Lesson in the senior group topic is Victory Day. "May 9 - Victory Day." lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. "Guess the military profession"

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Target: formation and development of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of an individual who is aware of his inseparability and inseparability with the Fatherland.

Tasks: the formation of a respectful attitude towards the historical past of the Motherland, towards the fate of one’s country, one’s people; feelings of patriotism, responsibility for one’s words, actions, responsibility for the present and future of one’s Motherland; nurturing historical memory, a sense of belonging to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

(1 slide - title)

To the music of "Cadet March" (2-27 slide), children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: The 45th has long died down with its last salvo, but the pain of loss is still alive.

Everyone, sitting on chairs, watches the presentation accompanied by music. "Happy May" (28-37 slide)

Leading: We turn to the generation that survived the Great Patriotic War.

The child comes out and reads the message:

We, the generation of the 21st century, appeal to you, who went through the Great Patriotic War.

You did not know how this war would end, but you lived in hope of Victory.

You went to her for 4 long years every day, every hour, every minute, risking your life, showing heroism on the battlefields!

We bow our heads before your immortal feat!

We are grateful to you for our future, for the present of our Motherland! (39 slide)

Children read poetry (music plays - minus “Shells thundered over the country”).

Explosions thundered across the planet,
It was forty-one then.
Summer has come into its own,
But war came to our country.
And it was at dawn
When all the people were still asleep.
And in schools music was played,
It was the last graduation party.
Fathers and sons went to the front,
The Motherland called for help.
They fought terrible battles,
Without knowing rest and sleep.
And they walked under bullets into the trenches
For wives, children and mothers,
To your native country
Rather, pull it out of its claws.

And now Victory has come!
The whole people cried with happiness.
The soldiers returned to the country,
It was forty-five - a peaceful year.
Fireworks roared with joy,
And the air smelled of spring.
Thank you dear, dear ones,
You defended your native land!


It has finally arrived
This day has been long awaited.
For the sake of such a holiday
Lilacs bloomed in the garden.
The brass band is playing
The marches are vigorous in the morning.
To the folk festival
It's time to go to the park.
Grandfather puts on his jacket.
And there are medals on it!
This is a glorious Victory Day
The whole country is celebrating!

Victory Day

This morning even the sun
It shines joyfully and brightly.
I'm going to see my grandma and grandpa
And I bring my gifts.
I want to congratulate you as soon as possible
Happy Great Victory Day to them.
How they fought the enemy
I heard my grandfather from stories.
And how we met at the front.
Both were young.
And now in the wrinkles of the face
And completely, completely gray.
This glorious Victory Day
We celebrate with the whole country.
Our glorious veterans
We meet like heroes.

Children sit on chairs to the music - “Shells thundered over the country”

Leading: (44 slide) We grieve immensely for those who are no longer with us. We are infinitely indebted to those who, on May 9, take to the streets of our cities with orders and medals on their chests.

All the children come out (music sounds - “Great-Grandfather”) and stand in a semicircle.

Performance of the song "Great-Grandfather"

The girls who sing the song remain, the rest sit on chairs

(music sounds - “There are many of us on the globe”).

Reading a poem.

Lightning flashes sparkled,
The alley reflects the reflection of long-standing thunderstorms.
An alley was planted near the school
Thin white birches.
The boys worked hard
To make the monument alive
To those who then, in 1945,
He did not return home from the war.
The storms of war have subsided,
Gone half a century ago
Only quietly birch trees.
The leaves are rustling at the school...
(R.D. Sarycheva)

Performance of the song "Soldiers Defended Russia"

The girls sit on the chairs

the boys come out (it sounds like “March”) and read poetry.

1st boy: (46 slide)

There was a soldier in a former war,
On the roads of a scorched planet.
At first he saw only in a dream
Victory Day.

2nd boy:

He retreated and went on the attack,
Overcame all wounds and troubles.
He was ready to give his life for one
Victory Day!

3rd boy:

And not once - not a tear from my eyes.
He knew no fatigue or fear.
And he cried only once -
On Victory Day!

What is Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day -
This means no war.

The boys sit on the chairs (sounds like “March”)

Against the background of music (backing track “Russia is me and you”), the presenter talks about children - heroes.

Leading: (48 slide) Today, we remember the war, which is not called the Great for nothing. How much grief it brought, how many human lives it took. It was the children who had the hardest time. (49 slide) War and children! There is nothing more terrible than these two words placed side by side, because children are born for life, and war takes away this life.

(50 slide) Children performed many feats during the Patriotic War. Each of their feats is majestic and unique in its own way.

(51 slides) After the war, the names of those pioneer heroes who participated in hostilities were entered into the Book of Honor. In total, about five thousand names of young pioneers - heroes are included in the Book of Honor.

(52 slide) Let's remember the names of the pioneers - heroes:

  • Zina Portnova 14 years old
  • Tolya Shumov 13 years old
  • Pavlik Morozov 11 years old
  • Vitya Korobkov 12 years old
  • Lenya Golikov 14 years old

Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. We studied, helped our elders, played, ran and jumped, breaking our noses and knees. Only their relatives, classmates and friends knew their names.

The hour has come - they showed how huge a small child’s heart can become when it flares up in it sacred love towards the homeland and hatred towards its enemies.

Little heroes of the big war. (53 slide) They fought alongside their elders - fathers, brothers. They worked in factories, replacing adults who went to the front, and participated in the defense.

(54 slide) And the Motherland noted their feat along with adults - orders and medals, (55 slide) as well as the highest title "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Presenter: The war lasted for 3 years, 10 months and 18 days - that’s 1418 days and nights! 34 thousand hours and 26 million dead people! ...

If a minute of silence is declared for each of the 26 million people in the country, the country will be silent... for 32 years!

Girl reading a poem

Quiet guys, a moment of silence
Let's honor the memory of the heroes,
And their voices once sounded
In the morning they greeted the sun,
Almost our peers.
There are none among us
Who went to the front and never returned.
Let's remember in centuries, in years,
About those who will never come again.
Let's remember!

Presenter: a minute of silence is declared in memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, I ask everyone to stand (57-59 slide).

A minute of silence.

Presenter: Eternal glory to the heroes who fell for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

After a minute of silence everyone sits down (60 slide).

Girls come out and read poems (music by Igor Krutoy “Magic Music” sounds)

From the heroes of old times
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who took mortal combat
They became just dirt and grass.
Only their formidable valor
Settled in the hearts of the living.
This eternal flame
Bequeathed to us alone,
We keep it in our chests.

(Victory Day music plays)

On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!
We need peace

Everyone needs peace and friendship,
Peace is more important than anything in the world,
On a land where there is no war,
The children sleep peacefully at night.
Where the guns don't thunder,
The sun is shining brightly in the sky.
We need peace for all the guys.
We need peace on the entire planet!

The girls sit on the chairs.

Leading: (against the background of the music "Victory Day"),(64 slide) May 1, 1945 above the Reichstag building in Berlin Soviet soldiers- Mikhail Egorov and Militon Kantaria hoisted the flag - the Banner of Victory! (65 slide) Germany signed the act of unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945. The first day of peace has arrived!

Leading: (66 slide) Spring and Victory came together, returning warmth and light to both the earth and people. May 9 - spring Victory Day Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War...

Host: To ensure that the most brutal war never happens again on earth, the Motherland calls upon its banners young defenders, those who will be able to worthily continue the work of their grandfathers and fathers. Our boys, when they grow up, will definitely become real defenders of the Motherland. And the girls will be their reliable support and good helpers.

Presenter: Now we will hold competitions.

In any battle, soldiers get injured. You need to be able to provide first aid.

(67 slide) Competition "Help the Wounded"(minus "Katyusha")

Boys 4 people are wounded soldiers, girls help them: they bandage their arm or head.

(68 slide) Competition "Dugout"(minus "Old March")

There is a tent in the center of the hall; participants march around it to the music; when the music ends, they need to “take refuge” in the tent.

Children come out and read poetry.

There are festive peals in the sky,
The roar can be heard here and there.
Look at this, guys.
The fireworks begin!
Like bright bouquets -
Red, yellow, blue -
In the skies for Victory Day
Bloom for you and me!

Children give flowers.

The floor is given to veterans.

Leading: (73 slide)

So that again on the earthly planet
That war did not happen again
We need our children to remember this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our Conscience
We need her as strength...
(Yu. Vorontsov)


Through the centuries,
in a year, -

About those,
who won't come anymore

Do not Cry!
In the throat
hold back your moans
bitter moans.

In memory

Leading: (75-78 slide) Dear parents! We ask you and your children to congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who are meeting on May 9 in Gorky Park, near the Bolshoi Theater and on Poklonnaya Hill.

This concludes our holiday. We wish everyone a peaceful sky above their heads!

To the music “Children Must Laugh,” the children leave the hall.

Nadezhda Pinegina
Lesson notes for Victory Day.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №36 "Spring" care and health improvement

Lesson notes for children



Pinegina N. N.


Target: Education of patriotic feelings. Expanding children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War.


1. To form in children knowledge about children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Continue familiarization with proverbs about war, teach them to understand and explain their meaning.

3. To cultivate feelings of pride for one’s people, the army, a desire to defend one’s country, a sense of respect for veterans, patriotism, justice, and kindness.

Preliminary work:

Collecting illustrative materials, listening and learning songs on military-patriotic themes, talking with children "On the roads of war", memorizing poems about the war, looking at illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, watching slide shows "Our Veterans".

Progress of the lesson:

Sounds victory march. Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.


Today is a significant day in our lives. The whole country celebrates great holiday day Victory – May 9.


1. On a summer morning, at dawn,

When the children slept peacefully

Hitler gave the troops an order

And he sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

2. Get up, huge country,

Rise to the death!

With fascist dark force,

With the damned horde!

3. And the people stood up - having heard the cry of the earth,

The heroic soldiers went to the front,

Bravely and bravely they rushed into battle,

They fought for the Motherland, for you and me!

They wanted to take revenge on the enemy quickly

For the elderly, women and children!


Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. The enemy attacked a peaceful country suddenly, without declaring war. The Nazis wanted to seize the rich lands of our country and turn peaceful and hardworking residents into slaves. But they miscalculated. All people, young and old, stood up to defend their free, beloved Motherland. In those days there was such a call song “Get up, huge country”.

There's a song playing "Holy war" Music by A. Alexandrov. (Excerpt)

Leading: (in the background of this song)

No step back!

A threat looms over Moscow.

"Everyone - to the front"- Moscow said...

"All!"- the country answered her.

Everything for the future victories.

(After these words, the children put on their headbands. headdresses: pilots, infantrymen, sailors)


And now we will travel back to the war years and watch several combat episodes.

(Children dramatize the poem)

Child sailor: (looks through binoculars)

1. There is an airplane on the horizon.

On course, full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew! Leave it alone!

Our fighter!

2. Child sailor:

Our banner flies red above the ship.

And behind the stern is an azure wave!

We will grow up and become sailors,

We, the country, will become your protection.

Children perform the song “White Peakless Cap”


The war was difficult and merciless. But the soldiers did not spare themselves while defending our Motherland!


Guys, do you know proverbs about war?

(The presenter begins the proverb, and the children finish in chorus)

Feel free to go into battle - the Motherland is behind you

Stand together for peace - There will be no war

Soldiering - Fighting well and skillfully

Russian soldier - knows no barriers.

The commander's order is the Motherland's order.

Stand for each other - And you will win the battle.


Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles about war:

Who are the guys at the border?

He guards our land,

To work and study

Could our people calmly?

(Border Guard)

They say I'm tame.

Why - I don’t know myself:

I have a prickly character

The enemy remembers my fragments.


Crawling across the field

Leads with a cannon,

Fear is catching up.

Shoots at the enemy


The soldiers go into battle with him.

He is a soldier's faithful friend.

Shoots, chirps

Wants to hit the enemy


He lifts to the skies

Your steel bird.

He sees mountains and forests,

Air borders.

Why is he flying high?

To protect your country!

(Military pilot, pilot)

Leading: There were also moments of rest at the front. You could sit by the fire and sing your favorite song. The accordionist took the accordion, and in the light of the fire a sincere song about home, family and friends sounded.

(A fake fire is placed in the middle of the hall, the children sit around the fire.)

There's a song playing "In the dugout", "Darkie"


But respites are short-lived. Shells are exploding again, bullets are whistling. The wounded remain on the battlefields and need to be urgently bandaged and sent to the medical unit.

The game is an attraction.

Girls nurses are playing. They play in twos. Opposite them, wounded soldiers—boys—are sitting on chairs.

At the teacher’s signal, nurses should run, crouching low or bending over. Run to the wounded person, quickly bandage his arm or leg and take him to the medical unit (to a certain place)


Yes, really, really a lot of: More than 20 million people died.

"War! There is no harsher word!

War! There is no sadder word!

War! There is no word brighter!

In the melancholy and glory of these years!

The lands were watered with blood

And the world will forever remember that

How the sons and daughters of Russia walked

Through the thunder of war

TO victory over the enemy


1. Child.

My great-grandmother didn't fight

She's in the rear victory was approaching,

They worked at the factory in the rear,

Tanks and airplanes were made there for the front

2. Child.

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

Clothes. Boots were made.

Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, of course, provisions.


For four long years, 1418 days and nights, the most terrible and bloody war raged on earth. Our people defeated the fascists and saved the peoples of the whole world from them. Victory came in the spring of May 9, 1945, the first parade took place in Moscow on Red Square Victory.

Children will perform a song by Sergei Kostevich - “My grandfather went to war”


72 years have passed since the end of the war. From films and stories of our veterans, we learn about difficult times for the people. May our peace never be disturbed by the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

Children read poems:

1. Let there never be war,

Let the city sleep peacefully,

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

2. Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests announce

May the years pass peacefully...

The children are all together: Let there never be war!

3. We need peace you and me

And to all the children in the world!

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow!

4. In the breath of love, eternal silence….

In your eyes I find myself.

We no longer need the illusions of the departed,

We are reborn, keeping love in our hearts.

Recording of a minute of silence is played

Now those who defended our Motherland from the enemy many years ago are still alive. But they are already very old, many of them are sick and disabled. It's difficult for them to even walk.

They are called veterans. In a day Victory they put on all their military decorations and gather together to remember the war years.

A very good tradition appeared a few years ago. In a day Victory people pin a St. George ribbon on the lapel of their clothes as a sign of memory of the military merits of our people.

Guys, what colors are on St. George's ribbon? What do they mean?

Children's answers.


Teachers pin St. George ribbons on children.


Guys! Soon there will be a great holiday - Day Victory! Someone will spend it with their family, remembering their relatives and friends who had the opportunity to meet the War. Many of you will go to the parade with your parents. If you see a person with orders on May 9, then go up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him "Thank you!" for the fact that he defended our country, our homeland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult and wonderful victory.

And now ours class ends.

And the children leave to the music.

Summary of a thematic lesson dedicated to Victory Day in preparatory group.

Author: Svetlana Gennadievna Botvenko, music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27", Kamen-on-Obi, Altai Territory

Thematic lesson, dedicated to the Day Victories in the preparatory group.

Introducing children to the historical past of our country.
1. To form in children knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, its defenders and exploits;
2. Contribute to the moral, patriotic education of preschool children;
3. Foster patriotic feelings, historical memory, respect for the older generation.
Pictures cut into pieces;
Description of material:
This material will be useful for music directors, educators, and in working with preschoolers.
Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the hall.

Guys, for 71 years our people have been celebrating a great holiday - Victory Day. 71 years have passed since German troops attacked Russian soil. Everyone came to their defense: men, women, old people and even children.
“Get up, huge country...” This music, these words were a call to battle with the enemy.
1st verse of the song " Holy war» A.Alexandrova.
Shells exploded, machine guns fired, tanks roared, the earth was on fire.
Slide show.

War... A terrible, cruel time of the most difficult trials.
These days, which brought us closer to victory, were not easy. These were long miles of war. The road is 2600 km long. The road is 1418 days long.
How many years have passed since the Victory Day,

How many peaceful and happy years.
We are grateful to you, fathers and grandfathers,
What did you say to the fascists: “No!”
Guys, you brought portraits of your great-grandfathers. And now we will listen to your stories about how your relatives fought the enemy.

The path to Victory was difficult,
It was a brutal battle to the death
But the Nazis miscalculated
The people are not broken by the war!
How the tanks roared into battle,
Shells and rockets whistled,
They frightened peaceful people with reprisals -
We can't forget about this forever.
Dance "Friendship"

We will honor the fallen soldiers for peace on Earth with a minute of silence.

Minute of silence
We come with bright colors
To where our soldier lies,
And the eternal flame, like a memory,
Granite always illuminates!
Song " Eternal flame» A. Filippenko

The long-awaited day has arrived. Victory! Victory! May 9 became the national Victory Day!
Thunder struck
Every house was lit up!
It's not a thunderstorm that's roaring here -
These are festive fireworks!
I rode here and there
Thunder across the sky...
These are festive fireworks
To our people!

Let's remember what Combat vehicles helped soldiers in battle with the enemy. I have prepared cut-out pictures for you. They need to be collected.

It's good under peaceful skies
Hear good words.
Good in winter and summer,
On an autumn and spring day
Enjoy the bright light
Resonant peaceful silence.
Song "Victory Day"

Elvira Gabbasova
Lesson summary on the topic: “Victory Day”

Lesson summary on the topic: “Victory Day”


To instill in children patriotism, a sense of pride in their people, and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.



To consolidate children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day, about how our people defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War;

systematize knowledge about border guards, drivers, pilots, and field mail.


Stimulate the development of curiosity, mental and creative activity.


To cultivate respect and gratitude to the defenders of the Motherland,

sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, friendliness.


Develop intellectual functions (thinking, attention, imagination, memory, speech);

Planned result:

1. Systematization of knowledge about war;

2. Fostering a sense of pride for our people, respect for those who defended our Motherland;

3. Formation of friendliness, camaraderie and mutual assistance between children.

Preliminary work:

1. Creating a presentation for children about the Second World War;

2. Purchase of anniversary badges;

3. Audio recording of songs.

Vocabulary work:

Getting to know the words - border guard, pilot, field post, veterans, honor the memory.

Activate words in children’s speech – friendship, respect, mutual assistance, peace.

Materials and equipment:

Flashcard, interactive board, whatman paper, star blanks, balls, icons, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event

I. Organizational point:

Hello, golden sun, hello, blue sky,

Hello, free breeze, hello, dear friend...

Guys, tell me what time of year it is now?

What month?

Do you know what holidays are celebrated in May?

II. Main part of the event:

A long time ago, all the inhabitants of our country, both old and young, stood up to defend our Motherland. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers waged a fierce war, they fought in the summer heat and winter cold, in the sky, on land and on water, and won Victory in it.

Many people of different military professions took part in the Great Patriotic War.

Guys, what military professions do you know?

How would we have managed during the war without tank crews, border guards, drivers, pilots, orderlies and many others? etc...

1. Border guards- serve on the border, they guard and defend our Russia both on land and on water. They have to overcome many obstacles.

2. Military drivers- during the war, despite bombings and mines, truck drivers transported the wounded, ammunition, and food.

3. As I already told you, the battles were fought not only on land and water, but also in the air. And during the war they could not do without pilots.

Pilots defended our Motherland from above, from the sky. They delivered cargo, food, and military.

Pilots must be brave, dexterous and accurate in order to fly their plane so as not to crash.

4. Guys, relatives and friends were waiting for the soldiers at home, they missed them very much, they wrote letters. Letters helped people communicate with their relatives and find out news from the front, because before there were no telephones. And I delivered letters to them field mail.

Physical education lesson: “Like soldiers”

The guys stood up straight, walked like soldiers,

Bend left, right, stretch on your toes.

One - jerk, two - jerk, have you rested, my friend?

During the war, so many people of different nationalities defended our Motherland together, and this helped them win and achieve Victory.

Guys, tell me what helped them win this war?

Yes, friendship. And you must be friendly, help each other, protect each other. And then you can achieve anything.

In memory of the fallen soldiers, monuments and obelisks are erected in all cities, and every year on May 9, festive fireworks go off.

I have prepared an obelisk on whatman paper for you, and you and I will also make a festive fireworks display. To do this, you need to take ready-made stars, attach them to these beautiful ribbons, and say your wishes.

Guys, you did a great job with our task.

We must always remember those people who gave us PEACE.

Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.

At this time, we must stand quietly, at attention, and listen to our hearts beating.

Guys, the most important thing on earth is peace, bright sunshine, joy, the smiles of you and your loved ones.

III. Lesson summary

Guys, what holiday were we talking about today?

Did you like our lesson today?

Guys who liked our activity, let's clap.

I really liked you too, you all took an active part.

Thank you for your participation and support.

IV. Conclusion

And now, I propose that everyone go outside together and launch a balloon fireworks into the sky in honor of our Great Victory.

So that you don’t forget about this holiday, I also want to give you badges that depict the symbol of our Victory.

This concludes our lesson.

Explain the meaning of words related to the topic, work on remembering important dates;

Foster respect for the older generation and veterans;

Develop speech, continue work on enriching vocabulary;

To cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for the history of Russia;

Develop Creative skills students;

Activate cognitive activity students, develop independent work skills;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Be able to express your thoughts and argue your point of view.

Planned results:

. Students must learn the history of the origin of the holiday, remember memorable dates;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders and veterans.

Equipment: PC, projector, dictionary, photo hometown, list of hero cities, presentation on the topic, table of important dates ( cm.), recordings of songs from the war years, the film "Stalingrad", a candle.

Interdisciplinary connections : literature, history, music.

During the classes

I. Org. Moment

II. Update

Introductory talk:


What time of year is it outside? (Spring)

What does the expression “red day of the calendar” mean? (Holiday)

Holidays are different: state and family, religious and city. For example, March 8 is a national holiday, we celebrate it throughout the country. Easter is a religious holiday because it is associated with the church calendar.

But we have a holiday that is both state and family. This is the holiday that is called "a holiday with tears in our eyes." This is Victory Day.

What do you know about this holiday? What does the date "May 9" mean? (This is Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers won the war against the Nazis.)

III. Preparing to understand the topic

Teacher: Our country has experienced the greatest tragedy - war. What does "war" mean? How do you understand this word? (Horror, death, fear, loss, hunger, tears, grief)

This is what our great writer L. Tolstoy said about war: “War is the greatest misfortune that a person could invent.”

IV. Setting lesson goals and objectives

Teacher: You and I live in a wonderful country, at a wonderful time. The sky over our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because there is nothing worse than war in the world! And you and I live because in those distant forties our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers sacrificed themselves.

Now it is our duty to remember this, not to forget those terrible years when millions of residents of our country demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and bravery, courage and desperate bravery. When millions of people went to their death so that you and I could live.

V. Explanation of the topic

Teacher: Today I invite you to take a walk into the past. It won't be an easy walk. But we need it so that we can see for ourselves what war is and what victory cost us.

VI. Application

Working with the application:

  • Material: download presentation
  • Table: watch the application
  • Music in the presentation: Chopin - E Minor Prelude

The melody of the waltz "School graduation" sounds

Teacher: It was the summer of 1941. On June 21, high school students celebrated graduation in all schools across the country. Laughter and happiness, dreams of a wonderful future, dancing until the morning, fun. And suddenly! At dawn an ominous sound sounded...

Recording the sounds of flying airplanes and explosions.

On June 22, 1941, the fascist invaders invaded our Motherland. The war has begun. Thousands of boys and girls went straight from their prom to war.

The table begins filling ( cm. )

The table can be completed on the interactive whiteboard.

An excerpt from the song "Holy War" is played.

The defenders of the border city of Brest were the first to take the blow.

Write down the names of cities on a separate sheet. The list is updated as the conversation progresses. Name the list "Hero Cities"

About the feat of soldiers who served in Brest Fortress, composed a lot of poems, and are still making films. In memory of those who were the first to stand up for the defense of the Motherland, the poet S. Shchipachev wrote.

1) Working with a dictionary :

On the board are the words: Nazi invaders, Great Patriotic War, country, Motherland, Fatherland.


. Why was the war called Patriotic? (People defended the Fatherland)

. What does Fatherland mean? (Motherland, Fatherland)

. Who are the Nazi invaders? What did they want? (These are fascists who wanted to enslave our people, force them to work for themselves. They did not recognize anyone except their nation).

. How do you understand the expression “Hero City”? (The city, famous for its heroic defense in the Great Patriotic War).

Continuation of the conversation:

Teacher: Our soldiers fought to the death. But the Nazis were well prepared for war, they had more weapons, more soldiers. Despite desperate resistance, our troops retreated further and further.

The Nazis hoped for a quick victory. They began to attack in three directions at once: towards Kyiv, towards Moscow and Leningrad, towards cities near the Black Sea.

2) Conversation:

. Why do you think the Nazis sought to immediately capture Moscow? (This main city our country, the capital of the state)

. What is the name of the city of Leningrad now? (Saint Petersburg)

. Why did the Nazis want to cut off the route to the Black Sea? (They wanted to destroy the fleet)

Continuation of the conversation:

But we could not allow fascists to walk the streets of our capital. And everyone, young and old, stood up to defend Moscow. In September 1941, when the invaders were already close to Moscow, the words of commander V. Klochkov spread throughout the country: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us!” They defended it.

An excerpt from the song "March of the Defenders of Moscow" is played.

The Nazis could not defeat Leningrad either. And for a long 871 days they chained the city in a blockade ring.

3) Working with tables and dictionaries:

A blockade is the isolation of a city in order to cut it off from the world.

Continuation of the conversation:

And on the shores of the Black Sea bloody battles broke out for every piece of land, for every ship. In this series there are many cities that made a significant contribution to the future victory: Kerch and Sevastopol, Odessa and Novorossiysk.

In 1943 a turning point came. And it all started with the battle of Stalingrad. First Soviet troops managed to win such a significant victory.

Filling out the list of “Hero Cities” and the table of important dates

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in human history. About 2 million people died in this battle. But it was our victory. And since then, February 2 has been celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia.

Screening of an excerpt from the film "Stalingrad"

. What is the name of the city of Stalingrad now? (Volgograd)

. What war films have you watched?

Continuation of the conversation:

From now on, the victorious offensive of our troops begins on all fronts. The fascists began to retreat to the borders, and then our soldiers drove these conquerors through the cities of Europe, liberating them from the fascists.

An excerpt from the song "Road to Berlin" is played.

And then the spring of 1945 arrived. Our soldiers drove the Nazis all the way to Berlin. Our banner soared above the main building of the fascists - above the Reichstag. On May 9, 1945, Victory was declared!

People greeted the first day of peace with jubilation. Everyone poured out into the street. Strangers hugged each other and congratulated. They cried with happiness.

And at midnight fireworks went off in Moscow. 30 salvoes from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. And it ended with our Victory!

An excerpt from the song "May Waltz" is played.

The teacher lights a candle. (If safety precautions require it, you can use a slide with the Eternal Flame)

Teacher: Look at this candle. What does fire look like? What does it symbolize?

There is a fire that symbolizes memory. Look at the photo "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow." There is always a fire burning near this grave. And every day a guard of honor is formed. And the post is called "Post No. 1". He is the most important and the most honorable.

. Where does the name come from: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

. Why does fire always burn near such graves?

. Why are there always fresh flowers near these graves?

. Is there a grave of the unknown soldier in our city?

. What monuments in our city are erected in honor great Victory?

. What does the inscription “Your feat is eternal” mean?

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the war. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days. In memory of all those who died, I ask you to stand. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.

The metronome sounds

Teacher: 69 years have passed since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. They are heroes. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won our freedom.

The song "Victory Day" is playing

VII. Securing the topic. Blitz survey


1) Name the important dates of the Great Patriotic War

2) Why is the title “Hero City” awarded?

3) List these cities.

4) What streets in our city are named in honor of the Victory? What monuments have been installed?

An excerpt from the song "Let's bow to those great years" is played.

VIII. Reflection

. What new did you learn in class today?

. How will you congratulate our veterans?

IX. Homework

1) Add to the list of hero cities.

2) Learn a poem about the war.

3) Creative task: Write a letter to an unknown soldier.