

Hitler was marching on Moscow. He believed that as soon as his troops entered Moscow, our people would be conquered. The Nazis called their plan to capture Moscow “Typhoon”
What is a typhoon? (Hurricane destroying everything in its path)
This is how Hitler wanted to sweep away our Army with one blow and enter the capital. He would later say: “I was sure that the war would soon end.” But the whole people stood up to defend the Motherland.

Slide clip "Holy War".

For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for the sake of you and me.

On the first day of the war they were between 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, war! Remember!

Long, cold war, which brought a lot of grief and suffering to our people. Old and young stood up to defend the Fatherland. The Nazis destroyed cities and villages on our land. There were fierce battles on the seas, on land, in the sky, in forests and swamps.

When talking about war, we often talk about exploits. How do you understand the word “feat”? (Students reason.)

A feat is when, in a great unselfish impulse of the soul, a person gives himself to people, in the name of people he sacrifices everything, even his own life.

There is a feat of one person, two, three, hundreds, thousands, and there is a FEAT OF THE PEOPLE, when the people rise to defend the Fatherland, its honor, dignity and freedom.

People met the war at different ages. Some are very young, some are teenagers. Someone was on the threshold of adolescence. The war found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting their grandmother, in a pioneer camp, on the front line and in the rear.

Your great-grandparents were such people. Let's find out their names.

(Grekova, Lysenko, Ivanova, Ryabchenko, Lavrova, Ocheretnyuk, Shalanina, Kolodyazhny talk about their great-grandfathers. The stories are accompanied by photo slides.)

Slide minute of silence.

Guys, in last years, in the month of April, shortly before May 9, you and I see orange and black ribbons everywhere: on people’s clothes, on the streets, on cars. Volunteers on the streets hand out two-color ribbons to everyone. This public event is dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The action has become traditional and is held from April 24 to May 12. The action is held under the slogans: “Grandfather’s Victory is my Victory”, “Tie it up. If you remember!”, “I remember! I’m proud!”, “We are the heirs of the Great Victory!” and others. This two-color ribbon is called St. George's ribbon. She belongs to the Order of St. George, which is the highest military award in Russia.

The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean “smoke” and “flame”, and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield.

Scenario for the Victory Day holiday “We need one victory” for high school students

Festive issue of the oral magazine “Istoki” dedicated to Victory Day

Preparatory work, equipment, classroom design are similar to the event ( “The last battle, it’s the hardest”). It is important to avoid excessive pathos, over-organization, and excessive theatricality. The point of the event is to remember facts from the history of the Great Patriotic War, to talk about patriotism, memory, and culture.

Goals: expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War; cultivate respect for the heroic past of the country, awaken sympathy for people of the older generation; to form a positive assessment of such moral qualities as self-sacrifice, heroism, patriotism; to form an active life position, to encourage children to actively resist attempts to denigrate the history of the country.

Preparatory work:

Assign a group of children who will prepare information

messages based on script materials (10 students);

Invite singing children to perform a song from the war years.

Class plan

I. introduction.

II. Oral journal “Debt of Memory”.

1. Reasons for defeats and victories (Conversation with military analysts).

2. The science of hatred (Front-line history).

3. Names that have become legends (Notes about heroes).

4. The Unknown Soldier (Essay on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier).

5. A hero from a family album.

6. Musical stop.

7. Stolen Victory (Forum).

III. Final word.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. A big holiday is approaching - Victory Day. On this day, May 9, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender fascist Germany. It was the day of Victory over fascism. The whole world remembers that jubilant bright May 1945, when one after another the countries of Europe were liberated from the fascists: Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania. And of course, the whole world remembers May 9, 1945 - the first day without war. May 9 went down in history as Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. In this war, people of all nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder. They defended their Fatherland - the USSR. And together we defeated fascism. IN modern Russia this day has been declared military glory Russia. Now this is the Day of Glory, and a day of remembrance: about battles, about heroes, about soldiers who died on the battlefields, about the suffering of the people. There is no family in our country that has not received a funeral from the front. The debt to memory can be paid in different ways: solemn rallies, memorial services in churches, folk festivals, a minute of silence, processions, gifts to veterans - all these are grains of our debt,

which we are all obliged to give to the generation that survived the war. We decided to remember the war in our own way. The creative group of our class prepared a special issue of the oral magazine “Debt of Memory”. I give the floor to the editor-in-chief of the magazine (name, surname).

II. Oral journal “Debt of Memory”

Chief Editor. Today's issue of the oral magazine is dedicated to the Great Victory. Get acquainted with the materials of our issue (reads from the board, comments on page titles).

So, open the first page. “Reasons for defeats and victories” - a conversation between our observer (name, surname) and military analysts (names, surnames).

Reasons for defeats and victories

Presenter 1. As you know, Hitler’s troops crossed the border of the USSR on June 22, 1941, and in September, literally 3 months later, the enemy was already at the walls of Moscow and Leningrad. A real threat of complete military defeat loomed over the USSR. Our troops, suffering huge losses, retreated. What is the reason for such rapid successes of the German army in 1941? What is the reason for the retreats and huge losses of our army? These questions are answered by military analysts (names, surnames).

Presenter 2. The reasons for our retreats have been analyzed by many historians. The first reason is that our people were still morally unprepared for war with Germany. After all, this was a new type of war. A war with weapons of mass destruction, when success depended on technology, and not just on personal valor. In the first days of the war, tens of thousands of our soldiers died without having time to fire a single shot.

Presenter 3. They played their role and Stalin's repressions 1930s, atmosphere of fear, suspicion, uncertainty, denunciations. This raised doubts among the residents of the country; many did not see the point in fighting to the last “for the power of the Bolsheviks.” In the western regions of the country, some looked to the Germans as liberators.

Presenter 2. Military experts explain the huge losses also due to outdated military tactics our command. Here is what a German general wrote about this: “Russian offensive tactics: a three-minute fire raid, then a pause, after which an infantry attack shouting “Hurray” in deeply echeloned combat formations (up to 12 waves) without support from heavy weapons fire, even in those cases when attacks are made from long distances. Hence the incredibly large losses of the Russians.”

Presenter 1. The Nazis had enormous superiority in technology and weapons, their soldiers and officers had excellent training, were ready for war in new conditions, and yet they failed to take Moscow. What did the German strategists not take into account?

Presenter 3. They didn’t take into account the scale future war from the USSR. Firstly, distance. The Germans had experience of quickly conquering France and other European countries. But 100 kilometers on French roads and the same 100 kilometers on Russian off-road roads are not at all the same thing. And from the border of the USSR to Moscow is not 100 kilometers at all, but all 900 in a straight line. But in fact, the German armies had to overcome much greater distances, encountering fierce resistance from our troops.

Presenter 2. Secondly, counting on a quick victory in a lightning war, Hitler’s command dispersed its forces in three directions. So in the fall of 1941, the Germans simply did not have enough strength for the final decisive push towards Moscow.

Presenter 3. Thirdly, the German strategists did not take into account the mass heroism of the soldiers. The mass heroism of the Red Army soldiers of this period lay precisely in the fact that they took the battle in stunningly unequal, unfavorable conditions for themselves. And they died in the thousands, tens of thousands, but they helped buy the time the country needed to come to its senses.

Presenter 2. Fourthly, the fascists also miscalculated that our people would go over to Hitler’s side and fight against Stalin. The people quickly realized what kind of “new order” the Nazis were going to establish in the USSR: torture, concentration camps, death, fear, destruction. This was seen by the residents of the occupied territories, the soldiers who liberated these territories, and the soldiers who escaped from fascist captivity. The cruelty of the fascists provoked a response from Soviet people- anger and fierce hatred. The people began to perceive this war as a sacred struggle for their Fatherland. The mass feeling of fear, mass panic and confusion that helped the Nazis in the first months of the war, by the winter of 1941 turned into a readiness for mass heroism and self-sacrifice.

Presenter 3. Fifthly, the fascists did not take into account the fact that Soviet military leaders in these incredibly difficult conditions would be able to take control of the situation and be able to overcome mass panic and confusion and learn to fight in new conditions. German strategists did not take into account that such military leaders as K.K. Rokossovsky, M.E. Katukov, I.S. Konev, G.K. Zhukov. As soon as the Red Army tasted its first victories, fate Hitler's Germany was a foregone conclusion.

Presenter 1. Thank you for your answers. The Great Patriotic War will long be the subject of study by historians, military personnel and amateurs.

Science of Hate

Chief Editor. The famous Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov was a war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War. He called one of his essays “The Science of Hate.” (First name, last name) tells about the front-line history behind this essay.

Presenter 4. In this essay, the writer talks about how Red Army soldiers learned to hate the enemy. And this hatred gave them the strength to fight for life and death. The author talks about a meeting with a Red Army lieutenant who simply could not see a living German, but looked at the dead one with pleasure. After talking with the lieutenant, the writer learned the reasons for such cruelty.

The lieutenant said that in the first month of the war, in one of the battles, his unit captured a small group German soldiers- about 15 people. They were pale and scared. Our soldiers, having cooled down from the battle, began to feel sorry for the prisoners: they treated them to cigarettes, tobacco, tea, and called them “comrades,” that is, friends. And one personnel officer looked and looked at this touching picture and said: “You were drooling with these “friends.” Here they are all comrades, but you should see what these comrades are doing there, behind the front line, and how they treat our wounded and the civilian population.”

Soon our troops went on the offensive, and here they really saw enough... What the Nazis left behind was real atrocity, inhuman cruelty. “We all understood,” said the lieutenant, “that we were dealing not with people, but with some kind of blood-crazed dog degenerates.” Then the lieutenant was wounded, captured, and already experienced the atrocities of the Nazis. The lieutenant miraculously managed to escape, he returned to duty and opened the account for the Germans he killed. Summing up his story, the lieutenant said that two feelings gave all fighters strength in the fight against fascism: love for the Motherland and hatred for enemies. “And if love for the Motherland is kept in our hearts, then we carry hatred for our enemies on the tips of our bayonets,” said this lieutenant. These two feelings helped our army reach Berlin and destroy fascism.

Names that have become legends

Chief Editor. In the history of the Great Patriotic War there are names that have become truly legendary. These are the names of heroes whose exploits became famous throughout the country. Monuments and memorial complexes were erected in their honor. Streets and squares, mines and steamships, schools and military units were named after them. Songs were written about them and films were made. These are legendary names. Nikolai Gastello, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov... Their exploits embodied something very important - perhaps exactly what helped the Red Army withstand the onslaught of the Nazis in 1941 and 1942. and reach Berlin in 1945. Trem legendary heroes They dedicated their notes (names, surnames) to the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 5. Captain Nikolai Gastello died on the fifth day of the war. His feat at the very beginning of the war became an example of the fact that it is necessary to fight an enemy that surpasses us in technology and strength by any means necessary. Gastello served in bomber aviation, participated in the battles at Khalkhin Gol and in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. He made his first flight during the Great Patriotic War on June 22 at 5 am. His regiment suffered greatly in the first hours heavy losses, and already on June 24, the remaining aircraft and crews were consolidated into two squadrons. Gastello became the commander of the second of them. On June 26, his plane 8, consisting of a flight of three aircraft, took off to strike a concentration of German troops advancing on Minsk. After bombing along the highway, the planes turned east. At this moment, Gastello decided to shoot a column of German troops moving along a country road. During the attack, his plane was shot down, and the captain decided to ram ground targets. His entire crew died along with him: lieutenants A.A. Burdenyuk, G.N. Soon-rich, senior sergeant A.A. Kalinin. For this feat, Captain Nikolai Gastello was posthumously nominated for the title of Hero Soviet Union and was awarded the Gold Star and the Order of Lenin. Members of its crew were also posthumously awarded Orders of the Patriotic War of the first degree. During the years of the Great Patriotic feat Gastello was repeated by many Soviet pilots.

Presenter 6. The Pravda newspaper spoke about the martyrdom of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya in January 1942 in an article entitled “Tanya”. In the article itself, Zoya’s name was not yet mentioned; it was established later. It was also later discovered that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya served in a military unit that sent saboteurs behind enemy lines. Carrying out a combat mission, Zoya set fire to buildings in the village of Petrishchevo, where the Germans were stationed. The girl was captured. The Nazis brutally tortured the girl, but could not even find out her real name - during interrogation she called herself Tanya. The Germans beat and tortured her all night, and the next morning they hanged her in front of the villagers. The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya became an expression of the highest fortitude. The 18-year-old girl did not die in the heat of battle, not surrounded by her comrades, and her death had no tactical significance for success Soviet troops near Moscow. Zoya found herself in territory captured by the enemy and died at the hands of the executioners. But having accepted martyrdom, she won a moral victory over them. Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, born in 1923, was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on February 16, 1942. She became the first woman to receive a Gold Star during the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 7. The feat of Alexander Matrosov symbolized something else - the desire to help his comrades at the cost of his life, to bring victory closer, which after the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad seemed inevitable. On February 27, 1943, Matrosov’s battalion entered the battle near the village of Pleten in the Pskov region. The approaches to the village were covered by three German bunkers. The fighters managed to destroy two of them, but the machine gun installed in the third did not allow the fighters to launch an attack. Sailors, approaching the bunker, tried to destroy the machine-gun crew with grenades, and when this failed, he closed the embrasure with his own body, allowing the Red Army soldiers to capture the village. Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, born in 1924, was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. His name was assigned to the 254th Guards Regiment, and he himself was forever included in the lists of the first company of this unit. Military historians have established that Matrosov was not the first Red Army soldier to cover a machine-gun embrasure with his chest, and after his death, the same feat was repeated by about 300 more soldiers, whose names did not become so widely known.

Unknown Soldier

Chief Editor. Unknown Soldier. He died defending his border, a small piece of his native land. He didn’t give up, didn’t raise his hands, didn’t run. But he did not leave his name to his descendants. Hundreds of thousands of nameless soldiers were left lying on the battlefields. Material about perpetuating the memory of these soldiers (name, surname).

Presenter 8. In December 1941, our troops launched a counteroffensive near Moscow and drove the Nazis back from the walls of our capital. This was the first major victory our army. In the December days of 1966, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the defeat of German troops near Moscow, the ashes of the Unknown Soldier, brought from 41 km of the Leningrad Highway, where in 1941 there were particularly fierce battles for the capital, were solemnly buried in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin walls. And on May 8, 1967, the architectural ensemble “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” was opened at the burial site. The platform is made of red granite, with a mirror-polished black square on it. In the center of the square is a bronze star from which the Eternal Flame of Glory shoots out. The inscription “To those who fell for the Motherland” is carved on the granite wall. 1941-1945". On the right, along the Kremlin wall, blocks of dark red stone are placed in a row; under them, in urns, soil is stored, delivered from the hero cities - Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Volgograd, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Tula, Smolensk, and also from Brest Fortress. On each block there is the name of the city and an embossed image of the Gold Star medal. On the tombstone is a bronze soldier's helmet, a battle flag and a laurel branch. And the words:


Presenter 9. Monuments to nameless soldiers are a tradition of the era of world wars. In the 20th century, weapons of mass destruction appeared, which means that death and heroism were also massive.

Warriors previous centuries showed personal valor, warriors of the 20th century - mass heroism.

The first monument to the unknown soldier appeared in 1920 in France. In Paris, near Arc de Triomphe, the remains of one of the French infantrymen who remained lying on the fields of the First World War were buried with full military honors. There, at the monument, the Eternal Flame was lit for the first time. Then such graves appeared in Great Britain and the USA. Tens of thousands of our soldiers still lie on the battlefields, awaiting burial. There are tens of thousands of nameless soldiers in mass graves. They gave their lives for us. For our freedom. Low bow to them and eternal memory.

Hero from the family album

Chief Editor. “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered. And the eyes of young soldiers look out from photographs of faded ones.” Every family has photographs like this. We listen to stories about heroes from a family album. (Children come to the board and talk about their veteran relatives.)

Musical stop

Chief Editor. In war, song helped soldiers defeat the enemy. A short moment of calm before the battles, a dugout in the snow-white fields near Moscow, a fire curling in the cramped stove, and a soulful song sounds...

(Several presenters sing a wartime song.)

Stolen Victory

Chief Editor. And now we open our forum, we invite you to speak out on the topic of our class hour. I give the floor to the forum leader to the class teacher (name, surname).

Classroom teacher. Both Europe and America fought against fascism, but they entered the war only in mid-1944, when Hitler’s best divisions had already been ground into Soviet

German front. So we can safely say that our country made a decisive contribution to this victory over fascism. But in Lately Attempts are intensifying to belittle the significance of our Victory, to attribute the merits in the defeat of fascism to America and England, accusations are being made against the Soviet commanders, they say, they did not fight according to the rules, Marshal G.K. Zhukov is accused of seeking victory at any cost. Some veterans even talk about a “stolen victory.” Do you think it’s even possible to steal victory from the people?

Sample answers from children:

This is impossible, everyone knows that our people suffered the most from fascism, that it was our army that defeated Hitler, albeit at the cost of heavy losses.

The losses of our army were, of course, very large, many soldiers are still not buried with military honors, but the victory was ours, the whole world knows this.

Victory can only be claimed by deception.

It’s very easy to steal it, if we don’t remember about it, don’t study the history of the Great Patriotic War, then we will believe any lie about it.

Classroom teacher. Could it be that the people themselves renounce their victory? (Children's answers.)

There are currently search teams across the country searching for the remains. Soviet soldiers, their names are established, the fighters are buried with military honors. Do you think this should be done? (Children's answers.)

Chief Editor. Closed last page our magazine. But the pages of our memory are not closed - the memory of the Great Victory.

III. Final word

Classroom teacher. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is the result of the heroism and courage of our entire people. We must be proud of this victory and maintain a grateful memory of those who won this victory in fierce battles. In conclusion, I want to read the words of A.S. Pushkin, which he wrote to P.Ya. Chaadaev: “I am far from delighted with everything that I see around me... but I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a history other than the history of our ancestors, the way God gave it to us. Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery... It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice... Savagery, meanness and ignorance do not respect the past, groveling before only the present.” It seems to me that these words of the poet sound very modern now.

Class hour, dedicated to the Day Victory. Its task is to create the necessary emotional mood, to encourage children to think about duty, memory, and patriotism.

Goals: expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War; to develop respect for military shrines, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of the older generation; encourage people to study the history of the Great Patriotic War, to preserve military relics, to study the roots of their family and clan.

Form: hour of communication.

Preparatory work:

Select readers, help them find the right intonation - calm, quiet reflection, without unnecessary pathos;

You can invite 2-3 students to make a computer presentation (slide film) about the Victory Parade, about the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment: computer (if a slide film will be made).

Decor: flowers, St. George ribbons, posters, photographs of the war years, portraits of commanders, images of military awards.

Class plan

I. Opening remarks “One minute of war.”

II. Interactive conversation on the topic “This is joy with tears in our eyes.”

III. Tribune. "Defend Victory."

IV. A minute of silence.

V. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

(At the beginning of the class hour, a song from the film “Belorussky Station” is played.) I. Opening speech “One minute of war”

Classroom teacher. Now, in these warm May days, it is so difficult to imagine the explosions, bombings, attacks, terrible battles in which our main Victory was forged. “One for all, we won’t stand up for the price...” - this victory was truly “one for all.” It united people of different nationalities, religions, beliefs, old and young, men and women into one people who rose up against fascism and defeated it. The price of this Victory was very high - millions of human lives.

Reader 1.

Victory Day. And in the fireworks

Like thunder. Remember forever,

That in battles every minute,

Yes, literally every minute

Ten people died!

Reader 2.

How to understand and how to comprehend this:

Ten strong, vigorous, young,

Full of faith, joy and light

And alive, desperately alive!

Reader 1.

Everyone has a house or hut somewhere,

Somewhere there is a garden, a river, familiar laughter,

Mother, wife... And if unmarried,

That girl is the best of all.

Reader 2.

On eight fronts of my fatherland

Swept away by the whirlpool of war

Every minute ten lives

That means every hour is already six hundred!..

Reader 1.

And so four bitter years,

Day after day - incredible score!

For our honor and freedom

He managed everything and defeated the people.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic “This is joy with tears in our eyes”

Classroom teacher. Four bitter years - years of exploits and suffering. Millions of human lives. And here are the messages about the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. Newsreels, happy faces of people. Joy with tears in the eyes. This was the feeling of Victory among those who brought it closer as best they could. Their grandchildren had a different feeling of Victory. Here are lines written by a person from your parents' generation.

Reader 3. Victory. It is not in the withering volleys of Katyusha rockets, not in the bravura speeches of the leaders, and not even in the roar of victorious fireworks. She is in the half-mad faces of old women wandering in the frames of war newsreels with open arms towards the “thirty-four” bursting into the village. It is in the road arrows on the roads of the Moscow region, indicating the distance to Berlin. She is in the enthusiastic whisper of “Ours!”, rushing after the bombers with red stars on their wings flying over the occupied territories.

Reader 4. Four years of blood and fear, but at the same time, four years of unprecedented unity of the entire nation, united by something much greater than the order “not take a step back.” Fight to the last man, the last bullet. Resilience that once forced the best commander of the Wehrmacht, Erich von Manstein, to say that his people can fight any army in the world, but they are not ready for mass suicide. Hundreds of thousands of shells, turned by the defenders of the Motherland, who had to stand on a stool to reach the handles of the machines. The last crumbs of bread collected from the table in Leningrad, dying of hunger. Lavochkin, Polikarpov, Koshkin, Shpagin, Degtyarev, Ilyushin, dozens of other designers who returned from the camps and created best weapon, before which the famous German engineering was powerless. Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Vasilevsky, Kuznetsov, who in one word threw huge armies into battle - and unknown commanders who raised platoons and squads to attack.

Reader 5. Could such victims have been avoided? Why were more than 5 million Red Army soldiers captured at the first stage of the war? How many thousands of retreating soldiers were shot by special detachments of the NKVD? Disputes about this periodically flare up with new strength, when another researcher, shaking with previously unknown documentary evidence, tells “how it really happened.” And we argue as usual, until we are hoarse, not solving anything, but only realizing our need to talk about that war. Because for us, who played with our grandfather’s orders in childhood, she is alive.

Reader 6. Yes, we laugh at jokes about brave Soviet partisans and elusive intelligence officers who shamelessly leave fingerprints on all secret objects and suitcases of the Third Reich. But which of us will not shiver from Simonov’s “Wait for me” or “ Holy war"performed by the Alexandrov Choir? Yes, we get annoyed when we get stuck in a traffic jam because old people are blocking the federal highway, but who among us, seeing a jacket heavy with medals, won’t stop for a second, or maybe come up and say something completely unthinkable in a different situation? Yes, we fully sympathize with modern Germans, who have repeatedly repented for the mistakes of their fathers and grandfathers, but who among us does not think one day: “But still, we hit these Krauts on the first day.” And he’ll drink “fifty” for it.

Reader 7. The war is gradually fading away along with those who saw it firsthand. For most Russians, Victory is the most important event our history. Victory is not an obelisk erected in memory of a great feat, it is our faith in own strength. That we, disunited, cynical, mindlessly striding into another bright future, can be strong and united. And again, as once in 1941, stand up to your full height. Not for the Kremlin stars and “leaders of all times and peoples,” but for what is dear to us, for those we love. For victory. One for everyone!

Classroom teacher. How do you and your peers, the great-grandchildren of those who paid for it with their lives, feel about the Victory?

Sample answers:

Just like fathers and grandfathers.

They don't feel anything.

Feeling proud and excited

They're making fun of veterans.

Enjoying the day off.

Classroom teacher. What paid for the minute, every minute, do we dare to forget this - the poet asks our contemporaries. Do you agree with this? And what is the best way to repay the debt to memory?

Sample answers:

We must remember that this is our duty.

We need to be grateful, we live because they defeated fascism.

We need to organize concerts, hold rallies, and festivals.

The best thing is to just stand in silence at a monument or grave and lay flowers.

The most important thing is to bury all the dead. In Russia this duty has not yet been fulfilled.

It is necessary that the graves are cared for not by enthusiasts, but by people receiving a salary.

III. Tribune. "Defend Victory"

Classroom teacher. More than 60 years have passed since the Great Patriotic War. All these years, Victory Day has been the most important holiday in our country. No one dared to cast a shadow on our Victory, no one dared to insult the memory of the millions of victims. But there are fewer and fewer witnesses and eyewitnesses of heroic events, and it is increasingly difficult to give a worthy rebuff to amateur whistleblowers and truth-seekers. Voices can already be heard about the “guilt” of the USSR, about the senselessness of the victims, about the fact that it was necessary to surrender to Hitler’s troops. Vlasovites, Banderaites, deserters, those who fled from the front and other traitors, it turns out, fought against the Stalinist regime. And all the front-line soldiers and the majority of our people were an unconscious, inferior mass who did not do what they should have done during the war. In 1945, our great-grandfathers defended the whole world from fascism. Now we must protect our memory, protect our Victory.

Preparing for the class hour, three groups of our children were tasked with dispelling the most common accusations against the Great Victory. The first group was preparing a response to those who claim that the Soviet Union defeated Hitler by numbers and not by military skill: for every one German killed, there were supposedly 10 Soviet people. The second group was supposed to refute the thesis that it was not Soviet soldiers who defeated the Nazis, but British and American troops who opened a second front. The third group responded to those who say that the St. George ribbon has nothing to do with Victory Day. This is symbolism tsarist army. Let's listen to the guys' answers.

Sample answers:

First group

Today, the most complete study of the statistics of our losses is the work of a group of military historians under the leadership of Colonel General G.F. Krivosheeva. According to his research, the ratio of military losses between the USSR and Germany was 1.3:1. Our losses are greater than the German ones, mainly due to the extermination of Soviet prisoners of war in fascist camps.

German scientist Professor Helmut Arntz claims that the total amount of losses between the USSR and Germany is approximately the same - 10% of the population.

So those who claim that our great-grandfathers defeated the Nazis with numbers and not with skill are wrong. They won by strength of spirit. And, of course, military skill.

Second group

In 1941 -1942. More than 3/4 of all German troops fought against the USSR; in subsequent years, more than 2/3 of the Wehrmacht formations were on the Soviet-German front.

After the opening of the second front, 181.5 acted against the Red Army German divisions, the Anglo-American troops were opposed by 81.5 German divisions;

The Red Army defeated 507 Nazi and 100 allied divisions, almost 3.5 times more than the allies on all fronts of World War II.

On the Soviet-German front, the German armed forces suffered more than 73% losses. The bulk of them were destroyed here military equipment Wehrmacht: more than 75% of aircraft, 75% of tanks and assault guns, 74% of artillery pieces.

German data (not Soviet) indicate that more than 80% of all German military losses occurred on the eastern German-Soviet front and only 20% from coalitions consisting of the USA, England, France and everyone else from 47 countries.

These data convincingly show that our country made the most significant contribution to the Victory.

Third group

St. George's Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George's Cross, the Order of Glory, the St. George's Medal and the medal "For Victory over Germany", which was included in the Soviet award system under the name "Guards Ribbon" as special sign differences. The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean "smoke and flame" and are a sign of the soldier's personal valor on the battlefield.

The St. George Ribbon is associated with the Order of St. George the Victorious. And the Holy Great Martyr George is considered the patron and protector of the Orthodox army. It is symbolic that in 1945, Holy Easter Day (May 6) coincided with the day of celebration of the memory of the Holy Great Martyr George. And it was on this day that the Victory Banner was raised over the Reichstag. In this coincidence, believers see a sign of God's Providence.

“On the same day as the commander’s Order of Victory, the most honorable soldier’s award appeared - the Order of Glory of three degrees. It could be awarded to soldiers, sergeants and foremen, as well as junior lieutenants in aviation, for personal feats in combat, and the award was carried out sequentially - first with the third degree, then with the second degree and, finally, with the first. Both the grounds for the award and the procedure for issuing the award (in degrees) are very reminiscent of the statute of the soldier’s St. George Cross of pre-revolutionary times. Moreover, even the ribbon of the Order of Glory was deliberately taken by the artist N.I. Moskalev black and orange, Georgievskaya.”

So the St. George ribbon is directly related to the Great Patriotic War. In addition, it emphasizes the connection with the traditions of Russian soldiers.

Classroom teacher. Always, at all times, truth walks the earth as a shadow behind a lie. Always, at all times, there will be scoundrels and heroes, brave men and cowards, fools and wise men. Corruption and unscrupulousness are as old as nobility and mercy. And this is not the first and not the last time Russia feeds traitors and receives slaps in the face from those to whom it was a mother. Responding to such accusations, the author of a book about G.K. In Zhukov, the famous military historian Makhmut Gareev writes: “It is impossible to demand from every person that he be a patriot, but if the Motherland is foreign to him, then apparently, one can and should count on elementary citizenship, at least at the level of Maupassant’s Pyshka, who, although she was a woman easy virtue, but did not want to deal with the Prussians who occupied her country..."

IV. Minute of silence

Classroom teacher. “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered.” May 9 is a day of national remembrance. On this day, every family remembers its heroes; memorial services are held in Orthodox churches for soldiers who died on the battlefields. It is an ancient Russian tradition to name the names of the dead on memorial days. Remember, too, the names of those who died, bringing this day closer - the day of Victory.

I ask everyone to stand up. A minute of silence is announced.

(Everyone stands up.)

Classroom teacher. Please sit down. “For the sake of our honor and freedom” - this is what the defenders of the Motherland fought and died for. And if we forget their names, if we do not maintain respect for their memory, we will lose both honor and freedom.

V. Summing up(reflection)

Classroom teacher. Is there anything left in your soul after today's conversation? How can you express gratitude to the defenders of your homeland? Respect for our Great Victory?

Epigraph: Nothing is forgotten,

No one is forgotten.

Target: Expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War.


1. Fostering patriotic feelings among students and respect for the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. Improving the skills and abilities of searching for the necessary information.

3. Development of interest in studying the historical past of our country.

4. Introduce the history of our country during the Great Patriotic War.

5. Develop students’ speech and creative abilities; Encourage students' interest in works written during the Great Patriotic War.

Preliminary work:

Exercise 1: Expressive reading of poems by heart.

Task 2: Performance of patriotic songs.

Task 3: Collection of information about participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Task 4: Preparation of the presentation “Medals and orders of the Great Patriotic War.”

Task 5: Joint wall newspaper “Victory Day”.

Task 6: Back to the past “The History of the St. George’s Ribbon (mini-message).”

Event participants: 8th grade.

Equipment: Balloons, St. George's ribbon, flags, military-themed posters, wall newspaper, presentation (slide show), demonstration pictures “Hero Cities”, theme, epigraph on the board.

Class plan:

1. Opening remarks.

2. Reading poems by heart.

3. History of the St. George Ribbon.

4. Information block “Participants in the Great Patriotic War.”

5. Presentation of “Orders and Medals of the Great Patriotic War.”

6. Conversation “Cities are heroes.”

7. Performance of patriotic songs.

Progress of the event:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Opening speech by the class teacher: This class hour is dedicated to the memory of all those who died in the Great Patriotic War...

Exactly 71 years ago, the Great Soviet Army, with its blood and sweat, earned this victory for us.

May her memory be eternal

Keep about this torment

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren!

I haven't seen you - and I don't know

I read your names on the slabs.

The Ivanovs, Petrovs, Mikhailovs are here.

There are some from Smolensk, Ryazan and Pskov.

There are many fallen soldiers in the vastness of war,

Not everyone has obelisks in their memory.

This list is big, from A to Z.

The unknown soldiers were sheltered by the earth.

She is worried and pained - for the ashes of her sons,

Not according to God's rules, he is in it.

The earth is quietly crying - the pain is washed away by the rains,

They shouldn't have such obscurity.

And the earth asks us - listen to it,

So that all sons have graves.

Here, above the fresh hill, there is a cross from the grandchildren...

And nothing is forgotten, and no one is forgotten.

The last line of this poem became the epigraph of our event.

3. Reading poems by heart.

Student 1: People! As long as hearts are knocking.

Remember! At what price is happiness won?

Remember! Sending my song into flight.

Remember! About those who will never sing.

Remember! Tell your children about them.

To be remembered! At all times of the immortal earth.

Student 2: We didn't know those days

Scattering over the world, he entered every house.

We did not know war -

Our grandfathers told us about this.

We are all happy because we were born later.

Student 3: Front wounds hurt and ache,

Which marked the war.

We are with you, dear veterans!

Our entire country bows to you!

Classroom teacher: The integral attributes of this holiday were and are: the Victory Parade, Eternal flame and St. George's Ribbon.

The first Victory Parade took place in Moscow on June 22, 1945 at 10 a.m. on Red Square. Then there was a break to restore our Motherland. After the break, the Victory Parade was held every year on a larger scale.

In all major cities Russia, as well as in the Lenin Komsomol Park in Makhachkala, you probably saw the eternal flame. It burns in memory of all those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Another symbol of this holiday came into life after the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign 7 years ago.

4. History of the St. George Ribbon.

Student 4: St. George's ribbon - bicolor orange and black. It traces its history back to the ribbon to the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, established on November 26, 1769 by Empress Catherine II. This ribbon, with minor changes, entered the USSR award system as the “St. George Ribbon” - a sign of special distinction for a soldier.

Student 5: The block of the very honorable “soldier’s” Order of Glory is covered with it.

The black color of the ribbon means smoke, orange means flame. St. George ribbons occupy the most honorable place among the numerous collective awards of parts of Russia.

Student 6: This public event is dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The action has become traditional and is held from April 24 to May 12.

Student 7: As the organizers note, the main goal of the action “was the desire at all costs not to let new generations forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, what and who we should be proud of, who we should remember.”

Classroom teacher: Let's honor the memory of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

5. Information block “Participants in the Great Patriotic War.”

Over 4 thousand people from our region (Levashinsky) went to the front, more than half died defending their homeland. And this is just a small fraction of the dead. In total, more than 26 million people died in the Great Patriotic War.

For heroic deeds accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union - highest degree distinctions in our country - more than 11,600 people were awarded. Of these, 115 people received this high honor twice or more times. There were two of them from our district: Zulpukar Zulpukarovich Abdarakhmanov and Anatoly Nikolaevich Khutoryansky.

6. Presentation “Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War (slide show).”

There will be an image here: /data/edu/files/p1461115523.jpg (207x155)
The image will be here: /data/edu/files/d1461115576.jpg (204x157)
The image will be here: /data/edu/files/v1461115618.jpg (130x198)
The image will be here: /data/edu/files/o1461115693.jpg (207x155)

Student 8: Awards presented for participation in military operations of the Second World War and for special achievements at the front and in the rear: the Order of Victory, Lenin, Red Star, Red Banner, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ushakov, Nakhimov, Glory, Alexander Khmelnitsky, Patriotic War; medals “Gold Star”, “For Courage”, “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, “For the Capture of Berlin”, “For the Defense of the Caucasus”, “Partisan of the Patriotic War”, “For Military Merit”, “For the defense of the Soviet Arctic”, “For the capture of Budapest”, “For the defense of Leningrad”, “For the capture of Koenigsberg”, “For the capture of Vienna”, “For the defense of Odessa”, “For the defense of Moscow”, “For the liberation of Prague”, “ For the liberation of Belgrade”, “For the defense of Stalingrad”, “For the defense of Sevastopol”, “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945”.

7. Demonstration pictures “Cities are heroes”.

Classroom teacher: For heroic dedication, many cities of the Soviet Union were given the title “Hero City” (working with demonstration pictures).

There will be an image here:

Prepared by the teacher primary classes MKOU Secondary School No. 1. Izberbash

Class hour.


Creation necessary conditions, contributing to the education of younger schoolchildren patriotic feelings, the formation of one’s own civic-patriotic position and familiarization with the historical past of one’s people.


To cultivate the civil and patriotic qualities of a person and a worthy citizen of his country using examples of the heroic deeds of his compatriots;

Develop students ability to understand problems, reason, draw conclusions and generalizations

Develop skills independent work with additional literature and documentary material;

Promote development creativity and cognitive interests

Class: 4f

Visibility: video materials, posters about the Second World War.

Technologies: ICT – technologies (used interactive board- presentation, videos, audio recordings)

Preliminary preparation:

Learning poems and songs

Preparing a dramatization of a song "Three Tankers"

Selection of war songs, videos, audio recordings

Preparing the script

Drawing war posters

Office decoration


Subject class hour: "9th May- Victory Day» . Cool hour contributes to the education of the younger ones schoolchildren patriotic feelings, introduces the historical past of his people. Cool the hour was preceded by careful preparation. In preparation we took participation: teacher, students and parents. Posters about the Great Patriotic War were prepared, poems and songs were learned, a presentation was made, a group of students prepared a dramatization of the song "Three Tankers". A dance was choreographed to a song "Cranes",.I am like classroom teacher , wrote the script and helped prepare the groups.

This event contributed to the development of creative abilities and cognitive interests of students.

Progress of the class hour.

1) Introductory conversation


Guys, these May days our country is celebrating another anniversary Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Pride for the Great Great Patriotic War will never disappear from the memory of the people. Victory, from generation to generation we will remember those terrible years of the war in which more than 40 million citizens of our country died. Among them were not only soldiers of the valiant army, but also children, old people, and women. There is not a single family that would not be affected by this trouble: someone’s great-grandfather, grandfather, brother, father died, that is, the closest people in the world, so we must remember how it all happened.

It was the shortest night of the year. People were sleeping peacefully. AND all of a sudden:

War! War!

On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our homeland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them their servants and slaves. Started The Great Patriotic War. It lasted four years.

Levitan's appeal. (audio recording)

1 reader:

June... The sunset was approaching evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

2 reader:

June... We didn’t know then

Co school evenings walking,

That tomorrow will be the first war day,

And it will end only in 1945, in May.

3 reader:

It seemed cold to the flowers

And they faded slightly from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes.

We searched through German binoculars.

4 reader:

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still sleeping

Who knew that between peace and war,

Only about 5 minutes left.

The song is based on the poems of V. Lebedev-Kumach “Holy War”.

(performed by 1 group of children)

-Teacher: This song sounded like an alarm bell over the country in the first days of the war, when all Russian people believed that this test, which had struck so suddenly and crushingly, was about to end. But the war dragged on for years. Four terrible years...

5 reader:

Oh, war, what have you done, vile.

Our yards have become quiet.

Our boys raised their heads -

They have matured for the time being.

They barely loomed on the threshold

And they left, after the soldier the soldier...

Goodbye boys!


Try to go back.

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare no bullets or grenades.

And don’t spare yourself, but still

Try to go back.


Performed by boys in military uniform and girls in white dresses.

Teacher. Our entire people rose up to fight the German fascist invaders. Both old and young went to the front. Straight from school days. “Everything for the front, everything for victory» - the motto sounded everywhere. And in the rear there were women and old people. Children. They faced many trials. They dug trenches, stood at machine tools, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard. And it was even harder to wait for news from the front.

There's a song playing "Dugout".

Three boys depict "bonfire" fighters at rest. who write "letters".

Dear mommy!

Don't remember me in tears,

Leave your worries and worries.

The path is not close, the native land is far away,

But I will return to the familiar threshold!

My love is still with you,

The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear,

You are visible to me when I go into battle,

And I will respond to concern with heroism,

I'm far away, but I'll be back again

And you, dear, will come out to meet me.

(The boys fold the letters into triangles, get up and leave)

Teacher. The exploits of Soviet soldiers at the walls of the Brest Fortress, near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, and on the Kursk Bulge have become unforgettable pages in the history of the war. It was difficult, but the song helped me survive. Songs of the war years are especially dear to us.

Children perform a medley of wartime songs.

"Katyusha" (M. Blanter, M. Isakovsky)

Apple and pear trees bloomed,

Fogs floated over the river.

Katyusha came ashore,

On a high bank on a steep one.

"On a Nameless Height" (V. Basner, M. Matusovsky)

The grove under the mountain was smoking,

And the sunset burned with her.

There were only three of us left

Out of eighteen guys.

There are so many of them, good friends,

Left to lie in the dark -

Near an unfamiliar village

At an unnamed height.

"Oh, roads" (A. Novikov, L. Oshanin).

Eh, roads, dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety, and steppe weeds.

Whether it's snowing or wind, let's remember, friends,

We cannot forget these roads

Great contribution to victory and those who worked in rear: women, old people and children. From the age of 10, children helped adults. They cut hay and harrowed fields. Potatoes were planted and harvested. Many of the guys fulfilled double the norm. Pupils They collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers and worked in military factories. performed concerts in front of wounded soldiers in hospitals.

We were ten years old then.

We remember the night of the war

There is not a light in the windows,

They are darkened.

Who lived only 10 years,

Will remember forever.

How, after extinguishing the trembling light,

There were trains.

In the darkness the troops led to the front

Children - to the distant rear.

And the train at night without a whistle

I left the stations.

Women and old people harvested the bread. Flax, potatoes, worked on livestock farms. Everyone worked under call: "Work tirelessly" The workers of villages and villages worked from morning until late evening. Everyone tried to help the front in some way.

...Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

She lay on a woman's shoulders.

You walked, hiding your grief,

The harsh way of labor.

The whole front. What from sea to sea.

You fed me with your bread.

Chopped. She fed and dug. -

Will you really re-read everything?

And in letters to the front she assured,

It's like you're living a great life.

We are in different parts of the country seen:

Tanks frozen on an honorary pedestal

They defended their native land,

Sometimes they died with tank crews.

There are a lot of songs about tankers

Very heroic attitude!

She followed the tanker everywhere

Formation after formation came out to fight

Russian, Soviet, native

An army that is strong with tanks

The whole country, from edge to edge

Full of songs about tankers!

Where the infantry cannot go off-road,

And the dashing cavalry will not rush by, -

There a tank will crawl carefully on tracks,

Through trenches and road bumps.

The tank driver is famous for his long-standing military work,

And the iron war horse is covered in glory.

More than once in battle you have prevented trouble,

Threatening to deal with the power!

We remember the song from childhood "Three Tankers."

And we know that "Order in tank forces"

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast,

As long as the crews are in place.

There's a song playing "Three Tankers" (Performed by a group of children with a performance)

Teacher: Our entire country, the army and the rear have turned into a single battle camp.

And the people overcame the war.

The war is over and the whole world is relieved sighed: Victory!

The song sounds Victory Day» (Audio recording) Presentation for the song.

I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat Soviet soldier. Let's honor the memory of all those killed with a minute of silence. About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? Every fourth resident of the country died.

(Metronome sounds) A minute of silence.

Through centuries, through years, -

Remember! About those who will never come again -

Do not Cry!

Hold back the moans in your throat,

Bitter moans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!

As long as hearts are knocking, -

At what cost

Happiness has been won -

Please remember!

Teacher: 72 years of our Victory!

May dawn again.

And silently they walk across the planet, returned peace and spring!