All quotes from Khakamada. Irina Khakamada: “The most important thing is to find the way to yourself! Books by Irina Khakamada

For Irina Khakamada, there are no dead-end problems. She manages to turn failures into useful luggage, and obstacles into springboards for a new start. Khakamada lives very different lives: in the 90s she left teaching for business, then left commerce and became a politician, finally left politics and now gives lectures on leadership and self-development, conducts trainings, and writes books. We offer 20 quotes from this bright, self-confident woman about charisma and the components of success.

1. Before insisting on improving your position, try to answer yourself a simple question: why are you better than thousands of good ones? Once you find the correct answer, consider that you have already won.

2. Fame is not the lady with whom you build a strong relationship. Flirt, but don't trust her with your life and soul. If you want fame and applause, become an actor. In any other place - remember why you need wings.

3. Start dreaming about the future, even before breaking with the previous model of life, as soon as you feel that something is wrong. And you will notice that you will acquire new connections, like a shell with algae. As if by magic, people will begin to appear in your environment leading to a new life. You will come across necessary books, necessary articles. All circumstances will begin to develop around you in such a way that gradually, step by step, you will begin to move towards the main action in your life.

4. Success is not a goal, but a way of thinking. And this image can be created, and it will become a reality. Success also has ethics - the ethics of respect for yourself, for your mental balance. No one can crush you more successfully than you yourself.

6. Never blame the world! He is deeply indifferent to you. As long as you blame the people around you for your troubles, you will go downhill.

7. Some people find it very difficult to change - they begin to cling to the past, even if their life has long been at a dead end. But fate is like a lion. If you are afraid, she will attack you, and if there is no fear, then she will turn where you want. It's easiest to start something new when you're disappointed in the old one. When you realize that you have strength, courage, and intelligence, but the environment does not allow you to achieve what you want.

8. When fate gives you a chance, and you, under the pressure of difficult circumstances or afraid of your unprofessionalism, refuse it, you are missing out on your dream! Don't rely on your own or the collective wisdom. No intelligence is enough to calculate all the possible consequences of this or that event.

9. Personality qualities of the future: the ability to independently accumulate the energy of life, and not suck it from others; possession of sensory perception of the world; the ability to dream beyond the possible and take action; ability to generate non-standard ideas; the ability to subconsciously self-learn, that is, to process information from the life stream, and not just the flow of knowledge; the ability to attract complex, creative people; the ability to take personal responsibility for the “My Life” project.

10. Don't prove anything! You will receive fewer aggressive attacks and will not waste time on devastating arguments. Listen more and collect ideas. Being an optimist is the art of not creating unnecessary enemies for yourself out of nowhere.

11. Sometimes moderate amateurism helps remove artificial barriers in the head. Don’t be afraid to be a debutant, the main thing is to continuously study, but not by collecting diplomas, but to learn through life. Sometimes a classic novel or film by Tarkovsky, Bergman, or a conversation with interesting person will teach you more than the psychology department of Moscow State University. Differentiate knowledge - a narrow professional will not survive in an era of change.

12. Envy, haste, and greed lead to vanity and serious mistakes. The ability to pause, come to your senses, and restore mental balance brings you closer to your goal, even if you break your schedule and fall out of the flow.

13. When you start something new, it seems that everyone will support you, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. Of course, over time there will be comrades who will understand you, but that will happen later. The hardest thing is to survive until this moment and not give up. Because both influence and finances are always associated with the opinion of the majority, and at this moment you are in the minority... Nevertheless, the truth very often lies not with the majority, but with the little brave man. We must remember this and move forward, no matter what happens.

14. The fear of not achieving what you want, of losing the only meaning of your life, fetters your thoughts, dulls your feelings and clouds your eyes. As a rule, it is he who prevents the real achievement of the goal. What actually happens if you don’t achieve it? Ask yourself this question and play out the terrible situation in your mind. Consider it in detail. Imagine everyone pointing fingers at you and calling you a fool. How they put you out the door in disgrace and say that they have never seen such idiots in their lives. Imagine how you will live next. Feel and experience this situation. Sink to the very bottom of your fantasy. And then - get up, and forward - to mortal combat. You are now invulnerable. It is impossible to kill you. You are dead. You are no longer there.

15. Speak about yourself with gentle irony. Answer questions simply, but non-standardly, slightly asymmetrically. Then you will be able to position yourself in a special way, you will definitely not be forgotten, and this is already a victory, albeit a small one.

16. Energy to live is your fuel, which cannot be bought, cannot be borrowed and cannot be stolen. It is born on its own when a person sets ambitious goals for himself. So don't be afraid of big challenges! Never tell yourself: “This is impossible!”

17. Increase your distance from people who constantly burden you with their problems. Offer help and that's it. This does not mean that you are quarreling with them. Just make the distance longer: meet less often and shorter. Strive to communicate with positive, energetic people, those who are on your wavelength.

18. To get out of the matrix, you need to change your goals. We replace the concept of “winner” with the principle of “conflict-free”. Why? Because with a “winner” sign you will not get out of conflicts in happy life, you will be carried out with her on your chest, feet first, straight... to the morgue. Social conflicts take energy and completely reduce the quality of life. Social communication ceases only when it transitions to sleep or solitude. And this is a rare watch. Active life penetrates you 16–18 hours a day. There is no point in winning; it is easier and more interesting to negotiate.

19. All restrictions are only in your head. This is especially evident when you fall to the bottom out of despair. Every successful self-made person, remembering the past, wonders how he was able to accomplish all this and overcome it? How, how... From despair and strength - from the strong. And everyone can become strong, provided that they love life and are ready to fall and get up for the sake of their own prosperity.

20. A successful person is happy in constant development, and not in a paranoid desire to strengthen stability around him.

Read in the Book LibraryA brief review of Irina Khakamada’s book

No need. Don't expect support and help. Those in power and money love the gray ones. Similar to yourself. Wingless. But you are not like that. Don't be afraid to believe in yourself. Later on your way, you will definitely meet those who will like you. With whom you feel and speak the same language. But that will be later. The main test is to wait, endure everything, and not go astray.
Don't be afraid to go against the proverbial mainstream. Don't think that the truth is always with the majority.
Are you sure that if you don't take off, you will die? Then - go ahead!

Maria and Vasily found themselves alone, stuck in time and space, protected on all sides, like a cocoon, by mutual tenderness. And time stood still. The vanity of the past and dreams of the future have faded into the background. It was as if two people were briefly at the center of a typhoon's still point.
“Something happened. He guessed right. Mood, desires, thoughts. Something more had come, flashed through her head. - Maybe this is love, as he said? Is love not romance? »
- Is there really a typhoon eye, I heard? Fixed point inside it
- Yes, that's right. The main thing is not to move. Then you can wait it out and even save yourself. Why are you asking?
- Yes, so

“Love is out of the game. The story of a political suicide"
- It seems to me that he is an imaginative person who feels colors big world, always ready for change. I am always ready, as they say, to test myself with a dream. My seventy-year-old father, when depression sets in, takes his friend, a deaf old man, and they go somewhere outside the city and crawl there along an overgrown ravine. One supports the other. We are very worried, but he categorically refused to take anyone else with him. He always returns happy and revived. Mom asks: “Why do you go there?” And he replies: “This is my Africa.” For the rest of his life he never explained what he meant.

How are we women different from men? Men look at this world with their own eyes. They are building a career; they have their favorite toys: cars, computer; also they have a specific place for the woman. However, a woman does not look at this world with her own eyes. She looks through the eyes of a man. All her life she has been trying to prove something to a man, saying: “I am no worse.” And then she complains that everything falls on her alone.

Irina Khakamada is many successes in one bottle. She is a politician, wife, mother, restaurateur and business coach. She also confirms her own statement that it is modern. Reported by Clutch.

“The most important thing is to remember once and for all: a prince on a white horse is pure fiction. No one is obliged to make you happy and save you from all the vicissitudes of fate. Over time, a man will simply get tired of dragging this heavy suitcase of your whining and complaints for life. To avoid the sad fate of an abandoned suitcase, you should concentrate not on finding a man, but on realizing your own dreams."

"Samurai follow this philosophical principle: to die in advance. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in a mortal battle, the samurai who is already dead wins. Just think through in detail the worst-case scenario of the situation that haunts you at the moment. And imagine what will happen after that. Describe your steps after the defeat. And then, like in a movie, mentally scroll the film to the first frame. One or two - and you’re no longer afraid of anything. You can safely go into battle!

“When they say to me: “Ira, you’re a fool,” I answer: “Yes, I agree.” And I myself go and do what I think is necessary. They came at me - I missed it and went to do it. Never prove anything. No need to measure yourself nothing. Especially in a male team. This will not end well."

“To build a harmonious relationship with anyone, you must first find harmony with yourself and love yourself.”

“What to do? I’ll tell you. Learn to dream, set high goals and go towards them. At the same time, getting a thrill not from the end result, but from the process. And if you manage to find and develop this energy in yourself, you won’t need any more efforts, everything will work out by itself - dreams, career, and love."

“A rocket woman, that is, one who rushes forward, realizing her goals and dreams, a smart man will definitely appreciate. There is always something to unravel in such a woman. And this turns on...”

“A woman who is able to harmoniously develop and combine the feminine and masculine principles, who uses everything that is in the world for her self-realization, becomes a unique woman. Coco Chanel was like that, for example. And if desired, anyone can become like that. Tested for myself!"

“A man should not be our whole world, but should be one of its parts, standing in the general row.”

“Study all the time, get new information. This is insurance, the base that will help you survive in the most difficult times. Once at Oxford I gave a lecture and met a girl from Russia there. She entered there herself, studying to be a philologist. And while working in the most famous bank. She says: “You have no idea what an experience this is. Now I can do everything! I will never disappear anywhere."

“When meeting a man, you need to be able to speak brightly, and then turn into a fool. Moreover, it is important to unexpectedly and very diplomatically move from one state to another. A man is immensely timid, he is always afraid of something. Either the woman is too rich, or too poor, either too beautiful or vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to become unpredictable, build communication with ease and humor."

“Money comes second in achieving success. You need just enough money to realize your ideas. And so as not to wake up every day with the thought: God, I hate this job, but I will die of hunger if I don’t do it.”

“Don’t be afraid of despair. Fall to the very bottom. I went to the dacha, lay flat for a week, didn’t communicate with anyone. I told myself that I was terrible, I was a loser, and stuff like that. I felt sorry for myself, and I even started to "I like being unhappy. But at some point the body gets tired of it, and it says: but life goes on! I'm not dead, the sun is shining. Everything is fine! And you get up and move on."

“But fate is like a lion. If you are afraid, it will attack you, and if there is no fear, then it will turn where you want.”

As the portal previously reported, it’s hard to believe that the famous business coach and writer is already 62 years old. On her Instagram page, she often publishes short reflections on various topics, which are filmed by her husband Vladimir Sirotinsky. Irina also gives practical advice to her subscribers.

We offer you 15 bright and frank quotes from Irina Khakamada. They are about love, illusions, despair, resentment, blows of fate - about all those wounds that each of us has.

1. The first thing to do is to get rid of illusions about the prince who will find you, pick you up in your arms and carry you over the vicissitudes of fate. Over time, the man gets tired of dragging, and you fall like a heavy suitcase. To avoid the sad fate of an abandoned suitcase, a woman should concentrate not on finding a man, but on her own dream.

2. How to take a punch? My main principle is to die in advance. Only the samurai who is already dead wins in a mortal combat. Live out the worst-case scenario in your head. And imagine what you will do after that. Be clear and specific about your steps after defeat. And then, like in a movie, scroll the “film” back to the first frame and go into battle.

3. If they say to me: “Ira, you’re a fool,” I answer: “Yes, I agree.” And I go and do what I think is necessary. They ran into me - I missed it and went to do it. Never prove anything. There is no need to measure yourself against anything. Especially in a male team, this will not end well.

4. To build a harmonious relationship with anyone, you must first find harmony with yourself and love yourself.

5. What to do? I will tell you. Learn to dream, set high goals and go towards them. At the same time, getting a thrill not from the final result, but from the process. And if you manage to find and develop this energy in yourself, no more effort will be required, everything will work out by itself - dreams, career, and love.

6. A woman who is able to harmoniously develop and combine the feminine and masculine principles, who uses everything that is in the world for her self-realization, becomes a unique woman, a one-of-a-kind specimen. This was, for example, Coco Chanel. And if desired, anyone can become like this. Tested for yourself!

7. A rocket woman, that is, one who rushes forward, realizing her goals and dreams, will definitely be appreciated by a smart man. There is always something to unravel in such a Woman, and this turns her on.

8. When meeting a man, you need to be able to speak brightly, and then turn into a fool. Moreover, it is important to unexpectedly and very diplomatically move from one state to another. The man is immensely timid, he is always afraid of something. Either the woman is too rich, or too poor, too beautiful, or vice versa. Therefore, we need to become unpredictable, build communication with ease and humor.

9. If a man does not want to change, you have a choice: live with him, as he is, or in your own way without him. If you can’t decide, it means you can’t hear yourself well, and the problem is not with him, but with you.

10. A man should not be our whole world, but should be one of its parts, standing in the general row.

11. I dreamed of becoming president. The husband said: look at yourself in the mirror and say your last name out loud. Which kind of president of the Russian Federation are you? I was offended and borrowed money from bandits for the election campaign. I found a marginal district, terribly poor, on the outskirts of Moscow, where public transport did not go. And I did everything. I passed. My husband financed my competitor. And the competitor lost, and I won. And then I realized that I am a leader. I can.

12. Money comes second in achieving success. You need just enough money to realize your ideas. And so as not to wake up every day thinking: God, I hate this job, but I will die of hunger if I don’t do it.

13. Study all the time, get new information. This is insurance, this is the base that will help you survive in the most difficult times. Once in Oxford I gave a lecture and met a girl from Russia there. She herself entered there and is studying to become a philologist. And at the same time he works in the most famous bank. She says: you have no idea what an experience this is. Now I can do everything! I will never disappear anywhere.

14. Don't be afraid of despair. Fall to the very bottom. I went to the dacha, lay flat for a week, didn’t communicate with anyone. I told myself how terrible I was, that I was a loser, and stuff like that. I felt sorry for myself, and I even began to like being unhappy. But at some point the body gets tired of it, and it says: life goes on! I'm not dead, the sun is shining. Everything is fine! And you get up and move on.

15. But fate is like a lion. If you are afraid, she will attack you, and if there is no fear, then she will turn where you want. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

What associations and emotions does the name Irina Khakamada evoke? Definitely a strong, bright and unique personality, she captivates with her openness, self-irony and great interest in life. She is observant, sparkling in her sayings, and easily and accurately hits the target.
Irina Mutsuovna inspires not only women, but also men with her sharp mind, unique style and is an example of success for many.

Our portal site has collected 20 quotes for you that will definitely inspire you.

“Of course, people don’t like it when you’re not like them. They will ridicule you for a long time, condemn you, humiliate you, but all this comes from envy. They can’t do it like you, they don’t have the courage. It’s easier to call someone crazy than to admit that you’re afraid to stand out from the crowd.”

“The illness and death of loved ones is truly a tragedy. The rest is nonsense. It’s easy to be happy, you just don’t have to be afraid of life.”

“Age is part of your personality. You need to establish friendly relations with him, love him both in the present and in the future. Then the world will be friendly towards you."

"Truly talented person not the one who knows a lot, but the one who quickly processes new knowledge and knows how to apply it. That is, someone who knows how to teach himself.”

“I listen to myself more than the world. My criterion for success is absolute drive. That is, first of all, I do what I like, then the money.”

“Minimum cosmetics. Invest in skin and health, not decorative paint."

“The most attractive thing for a man in a woman is not her figure, not her hair color, or even her age, but her energy.”

“A strong woman never looks for a man. My advice to all girls: never specifically look for a man. Live as best you can: enjoy the sun, take care of yourself, find an interesting job for yourself. It should not be read in your eyes that you are alone.

“As soon as you start looking for men, you will immediately develop an anxious expression on your face, an obsequious bend in your spine, a prowling gaze, and bustle. And the men will instantly fly away from you. But as soon as they see a confident, calm beautiful woman- they come on their own"

“See your solitude as a pause, as a way to reflect on your life. Besides, loneliness is freedom! You just need to pull yourself together and enjoy this period in your life.”

“Everything a woman does is unnoticeable. It becomes noticeable when she doesn’t do this.”

“Style is an external form of manifestation of intelligence”

“How to take a blow? My main principle is to die in advance. Only the samurai who is already dead wins in a mortal combat. Live out the worst-case scenario in your head. And imagine what you will do after that. Be clear and specific about your steps after defeat. And then, like in a movie, scroll the “film” back to the first frame and go into battle.”

“If they tell me: “Ira, you’re a fool,” I answer: “Yes, I agree.” And I go and do what I think is necessary. They ran into me - I missed it and went to do it. Never prove anything. There is no need to measure yourself against anything. Especially in a male team, this will not end well.”

“To build a harmonious relationship with anyone, you must first find harmony with yourself and love yourself.”

“A rocket woman, that is, one who rushes forward, realizing her goals and dreams, will definitely be appreciated by a smart man. There is always something to unravel in such a Woman, and it turns on.”

“If a man doesn’t want to change, you have a choice: live with him, as he is, or in your own way without him. If you can’t decide, it means you can’t hear yourself well, and the problem is not with him, but with you.”

“Money comes second in achieving success. You need just enough money to realize your ideas. And so as not to wake up every day and think: God, I hate this job, but I will die of hunger if I don’t do it.”

“Learn all the time, get new information. This is insurance, this is the base that will help you survive in the most difficult times. Once in Oxford I gave a lecture and met a girl from Russia there. She herself entered there and is studying to become a philologist. And at the same time he works in the most famous bank. She says: you have no idea what an experience this is. Now I can do everything! I will never disappear anywhere."

“Don't be afraid of despair. Fall to the very bottom. I went to the dacha, lay flat for a week, didn’t communicate with anyone. I told myself how terrible I was, that I was a loser, and stuff like that. I felt sorry for myself, and I even began to like being unhappy. But at some point the body gets tired of it, and it says: life goes on! I'm not dead, the sun is shining. Everything is fine! And you get up and move on."

Irina Mutsuovna Khakamada – Russian politician and publicist, candidate economic sciences, writer, radio presenter and television presenter. Deputy State Duma three convocations (1993-2003), co-chairman political party Union of Right Forces (1999-2003), presidential candidate Russian Federation(2004), member of the “Council under the President of Russia on the development of civil society and human rights” (since 2012).