Which country has an underground school? The most unusual schools in the world. Ichnyanskaya “School of Health”

IN last years Education is undergoing serious reforms, and schools around the world are beginning to take on different forms, emphasizing new values.

And against the backdrop of all this, we can highlight the most amazing schools in the whole world that attract attention with their unusual features, such as a complete lack of discipline or the school being located right on the surface of the water.

What is this educational establishments, where are they located and what can they offer students?

All of these schools are real and permanent, so you can even send your kids there.

Underground School, USA

This school was built in the mid-seventies, when the United States of America was rocked by an energy crisis. The country entered an energy saving mode, and even the energy used to heat schools was saved. Therefore, a new school was built in the city of Reston in a rather unusual way. The builders leveled the hill, built a building there, then covered it with earth, which became a source of heat.

School without discipline, Canada

ALPHA School, which is located in Canada, is very different from any other school. The fact is that there are no grades, no schedule, or any specific framework. Students themselves choose which classes to attend, and classes are formed not in the usual way, that is, by age, but by interests.

Nomadic school, Russia

The fate of nomadic reindeer herders was previously quite sad. They could not get an education due to their nomadic lifestyle. Or they had to go to the schools where they stayed (boarding schools) and because of this they did not see their family for months. Now, on the territory of Russia, and in particular in Yakutia, there are more and more nomadic schools that allow children to receive an education even in such difficult conditions.

Common Language Search School, South Korea

It's no secret that South Korea, like most Asian countries, has its own unusual traditions and characteristics that may be unknown and incomprehensible to people of a different mentality. But what should immigrant children do who cannot find mutual language with classmates in regular schools because of differences in mentality? There is a separate school for them, in which each teacher also has a degree in psychology. At this school, children are taught not only school subjects, but also how to interact with local residents within an unfamiliar culture.

School for Pleasant Interaction with the World, USA

If you want your child to attend this school, you literally need to win the lottery. You need to fill out the form on the official website, send it and wait for the results to be announced. If your child is the winner, he will be in for a rather unusual learning process. The school teaches standard subjects, but the emphasis is on interaction with the world and everyday skills such as cooking, sewing and so on.

School of learning through music, USA

This school, like the previous one, allows the child to learn basic subjects, but the emphasis here is also on music education. Even if you cannot afford to buy your own instrument, the school will provide your child with everything they need.

School for refugees and illegal immigrants, Israel

In 2011, the prestigious Oscar went to the directors of the film “No Strangers Here,” which told the story of an Israeli school for illegal immigrants. It turns out that such a school actually exists - where children from all over the world not only receive an education, but also find a home that they do not have anywhere else. They receive shelter, clothing and food.

Floating school, Cambodia

One of the biggest attractions in Cambodia is the Angkor Wat temple complex, which is located near the largest freshwater body of water located on the Indochina Peninsula. What else is remarkable about this lake? There is an entire floating village on it, where there are houses, shops, restaurants, and also a school. A full-fledged floating school. However, orphans study here and live under the roof of this school. It is sponsored by tourists, whose attention it constantly attracts.

Open space school, Denmark

Orestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen is not only an educational institution, but also a real work of architectural art, both inside and out. It was built relatively recently and became the first building created as part of the educational reform. In 2007, it received the title of the best building in all of Scandinavia. As for directly educational process, then it is extremely unusual. The fact is that there are no offices or classrooms here. The entire school is one huge open space, where high school students plan to enter a higher education institution with a degree in journalism.

Adventure School, USA

This school in the USA was opened in order to support Agriculture, in decline. So many farms are going out of business because large corporations are taking up a larger and larger percentage of any market. Students of this American school receive a standard education, which includes all the necessary subjects. But, besides this, they all go to local farms, where they learn the basics of farming, and also help farmers in their work.

Adults have rather vague memories of their school days. Change of shoes, recess, class magazines, go get chalk, wash the floors in the classroom. First call, bows, flowers on the windowsills. Memories of your school years are replaced by your child’s problems at school. Donate money for another repair or a gift for a teacher. And behind the word “school” there are many sounds and smells hidden. Chalk creaking on a blackboard, floorboards creaking, the sound of a ball in the gym, the smells of lunch, old swear words, classmates' perfume...

Imagine that they took an ordinary Soviet school, removed all the students and teachers from there, and threw it for almost 30 years. The end result was an extremely gloomy place. It was as if everything stopped overnight and people disappeared somewhere, leaving things lying in their places. Actually it was so, because this story is about a school in...

1. We arrived in Pripyat in March 2014 - probably the darkest month of the year, along with November. Light rain and gloomy weather only added drops of darkness to the atmosphere of this place. I don’t know if I could walk there on my own, knowing that there was no one else nearby. Probably he could, but with shaking arms and legs and gray hair. Pripyat is the scariest place I've ever been to. What is especially striking are the places where crowds of children used to run - a kindergarten, a school. It seems that if you listen closely, you will hear children’s voices...

2. This is a typical high school, with typical classrooms, desks and a yard for rulers. But years later it turned into a stronghold of horror and despair. In a few decades, it will collapse, and flowers will grow on the piles of stones as a memory of the past.

3. But for now, the school is a place of pilgrimage for all those who were fooled by “Stalker” and studied with “Roadside Picnic.” There are a lot of them here, guys who want to go to places familiar from computer game. I confess, I played it myself. But in our group there were those who said “I studied here”... I don’t know what is going on in the souls of people who see their home in this condition, a place where they spent a happy childhood. For example, I still don’t like going to my old school; there’s no need to awaken old memories. And here you can see what happened to the house, the yard, and your own desk in the classroom. It's definitely hard.

For many years now, the interiors of schools, kindergartens, and shops have been practically destroyed by soldiers, looters, and then by tourists who want to create an installation with their own hands for “more horror.” There are many of these, and you can immediately understand that this doll in the chair was seated in the hands of a tourist, or maybe a guide. That's how the cash register ended up in the school.

4. Once upon a time, delicious cutlets and borscht were prepared here, and there was a smell of delicious bread. I looked forward to school lunch with such anticipation! We were always fed well and free - Chernobyl zone after all. And the attendants came here 15 minutes before the bell rang from class and set the table for their class. Or maybe there was a line of hungry kids lining up for distribution...

5. Children from recess rushed along this corridor, screaming, jumping - trying in every possible way to relieve tension after tedious geometry. And after classes, everyone hurried home quickly, and then into the yard to play with friends. No iPhones, X-Boxes or iPads. Everyone wanted to play football, pick a knife somewhere behind the houses, or shave a piece of carbide somewhere. And then it all stopped in just one day. And now only the wind runs along this corridor.

6. The classrooms have surprisingly well preserved various teaching aids, filmstrips, samples of plants and minerals. Even some kind of preservation remained. There is a suspicion that these tomatoes in the jar were also brought by someone. Everything in the rolled up jars has long since rotted, but for some reason it’s not there under the plastic lid.

7. Cool photo album. Photos - “We are going, going, going” and “Before boarding the bus.” Hundreds of photographs have been rotting in the school for many years. History disappears, only memories remain.

8. For me, such a picture is blasphemy in its purest form. Trampling books and leaving them dusty is simply unthinkable. And yet the floor of many classrooms is simply littered with textbooks and classics. It is very difficult to see such a sight.

9. Another installation from tourists - the main condition is that a gas mask must be present. Nearby lies the book “Lenin’s Course of Peace,” a record with Ilyich’s speeches, children’s drawings... A chaotic set of artifacts, like from a low-quality film about a post-apocalypse. But this is not a movie, this is reality. A terrible phantasmagoria that has long become a part of our world. We are accustomed to the fact that there is an exclusion zone nearby, a cemetery of memories and unfulfilled hopes. And we live with it.

10. Pioneer truth. Who was the pioneer? I was already accepted into the Ukrainian pioneers, such an atavism of the Soviet past. I don’t know if a pioneer organization exists in Ukraine now.

11. Schoolyard, once covered with asphalt. Here they held lines, shouted chants, swore to the cause of Lenin. And years later it’s practically a forest. A few more years will pass and the dense forest will hide the site under its branches. There will be even more wild boars and hares, the city will return to the bosom of nature.

12. Pripyat is not just an abandoned city, it is a large open-air museum. Museum of the Soviet past, frozen time. And a museum of human tragedy. What is more important is a monument to family grief. The residents of Pripyat experienced a lot when they left their homes, “just for a few days,” and ultimately never returned there. For those who often go to Pripyat, there is a taboo - not to enter residential buildings. It’s the same as invading someone’s life, even if it stopped in the City many years ago.

On the day of knowledge, “Our City Blog” decided to go to virtual tour on the most unusual schools in the world.

Now there are 21 schools in Tobolsk. None of them fall into the category of unusual, which may be for the best. In Russia, it’s also difficult to find strange educational institutions, so most of the schools on our list are located abroad.

But there is still one amazing school in Russia - the nomadic school “Keneleken” in Yakutia.

It is a branch of Kharyyalakhskaya high school Oleneksky Evenki national district. At each new nomad site, in addition to the usual structures, a school tent now appears. Children study according to a specially designed schedule. Homework and tests are received online - all schools for children of reindeer herders within national project have access to satellite Internet. After completion, they are sent back for verification.

The Terraset underground school is located in Reston, Virginia, USA.

The educational institution appeared in the mid-1970s, and was driven underground by the energy crisis that was then raging in North America. A regime of severe energy saving was introduced in the country. The town of Reston nevertheless needed new school. Local authorities invited designers and they came up with a miracle school. They leveled the hill, erected a building, and then covered it with earth. The natural earthen covering warms the walls. In order to cool the room, on the contrary, solar collectors were installed above the hill. In contrast to the history of the creation of Terraset, the learning process at school can hardly be called original. This is a junior school with a traditional US set of subjects.

Cave school. Guizhou Province, China.

Now this school is closed, but from 1984 to 2011 it was actively working. Such an unusual educational institution did not appear because of a good life. Guizhou province is one of the poorest in China. In conditions of total poverty, residents managed to organize school leisure for children. They built simple barracks in the cave, set up desks and the class was ready. Eight teachers worked at the cave school, and over 27 years they taught several hundred children. But in 2011, officials considered that the school’s primitive appearance caused irreparable damage to the country’s image. Educational institution closed. Now it is visited only by tourists. But a school was never built to replace it.

The transport school "De Kleine kapitein" made from industrial containers is located in Amsterdam, Holland.

The school was built in 2009 as a temporary one. A new microdistrict was built, and there was an urgent need for space for students. And when time and money were found to erect the fundamental building, the residents unanimously supported leaving the school. And it’s economically profitable: what if they decide to build another house, so containers can be easily and quickly transported. And there is no need to spend money on global repairs; the colors and order have been refreshed.

The Kompong Luong Floating School is located in Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia.

Kompong Luong is not only the name of the school, but also the name of the entire small village. The uniqueness of this settlement is that houses, shops, cafes and a school are located on the surface of the lake. For students, the floating school has become a second home in literally this word - mostly orphans study there. This is where they live. The parents of many of them died while fishing. The establishment exists only on donations from local residents and tourists. Each new group showers schoolchildren with toys, stationery and sweets. The students organize a fair where they sell surplus donated items. The proceeds are spent on maintaining the home-school environment.

Monolithic dome school, Arizona, USA

If you look at this school, it seems that it was built by an extraterrestrial civilization; it is too different from ordinary earthly buildings. And its name is most appropriate - “border Primary School" Its structure - a monolithic dome - has recently been a very popular construction method due to the low cost of materials and the strength of the structure. First, a round concrete base was installed, on which a dome of the required size was then blown and fixed with various materials, including concrete.

In New Mexico there is a school for pleasant interaction with the world.

To get here, you need to win the lottery. The approach to the learning process at school is no less original. The program is based on the latest neurological research, according to which the key to good learning is a positive atmosphere and active involvement. The school has standard general education subjects, but first of all, children are taught how to interact with the outside world and everyday skills: sewing, cooking, gardening.

In the Canadian city of Toronto there is a school without discipline "ALPHA".

The school has no grades, no strict schedule, no homework. Students decide for themselves how to spend the school day and what classes to attend. Classes are formed not by age, but by interests: along with mathematics and spelling, classes in modeling, cooking and even elementary philosophy are provided. The teachers' job is simply not to interfere.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, there is the Orestad Gymnasium in the open space style..

High school students study here who are going to receive higher education in the field of media. There are no separate classrooms in the building. All students study in one huge room. The luxurious spiral staircase that connects the four levels of the gymnasium is called the heart of the building by students. During recess, they lie on bright pillows and look at the ceiling, decorated with round lamps, reminiscent of a starry sky. Wireless Internet operates throughout the school.

Online College of Magic is located in California, USA.

71-year-old Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is the founder, director and teacher of the School of Wizardry, which is officially recognized as an academic institution. Students are distributed, according to their character, into four faculties: Wind, Mermaids, Salamanders and Dwarves. The school course is designed for seven years of study. There are 16 compulsory disciplines. Among them: alchemy, talking with animals, spells and working with a magic wand. Is there some more special course for advanced magicians – protection from dark forces. Today there are 735 students studying at the school. To enter there you need to know for sure that you are a sorcerer and pay an entrance fee of 25 dollars. For now, all teaching is conducted remotely, but the director plans to buy an empty castle in Montana and open a school of Magic there.

Everyone, happy International Knowledge Day.

Prepared based on materials from forbes.ru and blog.repetit.ru.

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Underground school. Terraset Elementary School PTA (USA)

The students of the American Terraset School are almost children of the underground. The school was built in the mid-1970s, when the United States was rocked by an energy crisis. The country introduced an energy saving regime, which was used, among other things, for heating schools. In the city of Reston, they built the Terraset School: they leveled the hill, erected a building on this site, and then covered it with earth. The natural earthen covering provided warmth and saved energy.

The designers faced another difficult task: the room had to be not only heated, but also cooled. And this required new energy costs. Solar collectors solved the problem. Today, Terraset is not only the most energy-efficient school in the country, but also one of Reston's top tourist attractions.

In contrast to the history of the creation of Terraset, the learning process at school can hardly be called original. This is a junior school with a traditional US set of subjects. However, from time to time the school holds events for children and parents, such as a family run through the city streets or an evening bingo.

School without discipline. ALPHA Alternative School (Canada)

ALPHA School, which opened its doors in 1972, is a perpetual celebration of disobedience. There are no grades, no strict schedule, no homework. No one will punish you for a curse written in chalk on a blackboard and no one will stand over your soul. Students decide for themselves how to spend the school day and what classes to attend. Classes are formed not by age, but by interests: along with mathematics and spelling, classes in modeling, cooking and even elementary philosophy are provided. The teachers' job is simply not to interfere.

If something happens at school conflict situation, then a special committee consisting of students and teachers is convened. The parties are allowed to speak out and justify their point of view, after which the commission offers options for solving the problem. The main thing is to find a solution that everyone will like.

Another ALPHA tradition is to hold meetings during which children, along with adults, have the right to speak out about the need to make changes to the subject grid and school management system.

Nomadic school. "Keneleken" (Russia).

In the past, children of nomadic reindeer herders either did not receive a systematic education at all, or were forced to stay in boarding schools and not see their relatives for months. Today this problem is being solved with the help of nomadic schools, which are becoming more and more numerous in Russia every year. There are already more than a dozen such schools in Yakutia.

One of these nomadic schools is “Keneleken”. It is a branch of the Kharyyalakh secondary school of the Oleneksky Evenki national district. At each new nomad site, in addition to the usual structures, a school tent now appears. The number of students can be counted on one hand. However, despite their small numbers, subsequently they will be little inferior to their peers who are lucky enough to study in more stable conditions. Children study according to a specially designed schedule. Homework and tests are received via the Internet - all schools for children of reindeer herders, as part of the national project, have access to satellite Internet. After completion, they are sent back for verification.

School of searching for a common language. Busan International Foreign School (South Korea).

Students at a school for foreigners in Busan, South Korea, work tirelessly all year round. Children of emigrants or those who came to Korea to work for a long period of time study here, as well as boys and girls who were transferred as exchange students to one of the Korean schools and need adaptation. An intensive regime is necessary in order to quickly adapt to new living conditions and subsequently successfully enter one of the Korean universities.

It is not easy for young emigrants to make friends with new classmates in a regular school. Ignorance of local traditions often becomes a reason for ridicule, which can cause psychological trauma to a child. Many teachers at the Busan School for Foreigners are psychologists by training. They teach their students to find a common language with each other, despite the fact that many of them have never heard of the existence of the country from which their new classmate came.

Most children learn three languages ​​at once: Korean, English, Spanish. The program also includes thematic classes that do not allow you to forget the culture of your native country.

There are multicultural schools in many countries. In Moscow, there is school No. 1650, which specifically enrolls children of different nationalities in order to instill in students a tolerant attitude towards those who are somehow different from them, as well as to help them learn more about the traditions of other peoples.

Adventure school. Watershed School (USA).

The decline of farming culture in the United States worries not only the farmers themselves and the government, but also school officials. How else to explain the fact that Watershed School has introduced a Farm to Table program, in which students go to one of six local farms and learn how a farm works.

Overall, studying at Watershed feels like an epic adventure spanning several years. Of course, children also study ordinary subjects like mathematics and English, but these studies can be tolerated for the sake of educational expeditions, which are considered the most important thing here. productive method education. Thus, children study architecture not in stuffy classrooms, but on the streets of the city. Instead of geography and biology lessons, they go kayaking on nearby rivers and wander through the forest.

Watershed teachers help students write songs, form rock bands, build robots and create scenarios for video games. In addition to traditional sports like football, students do yoga, mountain biking and play Frisbee.

School of pleasant interaction with the world. Mountain Mahogany Community School (USA).

To get into Mountain Mahogany School, you need to win the lottery. You need to download a special form from the school’s official website, fill it out, send it by fax or mail and wait for the drawing to take place and the list of lucky winners to be announced.
The approach to the learning process at school is no less original. The three principles on which school policy is based are pleasure, safety and emotional development. The program is based on the latest neurological research, according to which the key to good learning is a positive atmosphere and active involvement.

The school has standard general education subjects, but first of all, children are taught how to interact with the outside world and everyday skills: sewing, cooking, gardening. Teachers jokingly call students “little gardeners.” And it’s not surprising: hundreds of trees are planted on the school grounds and need to be taken care of. The children eat organic fruits that they grew themselves.

A school of learning everything through music. Choir Academy of Harlem (USA).

By sending their child to the Harlem Choir Academy, parents provide them with more than just training. vocal cords, tours and introduction to spiritual values, but also basic education with a humanitarian bias.

The mission of the teachers of this school is to contribute to the development of the child’s hidden talents. Therefore the main program consists of various types performing arts: singing, dancing, playing musical instruments. During the entrance interview, the potential student is tested for a sense of rhythm, time orientation and concentration. However, the child’s love for music remains paramount. If parents cannot afford to buy musical instrument, the school will provide it to the child for temporary use.

The physical development of students does not go unnoticed: the school has baseball and football teams and, of course, a group of cheerleaders.

Floating school. Kompong Luong School (Cambodia).

Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake, near which the famous Angkor Wat temple complex is located, is considered the largest freshwater body of water on the Indochina Peninsula. It is even called the “inland sea”. On the surface of the lake there is a famous landmark of Cambodia - the floating village of Kompong Luong: residential buildings, cafes, shops and a school.

For the students, the floating school has become a second home in the truest sense of the word—mostly orphans study there. This is where they live. The parents of many of them died while fishing: during the rainy season, the water level in the lake rises significantly and boating on it becomes quite dangerous.

Tourists help provide for the children: each new group buys all the goods from the shelves of local shops and literally inundates schoolchildren with toys, stationery and sweets.

The school is based on the open space principle. Ørestad Gymnasium (Denmark).

The Ørestad Gymnasium building in Copenhagen, designed by 3XN, is a true work of modern art both inside and out. In 2007, the gymnasium was named the best building in Scandinavia. This is the first educational institution opened in Denmark as part of the national educational reform.

Orestad's students are high school students who are planning to pursue higher education in the field of media. The word “communication” is heard here at every step. The school's classrooms are separated from each other quite conventionally - all classes practically study in one huge room. There is wireless Internet throughout the building, so high school students constantly interact not only in real, but also in virtual space.

The luxurious spiral staircase that connects the four levels of the gymnasium is called the heart of the building by students. During recess, they lie on bright pillows and look at the ceiling, decorated with round lamps, reminiscent of a starry sky.

Nowadays, innovations affect all spheres of human life - including education. Modern educational institutions do not coincide with the generally accepted idea of ​​a “classical school” - they use new technologies and develop unusual teaching methods. And among the most innovative schools Diversity reigns: some rely on an individual approach, others allow students to create a curriculum on their own. A gymnasium with gender equality, iPads for fourth-graders, a school that moves from country to country - parents who want to send their children to an unusual school have plenty to choose from.

    Summit Sierra School in Seattle, USA

    Leaders at Summit Sierra, a private school that opened in 2015, say the personalized approach is one of the most effective ways training. Here are used Newest technologies to empower students to take charge of their own learning. Every day children spend 30 minutes reading, 30 minutes solving math problems, take online courses, talk with mentors about their careers and life goals. Taking Active participation In their own education, children learn responsibility and self-confidence. Bill Gates considers this approach to be the education system of the future.

    Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen, Denmark

    Ørestad Gymnasium, with 358 students, is a huge glass cube. Open space should help children communicate with each other and teach them to think creatively in different areas of life. Students are actively involved in the learning process; they themselves form working groups and temporary classes, sometimes led by a teacher. “We want our students to conduct collaborative research and work together to solve real-world problems. It’s not enough to give them knowledge; we also need to teach them how to apply this knowledge in practice,” the school’s leaders believe.

    Big Picture Learning, USA

    The special model of education at this school blurs the line between study and work. The preferences of the students are always at the forefront. From the very beginning, children learn under the guidance of mentors - professionals from the field in which the students themselves would like to someday work.

    Egalia in Stockholm, Sweden

    The education system at Egalia School is based on full equality between students. This should help shape a future society without discrimination based on religion, age, gender, sexual orientation and disability. This approach is used by teachers among themselves, in communication with children and their parents. At school, the pronouns “he” and “she” are not used; children are called by name. This way, students learn to judge each other based on their actions, rather than according to generally accepted stereotypes.

    AltSchool in San Francisco, USA

    The learning model at AltSchool is radically different from the traditional education system. Standard testing is not used here, and children are taught to think flexibly - this will make it easier for them to adapt to changes in the world in the future. Students work with 3D modeling and learn to solve real-life problems. Social-emotional learning is a priority. Children aged from 4 to 14 years study at the school. AltSchool was first opened in 2013 in San Francisco. Branches are already operating in Brooklyn and Palo Alto. In the future, schools of this type will be opened throughout America.

    Sra Pou Vocational School, Cambodia

    The school was designed by a Finnish architectural agency. The local community took an active part in the construction, for whom the institutions were built. This way people were able to learn how to implement their plans and gain practical experience in construction. Sra Pou Vocational School gives the opportunity local residents and their children to gain independence. Instead of working in low-paying jobs, they can find out everything about the prices of their goods and sell them themselves. When the building is not in use as a school, it hosts public meetings.

    Steve Jobs School in Amsterdam, Netherlands

    At the Steve Jobs School, all students from grades 4 to 12 receive an iPad for personal use, which is already equipped with the applications necessary to create an individual learning plan. Each child chooses his own goals and makes his own own program, which can be adjusted every six weeks by the student himself, his parents or mentors (the word “teacher” is not used here). Therefore, children are not forced to adapt to a rigid system and can work at their own pace.

    Brightworks School in San Francisco, USA

    At Brightworks School, children are allowed to do everything that parents usually prohibit. Moreover, from these prohibitions the training program. Here you can get dirty, play with fire, take household appliances apart - and all this in the same day. The school is located in a large warehouse with makeshift forts and theaters and everything needed for creativity. “The world needs people who like to create rather than consume, who see challenges as fun puzzles, and who have creative abilities and perseverance to change the surrounding social and economic realities,” say the school’s founders.

    Carpe Diem/Aiken, USA

    The school space resembles an office rather than a classroom - 300 small rooms with a computer and everything necessary for learning for each student. In this way, children are prepared for life after school. Carpe Diem students read three times more than their peers at other schools and have scored the best overall test scores in Arizona for four years in a row.

    Blue School/New York, USA

    Creativity is at the forefront of the school, which was founded by performance group Blue Man Group. The spirit of the founders brought their quirkiness and love of exploration to the learning process. Within curriculum children come up with ways to improve the recycling of materials, create 3D models of New York, and repair household appliances. Dynamic Learning develops creative innovators and helps children of all ages implement their ideas.

    THINK Global School

    Even though THINK Global School is headquartered in New York City, the school does not have walls as such. Students spend each semester in a different country, studying natural Sciences, local culture and literature. The students spent the fall of 2014 in Costa Rica, and in the spring of 2015 they sailed from island to island in the Ionian Sea, delved into ancient Greek philosophy, and studied ancient art and literature. In each country, students also undertake charity projects and work in local communities. THINK Global School is perfect option schools for parents who want their child to become a global citizen.