Wave genetics. Wave Genome

In 1957, in China, researcher Dzyan Kanjen began, and from the 70s on Russian soil continued, supergenetic experiments that echoed the predictions of Russian scientists A.G. Gurvich and A.A. Lyubishcheva. In the 20s and 30s, they predicted that the genetic apparatus of Earth’s organisms works not only at the material level, but also at the field level and is capable of transmitting genetic information using electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

In the last decade, the prefixes “epi”, “super”, “super” began to be added to the word “genetic”, which reflects the understanding of the insufficiency of the purely material potentials of chromosomes for encoding the structure of organisms.
However, about 60 years ago A.A. Lyubishchev went further. He predicted that the field level also does not exhaust all the information capabilities of the genome. He suggested something transcendental in its display properties, associated with the fundamental laws of the universe, for example, with the laws of thinking, beauty and harmony.
Since the 60s in Novosibirsk, academician. V.P. Kaznacheev and his school began research designed to confirm the ideas of Gurvich-Lubishchev. And they really demonstrated the so-called mirror cytopathic effect, when cells exchange wave regulatory information related to the functions of the genetic apparatus.

Berkovich S. On the functional significance of DNA as a “barcode”, or the Phenomenon of Life in the physical Universe. 2001.

The information contained in the genome is not enough to control the development of the organism. In this regard, the location of the actual instructions and mechanisms of genome functioning remains unclear. This work makes the assumption that genomic information plays the role of a “barcode”. The structure of DNA is a pseudorandom number (PRN) with classification labels, and thus organisms are characterized by their DNA in the same way that books in a library are characterized by catalog numbers. Clarifying the interpretation of DNA as a “barcode” implies that the infrastructure of the physical universe is the site of biological information processing. Thanks to the PNG contained in DNA, biological entities can share these facilities in a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) manner, similar to the standard used in cellular communications. Figuratively speaking, populations of biological objects in the physical Universe are represented as a community of Internet users with wireless CDMA access. The phenomenon of Life in the form of a process of processing collective information has a very distant relationship with physics and should be considered from the point of view of technical design methodology. The concept of DNA functioning as a "barcode" conflicts with descriptive scientific theories regarding the unique functional circuitry of biological information control. Recognizing this concept will require abandoning the existing worldview regarding modern cosmology.

Garyaev P.P. Linguistic-wave genome. Theory and practice. 2009.

In the book by P.P. Garyaev “Wave genome. Theory and Practice” touches upon fundamental issues of the genetic code, which are related to the structure, functioning and, so to speak, the “origin” of chromosomal DNA.
It is clear that the infinite is far away complete solution issues of revealing the genetic code, but the ideas of prof. Garyaeva P.P. and his colleagues provide an opportunity to see something completely new in the work of the chromosomal apparatus of living cells, in particular, a scientific and practical direction that could be called “genetic-wave navigation and control in biosystems.” It is presented by the author within the framework of theoretical models, confirmed by his own and independent experimental studies. The quantum component of the genetic work of cells seems extremely important. It is clear that the metabolism of cells, tissues and the body as a whole, gigantic in scale and complexity, must be controlled. The author puts forward a new and significant idea of ​​genetic quantum biocomputing.

The wave genome is an energy-informational field formation that accompanies the material genome and carries a large amount of information, exceeding the amount of information encoded in the genes themselves. A genome is a piece of DNA that is a collection of genes and is contained in a single set of chromosomes. The genome encodes the program for constructing a living organism. But it is not enough not only for the further functioning of the body and its individual organs, but even for complete differentiation and self-assembly of the resulting cells. In addition, both cells and individual chromosome genes interact with each other and influence each other’s work. This interaction takes place at the field level.

According to eniology, every material formation has a body field. Every cell, every gene, every genome has such a field. The intellectual shell of the gene field contains not only information available in the gene itself, but also additional, especially program information for the future operation of this gene. In addition, it exchanges current information with similar shells of other genes, and is also subject to external influence.

The energy-informational influence on the field of the genome, on the wave genome, leads to a change in the operation of this genome, which has been tested in practice, as in experimental work, and in energy-informational healing. This influence can be carried out purposefully through electromagnetic equipment or by the mental influence of gifted people, but more often it turns out to be spontaneous, depending on random environmental influences.

Conclusions according to Garyaev:

  • most of information is contained in DNA in the form of a wave;
  • DNA is capable of receiving information, including emotions, from vocal speech;
  • a DNA molecule is capable of transmitting information (for example, about its cell) by wave into a laser beam and receiving such information, which can cause morphogenetic and physiological effects, for example, recovery (Sympathetic magic);
  • after the death of living beings, starting with a cell and even individual DNA, their phantom remains for 40 days, capable of influencing other bodies and fields (in particular, Garyaev’s fundamental experience, according to him, was that the scattering spectrum of DNA was preserved and after the DNA has been removed from the device);
  • a child can carry hereditary information from a man (male) who is not his father, but who was the mother’s sexual partner in the past (telegony).

Wave nature of DNA

Researchers all over the world are trying to decipher the “word” that breathed life into living matter, into humans. In vain. It is assumed that it is written in the text of the genetic code hidden in DNA molecules. As part of the Human Genome Program, scientists have been able to establish the sequence of three billion “letters” in our genetic text in 10 years. A colossal success! It would seem that now you just read... Alas! Of the three billion letters, only 2% could be read. The remaining 98 are still incomprehensible. A fundamentally different approach to reading genetic text is proposed by Dr. biological sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Petr Garyaev.

Our destiny is written in DNA

Since the mid-80s, Garyaev has been developing his own theory wave functions genetic apparatus. His sensational experiments confirm the dual nature of genes: they are a substance and a field at the same time. The field is acoustic and photon. Garyaev is sure: it is the field form of chromosomes (the guardians of genes) that controls the development of the organism.

First, it “marks out” its space-time structure. Wave images of parts of the future organism are created inside the egg. His socio-program, if you will, his fate, is also partially written down here. And only then, layer by layer, is the material embodiment of the developing embryo carried out.

This approach of Garyaev and his colleagues provokes sharp criticism from classical molecular biologists and geneticists who view genes from a purely materialistic standpoint - as a substance. And no more.

In order to build a complex organism from a tiny cell, there must be a main program, Garyaev believes. It is simply not present in the studied part of the genome (those two percent). There are “genes responsible for...”. For hair color, nose shape, eyes. They “stamp” the necessary proteins and encode enzymes. That's all. But these processes in trillions of our cells must be coordinated and regulated in space and time of the body according to a single plan. If it is disrupted, mutations, deformities, cancer occur... But where exactly is this main program written? Garyaev claims: it is in the unstudied, main part of the genome.

Classical geneticists are sure: the molecules of DNA heredity are the material matrix in which the “word” is written - our development program, the genetic code. Garyaev believes that this is not entirely true.

“From the standpoint of wave, or quantum, genetics, DNA works not only as a substance, but also as a source of electromagnetic and sound fields. That’s what we need to look for,” he says. – This can be compared to an audio-video recording.

We put on a CD, see and hear what is recorded on it, and this recording somehow affects us. But it is not the substance from which the disc is made that affects, but the light and sound recorded on it.

DNA also works. These molecules emit an information field, and it is in it that the entire plan of the organism, its physical and spiritual body is written in wave language. That is, both body and soul.

The idea of ​​such an information field of DNA molecules was first put forward in the 20s of the last century by Russian scientists Gurvich, Lyubishchev, and Beklemirshev. Garyaev simply moved on. And he came...to Solaris! Remember the thinking ocean in Tarkovsky's film?

“We are convinced that the unexplored 98% of the genome is a hologram. A moving, pulsating, liquid crystal hologram that uses the laser properties of DNA. Their ability to emit waves of different lengths, create light and sound images, and read them themselves, says the scientist.

– In this hologram, in a collapsed form, all the texts and geometric plans body. Recorded different colors and sound, like on an audio-video film, only holographic, three-dimensional.

To realize all this information, the text must be read, listened to, and graphic images seen. And the genetic apparatus – like a thinking biocomputer – reads itself, listens, sees and turns on the necessary programs for the synthesis of proteins and other substances.”

So the volumetric hologram of the genome is the main plan for building the organism. But how to read it?

“Our work with linguists and mathematicians from Moscow State University and the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has shown that the structure of sequences of letters in human texts - be it a speech or a book - is mathematically close,” says Pyotr Garyaev. – But if we read an ordinary book line by line, then the hologram of the genome can be read from any point in any direction. And it gives you countless reading options. In addition, the text in it is not stationary - it constantly pulsates, changes, flickers in different colors, giving rise to a huge number of new images and texts. (That’s why we develop and evolve, like all living things on Earth).

You can read them, understand the meaning that triggers this or that process, only by illuminating each text with the same color as it was written. That is, a wave of outer length. And the biocomputer of our genome accurately does this, choosing from an infinite number of options exactly the text that it needs.

As a result, light and acoustic images appear - wave structures of all micro parts of the future organism. Then they are filled with matter - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. And we acquire flesh. Let's say, in order for a nose to appear, you must first simulate its wave structure. And only then fill it with substance... This is how the entire organism is created.”

But how do cells coordinate their actions?

How is instantaneous, simultaneous analysis and transmission of information to trillions of cells even possible? After all, no superluminal speeds are enough for this. According to Garyaev, this is only possible if all cells are connected by an instantaneous, single, inextricable consciousness.

Then the information is not transmitted from one cell to another, but is, as it were, immediately “smeared” throughout the entire body. This is the property of a hologram, which contains the whole in each of its particles. How all this happens is still not completely clear, but it is impossible to explain otherwise this main, wave, principle of operation of our chromosomes.

Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev. Doctor of Biological Sciences, academician Russian Academy medical and technical sciences, CEO Institute of Quantum Genetics.
The main idea of ​​P. Garyaev: our DNA is an antenna through which information comes to them from space. Their work is based on the external wave environment. We are constantly fed with information from space. Genetic information can exist in the form of an electromagnetic field and can be transferred from one organism to another. Petr Petrovich Garyaev is the founder of wave genetics in Russia. He is revered in scientific circles both as a breakthrough scientist and as a “typical representative of pseudoscience.” The stumbling block causing such polar assessments was the very fact of recognition (or non-recognition) of wave genetics. Those who scold Garyaev apparently belong to the same company of persecutors of Natalya Bekhtereva - narrow-minded, ambitious loudmouths. P. Garyaev claims that the global international program “Human Genome” did not live up to expectations. She showed that the human genetic apparatus contains only about 35,000 protein genes, which is only 2% of human DNA. It turned out that protein genes are almost the same for all organisms. The functions of the main part of the genetic apparatus, that is, 98% of DNA, are still not understood for the most part geneticists and are still perceived by them as “garbage”. In fact, this situation in biology and in its main part, genetics, means a crisis. There is no answer to the main question: how is a person actually encoded in his own chromosomes? Due to this misunderstanding, the strategy of modern genetics has acquired an ugly character, manifested in “transgenic engineering.” This directly leads to the degeneration of the planet’s gene pool, says Garyaev. At the same time, there is a direction in embryology and genetics, started by Russian scientists about 80 years ago. This direction is based on the fundamental idea that genetic information exists simultaneously in two forms - material (protein genes) and wave. The wave level of encoding genetic information includes such components as the holographic memory of the chromosomal continuum, the text-like nature of DNA and other forms of wave functions of chromosomes. Text-likeness means the similarity of the gene sequence to speech. P. Garyaev calls the genetic code the speech of God. This view corresponds to the ancient Brahmanical concept of the divine universal Consciousness as the highest Word (Speech). These postulates received further modern development in the research of Peter Garyaev’s group. The research was carried out at the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and public association"Institute of Quantum Genetics", as well as together with scientists Physics Institute RAS, Moscow State University, Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Institute of General Genetics RAS. A significant part of the work was done by P. Garyaev’s group in Canada (Toronto, Wave Genetics Inc.) in 2002. One of the main manifestations of the functions of the genome at the wave level is its quantum nonlocality. Non-locality means that the information hologram of the genome (the design of the organism) is not limited to any spatial framework, but is extended to the entire Universe. This fully corresponds to the ancient esoteric idea of ​​\u200b\u200bman about the world and about himself. The fractal paradoxical principle of the Universe “The ocean consists of drops, but each drop contains the entire Ocean” is gradually conquering the minds of physicists. In general, the genetic apparatus realizes itself as a DNA-wave biocomputer. This does not exclude the canonical model of the genetic protein code; it is only part of the integral matter-wave sign mechanisms of the chromosomal continuum of biosystems. There are several research teams around the world working in this direction. Since the 1930s, the attention of researchers has been drawn to the role of electromagnetic radiation not only as a source of energy, but also as a channel of information used by living systems for the autoregulation of life processes. To explain the nature of information interactions of a developing organism with the environment, A.G. Gurvich put forward a theory according to which cell division is controlled by external factors physical nature, acting at a distance (distant action) according to the resonant principle (Gurvich A., Gurvich L., 1945). Starting with the experiments of A.G. Gurvich on onion roots and budding yeast, distant interactions of a wave nature between living organisms of different levels of organization have been studied for many decades. J. and M. Magrou (Magrou et al., 1931, Magrou, 1932) studied distant effects on reproductive products and fertilized eggs sea ​​urchins bacterial cultures (staphylococcus, Bact. tumefaciens) and lactic acid enzymes. The effect of distant interaction between two growing cultures of fibroblasts through quartz substrates was observed by Kaznacheev and Mikhailova (1981). The presence of distant interactions in unicellular organisms (yeast), on plant tissues(seeds, buds, leaves, tree bark), on insects, on human blood, was convincingly demonstrated by Kuzin (1997). Ultra-weak (units of quanta per square centimeter of surface per second) coherent electromagnetic radiation from living organisms, which has information and regulatory significance for intra- and intercellular connections, has been directly recorded (Rorr et al., 1981; Rorr, 1989; Rorr et al., 1994; Rorr, Chang, 1998). It has been shown that the nature of biophoton emission recorded from loach embryos changes during development (Burlakov et al., 2000). The regulatory role of photon radiation was demonstrated on explants of lactating mammary glands of mice (Moltchanov, Galantsev, 1995). The authors recorded changes in the spontaneous luminescence of gland pieces upon chemical stimulation or inhibition of secretion and, in parallel, showed that other explants - radiation detectors - responded by changing metabolic activity to changes in the physiological state of the inducer piece, provided that there was only optical contact between the detectors and the inductor. Features of the wave interaction of developing embryos is that both the sources and detectors of signals in this case are dynamically becoming more complex biological systems (Burlakov et al., 2000). In addition, wave information perceived at the initial moments of the formation of systems can be realized in further development as significant changes in characteristics. This makes the early embryos of lower vertebrates a very promising biological model for studying the signaling role of ultra-weak radiation of living systems, although it is the most difficult of the models discussed above to interpret the results obtained (Burlakov, 1998; Burlakov et al., 1999a, b). However, wave genetics develops very slowly for many reasons. The new is born in pain - this is the law of life. A new scientific paradigm, including the prototype of wave genetics, began to be formulated in the first half of the last century. Russian scientist A. Lyubishchev wrote: “Genes are neither living beings, nor pieces of a chromosome, nor molecules of autolytic enzymes, nor radicals, nor a physical structure, nor a force caused by a material carrier; we must recognize the gene as an immaterial substance.” Half a century later, P. Garyaev, in the preface to his book “Wave Genetic Code,” continued: “The situation now resembles the situation in classical physics of the early twentieth century, when with the discovery elementary particles matter, the substance seemed to have disappeared, something remained, which was called the vague term “energy”... But if physics with dignity accepted as reality the paradoxes “here and there at the same time”, “wave and particle are combined”, “electron resonates with the entire Universe”, “vacuum is nothing, but it gives rise to everything,” etc., then biology only has to go through a similar path (the Tao of Biology), and it will be much harder.”
Field genome of Yuri Larichev
Yuri Anatolyevich Larichev. Not an academician, not a doctor, or even a candidate of science. He has no research group, no laboratory, no institute, no grants, no sponsors, no government support. He is an unknown provincial loner. They only know him on the Internet. Readers call him Runemaster, Magus, Brahmin, Guru, etc., which he refers to with a moderate amount of irony and humor.
The main idea of ​​Yu. Larichev: the material DNA molecule and the wave hologram are only carriers of information. Genetic information itself represents an ordered sequence of first principles underlying the Universe and man. Yuri Larichev’s research began with a radical revision of the scientific paradigm. Everything is a wave. The universe represents duality - a virtual superluminal world of information and a material subluminal world of energy. Yu. Larichev called the information world a static Firmament of standing waves - eternal Resonance. The material dynamic Universe consists of moving waves. Virtual and real worlds are not separated from each other and cannot exist separately. Together they make up the world paradox “A is not B, but A and B are one and the same.” Yu. Larichev called the sequence “A or B” the principle of time. Such a paradigm (Einstein’s dream) puts everything in its place and explains those paradoxes and contradictions that have driven us into a crisis ideological impasse modern science. Yu. Larichev not only declared his ideas, but logically justified them. It turned out that the “new” paradigm completely coincides with the worldview of the ancient sages before the advent of classical religions and philosophies. And the Runemaster tirelessly repeats that he did not discover anything new, but only reconstructed the ancient knowledge of the Magi. It turned out to be not primitive, but very complex. Yuri Larichev was not criticized by the “commission on pseudoscience” due to the fact that they did not read any of his works or did not take him seriously. Most readers do not yet understand Yu. Larichev's philosophy. The absence of academic credentials, behind which the weakness of the scientific position could be hidden, puts Larichev in conditions in which only iron logic can be the main argument in the dispute. Yuri Larichev's publications are distinguished by logical rigor and the absence of idle fantasies. Academic authorities for him apparently do not exist. There are no statements like “this is true because some authority said so” in Larichev’s works. He encourages his readers to think and not take anything at their word. Apparently, this is the only way, with your own mind, that discoveries are possible. A hundred years ago in Russia, the fundamental work “The Sacred Book of Thoth” by Vladimir Shmakov was published, “the authority of which is indisputable for true seekers of spiritual knowledge” (from the publisher’s annotation). Yu. Larichev continued Shmakov's research and developed it using the advanced achievements of various branches of modern science. A deep understanding of the arcana allowed Yuri Larichev to restore and decipher the Slavic alphabet. He convincingly proved that the Russian alphabet is the primary carrier of the ancient secret initiatory teaching. This discovery radically affects the worldview and understanding of one’s place in the history and modern geopolitics of mankind. At the same time, knowledge of the hidden hermetic “springs” of the Russian language allows us to access psychotronic technologies to influence the subconscious of people and the world around us. With the help of our paradigm and Slavic alphabet Yuri Larichev deciphered the runes known to everyone, but not understood by anyone. They turned out to be Russian and spoke Russian. Having deciphered and restored their original sequence and closed it into a Mobius-like structure, Yu. Larichev obtained a field genome. Larichev's field genome is a sequence of principles-archetypes written in a logical series. That is, here we are no longer dealing with the information carrier, but directly with the information itself. Thus, it turns out that the sacred (intimate) essence of divine providence itself has been discovered. The Runemaster says that it was not he who discovered the archetypal field genome, but the runes themselves were revealed to him. In his activities, the author constantly pushes himself into the background. But, as they say, you can’t hide an sew in a bag.
Tandem of minds
The ancient Slavic pagan god Rod (aka genome) returned to people again, but in the modern quality of its understanding. The consequences for all humanity of this significant event are yet to come. For science, this means the possibility of a revolutionary breakthrough forward.
So, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, Russian scientists made a breakthrough discovery, the importance of which, unfortunately, cannot yet be assessed. Perhaps this is the most important thing that a person needs to know and understand in his life. Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev and Yuri Anatolyevich Larichev followed parallel paths and independently came to the same conclusions. Such coincidences do not happen often in science, but they once again confirm the truth of the conclusions. There was a harmonious fusion of philosophy with natural science, of ancient subconscious Hermeticism with the most advanced rational science. The discovery of Russian scientists was so ahead of its time that the scientific community was unprepared to react adequately. Indeed, in order to understand the essence of the statements of Garyaev and Larichev, it is necessary to change the outdated scientific paradigm, break the usual worldview and, above all, oneself. And the inertia of thinking, as we know, is a strong factor. Moreover, if Garyaev’s research can still be perceived by foreign scientists, then Larichev’s works without knowledge of the Russian language are generally incomprehensible to a foreign reader. On the one hand this is bad, but on the other hand it is good, because this time the story does not give anyone a chance to plagiarize. Another stereotype broken. It is still generally accepted that science is international, but the discovery of the field genome will remain Russian, because it could not be different. There have been many discoveries and inventions in science. And each one had some benefit. The discovery of the field genome, which we are witnessing, is different in that even without it practical application it has already begun to change the person himself. And there are more and more such people every day. Pure theory without financial investments and practical development already works on its own. An amazing phenomenon, similar to God's providence. It’s very opportune that Professor Anatoly Klyosov’s research on DNA genealogy arrived in time. So the time has come. Russian times are coming. Victor Bidenko, 2009

Some information about the development of wave genetics(preface to the works of P.P. Garyaev)

In 1957, in China, researcher Dzyan Kanjen began, and from the 70s on Russian soil continued, supergenetic experiments that echoed the predictions of Russian scientists A.G. Gurvich and A.A. Lyubishcheva. In the 20s - 30s, they predicted that the genetic apparatus of Earth's organisms works not only at the material level, but also at the field level and is capable of transmitting genetic information using electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

In the last decade, the prefixes “epi”, “super”, “super” began to be added to the word “genetic”, which reflects the understanding of the insufficiency of the purely material potentials of chromosomes for encoding the structure of organisms.

However, about 60 years ago A.A. Lyubishchev went further. He predicted that the field level also does not exhaust all the information capabilities of the genome. He suggested something transcendental in its display properties, associated with the fundamental laws of the universe, for example, with the laws of thinking, beauty and harmony.

Since the 60s in Novosibirsk, academician. V.P. Kaznacheev and his school began research designed to confirm the ideas of Gurvich-Lubishchev. And they actually demonstrated the so-called mirror cytopathic effect, when cells separated by quartz glass exchange wave regulatory information related to the functions of the genetic apparatus.

Dzyan Kanjen, who had in addition medical education also engineering, based on his ideas, which to some extent coincided with the gene-biofield model of Gurvich-Lubishchev-Kaznacheev, he designed equipment that was capable of reading, transmitting over a distance and introducing wave supergenetic signals from the donor biosystem into the acceptor organism . As a result, hybrids were bred that were unthinkable and “prohibited” by official genetics, which operates in terms of only real genes. This is how chimera animals and plants were born, such as chicken ducks, chickens with the hair of Dzyan-Kanjen himself, rabbits with goat horns, corn from the cobs of which wheat ears grew, etc.
The author, who intuitively understood some aspects of the Experimental Wave Genetics he actually created, believed that the carriers of field genetic information were ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation used in his equipment, the so-called “bio-microwave”.

There is an urgent need for the theoretical development of the Wave Genome model, for a physical, mathematical and theoretical biological understanding of the work of chromosomes and DNA in field and material dimensions.

The first attempts to solve this problem were made by P.P. Garyaev and A.A. Berezin from the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as A.A. Vasiliev, employee of the Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their theoretical design was based on the principles of coherent physical radiation, holography and solitonics, the theory of physical vacuum, fractal representations of DNA structures and human speech.

The essence of the ideas of Garyaev-Berezin-Vasiliev (“GBV-model”) is that the genome of higher organisms is considered as a bioholographic computer that forms the spatio-temporal structure of biosystems. In this case, wave fronts defined by genogolograms, etc., act as carriers of field epigenomatrixes. DNA solitons are a special type of acoustic and electromagnetic fields produced by the genetic apparatus of the organism itself and capable of intermediary functions in the exchange of strategic regulatory information between cells, tissues and organs of the biosystem.

It is also important that holographic lattices, including those that are part of the vibrational structures of solitons, are only a particular simplest case of code-shaped information recorded in the chromosomal continuum of an organism. As for the well-known and thoroughly studied genes encoding proteins, they occupy only about 1% of the total mass of DNA in biosystems and perform their inherent purely material functions of replicating RNA and proteins.

The main part of the iconic chromosome structures is located in the remaining 99%, which were considered “garbage”, i.e. allegedly not performing any genetic functions. But it is precisely this large part of the chromosomes that is analyzed within the framework of the GBI model as the main “intelligent” structure of all cells of the body, including the brain. It is she who works on the wave, on the “ideal” (subtle) level. This ideal component, which can be called a supergenocontinuum, is a strategic symbolic figure of the genome, ensuring the development and life of humans, animals, plants, as well as their programmed natural dying. At the same time, it is important to understand that there is no sharp and insurmountable boundary between genes and supergenes. Both of these levels of coding form material matrices, but genes provide material replicas in the form of RNA and proteins, and supergenes transform the endo- and exogenous fields falling on them, forming supergene-sign wave structures from them. Moreover, genes can be an integral part of holographic lattices of supergenes and regulate their field activity.

The substantiation of the unity of the fractal (repeating itself on different scales) structure of DNA sequences and human speech deserves special attention in the GBV model. The fact that the four letters of the genetic alphabet (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine) in DNA “texts” form fractal structures was discovered by the American Jeffrey in 1990 and did not cause any particular reaction. However, the discovery of gene-like fractal structures in human speech, and not only in the multi-letter alphabets of Russian and English texts, but also in the sequences of words in these texts, came as a surprise to both geneticists and linguists. However, this corresponds to a strange branch of semiotics called "Linguistic Genetics", which studies the mysterious and inexplicable precise applicability of the laws of Formal Genetics to the formation of interlingual and intralingual hybrid words.

It becomes obvious that the accepted and already habitual advanced comparison of DNA with texts, which was predominantly metaphorical in nature, is now completely justified, after the discovery of the unity of the fractal structure of DNA and human speech.
Together with the staff of the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the group of P.P. Garyaev, mainly through the efforts of M.Yu. Maslova, developed the theory of the so-called. fractal representation of natural (human) and genetic languages. Within the framework of this theory, the quasi-speech DNA has a potentially inexhaustible supply of “words” and, in addition, what was on one scale of considering DNA “texts” a “phrase” or “sentence” on another scale turns into a “word” or “ letter." This demonstrates the information redundancy that is highly characteristic of the genetic apparatus and, accordingly, noise immunity. It is in the trinity of its structural and functional organization - holographic, soliton and fractal structures.

This theory makes it possible to make a subtle quantitative comparison of the sign structure of any texts, including genetic ones. This opens up a real opportunity to approach the decoding of the vocabulary of the genotexts themselves and, accordingly, A MORE ACCURATE DEVELOPMENT OF ALGORITHMS FOR APPROACHING THE HUMAN GENOME FOR THE PURPOSE OF POTENTIALLY ANY PROGRAMMING OF HIS LIFE ACTIVITIES - TREATMENT, LIFE EXTENSION, ETC.
Practical testing of the GBV model in the field of “speech” characteristics of DNA showed the strategically correct orientation of research.

Just like in the experiments of Dzian Kanjen by the group of P.P. Garyaev, the effect of translation and introduction of wave supergenetic information from donor to acceptor was obtained. But research continued and devices were created - Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) soliton field generators, into which speech algorithms could be entered, for example, in Russian and English languages. Such verbal structures turned into soliton modulated fields - analogues of those that cells operate in the process of wave communications. The body and its genetic apparatus “recognize” such “wave phrases” as their own and act in accordance with the speech recommendations introduced by the person from the outside. In this case, it is extremely significant that the human operator who forms verbal codes that resonate with the acceptor genome must be at a certain stage of spiritual development and be able to modify his consciousness in a certain way. The factor of exobiological control over such work with gene structures cannot be excluded, since a global catastrophic resonance of the gene pool of the entire planet is possible.

This is how effective verbal-wave algorithms for restoring the genome of wheat and barley after radiation destruction of the seeds of these plants were synthesized. Programs for accelerating the growth of the Arabidopsis talliana plant were synthesized. But statistically reliable and alarming results were also obtained on quasi-mutagenesis on Arabidopsis seeds during chaotic mutual transfer of wave epigenenomatrices. The FPU generator on two Orion batteries, using the operator’s speech codes, gave in 3 minutes an effect comparable to 30 thousand roentgens. (Data obtained in a joint study with the Institute of General Genetics. Performers: P.P. Garyaev and V.I. Abramov).

To test the effectiveness of growth-stimulating wave programs in control experiments, meaningless speech pseudo-codes were introduced into the plant genome through FPU generators, which did not in any way affect the plant metabolism, while semantic entry into the biofield semantic layers of the plant genome gives the effect of a programmable sharp, but short-term growth acceleration.

Recognition of human speech by plant genomes (regardless of language) is fully consistent with the position of Linguistic Genetics on the existence of the Proto-Language of the genome of biosystems at the early stages of their evolution, common to all organisms and preserved in the general structure of the Planet’s gene pool. Here we see a correspondence with the ideas of the classic of structural linguistics Noam Chomsky, who believed that all natural languages ​​have a deep, innate universal grammar, invariant for all people and, probably, for their own supergenetic structures.

Significant for fundamental science the result may be experimental data proving the insufficiency of the genome to fully reproduce the development program of the organism under conditions of biofield information isolation. Filtering or distortion of the external natural information background causes deformities and death of embryos. This means that communication of genetic structures with the external information field is absolutely necessary for the harmonious development of the organism.
External (exobiological) field signals carry additional, and perhaps main, information into the Earth's gene continuum.
This idea is confirmed by direct experiments of the Group, which showed that DNA in a liquid crystal state is like an antenna for receiving and assimilating exobiological information. This phenomenon, perhaps of fundamental importance, manifests itself in the fact that DNA molecules, in the mode of “receiving” an exobiological signal, begin to behave in an anomalous manner, imitating quasi-intelligent behavior at the level of their own soliton acoustic fields. This is reliably recorded using correlation laser spectroscopy. It is possible that in this case, Higher regulatory supergene signals are registered, intended for global control of Earth’s organisms for the purpose of their survival.

Another phenomenon recorded in these experiments is expressed in a visible violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics during such quasi-spontaneous artificially induced external acoustic vibrations of DNA molecules, which was also noted in parallel studies in the West (see the works of Chou et al. References are given in monograph by P. P. Garyaev “Wave Genome”, 1993). The energy for such undamped oscillations can be drawn in doses from intracellular cold-nuclear synthetic processes (see the work of V.P. Kaznacheev on the transmutation of carbon isotopes in the cell) and from vacuum potential energy structures (see G.I. Shipov. Theory of physical vacuum. ( 1993)).