"The university is in decline." they are collecting signatures online for changes in the leadership of the Far Eastern Federal University. Mass purge of personnel: the Far Eastern Federal University smells of another scandal

“Since the reign of Anisimov, FEFU has felt a sharp degradation in all areas of activity,” - with this phrase began the discussion of the petition for the resignation of the current rector of FEFU Nikita Sergeevich Anisimov, published on the website www.change.org on June 28.

The initiator of the petition, Maria Malkova, wrote that the root of the conflict is the excessively high prices for education at FEFU Schools.

“The cost of training for the higher education program for 2018 is significantly higher than for similar specialties in other universities in the region and central Russia. Applicants (and these are young people from 18 to 25 years old) are forced to leave the region in search of a decent and affordable education. Their places are taken by foreign students from India, Asian and African countries, etc. Currently, our children have no choice or right to vote,” the petition says.

The fact that the cost of education for bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs has increased significantly is also evidenced by students themselves, who are forced to pay “unrealistic” amounts to study.

The petition also expresses the opinion that qualified and knowledgeable teachers are being fired, and they are being replaced by people whose knowledge is not much different from that of students.

“In less than 1.5 years of leadership of the university by the current rector and his team, the largest and once prestigious university The Far East fell into decay. Persons from other regions who do not have proper work experience or specialized education were invited to leadership positions. During this time, almost all experienced and competent employees who had worked at the university (including universities before their merger) for more than a dozen years were fired. In their place, the rector invited young, inexperienced managers. The cuts continue. Personnel optimization announced. But the leadership of the Departments from invited specialists continues to grow,” the message notes.

It also became known that by the end of August 2018, about 200 FEFU teachers will leave their positions. Their dismissal has nothing to do with “not being able to teach” - management sees such radical measures as “optimization of activities.”

“I am an employee of the Far Eastern Federal University branch in Dalnerechensk. On May 29, 2018, an order was signed to amend the structure and staffing of the FEFU branch in Dalnerechensk, that is, to close our branch. Almost all employees were given layoff notices. But the management of the University did not even deign to come and talk with the branch employees, students and their parents (legal representatives), whose rights they violate,” said Nina Bravok, administrator educational programs FEFU branch in Dalnerechensk.

This petition has become very popular among residents of Vladivostok. Many users express their indignation towards the FEFU leadership.

"Such a mess in higher school Primorye has never existed before,” said Vladimir Bezlyudov, a resident of Vladivostok (punctuation and spelling preserved).

“As a student of the Far Eastern Federal University, I believe that it is the “smart old people” who really teach something, and Soviet-trained teachers generally hammer knowledge into the head,” noted student Mikhail Erofeev (punctuation and spelling are preserved).

At the reception of the FEFU rector they refused to talk to journalists about this topic, noting that the employees do not have information on the topic, but “they understand what we are talking about.” And the press service does not answer phone calls. It turns out that the FEFU leadership is simply ignoring this issue.

By the way, this is not the first “money” conflict in educational sphere Primorye. In May 2018, the price of education increased sharply in all FEFU gymnasiums. The management requires 160 thousand rubles per year for students in grades 5–9, and 130 thousand rubles per year for grades 10–11 (FEFU does not provide official documents). In 2017, the cost of education for middle-level students was 80 thousand rubles.

“Previously, we paid 60 thousand a year for a child. It was still bearable, but when we were told that the training would cost 130 thousand, my heart almost stopped. This is the amount of a full year of FEFU bachelor's degree, and we only receive secondary education. The child still has a year left to study, he will have to push a little to get through his studies,” said one mother studying at the FEFU gymnasium, whose personal one asked to remain anonymous.

Currently, the petition has been signed by 935 people out of 1,000 needed to address the issue.

But we note that petitions created on the Change.org website do not have any legal right. The state cannot take into account all the signatures collected under them, or rather, it does not even have the right - they have no legal force. Over the past two years, only about 20 have been able to influence the outcome of events, and all of them concern small “local” cases.

Let's see how the “training war” between citizens and the leadership of FEFU ends. Follow the website for more detailed information.

The largest university in the Far East is the Far Eastern Federal University in Once again becomes the center of a scandal. As part of the optimization program, more than 330 people will be laid off by the end of 2019. And this despite the fact that a huge share has already been reduced teaching staff. The university management explains such a significant reduction as an excessively bloated bureaucracy. Federal agency news decided to conduct its own investigation and figure out whether laying off employees would really reduce FEFU’s expenses significantly.

FAN has at its disposal plans to reduce FEFU employees. It should be noted that the exact number of people has not yet been determined. But the reduction will affect more than 330 people. And not all employees will be laid off and will be paid all the benefits required by law; some employees will simply not have their contract renewed upon expiration of the previous one.

First, let's explain what FEFU is - it is a merger of four universities on the basis of FEFU. At the moment, the university has eight branches - in Arsenyev, Artyom, Bolshoy Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk and the Japanese city of Hakodate. Instead of the three-level system “institute - faculty - department”, a two-level “school - department” was created. Now the university system includes nine schools, that is, nine directions.

The university system includes a kindergarten (child development center " Kindergarten FEFU"), a museum, two structural divisions implementing vocational education programs, and seven structural divisions implementing programs general education: Polytechnic Lyceum, FEFU Gymnasium, Euro-Asian Lyceum, Humanitarian and Economic College, Lyceum information technologies, University complex "Gymnasium-College" and Choreographic School. The main center of FEFU was built on Russky Island - this is an entire university campus, on the creation of which more than 100 billion rubles were spent.

But this is what FEFU looks like for now; we’ll try to figure out what will happen to it in the near future.

The first part of the cuts will affect administrative workers, that is, cleaners, janitors and maintenance personnel at mainland facilities. According to the plan, the university is switching to outsourcing in order to save money. Although the savings are doubtful given the low salaries. 200 cleaners will be laid off. With an average salary of a cleaner of 10 thousand rubles, the savings will be about 24 million per year. For the largest university in the Far East, this is pennies. And at the same time, the current rector of FEFU Nikita Anisimov earns 6.5 million rubles a year. That is, like 54 administrative workers. Wouldn't it be easier to cut the management's salary a little and leave some people with jobs?

The second reduction will go to the very living - 100 specialists will be removed educational and methodological work. That is, the teaching staff directly. Although there are not enough teachers given the current influx of students. And these are just the people who will be laid off. In addition to the official reduction, there will also be a so-called hidden reduction. Everyone who came to their position not through a competition will be fired.

Some faculties no longer announce admission numbers, meaning there will be no new enrollment of students. The number of students is decreasing, and the number of teachers is correspondingly decreasing. But they will not reduce the rate, but will simply announce recruitment for it through a competition. As a result, no one passes the selection and the bid is eliminated - it seems that there was no reduction.

The reduction will also affect pre-university departments that are going to be merged. For example, the director of the gymnasium-college, as well as several deputy directors in other departments, are being laid off. Teachers in the area of ​​conflict management will completely “leave”.

And the third - the most severe reduction for FEFU students - is the closure of the branch in the city of Artem. There has been no enrollment of students there for three years now. Therefore, employees are being laid off every year. At the moment, about 20 people remain in Artyom - both administrative workers and teachers. In two years they will all be unemployed. True, it is not entirely clear for what reasons they decided to close Artyom altogether. There are over 100 thousand people in the city, and, in fact, the only university in Artyom is a branch of the Far Eastern Federal University.

Artem is located more than 30 kilometers from Vladivostok. That is, schoolchildren who want to receive higher education, you will have to leave your city and move to a student town on Russky Island. But if education is now available to almost all segments of the population, after the closure of the branch, low-income students will not be able to study at FEFU. The price tag of the hostel is amazing in its numbers. The cheapest bed in a 4-bed room costs 2,600 rubles per month. And the more expensive ones reach 6,700 rubles. It is generally easier for correspondence students to quit their studies - they are charged 1,500 rubles a day. That is, more than 30 thousand comes out per session.

For example: in St. Petersburg, in the dormitory of the University of Cinema and Television, a full-time state employee is charged 750 rubles per month for a bed, and those who study on a commercial basis are charged 1,200 rubles per month. And this is the second capital, where housing is several times more expensive than in Vladivostok. That is, the benefit is obvious - students who previously lived at home with their parents will now pay huge amounts of money to the university.

The cuts will affect mainly low-paid university employees, who will benefit just over 35 million rubles per year. At the same time, the university spends a lot of money, for example, on the purchase of terry robes - more than 12 million rubles this year and 32 million last year. This year, 70 million was spent on supporting international internships. Hundreds of millions a year are spent on heating and water for the complex on Russky Island. Therefore, it is unlikely that 35 million will significantly reduce costs.

Parents of students and university teaching staff are unhappy with the current situation. A petition appeared on the Internet to the Ministry of Education and Science addressed to the President of Russia, the Prime Minister, the chairmen of the State Duma and the Federation Council. People are demanding the removal of rector Nikita Anisimov and the managers he brought from the capital.

“We, the parents of FEFU students, FEFU employees, demand the removal of the rector and the team of invited leaders of the Far Eastern Federal University (hereinafter referred to as FEFU),” the appeal says. - In less than 1.5 years of leadership of the university by the current rector and his team, the largest and once prestigious university Far East fell into disrepair. Persons from other regions who do not have proper work experience or specialized education were invited to leadership positions. During this time, almost all experienced and competent employees who had worked at the university (including in universities before their merger) for more than a dozen years were fired. In their place, the rector invited young, inexperienced managers. The cuts continue. Personnel optimization announced. But the leadership of the departments from invited specialists continues to grow.”

FAN contacted the university press service, we asked for comment on the situation with the large reduction of university employees. To which we received an official response:

“As for the questions you asked, there are no plans for a major reduction in staff at the Far Eastern Federal University.”

That is, according to the university management, a reduction of more than 10 percent of employees is not considered major. And it will simply be impossible for teachers who now live in Artyom to find work in their specialty. And they have two options - either get a job in an unskilled position, or leave the Far East.

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More than 300 teachers, staff and parents of Far Eastern students Federal University on the portal www.change.org they signed a petition in which they asked President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to replace the rector of the university Nikita Anisimov, the site reports.

The petition states that “In less than 1.5 years of leadership of the university by the current rector and his team, the largest and once prestigious university in the Far East has fallen into decay. Persons from other regions who do not have proper work experience and specialized education were invited to leadership positions. During this time, almost all experienced and competent employees who had worked at the university (including universities before their merger) for more than a dozen years were fired.”

The initiator of the petition, Maria Malkova, stated that the cost of education at FEFU this year has increased significantly compared to similar specialties in the central regions of Russia. Most branches of the university have been declared unprofitable and, according to Maria, a targeted campaign is underway to liquidate them. Also, the teachers added that the new rector is carrying out most of the internal reforms in violation of Labor legislation and at the same time is absolutely confident in his impunity.

Victoria, a FEFU employee who was laid off, believes that Anisimov is replacing experienced professionals with young out-of-town specialists, not pursuing the interests of the university, but guided by some of his own goals: “Students suffer, staff and teachers suffer. He recruited some young and inexperienced guys and placed them in positions that, well, did not correspond to their level of qualifications and competence. At the same time, almost 200 specialists with a huge amount of knowledge were simply thrown out onto the street. They are not removing middle management, but retirees with a wealth of experience. And if most of The teaching staff of the university will consist of students almost the same age, then what kind of quality education can we talk about? Such young teachers simply will not be able to properly present themselves in front of the audience due to their inexperience. Plus, there will be no one to correct their teaching methods, because the “old guard” is being sent into retirement.”

Let us remind you that the university management intends to dismiss about two hundred teachers and administrators from their positions by August 21 curricula and specialists with the wording “in order to optimize activities.” According to Victoria, the new young Moscow and Siberian team, which is going to replace the mature lineup, will not ask uncomfortable questions and in any way criticize the policies of the university management.

Maxim Nizkodubov