Higher pedagogical education. How to obtain higher pedagogical education in absentia. When I already graduated from university

If the first higher education is not related to pedagogy, get a second higher education Teacher Education possible at any pedagogical institute or university, as well as in most classical universities of the Russian Federation.

Directions of higher pedagogical education

Most pedagogical universities have faculties where you can get a double specialization, for example, a teacher of one of the disciplines and an educational psychologist. True, this opportunity is provided primarily to those who study full-time. At evening and correspondence courses you can obtain higher education in the following areas: preschool education, elementary education, additional education, as well as teaching various disciplines.

A specialist who has received a second higher pedagogical education can get a job in kindergarten, school, college and technical school. In addition, he can engage in tutoring and give private courses. Pedagogical knowledge and skills are in demand in many areas of human activity, and can also be useful in teaching and raising one’s own children.

Forms of obtaining a second higher pedagogical education

A second higher pedagogical education can be obtained through full-time, part-time, part-time (evening) and distance learning. For people who already have a higher education and are working in their existing or another specialty, correspondence and distance learning are the most convenient. True, by studying, you can only master the theory, but experience working with children, the ability to communicate and find mutual language will come with them only in practical activities.

Another form of obtaining pedagogical education on the basis of an existing higher education is professional retraining, most often carried out in institutes for advanced training and retraining of educators or institutes for educational development. The advantage of such training is the extremely short time frame. However, the diploma obtained, giving the right to conduct a new type professional activity, is not a document of higher education. In addition, the knowledge gained is often more limited than what can be obtained at a basic university.

It should also be noted that, according to current legislation, obtaining a second higher education is paid. So whoever decides to take this step will need quite significant financial resources.

Pedagogy is a constantly expanding and updating professional field. In the center distance education In the Central Federal District you can get help in choosing a sought-after specialty. If you want to become an advanced teacher who knows how to use modern professional tools and gain a competitive advantage in the labor market, contact us, we will tell you how to do this.

Why should you contact us?

Having worked in the field for 20 years, we have created a model of higher pedagogical education, which, through remote interaction, allows you to spend minimal time, effort and money without losing the volume and level of knowledge. Correspondence higher pedagogical education, organized according to standard patterns, cannot offer the flexibility that the pace of today's life requires from universities. With us you can:

  • easily obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam: first you will study to become a teacher in secondary vocational programs, and then, also remotely, in master’s or bachelor’s degrees;
  • study at an accredited university in Moscow or another city in the Central Federal District in a sought-after specialty - teacher preschool education, teacher in primary school, psychologist;
  • obtain a higher pedagogical education by passing exams and defending a diploma remotely - via video conference;
  • master a new profession by receiving a second higher education in by correspondence- we help representatives of any profession (teachers, economists, lawyers).

Distance pedagogical education is an opportunity to study while working, doing family and household affairs. You make your own schedule, focusing on your own rhythm of life.

What do we offer?

Citizens and non-residents of the Russian Federation can receive fundamental distance pedagogical education. We will help you choose a suitable university and accompany the student until graduation. To provide a package of documents, it is not necessary to come in person. Copies of your passport, existing diplomas, and photographs can be sent electronically, and exams can be taken remotely. Thanks to the distance learning form, it is possible to simultaneously supplement pedagogical education with practical experience while working fully. This is the most efficient use of time. There is no need to worry that when studying to become a teacher, your higher education will be incomplete due to the fact that you do not attend classes, but learn the material remotely. Students will have access to all lectures, and you will communicate with teachers during webinars and video conferences. After defense you will receive a diploma.

We train responsible, educated specialists who:

  • on top level have empathy skills (analysis of child behavior);
  • understand the features of child psychology;
  • mastered aspects of pedagogical tactfulness, mastered the culture of communication.

Another question is that not all Muscovites have the opportunity to receive a metropolitan-level education as a primary school teacher (what can we say about non-residents, foreigners). This is where a new training format comes to the rescue – distance learning mode.

Specialty "Preschool teacher"

At our university you can learn remotely not only the most in-demand profession of a primary school teacher. We offer students one more promising direction– pedagogical education for working with preschool children.

This specialty (“Preschool teacher”) is available via distance learning:

  • training programs comply with the requirements of laws/regulations;
  • Graduates of all forms receive the same diploma (Moscow, state-issued, meeting the standards/requirements of the international market).

What exams will you need to take?

The conditions for admission do not change depending on the choice of form of study. Applicants wishing to obtain a profession in demand fill out a single application template indicating Unified State Exam results in three subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • biology.

Admission to the Faculty of Pedagogy is carried out if the total score in the listed disciplines is sufficient.

The relevance of training in the most modern form of training

Remote platform vocational training(MegaCampus) introduced in 2006. Over the 10+ years of its operation, we have stated that interest in this format is growing, and there are many reasons for this:

  • remote study allows you to combine work, study, everyday life, and research;
  • higher pedagogical education with distance learning is a convenient, often the only accessible way for foreigners and out-of-town students to obtain a Moscow diploma;
  • Studying online is comfortable: all materials are at hand, you can get advice as questions arise, there is no tedious schedule/regime of attending classes.

Every year, our distance learning resources involve more than 30 thousand people. The opinions of the participants are clear: remote format is the future vocational education without restrictions (temporal, geographical). Plus, the cost of online education is much lower.

How long does it take to study to become a teacher remotely?

The university program was developed by the strongest specialists in the teaching industry. We have built a system for training future teachers in such a way as to fully comply with the requirements of Gosstandart and optimize the load on students, ensuring complete immersion in practice, research, and profession. The duration of distance learning as a teacher of primary and preschool classes at a bachelor's degree is 4 years 6 months.

What does a student need for distance learning?

The same rules apply to a deleted form as to any other form. Anyone can shorten their studies - it all depends on the interest shown, achievements in the work field, and interest. These moments determine the success of training. Among other conditions for remote study in Moscow, it should be noted:

  • technical factors: computer + Internet (standard speed, optimally from 20–70 Mbit/sec);
  • software resource (online courses are available via Skype connection), Youtube account, it is useful for active students to install popular communicators;
  • the right attitude: taking into account specific conditions (family, work, habits), you should draw up a schedule of classes in advance.

Distance learning gives freedom of action, solves the problem of being tied to a given routine, but requires self-discipline, a responsible approach, and self-control.

Where and who to work after graduating from university

The demand for teachers in the Russian Federation is enormous; their employment is not limited to activities in city schools and kindergartens. Our graduates work as tutors, educators, defectologists, methodologists, and social teachers.

Many prefer their own business - they organize privileged children's educational institutions and engage in private practice. Growth prospects are present: leadership positions in the field of education (including at the level public services and ministries) are enough.

Social survey data shows that more than 90% of average adult citizens of any state recognize teachers and professors as smarter than themselves, listen to their opinions and even consider them moral authorities. Therefore, teacher education is an excellent option for development.

What specialties exist (for second higher education)

Some pedagogical specialties:

  1. Preschool teacher.
  2. Primary school teacher.
  3. University and high school teacher. This specialization is divided into many profiles according to disciplines (mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, geography, etc.). There are also “double” profiles - biology and ecology or chemistry.
  4. Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education.
  5. Pedagogy and psychology of primary education.
  6. Computer science and ICT in education.
  1. Preschool defectology.
  2. Oligophrenopedagogy.
  3. Deaf pedagogy.
  4. Speech therapy.
  5. Special psychology.
  6. Curative pedagogy (master's degree).
  7. Project activities in speech therapy (master's degree).
  8. Psychological and pedagogical support for people with special educational needs.

Master's and bachelor's programs for those who wish to obtain a second degree are extremely diverse. Two examples:

Bachelor's degree

Specialty: Psychological and Pedagogical Education. Students learn:

Master's degree

Specialty “Informatics and ICT in Education”:

Top 5 universities in the Russian Federation

When deciding where it is best to get a second higher pedagogical education, pay attention to the top five, which are invariably included in all major Russian ratings scale "100" best universities Russia":
  1. MPGU (university, Moscow).
  2. RGPU named after. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg, university).
  3. ChSPU (Chelyabinsk, university).
  4. MSPU (Moscow, university).
  5. TSPU (Tomsk, university).
In 2017, 15 universities were especially popular among those wishing to receive a pedagogical education, including a second higher education:

The national top pedagogical universities according to the Interfax agency looks like this (to be fair, it is worth noting that, judging by the information group’s website, it has not been updated since 2010):


For those who already have a higher education, there are many programs that are often conducted remotely. To pass them, you must have a higher or secondary special education(not always necessary in the field of pedagogy). Upon completion, students receive a standard standard, and after advanced training courses, a certificate.

Retraining programs, as a rule, are aimed at teaching a new, relevant and in-demand specialty, and advanced training programs are aimed at updating workers’ knowledge educational institutions and bringing their professional competencies into compliance with the standards regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Forms of training

  1. Part-time - five years.
  2. Daytime - four years.
  3. Remote - from three years.
  4. Master's degree - from two years.
  5. Advanced training - from 45 days.
  6. Retraining - on average 250 hours (6 months).

Full-time training always costs much more. Large state universities offer full-time, evening and part-time studies correspondence departments. The latter are often transferred to a distance format, which is especially in demand for obtaining a second higher education. It is relevant for employees of kindergartens and developmental preparatory centers, since they are required to have a diploma in preschool education, and not in any pedagogical education.

Quality of education in Russia

From a study of the problems of modern pedagogical science conducted by E. P. Kadyrova, the following conclusions can be drawn about the quality of Russian teacher education:

In conclusion, it is worth adding that whatever the difficulties of the system, a second higher pedagogical education makes it possible to get a well-paid job in private lyceums, gymnasiums, schools, development centers, or even look for a lucrative vacancy abroad.