Six steps to success. Realize that life will not change on its own

First of all, it is necessary to develop an individual game strategy. This strategy should suit your personality, take into account individual qualities. Decide what type of player you consider yourself to be: loose (such players play a lot of hands preflop and rarely deal) or tight (they deal more often than they play). Choose your preferred game: Texas Hold'em, Omaha or something else? Plan your poker future: Do you want poker to be your main source of income, or just a fun way to pass time? Only a clearly formulated strategy for playing online poker will allow you to achieve success. To do this, use the rules below.

Rule 1. The right way of thinking

Obviously, in order to win at poker, you must first want to win. If you are initially pessimistic, then you may not expect success. To achieve the desired result you need to put in enough effort. Only in this case can we hope for something.

Rule 2: Study the game

Many players, especially in online poker, are only superficially familiar with the game. Obviously, this knowledge is not enough for a profitable game. It is necessary to study theory, learn to bluff, and calculate probabilities. Deep knowledge of theory is a good basis for improving professionalism. Of course, you won’t be able to get by with books and articles on the Internet alone - without practice it’s pointless, but playing without the necessary knowledge is also nothing more than entertainment.

Rule 3. Financial strategy

Playing for money is a risk. And risks need to be managed. Even before the start of the game, you need to decide how much money you are willing to allocate for the game, what level of bets will be made, and so on. In general, it is recommended to set aside a bankroll that will be enough for about 200-300 bets. This approach will allow you to stay in the game for as long as possible.

Rule 4. Develop

It's impossible to know everything, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't deepen your knowledge of the game. Learn gradually, learn new strategies, develop new ideas. Continue reading books on this topic.

Rule 5: Study your opponents

Poker is not just a card game. There is a strong psychological aspect to it. In order to win, it is not necessary to have strong cards in your hands - you can win with the help of intelligence. To do this, you should closely study the game of your opponents.

Rule 6. Analysis

Every poker game – regardless of the outcome – is an experience. After each “battle”, analyze the reasons for failures and victories. Moreover, this applies not only to the cards themselves or financial strategy, but also to your interaction with other players, in particular, bluffing. Reflect on what you did wrong and what you did right, draw conclusions - this will help improve your level of play and make you a more confident player.

Throughout my life I have worked for myself. It suits me. I'm not afraid of hard work, and I really love money. But my career is like a game in two parts. The first movement was played at a frantic pace, as befits a young man with grandiose plans. It was fun, I made a lot of money, but it ended badly.

The second half is more measured, it also brings me pleasure and... is going well at the moment. Important difference is that now I feel at ease. I am happy, in harmony with myself and feel more complete. And I experience much, much, much less stress.

So what has changed? Changes themselves overtook me. I made a bad trade and lost everything. Home, business, self-confidence - a lot. And I realized that things didn't go wrong because of one wrong thing. decision taken, not because of bad luck - the reason lay much deeper.

No matter how you define the word “success,” its most important foundation is the way you think. My mindset wasn't just wrong, I wasn't worrying about it or taking the time to get it right first. This was a big mistake. In the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, I tried to build a pyramid from the top to the bottom.

1. Understand that life will not change on its own

When your life is not what you want, it is difficult to hide this fact. We need to choose another path: If you are wondering where you can find something better, then this is a sure sign that something is missing in your life.

2. Decide to act

Recognizing the need for change is easy. And to accomplish them is a task that requires courage. Just remember that you brought yourself to your current state. You wouldn't be here today if you didn't want or need change.

Anger or frustration is just evidence of your failure to resolve an ongoing conflict. Shakespeare has known about this since at least 1604. In his play" Measure for measure" Through the mouth of Lucio he said:

"Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could possibly win if we weren't afraid to try.".

So make up your mind. It’s better to do it and regret it once than not to do it and regret it for the rest of your life.

3. Believe in yourself

When I " broken" And " burned down", I lost the material assets that were in my life. But I did not lose my skills and business ethics. And although my self-confidence took a hit, I remembered Kipling:

"Be able to face victories and losses,
I harbor mistrust towards both

Much later, Arianna Huffington (who gained fame thanks to the Huffington Post website) realized the true essence of regression:

"We must understand that we will not always make the right decisions, sometimes we can be very wrong; realizing that failure is not the opposite of success - it is already part of success".

Believing in yourself, regardless of whether you are starting to do something for the first time or anew, is an obligatory and irreplaceable component of the mindset of a successful person. All successful entrepreneurs have this character trait. If it is not given by nature (and this is often the case), then it can be developed by changing your own way of thinking.

This, like many other things that are still unknown to you, but which you need to know, can be learned: There is a wealth of great material available online. Self-development is possible, and it is available to those who really want it.

4. Understand that not everything comes down to money.

We all need money. Most of us, if not all, love them. After all, they are the reason we go to work. They allow us to do what we want and do what we have to. Whether we understand happiness as simply freedom from worry or as something more unusual and expressive, money plays a rather important role in our pursuit of this happiness. But it is not enough to have only them. Not enough at all.

For the first half of my career, I only measured success in terms of money. You won't be wrong if you say that I had a lot of them. Seven figures were common, I changed every 4 months, I flew a helicopter and thought (at the time) I was doing well. Was I happy? Um... no. Believe me, the novelty of such things quickly ceases to be felt, besides, I was not free and did not have time for myself or for my loved ones.

I was a classic victim of my success. I created a monster, and at some stage it began to control me, and not vice versa. And then he bit me, hard. Now I'm older and wiser and I realize that happiness - lasting, true happiness - is a combination of its various parts.

Time is a limited resource, and it has to be distributed between these parts. - only one of them. The other parts for me are family and entertainment. Yours may be different, but the principle is the same. When there is a balance between them, it even brings pleasure. And your life as a whole seems happy and fulfilling.

5. Build relationships with your own business

Like any meaningful human relationship, your relationship with your business requires constant attention. Relationships do not appear out of nowhere; they need to be built and developed. Even the strongest marriages require daily effort. Pay time and attention to the needs of your business - and the results will follow immediately.

Especially at the very beginning, these needs will be significant. Getting a new business off the ground is hard work, and it will take away parts of your happiness for a while. But remember that the efforts made at the very beginning are an investment not only in the business, but also in your future life.

And when your business stops" on your feet" and it will go uphill, don't relax. Constantly evaluate and re-evaluate the needs of your business. At the same time, evaluate and recognize your own needs, while maintaining a balance between work and life.

This is especially important if you work from home. Fail to cope with this task and everything will suffer, not just your business. I say this from my own experience. Moreover, evaluate your business in the context of your own goals, motivations and aspirations. If it does not correspond to them, return to point 1.

6. Reap and enjoy the rewards

Enjoy your success. Encourage yourself. Take a vacation and enjoy your free time. Having fun is what fuels motivation and helps maintain relationships with own business. Do not give in to bad temptations and drive them away from you.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the most important key to success. If you like what you do, you will definitely succeed", said Albert Schweitzer.

And in order to support the spirit of victory in you and inspire you to new achievements, we invite you to watch a cool motivational video, after which change will become much easier! We promise!

To help with the positioning process, we suggest you ask yourself six questions.

1. Ask yourself what position you occupy in people's minds. Changing the consciousness of other people in our hyper-communicative society is extremely difficult. It is much easier to work with what is already there. When determining the state of customers, it is important not to give way to corporate egos. The answer to the question “what position do we occupy” should be sought in the market, not in the marketing manager. A way must be found to penetrate the minds of consumers; “attaching” your product, service or concept to something that is already in it.

2. What position do you want to take? Keyword here "occupy". Too many corporate programs report a position that cannot be filled because someone else is taking it. If you try to be everything to everyone, you will end up with nothing. Look better through a narrower scope. Create a unique position for yourself.

3. Who should you beat? If your desired position requires a frontal attack on the market leader, you can forget about it. Try to choose a position that no one has really captured yet.

4. Do you have enough money? The noise level today is extremely high. To be noticed, you will have to spend money. This is why companies like Procter & Gamble are such formidable competitors. When releasing a new product, they bet $20 million on it and ask the question: “What’s your bet?

5. Will you stick it out until the end? Positioning is a concept of cumulative property. It takes advantage of the long-term nature of advertising. Persistently, year after year, stick to one principle. Most successful companies rarely change their winning formula.

6. Are you qualified for your position? Creative people often resist positioning because they believe it limits their capabilities. And guess what? This is true. “Avis is the No. 2 car rental company. Why choose us? We try harder than others." Doesn't look like advertising. Looks like a marketing strategy presentation. In fact, it is both. Is your self-promotion consistent with your position? For example, does your clothing indicate that you are a banker, lawyer, or artist? Or do you wear creative clothes that undermine your position?! This kind of creativity in itself is useless.

Should we decide on the position ourselves or hire the services of someone who will position us? Only the rich can afford to hire an advertising agency. Everyone else must learn to work themselves. Learn to use an invaluable ingredient that only a stranger has. What does an outsider have? He has an ingredient called ignorance. In other words, he is objective. Because the outsider doesn't know what's going on inside the company, he has a better view of what's happening outside of it. In the minds of buyers. An outsider is naturally adapted to backward thinking, while an “insider” is much more comfortable with ordinary thinking.

On the other hand, an outsider does not grant magic. It is generally accepted that an advertising agency “creates.” And that the best agencies are filled with a substance called “creativity.” This is wrong. Creativity is dead today. The game Madison Avenue plays is called positioning.

Chapter 22. Positioning Games

Some people have trouble with the game called positioning because they are completely in control. They mistakenly assume that words have meaning. Letting Webster (one of the most famous dictionaries) control your life.

For decades now, general semantics has argued that words have no meaning. The meaning is not in the words. It lies in the people who use these words. The word "Volkswagen" does not correspond to the concept of an expensive mid-size car. “Audi” holds the concept much better. There is no need to insist that since a car is produced at the Volkswagen plant, then it should be called “Volkswagen”. Mental rigidity is the enemy of positioning. In order to succeed in this matter, you must have extraordinary mental flexibility. You must learn to choose and use words with as much regard for the tablets of history as for the dictionary.

Normal person constantly analyzes real world and changes his opinion depending on the facts. For most people this is a terrible headache. Moreover, how many will be willing to constantly change their minds in accordance with the facts? It is much easier to adjust facts to opinions. Crazy people first decide something, and then look for facts to “verify” their opinion. Or, more often, they agree with the opinion of the nearest “expert” and do not worry about the facts at all. (This is how rumors spread.) From here the power of a psychologically correct name becomes clear. Consciousness adjusts the real world to the name. “Mustang” looks sportier, “racier” and faster than the same car called “Turtle”.

But there are also limits. If a word diverges greatly from reality, consciousness simply rejects it.

Earlier time The “life” of a successful product was at least 50 years. Life cycle modern products are much shorter. Sometimes it is measured not in years, but in months. Change has become a way of life for many companies. But does change help keep up with change? In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Change is like waves in the ocean of time. In the long term, the flow is more important. Coping with change requires taking a long-term view. Determine your core business and stick to it. You must have in And denition. There is no point in building a position on a technology that has too narrow an application. Or on an outdated product. Or on the wrong name.

One of the most critical aspects of positioning is the ability to evaluate products objectively and impartially, to consider them from the point of view of buyers and consumers. You need someone to bounce your ideas off of. You'll need someone else with a fresh perspective on the fruits of your labor. Positioning, like ping pong, is best played with two people. It is no coincidence that this book was written by two authors. One serves, the other returns - this is the only way ideas are brought to perfection.

In politics, it is very easy to take positions on the far right (conservative) or on the far left (socialist). You can do this, without a doubt. And you will lose. The task is to find a free place closer to the center. Both in business and in life the most major victories those who find an open position near the center win. And not at the edges.

The book had a lot of publications, some of which were called “Positioning. Battle for minds." In my opinion, this second name is closer to English version– Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.

Achieving your goal directly depends on your desire. The more you want to achieve this goal, the more effort and money you will put into achieving it. Despite the banality of the situation, there are some rules, in other words, laws that regulate the entire process of achieving any goal. For convenience, these rules can be called steps, i.e. in order to achieve any result you need to take several steps towards your goal. In total, in order to work productively in your interests, you will need six of these steps. So, let's look at each one in order. First step: “Think big (ideal). Start small." This step is very important and very difficult. It implies that at the very beginning of your journey you must formulate your goal in advance. What do you want to achieve? What motivates you? It is these questions that you will have to answer for yourself as you begin the path to your cherished goal. Step two: “Explore and exploit as much as possible all the opportunities and resources that exist in this situation.” Undoubtedly, you cannot walk the path to your goal alone. Everything you want for yourself can and should be received from others. Resources to achieve your goal are all around you. Learn to take advantage of successful acquaintances, situations, and so on. Everything around you can become an excellent tool for achieving the desired result. Step three: “Involve as much as possible.” more people in the process of solving your problem." The most important thing at this stage of achieving your goal is not to be afraid. If you are sure that you know a person well, that you have helped him out of a difficult situation more than once, then why not ask him for help. Who knows, maybe he has everything you need. Step four: “Enjoy what you do.” Imagine this situation: you go to work every day with reluctance, and spend the whole day in one breath doing boring, sometimes irritating activities... Of course, by working, you bring some benefit to others and even to yourself, but you do not enjoy this work and so you won't strive for more. You will not be able to earn money for a vacation at the resort, you will not be able to earn money even for banal repairs in your apartment! Job should be fun and not a daily chore. Fifth step: “Calculate the next three specific steps to achieve your goal.” You may ask why? The point is that by breaking our goal into small parts, it will be easier for us to achieve it. The best option is to split our goal into subgoals. And to achieve the subgoal, the optimal option is three steps. That is, to achieve a subgoal you must take three specific steps. There are no rules governing partitioning. You must do this yourself. And finally, the sixth step “Take it and do it!” Surely each of us at least once was offered a worthwhile job for which we could get good money, but... for unknown reasons, we refused it. It is not so rare that ordinary laziness stands in the way of achieving your goal. If you really want to achieve the desired result, then don’t be lazy, because no one needs it, you need it yourself. Good luck!