Regulations on the “five plus” program. Applications are now open for the scholarship competition “Five Plus Program “Reading Russia”

IN Lately Government officials are increasingly giving boorish lectures to people who find themselves below the poverty line. They teach and exhort, calling “to conscience and a healthy lifestyle.” There are many such examples, but let’s remember one, about “pasta”, which “always cost the same...” The Minister of Labor and Employment became famous for this statement Saratov region Natalya Sokolova. She added that the cost of living, which in the region is 7,241 rubles, is enough “for minimal physiological needs...”. And she promised to create a diet that would make everyone slim.

Today I will tell you about very slim guys from low-income families who live below the poverty line from birth and at the same time become the pride of their families, schools and regions. Because they all study excellently, win competitions and championships, study music, dance, draw, and read a lot. Their parents don’t live, but survive, because they have long forgotten what it’s like to get a manicure not at home, but in a salon. In general, go and buy something for yourself. Because then there won’t be enough money for a guitar, dancing shoes, a swimming pool subscription for your son or daughter... There won’t be enough money, no matter how you limit yourself. Children write about this in letters to their donors. The Creation Foundation calls donors the people who pay scholarships to schoolchildren. For six years, the amount was 3,500 rubles per month per child. In the new year, the scholarship increased to 5,000 per month - that’s 60,000 rubles per year.

Information from the official website of the Creation Foundation: “Five plus” is our regular program. Over the past six years, the number of children participating in the program has almost tripled - from 192 to 564 scholarship recipients. The “A+” program has become very popular both among candidates and among donors who pay scholarships to the children... We are proud to offer candidates for scholarship to our potential donors, and they, impressed by the success, hard work and talents of the children, consider them worthy of support and are happy to take them under their wing to help the kids achieve their dreams. The scholarship program is designed for children from 12 to 18 years old from low-income families. This means that each family member has less than the regional subsistence minimum per month...”


Misha Melenevsky is 14 years old, he lives in the city of Klintsy, Bryansk region, and studies in the 8th grade.

- What were you doing that I distracted you from now? — I asked him on the phone.

- Drew.

This is one of his latest hobbies, the boy draws fictional characters on cards for board games, which he comes up with himself. Most often the characters are medieval knights and peasants who need to go through dungeons and look for treasures. Whose character collects more than others wins. The games don’t have names yet, but there are dedicated players - a mother, a primary school teacher and an older brother, an 11th grade student. Misha always imagines how interesting it would be for dad to play, but he passed away two years ago from heart disease. Dad's brothers really miss him, but they do everything the way he taught them, and this gives the feeling that he is nearby, he has simply become invisible. And dad and mom always told them that “you can never sit idly by, there are so many interesting things in the world that you haven’t tried yet, time is a value that you can’t just while away…”.

Misha is always looking for something new for himself: for example, he learned to draw characters on his own, from videos. He practices table tennis, powerlifting, aircraft modeling, and ballroom dancing. He learns to play the piano, accordion and synthesizer at the Mosaic studio and performs solo concerts there. Misha also became the champion of a chess tournament at school.

- What do you want to become, Misha?

— I dream of becoming a programmer, creating my own websites and applications, helping people on the Internet...

Misha already had a donor, but this year he said that his situation had changed and he would not be able to continue paying the scholarship.

“If it weren’t for the donors, and both my sons had them, because both are excellent students and both have many different certificates of merit, I can’t even imagine how we would have survived,” says Misha’s mother Tatyana. — One teacher’s salary and two schoolchildren is very difficult. The eldest donor stays with him, and I really hope that a kind person will be found for Misha too. Misha is very responsive, helps everyone, works hard, tries hard.


Lyuba Petrova is 14 years old, she lives in Yakutia, in the city of Olekminsk. The biggest attraction of the city is the Lena River; there is even a monument to it in the form of a woman with flowing hair. But Lyuba loves the park most of all in the city, especially in the fall, she says: “There the trees touch the sky with their gold coins...” Is it difficult for her to be an excellent student?

“No,” Lyuba answers my question over the phone. “I spend two or three hours on lessons, I just don’t get up until I figure it all out.” Maybe now that I'm already in ninth grade, I'll have to spend more time. But I am interested in studying, I especially love biology.

Lyuba dreams of a profession related to animals and plants. And also about a laptop, but this, according to her, is “generally unattainable.” The family has three children, both father and mother work, both kindergarten: dad is a supply manager, a worker, mom is a junior teacher. But wages in the region are low; only the vegetable garden can save us.

Lyuba learned from her class teacher that excellent students and winners of various Olympiads receive a scholarship.

“Get your documents together, this is definitely for you,” the teacher told the girl. And Lyuba collected everything - she has prizes in school competitions in physics, biology, music and many certificates in volleyball, the girl is on the district team for this sport.


In order to become scholarship recipients, children write letters to the fund and send documents confirming their success. It is impossible not to quote a letter from 9th grade student Savva Ponomarev from Voronezh. He, like Misha, had a donor who also said that he would not be able to pay further. Here are excerpts from his letter (published with the permission of the author): “Hello! I am 15 years old. At the end of August I will already be 16. This age is quite difficult for me, because being a teenager means that you begin to have your own, rather complex ideas, the curriculum at school becomes more complicated, some kind of hormonal background increases, and as a result of this it may mood changes frequently. But, despite this, I still try to think sensibly and think about the actions that I commit ... "

Further, Savva writes about the city in which he was born and growing up: “Voronezh became the only city in Europe where the Germans failed to establish occupation power, not a single person signed up for the police or went over to the side of the enemy. No one!!!" He talks very warmly and in detail about the family: “We are six people: five children and a mother...” He talks about everyone. He starts with his younger brother Fedya: “He is 10 years old, he is cheerful and very mischievous, he is always jumping somewhere...” Fedya loves to swim, but he had to take a six-month break because his mother did not have money for a subscription. My older sister has a guitar, which Savva also learned to play, “but my older sister does it much better. Her name is Vlada and she is 17 years old. Now she lives in Moscow, studying at college. She took her guitar."

Now Savva doesn’t have a guitar, but he has a lot of activities that he likes. He goes to the “School of Young Chemist” club, to orienteering, and in this sport he already has the third adult rank. At school, Savva studies two languages ​​- German and French and teaches English on her own.

“I would really like to receive a scholarship from your foundation again,” writes Savva in a letter to the staff of the Creation Foundation. - She helps a lot in my Everyday life. Thanks to her, I can buy things that I really need, and not only for myself, but also for those close to me. With her help, I can feel like a person who can greatly help, support and please someone. This scholarship gives a small, but still power, which, if channeled into the right direction, then she can do a lot. Thank you for your great work, for the generosity of donors, for giving me such a good opportunity to be with you strong man..." - this is how an excellent student from Voronezh ends his letter to the Creation Foundation.

The apartment where Savva lives is two-room, boys live in one room, girls live in the other. And mom lives in the hallway...

While government officials tell us about amounts that are quite enough “for minimal physiological needs...”, everything, as always, depends only on us. If you have the opportunity and desire to become a donor and support talented scholarship recipients, please call 8 499 308-52-92 and program curator Yulia Lobanova. Details on the website of the Creation Foundation.


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The Creation Charitable Foundation has opened applications for participation in scholarship program for gifted children from low-income and large families"A plus."

The program provides a monthly stipend of 3.5 thousand rubles, which schoolchildren can spend at their discretion: on educational literature, classes with a tutor, a computer, a trip to enter a university, or on basic necessities.

The program is open to teenagers aged 12 to 18 years.

When selecting winners, school performance, participation in Olympiads, extracurricular competitions, achievements in sports and creativity will be taken into account.

To participate, you must send documents no later than September 10, 2018. More information about the requirements for competitors can be found on the organizer’s website.

The “Five Plus” scholarship program has been operating since 2006. Its goal is to help gifted children from low-income and large families, give them the opportunity to get the profession they dream of, and promote the development of their potential.

Scholarship program "A+"

We invite you to take part in the competition for a scholarship from the Creation Charitable Foundation

Scholarship program "Five plus" is addressed to gifted teenagers from low-income families, including large families, who, in addition to excellent studies, make progress in sports, music, and art. Its goal is to find and help as many of these children as possible, to promote the development of their potential, because the children’s ability to develop and follow their aspirations should not depend on the level of income in the family.

The scholarship allows children to purchase additional educational literature, pay for classes with a tutor, save up for a computer or for a trip to enter a university, and sometimes even the most necessary things - clothes, shoes, etc.

The program has been operating since 2006, and over 13 years the number of gifted children whom the fund helps has increased from 3 people in 2006 to 564 in 2019. Thanks to the foundation's scholarship, many children from the regions have a real opportunity to get exactly the profession they dreamed of.

The size of the scholarship from January 2020 will be 5,000 rubles per month, it is paid monthly, starting in January, throughout the calendar year. The program is long-term and allows children to participate in the competition annually. Each scholarship recipient has a supervising donor.

If you would like to take part in the program as a donor and support a gifted child, please contact program coordinator Yulia Lobanova by email or by phone 8 499 308 52 92.


Age of participants - from 12 to 18 years old (born 2001-2007).

Acceptance of documents to participate in the 2020 scholarship program is carried out from July 10 to September 10, 2019(last day for sending documents - September 10, postmarked). After the stated deadline, documents will not be accepted.

When determining the winners of the competition, not only academic performance at school will be taken into account, but also participation in Olympiads, extracurricular competitions, as well as achievements in creativity and sports.

Dear friends! By participating in a scholarship competition, you make a commitment At least once a quarter (4 times a year, but more often) send a letter to the foundation about your life, studies, and successes. The letter must be written by email and sent to This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. Lack of feedback deprives the scholarship holder of the opportunity to participate in the competition again and, accordingly, to qualify for payments in the next year.

Attention! Contestants who re-participate in our program provide a full package of documents along with other applicants.

To participate in the competition you must send the following documents.

Program "Reading Russia"

The Creation Charitable Foundation is constantly working to support the interest of children and adults in reading.

Life is not easy for libraries in our country. For the last twenty years their funds have not been replenished. And with your help we would like to fill the libraries with modern, classical and educational literature.

The Creation Foundation on an ongoing basis provides targeted assistance to more than 500 libraries in different regions of the country: books, video and audio discs, board and educational games, gifts for young readers, materials for creativity and handicrafts (in many places a library is also a cultural -leisure center).

You too can help by donating books, games and library equipment to the fund.

As part of the Reading Russia program (a program to support libraries in small towns and villages), the Creation charity foundation holds competitions for grants and valuable prizes.
We invite you to participate: public libraries in populated areas up to 12 thousand inhabitants.

Jury. The jury includes: a representative of the Foundation, teachers, journalists, and business representatives.
At the end of the competition, members of the jury select works for publication in the media, as well as for participation in various events of the Creation Foundation. This project is not commercial.

Competition "Treasures of a Big Country"

Contest “Treasures of a big country” is aimed at supporting children's creativity centers in small localities (no more than 15,000 people). The competition is held annually in the spring. Participants of the competition are Centers organized on the basis of libraries, rural schools, cultural centers, local museums, NGOs and other organizations involved in the development of children's creativity. The Health Tourism Association will provide grants for the development of a healthy lifestyle as part of the “Treasures of a Big Country” competition. Representatives of the Health Tourism Association as part of the jury will appreciate all the presented projects and will provide support to the most important and interesting programs.

The Competition has several nominations in the area of ​​" Healthy image life." Nominations: “Water is the source of life and beauty”, “Health - all year round”, “Health Day”, “Move more - you will live longer” (for more details, see the “REGULATIONS ABOUT THE COMPETITION”). The winners in each category receive a cash grant.

A competition for the “A+” scholarship has been announced. Deadline September 10, 2019.

Organizer: Charitable Foundation "Creation".

Students are invited to participate educational institutions and students of secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation at the time of submitting documents aged 12 to 18 years (born in 2001-2007) from low-income families. The candidate must have excellent and good academic performance (1-2 “B” grades are allowed). Advantages are given to candidates who are winners of olympiads, competitions, sports competitions at various levels, as well as excellent students.

To participate, you need to send two packages of documents: documents in electronic form by e-mail: [email protected] and a letter with a package of documents sent by regular or registered mail to the address: 105568, Moscow, st. Magnitogorskaya, 9, building 1, “Creation” Charitable Foundation.

By regular mail:

  1. Extract from score sheets with results school year, certified by the seal of the educational institution and the signature of the director.
  2. Certificate issued by social authorities protection for recognizing a family as low-income.
  3. An extract from the house register about the composition of the family, certified by the original seal.
  4. Graduates who have successfully completed school and are applying for a scholarship must provide a certificate of admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.
  5. Consent to the processing of personal data signed by the scholarship applicant or his legal representative
  • The best participants will receive a scholarship of 3,500 rubles for one year every month, from January to December inclusive, by transfer to the savings book account of the scholarship recipient or his legal representative.


1.1. The “FIVE WITH PLUS” program (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”) of the “SOZIDANIE” Charitable Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”) is addressed to gifted children from low-income families, including large families (low-income status must be confirmed by documents).

1.2. The program provides scholarships.

1.3. The scholarship is established to support children and adolescents from low-income families who have achieved success in studies, sports, and music.

1.4. The founder of the scholarship is the “CREATION” Charitable Foundation.


2.1. Candidates for the scholarship can be students of general education institutions and students of secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation at the time of application, aged 12 to 18 years (born in 2001-2007) from low-income families.

2.2. The candidate must have excellent and good academic performance (1-2 “B” grades are allowed).

2.3. Advantages are given to candidates who are winners of olympiads, competitions, sports competitions at various levels, as well as excellent students.


3.1. The Program scholarship is assigned based on the results of a competition held by the Foundation.

3.2. The results of the competition are summed up by the Foundation's Management.

3.3. The final list is approved by the Founder of the scholarship.

3.4. To pay the scholarship, the schoolchild (student) provides the Foundation with a completed scholarship application form.


4.1. The amount of the scholarship is established by its Founder and is 5,000 rubles monthly, starting from 2020.

4.2. The scholarship is paid monthly for one year, from January to December inclusive, by transfer to the savings book account of the scholarship recipient or his legal representative.

4.3. Program scholarships are paid only for the period of study in general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. When provided to a schoolchild (student) academic leave or expulsion, the Program scholarship is not paid.

4.4. The Foundation's scholarship within the Program is paid regardless of the scholarship educational institution and other scholarships.

4.5 The scholarship is paid to students studying only on a budgetary basis.