On the appointment of a presidential scholarship. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation: how to receive, amount, calculation. Termination of scholarship payments

The Presidential Scholarship is not only financial support for some university students, but also an opportunity to recognize special achievements in their studies, aimed at stimulating further interest in scientific activities.

Students whose studies are related to the technological industry aimed at developing the economy of the Russian Federation are eligible for a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2013, our country has had a list of priority areas fixed in the Presidential Decree.

The scholarship is the main monetary payment that is awarded to students in accordance with the results of the final certification. A full-time budget student has the right to receive an academic scholarship from the beginning of his studies. It is limited to established periods, and accrual is made monthly. The main types of student payments include:

  • Academic. It directly depends on academic performance. You can receive it throughout the semester. Payments to students of budget departments monthly amount to 1 thousand 200 rubles. The amount of a scholarship to a technical school or college upon admission on a budgetary basis is 400 rubles. Its size may be increased depending on the student's performance. When is it charged? Before the start of the session.
  • Social. Assigned to students who need social support. It does not depend on their academic success. This subsidy is available to certain categories of citizens (orphans, citizens without parental care, as well as those with disabilities of the first two groups). This benefit is about 1 thousand 650 rubles.

What does it depend on? The results of the session may increase or cancel the scholarship. Increased benefits are received by students and graduate students of budgetary departments who completed the previous semester with positive grades. Students who actively participated in sports competitions, scientific research, cultural and public life Universities are entitled to an increased scholarship.

Who receives this benefit? A university student can hope for a presidential scholarship if he acquires a profession that is needed by the domestic economy. It can also be applied for by students who have achieved significant academic success or have special merits. We list the possible reasons for receiving such a subsidy:

  • Full-time education;
  • examination grades “5” for at least two consecutive semesters;
  • availability of a portfolio confirming the scientific activity of the applicant;
  • the applicant has copyright innovative developments and publications on relevant topics.

Holder presidential scholarship the right to do an internship in one of the European countries.

For the 2018-2019 presidential scholarship, the list of applicants is compiled by the academic council of the institute or university. It is agreed upon by the Rector’s Council and sent to the relevant government agencies. Then a decision is made to award the scholarship or refuse the applicant.

After all these events, the list is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. Here a decision is made and 700 undergraduate and 300 graduate students studying in the Russian Federation are selected. The selection of applicants is carried out on the basis of their knowledge, abilities and scientific achievements. Payments are set from the beginning school year. The deadline for submitting the list is limited to the first day of August. If the educational institution is non-state, but has state registration, the document is addressed immediately to the final authority.

A talented university student who studies at foreign country, is included in the list for a presidential scholarship after an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council. He should submit a similar package of documentation independently and take part in an open competition. For such students, 40 annual scholarships are provided, and 60 for a period of 3 years for postgraduate students.

The media provides information about the terms and conditions for accepting applications. At the highest state level, personalized scholarships have also been established (named after E. T. Gaidar, D. S. Likhachev, A. A. Voznesensky and other prominent figures of state and culture).

Registration regulations

At the end of the annual cycle educational process The academic council of each university compiles a register of applicants for scholarships from the president. How to get a? In order for the applicant to become its owner, the following documents must be provided:

  • statement about the applicant;
  • characteristics, signed by the dean;
  • a certificate confirming successful completion of the session or a duplicate of the grade book;
  • description of research activities;
  • copyright certificates for inventions and discoveries.

Scholarships for athletes

The state assigns various payments to athletes to encourage professionalism, improve performance and promote new achievements. Scholarship payments from the President are awarded to athletes who are members of the country's national team for the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games.

How much is the monthly presidential scholarship in 2019? It is equal to 32 thousand rubles. The purpose of the payment is annually approved by the order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia until February 15 in summer sports, and until June 15 in winter sports. The distribution of scholarships is carried out regardless of the age of the applicant, his official place of work or study. Applicants are selected by members of a commission created for this purpose.

How is the presidential allowance paid? Payments are made in the following order:

  • Winner of a gold medal, who earned it on olympic games receives a scholarship indefinitely.
  • Holders of silver and bronze medals received at competitions of the same scale are entitled to financial support from the head of state for a year.
  • The same medals at the level of the last world championship allow the athlete to receive a presidential scholarship for 12 months.

Presidential payments to universities and graduate students

This scholarship from the head of government is a special type of financial support for students. This year, full-time university and graduate students can apply for it, subject to state support and compliance with the following requirements:

  • a university student must study for at least the third year, and a graduate student must study for the second year;
  • two sessions in a row must be passed with “5” and “4”, with at least half of the grades being “excellent”;
  • having special academic achievements or scientific work(grants, publications, prizes at Olympiads and competitions, presentations at seminars);
  • a third-year student must study in the field of energy consumption, medicine, computer, nuclear or space technology, and the biochemical (pharmacological) industry.

Government scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis at any large Russian higher education institution. Anyone can apply for a scholarship as long as it meets the above conditions. After approval of the applicant’s candidacy, scientists of the university council can write an application and collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the grade book confirming that the session was passed successfully;
  • characteristics of the applicant certified by the dean of the faculty;
  • a copy of each diploma or certificate that certifies the winning of prizes;

publications in scientific journals. The scholarship is awarded for a period of 1 year for a university student and 3 years for a graduate student. Payments can be continued if you submit an application and collect the necessary documents.

Conditions for issuing the scholarship

The final list of applicants for financial support from the President is drawn up in the following order:

  • The compilation is carried out by the university’s OER, in accordance with the decision of the rector’s council agreed upon the day before.
  • The Russian Ministry of Education and Science officially announces an open competition for the right to receive benefits from the head of the Russian Federation.
  • The winners are determined by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, as well as departments and ministries of the Russian Federation, which include specialists, university teachers and prominent Russian public figures.

Presidential scholarship amount

Presidential scholarship in rubles for students - how much? The minimum amount of such a subsidy is: 2 thousand 200 rubles. for a student; 4 thousand 500 rub. for a graduate student. It may vary depending on the region in which the applicant is studying.

Compared to a regular academic scholarship, a government scholarship is a little more. But postgraduate students are predominantly adults, usually over twenty-five years of age. Receiving a postgraduate education involves only full-time study, so a graduate student does not have the opportunity to get a job in order to provide himself and his family with a decent standard of living. In 2019, the amount of the presidential scholarship should increase to 22 thousand 800 rubles. for those graduate students who are engaged in progressive research developments.

Termination of scholarship payments

At the end of the specified period for which they were assigned, payments stop. There are cases in which they can be terminated early:

  • Based on the recommendations of the university council, which previously included this student or graduate student in the register. If the benefit recipient has changed citizenship.
  • Upon completion of education or expulsion.

Non-state scholarships

In addition to government payments to support talented students, higher education institutions implement joint non-state scholarship programs with private individuals. So, scholarship program Vladimir Potanin is aimed at supporting promising students and teachers in the master's program. The amount of a master's scholarship from a philanthropist is 15 thousand rubles.

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But some support for young specialists and future scientific personnel is still provided.

The state pays scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in the amount and manner established by law.

What it is

A scholarship is a payment to a student from the state aimed at maintaining their social status and providing basic life needs.

In fact, the scholarship is paid only in state educational institutions, since the owner of such institutions will be the state.

Other institutions, even if they have the necessary certification and accreditation, resolve issues of student support on their own.

There are currently three types of scholarships available:

  1. Academic.
  2. Social.
  3. For graduate students.

Graduate students become eligible for a scholarship the moment the rector enrolls them in graduate school. Further, the fact of receiving a scholarship and its size will depend on the results of your studies.

Important Concepts

Scholarship This is a special social payment from the state, the purpose of which is to help citizens studying in educational institutions of various types (universities, secondary specialized education, etc.)
Postgraduate studies This is a special preparation of a person for protection PhD thesis for the purpose of awarding the degree of Candidate of Sciences
University Higher education institutions, which include institutes, universities and academies
Rector This is the head of a particular university who determines the main directions of the activity and educational process of the institution.
Foundation of the scholarship This is a set of factors in the presence of which payment is assigned to a specific person
Social scholarship This is a payment that is due to a graduate student or student in situations where he needs special help and support caused by factors beyond his control (for example, in the presence of a disability)

What size

The amount of the scholarship will depend on the graduate student's achievements, grades and success. Thus, the following types of payments are distinguished:

State This scholarship is considered a standard payment to a graduate student who is a full-time student and has all grades at least “good.” Its current size is 2637 rubles
Presidential Scholarship and Russian Government Scholarship Can be assigned on an individual basis and only to those graduate students who are engaged in important scientific research of national importance. The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for graduate students 2019 - 2019 will range from 11,000 to 14,000 rubles, the Government of the Russian Federation scholarship for graduate students 2019 - 2019 is set at the same level. However, it may be higher. So, for example, if research is important for modernizing the economy, then the amount can be 22,800 rubles
Increased state Those graduate students who accept Active participation in sports and creative life educational institution and they study well. The size will range from 11,000 to 14,000 rubles
Social Can be assigned as a supplement to the basic one in the amount of 2000 rubles if a graduate student needs additional social assistance due to the loss of a breadwinner, and other circumstances
Personalized It is also a supplement to the basic one. Its size depends on the industry in which the graduate student works. For example, a scholarship named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn is equal to 1500 rubles, V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles and so on

The number of graduate students who can count on the Presidential Scholarship is limited. It is assigned once a year to three hundred citizens.

To receive it, you must have significant achievements, as well as awards associated with scientific activity. The Presidential Scholarship is assigned in the following order.

Once a year, the academic council of a particular university determines whether it has applicants for receiving it. After that, applications are sent by August 1, and the results are announced on September 1.

Legal basis

The basic law that establishes the obligation to pay scholarships is. This fact is contained in Article 36.

It is established by law that only those undergraduate or graduate students who are studying full-time have the right to receive a scholarship.

The essence of such a payment is to support the student’s social status. The state also established that scholarships must be paid at least once a calendar month.

Grounds for granting benefits

The main basis for paying a scholarship to a graduate student is the fact that he is enrolled in the relevant training.

The graduate student receives a scholarship after the rector of the relevant educational institution signs an order

If all grades are not below the “good” level, then a standard scholarship is paid. A larger size may be established if there are other reasons.

Thus, the Presidential Award can be appointed if the scientific activity of a graduate student is related to important discoveries or research, and can also lead to the modernization of the domestic economy.

A social scholarship can only be awarded under the following circumstances:

  1. Loss of a breadwinner.
  2. Disability.
  3. Status recognition.
  4. Veteran or combat veteran status.
  5. Participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident or the fact of recognition by a person who suffered from this disaster.

For an increased scholarship, it is important that the graduate student has “excellent” grades and participates in the creative and sports life of the university.

Registration procedure

The standard scholarship is awarded to all graduate students immediately after they are enrolled in accordance with the order issued by the rector.

Further, everything will depend on how successfully the learning process goes. If, according to the results of the next intermediate assessments, a graduate student has all marks not lower than “good,” then in the next period he will also receive a standard scholarship.

The rector also appoints the scholarship by issuing a corresponding order. The Presidential scholarship is appointed by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. 300 citizens are selected throughout the country.

Applicants can be referred by any university, choosing from among its students. Applications are sent by August 1, and an order is signed by the President by September 1

The scholarship can be paid at the cash desk educational institution, and to a bank card. Often, a university enters into an agreement with a selected bank to issue cards for each student.

However, this does not mean that a graduate student does not have the right to change the bank at his own discretion - this can be done by submitting an application.

Only a graduate student who, at the end of the next semester, has grades no lower than “good” can apply for a scholarship.

If he receives at least one “satisfactory” grade, then the scholarship will not be paid until the end of the next period.

Existing varieties

The legislator has established several types of scholarships, each of which is awarded depending on the circumstances. Their size, as well as the order of appointment, differ significantly.

The basic scholarship that all graduate students receive before the first session is standard. Its size is quite small and in fact does not provide even the minimum needs

In fact, it is more or less normal to provide some kind of financial minimum only if you receive other types of payments.

Social scholarship for graduate students

A social scholarship is awarded only in certain cases when a graduate student requires additional support and assistance.

This may be disability, loss of a breadwinner, establishment of low-income status and other circumstances.

Wherein social scholarship can be assigned both in conjunction with the standard one and separately from it.

In other words, if a graduate student successfully completes the training process, then he receives two types of scholarships; if his grades are lower than “good,” he can only count on social scholarships, the payment of which is suspended in the presence of debts, but then after they are closed.


An increased scholarship is awarded only to those graduate students who successfully complete the training process and have “excellent” grades.

Also, those who actively participate in the creative and sports life of the educational institution can count on it. The order for the appointment of an increased scholarship is signed by the rector of the educational institution.


A personal scholarship is awarded from specialized funds, each of which serves to support undergraduate and graduate students in a specific educational and scientific field.

For example, the Solzhenitsyn scholarship is awarded only to those who study in literature and the Russian language and have particular success in this area, and Russian Railways annually selects applicants from railway universities.


The following type of scholarship can also be assigned - Presidential and Government of the Russian Federation. This is a special type of payment that can be assigned to a limited number of people.

Such students and graduate students must have significant success in scientific activity, awards and encouragement.

Additionally, an increased amount of such payments may be established if the scientific activity or development of the applicant can lead to the modernization of the Russian economy.

A Governor's scholarship may also be awarded, as well as a scholarship for the head of a municipality.

The rules for its appointment and calculation are determined in each subject or entity individually.

Do they pay in summer?

Standard or increased scholarships on summer period is assigned only if the summer session has been passed in full, with grades of “good” and “excellent”.

If it was not submitted, but was assigned for the previous period, it will be paid only for June.

The scholarship for July and August can be paid either in the summer, before the holidays, or in the fall, after they end. Which scheme will be chosen is up to the individual university to decide.

The social scholarship may not be paid for the summer period if the graduate student has debts. Moreover, after the debt is closed, it is paid for the period when it was not paid.

How to get a presidential

To become an applicant for the Presidential Scholarship, you must provide the following package of documents by June 1:

Letter of recommendation It must be signed by the dissertation supervisor. The document indicates scientific achievements graduate students and their practical benefits, as well as characteristics of a graduate student
List of scientific publications of a graduate student
Paper that confirms copyright For an invention created by a graduate student or a victory in an international scientific competition
Certificate confirming the absence of educational debt And also the absence of low ratings (below “good”)

These documents are submitted to the dean's office. After which, before August 1, the academic council must issue an order to send information about applicants to the President of the Russian Federation for consideration.

The presidential scholarship received legislative approval under the first ruler of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. At that time, it was assigned only to those undergraduate and graduate students who were considered gifted.

The meaning of its payment, both then and today, is the same - material support for the student.

What conditions must be met for a presidential scholarship?

  • In order for a candidate to be approved as a future scholarship recipient, several conditions must be met:
  • the first is noted above - the economic feasibility and importance of specialization; training in;
  • full-time
  • the student must undergo training for the third year, and the graduate student for the second;
  • the student must have a number of merits and rewards;
  • at least two semesters in a row must be completed with “excellent” grades”;
  • actively participate in scientific activities, which is confirmed by documents (certificates, diplomas);

A student who has already been awarded such a scholarship can, if desired, undergo an internship in one of the countries: France, Sweden, Germany. If the applicant meets all the criteria, he is included in the list of candidates, which is considered by the academic council of the educational institution. It is necessary to submit an application for payment no later than August 1 of the current year for approval of the scholarship for the next academic year. It is much more difficult to approve a list of candidates if a student/graduate student is studying in foreign university. In addition, such a laureate needs positive characteristic from the institution where he is studying. In this case, two departments are involved in the approval of future scholarship holders: the Ministry of Education and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council.

Presidential scholarship amount in 2018

What will the 2017-2018 presidential scholarship be for Russian students? Its size directly depends on the distribution of funds Russian budget to those industries that are in dire need of the latest developments.

The ratification of the presidential scholarship occurred at a time when the country was led by B.N. Yeltsin.

Then only gifted students and graduate students could count on it.

The payment has a single purpose - financial support, which the state tries to provide to any public sector employee receiving higher education.

What is this type of student incentive?

Only those students whose studies are related to the technological field aimed at economic development countries.

Since 2013, in Russia, in accordance with the order of the President, there has been a list of directions, which are paramount.

Size The stipend depends on the distribution of budget funds, that is, on how much a certain area needs specialists.

Range of amounts Presidential scholarships at universities are as follows: a student is entitled to 7,000 rubles, and a graduate student is entitled to 14,000 rubles.

The benefit is assigned on September 1 annually and applies to: a student - for 1 year, a graduate student - from 1 to 3 years.

The academic council or commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia can deprive you of your monetary allowance. Information on the procedure for issuing this type of monetary incentive can be gleaned from the Regulations on Presidential Scholarships.

Who is entitled to

A student can count on a presidential scholarship if he obtains a specialty that is especially necessary for the Russian economy, and also has achieved certain successes or has special merits.

Exists several reasons to receive this type of incentive:

By the way, the owner of a presidential scholarship has the right to undergo an internship in one of the following countries: Germany, France or Sweden.

Compilation list of candidates The academic council of the university is responsible for receiving payments from the head of state. After approval by the Council of Rectors, the document is sent to the ministry or department responsible for selecting the most suitable undergraduate and graduate students and making a decision on appointment or refusal of payment. When the above procedures are completely completed, the list will be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This must be done before August 1 of the current year.

If we are talking about a non-state university that has passed the state registration procedure, then the list is sent directly to the final authority.

An outstanding student studying abroad is included in the list for a presidential payment by agreement of 2 structures - the Ministry of Education and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council regarding cooperation between peoples.

For athletes

An athlete is an individual who practices a certain sport and also takes part in relevant competitions. In order to financially reward excellence, improve sports performance, and achieve new achievements, the state awards various types of scholarships.

For example, Presidential Decree No. 368 approves the appointment of scholarship payments from the head of state in relation to an athlete, coach and other specialist who is part of the Russian sports team for the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games.

Monthly amount named scholarship is 32,000 rubles.

The purpose of payment is approved every year order of the Ministry of Sports:

  • until February 15 for summer sports;
  • until June 15, if we are talking about winter competitions.

The distribution of the presidential cash allowance does not depend in any way on the age category of the athlete, as well as the place of his official employment or study.

The selection of candidates is carried out by a specially created Ministry of Sports commission.

The Presidential Scholarship is usually paid in the following order:

  1. An athlete who has earned gold medal at Olympic-scale games, receives payment for an unlimited time.
  2. Silver and bronze received under the same conditions give the right to annual financial support from the head of state.
  3. Receiving 1st to 3rd place within the last World Championship entitles the athlete to a presidential scholarship for 1 year, etc.

For undergraduate and graduate students

The Presidential Scholarship is a special type of financial support for students.

This year, full-time students can receive it, subject to government funding and compliance following requirements:

  • a student must study for at least the 3rd year, and a graduate student must study for at least the 2nd year;
  • passing 2 sessions in a row must result in at least half of the “excellent” grades (among others, only “good” grades are allowed);
  • presence of special achievements in studies or scientific research (for example, a prize in a competition, Olympiad, grant or scientific publication);
  • There should be a close connection between scientific activities and government priorities: nuclear and space technologies, efficient energy consumption, as well as any medical area.

The Presidential scholarship payment is assigned in accordance with with a competitive basis at any major university in the country. Anyone can submit an application provided it meets the above requirements. After the candidacy is approved by the academic council of the university, you can draw up an application in the prescribed form and attach to the council's conclusion, the following papers:

  • a copy of the document confirming successful completion of the session;
  • characteristics of the applicant certified by the dean of the faculty;
  • a copy of each document confirming the winning of prizes;
  • articles that have already been published in specialized scientific journals.

Duration of appointment
Presidential scholarship: 1 year for an undergraduate and 3 years for a graduate student. Continuation of payment is assigned in accordance with the submitted application and the collected package of necessary papers.

Terms of issue

The final list of candidates to receive financial support from the head of state is drawn up in the following order.

Responsible for compilation academic council of a higher educational institution in accordance with the previously agreed decision of the Board of Rectors.

About what will be held open competition for the right to receive a presidential scholarship is officially announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation through the use of the media.

The winners are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as departments and ministries of the Russian Federation, among which you can meet scientific experts, university specialists, as well as the main public figures countries.


Minimum value stipends from the head of state are:

The amount may vary depending on the region of education.

Compared to the ordinary one, the presidential salary is slightly larger. But we must also take into account the fact that graduate studies are completed by fairly mature people, often over 25 years old.

Studying involves only full-time study, therefore, a graduate student does not have the opportunity to find a job and ensure a decent living.

In 2019, the scholarship reached the level of 22,800 rubles. for those graduate students who are practicing advanced scientific research.

Registration procedure

At the end of the academic year, the academic council of each institution draws up register of applicants for a presidential scholarship.

In order for a candidate to become the owner of this type of payment, he must collect next package of documents:

  • an extract about the student indicating the candidate’s personal data;
  • characteristics signed by the dean;
  • a certificate confirming successful completion of all exams;
  • description of scientific activities;
  • documents evidencing the candidate's authorship of certain discoveries and inventions.

The decision to award a presidential scholarship to students studying abroad is made in accordance with the results of an open competition.

For information about presidential incentives for students in certain fields of science, see the following video:

In our country, students have been provided with financial support in the form of scholarships for many decades. It is not awarded to all, but only to some students admitted on a budget basis. Certainly, most of the possible payments are not so large, however, for those who have special achievements in education and science, there is a presidential scholarship, which differs from the rest in size. About, what will the 2016-2017 presidential scholarship be like for students of the Russian Federation,and the conversation will begin.

Types of scholarships

Financial support is provided not only to students, but also to graduate students and cadets. Material assistance can be social (assigned to children from needy families or after the loss of a breadwinner) or in the presence of significant success and achievement in education. In turn, the educational scholarship is divided into:

Conditions of appointment

The Presidential scholarship will be in 2016-2017was assigned to full-time students of the budget department if the following conditions were met:

  • From two years of study (students - over the third year, graduate students - from the second year);
  • For at least two semesters, the learning results must be 50% “excellent” and the rest “good”;
  • Special achievements in training or scientific research (prizes in competitions, olympiads, patent, grant, publications, etc.);
  • Scientific activities and education should be related to the most important areas for the state: nuclear and space technologies, energy saving and efficiency, medicine: technologies and medicines, computer technologies and information support.

Scholarship payments are awarded on a competitive basis in all major universities. Anyone can apply if the above conditions are met and the candidacy is approved by the academic council of the educational institution. Next, submit an application in the approved form, containing all the information about the applicant, the conclusion of the council and the attachment of the main documents:

A decision is made to award a scholarship within the quotas provided by a special commission.

This scholarship is confirmed for one academic year for undergraduates and up to three for graduate students. Payment may continue if the student or graduate student reapplies and is selected. For the period 2016-2017, the amount of the presidential scholarship is determined as 7,000 rubles for full-time students and 14,000 for graduate students. However, these are general figures. In some cases, especially

priority areasthey can reach 22,000 rubles.

Amount (size) of the presidential scholarship in 2017

may be increased, but it is too early to talk about this - the review takes place before the start of the school year. Most likely, an increase should be expected based on the size of actual inflation.