Women's self-development and self-improvement: improve yourself to improve your life. Step-by-step instructions for men and women on where to start self-development and self-improvement. What will help us develop correctly

Much more than their predecessors, they pay attention to their improvement and implementation. For the majority, self-development has become not only interesting leisure time, but also a necessity.

Women’s self-development: the most common areas of life

Among the most important areas that they would like to improve, women name relationships with the opposite sex (for unmarried people) and relationships in the family (for married people). Despite the desire to succeed in business, personal life is put first.

Loneliness does not always indicate that a woman is not doing anything for self-development. Even good housewives with an attractive appearance may not have a partner. The problem often lies in the fact that a woman simply does not understand what kind of man she needs and what kind of relationship she wants to build with him. As a result, the partner has annoying shortcomings (smokes, spends a lot of time fishing or watching football matches), which forces him to break up. can also be completely absent from a woman’s life.

To meet a companion, it is worth making a list of the personal qualities of the best partner for you. Write down the shortcomings that you are willing to put up with. is complemented by the physical if it is important for you that a man has certain features of his appearance.

The imperfection of the family (naughty children, drinking husband) is often a reflection of our own imperfection. Try to understand what traits of your character caused your children to become disobedient. You may be too accommodating to their whims. Don't forget that you don't have to tolerate your drinking spouse. If a man has abdicated responsibility for his life, he is not capable of being the head of the family.

At the beginning of the new millennium women's self-development has acquired special significance. The girl received not only the right to build her own life, but also to bear responsibility for the chosen path. Women mistakenly believe that after marriage they do not have to continue their development. They solved the main problem - they found a spouse who would take full responsibility for his wife and children. But marriage is the next step in a woman’s self-improvement.

A girl who devotes herself only to her family gradually becomes uninteresting to her husband, and he begins to look for a more pleasant interlocutor. Such a wife is more dependent on her husband, since he is most often the breadwinner. By refusing to improve herself, she loses the respect of not only her husband, but also her children, relatives and friends.

It is believed that at the age of 40 best years already lived. At the same time, a woman was forced to devote her best years (20-35 years) to her family, giving birth and raising children. For many, turning 40 becomes the age of regret about missed opportunities and a time to take stock. The woman is sure that the best thing she can do is help adult children and raise grandchildren.

However, considering yourself old at 40 is no longer relevant. With increasing life expectancy, this age is no longer considered the onset of old age. A mature woman who knows life and her tastes is much more ready for it than a twenty-year-old girl with no experience.

Women's self-development: where to start

In order to do this, step-by-step instructions must be created after diagnostics have been carried out. Answer yourself these questions:

  1. “What causes the feeling of dissatisfaction?”
  2. “What causes feelings of dissatisfaction in my loved ones?” If you yourself have not answered the question of what does not satisfy you in life, pay attention to the dissatisfaction of loved ones (parents, spouses, children). The opinions of your relatives must be taken into account, but you should not build your life in accordance with their wishes. If your father and mother want you to start a family and give birth to a child, and you don’t want this yet, you shouldn’t torture yourself to please your dad and mom. You will have to live with your husband and children, not your parents.
  3. “What do I dream about?” Esotericists are confident that desire is given to us for self-improvement. Pay attention to your dreams and you will know which areas of your life are worth working on.

The first stages on the path of a girl’s self-development

Young girls 18-20 years old in most cases do not have enough experience to know exactly what area of ​​their life needs development. Some of them do not understand why they need to improve themselves. This behavior should be considered normal. However, already at this age it is necessary to begin to develop. Self-development can be general and include:

  1. Education. If you have not yet decided what profession you would like to devote your life to, study what interests you today, for example, fashion design.
  2. Trips. It is easier for unmarried girls without children to travel than for married ones. Getting to know new countries broadens your horizons. While traveling, you can find your purpose (you liked the profession of a flight attendant or a tour guide).
  3. Volunteering. Free assistance contributes to spiritual development. Volunteering is both a hobby and a job. It will become an alternative for those who are unable to travel at their own expense.


The speed of its achievement depends on the correct choice and formulation of the goal. Not only global, but also small everyday tasks deserve attention.


A realistic goal is one that matches your current capabilities. If you have never exercised, but intend to run a few kilometers tomorrow, then such a goal should be considered fantastic. However, opportunities may change. After just six months of regular training, you can easily achieve what you want.

Short term

Goals that are easy to implement and designed to be implemented in the near future are used to maintain a positive attitude. Write yourself a plan for the week. The list might include tasks such as going to the hairdresser, cleaning out your closet, or reading a few chapters of a book. Since achieving these goals requires minimal investment of time and money, you will notice positive results at the end of the week.

Setting short-term goals and tracking their completion programs the brain to achieve challenging goals. You need to see the implementation of your plans. In addition, with the help of short-term goals, more global ones are achieved. You are sure that losing weight is impossible because you have already tried and failed. First, set a goal for yourself to join a gym. The next task is to reduce your consumption of sweets.


The chosen goal must be motivating. Before you start work, think about why you need to achieve what you want. For example, you want to learn foreign language for career advancement or just because my mother dreamed about it. You should not fulfill other people's wishes, even if it upsets your relatives. Achieving someone else's goal will not bring joy and will lead to loss of time.

Areas of self-improvement or what to choose

Popular areas include health, material well-being, profession and relationships with the opposite sex. Less popular ones include creativity and spiritual development. Each person also identifies his own specific areas, the lack of development of which worries him personally.

In most cases, improvements are required in several areas at once. The area that needs adjustment more than others also affects other areas of life. For example, if you are often sick, you will not be able to earn more, develop professionally, or get an education.

It is necessary to start working on yourself from the most problematic area with the support of the most developed area. If there is no work, but you creative person(artist, poet), try to turn your hobby into a profession. A woman who has made a career, but has not found a loved one, can look for him at the workplace.

Planning your development

Creating a detailed plan for self-development, indicating the time for achieving what you want and the stages of achievement, will help you work effectively to implement your plans.

Step-by-step instruction self-development will be individual for each person and for each set of tasks. However, some steps may be common.

Select several goals of different sizes

For convenience, a table is created, one column in which will be devoted to goals, and the other to possible deadlines. The goals that are achieved first will become motivation for achieving other goals.

Create milestones that indicate progress towards achieving

For each task, a separate action plan is drawn up, which is followed during work. For example, if your goal is to learn a foreign language, your plan might be:

  1. Find an additional source of income to earn money to attend language courses.
  2. To sign up for language classes.
  3. Get a diploma.
  4. Earn money to take courses at a summer camp in the country of the language you are learning.
  5. Take training at a summer camp.
  6. Start communicating with native speakers.

Take into account unforeseen situations (an additional source of income was not found) and new opportunities (an offer was received to take language courses for free), add to the plan or remove items from it.

Arrange the stages on a timeline

Indicate the time for completing your plans: jogging tomorrow at 5.00, visiting the opera on March 26, replacing the plumbing in the bathroom by the end of the year. The more detailed the plan, the better the brain will be programmed to implement it. You will be able to better control your achievements. Be prepared for some plan events to happen earlier or later than you expect.

Take action immediately after defining a plan

The implementation of the plan is not delayed until Monday, next week or New Year. You need to start acting immediately, when you still feel inspired. While you wait for a better time to work, desires will change, you will lose opportunities that are already available to you, or more urgent matters will arise.

What helps you not to give up halfway?

People don't achieve their goals not because their dreams are impossible, but because they don't have the patience to see it through to the end. The temptation to give up achieving a goal arises at any stage of work. A person may conclude that:

  1. What is desired is not a necessity. You've lived your 34 years well enough without knowing Japanese language. You can continue to live without him.
  2. You don't have time to accomplish what you want. You are too busy with work and family.
  3. You are not young (or mature) enough to achieve your goal. The ability to fulfill a wish is often tied to age.
  4. Life can get worse after achieving your goal. If you take a higher position, you will lose friends among your colleagues. With more money, you will be afraid of robbery and extortion.

These thoughts should be considered an excuse for laziness. It's not just millionaires who are being robbed. Even the unemployed and housewives lack time. Age does not play a decisive role on the path to achieving what you want. True friends will not turn away because you have become better than them in some way.

To help yourself cope with such thoughts, periodically make 2 lists, which can be titled:

  1. “What will I get if I achieve my goal?” Here you need to include all the advantages of having or not having something. Describe in detail what you will have when you become the head of a department in your organization: a salary of 10 thousand more, the opportunity to use official transport and go on business trips abroad. If your goal is to quit smoking, for example, describe how it will make you feel better. The money you used to spend on cigarettes will be spent on going to the cinema.
  2. “What will I deprive myself of if I don’t achieve my goal?” Indicate what you will lose if you refuse to move towards what you want. Without becoming the head of a department, you will travel to work by public transport and earn less; you will not be sent on a business trip abroad. Without quitting smoking, you will increase your expenses (cigarettes are becoming more expensive), and you may get lung cancer.

To get rid of the temptation to give up on your dreams, tell about your plans to a person who doesn’t like you and makes fun of you. You will have an incentive to achieve your goal. If you don't do this, your ill-wisher will laugh at you and tell everyone about your failure.

Women's self-development strategy

A self-development strategy for a woman includes changing her lifestyle and attitude. To understand what needs to change, find your purpose.

Philosophy of life

If life is not satisfying you, perhaps it should be blamed on your internal attitudes. To start living in a new way, analyze the attitudes received from your parents and the society in which you were raised. For example, you don’t have enough money, and your father constantly says that only dishonest people can be rich, money is evil and dangerous. Such formulas do not allow you to see new opportunities for earning money.

A girl who is unhappy in her personal life must analyze the fate of women of her kind. If your grandmother broke up with her husband because of his infidelity, she could pass on the wrong attitude to her mother, and her mother to you. From all the men you meet, you expect only infidelity and always find “evidence” of their guilt.


Remember that the lifestyle you led previously caused many problems. Regardless of what goals you set for yourself, always try to:

  1. Get more rest. Even if you love what you do, you should always find time to relax. Whenever possible, travel, attend cultural events, and go out of town with friends and relatives. Relaxing in nightclubs or at home in front of the TV should be avoided.
  2. Value your time. Avoid activities that take up too much time and are not beneficial ( computer games, communication on social networks).
  3. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This recommendation applies not only to those with bad habits. Review your daily diet. It may contain harmful products. Start exercising even if you are not overweight.

Inner harmony and development of your potential

Absence inner harmony interferes with forward movement. Every woman should know how to achieve balance for her personally. This could be meditation, listening to your favorite music, or an evening walk. Achieving inner harmony helps to discover your potential: listening to music, you discover your musical abilities, and while admiring the sunset, you notice the desire to draw.

The success of self-realization largely depends on the relationship with yourself and the world around you. The company of like-minded people and self-love will help you achieve high results.

Enlist the support of loved ones

The support of loved ones is important for everyone who intends to improve one or another area of ​​life. However, it is not always possible to find understanding. Some members of your family may have a more traditional outlook on life. Your grandmother believes that a woman should devote herself to her family and not do business. Parents may think that a girl does not have to have higher education.

Seek support from like-minded people and spend as much time with them as possible. When your relatives see your first successes, they will begin to view your actions more favorably. If you manage to achieve recognition in your chosen field, your loved ones will also support you.

Make new acquaintances

If possible, it is necessary to expand your circle of communication. Don't avoid introducing new people into your life. Every person, even those without a higher education, is able to teach something, tell something new. The appearance of new friends is necessary for a woman striving for self-realization and achieving goals, since the fulfillment of desires may depend on their presence in life. Communication is especially necessary for women who are forced to spend a lot of time outside of society (housewives).

It is necessary to monitor the quality of communication. You should avoid the company of people who have not achieved anything and who have a negative attitude towards the success of others. Communicating with those who treat you unkindly can be beneficial. Such people tend to notice your shortcomings, which will motivate you to work on yourself.

Learn to love yourself and others

Personal growth is impossible without self-love. If you consider yourself unworthy of the best, all your efforts will be in vain. A girl who cannot love herself needs to start showing respect for herself. Make 2 lists of yours best qualities and achievements in life. You can respect yourself for your kindness, your ability to sing or cook. Be glad that you were able to get a degree in economics or buy an apartment without the help of relatives.

You also need to show love and respect to the people around you. Every person gets what he gives. Find bright qualities in your friends and family. Try not to pay attention to their shortcomings. Don't be shy to express love to your loved ones. People I don't know well You can politely praise and thank for small services. The expression of feelings must be sincere. Don't ingratiate yourself or flatter.

Don't give up

Be prepared for the fact that obstacles await you on the way to your goal, which you need to treat as calmly as possible. Changes in life always mean leaving your comfort zone. Remember that a leader is not someone who does everything easily and simply. A leader should be considered a person who is able to continue what he started, despite the obstacles that arise. You need to notice not only big, but also small victories. Perhaps you haven't found the strength to go for a morning run. But today you woke up half an hour earlier than usual.

Less demanding people tend to stop at the results achieved. However, if there are no new aspirations, development stops. Having learned one foreign language, you can always start learning another, more complex one. If your income has reached the desired level of 50 thousand rubles per month, try to achieve an income of 70 thousand rubles per month. A person who has received everything he needs can use his potential to help other people.


When working on yourself, do not fit yourself into a generally accepted standard. You don't have to be a successful businesswoman just because female emancipation has become fashionable. Develop your abilities. Use temporary difficulties to build more happy life. Despite the abundance of developmental literature, every girl must answer questions about what self-development is, where to start: a woman’s plan is made by herself.

Self-development is the most important aspect in the life of any person, but, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this. Immersed in the daily routine, many of us do not find the time or desire to learn something new, and this often leads to depressing consequences. However, to achieve real success in your personal life, profession and other areas, constant development is simply necessary.

Main directions of human self-development

If we take into consideration certain areas of personal self-development, we can distinguish several main paths:

  • Mental development– the individual acquires new knowledge, which gradually forms in him an erudite personality, as well as an interesting interlocutor.
  • Aesthetic self-improvement– in-depth study of art. This may include visiting museums, galleries, exhibitions, theaters and other similar places that have a significant influence on the formation of taste and personal opinion.
  • Physical development– keeping the body in good shape. Physical training not only has medical benefits for the body, but also improves appearance.
  • Moral– a person studies the norms of tact and good manners. Such knowledge must be improved throughout life. Moral guidelines and values ​​form a full-fledged personality.
  • Professional self-development– technical capabilities are subject to rapid growth, introducing new ideas into the life of society. This is why maintaining competitiveness in the labor market is important.

Spiritual self-development as a path to yourself

It is also very important to remember that the special value in a person’s life is spiritual self-development. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what spirituality is, and if you analyze many of these definitions, you can come to the conclusion that by spirituality people understand several qualities: awareness, unconditional love, faith.

A person who experiences spiritual growth inevitably faces a change in the picture of the surrounding world. Such a person manages to find inner balance and see the world and themselves in it as they are.

Psychology of personality self-development

By deciding to start the path to yourself through self-development, you will get rid of many troubles in life. It is quite difficult to solve any personal difficulties if there is no idea of ​​​​how to act correctly and where to go. As we begin to understand the world that surrounds us, we begin to understand ourselves. Most of us do not live a conscious life, but simply go with the flow. In turn, a person who is accustomed to self-development avoids many problems, because he has knowledge in various areas of life, and, often, this protects him from wrong actions and judgments.

To achieve good results in a particular area, it is difficult to do without a specific plan, and this is especially true in the topic of self-development. When you clearly understand what you want from life and how you can achieve it, then you can say that a significant part of the task has been completed. Set goals for yourself and go towards them - this is the path of development.

What most often hinders personal growth?

1. Lack of self-confidence

Often we do not dare to accomplish many things, often for only one reason - we do not believe that a positive result awaits us in the end. Meanwhile, self-confidence is of great importance, and it is this that helps to overcome the most serious difficulties. With this doubt, they act completely differently - they destroy our aspirations at the root and do not allow us to get what we want.

2. Laziness

A successful person is not used to putting things off “for later.” At the same time, lazy people tend to postpone most tasks until tomorrow, and often end up completely “forgetting” about their plans. If you mentally constantly look for reasons to postpone work to another day, it will not bring anything good. Realize that there is no tomorrow - you only have today. Your life is a moment in the present.

3. Postponing the implementation of ideas

Even if you have grandiose plans, they mean nothing and bring you nothing until you start implementing them. Moreover, if you have an idea that is not implemented, it can even harm you. Postponing things until another day leads to stress, fear and anxiety - subconsciously you remember some incompleteness, and this does not allow you to “breathe freely”.

How to make a self-development plan

First of all, it is important for you to realize what exactly you want to achieve, in what specific areas you need improvement. So where to start?

1. Analysis

Analyze various areas of your life, and honestly admit to yourself what exactly you are not satisfied with, what skills you are deprived of. It's important to be objective. Now let’s conduct an “audit” in the main aspects.

2. Health, physical data

It is possible that you should get rid of some bad habits, get in good physical shape, switch to proper nutrition, and devote more time to sports.

3. Spirituality

Work on this area is necessary if you need to get rid of irritability, anger, malice, envy and other negative emotions.

4. Material sphere

If you are not completely satisfied with your financial situation, then you need to work in this direction. It is possible that you will need to change your field of activity, attend some courses or trainings. result.

5. Social sphere

It is very important to develop the right communication skills that will help you build your personal life, overcome conflict situations, in relation to the environment.

6. Personal growth

Perhaps you should pay attention to the development of intelligence, attention, memory, and abstract thinking.

After analyzing all these areas, think about which one needs the most thorough development and focus on that first. When you manage to achieve the desired results, move on to another aspect. You should not try to take on everything at once - this way you risk not achieving what you need.

Great importance books are on the way to new knowledge. You can choose necessary literature how in printed version, and in the form of audio books. Sometimes, good book can perfectly replace high-quality training, because you will have the opportunity to return to the material covered again and again and study individual points as much as you wish. IN Lately Many books on self-development have appeared, and we decided to cover this topic in detail in our other article -. Surely, you will be able to learn a lot of interesting and useful information from the information provided.

List of popular science and documentaries for self-development that will change your life

BBC - He and She - Relationship Secrets

The project explores gender differences. Ten people are participating in the experiments - five men and five women. The purpose of the experiments is to establish in what key aspects representatives of the opposite sexes differ.

Participants in the experiments will have to pass tests that cover various areas of life. In addition, tests are expected on the perception of sounds, coordination of the ability to remember what is seen, and much more. The studies are conducted by experienced specialists who can provide a lot of information based on the handwriting of the subjects and many other features. The project will not do without a lie detector...

BBC - Body Chemistry, Hormonal Hell

The film includes various interviews with famous British scientists who talk in detail about the effect that continuous hormone production has on a person. According to studies, progress forces a person to break his usual biorhythms. From year to year we are catastrophically deprived of sleep, devote a lot of time to work, and in general, we significantly disrupt our own routine. What do we have in the end? Constant stress, depression, cancer and much more. Perhaps we can break this vicious circle and change something?

Air Force. Human brain

The documentary film tells how every day the human brain has to solve a number of complex problems, not inferior to the most powerful computers. Once in any environment (queue, public transport etc.) we involuntarily begin to form a certain opinion about certain people, make guesses and assumptions. The project will tell about how exactly we establish contact with other people, how our inner world and what happens to our brain. You will learn what hidden capabilities your mind has and how you can unlock them.

BBC. Human mind

Why is it that one person is very familiar with the feeling of danger, while another pays virtually no attention to it? How does accumulated experience help us in life? How do children manage to learn complex movements? Why do we act one way or another in unsafe situations? The answer to all these questions is hidden in our mind. Our brain is forced to work every second, and often we don’t even realize it. We don’t even suspect how extensive our capabilities are for detailed knowledge of the world around us. The film answers questions about how exactly the human brain works, and how we can use this knowledge most effectively.

“Test your brain. Test 1"

Would you like to know how exactly the sound vibrations of the eardrum and the image on the retina form the visual range of the reality around us? How does our consciousness work? By what principle does it select from a large number of data only those that are most needed at the present time? Our senses have evolved over millions of years, so why are they still so easy to fool? Experienced psychologists, physiologists and neurologists are ready to cover these and many other topics. Find out what secrets your mind hides!

"Peaceful Warrior"

A film based on real facts. So, the plot focuses on Dan Millman, a highly talented and successful college gymnast who dreams of one day competing in the Olympics. The guy's worldview changes dramatically after he meets a mysterious man who calls himself Socrates. It turns out that the stranger has serious capabilities and is able to open up a truly incredible world for Dan. Having survived a serious injury, the gymnast, with the help of Socrates and a certain girl, comes to the understanding that he still has a lot to comprehend.

"Food Corporation"

A documentary exploring the production of various products. You will learn about how almost all the food products you see on store shelves are created, and learn that many of them are unreasonably overpriced. However, many of the products sold pose serious risks to your health.

You will learn about how industrial meat production occurs - how inhumane it looks, although economical. You will also probably be surprised by the production of vegetables and grains. You will learn a lot of interesting things about organizations that produce food products that are dangerous to human life.

"The Great Mystery of Water"

Surely, you understand that water is not just a colorless liquid with which we quench our thirst. In this project, you will be told all the secrets of Water - you will learn that it is a carrier of many data! She is able not only to remember, but also to demonstrate her emotions! A famous scientist in Japan, Emoto Masaru, spent a long period of time thoroughly studying Water, and he managed to make stunning discoveries! Also, talented scientists from other countries took part in Masaru’s experiments, and, for sure, these studies will be able to surprise you.


Shawn Monson's documentary explores the controversial themes of humanity's cruelty to wildlife, as well as the commercial exploitation of wildlife resources.

Bullfights, fur farms, poultry farms, slaughterhouses, whale hunting and much more are no longer uncommon. But in our time, is there at least some moral justification for a person who initiates the suffering of other living beings only for the sake of the interests of his own species? Earthlings have long lost contact with the surrounding nature, and this has already begun to bring sad consequences.

“Placebo. Solve the mystery"

The project will tell about the most amazing stories that happened in medical practice. These incredible cases will be discussed in Ireland by several experienced scientists. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the phenomenon that doctors call “placebo”. This word means independent healing, for which a person only needed faith and the power of thought. Research into the placebo effect has recently made a significant breakthrough that has shocked the entire medical world. What is the main secret of this amazing effect?

"Forks instead of scalpels"

Colin Campbell has conducted extensive research that will tell us exactly how diet affects the likelihood of being diagnosed with serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and others. The study turned out to be truly large-scale - it was carried out for several years, covering one hundred thousand people. As a result of many experiments conducted, which took into account a number of variable factors, it was concluded that a person who consumes animal food in large quantities is seriously susceptible to serious illnesses. Why this happens, and what other stunning facts the scientist provides, you will learn from this project.


The picture clearly demonstrates to us how beautiful our planet is, as well as what horrifying consequences it had to endure after the destructive influence of humanity. The earth has long suffered from deep scars caused by various wars, industrial production, global problems with ecology. The viewer will finally find out what the real situation is on our planet. The creators of the project visited many countries in order to convey as much as possible the features and beauty of the Earth - you will probably be surprised how beautiful nature is in some remote corners of the world, and how much harm human activity causes to it.

"Secret 1"

In 2006, the “Secret” project was demonstrated for the first time. Many years have passed since then, but the picture is still doing its job. triumphal procession around the Earth, covering many countries. Millions of people who watched the film made interesting conclusions that radically affected their destinies. It is difficult to find a person who was left indifferent by this project. So, what changes have occurred in the worldview and lives of viewers who took The Secret seriously? Can a popular documentary really change your destiny?


"Lord of the World" Nikola Tesla

A film that tells the story of one of the greatest scientists and inventors in the history of mankind. We are talking about the amazing genius known as Nikola Tesla. A lot of time has passed since his life and death, but to this day there is reason to believe that in many fields no one has managed to surpass this scientist. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Central Siberia, many people witnessed a fantastic spectacle that was almost impossible to explain. However, there was a person who knew what happened, because he was directly related to what happened...

“Why do we burn our lives” Denis Borisov

Many of us don't notice how we spend precious years of our lives drinking, social media and other things that only waste time, but do not provide any development. The author of the project is ready to tell you how to begin the fight against destructive activities that harm our development. How to find the right motivation for this confrontation and is a person able to quickly give up a pastime that has been interesting to him for a long period? The advice will undoubtedly be of great benefit to people who find it difficult to resist giving in to unhealthy temptations.

“Iron Will of the Hunter” Denis Borisov

In his project, Denis Borisov will teach you to achieve significant results in the “building” of your own body. You will learn the most important strategies to help you on your path to success. It has long been known that not all people who decide to go to the gym get the desired results. Why is this happening? Is it a matter of lack of motivation, or are these people simply missing something really important? This video touches on absolutely all areas of human life. Why are some people able to make significant progress in working on themselves and achieving their goals, while others fail to do so? Denis Borisov is ready to cover this topic in detail.

“About treason and betrayal” Denis Borisov

The word “treason” is fraught with much more negative meaning than it might seem at first glance. Is there a difference between treason and betrayal? Why do some people still decide to do such things towards their loved ones? Why do some guys and girls start cheating on their lovers? Why are politicians ready to betray their voters? Why is this phenomenon so common in friendships? Where does real betrayal begin? The author of the project will teach you to understand these issues, as well as use the information received to your advantage.

"On Our Minds" Dan Dennett

The basis of the documentary project was the philosophy of Dan Dennett, who spent a significant period of his life trying to prove that we are not able to fully understand our consciousness. In addition, according to the philosopher, consciousness often lies to us. These theories are widely known in the philosophical literature, but most of Dennett's colleagues do not support his statements. Be that as it may, the hypothesis also has adherents. Despite rather harsh criticism, the philosopher does not deviate from his theory and is ready to talk about its key aspects to a wide audience.

"How to Be Happy" Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert, who wrote the book Stumbling on Happiness, confidently challenges the idea that we cannot be happy unless we get what we truly desire. The philosopher is convinced that a person can easily find a feeling of true happiness, even when events in his life do not unfold at all the way he wanted. At first glance, this hypothesis seems completely unfounded, but Gilbert is ready to convince you of the veracity of his words, giving very convincing arguments. So, how can you find happiness, despite everything?

"Why We Make Bad Decisions" Dan Gilbert

Surely, you have more than once encountered unpleasant situations that were the consequences of your wrong decisions. At such moments, a person understands that if he had acted just a little differently, the result would have been much more positive. Many in such cases say that “such is fate” and do not believe that the negative outcome could have been prevented, but in reality everything is different. We can truly improve our lives significantly if we learn not to be influenced by many factors and make the right decisions. In his project, Dan Gilbert will tell you how to achieve this.

“Sign language. Body language shapes your personality"

An exciting project in which experienced social psychologist Amy Cuddy shares with her listeners information about the impact body language can have on a person’s life. According to the speaker, it is this aspect that largely determines how others perceive us, how we feel about ourselves and who we become in the end. Cuddy will also show you special poses that you can use when conducting a dialogue with a particular interlocutor. According to the psychologist, there are certain gestures that can help us achieve success. In addition, there are postures that have a repulsive effect on others, and this is also very important to be aware of.

"How to Learn Anything in 20 Hours" Josh Kaufman

It is often difficult for us to take on new knowledge because... we believe that this may take too much time and because of this it is likely that the matter will be left halfway through implementation. In turn, the author of this project is convinced that there is no need to be afraid of new horizons, because a person can master many disciplines, hobbies and other things, devoting only 20 hours of his life to it. At first glance, such a statement seems simply incredible, but Josh Kaufman is ready to prove the opposite. Undoubtedly, this extraordinary technique will be useful for many of us!

"The Magic of Thought" by Kate Berry

Kate Berry has no doubt that the human mind is capable of deceiving the body, and in her project she clearly demonstrates this hypothesis. Once you start watching the film, you will witness incredible and slightly shocking psychological tricks. According to Berry, for her, thought magic is a type of magic that is based on amazing methods of mind reading. The author of the project is convinced that using the power of words, non-verbal communication and other techniques, we can achieve stunning results. So, how can you learn to manipulate someone else's mind?

"How to Learn Any Language in 6 Months" Chris Lonsdale

"What Goes on in the Minds of Lovers" by Helen Fisher

Professor Helen Fisher, who is the author of several books and numerous scientific articles, gained popularity after conducting a series of painstaking studies of the behavior of people in love. The anthropologist is convinced that people have a dual reproductive strategy. Fischer will also tell you about three behavioral patterns that are ingrained in the human brain. We are talking about aspects such as attraction, romantic love and attachment. The professor explains why we choose certain people as partners, and what stages the relationships of lovers go through.

"10 New Facts About Orgasm" by Mary Roach

The plot of this documentary project focuses on the research carried out by Mary Roach - the writer began to study Nature in the most romantic sense of the word. Roach tried to learn as much as possible about the phenomenon of orgasm through many conversations with doctors and scientists. The works of a writer are a wonderful chance to discover new facets of your body. After watching the film, you will learn about such facts as infant menstruation, orgasm when stimulating eyebrows, the Lazarus reflex in dead people and other amazing phenomena. Roach includes everything you need to know about orgasm in his project.

"The truth about health"

From this film you will learn that our body is constantly changing, and this has certain consequences. Different parts of the body have a clearly designated service life, which can change when exposed to certain factors. Also, you will probably be interested to know that not a single atom of those that were present at our conception remains in your body. However, there is something in us that is unchanged - information. Find out the whole truth about your own health and how to maintain it longer.

Interesting and useful sites for self-development

For self-development, you can not only view documentaries and familiarize yourself with the relevant literature. There are many useful sites that will help you discover new facets of your personality. Let's look at some of them.

Coursera- everyone can find useful courses here that can be taken online. Educational platform works with materials from leading universities around the world.

Universarium- participants in this large-scale project can receive an excellent education by working with the most experienced teachers in Russia and the best domestic universities.

Khan Academy- This educational site is completely free. It offers its users more than four thousand short lectures covering various disciplines.

Udemy- a resource for those who really want to enrich own knowledge. The site has been used by more than ten million students located in different parts of the world. The program included more than forty thousand exciting courses.

UNIWEB- the site is engaged in online training of students, collaborating with the best universities. The purpose of the platform is to disseminate quality language among Russian-speaking students.

University without borders- Using this resource, users can share their knowledge. The Russian-speaking audience fully receives valuable and useful information, regardless of place of study or work, economic and social status and other aspects.

HTML Academy- the platform will prove to be an extensive source of knowledge for users who want to understand all the intricacies of web development.

Lumosity- an indispensable site for those who want to develop their mental abilities. Using a special application, you have the opportunity to take an individual training course that will be useful specifically for you.

Eduson- the resource offers high-quality online training to students who want to succeed in business. The courses are taught by famous professors and established businessmen.

Wikihow- thousands of users of the World Wide Web worked on this colorful resource, wanting to create the most useful step-by-step guide. An integral part of the wiki community, thanks to which you can find out a lot of relevant information and learn something new.

HSE Internet School- for those who are interested in courses related to the socio-economic profile, history, mathematics and other subjects.

Lingualeo- learning English can be not only effective, but also fun! By visiting this site, which has already attracted over 12 million people, you will see this.

Memorado- the creators of this free application call it quite succinctly: “gym for the brain.” This game is waiting for you big number various levels containing puzzles varying degrees difficulties.

Duolingo- a free site that will help you learn the language and with translations. The platform is designed in such a way that after completing the material, users themselves help with translations of articles and various documentation.

4brain- a free resource for those who have long wanted to develop the skills of speed reading, creative thinking, mental arithmetic, and so on.

Brainexer- a platform that includes a large number of tests and exercises for attention, memorization, etc. You can take tests even if you don't register on the site. Please note that the site was created on English language, but there is also a translation into Russian.

Memrise- the site uses the most advanced methods of working with memory in order to help visitors to the resource remember any information with the greatest efficiency.

All10- with the help of this online simulator you will learn how to touch-type text on the keyboard, using all ten fingers. The platform will keep your statistics and also demonstrate the performance rating of other visitors to the resource.

Project Gutenberg- in this electronic library you can find many masterpieces of world literature. The site began its existence more than forty years ago.

School Yandex- many electronic lectures, the main purpose of which is high-quality training of specialists for the IT industry.

Curious- on this platform students, teachers and just talented people have the opportunity to share their own experiences with others. In addition, everyone can find additional income on the site.

Sentences- with the help of the resource you will learn to remember faster English words. We also note that the platform includes a system that promotes greater learning efficiency and also monitors the level of language proficiency.

Intuit is a large Russian online university that provides an excellent opportunity to obtain a higher (or second higher) education. In addition, here you can improve your skills and undergo professional training.

Lectorium- the platform contains a large number of lectures in Russian that cover a variety of topics. Here you can also find interesting video materials from various scientific conferences.

You can achieve certain results in self-development through play - in literally this expression! It is enough to have access to the World Wide Web, and this will allow you to perform new interesting tasks every day that will have a beneficial effect on your skills and various areas of life. With the help of such games, you will achieve significant improvements in concentration, memory, and more. To do this, just type in search engine the phrase “Games for self-development.” You can easily download many of them to your smartphone and spend time on them outside the home - while traveling, in queues, and so on. You will find many interesting games on some of the sites that we recommended to you in this article.

Ways of self-development

Browse self-development blogs

Self-development blogs are regularly updated with new, relevant information, and if you check them periodically, you will certainly be able to find something valuable for yourself. Choose a few blogs that really excite you and check back for updated content periodically. Of course, it’s also worth paying attention to new sites.

Attend trainings and courses for personal growth

Most often, motivation arises when we see examples of other people who managed to achieve the desired results. By attending various trainings and courses, you will learn more about such people and increase your chances of becoming one of them.

Learn new things and work on yourself

It is impossible to achieve any development without doing painstaking work on yourself. Only by comprehending something new do we take a step forward on the path to our improvement. Analyze all areas of your life and identify your “weak spot”. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that some aspects need improvement.

Online video: 10 quick self-development methods

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Life, circumstances or a feeling of the meaninglessness of life often lead a person to the idea that it’s time to finally pull himself together and start doing something. This suggests that it is time to engage in self-development. This is actually a cool idea that deserves a standing ovation. But after making such a decision, a stupor often sets in - when you have no idea which end to grab and where to move.

If you go the wrong way at the very beginning, you can waste valuable time. And it’s good if you come to your senses in a day or two, but if you spend six months or a year on this, at least it will be a pity that it took so much time. And if you roll up your sleeves and start trying to become the idol of a generation starting on Monday with the air of a superman, then by the weekend you will most likely be picking up the TV remote control and looking for something to get your teeth into.

We have already talked more than once about its importance in life, but we decided to write an article about where to start when you don’t know what to do. No, we won’t bombard you with advice like, don’t do it, learn to set goals, cultivate positive thinking, etc.

All this is good and healthy, but only a first-grader doesn’t know about it. In addition, books and simple tips on correcting your habits do not always give the desired result. Below, of course, we will not discover America either, but we will still try to touch on those things that are not often talked about.

So, where should you start your self-development?

Stop wasting your time

There are things that mercilessly waste our most precious resource - time. This is ia, distraction or other similar phenomena. They are present in the lives of each of us, and many people simply do not pay attention to them - they have become so firmly ingrained into everyday life. Meanwhile, all of these are serious enemies on the path of self-improvement. By themselves, however, they mean nothing, but the desire to devote time to them can cross out all good undertakings.

There may be several reasons for this desire:

  • Lack of motivation to do important things
  • Indulging your weaknesses, habits, instincts
  • Showing off

To overcome them, you don't need to be a genius. It’s enough just to show maturity and apply your intelligence. Think for yourself:

  • What’s more important: doing a few exercises to train your brain or watching the next episode of “House-2”? Of course, exercise. So, take it and do it!
  • What is better: and or to sleep until 12 and then try hard to make up time and get everything done? Of course, get up early. So, get up and get things done!
  • What is more correct: to complain and remain in the image of a victim or to take responsibility for your life, even if through “I can’t”, but get up from your knees and start acting? Of course, take action. So, pull yourself together and go ahead!
  • Which is more literate: “I don’t want to!” I won’t!” or “I decided, I did it, I got the result”? Of course, the second one. Well, what are you? Work and get results!
  • What makes more sense: endlessly re-read motivational phrases and throw all sorts of demotivators on the wall, or take a self-education course, go to training, go to India to live in an ashram for a couple of weeks? Of course, something that has real benefits! , you can find a training session and save up for tickets!

You just need to cut off everything unnecessary. If you want to develop, develop if you really need it. Stop being led by losers, excuses and bad habits.

A winner is one who does not feel sorry for himself and does not blame everyone for his difficulties and problems. If you are more comfortable sitting in a chair waiting for a miracle, then you don’t need to go further - continue in the same spirit.

If not, forget about laziness and stop wasting your time. Start developing and stop doing nonsense. But work honestly towards yourself, and not for the sake of likes and the opinions of others.

By the way, here's some great motivation for action from a really cool guy:

Develop your thinking

All problems are in our head. Thoughts influence actions, actions influence results - elementary, Watson! It cannot be otherwise, and not only psychologists and self-development coaches talk about this, but also many religions and. The conclusion is very simple - success, no matter what area it concerns, is due to effective thinking. But what needs to be done so that the balls and rollers in the head begin to work the way we need?

We could recommend you a couple of clever books on how to make your thinking more flexible and effective. But there is a chance that after reading you will simply put them on the shelf and continue to live as usual. Therefore, for real practical benefit, we advise you to concentrate and start doing:

In addition, we advise you to seriously think about what you generally want from your life, what direction to move in, what goals to strive for. Fortunately, we can help you find answers to these questions. Welcome here:

Start feeding your consciousness with useful information. This will help you create fertile ground for starting self-development. Turning on your brain is actually not that difficult. Just pay attention to the fact that it is often turned off. And the more often you do this, the more malleable your thinking will become.

Remember death

Sounds provocative, doesn't it? But this is not a prophecy and not an attempt at all. However, we want you to take off your rose-colored glasses. Personal self-development is not an activity for those who are waiting for manna from heaven and think that everything they want will come to them by itself.

Time is running. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. This is how our life goes. And at this time we can sit on the couch and do nothing, do nonsense and waste precious minutes. We are closed to new information and new opportunities. This makes us amorphous, lazy and crazy from idleness. What's the end result?

But in the end we risk ending up with nothing. We risk looking back and realizing that we have lived our lives without achieving anything. You can achieve something only through developing yourself - only progress allows you to move forward. And the sooner we understand this, the sooner changes will begin to occur in our lives, the sooner we will begin to become better.

There is only one guarantee given to us from birth - the guarantee that we will all die. And this can happen at any time - today, tomorrow, in a year or in 50 years. By accepting and realizing the inevitability of our own death at a deep level, we will automatically learn to make choices in favor of what is truly important to us.

If you were told you had two weeks to live, what would you do? It is unlikely that they would continue to lie in bed or be offended by a loved one because of stupidity. The most important and necessary things would instantly be prioritized. You would like to do the maximum in your power to become a better person, to bring joy and happiness to those you love.

Death is an advisor, as Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda. Remember about it more often, and you will stop hesitating in choosing between the main and the secondary, you will always want to develop and move forward - more conscious and fulfilling.

Do it!

We can read a hundred books, watch and re-listen to a bunch of seminars, fill our heads with a ton useful information. But this fact itself does not mean anything and does not make us better or more successful than others. The whole point is that knowledge, even the most useful, in itself is just information. What is much more important is what we do with them.

Here's one example: a man knows how to build a multimillion-dollar business and tells everyone he knows about it. He discusses and talks about the importance of moving into the investing sector, draws diagrams and tells how you can make a fortune. But he himself has achieved nothing, and somewhere deep in his soul he understands that after so many years he has not budged.

Here’s another example: a person doesn’t know even half of what the first person knows. But he doesn’t teach anyone about life, but acts stupidly: first one thing, then another, then a third. As a result, the first remains where he was, and the second reaches new heights, rejoices in his successes, and expands his boundaries. What is the difference between these people?

The fact is that the first one only speaks, and the second one moves and acts. This has always distinguished and will distinguish winners from those who are used to complaining about life, pointlessly ranting and sitting still.

So you, thinking about where to start self-development, do the same. Decide what you need to do to start moving in the right direction, and start moving. Set goals ranging from small to larger, and don't forget about those in between. To better understand this diversity and generally learn how to set and achieve goals, read the articles:

Having set goals, immediately (TODAY! NOW!) do at least something that will begin to bring you closer to them. If you want to learn to read faster, find techniques and exercises (search). If you want to lose weight, find out about and. If you want to learn a foreign language, start with and so on and so on.

This world already has everything for you. Try to be smarter - look for ways to develop yourself and start applying them. There are a lot of them, and anyone can do it in the right direction. For the rest, we can only quote a wonderful phrase: “Even one who walks slowly will reach his goal, but millions of people watching will remain watching.”

Use your powers wisely

To start doing exercises in the morning, you need to make a little effort. It takes a lot of effort to swim across the English Channel. Any action requires energy. But you already know that. The trick is that energy must be taken somewhere. But there is one trick here - you don’t need to take it anywhere - from ordinary person she already is. However, for many people, it is spent on exactly what we talked about at the beginning - on unnecessary things, secondary tasks, meaningless actions.

Concentration will prevent your energy from going where it shouldn't. You will be able to channel all your enthusiasm and potential in the right direction. – you will feel a surge of energy. You can (or) - get rid of laziness, become healthier and more active, and begin to sleep better. Even if it’s a little bit, you’ll get more done. Travel and your horizons will become much wider, and you will gain experience and wisdom.

Surround yourself with useful activities, and your consciousness will gradually get used to constant development and begin to demand it itself. Invest your energy in yourself - you will become smarter, more interesting, more competent, better!

What's the end result?

And in the end, we get a ready-made guide to self-development (believe me, these five elements will be enough for you). Start by giving up useless activities and developing your thinking. Periodically remember that life is fleeting and time passes. Add to this immediate action and the right distribution of forces, and you will immediately begin to change and grow.

And if you want everything to be faster:

  • Write down all your ideas and re-read them from time to time.
  • Build a better image of yourself
  • Treat time as a valuable resource
  • Take at least one step towards achieving your goal every day
  • Communicate with smart, energetic and developing people
  • Lead
  • Learn to live in the present
  • Be open and honest with yourself
  • Take criticism well
  • people who waste your time

We don’t want to feed you any illusions: self-development is not a job for the faint of heart, not for the lazy, and not for whiners. At the same time, this is a job for everyone. Anyone can begin to engage in self-development and achieve outstanding results in life. Just try it, and after three weeks you won’t want to go back to your old life.

In short, it's all up to you. If you want to develop, start making yourself the master of your destiny, and don’t remain a slave to the system and a victim of circumstances. We wish everyone to look in the mirror and see in front of them a person who is really worth something. And for more motivation, watch this short video:

Self-development cannot be understood as something specific. For each person this word has its own meaning. For one, self-development is getting the body in shape, for another it is success in the profession, for the third it is socialization, developing communication skills and making new friends. Development is an upward movement, an opportunity to become better every day. And everyone determines for themselves the area in which they need to improve. In this article, we will look at how a girl or guy can engage in personal development and self-improvement, and what plan to follow in order to constantly develop.

Step-by-step instructions for women and men

Where to start personal growth and self-development? Self-development is based on only one principle. But before you find out about it, you need to follow a few simple steps that will tell you whether you are going in the right direction.

Analyzing the current state of affairs

Before you start changing your life, you need to honestly admit that you are not happy with it. Think about this topic. The result may upset you, but you must remember that the situation has become this way only because of your lack of efforts in the past.

Imagine that you are starting your development at a specific “point A”. This point is your current state of affairs.

Once you figure out what worries you, start doing a simple exercise.

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Identify the most basic problems, write down on paper what exactly you would like to change.

For example, if you are concerned about weight, indicate how much you weigh. If you don't like the salary level, write how many thousands you receive now. Describe the situation as specifically as possible.

Once you have completed this exercise, move on to the next step.

One good exercise will help you set your goal.

Take a piece of paper. Describe in detail the day on which your goal will be achieved. Don't lose sight of even the smallest details.

Try to write as specifically as possible, mention not only the main, but also secondary circumstances.

You need to write exactly about the experience that you want to have in the future. General words will not work here.

If your dream is to earn 2 times more, do not write about how you will receive a lot of money in the future. Tell us about a specific situation. For example: “I receive 100 thousand a month, now this money is on the table in front of me. My beloved wife is nearby, helping me pack my suitcases. Today we are going on a trip that we can afford thanks to this salary.”

This experience of living the goal will become “point B”. This is where you should end up when you succeed.

Making a plan

In the previous steps, you defined "point A" and "point B". You even guessed how long it would take you to get to “point B”. All that remains is to plot the route by writing a scenario for executing the goal.

Take a notepad and pencil, concentrate. Imagine that you have already implemented your plans. Ask your future self how you managed to achieve everything you wanted, what events preceded what happened. Your subconscious will answer all these questions. Doing the exercise from the previous step has already helped your subconscious mind determine the most easy way achieving the goal. Write down all the actions that will lead you to point B. Move in reverse order, mentioning first the latest and then the earliest actions on the way to the goal.

When you complete all the exercises, you will be able to create a ready-made plan, following which you will quickly achieve your goal, whether you are a man or a woman.

Choosing a priority direction

If you understand that there are too many problems, and you want to achieve success in all areas at once, listen to the following recommendations.

Choose one priority goal without wasting your energy on many plans. If you take on the fulfillment of several desires, you will not have enough motivation to complete what you started.

But there is no need to get upset ahead of time. When you focus all your attention on one goal, other problems will also gradually begin to be solved. This will happen because you are disciplined and organized.

Psychologists say that the life of any person consists of 8 main areas that influence his internal state. Usually these spheres are depicted as sectors of a circle. Among them are: self-improvement, spiritual development and creativity, financial component, professional advancement, relationships with family and loved ones, communication with acquaintances and friends, health, eventful life.

Draw such a circle, assessing your satisfaction with each area using a ten-point scale (0 - completely dissatisfied, 10 - completely satisfied). Draw a line connecting the scores given in each area. Through this exercise you will realize how balanced your life is.

You may find yourself putting all your energy into one area and completely neglecting the others. For example, you dedicate everything free time resolving work issues, forgetting about the other half and children.

Have you been worried about health problems for a long time? Make an appointment with your doctor. Didn't find time to chat with relatives? Call them now. Do you feel like life has become less bright and eventful? Take a parachute jump, attend an interesting event, get out of your comfort zone. Problems in every area can be corrected. You just have to put in the effort and believe that you can succeed.

Doctors have found that a person feels happy only when he is satisfied with what is happening in all areas of life. There is no need to put all your energy into implementing plans related to one area, leaving others unattended. If you start paying too much attention to one area, you will feel frustrated rather than satisfied.

But you should still start with the area that you have assigned the most low rating. Once you achieve your first successes, you can begin to work on other areas of your life.

  1. Have you already decided what you want to achieve? Find people who live the way you would like. Making sure that such individuals exist means that achieving your goal is more than possible.
  2. Meet someone who has been able to achieve success in an area that is important to you. Let him be your mentor. Ask your new acquaintance what pitfalls you should beware of and what you need to do to achieve your goal as quickly as possible. Try to help others yourself. Become a mentor to someone who is still at the very beginning of their journey.
  3. Make it a habit to keep a diary every day. If you're determined, it's important to celebrate any progress. Write what you lack to achieve your goals, how much you have done for your development. Every evening, write down whether you were able to get one step closer to your goal.
  4. Force yourself to do useful things. Instill habits that will help you become a better person, not the other way around. You must realize that your life will not change overnight. This requires many months of work on yourself. But you can start now. Train yourself to do daily morning exercises, not eat after 6 pm, and spend less time on social networks. Doing these simple steps will transform you into a different person.
  5. Find new friends who will motivate you. Try to exclude from those around you those who drag you down. Go to success with your friends, sharing your experience and acquired knowledge.
  6. If you can't cope with laziness, the carrot and stick method will help you. Praise yourself for every task you complete, punish yourself for the days in which you did nothing but succumbed to old habits and negative beliefs.
  7. Look at yourself from the outside. Maybe you just promise yourself to start life from scratch by buying another book about self-development? Understand that you can only overcome problems if you work on yourself; there are no magic ways. Compare yourself to your past self, noting positive or negative changes, but do not draw parallels between yourself and the other person. This will only lead you to think that others are better, more successful and more beautiful.

  8. Remember that comparison with other people is harmful, but you can still find inspiration in someone. Mark a few successful individuals for yourself. Follow their achievements in life, motivated by the perseverance and willpower of such people.
  9. Track your progress. Measure its level. Celebrate your successes. Only by realizing that you are stronger than yesterday can you continue to move towards your goal.
  10. Remember that good habits need to be instilled regularly. As long as you occasionally work on yourself, there will be no visible result. Only sticking to a long-term plan will help you change your life.
  11. Even if it seems to you that achieving your goal is not yet possible, and you do not have enough strength and resources, start moving towards it now. Do something. There is no better moment to change your life.
  12. Take small actions that will bring you closer to your goal. Imagine that your desire is the top of a ladder that you can climb only after overcoming all the steps, each of which is a small step towards success.
  13. Learn from others' mistakes, not your own. Remember that dozens or hundreds of other people have walked the path to achieving your goal. Meet someone who has achieved success, read books written by dedicated authors.
  14. Don't stand still. The world is changing. Both circumstances and people change. The faster you learn to adapt to new conditions, the easier the path to your goal will become.
  15. Stop avoiding responsibility for your actions. Only you are responsible for what you have in your life now. Don't blame others or yourself. Learn to be responsible for everything you do without berating yourself for your mistakes.
  16. Try to thank the world for what you already have. Any person quickly gets used to good events, beginning to feel dissatisfied with his life, even if it is ideal. But a positive attitude is one of the components of success. If you learn to notice the good in everything that happens to you, moving towards your goal will become much easier.
  17. Remember that all your intentions come true. If you really want something, you will get it after a while. But keep in mind that subconscious intentions also become real. Do you, without realizing it, carry negativity in your thoughts? You need to start thinking in a positive way, getting rid of beliefs that can cause harm.
  18. Don't set goals that are too difficult or too easy. The first, most likely, will not come true and will deprive you of confidence, and achieving the second will not bring any benefits. positive emotions. Try to achieve something real. The first successes will inspire you to further work on yourself.
  19. Don't chase false success. Do what you like, even if your new hobby does not find support among others, and respected individuals advise you to develop in an area that turns out to be alien to you. Only by doing something interesting can you achieve impressive results. If you follow public opinion by doing something that makes you bored, you will not be able to achieve success in this area.
  20. If your attempts don't yield results, don't stop trying. Your wish can only fail if you give up. It doesn’t matter how many times you have to try your hand, inventing new ways to get closer to your goal. If you stand your ground, you will get what you want.

Hi all. In this article we will figure out where to start self-development, what should be the starting point of personality development. If you have asked this question, then today you will receive an answer!

So this is where development should start. You need to start with changing your thinking! That is, for example, it is impossible to start any business if you are satisfied with working in a hired job, or it is unrealistic to go to dances if you have a complex and are afraid that people will look at you.

If you want to somehow improve, then for this you need to understand yourself at the beginning of your journey and understand in which directions specifically you need to develop. After all, no single concept“self-development is only healthy image life, quit smoking, drinking, and attend personal growth training.”

The Internet is simply full of such advice and these are fundamentally incorrect statements, then of course, it’s great when you do not neglect these tips and lead the right lifestyle. But the fact is that for everyone the concept of “Correct” is individual.

So, where to start with self-development?

Tip #1. Understand yourself!

Understand what you want from life, what you want to do and in what directions to develop. I understand that for many this question is difficult, but nevertheless, if at this stage you are not able to decide, then you simply will not be able to go further, or you will go along a crooked road to nowhere.

By the way, there is one excellent article on this topic, ““, so I highly recommend reading it.

It took me a lot of time to figure it out, unfortunately. Although now I understand that there is nothing to regret, because now there is specific clarity, and I know what I should and want to do in life, what is my calling, what is my mission and main goal. In order to figure it out, there are two ways;

  1. Just try one by one everything that life has to offer and after who knows how many years, understand what your true passion is (not the best option, right?).
  2. Initially choose your passion, the business that brings you pleasure and fruits, both spiritual and material, and begin to act in this direction.

I chose the second option and I don’t regret it at all. If you still cannot understand what your true passion is, do the following:

  • Take a notebook and pen and make a list of what you like to do, your hobbies or activities that bring you pleasure and you don’t get tired of them. The more the better (at least 10 different activities)
  • From the list compiled, select the 5 best and closest to you.
  • Next, you can test each of these areas on yourself to understand what you want more.
  • After the test, you will definitely understand what is closer to you, what works better, and what you really want to do in life, and perhaps this is how you will find yours.

Somehow I got carried away with the choice of destination, but that’s understandable. This is a very voluminous topic that cannot be covered in one article, so I will write in more detail about how to choose your purpose in the following posts, I advise you not to miss it. And we will continue!

Tip #2. Select the appropriate literature and start reading!

To begin to develop firmly in the direction you want, you need to be fueled by powerful knowledge in this area, and nothing helps as much as. So go to a bookstore and find some useful material. Of course, in addition to this, I advise you to take other books on the topic personal growth, development, business, etc.

You definitely need to read books of different directions in order not to get tired of the monotony and develop in different directions. When I became interested in the topic of self-development, I went to the bookstore and picked up my first book, “The Ladder to Success” by Napoleon Gil. I won’t say that this was my best choice, since I read more impressive ones later, but nevertheless, a start was made.

By the way, I have already opened a new section on the site, where I will talk about useful books that everyone should read, I will give reviews on them and briefly explain what the book is about, so that you can understand for yourself whether you need it or not, therefore - the first issues very soon.

Besides literature It will also be extremely useful to take additional courses, seminars and trainings on topics that interest you and you feel that you need to improve certain skills. Now I’m not talking about those where all sorts of gurus will open your chakras and cleanse your body, but exclusively those that help you reveal yourself completely in your favorite activity and pump yourself up in this both physically and mentally.

For example: how to overcome laziness, how to develop a good voice and diction, how to get rid of fears and phobias, how to use your time effectively, how to learn to dance, how to find your purpose and purpose in life... etc., etc. And there is now enough such goodness both on the Internet and offline. It all depends on what you need more at the moment.

I will find the most useful and sensible courses for you and post reviews of them on this site, so that you do not suffer from the loss of water and immediately take and apply the best.

Tip #3. Think and act in the direction of your desires!

You already know that? Or you’ve heard about this theory at least once, and maybe even experienced it yourself. I have no doubt about it, I have already experienced it.

So, in order to give impetus to your development, you need to think in this direction, think about how you develop, how you become better, the main thing is to specifically imagine what exactly you will become better at, how this will manifest itself in outside world and surroundings, how you will become a more authoritative and strong person in the eyes of other people!

It is clear that thoughts themselves will not be enough, and skeptics of this theory may say that all this is nonsense, and nevertheless, in addition to thoughts, you need to constantly take certain actions in order to grow every day.

That is, if you want to become the best in dancing, or in psychology, or in boxing, or in business and sales, do this regularly. Upgrade your skills every day, study books, courses, trainings and the most important — PRACTICE this knowledge, otherwise you won’t move!

Of course, this is not all that I wanted to talk about within the framework of this topic, because the topic is quite voluminous, but today I wrote the basis of where to start self-development. I did exactly that and everything went better from there, so I advise you to do the same.

In the next article I will continue this topic and in the second part I will lay out the maximum of chips that will be useful on the path of your improvement, so that you don’t miss it and soon you will receive it, as well as a number of other useful things in the future.

Finally, I have prepared a useful video for you on this topic. Let's look:

That's all for today. See you later.

P.S. Write in the comments what you have already done for personal improvement? Where did you start or where will you start?