Secrets of the planet Venus. The greatest secrets of Venus. Science in search of truth

Most of the spacecraft sent to Venus have landed at its higher elevations. But the Venera-9 descent module, which transmitted the first frames to the Center for Long-Range Space Communications on October 22, 1975, landed in a “lowland” on the mountainside. In this “pit,” the accumulation of heavy gases in the Venusian atmosphere created a unique microclimate with temperatures above 465 degrees Celsius. The image transmitted by Venera 9 is fundamentally different from what is visible on the plateau.

Firstly, large stones of various shapes and sharply varying sizes are observed up to the horizon. And on the left side of the panorama there are “shells”, somewhat reminiscent of earthly snake or cowrie shells. Of course, many researchers paid attention to these “shells,” but they also considered them to be stones. It did not fit into any logical framework that at such high temperature, pressure and an atmosphere filled with chemically active compounds, something living could exist. L.V. Ksanfomality in the book “Rediscovered Planets” calls them that: “stones resembling shells, obviously with a layered structure.” However, even then, assumptions arose that images of formations that did not fit into the category of stones had been obtained.

The famous morphologist Professor A. A. Zubov was the first to draw attention to these strange “stones” as soon as the panorama of the image fell into his hands. But who could then agree with the scientist that structures of the same type, turned by a slit towards the descent vehicle, can be considered as living organisms? A quarter of a century ago, scientists could not accept the hypothesis about the presence of living forms on a hot planet.

In mid-1983, it was discovered that there are bacteria on Earth that can live at very high temperatures and pressure. These proteinaceous life forms have been discovered in the vents of underwater volcanoes. Scientists from Oregon State have determined in laboratory conditions that “fiery” inhabitants from the craters of underwater volcanoes reproduce best at a temperature of 250 degrees and a pressure of 250 atmospheres. These bacteria feed on sulfur and magnesium, which are supplied to them in abundance by the underwater volcano. They feel good even at 400 - 450 degrees, but they cannot stand the cold and freeze already at 80 degrees.

The facts are as follows: on the left side of the panorama transmitted from Venera 9, strange “stones” of the same structure, resembling cucumbers, are visible. There are four of them, two in the foreground, one peeks out from behind a large stone, but this one is real, and the fourth “shell” generally opened up and released some kind of mass with a ball in front. Now let’s see how these formations differ from the surrounding stones.

All four “shells” have the same shape and the same size, which is typical for living creatures. The shells in question are round, elliptical formations; therefore, they cannot be classified as natural crystals. Another feature, most clearly expressed in the two front “shells”, is the slit of the same structure, with which they are turned towards the descent vehicle. Why don't these "stones" with a layered structure lie up or down? And the structure of the gap is also the same for everyone: on the left side it is wider than on the right, and on at least three “shells” a characteristic bend is visible, and above its wide part there is a small protrusion. There are no other similar structures of the same structure and size throughout the entire panorama right up to the horizon. Only the stones are really visible there.

The author of the book “The Emergence of Biological Organization,” G. Kastler, calculated the amount of characteristic information for a bacterium, that is, perhaps, the form of life to which the “shells” from Venus we are considering belong. According to his data, the probability of accidentally encountering a repeat form for bacteria is unusually small. But taking into account all the features of the “shells” - the slit of each “shell” is identical in morphological structure, the possibility of turning the slit towards the descent vehicle, the presence of a kind of ball at the bottom of each “shell” closer to the right end - it is likely that we are dealing with living creatures, increases significantly. It is curious that the closer the “shells” are to the descent vehicle, the more tightly the gap is covered.

The image also has some other features that speak of the mysterious nature of the “shells” from Venus, for example, they are all located in a primitive “dwelling” made of stones. A recess bordered by flat slabs forming a kind of square is also clearly visible. However, this is a single formation, and it could have happened by chance. A careful study of the image shows that all the Venusian “shells” are not covered with crushed stone, unlike the stones that surround them. This is an argument in favor of the fact that they are able to move. This assumption is confirmed by the fact that all the shell slits are facing the descent vehicle. Here one can argue: why then, during the transmission of the image, were all the “shells” motionless? The time during which the camera lens moved back along the panorama was eight minutes. That is, during this time the “shells” did not move. But here on Earth too various animals or insects, frightened by the appearance of a person, seem to freeze for a while.Some animals can generally remain motionless for a long time.

No assumptions can be made regarding the classification of “shells” yet. Perhaps these are huge overgrown bacteria or the remnants of a former life that once raged on the surface of the now hot planet. Confirmation of the existence of any forms of life on the planets solar system will bring a revolutionary revolution to our understanding of the Universe.

The study of Venus continues. It is possible that new vehicles being lowered to the surface of this planet will end up not only on plateaus, but also in lowlands, where conditions are completely different and where, perhaps, there is life that is still inexplicable to us. But we must not forget the joke invented by the earthlings themselves on behalf of the aliens: how can there be life on a planet whose atmosphere contains oxygen?

There is hope that in the near future the question of the presence of life on Venus will be resolved. This requires new landings of descent vehicles in the “lowlands” of Venus. It is possible that a “shell” from Venus will someday crawl on our earthly laboratory table in a hot thermostat!

Earth and Venus are two very similar planets, they have approximately equal size and mass, and besides, these planets are approximately the same age - about 4.5 billion years. There is an atmosphere. And, given that Venus is forty million kilometers closer to the Sun, the Sun does not heat there much more than on Earth. It would seem that all conditions exist for the emergence and development of life on Venus. Moreover, according to one version, entire oceans existed there several million years ago, but for some reason this did not happen. At the moment, due to the strong greenhouse effect, hellish heat reigns on its surface - approximately 500 degrees Celsius. It's even hotter here than on Mercury, even though it's much closer to the Sun!

There is a hypothesis that there was a highly developed civilization on Venus? But at some point the same thing happened there global catastrophe, as at the moment, according to some researchers, is beginning in our country. It is likely that the greenhouse effect will destroy all life on our planet.

She spins the other way

Venus rotates around its axis in a different direction than other planets in the solar system. For a Venusian, it would be natural for the sun to rise in the west and set in the east. Astrophysicists joked that Venus, as the only planet with female name, wanted to stand out among the “men” in such a unique way.

The joke existed until it became clear that Uranus was also spinning in the “wrong” direction. But for what reason the planets behave this way, scientists cannot really explain. The two main theories are a collision with a giant meteorite or some unknown processes in the cores of the planets.

A day is longer than a year

Another mystery is the extremely slow rotation of the planet around its axis and quite fast rotation around the Sun. As it turned out, the length of a Venusian day is 244 Earth days. But a Venusian year is equal to approximately 224.7 Earth days. It turns out that a day on Venus lasts more than a year!

There is a hypothesis that previously the day on Venus was much shorter. However, for unknown reasons, the planet's rotation slowed down. Maybe this mystery is connected with the next riddle.

Venus is hollow

The satellite images show this: above the South Pole of the planet, in the cloud cover there is a huge black funnel - as if atmospheric vortices are spinning and going deep into Venus through some kind of hole, in other words, Venus is hollow.
Naturally, no one seriously mentioned the mysterious entrance to the dungeons of Venus. But the mysterious swirling hurricanes over the planet’s pole are still unclear.

Is there life on Venus?

Astrophysicists are firmly convinced that there is no living life on the surface, where the temperature is approximately 500 degrees hot and the pressure is 90 times higher than on Earth. If the temperature on Earth started to rise like on Venus, we would all become very uncomfortable. However, you can cope with the summer heat by purchasing air conditioners in Bobruisk. Unless, of course, we assume the existence of some silicone fire salamanders that feed on the hot lava of volcanoes. However, from an earthly point of view, life can very likely exist in the planet’s atmosphere, at an altitude of about fifty kilometers. The temperature here is about 70 degrees Celsius, the pressure is almost like on Earth, and there is even water vapor. In addition, the study of Venus has shown that below 50 - 70 kilometers above the surface it is almost imperceptible ultraviolet radiation The sun - as if the planet is surrounded by some kind of film that absorbs this part of the spectrum. Therefore, researchers have hypothesized that at high altitudes there are microbes that absorb ultraviolet light, like terrestrial plants and some microorganisms.

Venus- a planet that is compared to the Earth and is even called “Sister of the Earth.” Venus is very similar to Earth, both planets have almost the same size and mass, and the age of these planets is approximately 4.5 billion years. On Venus there are some conditions for the formation of life: Atmosphere, optimal position from the Sun (the distance at which water on the planet may not freeze or evaporate in a normal environment). And nothing prevented the birth of life on this planet; according to scientists, there were even oceans there, but this either did not happen, or civilization died out due to a number of factors.

Secrets of Venus. Mystery No. 1

The secret is that it is subject to a strong greenhouse effect, which is now gaining momentum. Now Venus is a hellish planet, the temperature on its surface is about 500ºC, the temperature here is higher even than on the planet closest to the Sun - Mercury. The greenhouse effect is to blame. Venus has very dense clouds, these clouds allow light to reach the surface and prevent it from being reflected back into space. Because of this, the temperature on the planet is rising, and the temperature has also increased due to large quantity active volcanoes, at least 100,000 volcanoes (there are about 1,500 volcanoes on Earth). Therefore, it is impossible to be on the planet and life here is impossible.

Secrets of Venus. Mystery No. 2

Venus is a very mysterious planet and one of these mysteries is incorrect axis of rotation of the planet. All planets in the solar system rotate around their axis in the same direction in which they rotate around the sun - counterclockwise. Venus ignores this and rotates around its axis clockwise. But then, a planet was found - Uranus, which also rotates clockwise. Scientists explain this by saying that the planet collided with some kind of cosmic body, which influenced the rotation of the planet.

Secrets of Venus. Mystery No. 3

Another of the secrets of Venus is the relationship between day and year on the planet. We are all accustomed to the fact that in one year (one revolution of the planet around the Sun) there are several days (one revolution of the planet around its axis), and Venus does not behave like the other planets. Here a year is less than a day. A year on Venus lasts 224 Earth days, and a day is equal to 244 Earth days. It turns out that a day on Venus lasts longer than one year. Also, the secret of Venus is the absence of natural satellites. Was there once only one quasi-satellite known now ( cosmic body, which fell into the orbit of the planet for some time).

Secrets of Venus. Mystery No. 4

Is life possible on Venus? After all the above facts about the planet, we can safely say that there is no intelligent life on Venus. Due to the very hot temperature, it is simply impossible to live there; there cannot be water here due to such extreme temperatures. The days on Venus are very long, so to live on Venus you need to adapt to 240 days and 240 nights, which is not easy to do. Due to the high volcanic activity, Venus is essentially covered only with solidified lava and it is impossible to grow anything here. But, according to scientists, life on Venus can easily develop at an altitude of 50 km from the surface. The temperature there is about 70ºC, at this altitude there may be some protozoa.

Mysterious Venus

And although Venus has already revealed many amazing features to astronomers, nevertheless, despite the fact that it is located next to the Earth, it still keeps a lot of mysterious and mysterious things.

One of the mysteries is related to the problem of life on Venus. But since this has already been discussed, we will not touch on this problem, but will immediately move on to the next Venusian mystery - the rotation of the planet around its own axis. As we know, it occurs not in the same way as on other planets of the solar system, including the Earth, but in the opposite direction.

Venus continues to be a mystery to researchers

This means that the astronaut of the future, who ends up on Venus, will see a picture that is unusual for an earthling: the Sun here rises in the west and sets in the east.

At one time it was believed that this feature was characteristic only of Venus. However, over time it became clear that Uranus also rotates differently from the rest of its neighbors in the solar system.

But astronomers cannot answer why these two planets, contrary to the others, demonstrate such striking originality, although several assumptions have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. The two main versions suggest either a collision with a giant meteorite, or some unknown processes in the cores of these planets.

Another mystery of Venus is that its rotation is too slow around its axis and too fast around the Sun. Indeed, a day on Venus is 244 times longer than on Earth. At the same time, the Venusian year lasts only 224.7 Earth days. That is, a year on Venus is shorter than a day!

Scientists suggest that in the early stages of evolution, the days on Venus were much shorter. However, due to some processes, the rotation of the planet slowed down, which led to the current state of affairs.

The Venus Express probe, while approaching the planet, discovered another mysterious phenomenon. In photographs obtained from space, it is clearly visible that in the atmosphere of the planet above its South Pole there is a black giant funnel. It seems that the atmospheric clouds are twisting into a giant spiral, which goes into the planet through a huge hole. That is, Venus is a hollow ball.

Of course, scientists do not seriously think about the existence of an entrance leading to the underground kingdom of Venus, but the mysterious spiral-shaped vortices above the planet’s pole are still awaiting explanation.

In addition, this strange atmospheric formation has two centers that are connected to each other in a complex way. But it is known that almost any atmospheric vortex is formed around a certain center in which there is no rotation.

Scientists cannot yet solve another mystery of Venus: why does its atmosphere rotate 60 times faster than the planet itself?

As, indeed, the nature of the strange light spot that appeared on its surface in 2009. What contributed to the appearance of this giant “freckle”: volcanic activity or turbulent eddies in the atmosphere is still unknown.

Or perhaps the reason is completely different? For example, the appearance of a spot could be caused by the solar wind: a stream of charged particles ejected by the Sun, when interacting with the upper layers of the Venusian atmosphere, could well contribute to its appearance.

But, at least judging by the fact that the spot is especially visible in ultraviolet light, it did not appear as a result of a meteorite fall.

It should be said that spots on Venus have been observed not for the first time and not for the first decade, and yet it has not yet been possible to unambiguously explain their nature.

Another mysterious phenomenon our “neighbor” demonstrated to scientists in 2008. It was at this time that researchers of the Universe discovered a strange luminous fog in the atmosphere of Venus, which, after existing for only a few days, disappeared just as unexpectedly as it appeared. Astronomers believe that this phenomenon is most likely absent on other planets, including Earth. Most likely, it is some kind of feature characteristic only of the atmosphere of Venus.

Before this, in July 2007, in southern hemisphere Several cases of bright glow were also observed on the planet. And just a few days later, similar, but brighter glows were discovered in the equatorial regions of Venus.

Scientists do not yet know what causes this incomprehensible phenomenon. True, today it is still known that all these phenomena appeared in the upper layers of the atmosphere in areas adjacent to the equator, and also that they do not have a clear period.

In addition, there are hypotheses on this score. Most likely, scientists believe that the strange glow occurs due to high density Venusian atmosphere, which contains a lot of dissolved sulfuric acid. There is especially a lot of it in the clouds, which are located at a 70-kilometer altitude above the surface of Venus. Atmospheric processes occurring in these layers of the Venusian atmosphere lead to the appearance of sulfuric acid vapors, which rise even higher. It is there that, under the influence of sunlight, they begin to glow.

It’s just unclear what mechanisms cause sulfur oxide and water to rise to such enormous heights and interact there. Astronomers suggest that unknown processes occurring on the surface of Venus may contribute to this.

So, the planet closest to us keeps secrets, the solution of which is not yet within the power of man.

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