School quarter schedule. Singaporean scientists have found the cause of the development of a particularly dangerous form of cancer. How the school holiday calendar is formed

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According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012, school holidays are planned periods provided to students for rest. This time is also recommended to be used for various activities (excursions, hikes) and children’s participation in educational programs.

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” of December 29, 2012, school holidays are planned periods provided to students for rest. This time is also recommended to be used for various activities (excursions, hikes) and children’s participation in educational programs. The long-standing practice of establishing 4 types of vacations - for each season - continues to be successfully applied today. At the same time, amendments regularly made to the Education Law as part of the ongoing educational reform may be intended to somewhat change the established system.

Today in the Russian Federation the practice of establishing periods of school holidays is being tested. educational institutions. At the same time, the attribution this issue within the competence of schools provides for the provision by officials of advisory deadlines. Thus, legislators plan to evaluate own methods calculating and establishing optimal periods of study and rest, correlating them with modern conditions training. Thus, Russian schools do not receive a mandatory school holiday schedule, and paragraph 6 of Part 3 of Art. 28 of the law allows heads of educational institutions to independently set their deadlines (with the exception of Moscow schools).

It will be possible to talk about the pros and cons of such an innovation after a while, but one serious drawback is already being actively discussed by both parents and the expert community: the lack of a unified schedule for all schools makes useless the activities carried out by the traffic police and aimed at reducing injuries to schoolchildren (formerly the Attention program , children!” were traditionally held on holidays common to all).

School holidays in quarters and terms

Experts from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually bring recommendations on vacation dates to the heads of educational institutions. For 2017-2018 academic year For schools operating according to the traditional quarter scheme, the following schedule is proposed:

  • autumn vacation– 10.28.2017-11.6.2017;
  • winter holidays – 12/25/2017-01/9/2018;
  • spring break – 03/24/2018-04/2/2018;
  • summer holidays – 05/25/2018-09/1/2018

The Ministry recommended supplementing school holidays for first-grade students with another 9-day period - from 02/17/2017 to 02/26/2017. As in the case of the main schedule, schools have the right to independently make decisions on establishing the main and additional dates for school holidays.

The increasingly popular modular teaching mode, which provides for a “5+1” schedule (five weeks of study, one week of rest), is mostly practiced in metropolitan schools. For them, officials also developed their recommendations and proposed establishing rest days during the following periods:

  • 10/7/2017 – 10/15/2017;
  • November 18, 2017 – November 26, 2017;
  • December 30, 2017 – January 9, 2018;
  • 02/17/2018 – 02/25/2018;
  • 04/07/2018 – 04/15/2018;
  • May 25, 2018 – September 1, 2018

When drawing up a vacation schedule, specialists adhere to several unspoken rules that are designed to create a more convenient schedule for study and recreation. As a rule, the last Monday of the month is chosen as the first day of the next vacation, which allows:

  • “seize” weekends, thereby increasing the rest period for schoolchildren;
  • do not “break” weeks and do not allow short-term (2-3-day) study periods;
  • provide teachers with a more comfortable schedule for writing curriculum.

Autumn holidays 2019

In the current academic year, schoolchildren from most educational institutions in the country will be offered a holiday in the fall from October 28 to November 6. This period includes 4 official days off, which will provide excellent respite for teachers.

New Year's winter holidays in 2019

In the 2017-2018 academic year, it is recommended that schoolchildren be offered 2 weeks of rest during the New Year holidays. Moreover, thanks to the inclusion of weekends, this period will be not 14, but 16 days and, as is customary, will cover not only New Year, but also Christmas. This period also coincides with the long “vacations” provided for by the official production calendar, which means that parents of schoolchildren will have the opportunity to relax with their children. Let us remind you that additional holidays should be provided for first-graders this academic year - approximately from February 17 to February 26, 2019.

Spring school holidays 2019

Similar to the autumn holidays, in the spring schoolchildren will also be able to rest for 9 days in a row - from March 24, 2018 to April 2, 2018. In addition, the total number of school days at this time of the year will be reduced due to additional days off caused by public holidays. As a result, you will not have to attend school:

  • March 8,
  • 1st of May,
  • May 8-9.

Summer school holidays

Summer is traditionally completely at the disposal of schoolchildren, and in the current academic year, most of them will go on vacation from May 25th. For some, the first days of summer vacation will be associated with exams, or even with graduation celebrations. But one thing remains the same: students in grades 1-10 will have to start studying only after 97 days of rest - on September 1.

Autumn holidays for schoolchildren in 2019

The recommended dates for the autumn holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year will be communicated to the heads of Russian educational institutions in the spring of 2019. Following the generally accepted method of establishing the autumn holiday period, it can be assumed that the holidays will last from October 28 to November 5.

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Vacations are the favorite time in the life of every schoolchild or student. Already on September 1, sharing their impressions of the past summer, the children begin to make plans for the next weeks and months free from school. A vacation schedule allows children and parents to plan their vacation in advance, making it meaningful and interesting.

The school year will traditionally begin for schoolchildren in 2017 with the Day of Knowledge, which is celebrated on September 1 and this academic year falls on Friday. Of the 273 days of the 2017-2018 school year, 167 days the children will have to actively absorb new knowledge. The remaining 106 are allocated for vacations, holidays and weekends. On May 26, 2018, for schoolchildren who do not pass the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam, the summer holiday period will begin.

The holiday calendar for students and schoolchildren is developed annually by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, but it is only advisory in nature and may be changed by decision of the pedagogical council of a particular school. Therefore, the exact vacation schedule for the year must be checked with the educational institution where your child is studying. The decision of the teachers' council can only increase the number of days off for children. The grounds for providing additional days off from school are usually:

  • frosts, at a temperature of -25°C classes are canceled primary school, at -28°C, middle school and at -30°C, high school do not study;
  • cold in classrooms, classes are prohibited at temperatures below +18°C inside classrooms;
  • exceeding the epidemic threshold for diseases and introducing quarantine.

Quarantine can be introduced in a region, city or district by decision of the administration, upon the recommendations of the local health department.

Additional holidays are provided for first-graders. This makes it easier for kids to adapt to new conditions. Children are usually given additional rest in the middle of the third, longest school term. The decision on the time and amount of additional rest is made by the teaching council of the educational institution.


After a long summer holiday, children find it difficult to maintain a busy academic rhythm for a long time. Autumn holidays allow you to relax a little and take a break. In many regions, autumn holidays fall on the last days of the “golden autumn”. This academic year the holidays will last from October 30 to November 7. In 9 days you can get a lot of bright autumn impressions.


The January holidays for every child are a period of waiting for a miracle and a small Christmas story. A decorated Christmas tree, fun sledding and ice skating, Christmas gifts or a trip with your parents from the snowy winter to bright summer, every schoolchild will find something interesting for himself on his free winter days. You can accomplish a lot in 14-16 days. Winter holidays will begin on December 28, 2017 and end on January 10, then the longest academic quarter will begin. Depending on the school, the rest may be a little earlier, for example from 12/23/17 to 01/8/18, or vice versa later.

Contrary to rumors, the New Year holidays will not be canceled in 2018.


Many schoolchildren look forward to spring break with special impatience. Winter is behind us and most of school year. The bright spring sun is already warming up. A little more and the long-awaited summer will come. Spring break is scheduled from March 24 to April 1, 2018. 9 days of spring rest will allow you to gain strength for the successful completion of the school year.


The last bell marks the end of school for graduates, and for everyone else it is a signal for the beginning of the longest and most exciting period of summer vacation. They will begin on May 28 and end on August 31. Schoolchildren who have completed 9th grade go on vacation at the end of June. On September 1, tanned, mature students will return to school to continue their studies.

This schedule is relevant for schools that teach children in quarters.

Holidays in trimester schools

In schools with modular education, the curriculum is divided into trimesters (three parts per year, instead of four), a 5-week study period alternates with a week of rest. Winter and summer holidays in these educational institutions follow the usual schedule for all children. Recent studies show that this schedule is optimal for children.


The days of public holidays on which the entire population of the country rests are determined by decision State Duma. Some of them give schoolchildren additional days off, for example February 23 and March 8, while others fall during school holidays.

Student holidays

With the holidays, students are becoming increasingly sad: students are not provided with autumn and spring holidays. Each university determines the start and end period of study sessions independently. Typically, student winter holidays take place in late January and early February, and summer holidays begin in July. Sometimes the summer vacation time for students is shortened; after passing the required tests and exams, future specialists go to practice.

The holidays are a welcome time for children and a period of increased excitement for parents. Try to plan your child’s vacation so that he is not left to his own devices, find an interesting activity for the child during the vacation period, send him to a health camp, place him in a sports section, a camp at a school or a club.

A child, and especially a teenager, who does not know what to do with himself, can easily find himself in an unpleasant situation. Teach your child how to spend useful time free time. And remember, no matter how much the right words You didn’t say that personal example has the most powerful impact on a child.

All responsibility for the safety of the child during the holidays falls on the parents. Do not overburden your child with additional activities. Remember yourself as a child! Try to give your child the opportunity to gain new experiences, because they are the most vivid in childhood!

Every year, all schoolchildren wait with great impatience until the hour comes when they can finally take a well-deserved break from their busy school days. The very first autumn holidays 2017 academic year, give students the opportunity to take a short break and get away for a while from school activities.

Knowing the exact dates of fall break is extremely important not only for students, but also for their parents. By carefully studying the fall vacation schedule, adults can plan their own vacation in advance to spend time with their children or carefully consider a plan for children's entertainment.

Schoolchildren, in turn, will be able to pass all the “tails” and improve their studies before the end of the reporting period.

In order to find out when they start and end, you need to know what system of study and recreation is chosen in a particular school.

There are two educational systems in Russian schools:

  1. by quarters;
  2. by trimester.

If the educational institution has chosen a study schedule in quarters, then schoolchildren will rest as follows:

  • in autumn about nine days: last days of October, first week of November;
  • in winter about two weeks: December - the last days and ten days in January.

An additional week of winter holidays for first-graders and students in special classes - approximately at the end of February;

  • in spring seven days: end of March – beginning of April;
  • in summer three months: from June to August inclusive.

In the case of a quarterly study system, the autumn holidays will begin on October 28, Saturday, and end on November 6, Monday. The children will have a rest for ten days, since National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4, falls during these holidays.

Since this big holiday falls on Saturday in 2017, the day off is moved to Monday. Children go to school on November 7, Tuesday.

If the school administration chooses a trimester education system, students will study from autumn to spring inclusive for exactly five weeks, then go on a week of vacation.

And again five weeks of school and a week of vacation, etc. Thus, according to experts, it is better distributed study load, and students perceive the material given at school better.

As a rule, the duration of school holidays is 7-10 days. For Russian schools There are no normatively established norms that would clearly regulate the vacation schedule, which is why the vacation shifts by 1-3 days in one direction or another. The exact dates of school holidays are approved by the school council and fixed by order of the director.

Autumn holidays in the lives of schoolchildren

Many psychologists and social educators consider the autumn holidays to be the most important in the entire holiday schedule. You can’t just ask your child: “Well, when is school back?” and, having received an answer, let him go to all fours, which in our modern times is often limited to a room with a computer.

It is very important to support your offspring right now, at the very beginning of the school year, helping him to have a truly fun and unforgettable autumn break.

In autumn they don’t last very long and, after a long summer holiday, they seem like a joke to the guys. However, if the child is really distracted from homework during this time, computer games, had a good time in the fresh air, then he will return to school positively, full of energy.

We need to try to organize for the schoolchild such a break from his desk during the holidays so that he feels truly rested, cheerful, and ready for new achievements.

Holidays, regardless of the time of year, the most favorite time for all students. Both first grade students and school graduates are waiting for them. The 2017-2018 school year St. Petersburg holidays, which all young St. Petersburg residents dream of, are no exception.

During the holidays, you can play a variety of exciting games with your peers, go out of town and enjoy nature, and also visit loved ones living in another city.

When do school holidays start?

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation draws up a schedule of school holidays, which is advisory in nature. Educational institutions develop their vacation schedules, taking into account the recommendations of a higher authority.

The question arises: why is this procedure repeated every year? The answer to this question is very simple. Weekends and holidays change every year, which requires constant adjustment of the educational process. Agree that it is not logical to set the start of the holidays on some holiday or day off.

At the beginning of each school period, the developed schedules are approved by the administration of educational institutions and brought to the attention of all students and their parents.

In different educational organizations Vacation dates may differ, despite the fact that teaching is conducted according to the same program. This applies to both the city of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Education. This procedure takes place six months before the start of the educational process.

At the same time, this does not prevent you from independently calculating the beginning and end of the holidays, taking into account recent experience. In this process, it is important to take into account the dates of holidays and weekends, as well as the form of education at school.

Currently, two forms of education are common in schools in the Russian Federation:

  • by quarters;
  • by trimester.

Training by trimesters

If the old system has already been tested and is known to everyone, then the new form of training in trimesters is just beginning to operate in the Russian Federation. Let's try to figure out what its specifics are.

This training system was developed by Russian specialists involved in hygiene and training students in the Russian Federation. Scientists from a special research institute noticed that after five weeks of the educational process, students’ assimilation sharply decreases. This was the reason for the development new system training. At present, it is impossible to clearly assess the effectiveness new form. So far there are interim research results on this matter. Time will tell whether the choice of the trimester system was correct.

Vacation schedule for schools teaching in quarters

First in the academic year 2017-2018. there will be autumn holidays. They will begin at the end of October and last until the beginning of November. The end of the holidays during this period will be affected by the Day national unity, which will be celebrated on Saturday 04.11.17. According to existing legislation, the day off must be moved to 11/06/17, so the autumn holidays will last from 10/28/17 to 11/06/17 inclusive.

Winter holidays in St. Petersburg will begin, as in all educational institutions in Russia, at the end of December and will last until 01/10/18. Usually this is the first working day after the long January holidays. Thus, taking into account the experience of past years, winter holidays for schoolchildren will be within the range: 12/25/17 – 01/10/18.

Children entering 1st grade will be able to take advantage of additional days off. This was done so that the fragile children’s body could fully recover and be ready to receive new knowledge by January 10, 2018. As a result, the winter holidays for first-graders will begin six days earlier - 12/19/17 and end on 01/09/18.

Spring break will traditionally begin at the end of March and last until the beginning of April 2018. There will be no holidays in the country during this period, so these holidays will depend only on weekends. Based on the experience of past years, spring break will take place from 03/26/18 to 04/01/18.

Summer holidays, as a rule, take a full three months. This is the most fertile time for all schoolchildren in Russia. You can forget about textbooks for a while and completely devote yourself to relaxation.

In fact, summer weekends are approved in different educational organizations in different ways. There are educational institutions where vacations last 2-3 months. In addition, there are educational organizations in which summer period certain tasks are given. We must not forget that there are always students who lag behind the existing curriculum, so they are forced to improve their knowledge before the start of the next educational process.

Summer holidays should be spent meaningfully and profitably. If necessary, you can help your parents with household chores or start learning something new. You need to skillfully plan your free time in order to not only gain strength, but also do something useful.

Holidays in schools with training in trimesters

In such educational institutions, calculating vacation dates is much easier than in standard schools. Here training is conducted according to the 5+1 formula. Five weeks go by educational process, after which a week-long vacation begins. That is, every 35 days alternate with a week-long vacation. The exception is winter holidays. Here they completely coincide with schools in which training takes place in quarters.

The following table gives an idea of ​​what holidays look like in a trimester school:

Holidays Term
Autumn 09.10.17 – 15.10.17 and 20.11.17-26.11.17
Winter 12/25/17 – 01/08/18 and 02/19/18 – 02/25/18
Spring 09.04.18 – 15.04.18
Summer 01.06.18 – 31.08.18

Possible deviations in the vacation schedule

Recently, schoolchildren from different cities of Russia have noticed that their vacation dates do not coincide. This may be due to many reasons, including the fact that in many schools in the Russian Federation educational process goes at different speeds. That is, alone educational establishments conduct training according to the schedule, others go ahead, and still others lag behind the established pace of the educational process. The latter may be due to various force majeure circumstances. It can be:

  • severe frosts, which were observed more than once in Siberia;
  • floods are not uncommon in Far East;
  • epidemics of influenza and other diseases affecting last years Ural and Central regions of Russia.

Missing classes for the above reasons can significantly disrupt the educational schedule and cause not only a postponement of the start of the holidays, but even a reduction in them. For any changes to the vacation schedule, the opinions of teachers and, if necessary, the parent committee of the educational institution are taken into account.

The children had four holidays a year and the longest holidays were summer, three months of freedom. in Moscow: the table helps everyone check it, because now the schedule “floats” every year.

There is probably no child in the country who does not anxiously watch the calendar, counting how many weeks are left before the holidays. Teachers also don’t let you forget; it’s important for them that the children pass their “tails” before rest and work out all the gaps. After all, at the end of the quarter, everyone receives a final grade. Therefore, subject teachers assign tests shortly before the holidays. True, just a few years ago the schedule was constant and approved, both teachers, students and parents knew it. But now he “floats” every year. Why does this happen and when to plan a vacation for children in 2017?

Reasons for the new “floating” schedule

Modern Russian laws speak directly - there is currently no approved, unified schedule for school classes and holidays. The Ministry has given schools the right to independently plan the number of days of rest and activities for children. How long will the short vacation periods last, how long will you rest in the summer? As do all extracurricular activities, such as summer detention.

Parents need to know one thing: when choosing a school for a child, find out what system they teach there. Traditional, where there are four quarters in a year and, accordingly, they rest as all schoolchildren used to do, or modular (when children study for five weeks and rest for one). Vacations 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: each option has its own table and clear dates for the upcoming holidays are established. This is the situation in Moscow itself. Every year, educational authorities provide the regions with written recommendations setting the dates for the duration of the holidays. But these are only recommendations, not clear orders. The final decision rests with school administrations.

After which the last, final quarter will begin on April 3. Usually teachers remind the children that this is the last push and they need to try to get good annual grades. It does not last long, traditionally until May (the school administration itself decides when the last school day will come, because then perhaps some extracurricular activities will be planned for last call and you need to agree on a time for preparation), but usually the end of the school year falls on the period from May 21 to May 31, after which the children will be released for three whole months.

Training schedule for modular schools with the “5+1” mode

This recently adopted innovation, along with the Western example of education, where children in some gymnasiums study as students and rest only a couple of times a year, is practiced by some schools. Usually, parents will find out in advance the features of the educational process of the chosen school and the holidays of the 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: the table in modular schools will be as follows:

Autumn first October 3 to October 9;
autumn second November 14 to November 20;
winter first December 31 to January 8;
winter second February 20 to February 26;
spring April 10 to April 16.

With such a schedule, you can also plan a joint vacation with your child, as well as all his extracurricular activities. This way, schoolchildren can rest more often and the educational process is divided into smaller layers than their comrades from traditional educational institutions.

Schedule for schoolchildren for all quarters

Moscow schools, where the process is organized in the usual way and is divided into the usual 1 quarters, the children will rest as follows:

Autumn October 31 – November 6;
winter December 26-January 8;
spring March 27 – April 2;
summer (May 21-31) – September 1;
and additional holidays (for first-graders) on February 20-26.

Moreover, the latter was introduced recently, noting how difficult the educational process is for the little ones who went to kindergarten last year.

From whom can I find out the school schedule?

It is clear that there is no single schedule approved for everyone and each school (gymnasium, private institution, college) is forced to set its own work schedule. Therefore, it is impossible to find out accurate information on the website of the Ministry of Education on vacation dates. Parents are usually notified of the new schedule at a meeting on or shortly after September 1st when the PTA meets for the first or second time. Holidays 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: the table is sometimes posted on the notice board below and then it is available to everyone. But if this is not the case, you can find out your child’s schedule in different ways:

Visit your school’s website - yes, now many schools (not only private schools and gymnasiums) have their own websites. It contains the address of the institution, full name, all awards and features of the curriculum and, of course, the schedule. It is updated annually.
if your school uses a new electronic diary system through which parents can find out all the grades of their child. It contains not only the teachers' comments, but also the year's schedule. Sometimes teachers do not inform parents about the schedule, but they are sure to fill out diaries.

Vacations 2016-2017 school year in Moscow: table on the school website or on electronic diary available for download.