What mechanical phenomena exist? Thermal phenomena. Thermodynamic method of explanation

Let's look at what thermal phenomena can be observed on a Saturday morning in cool September.

So, having woken up early and taken a shower, we dry our hair with a stream of dry hot air created by an electric hair dryer ( evaporation).

Then, for comfort, we turn on the electric fireplace, which provides additional heat (radiation) in the place of the room where our favorite chair is installed. Convection occurs in a room when the heating is on. Hot air from a radiator or fireplace rises, and cold air falls.

Faraday's lucky break as a bookbinding apprentice is truly astonishing because of his poor academic background, his incredible ability as an experimenter, and his wonderful physical intuition. His influence on modern field physics nomenclature was decisive for another great scientist to generalize his conceptual proposals mathematically.

Maxwell's academic and research profile is diametrically opposed to Faraday's. His careful theoretical work led not only to the unification of electricity and magnetism as the sole phenomenon of the electromagnetic field, but also to the understanding of light from mathematical language electromagnetic fields and to analyze its wave composition through spectrographs. Spectrographic analysis of light was crucial in understanding chemical composition stars and atomic structure of matter.

We sit in this chair, covered with a fluffy blanket ( law of thermal conductivity) and drink hot chocolate from a mug, the material of which does not conduct heat well ( again the law of thermal conductivity). We used a kettle to heat the water.

Having looked around, we draw the following conclusions - the house was built according to the laws of thermal phenomena, starting with the choice of materials and ending with the competent installation of heat supply and ventilation systems. Just imagine if the windows were located below - yes, it would be convenient to open them, but it would be very difficult to ventilate the room. Materials for the walls of houses are used porous, so that the air protects the house from temperature changes.

As a consequence of this field interpretation of waves, the method of remote communication systems was populated physical language electromagnetic fields. Slow communication by sea benefited from the high speed of information propagation via electromagnetic radio waves. We refer to commercial radio broadcasting developed by Marconi.

Another paradigmatic example that would enrich the language of physics—and ultimately bring closer the understanding of the final stages of the universe—is the creation of thermodynamics. Watt's technical and scientific knowledge of heat and its transformation into mechanical work was decisive both for the creation of the steam engine, which revolutionized industry, and for the creation of new statistical mechanics, which explained macroscopic thermodynamic properties from the statistical results of the microscopic regime.

And if we look into the kitchen, we will see many examples of thermal phenomena.

In almost all technological processes of cooking, you can observe how heat transfer occurs from one product to another, from a stove or oven to a pan or other container.

All three types of heat transfer will take part in the heating process: from fire to the vessel - radiation, through the walls of the vessel to water - thermal conductivity, and the water itself is heated by convection.

A steam engine converts the thermodynamic energy of water vapor into mechanical energy. Statistical mechanics attempts to explain the macroscopic properties of thermodynamic systems formed by a large number of particles from the statistical laws of their atomic constituents. The language of thermodynamics quickly invaded the vocabulary of popular heritage.

Thermodynamic entropy, originally defined to determine states of thermodynamic equilibrium, is also used today in several areas of modern physics: in information theory to measure communication noise, in cosmology to describe the evolutionary dynamics of the Universe, or in physics complex systems far from equilibrium, as in living biological systems.

Thermal conductivity: The use of substances with low thermal conductivity: if there is a need to protect the body from cooling or heating, then substances with low thermal conductivity are used. So, for pots and pans, handles are made of plastic or other alloy with low thermal conductivity. Thick, massive cast iron frying pans heat the bottom more evenly than those made of thin steel. Those areas of the bottom of steel cookware that are located directly above the fire heat up especially hotly, and food often burns on them. That is why housewives choose frying pans with a thick bottom, usually cast iron. It is very difficult to drink hot tea from a traveling aluminum mug, but modern earthenware copes with this task perfectly. You also know that if you put a cold spoon into hot tea, it will heat up after a while. In this case, the tea will give up some of its heat not only to the spoon, but also to the surrounding air.

Absolute zero temperature is an insurmountable limit for physical systems. Energy cannot be less energy than any energy. In this first article, before going into the nature of classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, we did some history about the languages ​​of physics.

In case the birth of physical science, at least in embryo, in classical Greek culture, evolutionary path even more. There is a clear tendency to become increasingly detached from ontological complexities, to remain on the surface of phenomena and, from a phenomenal point of view, to rely on terrestrial mathematics as an auxiliary language of the physical sciences.

Convection: Food is prepared on stoves. Warm air from stoves, from cooked food rises up and cold food goes down. When the fan operates, forced convection is also observed.

Radiation. All bodies radiate energy: both strongly and weakly heated ones. Bodies with a dark surface absorb and emit energy better than bodies with a light surface. So, in a light teapot hot water Retains high temperature longer than in the dark. This knowledge helps you save on electricity when choosing cookware.

We strive for an understanding of physical science that can serve philosophy to address the great questions about the ontological structure of reality and about the ultimate metaphysical truth of the Universe, as soon as we can know it through reason, science and philosophy. From myths to the inflationary universe. Life and fate of the Renaissance genius. Modern age. Founding period.

Article prepared by Manuel Bejar Gallego, graduated Faculty of Physics and PhD in Philosophy, Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid, collaborates with Trends21 of Religions. Excellent content that summarizes progress in physics theories. It is known that any theory built on a false postulate will sooner or later have small inconsistencies until it becomes untenable. Well, if we analyze the current theories, we will find exactly what Lucretius said. All physics has the foundation that space and things are independent.

Water in the kitchen is present in all three states: in gaseous form - when water boils, in liquid form - when food is cooked in it, in solid form - in the form of ice cubes for drinks.

Melting: Real chocolate melts in your mouth - the melting point of cocoa butter is close to the melting point of the human body.

Evaporation: The ability of vinegar to evaporate and destroy strong, unpleasant odors makes it convenient to use in the kitchen. If you pour a little vinegar into a frying pan and put it on low heat, the smoke, the smell of fat, fish, and garlic will soon disappear. To get rid of the unpleasant odor when cooking cabbage, you need to cover the pan with a rag soaked in vinegar and a lid on top. In the bread bin, in the table, in the hanging cabinet, you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of stale bread in the same way.

If we analyze classical physics there, space was absolute. In the theory of relativity there is already an influence of masses on space. The space surrounding the masses is deformed, but it remains independent of the other. IN quantum physics both are independent objects. Consider then the opposite postulate, and you will see how everything becomes clear without creating a monster of physics, or that you come out of an experimental test that will cost space in the minds of physicists. And the last thing is the most difficult because this theory is conceived by a doctor.

Boiling: Cooking in double boilers and multicookers is based on boiling.

Approaching the window, we can also observe a lot of thermal phenomena.

For example, it rains in summer and snows in winter. Dew forms on the leaves. Fog appears.

Human life is closely connected with thermal phenomena. He encounters their manifestations as often as mechanical ones. This - heating or cooling bodies, the dependence of their properties on temperature, change in states of aggregation substances, etc. Therefore, since ancient times, humanity has tried to understand the “secret” thermal phenomena, explain their nature, use them in Everyday life. According to ancient Greek myth, Prometheus was chained to a rock and doomed to eternal suffering for stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to people.

To make it easier to understand, imagine space in two dimensions, completely pure, as if it were a crystalline sheet without any deformation, flat but deformable and elastic. With this in mind, let's take this space with the hand of our imagination and try to make a small deformation in it and take it between our fingers, fold it and wrap it around ourselves. Here, this small fold is the germ of matter. Now, in one dimension, let's imagine space as a thread and do a little rotation.

Same thing, it's agility. Mentally we turn this thread thousands of times, just as we may have already played with as a child. It should be noted that they form more and more circles. After a while and after many twists and turns, you will see that there will be some twists that we could call a second generation compared to the previous ones. Let's go back to the first turn, which was pushed back and all the other turns went forward. How could this solitary turn end up where other turns accumulate?

Thermal phenomena and processes associated with the transfer and transformation of energy, causing a change in the temperature of bodies or the transition of a substance from one state of aggregation to another.

It so happened that nature of thermal phenomena is explained in physics in two ways, mutually complementing each other. One of the ways is the so-called thermodynamic approach, which is based on a generalization of centuries-old experience of observing the occurrence of thermal phenomena and processes, and on the formulation of general principles of their occurrence. The thermodynamic approach considers heat from the standpoint of macroscopic properties of matter- pressure, temperature, volume, density, etc. It is a descriptive way of studying thermal phenomena, since it does not resort to clarifying the essence of thermal motion. Another way is the molecular kinetic theory of matter.

He would have to unwind and wrap at the same time to reach them, wouldn't he? Or else, objects and space are not independent. He said that a stone thrown at a tree will never reach the tree. If you analyze this paradox with the postulates of current physics, in which objects and space are independent, it is absurd. The stone will never go anywhere, but if it is analyzed from the point of view of the interdependence of space and objects, it is easy to understand how this stone reaches the tree.

She does this in the same way that our little loop of space reached her satellites in the example we look at above. Antimatter We will return to the example of pure space. Have you ever managed to push plastic beyond its design? Well, that's what we're going to do with our clear space, let's stretch it out. When the plastic is stretched, loops appear that previously did not exist in this heavy-duty plastic. This is an example of an antimatter cycle. The existence of electrostatic phenomena has been well known since antiquity, and there are numerous illustrative examples that are part of modern learning, for example, the fact that some materials are charged with electricity simply by rubbing them.

Thermodynamics is a theory of heat that explains the nature of thermal phenomena without taking into account the molecular structure of matter.Material from the site

In the history of physics, the development of ideas about the nature of heat occurred in constant confrontation between adherents thermodynamic And molecular kinetic approaches to an explanation thermal phenomena. The first argued the advantages of thermodynamics by the relative simplicity of the description of thermal phenomena and processes, especially in the calculations of technical devices that perform mechanical work using heat.

Electrification is designed to gain or lose electrical charges, usually electrons, produced by an electrically neutral body. By contact: a neutral body can only be charged by touching it with another previously charged one. In this case, both remain with the same load, that is, if a neutral body touches another with a positive charge, the first must remain positively charged. Rubbing: When two electrically neutral bodies rub together, both become charged, one with a positive charge and the other with a negative charge. This is one of the basic properties of matter.

Laws of thermodynamics easier than molecular kinetic theory explains thermal phenomena and processes, however, they require experimental determination of individual quantities (for example, heat capacity)

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Why is thermodynamics needed in the lives of ordinary people? examples of phenomena

  • Mechanics briefly

  • Thermal phenomena thermal movement explanations with examples

  • Thermal phenomena in ancient Greek myths

  • Physics thermal phenomena in everyday life

Questions about this material:

In fact, the electric charge of a body or object is the sum of the charges of each of its minimal components. Therefore they say that electric charge is quantized. There are two types electric charge, which are called positive and negative charges. Electric charges of the same class or sign repel each other and other signs.

The principle of conservation and quantification of load. Electric charges can only be produced in pairs. The total number of positive electrical charges produced in equal number negative, i.e. the total amount of electrical charge in any process remains constant. In addition, any charge located in a body is always an integer multiple of the natural unit of charge, namely the electron.