Universal educational activities blocks and types. Activities of the teacher in the formation of educational standards during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Presentation of the lesson system

Formation of universal educational activities.

In the context of new requirements taking into account the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC new normal life becomes in constantly changing conditions, which requires a person to be able to solve constantly emerging new, non-standard problems. To modern man one must be prepared for the fact that in life he will have to repeatedly change the field of employment and master new professions, therefore such qualities as professional mobility and the ability to continuing education acquire special significance. There are also increased demands for communicative interaction and cooperation, and tolerance.
An important condition for the formation of such personality qualities in modern school isproductive education, which involves a shift in emphasis from the teacher’s teaching activities to independent productive educational and extracurricular activities student, the transition from school as a means of transferring knowledge to the school of self-determination and self-development of the student. It is within the framework of productive education that it is possible to develop in schoolchildrenhigh level universal learning activities, providing the ability for self-education throughout life, for mastering new technologies and understanding the possibilities of their use, for solving problems and accepting independent decisions, to adaptation in the social and professional sphere, to working in a team.

The Federal State Educational Standard significantly expands the idea of ​​educational results. The purpose and meaning of education is recognized as the development of the personality of students, and under the new educational result This document understands both cognitive (educational) results and results relating to other aspects of the personality of schoolchildren, formed in the process of education - civic position, the level of their socialization, the system of value relations and orientations. The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of “universal learning activities” (UAL), ensuring not only the mastery by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within the framework of individual disciplines, but also the competence to “teach to learn”, the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

As it forms in primary school student’s personal actions (meaning formation and self-determination, moral and ethical orientation); the functioning and development of educational activities (communicative, cognitive and regulatory) in primary school undergo significant changes. The regulation of communication, cooperation and collaboration projects certain achievements and results of a teenager, which leads to a change in the nature of his communication and self-concept. Based on the fact that in adolescence the activity of interpersonal communication becomes the leading one, communicative learning activities take on priority in the development of educational skills during this period .

The task of the primary school is “to teach the student to learn”, the task of the secondary school is “to teach the student to learn through communication”,“initiate educational collaboration.”

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher not only transfers objective knowledge to students, but also promotes the development of their initiative and independence, organizes the activities of students in such a way that everyone can realize their abilities and interests, that is, in fact creates conditions in which it becomes possible for students to develop their intellectual and other abilities, experience in applying acquired knowledge in different situations(cognitive, social), i.e. development of their competence.

One of the effective ways to increase efficiency educational activities in the basic school is to involve students in design and research activities. Using various shapes of this type of activity in classes and in extracurricular activities, the teacher has the opportunity to work on the formation of all types of universal educational actions of students. Organization of design and research activities is a priority area of ​​the school’s work in the development of UUD.

Formation of UUD based on the use of design and research activities

General components of the structure of design and research activities

Formed types of UUD

(by priority)

Final results of participation in project and research activities


Individual work

Analysis of the relevance of the ongoing research (project).

Goal setting.

Problem formulation.

Selection of means and methods.

Planning work, determining deadlines and sequence of actions.

Carrying out design and research work.

Presentation of results.

Presentation of results

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Intellectual and personal development of schoolchildren.

Increasing their competence in the chosen topic.

Developing the ability to collaborate in a group.

Formation of the ability to work independently.

Understanding by students the essence of research and project activities.

When forming universal educational activities, along with traditional methods, it is advisable to widely use digital tools and the capabilities of the modern information and educational environment. Orienting schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and developing the ability to use them competently (ICT competence) are one of the important elements in the formation of universal learning activities for students.

ICT should be widely used in assessing the formation of universal learning activities. For their formation, the use of an information and educational environment in which teachers and students plan and record their activities and results is of utmost importance. Thus, information and communication technologies are tools for universal educational activities.

The technology of forming correct reading activity (productive reading technology) ensures understanding of the text by mastering the techniques of its development at the stages before reading, during reading and after reading. This technology is aimed at the formation of communicative universal educational actions, providing the ability to interpret what is read andformulate your position, adequately understand the interlocutor (author),the ability to consciously read texts from textbooks aloud and silently; cognitive universal educational actions, for example, skillsextract information from text.

The formation and development of UUD is based on a system-activity approach. In accordance with it, it is the student’s activity that is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education - knowledge is not transmitted in a ready-made form, but is obtained by the students themselves in the process of cognitive activity. Recognition of the active role of the student in learning leads to a change in ideas about the content of the student’s interaction with the teacher and classmates. It takes on the character of cooperation. The sole leadership of the teacher in this collaboration is replaced by the active participation of students in the choice of teaching methods. All this gives particular relevance to the task of developing universal educational activities in the basic school.

The development of educational learning in primary and secondary schools is advisable within the framework of using such opportunities of the modern information educational environment as:

. teaching aids that increase the efficiency and quality of training of schoolchildren, organizing operational consulting assistance in order to create a culture of educational activities in educational institutions;

. cognitive tools responsible for developing research skills by modeling the work of scientific laboratories, organizing joint educational and research work of students and teachers, the ability to quickly and independently process results experimental activities;

. telecommunications tools that develop skills in obtaining the necessary information from a variety of sources;

. means of personal development that ensure the formation of communication culture skills;

. effective tool control and correction of the results of educational activities.

The solution to the problem of developing universal educational activities occurs not only in classes in individual academic subjects, but also during extracurricular activities, as well as within the framework of over-subject programs of courses and disciplines (electives, clubs, elective courses).

Formation of UUD taking into account the forms of organization of design and research activities

Forms of organization of design and research activities

Formed UUD (priority)

During lessons:

Lesson - research

Lesson - laboratory

Lesson - creative report

Lesson - a story about scientists

Lesson - defense research projects

A Lesson in Open Minds

Educational experiment

Regulatory, cognitive, communicative, personal UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory, personal UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory, personal UUD

Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal UUD

During extracurricular activities:

Research practice

Educational expeditions (hikes, trips, excursions)

Personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive UUD

Personal, cognitive, communicative, regulatory UUD

Ensuring the implementation of a system-activity approach to the educational process is possible using various modern pedagogical technologies. Among great variety priority in use are such technologies that will allow organizing active cognitive activity of the student (both individual and in the form of different types of cooperation):

technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing;

technology of student project activities;

research method;

ICT - technologies;

problem-based learning;

discussion technology;

collective way of learning;

case technology.

Use of innovative pedagogical technologies

Educational technologies

Priority types of formed UUDs

Academic subjects (subject areas) on the priority use of pedagogical technologies

Project-based learning technology

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD


Foreign (English) language

Science subjects

Physical culture and basic life safety

Technology of problem presentation educational material

Cognitive UUD.

Mathematics and computer science

Science subjects


life safety fundamentals

Research technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD

Science subjects


Mathematics and computer science

Communication and dialogue technologies

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD




Science subjects

Technology for developing critical thinking

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

Science subjects


Mathematics and computer science

Modular learning technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD


Social science subjects

Case - technology

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Social science subjects

Educational game technology

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Physical Culture

The main principles of educational activities should be scientificity, accessibility, strength, visibility, connection between theory and practice, consciousness and activity, result orientation, cooperation, consistency, continuity.

The formation and further development of various types of universal educational activities does not occur within the framework of individual educational subjects. Compliance a certain system conditions, as well as the organization of various types of student activities to solve the same types of problems will allow each subject teacher to work on the formation of all types of UUD.

The main ways, methods and technologies for forming a student’s UUD


Methods and technologies for forming this UUD


Psychological trainings.

Business games.

Technology of productive learning.

Case technology.

Project technologies.

Master class technology.

Portfolio technology.

Enrichment learning technology


Collaboration technology.

Performance written works(reports and communications, analytical and reflective essays).

Business games.

Group work technologies.

Innovation laboratories.

Participation in competitions, olympiads and research and development competitions.

Technology of critical thinking.

Development of innovative projects.

Master Class.

Problem-based learning technology.

Developmental education technology


Psychological games.

Solving communicative speech problems.

Work in pairs.


Skill trainings.

Problem-based learning.

Lectures with feedback.

Active listening technique.

Paraphrasing technique.


Project and group activities


Method of supporting notes by V.F. Shatalova.

Psychological trainings.

Business games.

Distance learning technology.

Case technology.

TRIZ technology.

Problem-based learning technology.

Project technologies.

Self-education technology.

Technology of collective creative work.

Portfolio technology

Forms of educational activities as a condition for the formation of universal educational actions

Educational cooperation

The teacher perceives the child as an equal partner, an active, influential participant in the educational process, and organizes mutual communication and dialogue. Participants in the process are emotionally open and free in their statements. The child freely uses the help of a teacher or peers. With such cooperation, the teacher acts as an organizer who acts indirectly and not with direct instructions. Such communication is as close as possible to the child. Organization of work in pairs, groups, independent work using additional information sources. Educational cooperation allows you to formcommunicative, regulatory, cognitive and personal universal learning activities.

Creative, design,

educational - research activities

Artistic, musical, theatrical creativity, design, concept formation and implementation of socially significant initiatives, etc.

Work onprojects harmoniously complements educational process classroom activities and allows you to work on obtaining personal and meta-subject educational results in more comfortable conditions for this, not limited by the time frame of individual lessons. The focus of projects on an original final result in a limited time creates the prerequisites and conditions for achievingregulatorymeta-subject results. The joint creative activity of students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subject knowledgecommunicativeskills.

Personalresults when working on projects can be obtained by choosing the topics of the projects.

Control - evaluation and

reflective activity

Self-esteem is the core of a person’s self-awareness, acting as a system of assessments and ideas about oneself, one’s qualities and capabilities, one’s place in the world and in relationships with other people.

The central function of self-esteem isregulatoryfunction.

The origin of self-esteem is related to the child's communication and activities.

The development of self-esteem is significantly influenced by specially organized educational assessment activities.

Conditions for the development of the action of assessing educational activities:

*setting the student with the task of evaluating his/her activities (it is not the teacher who evaluates, the child is given the task of evaluating the results of his/her activities);

*the subject of assessment is educational activities and their results;

*the subject of assessment is educational activities and their results; methods of interaction, one’s own capabilities for carrying out activities;

*organization of objectification for the child of changes in educational activities based on comparison of his previous and subsequent achievements;

*forming in the student an attitude towards improving the results of his activities (assessment helps to understand what and how can be improved);

*developing the student’s ability to cooperate with the teacher and

independently develop and apply criteria for differentiated assessment in educational activities, including the ability to analyze the causes of failures and highlight the missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the educational task;

*organization of educational cooperation between teachers and students, based on mutual respect, acceptance, trust, and recognition of the individuality of each child.

Labor activity

Self-service, participation in socially useful work, in socially significant labor actions. Systematic work develops positive traits Personality: organization, discipline, attentiveness, observation. The work of schoolchildren allows the teacher to get to know them better individual characteristics, find out their creative capabilities, develop certain abilities. Labor activity allows you to formpersonal universallearning activities.

Sports activities

Mastering the Basics physical culture, acquaintance with various types sports, experience of participation in sports competitions will help to formvolitional personality traits, communicative actions, regulatory actions.

Forms of organizing educational space that contribute to the formation of educational learning.


Problem situation;


Peer education;

Free lesson;

Lesson on multi-age cooperation, etc.

Form of educational activity for setting and solving educational tasks

Training session

Place of various group and individual practices

Advisory session

Form for resolving problems of a junior schoolchild at his request to the teacher

Creative workshop

To organize creative team activity skills

Conference, seminar

Summing up form creative activity

Lesson at the small academy

Aimed at developing skills in project activities in subjects

Individual lesson

Form of organizing activities to build individual educational routes

Extracurricular forms

Place of realization of personal goals and interests junior schoolchildren.

The teacher’s task as an educator is to support children’s good initiatives and provide opportunities for their implementation.

UUD is formed through lessons, extracurricular activities, trainings, consultations, debates, non-traditional forms of lessons, olympiads, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, clubs, elective courses, group classes, seminars, scientific societies, student groups, projects, research, excursions.

At the level of basic general education, children are actively involved in joint classes, which makes it possible to organize the learning process at this level in accordance with the main task of the basic school “to teach students to learn through communication.” The use of various types of cooperation, taking into account the age characteristics of students, will allow organizing work to solve this problem.

Using different types of cooperation to form a UUD

Form of cooperation

Main components of cooperation

Formed type of UUD

Educational cooperation

The distribution of initial actions and operations, specified by the subject condition of collaboration. Exchange of methods of action. Understanding. Communication.

Planning general ways of working. Reflection.

Communicative UUD

Cooperative activity

Joint setting of work goals.

Collaboratively determine how to get work done.

Restructuring your own activities taking into account changing working conditions.

Understanding and taking into account the position of other participants in the work.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Multi-age cooperation

Working from the position of a teacher in relation to another.

Testing followed by analysis and generalization of means and methods of educational activities.


Project activity (as a form of cooperation)

Distribution of duties.

Rating your friend's answer.

Following the rules of working in a group.

Transition from the position of a student to a teacher of oneself.

Output individual styles cooperation


Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD


Forming your own point of view.

Coordinating the points of view of others with the subsequent formulation of a conclusion.

Formulating your own opinion with appropriate formatting in oral or written speech.

Conducting a mental dialogue with the authors of scientific texts (in a situation of written discussion) with subsequent obtaining information about views on problems.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Educational evidence (as a special way of organizing knowledge acquisition)

Proposing a thesis (statement).

Providing arguments.

Drawing conclusions (reasoning during which a new judgment is born).

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD


Formulation of a new problem as a problem with missing data.

Analysis of the availability of ways and means to complete a task.

Assessing your readiness to solve the problem.

Independent search for missing information.

Independent invention of the missing method of action.

All types of UUD

Universal educational actions can be formed only withfulfillment by students academic work certain typebased on the use by teachers of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students. Selection and structuring of the content of education, determination of forms and methods of educational activities - all this should take into account the goals of forming specific types of educational activities.

Pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD

Universal learning activities

Pedagogical techniques

Results of UUD development


Array assignment.
Let yourself be helped.

Going beyond.

Delayed reaction.

Catch the mistake.

Ideal assignment

Meaning formation is the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.
Moral and ethical orientation, including assessment of the content being learned. Self-determination.
Self-determination, meaning formation


"Protection sheet".

We discuss homework.


Login to the lesson.

The perfect survey.


Question about the text.

Delayed reaction.
Catch the mistake

Repeat with control.

Get to know the criteria.

Organization of work in groups.

Login to the lesson.

A revealing answer.

Traffic light

Self-regulation as the ability to overcome obstacles.
Assessment is the identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Forecasting, control, correction, evaluation. Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces, to exert volition.
Control in the form of comparison of a method of action and its result with a given standard to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Planning, correction.
Goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown. Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard to detect deviations and differences from the standard


Your own examples.


Fantastic supplement. The intersection of topics.
Let yourself help

Repeat with control.

Say “Yes” and “No”.

Chain survey.
Training test.
Blitz test

Search and selection of necessary information; reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity.
Independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature.
General educational universal actions - searching and highlighting the necessary information, structuring knowledge.
Logical universal actions: building a logical chain of reasoning; summing up a concept, deriving consequences.
General educational universal actions (reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity)


Mutual survey.

Organization of work in groups.
Say “Yes” and “No”.

Take advice

Planning educational cooperation with peers, asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information, the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts. Planning educational cooperation with the teacher, proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information

Description of pedagogical techniques Array assignment

1. Any of the levels homework the teacher can assign an array.
For example, a teacher gives ten problems (or, say, poems), from which the student must choose and solve (learn) at least the pre-agreed minimum amount of the task.
For each lesson, the children learned new words from the Russian-German phrasebook. The number was not limited: ten words - excellent, from five to ten - good. An important detail: during the lesson you need to speak not individual words, but ready-made ones. conversational phrases. First in Russian, then in German. They came to the table at will.

2. A large array of tasks is assigned at once - within the framework of a large topic being studied or repeated.For example, out of 60 problems, a student must solve at least 15, the rest are optional. And to stimulate this desire with relay control work, composed of tasks from this array. The more you solve, the greater the likelihood of encountering a familiar problem and saving time and effort. Such an array is not set for the next lesson, but for a longer period of time.

An important psychological effect: independent choice of task gives additional opportunity self-realization, because it is known how students lack this in the conditions of our school, especially in adolescence. And the academic subject, in turn, becomes more interesting to them.

Delayed reaction

After asking a question, the teacher is in no hurry to question the students. A certain amount is maintainedpause . This allows those smart kids who, due to their personal qualities, are slower to react to a changed educational situation to “catch up.” In elementary school, the student is often in a hurry to expressown self : pulls his hand up, sometimes without even having a ready answer to the question posed by the teacher. At the same time, a phlegmatic student (outwardly slow-witted), upon reflection, can give us a brilliant answer.

Catch the mistake!

1. When explaining the material, the teacher intentionally makes mistakes.

First, students are warned about this in advance. Sometimes, especially in the lower grades, they can even be told “dangerous places” by intonation or gesture. It is important to teach children to react quickly to mistakes.

2. The student receives a text with deliberate errors - let him “work as a teacher.” Texts can be prepared in advance by other students, including older ones.

Traffic light

In many ways, the problem of increasing the effectiveness of oral questioning is solved by a technique that we will call: “Traffic light”

A “traffic light” is just a long strip of cardboard, red on one side and green on the other.

FORMULA: when questioning, students raise the “traffic light” with the red or green side towards the teacher, signaling their readiness to answer.

The way the traffic light is used depends on the type of survey.

A red signal means “I don’t know!” This is an alarm. It’s as if the student gives himself a bad grade, even if it doesn’t go into the journal.

Green signal - “I know!”

Going beyond:

In the course of constructing a lesson, the teacher goes beyond the boundaries of the textbook and the subject, harmoniously weaving into the fabric of the lesson latest events, examples from the surrounding reality, scenes from popular cartoons (for example, when studying the topic “ Healthy image Life" discusses one of the episodes of the cartoon "Smeshariki") or children's TV series.

Ideal task: The teacher offers to do homework of the students' choice.

Theatricalization. Acting out skits on an educational topic.

"Protection sheet" Before each lesson, always in the same place, there is a “Protection Sheet”, where each student can enter his last name without explanation and be sure that he will not be asked today. But the teacher, by filing these sheets, keeps the situation under control.

Discussing homework . The teacher and the students discuss the question: what should the homework be in order to new material Was it fastened well? At the same time, naturally, the studied material is reviewed again. When used regularly, it significantly increases the awareness of doing homework. This technique works especially well when the methods and types of homework that the teacher usually gives are quite varied.

Summary : Students answer questions in writing that reflect their attitude to the lesson, subject, teacher

Login to lesson The teacher begins the lesson with “setting up”.For example, let's introduce a lesson plan. This is best done in a half-joking manner. For example: first, we will admire the deep knowledge together - and for this we will conduct a small oral survey. Then we’ll try to answer the question: (lesson topic in question form). Then we will train our brains - solving problems. And finally, let’s pull out the most valuable things from the recesses of memory (repetition theme). If technically possible, the lesson can begin with a short musical phrase. It can be major-exciting, like Khachaturian’s “Sabre Dance” or Ravel’s “Bolero”. Or minor-calming, like Sviridov’s romance... From the traditional analysis of homework. As an intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions to think about. From a traditional oral or short written survey. A simple survey - because its main goal is to get the child ready to work, and not to stress him out with a headache... There may be other options for “entering” the lesson.

Ideal survey : Students themselves assess the level of their preparation and report this to the teacher.

Question to the text: when studying scientific text The students are given the task of making a list of reproductive, expanding, and developmental questions. Then they are divided into groups: -questions that can be answered in class;
- questions to which no one may yet know the answer.

Let yourself help : The teacher makes the most of situations in which students can help him. He invites students (on a voluntary basis!) to develop material that is applicable for further use in lessons (these could be assignments for test work, crossword for repetition).

Organization of work in groups , Moreover, groups can receive both the same thing and different ones, but working for overall result tasks.

"Yes and no". The game puts students in an active position. This game "teaches":

connect disparate facts into a single picture;

systematize existing information;

listen and hear students.

The essence of the game: the teacher wishes for a number, an object, a literary or historical character, etc. Students must find out what the teacher has wished for. To do this, they ask questions to which the teacher answers only with the words “yes”, “no”, “and yes”, “and no”.

Consult: the teacher consults with students, discussing, for example, problems
relationships. He convinces students that their opinion is important to him, but warns: the last word remains with the teacher. It is important to thank students for discussing together.

Faces : Students signal their emotional state using cards with pictures representing a good, calm, or bad mood.

Blitzcontrol : The teacher conducts a written survey at a fast pace for 7-10 minutes to determine the degree of mastery of the learning skills necessary for further successful study. The work is handed in to the teacher, or a self-test is carried out (the teacher dictates or shows the correct answers). In this case, it is important to set assessment standards (for example, if out of seven tasks six or seven are completed correctly, then a mark of 5 is given, 5 tasks - 4, etc.).

Get to know the criteria : the teacher introduces schoolchildren to the criteria by which marks are given for different types works

Rating (from the English right - correctly): having completed the work, the student sets himself
mark. She is then assessed by the teacher. A fraction is written. For example: 4/5, where 4 is the student’s mark, 5 is the teacher’s mark. The technique is used to agree on marking criteria. After some time, the numerator and denominator increasingly coincide. Another goal of using this technique is to develop the ability to regularly evaluate your work.

The activity-type technologies used at school provide for work in small groups, pairs and other forms of group work. This is due to its importance as a basis for the formationcommunicativeuniversal learning activities.Not only collaboration in the classroom, i.e., among peers, but also collaboration across ages is very effective. It promotes the development of the ability to understand and take into account the intellectual and emotional position of another person.Character also plays a significant role in the development of students’ communicative activities.cooperation with the teacher. Achieving research and intellectual skills can be ensured by a system of conditions, which include the following:

.creating conditions for students to have questions and problems (stimulating the thinking process);

.reflection of the thought process, achieving a high level of understanding of the solution;

.ensuring the emotional well-being of children;

.satisfaction of cognitive needs;

.meeting the need for interpersonal communication;

.development of the ability to self-manage one’s activities—reflexive self-regulation;

.differentiation and individualization of training content;

REMINDER for mastering UUD

Universal learning activities (UAL)– the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Universal learning activities (UAL) are divided into four main groups:

Communicative UUD– ensure social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults .

Personal actions of the UUD– provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles And interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished: 1) the action of meaning formation; 2) the action of moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content.

Regulatory actions of the UUD– provide students with organization of their educational activities.

These include:

Goal setting;



Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result;


Volitional self-regulation.

Cognitive UUD– include general educational, logical actions, as well as actions of posing and solving problems.

Personal UUD:

1. Remember that each child is individual. Help him find his individual personal characteristics.

2. In the life of a child, no matter what age he is, an adult is the person who “opens” the real world to him. Help to reveal and develop in each student his strong and positive personal qualities and skills.

3. When organizing educational activities in the subject, take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each student. Use psychological diagnostic data.

4. Remember that the most important thing is not the subject you teach, but the personality you form. It is not the subject that shapes the personality, but the teacher through his activities related to the study of the subject.

Cognitive UUD:

1. If you want children to learn material in your subject, teach them to think systematically (for example: basic concept (rule) - example - meaning of the material).

2. Try to help schoolchildren master the most productive methods educational and cognitive activity, teach them to learn. Use diagrams and plans to ensure the assimilation of the knowledge system.

3. Remember that it is not the one who retells it that knows, but the one who uses it in practice. Find a way to teach your child to apply his knowledge.

4. Develop creative thinking through a comprehensive analysis of problems; Solve cognitive problems in several ways, practice creative tasks more often.

Communication UUD:

1. Teach your child to express his thoughts. As he answers the question, ask him leading questions.

2. Don’t be afraid of “non-standard lessons”; try different types of games, discussions and group work to master the material in your subject.

3. Create an algorithm for children to retell the text of the material, for following which you will be awarded an additional point.

4. When organizing work in groups or in pairs, remind the children about the rules of discussion and conversation.

5. Teach children to ask clarifying questions about the material (for example, Who? What? Why? Why? Where? Etc.), ask again, clarify.

6. Study and take into account life experience students, their interests, developmental features.

Regulatory UUD:

1. Teach children to control their speech when expressing their point of view on a given topic.

2. Teach schoolchildren to perform and control their actions according to a given pattern or rule.

3. Help your child learn to adequately evaluate the work he has done. Teach how to correct mistakes.


Relevance. IN modern society Science and technology are rapidly developing, new ones are being created information Technology, radically changing people's lives.

Education in primary school changes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO).

The main goal school education becomes the formation of the ability to learn. The ability to learn means the ability to effectively collaborate with both the teacher and peers, the ability to conduct dialogue, look for solutions, and provide support to each other. Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a system of universal educational activities.

The concept of the development of universal educational actions was developed on the basis of a system-activity approach (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, A.G. Asmolov) by the group authors: A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, O.A. Karabanova, N.G. Salmina and S.V. Molchanov under the leadership of A.G. Asmolov.

Every teacher is part of the huge system of Russian education and must be aware and understand their place and purpose in this system.

The basic principles of Russian educational policy are determined by the National Doctrine of Education and the Federal Program for the Development of Education and are embodied in the Concept of Modernization Russian education.

Modernization secondary school assumes:

Focus not only on mastering the sum of knowledge, but also on the development of the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities;

Shaping the Experience independent activity;

Basic goals primary education in the conditions of modernization are:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality;

Formation of the desire and ability to learn in younger schoolchildren.

Only the creation of a new model of primary school, in which the main thing is pedagogical organized process development of the child’s personality, ready for proper interaction with the outside world, for self-education and self-development.

Primary general education is the first stage of general education.

The task of the initial stage is the development of creative capabilities through the preservation of health, the development of intelligence and the emotional and sensory sphere, and the social and personal adaptation of each student.

It is very important to ensure that the learning process does not turn into a boring and monotonous activity for students. After all, students’ interest in a subject is a prerequisite for the emergence of a more complex variety of it – cognitive interest. And cognitive interest contributes to the activity of students in lessons and the growth of the quality of knowledge. All this reflects the relevance of the problem of developing the cognitive interest of schoolchildren for the modern construction of the educational process. Pedagogical science The need for theoretical development of this problem and its implementation in teaching practice has been proven.

Object of study: cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren.

Subject of research: methods and techniques for developing cognitive Universal Learning Activities (ULA) in primary schoolchildren using modeling tools in technology lessons.

To characterize the theoretical aspects of the study of cognitive abilities in technology lessons in the project activities of junior schoolchildren.

Consider the problems of development of primary school age;

Conduct experimental study on the use of the modeling method in technology lessons in projects as a means of developing cognitive learning tools.

Research methods:

– analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature;

– studying the experience of practicing teachers on this research topic.

Experimental method and mathematical processing of results.

Thus, the hypothesis is aimed at the fact that learning in technology lessons can have a developmental impact on certain abilities of children, which together form the basis for the formation and development of learning skills.

Course work consists of 2 chapters, introduction, conclusion, list of references and appendices.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects research of cognitive abilities in technology lessons in project activities of junior schoolchildren

The essence of the concept of “universal educational actions”

Over the past decades, society has undergone dramatic changes in its understanding of the goals of education and ways to implement them. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), changes are taking place in the educational process at school. From the recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities as the main results of education, there has been a transition to an understanding of learning as the process of preparing students for real life, readiness to take an active position, successfully solve life problems, be able to cooperate and work in a group, to quickly retrain in response to updated knowledge and labor market requirements.

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” (UAL) means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) meaning, this term can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as associated learning skills) that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge and the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

The ability of a student to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal educational actions as generalized actions open up students the opportunity for broad orientation, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics.

The universal nature of educational activities is manifested in the fact that they are supra-subject, meta-subject in nature.

The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Thus, mastering the ability to learn requires students to fully master all components of educational activity, including:

1) cognitive and educational motives;

2) educational purpose;

3) learning task;

4) educational activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).

Let's take a closer look at the functions of the UUD. Most sources indicate following functions universal educational actions:

Ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

Creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education; ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Ensuring the integrity of general cultural, personal and cognitive development and personal self-development;

Ensuring continuity at all stages of the educational process;

The basis for the organization and regulation of any student’s activity, regardless of its special subject content;

They provide stages of mastering educational content and developing the student’s psychological abilities.

There are four types of universal educational actions:

Personal (personal, professional, life self-determination; meaning formation; moral and ethical orientation);

Regulatory (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation);

Cognitive (general educational universal actions; logical universal actions; formulation and solution of problems);

Communicative (taking into account the position of the interlocutor or partner in the activity; actions aimed at cooperation, cooperation; communicative and speech actions that serve as a means of transmitting information to other people and developing reflection.

In the federal state educational standard and the approximate basic educational program In general education, universal educational activities are formulated in a fairly generalized language. Let us present the elements of the specific composition of these actions:

Cognitive universal learning activities

The ability to compare consists of the following actions:

– highlighting the characteristics by which objects are compared;

– highlighting similarity features;

– highlighting signs of difference;

– highlighting the main and secondary in the object being studied.

– highlighting the essential features of the object.

The ability to analyze consists of the following actions:

– division of an object into parts;

– arrangement of parts in a certain sequence;

– characteristic of a part of an object.

The ability to draw conclusions consists of the following actions:

– finding the main thing in the phenomenon or object being studied;

– establishing the main cause of the phenomenon;

– a brief presentation of a statement connecting cause and effect.

The ability to schematize includes the following actions:

– dividing an object into parts;

– arrangement of parts in a certain sequence;

– determination of connections between parts;

– graphic design.

Regulatory universal learning activities

They are based on reflection. This is the ability to reflect on the course and result of one’s own activities, the content of one’s own consciousness and the consciousness of another person. But for reflection to become effective means formation of other universal actions, reflexive skills should be identified as a specific component of regulatory actions. The following aspects of reflection are distinguished: personal (a person’s understanding of his inner world, their condition and activities); intellectual (selection, analysis, correlation of one’s own actions with the objective situation, forecasting the development of the situation); communicative (definition of interpersonal perception and awareness by the acting individual of how he is perceived by his communication partner); cooperative (“exit” of the subject to an external position in relation to the activity, coordination of the positions and joint actions of participants in the collective activity).

In elementary school, the following ways of organizing and understanding one’s activities are formed:

– adequate self-perception;

– setting goals for activities;

– determination of the result of the activity;

– the relationship between the result and the purpose of the activity;

– identifying the presence of errors in one’s own actions;

– description of the lived situation

Communicative universal learning activities

Particular importance in training sessions should be given to the formation of communicative universal educational actions.

Firstly, the ability to correctly perceive information and communicate it to others is the basis for the active mental activity of students. The absence of speech action when mastering concepts often leads to the formation of false ideas in a student. Communication skills are the main means of mastering the content of educational subjects. After all, the success of learning depends on the quality of communication between the participants in the classes, on the child’s ability to work with different types of texts (written and oral), which are primarily what the student has to deal with during the learning process. Therefore, the formation of communication skills, in our opinion, should become a priority task.

Secondly, these skills become even more important in the context of organizing different types of interactions between students (without which it is impossible to develop personal, regulatory and communication skills themselves). This requires the subjects of the educational process to have the ability to interact, organize their own activities and the activities of others.

The skills to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults include the following actions:

– determination of the purpose, rules and methods of interaction, distribution of functions of participants;

– work in pairs based on given rules of interaction;

– the ability to find a partner;

– work in small groups based on given rules of interaction;

– the ability to tolerate different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

– the ability to justify and defend one’s own point of view;

- ability to negotiate and come to an agreement general decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

– the ability to speak without disturbing others (in a pair – in a whisper, and in a group – in a low voice);

– the ability to listen without interrupting a friend;

– compliance with the rules of activity in pairs and groups.

Communication skills include four generalized skills, or otherwise macro-skills:

– listen, delve into the essence of what was heard and pose a question to what was heard;

– independently study literature (ability to read with understanding);

– express your thoughts in writing accurately, without distortion;

– express your thoughts orally accurately, without distortion.

The ability to listen, delve into the essence of what was heard and pose a question to what was heard includes the following actions:

– setting the purpose of listening, self-determination for listening;

– concentration of attention when listening;

– the emphasis in the listening text is clear and incomprehensible;

– formulating a question about what is not clear in the text (a question about understanding the text being listened to);

– highlighting semantic parts of the text;

– highlighting the main idea(s) of the text;

– understanding the communication situation (goals, motives, actions of communication participants) and adequate reaction,

– extracting information given explicitly from the text;

– extracting information from the text that is given in an implicit form;

– formulating a question aimed at discussing the text being listened to;

- expressing your opinion regarding the text being listened to.

The ability to independently study literature (the ability to read with understanding) consists of the following actions:

– set a reading goal;

– highlight key words in the text;

– highlight unclear words;

– interpret unclear words (using a dictionary, in context);

– highlight the understandable and the incomprehensible in the text;

– answer questions aimed at discussing the text;

– formulate a question about what is not clear in the text (question for understanding the text);

– formulate a question aimed at discussing the text;

– find confirmation of the proposed judgment in the text;

– confirm your judgment with examples from the text;

– determine main idea(thoughts) of the text;

– highlight semantic parts of the text;

– title paragraphs (semantic parts) of the text, draw up an outline of the text;

– extract information given explicitly from the text;

– extract information from the text that is given in an implicit form;

– formulate conclusions based on what you read;

- fulfill brief retelling read;

- perform a detailed retelling of what you read.

The ability to express one's thoughts orally accurately, without distortion, includes the following actions:

– determining the volume of utterance depending on the situation and purpose of communication;

– defining the boundaries of the topic’s content;

– formulating the title (topic) of your text clearly and compactly;

– maintaining the topic when expressing thoughts;

– maintaining a certain plan when expressing thoughts;

– the presentation is abstract;

– formulating conclusions from your own text;

– selection of relevant examples, facts, arguments for theses;

– use of primary sources;

– selection of appropriate means of expression for expressing thoughts.

The ability to express one’s thoughts in writing accurately, without distortion, consists of the following actions:

– formulate the title (topic) of your text clearly and compactly;

– determine the boundaries of the topic’s content;

– choose the volume of text depending on the situation and purpose of communication;

– draw up different types of plans (simple, complex, abstract);

– stick to the topic when expressing thoughts;

– adhere to a certain plan when expressing thoughts;

– formulate thoughts abstractly;

– select relevant examples, facts, arguments for the thesis;

– summarize available facts, examples, evidence and draw conclusions;

– select appropriate means of expression to express thoughts;

– grammatically correctly connect words in a sentence, sentences in a text.

The formation of cognitive universal educational actions is associated with the content of educational subjects, methods and logic of transformation of educational material and is possible in the process of regular, time-distributed active involvement in specially organized situations (in all academic subjects and as part of extracurricular activities).

Thus, in primary school all four types of universal educational activities are formed.

Universal learning activities

Explanatory note

The changes taking place in modern society require accelerated improvement of the educational space, determination of educational goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests. In this regard, ensuring the development potential of new educational standards. Personal development in the education system is ensured primarily through the formation of universal learning activities (ULAs), which act as the invariant basis of the educational and upbringing process. Students' mastery of universal learning activities acts as the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. UUDs create the opportunity for independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn. This possibility is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions are generalized methods of action that open up a broad orientation for students in various subject areas.

In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower (actually psychological) meaning, the term “universal learning actions” can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as associated learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Functions of universal learning activities include :

Ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

Creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education, the need for which is due to the multiculturalism of society and high professional mobility;

Ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Universal educational activities should be the basis for the selection and structuring of educational content, techniques, methods, forms of teaching, as well as the construction of a holistic educational process.

Students' mastery of universal learning activities occurs in the context of different academic subjects and ultimately leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including independent organization of the assimilation process, i.e. the ability to learn.

This ability is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities are generalized actions that open up students the opportunity for broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activity itself, including students’ awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, achieving the ability to learn presupposes the full mastery of all components of educational activity, which include:

1) educational motives,

2) educational purpose,

3) educational task,

4) educational activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).

So-called meta-subject learning activities should also occupy a significant place in the teaching of school disciplines. Meta-subject (i.e., “supra-subject” or “metacognitive”) actions are understood as the mental actions of students aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity, - whether it is determining a strategy for solving a mathematical problem, memorizing factual material in history, or planning a joint laboratory experiment (with other students) in physics or chemistry.

Types of universal learning activities

As part of the main types of universal educational activities, dictated by the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

1) personal;

2) regulatory (also including self-regulation actions);

3) educational;

4) communicative.

It is assumed that a clear identification of these types of educational activities will allow them to be given priority within the framework of the study of specific academic subjects.

Let us present these UUD blocks in a little more detail.

To block personal universal educational activities include the value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to learning activities, two types of actions necessary in personal oriented learning. This is, firstly, the action of meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the goal of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result - the product of learning that motivates the activity, and the reason for which it is carried out. The student should ask the question: what meaning and significance does the teaching have for me? - and be able to answer it. Secondly, this is the action of moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content based on social and personal values.

To block regulatory actions include actions that ensure that students organize their learning activities: goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is not yet known; planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of assimilation, its time characteristics; control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product; assessment - the student’s identification and awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Finally, elements of volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) to overcome obstacles.

In the block of universal actions cognitive orientation, it is advisable to distinguish between general educational and logical actions. General educational ones include: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, structuring knowledge, reflection on methods of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity, orientation not only to the rules, but also to the conditions of their applicability, selection of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions, extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres, determining basic and secondary information; the ability to adequately, in detail, concisely, selectively convey the content of the text, comprehend the purpose of reading, choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; freely navigate and perceive texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official & business styles; understand and adequately evaluate

media language; write texts of various genres, observing the norms of text construction (compliance with the topic, genre, style of speech, etc.); pose and formulate a problem, independently create activity algorithms for solving a wide range of problems, including creative and search ones, act with sign-symbolic means (replace, encode, decode, model), apply information retrieval methods, including using computer funds.

Along with general educational ones, universal logical actions are also distinguished: choosing grounds, criteria for comparing, juxtaposing, evaluating and classifying objects; synthesize: to compose a whole from parts, including independently completing, replenishing the missing components; summarize concepts, recognize objects; establish cause-and-effect relationships, build a logical chain of reasoning, prove; identify generic and situationally significant features.

Communication abilities are based on the conscious orientation of students to the position of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, the ability to integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction with peers and adults, the ability to express your thoughts completely and accurately. Accordingly, communicative actions include: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction; asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information; conflict resolution - identification, problem identification, search and assessment alternative ways conflict resolution, decision making and its implementation; managing the partner’s behavior - monitoring, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions.

The formation of UUD is placed at the forefront of the learning process. Complicating the content of educational material in school education without due attention to the task of forming educational activities leads to students’ lack of ability to learn. After all, today’s information society requires a learner, capable of independently learning and relearning many times over the course of an ever-lengthening life, ready for independent actions and decision-making.

That is why the school has become and remains an urgent problem actual problem independent successful acquisition by students of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn. Great opportunities for this are provided by the development of universal learning activities (ULA)

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“Formation of universal educational activities in the educational process”

Formation of universal educational actions in the educational process

The main task modern system education is the formation of “universal learning activities” (hereinafter referred to as UAL). UUD is the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The main types of UUD can be divided into four blocks:

    Communicative actions - ensure social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

    Personal actions provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished: 1) the action of meaning formation; 2) the action of moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content.

    Regulatory actions - ensure that students organize their learning activities. These include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result, correction, evaluation, volitional self-regulation.

    Cognitive actions include general educational, logical actions, as well as actions of posing and solving problems.

The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child’s educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal educational activities and their properties. Universal educational actions represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age development.

Conditions ensuring the development of UUD :

The formation of UUD in the educational process is determined by the following three complementary provisions:

    the formation of UUD as a goal determines the content and organization of the educational process;

    the formation of UUD occurs in the context of mastering various subject disciplines and extracurricular activities;

    universal educational activities can be formed only when students perform educational work of a certain type based on the use by teachers of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students.

Selection and structuring of educational content, determination of forms and methods of teaching - all this should take into account the goals of forming specific types of educational learning.

Examples of forms of educational activity as a condition for the formation of UUD:

Educational cooperation

Educational cooperation allows for the formation of communicative, regulatory, cognitive and personal universal learning activities.

The teacher perceives the child as an equal partner, an active, influential participant in the educational process, and organizes mutual communication and dialogue.

Participants in the process are emotionally open and free in their statements. The child freely uses the help of a teacher or peers.

With such cooperation the teacher acts as an organizer, which acts indirectly and not by direct instructions. Such communication is as close as possible to the child. Organization of work in pairs, groups, independent work using additional information sources.

Creative, design,

educational and research


Artistic, musical, theatrical creativity, design, concept formation and implementation of socially significant initiatives, etc.

Work on projects harmoniously complements classroom activities in the educational process and allows you to work on obtaining personal and meta-subject educational results in more comfortable conditions for this, not limited by the time frame of individual lessons.

The focus of projects on an original final result in a limited time creates the prerequisites and conditions for achieving regulatory meta-subject results.

The joint creative activity of students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subject knowledgecommunicativeskills.

Personal results when working on projects can be obtained by choosing the topics of the projects.

Control - evaluation and

reflective activity

Self-esteem is the core of a person’s self-awareness, acting as a system of assessments and ideas about oneself, one’s qualities and capabilities, one’s place in the world and in relationships with other people.

The central function of self-esteem is regulatory function. The origin of self-esteem is related to the child's communication and activities.

The development of self-esteem is significantly influenced by specially organized educational assessment activities.

Conditions for the development of the action of assessing educational activities:

    setting the student the task of evaluating his or her activities (it is not the teacher who evaluates, the child is given the task of evaluating the results of his or her activities);

    the subject of assessment is learning activities and their results;

    methods of interaction, own capabilities for carrying out activities;

    organizing objectification for the child of changes in educational activities based on comparison of his previous and subsequent achievements;

    formation in the student of an attitude towards improving the results of his activities (assessment helps to understand what and how can be improved);

    developing in the student the ability to cooperate with the teacher and independently develop and apply criteria for differentiated assessment in educational activities, including the ability to analyze the causes of failures and identify the missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the educational task;

    organization of educational cooperation between teachers and students, based on mutual respect, acceptance, trust, and recognition of the individuality of each child.

Labor activity

Self-service, participation in socially useful work, in socially significant labor actions. Systematic work develops positive personality qualities: organization, discipline, attentiveness, observation. Work

for younger schoolchildren allows the teacher to better know their individual characteristics, find out their creative potential, and develop certain abilities.

Labor activity allows the formation of personal universal learning actions.

Sports activities

Mastering the basics of physical education, getting acquainted with various sports, and experience participating in sports competitions will allow you to form volitional personality traits, communicative actions, regulatory actions.

Forms of organization of educational space that contribute to the formation of educational learning.

Problem situation;

Peer education;

Free lesson;

Multi-age lesson

cooperation, etc.

Form of educational activity for setting and solving educational problems

Training session

Place of various group and individual practices

Advisory session

Form for resolving problems of a junior schoolchild at his request to the teacher

Creative workshop

To organize creative team activity skills

Conference, seminar

Form for summing up creative activity

Individual lesson

Form of organization of activities to build individual educational trajectories

Extracurricular forms

A place for realizing personal goals and interests of younger schoolchildren.

The teacher’s task as an educator is to support children’s good initiatives and provide opportunities for their implementation.

How to create a UUD (list of UUD generation technologies)

    To develop the ability to evaluate their work, children themselves learn to evaluate their assignment using the proposed algorithm.

    The teacher pays attention to the developmental value of any task

    The teacher does not compare children with each other

    The teacher shows why this or that knowledge is needed, how it will be useful in life

    The teacher tells new material in class, attracting children to discover new knowledge.

    The teacher teaches children how to work in a group

    The teacher shows how you can come to a single decision in group work

    The teacher intervenes in educational conflicts by speaking (directing, showing) a model

    During the lesson, the teacher pays great attention to children’s self-testing, teaching them how to find and correct a mistake.

    The teacher sets goals in the lesson and works with children towards the goals

    The teacher teaches children the skills that will be useful to them in working with information - retelling, drawing up a plan, introduces various sources

    The teacher pays attention to the development of memory and logical thinking operations

    The teacher draws attention to general methods of action in a given situation.

    The teacher uses project-based forms of work in class and in extracurricular activities.

    The teacher prefers to form the necessary values, resorting to dialogical communication and including children in the process

    The teacher teaches children to make moral choices as part of working with value-based material and its analysis.

    The teacher finds a way to captivate children with knowledge

    The teacher shows the meaning of the teaching, does it in the “correct” form

    The teacher includes children in constructive activities, collective creative activities

    The teacher gives a chance to correct the mistake

    The teacher shows and explains why this or that mark was given, teaches children to evaluate work according to criteria

    The teacher allows other children to participate in the process of grading answers

    The teacher helps the child find himself by creating an individual route

    The teacher teaches the child to set goals and look for ways to achieve

    The teacher teaches children to draw up an action plan before starting to do something.

    The teacher unobtrusively conveys positive values ​​to children, allowing them to live them by their own example.

    teacher teaches in different ways expressing your thoughts, the art of argument, defending your own opinion, respecting the opinions of others

    The teacher organizes activity forms within which children could live and acquire the necessary knowledge

    Teacher teaches children ways to effectively memorize and organize activities

    The teacher unobtrusively conveys the meaning of the teaching to the children

    The teacher shows how to distribute roles and responsibilities when working in a team

    At the end of the task, at the end of the lesson, the teacher and the children evaluate what the children have learned, what worked and what didn’t.

    The teacher uses specialized developmental tasks and questions during the lesson

    The teacher and the child communicate from an “equal” position

    The teacher actively includes everyone in educational process, encouraging learning collaboration between students, students and teacher

    The teacher builds a lesson in the activity paradigm

    The teacher uses the interactive capabilities of ICT in the lesson

    The teacher organizes work in pairs of shifts

    The teacher gives the children the opportunity to independently choose tasks from the proposed ones.

    The teacher organizes constructive joint activities