The terrible secrets of the Kola superdeep. Unsolved mysteries of the Kola land Subscribe by e-mail

SG is one of the few wells that were drilled not for exploration and extraction of minerals, but for scientific purposes - to study the most ancient rocks of the Earth. Scientists, of course, knew something about the earth’s crust. The fact that the continents are composed of ancient rocks, 1.5 to 3 billion years old, has not been refuted. However, the geological section of the earth's crust compiled on the basis of new data turned out to be exactly the opposite of what scientists had previously imagined.

Why did they drill in Kola?

The fact is that on the Kola Peninsula, as a result of the work of the glacier, water and wind, the top layer of rocks was demolished and ancient, Archean rocks were exposed, which in other parts of the planet are usually hidden at a depth of 5-10 km. On the Kola Peninsula, nature itself has simplified access to the depths.

Tricone bit

Discoveries of the Superdeep

  • The data obtained during the core study amazed scientists. Considering that the estimated age of our planet is 4.5 billion years, and the results of the study of the Kola well provided information about the formation of the Earth from 1.5 to 3 billion years, we can say that 2/3 of the history of the globe was studied on the basis of core samples.

Core fragments

  • First, it turned out that earlier assumptions about the composition and structure of the earth's crust were erroneous. Rocks, contrary to what scientists believe, do not become denser as they go deeper. Even at great depths, the rocks are literally riddled with pores and cracks.

Core storage

  • Secondly, it was previously believed that there was no water at significant depths. This assumption was also refuted. Through the cracks rocks circulate aqueous solutions even at a depth of 9 km.

Section under a microscope

  • An amazing discovery was that life exists even at incredible depths! Extremophilic bacteria are ubiquitous. According to some estimates, the mass of microorganisms living underground may exceed the mass of all living creatures inhabiting the surface of our planet. Data from the Kola Superdeep Expanded our understanding of the boundary of the biosphere!
  • It is also interesting that gold was discovered in samples from the Kola well at a depth of 9.5-10.5 km. True, in a very small concentration.
  • It seems incredible that the composition of the lunar soil almost completely matches the rocks extracted from the Kola well.

Double-mica gneiss, extracted from a depth of 10,117 m in June 1980, stored in the Museum and Exhibition Center of JSC Apatit

  • Another discovery showed that the Earth is much hotter than previously thought. At a depth of 5 km the temperature reached over 70 degrees Celsius, at seven it exceeded 120, and at 12 as much as 220 degrees! 100 degrees higher than expected.

Voices from the Underworld

The mystical story about how Soviet drillers drilled the ground so deep that they reached the underworld was first published by the Finnish newspaper Ammenusastia. And after it, the story about an unusual incident at a scientific facility in the USSR was picked up by other printed publications, not only foreign, but also Soviet.

Finnish journalists were allegedly told about the incident by geologist Dmitry Azzakov, who was presented in the article as a world-famous scientist. In his words, as quoted by one of the newspapers of that time, the following happened:

A terrifying creature with huge limbs flew out of the well before we lowered the turned on recorder (sound recording device) to a depth of more than 12 kilometers. Screaming like a wild wounded animal, the creature quickly rose high into the sky, then disappearing from sight. As a scientist and communist, I do not believe in miracles and the Bible, but as an eyewitness to everything that happened, I am now forced to believe in hell. Needless to say, we were shocked to make this discovery. But we know what we heard, and we know what we saw. This is quite enough to be absolutely sure that they were drilling through the gates of hell.

The geologist says that most of workers and engineers who became eyewitnesses mysterious phenomenon, frightened, they rushed away from the well. Those who remained had to undergo no less a test:

We lowered a microphone into the well, designed to record the movement of lithospheric plates. But instead we heard a loud human voice, which sounded pain. At first we thought that the sound was coming from the drilling equipment, but when we checked it carefully, our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams and screams did not come from one person. These were the screams and moans of millions of people. Fortunately, we recorded the terrifying sounds on tape.

And in fact…

First of all, the geologist Azzakov himself, on whose authorship the sensation was based, apparently never existed. In any case, numerous attempts by journalists to find this man led nowhere.
The head of the sensational project, academician David Guberman, who, by his own admission, is still tormented by questions about supernatural sounds from the depths of the earth, has repeatedly said that the story about the devils is fiction, and the recording is a fake.

I didn’t think, I didn’t guess that instead scientific research I’ll be brushing off nonsense for twenty years,” he admits in an interview with the Parliamentary Gazette. “I was in Rio de Janeiro in 1994, and the first thing the state governor asked me was: what’s it like in hell?” Such an energetic lady... Indeed, in 1991, secretaries of regional committees for science began calling me from different parts of the USSR. And ask: how did we break into hell? For mercy’s sake,” I answer, “where did you get this from?” Is this nonsense? And they tell me: they say, it’s printed there and there. OK. I started calling editors. I got through. And they told me: all data was taken from a publication in the Finnish youth press. There are complaints against them. And bribes from us are smooth. We just reprinted it. It's like there's no need to check. Was it difficult for me to call? Directly to Kola. I would show them hell. And where do crayfish spend the winter? And Kuzka’s mother. In short, I even reached this youth group. And they tell me: look at the date. But this number doesn't mean anything to me. They answer me: and for us this day is an analogue of your April Fool’s Day.

Unfortunately, nice story The super deep period ended with the collapse of the USSR.
By 1990, the drilling site reached its maximum value - 12,262 km. It was not possible to get further: all further attempts amounted to just another accident. Drilling was stopped altogether two years later, and the project was frozen in 1995.

Many scientific and industrial works involve drilling underground wells. The total number of such objects in Russia alone is hardly calculable. But the legendary Kola superdeep has remained unsurpassed since the 1990s, going deeper into the Earth for more than 12 kilometers! It was drilled not for economic gain, but out of purely scientific interest - to find out what processes are occurring inside the planet.

The most amazing well in the world is located in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny. Its depth is 12,262 meters, the diameter of the upper part is 92 centimeters, the diameter of the lower part is 21.5 centimeters.

The well was laid in 1970 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. The choice of location was not accidental - it is here, on the territory of the Baltic Shield, that the oldest rocks, which are three billion years old, come to the surface.

WITH late XIX century, the theory has been known that our planet consists of a crust, mantle and core. But where exactly one layer ends and the next begins, scientists could only guess. According to the most common version, granites go down up to three kilometers, then basalts, and at a depth of 15-18 kilometers the mantle begins. All this had to be tested in practice.

Underground exploration in the 1960s resembled a space race, with leading countries trying to get ahead of each other. It was suggested that at great depths there are rich deposits of minerals, including gold.

The Americans were the first to drill ultra-deep wells. In the early 1960s, their scientists found that Earth's crust much thinner under the oceans. Therefore, the area near the island of Maui (one of the Hawaiian Islands), where the earth’s mantle is located at a depth of approximately five kilometers (plus a 4-kilometer layer of water), was chosen as the most promising place for work. But both attempts by US researchers ended in failure.

Soviet Union it was necessary to respond adequately. Our researchers proposed creating a well on the continent - despite the fact that it took longer to drill, the result promised to be successful.

The project became one of the largest in the USSR. There were 16 research laboratories working at the well. Getting a job here was no less difficult than getting into the cosmonaut corps. Ordinary employees received triple salary and an apartment in Moscow or Leningrad. Not surprisingly, there was no staff turnover at all, and at least 50 candidates applied for each position.

Drilling to a depth of 7263 meters was carried out using a conventional serial installation, which at that time was used in oil or gas production. This stage took four years. Then there was a year-long break for the construction of a new tower and installation of a more powerful Uralmash-15000 installation, created in Sverdlovsk and called “Severyanka”. Its work used the turbine principle - when not the entire column rotates, but only the drilling head.

With every meter passed, the excavation became more difficult. Previously it was believed that the temperature of the rock, even at a depth of 15 kilometers, would not exceed 150 °C. But it turned out that at a depth of eight kilometers it reached 169 °C, and at a depth of 12 kilometers it reached 220 °C!

The equipment quickly broke down. But the work continued without stopping. The task of being the first in the world to reach the 12-kilometer mark was politically important. It was solved in 1983 - just in time for the start of the International Geological Congress in Moscow.

Congress delegates were shown soil samples taken from a record depth of 12 kilometers, and a trip to the well was organized for them. Photos and articles about the Kola Superdeep Pit circulated in all the world's leading newspapers and magazines, and postage stamps were issued in its honor in several countries.

But the main thing is that a real sensation was prepared especially for the congress. It turned out that rock samples taken at a 3-kilometer depth of the Kola well are completely identical to lunar soil (it was first delivered to Earth by the Soviet automatic space station Luna-16 in 1970).

Scientists have long assumed that the Moon was once part of the Earth and was torn away from it as a result of a cosmic catastrophe. Now it was possible to say that the breakaway part of our planet, billions of years ago, came into contact with the area of ​​​​the current Kola Peninsula.

The ultra-deep well became a real triumph of Soviet science. Researchers, designers, even ordinary workers were honored and awarded for almost a whole year.

At this time, work on the Kola superdeep mine was suspended. They were resumed only in September 1984. And the very first launch led to a major accident. The employees seemed to have forgotten that changes were constantly taking place inside the underground passage. The well does not forgive stopping work - and forces you to start all over again.

As a result, the drill string broke, leaving five kilometers of pipes deep. They tried to get them, but after a few months it became clear that this would not be possible.

Drilling work began again from the 7-kilometer mark. They approached a depth of 12 kilometers for the second time only six years later. In 1990, the maximum was reached - 12,262 meters.

And then the operation of the well was affected by both failures on a local scale and events taking place in the country. The capabilities of the existing technology were exhausted, and government funding decreased sharply. After several serious accidents, drilling was stopped in 1992.

The scientific significance of the Kola Superdeep is difficult to overestimate. First of all, work on it confirmed the guess about rich deposits of minerals at great depths. Of course, precious metals were not found there in their pure form. But at the nine-kilometer mark, seams with a gold content of 78 grams per ton were discovered (active industrial mining is carried out when this content is 34 grams per ton).

In addition, the analysis of ancient deep rocks made it possible to clarify the age of the Earth - it turned out that it is one and a half billion years older than was commonly thought.

It was believed that there was and could not be organic life at superdepths, but 14 previously unknown species of fossilized microorganisms were discovered in soil samples raised to the surface, which were three billion years old.

Shortly before its closure, in 1989, the Kola Superdeep Pipe again became the center of international attention. The director of the well, academician David Guberman, suddenly began to receive calls and letters from all over the world. Scientists, journalists, and simply inquisitive citizens were interested in the question: is it true that an ultra-deep well has become a “well to hell”?

It turned out that representatives of the Finnish press talked with some employees of the Kola Superdeep. And they admitted: when the drill passed the 12-kilometer mark, strange noises began to be heard from the depths of the well. The workers lowered a heat-resistant microphone instead of the drill head - and with its help they recorded sounds reminiscent of human screams. One of the employees put forward the version that these were the cries of sinners in hell.

How true are such stories? Technically, placing a microphone instead of a drill is difficult, but possible. True, the work to lower it may take several weeks. And it would hardly have been possible to carry it out at a sensitive facility instead of drilling. But, on the other hand, many well employees actually heard strange sounds that regularly came from the depths. And no one knew for sure what it could be.

At the instigation of Finnish journalists, the world press published a number of articles claiming that the Kola superdeep is “the road to hell.” Mystical significance began to be attributed to the fact that the USSR collapsed when the drillers were excavating the “unlucky” thirteen thousand meters.

In 1995, when the station was already mothballed, an incomprehensible explosion occurred in the depths of the mine - if only for the reason that there was nothing there to explode. Foreign newspapers reported that through a passage made by people, a demon flew from the bowels of the Earth to the surface (the publications were full of headlines like “Satan escaped from hell”).

Well director David Guberman honestly admitted in his interview: he does not believe in hell and demons, but an incomprehensible explosion did take place, as did strange noises reminiscent of voices. Moreover, an examination carried out after the explosion showed that all equipment was in in perfect order.

For a long time the well was considered mothballed, with about 20 employees working on it (in the 1980s their number exceeded 500). In 2008, the facility was completely closed and some of the equipment was dismantled. The above-ground part of the well is a building the size of a 12-story building, now it is abandoned and is gradually collapsing. Sometimes tourists come here, attracted by legends about voices from hell.

According to employees of the Kola Geological Institute scientific center RAS, which was previously in charge of the well, its restoration would cost 100 million rubles.

But oh scientific works at depth there is no longer any question: on the basis of this object it is only possible to open an institute or other enterprise for training offshore drilling specialists. Or create a museum - after all, the Kola well continues to be the deepest in the world.

Letter from A. Barchenko to the famous Buryat ethnographer Tsybikov

Barchenko was once again convinced of his assumptions when he unexpectedly encountered a Russian hermit from the deep Kostroma forests, the keeper of ancient secret knowledge. He himself, under the guise of a holy fool, made his way to Moscow, found Barchenko and told the scientist about incredible things (this fact also became known to Roerich). The information received was subsequently supposed to be discussed with the famous Buryat ethnographer Tsybikov, the first Russian who, at the beginning of the century, entered Tibet under the guise of a lama pilgrim. Correspondence between Barchenko and Tsybikov miracle was preserved in State Archives in Ulan-Ude.
From a letter from A.V.Barchenko to prof. G.Ts.Tsybikov March 24, 1927

<...>This conviction of mine [about Universal Knowledge - V.D.] was confirmed when I met with the Russians who secretly kept the Tradition [Dune-Khor] in the Kostroma province. These people are much older than me in age and, as far as I can estimate, are more competent than me in Universal Science itself and in assessing modern international situation. Coming out of the Kostroma forests in the form of simple holy fools (beggars), supposedly harmless madmen, they entered Moscow and found me<...>A person sent from these people, under the guise of a madman, preached sermons in the squares that no one understood, and attracted the attention of people with a strange costume and ideograms that he carried with him.<...>This messenger, the peasant Mikhail Kruglov, was arrested several times, put in the GPU, in insane asylums. Finally, they came to the conclusion that he was not crazy, but harmless. They released him and are no longer pursuing him. In the end, I also happened to come across his ideograms in Moscow and could read and understand their meaning.
Thus, my connection was established with the Russians, who own the Russian branch of the Tradition [Dune-Khor]. When I, relying only on the general advice of one southern Mongol,<...>decided to independently open up to the most profound ideological and selfless statesmen Bolshevism [meaning primarily F.E. Dzerzhinsky. - V.D.] the secret [Dune-Khor], then at my first attempt in this direction, I was supported by the guardians of the most ancient Russian branch of Tradition, completely unknown to me until that time [ Dune Khor]. They gradually deepened my knowledge and expanded my horizons. And this year<...>formally accepted me into their midst<...>

Alexander Barchenko – keeper of ancient knowledge?

Amazing facts! Barchenko (and he was not the only one; there was a whole community of guardians of ancient Knowledge) had, read and understood ancient texts written in “ideographic” writing. Moreover, it appears that photographs of these texts have been preserved. Perhaps they are the treasured key that will unlock the doors to such hidden places of hoary antiquity, which only yesterday the most unbridled imagination could not even dare to dream of.

The concept of the development of world civilization according to A.V. Barchenko

Barchenko had a coherent historiosophical concept of the development of world civilization,Its “golden age” in the northern latitudes lasted 144,000 years and ended 9 thousand years ago with the exodus of the Indo-Aryans to the South, led by the leader Rama.hero of the great Indian epic "Ramayana". The reasons for this were of a cosmic order: under favorable cosmic conditions, civilization flourishes, under unfavorable conditions, its decline. In addition, cosmic forces lead to periodic repetition of “floods” on Earth, reshaping the land and mixing races and ethnic groups.

(Note by A. Koltypin) Read the work E. Morozova "The Death of Hyperborea and the Exodus of the Hyperboreans"

Guided by these ideas, Barchenko managed to organize an expedition, which in 1921-23. explored the remote areas of the Kola Peninsula. The main goal (more precisely, a secret subgoal) was to search for traces of ancient Hyperborea. And I found it! And not only the gigantic black figure of a man with his arms outstretched crosswise, but also rectangularly hewn granite blocks (and on the top of the mountains and in the swamp - “pyramids”), paved areas of the tundra - the remains ancient road(?) in hard-to-reach places where there were no roads at all. The expedition members took photographs at the hole-hole leading into the depths of the earth, but did not dare to go down it, as they felt opposition from natural forces. Finally, the “stone flower” with the image of a “lotus” (?) became a kind of talisman for travelers.
Barchenko did not exclude the possibility of paleocontacts between ancient human and extraterrestrial civilizations. He had some special information on this matter. One of the hidden sub-goals of the Kola expedition was to search for a mysterious stone, no less than from Orion. This stone was supposedly capable of accumulating and transmitting psychic energy over any distance, providing direct contact with the cosmic information field, which gave the owners of such a stone knowledge of the past, present and future.

Barchenko was sure that the ancients possessed the secret of splitting the atom, inexhaustible sources of energy, and means of psychotronic influence on people

Unfortunately, the results of the research were not made available to the general public, but were classified and disappeared in the archives of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD. Barchenko had psychic abilities. He dealt with the issue of transmitting thoughts over a distance (by the way, on the Kola Peninsula he acted with the mandate of the Institute for Brain Research and with the personal blessing of Academician V.M. Bekhterev) and was involved in work in the state security agencies, where he headed a top-secret laboratory of the occult direction. But that's not all. In 1926, Barchenko, on the personal instructions of Dzerzhinsky, led a top secret expedition to the caves of Crimea. The goal is still the same: the search for the remains of ancient civilizations, which, according to the concept of the Russian scientist, possessed universal Knowledge. But Barchenko was looking for more: he believed that ancient civilizations possessed the secret of splitting the atom, other sources of energy, as well as effective means of psychotronic influence on people. And this information has not disappeared, it has been preserved in encoded form, it can be found and deciphered. This, not least, explains the increased interest in his research on the part of the security officers and Dzerzhinsky personally. Was the evidence you were looking for found? The answer to this question is hidden behind seven seals. The secret services have always been good at keeping their secrets.

Kola Peninsula It is known for its harsh climate, vast forested lowlands and mountain ranges (tundra), as well as rapids rivers and countless lakes, rare minerals and minerals. This region is rich in peculiar animals and flora, ancient monuments and new buildings. In order to study the most ancient rocks of our planet and learn the secrets of the processes taking place in them, in 1970 they began to drill the Kola Superdeep Mine. The drilling location was also not chosen by chance - the Baltic Shield in the Kola Peninsula area. Here, the oldest igneous rocks about 3 billion years old (and the Earth is only 4.5 billion years old) come to the surface. There is an almost fantastic story associated with the Kola Peninsula, but it is confirmed by facts modern science. In the early eighties of the last century, the Soviet space station delivered soil samples from the surface of the Moon to Earth. After careful research and analysis, it turned out that the composition of the lunar soil is identical to the soil of the Kola Peninsula, samples of which were taken from a depth of three kilometers. Having received research results confirming the mysterious coincidence of the soils of the Moon and the Kola Peninsula, scientists suggested a probable coincidence with the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the Moon, that the Moon is part of the Earth.
The Kola Peninsula has long attracted the attention of researchers, travelers and tourists. According to legend, it was in these parts that the famous Hyperborea was once located. In the early 1920s. a scientific expedition headed by the famous researcher and science fiction writer Alexander Barchenko headed here. According to Barchenko's hypothesis, humanity originated in the North, and the local regions were inhabited 10-12 thousand years ago. The Flood forced the Aryan tribes living there to leave the area of ​​the present Kola Peninsula and move to the South. Barchenko was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization - they knew the secret atomic energy, they knew how to build aircraft and fly them... The researcher gleaned information about this from the Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the carriers of ancient knowledge about Hyperborea were the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula. Locals they said that at the foot of Mount Ninchurt there are holes leading to the dungeon. But those who try to penetrate deeper are “stupefied.” Members of Barchenko’s squad found one of these manholes and even took pictures at the entrance, but did not check the possibility of “stupefaction.” Although they say that Barchenko himself, trying to penetrate the mysterious dungeon, experienced strange sensations. In addition to everything mysterious, the Kola Peninsula keeps another mystery: it is completely dug with trenches, clearly of man-made origin. They can be seen and assessed for their symmetry from space. Their total length exceeds one hundred thousand kilometers.
There are thousands of ancient objects on the Kola Peninsula. In fact, Kola is a mecca for scientists. There are pyramids, various megaliths, seids, labyrinths, many caves, rock petroglyphs.
Behind Lately The number of tourists, as well as various researchers of sacraments and places of power, seeking to visit the amazing and mysterious places of the Kola Peninsula has increased significantly.
Of course, the Kola Peninsula is one of the most mysterious places on the planet!