Effective time management: an effective technique for managing your own time. Audiobook Brian Tracy - how to manage your time The basis of personal effectiveness

Have you ever wondered how successful people manage to accomplish more in a day than they actually think they can? How do they do this?

The secret is not to do more things in a day, but to do the right things first.


The first thing you have to do to become a true master of time management and maximum productivity is to believe that you are one.

Brian Tracy argues that all the time management techniques in the world won't help you if you remain convinced that you're a bad time manager.

To achieve anything, you must program your subconscious mind to believe that you are good at time management and self-organization. When people ask you if you are organized - tell them you are! You have to start believing it and not go back to the opposite.

Becoming more productive and organized is a long process of getting used to. It obliges you to be purposeful, persistent and decisive. Change can happen - but you have to want it!


Now that you have been able to believe in yourself, you must understand what your values ​​are. If you don't have priorities, how can you set them?

To set your priorities right, you must have an idea of ​​your goals not only in relation to your career and work, but also beyond them. What are your values ​​and goals in simple life?

Without a clear and precise understanding of your common life values, you may end up pursuing a goal that does not serve your interests. After all, even if you get things done efficiently, you won't be able to stay productive in the long run.


The Pareto Principle is a concept that applies to many areas of life. Its meaning is that 20% of the work gives 80% of the result.

A prime example of this principle is financial well-being: 80% of the world's wealth is owned by less than 20% of the world's people.

Over time, you will see that this principle is especially pronounced in certain areas, so use it when setting your priorities.

Ask yourself: What is the #1 task this week that will bring you the most impact?

What is task #2?

As a rule, everything becomes immediately obvious, so you will immediately understand what needs to be done first. Start your day with this!


Are you having trouble getting started? The best way to be productive is to start working immediately. Start your day with the most important tasks. And to motivate yourself, just tell yourself: “Do it now! Do it right now!” Repeat this phrase 10 to 30 times with full enthusiasm. This will help you get started.


Constantly stopping work and then restarting its actions can require five times the amount of energy expenditure. You may become confused because you were interrupted and will have to reorganize and refocus to get ready to start working again.

If you can, avoid the distractions that lead to these stop-starts. Stay focused.

When it comes to multitasking, studies have shown it to be ineffective, even for the most technically adept individuals. You can achieve more by avoiding multitasking and focusing all your attention on work.


The worst distractions and evils for your time management are not things that are clearly unproductive. Although they play their role. However, the biggest evils are the things that you consider to be very important and productive.

Typically, these things are not important, but seem relevant. For example, they may include replies to letters, people asking you for help, advice, or requesting a cost estimate for a project. And all this while you should be working.

These “productive enough” things keep you from doing the most important tasks.


Delegate tasks to people who can do them better than you, so you can focus on what you do best. This is one of the best ways to use your time and energy.

If you intend to build a successful career and business, then this is very important for success and expanding your influence.

British millionaire Richard Branson says the key to success is the ability to hire the best people so that they do things better than you and trust them to do it.

Better yet, find someone who can do the job even better than you, if possible.

I hope these simple tips will help you overcome your time management problems!


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Brian Tracy

Manage your time and double your results

Chapter 1.

The basis of personal effectiveness

Hello, my name is Brian Tracy. Welcome to the world of personal effectiveness!

What you learn in this book can change your life. Putting into practice the ideas, methods and techniques outlined here can increase your efficiency and productivity, double your income, reduce your stress levels and make you one of the most productive people in your field of business.

All successful people are highly productive. They work longer and make better use of their time. They do much more than average person. They earn more and advance their careers faster. They are respected and appreciated by others. They become leaders and serve as role models for others. They inevitably rise to the top ranks of their fields and achieve maximum income. You can do the same.

Any of the tried and proven strategies listed here can be mastered through practice and repetition. Each of these methods, used regularly, will gradually become part of your habitual way of thinking and acting.

Once you begin to put these techniques into practice, in your work and in your life, your self-awareness, self-esteem, and pride will immediately increase. And they will begin to bring you invaluable returns for the rest of your life.

So let's get started.

Chapter 2.

Make a decision!

All positive changes in life begin with a clear and firm decision to start something new or stop doing something, to join a game or quit a game, to drag a fish or cut a line.

Determination is one of the most important qualities of those who achieve success. It is developed through practice through repeated repetitions until it becomes as natural a state as breathing. It's sad but true: people remain poor because they haven't decided to become rich yet. Many are overweight and short of breath because they have not yet decided to become thin and healthy. People waste time because they have not yet decided to pursue their own high efficiency in everything.

Decide today that you will become an expert at managing your time and your own effectiveness, no matter the cost. Make a commitment that you will practice these principles until they become second nature.

Push yourself to do what you need to do to become the best at what you do. One of the best definitions of self-discipline is: force yourself to do what you need to do, when you need to do it, even if you don't feel like it.

It's easy to do what you like. But when your soul is not in the mood to do something, and you still force yourself because it is necessary, at that moment you give a higher speed to your life and your career. What decisions do you need to make to start moving towards the top? Give an answer, take it or leave it, make a decision today and start moving. This alone can dramatically change your life.

Chapter 3.

Develop clear goals and objectives

The word clarity is undoubtedly critical to success. At least 80% of success depends on being absolutely clear about what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately, in 80% of cases or more, failure and disappointment befall those who have a very vague idea of ​​what they want and how to achieve it.

Oil billionaire H.L. Hunt once said that to achieve great success, you need the following. First, “decide exactly what you want.” (Most people never do this.) Second, “figure out what price you will have to pay for it, and be determined to pay it.” You can achieve almost anything you want, as long as you are willing to pay the right price. And the nature of things requires that you always pay in full and in advance.

There is an effective seven-point formula for setting and achieving goals that can be used in any situation. All successful people use this formula or variations of it and therefore achieve much more than others. You can do this too.

This is the formula.

First. Decide exactly what you want at each stage of your life. Be "definitely specific" rather than "vaguely interested." Decide how much you want to earn. What should your weight be? What kind of family do you want to create and what kind of lifestyle do you want to lead? The very process of clarifying your aspirations increases the likelihood of their realization.

Second. Write down your decisions clearly and in detail. Always think on paper. An unwritten goal is not a goal at all, but only a powerless wish. But when you formulate goals in your imagination and record them on paper, you are thereby programming your subconscious, where they are filled with their own energy.

Third. Set a deadline. A deadline is a “afterburner” for your subcortex. He forces you to take steps leading to your goal. If the goal is large, set intermediate deadlines. Don't leave anything to chance.

Fourth. Make a list of everything you need to do to achieve your goal. Add to the list as new tasks appear.

Fifth. Turn your list into a plan. Determine what needs to be done first and what second, what is more important and what is less important. After that, draw up a plan on paper with the same care with which you would create a design for your dream home.

Sixth. Proceed as planned. Do something. Do whatever you want. Get busy. Move away. Don't delay.

Action number seven is perhaps the most significant: every day, do something that brings you closer to your main goal at the moment. Make it a habit to work 365 days a year on whatever takes you forward. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you follow this formula every day.

Here's an exercise to help bring about change. Take a piece of paper and write down ten goals for the coming year. Write down your goals in the present tense, as if the year has already passed and you have achieved your goal. Start with the word "I". For example: “I earn so many dollars a year.” “I weigh so many kilograms.” "I drive such and such a car." The subconscious mind accepts instructions only in the present tense and only when they begin with the word “I”. After writing down ten goals, choose the main one by asking yourself the question: “Which of these goals, if already achieved, would have the greatest impact on my life?”

Draw a circle around your chosen target. Then write it down on a new piece of paper, set a deadline, prepare a list of necessary actions, turn it into a plan and start working on the plan every day until the goal is achieved. This exercise has helped so many people succeed. From now on you must adopt a strong goal orientation. Think and talk about your goals all the time. Write them down and rewrite them. Analyze them every day and constantly look for more effective ways to achieve them.

Brian Tracy

Manage your time and double your results

Chapter 1.

The basis of personal effectiveness

Hello, my name is Brian Tracy. Welcome to the world of personal effectiveness!

What you learn in this book can change your life. Putting into practice the ideas, methods and techniques outlined here can increase your efficiency and productivity, double your income, reduce your stress levels and make you one of the most productive people in your field of business.

All successful people are highly productive. They work longer and make better use of their time. They do much more than the average person. They earn more and advance their careers faster. They are respected and appreciated by others. They become leaders and serve as role models for others. They inevitably rise to the top ranks of their fields and achieve maximum income. You can do the same.

Any of the tried and proven strategies listed here can be mastered through practice and repetition. Each of these methods, used regularly, will gradually become part of your habitual way of thinking and acting.

Once you begin to put these techniques into practice, in your work and in your life, your self-awareness, self-esteem, and pride will immediately increase. And they will begin to bring you invaluable returns for the rest of your life.

So let's get started.

Chapter 2.

Make a decision!

All positive changes in life begin with a clear and firm decision to start something new or stop doing something, to join a game or quit a game, to drag a fish or cut a line.

Determination is one of the most important qualities of those who achieve success. It is developed through practice through repeated repetitions until it becomes as natural a state as breathing. It's sad but true: people remain poor because they haven't decided to become rich yet. Many are overweight and short of breath because they have not yet decided to become thin and healthy. People waste time because they haven't yet decided to be the best they can be in everything they do.

Decide today that you will become an expert at managing your time and your own effectiveness, no matter the cost. Make a commitment that you will practice these principles until they become second nature.

Push yourself to do what you need to do to become the best at what you do. One of the best definitions of self-discipline is: force yourself to do what you need to do, when you need to do it, even if you don't feel like it.

It's easy to do what you like. But when your soul is not in the mood to do something, and you still force yourself because it is necessary, at that moment you give a higher speed to your life and your career. What decisions do you need to make to start moving towards the top? Give an answer, take it or leave it, make a decision today and start moving. This alone can dramatically change your life.

Chapter 3.

Develop clear goals and objectives

The word clarity is undoubtedly critical to success. At least 80% of success depends on being absolutely clear about what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately, in 80% of cases or more, failure and disappointment befall those who have a very vague idea of ​​what they want and how to achieve it.

Oil billionaire H.L. Hunt once said that to achieve great success, you need the following. First, “decide exactly what you want.” (Most people never do this.) Second, “figure out what price you will have to pay for it, and be determined to pay it.” You can achieve almost anything you want, as long as you are willing to pay the right price. And the nature of things requires that you always pay in full and in advance.

There is an effective seven-point formula for setting and achieving goals that can be used in any situation. All successful people use this formula or variations of it and therefore achieve much more than others. You can do this too.

This is the formula.

First. Decide exactly what you want at each stage of your life. Be "definitely specific" rather than "vaguely interested." Decide how much you want to earn. What should your weight be? What kind of family do you want to create and what kind of lifestyle do you want to lead? The very process of clarifying your aspirations increases the likelihood of their realization.

Second. Write down your decisions clearly and in detail. Always think on paper. An unwritten goal is not a goal at all, but only a powerless wish. But when you formulate goals in your imagination and record them on paper, you are thereby programming your subconscious, where they are filled with their own energy.

Third. Set a deadline. A deadline is a “afterburner” for your subcortex. He forces you to take steps leading to your goal. If the goal is large, set intermediate deadlines. Don't leave anything to chance.

Fourth. Make a list of everything you need to do to achieve your goal. Add to the list as new tasks appear.

Fifth. Turn your list into a plan. Determine what needs to be done first and what second, what is more important and what is less important. After that, draw up a plan on paper with the same care with which you would create a design for your dream home.

Sixth. Proceed as planned. Do something. Do whatever you want. Get busy. Move away. Don't delay.

Action number seven is perhaps the most significant: every day, do something that brings you closer to your main goal at the moment. Make it a habit to work 365 days a year on whatever takes you forward. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you follow this formula every day.

Here's an exercise to help bring about change. Take a piece of paper and write down ten goals for the coming year. Write down your goals in the present tense, as if the year has already passed and you have achieved your goal. Start with the word "I". For example: “I earn so many dollars a year.” “I weigh so many kilograms.” "I drive such and such a car." The subconscious mind accepts instructions only in the present tense and only when they begin with the word “I”. After writing down ten goals, choose the main one by asking yourself the question: “Which of these goals, if already achieved, would have the greatest impact on my life?”

Brian Tracy

Manage your time and double your results

Chapter 1.

The basis of personal effectiveness

Hello, my name is Brian Tracy. Welcome to the world of personal effectiveness!

What you learn in this book can change your life. Putting into practice the ideas, methods and techniques outlined here can increase your efficiency and productivity, double your income, reduce your stress levels and make you one of the most productive people in your field of business.

All successful people are highly productive. They work longer and make better use of their time. They do much more than the average person. They earn more and advance their careers faster. They are respected and appreciated by others. They become leaders and serve as role models for others. They inevitably rise to the top ranks of their fields and achieve maximum income. You can do the same.

Any of the tried and proven strategies listed here can be mastered through practice and repetition. Each of these methods, used regularly, will gradually become part of your habitual way of thinking and acting.

Once you begin to put these techniques into practice, in your work and in your life, your self-awareness, self-esteem, and pride will immediately increase. And they will begin to bring you invaluable returns for the rest of your life.

So let's get started.

Chapter 2.

Make a decision!

All positive changes in life begin with a clear and firm decision to start something new or stop doing something, to join a game or quit a game, to drag a fish or cut a line.

Determination is one of the most important qualities of those who achieve success. It is developed through practice through repeated repetitions until it becomes as natural a state as breathing. It's sad but true: people remain poor because they haven't decided to become rich yet. Many are overweight and short of breath because they have not yet decided to become thin and healthy. People waste time because they haven't yet decided to be the best they can be in everything they do.

Decide today that you will become an expert at managing your time and your own effectiveness, no matter the cost. Make a commitment that you will practice these principles until they become second nature.

Push yourself to do what you need to do to become the best at what you do. One of the best definitions of self-discipline is: force yourself to do what you need to do, when you need to do it, even if you don't feel like it.

It's easy to do what you like. But when your soul is not in the mood to do something, and you still force yourself because it is necessary, at that moment you give a higher speed to your life and your career. What decisions do you need to make to start moving towards the top? Give an answer, take it or leave it, make a decision today and start moving. This alone can dramatically change your life.

Chapter 3.

Develop clear goals and objectives

The word clarity is undoubtedly critical to success. At least 80% of success depends on being absolutely clear about what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately, in 80% of cases or more, failure and disappointment befall those who have a very vague idea of ​​what they want and how to achieve it.

Oil billionaire H.L. Hunt once said that to achieve great success, you need the following. First, “decide exactly what you want.” (Most people never do this.) Second, “figure out what price you will have to pay for it, and be determined to pay it.” You can achieve almost anything you want, as long as you are willing to pay the right price. And the nature of things requires that you always pay in full and in advance.

There is an effective seven-point formula for setting and achieving goals that can be used in any situation. All successful people use this formula or variations of it and therefore achieve much more than others. You can do this too.

This is the formula.

First. Decide exactly what you want at each stage of your life. Be "definitely specific" rather than "vaguely interested." Decide how much you want to earn. What should your weight be? What kind of family do you want to create and what kind of lifestyle do you want to lead? The very process of clarifying your aspirations increases the likelihood of their realization.