Meaning of the word usurp. Who is the usurper? What does it mean to usurp


USURP usurper, German usurpieren lat. usurpare illegal to seize. It is illegal to seize power into one's own hands or to usurp someone else's rights to smth. Usurp the throne. Usurp the rights of citizens. Usurp power. BAS-1. || trans. To seize, to appropriate at your complete disposal. BAS-1. Music for centuries was usurped by the church, which forced everything to serve it: poetry, music, architecture and painting. Wanderer Shackles. The circle of these people is very small that they usurp the trust of the city. Case 1878 4 1 84. She had a reputation in Ukhabinsk as a modest woman who did not speak ill, but it was usurped. Pleshcheev Pashintsev. // P. Stories 2 75. - Lex. Ush. 1940: usurpi/ to sleep

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .

See what “usurp” is in other dictionaries:

    USURP- USURP, usurp, usurp, sovereign. and imperfect that (bookish). To commit (commit) usurpation of something. Usurp someone's rights. Usurp power. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    USURP- to seize by cunning or violence political power; occupy the throne. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. usurp Ruyu, Ruet, Nesov. and Sov., that (German usurpieren, French usurper ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    USURP- USURP, I ruin, I ruin; anna; Sovereign and imperfect., that. Carry out (carry out) illegal seizure, appropriation of something. (power, rights, powers). | noun usurpation, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    usurp- take the reins into your hands, seize, take the reins into your hands Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Usurp- Nesov. and owls trans. Commit usurpation. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    usurp- usurp, ruin, ruin... Russian spelling dictionary

    usurp- (I), we usurp/ruin, you destroy, they destroy... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    usurp- I’m ruining, I’m ruining; St. and nsv. What. Book 1. Commit to usurp something. U. power. U. throne. 2. To dispose of, to command someone or something, without having the right to do so. Ministries have usurped the rights of local authorities... encyclopedic Dictionary

    usurp- I’m ruining, I’m ruining; St. and nsv. that book. 1) Commit to usurp something. Usurp power. Usurp/royate the throne. 2) To dispose of, to command someone or something, without having the right to do so. Ministries have usurped the rights of local authorities... Dictionary of many expressions

    usurp- usurp/ir/ova/t(xia)… Morphemic-spelling dictionary


  • Queen Margot, Dumas Alexandre. France. XVI century. The era of palace intrigue and cruelty, a time of courage and meanness. At this time, France faced a fateful choice: to become a powerful state or to be torn apart in... Buy for 942 rubles
  • The Old Republic Annihilation, Karpyshyn D.. The Sith Empire is plunged into chaos. The missing Emperor is declared dead, and the ambitious Darth Malgus's attempt to usurp power has failed. However, the unstable political...


usurp And to sleep

nesov. and owls trans.

Commit usurpation.

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what it is to USURP in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • USURP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I roar, I roar, I carry. and owls Carry out (carry out) usurpation of something U. the right to dispose of ...
  • USURP in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • USURP in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    usurp, -ruyu, ...
  • USURP in the Spelling Dictionary:
    usurp, -ruy, ...
  • USURP in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    usurping, usurping, owls. and nesov., that (book). To commit (commit) usurpation of something. Usurp someone's. rights. Usurp...
  • USURP in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    nesov. and owls; trans. Commit...
  • USURP in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    nesov. and owls trans. Commit...
  • HEIDEGGER in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (Heidegger) Martin (1889-1976) - German philosopher, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. Born and raised in a poor working Catholic family. ...
  • LEGAL in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    STATE - in the theory of constitutional law - social order, in which several fundamental legal principles are implemented. 1. The rule of law, i.e. ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is a self-governing Church within the Russian Orthodox Church. Synod of Bishops: 75...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Agathangel (Preobrazhensky) (1854 - 1928), Metropolitan of Yaroslavl, saint, confessor. Memory 3...
  • HITLER, ADOLF in the Encyclopedia of the Third Reich:
    (Hitler), (1889-1945), German politician, in 1933-45 Fuhrer (leader) and Chancellor of the Third Reich. Coming from a peasant family, Austrian by birth. ...
  • MOON ANTONIO in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1866-99) Commander-in-Chief of the Philippine Republican Army in the American-Philippine War of 1899-1901. Killed by the President's personal guard. E. Aguinaldo, who falsely accused Luna of...
    The revolution of 1870, the bourgeois-democratic revolution in France on September 4, which destroyed the Second Empire and proclaimed a republic, was prepared by a long crisis of the Bonapartist regime, ...
  • MOON ANTONIO in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Luna) Antonio (October 29, 1866, Manila, - June 5, 1899, Cabanatuan), leader of the Philippine national liberation movement. After the outbreak of the American-Philippine War of 1899-1901, he was appointed commander in chief, in May...
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  • USURPER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. Person" who has illegally seized, usurped power, any rights, powers. 11 f. usurper, -i (colloquial). II adj. usurper, -aya, ...
  • MOON in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LUNA Antonio (1866-99), commander-in-chief. Philippine Republic army in the American-Philippine War of 1899-1901. Killed by the personal guard of Prez. E. Aguinaldo, who falsely accused...
  • EPHORS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Greek ??????, from the preposition ??? and the verb ???? = “overseers”) ? government board in ancient Sparta. The emergence of the ephorate, most scientists...

Usurp, - I’m ruining, - I’m ruining; - anna; committed view And imperfect species , What. Make (carry out) illegal seizure, appropriation of something (power, rights, powers).
noun. usurpation, - and, feminine gender.

Examples of using the word usurp in the context

    . Suppose that any clergy succeeds in assigning to itself alone the right to carry out this act - a right which it must inevitably usurp with any intolerant religion.
    . But first she wrote a letter to Tiberius, saying that Castor had poisoned Livilla and that Livilla and Sejanus wanted usurp power.
    . He did not mention the cruel people who would probably want to usurp power, about the power of landowners and the church, hanging like a heavy burden on the tired neck of Mexico for centuries.
    . Alone politicians believed that there was no danger of Stalin’s one-man dictatorship, that Lenin’s norms of party life were unshakable and that the party would not allow anyone usurp power.

It happens that in a quarrel one person calls another a usurper, without knowing the meaning of this word. Let's find out what this word means. Who is a usurper?

What is usurpation?

In fact, usurpation is the seizure of power through violence. It is necessarily accompanied by violations of the law. This word is also used to describe misappropriation of authority.

The word itself has Latin root, which means "mastery". Thus, the meaning of the word “usurper” can be interpreted as “taking possession of something.”

Usurpation can be carried out either by a single person or by a group. This also includes elections held with serious violations and falsification of results. Exceeding the powers of government, as well as their abuse, is a particular manifestation of usurpation. Accordingly, the usurper is the person who committed the above actions. The result of capture is the extension of one's power to others and the ability to control the actions of all subordinates.

Known invaders

Among the most famous invaders we can note who was a commander and dictator, Octavian Augustus - the founder of the Roman Empire, the legendary Napoleon. Domestic usurpers were Stalin and Lenin.

A huge number of examples can be given, since history is full of individuals who were seduced by the throne and took it away. Well, if we talk about the electoral system, then in many countries residents can tell stories about fraud.


Very often, a usurper is a person to whom such character traits as vindictiveness and arrogance, violence and cruelty, vanity and intrigue, lust for power and ambition are attributed. This list can go on for a long time. In some cases, the endowment of such qualities exaggerated the real state of affairs, but sometimes this was quite fair. After all, a person who seized power by force is hardly modest. It’s not for nothing that they say that he will never strive for power. The mental organization of the usurper is unlikely to be subtle.

Humanity knows many usurpers who were completely different from each other. Some were wise, some were cunning. Some were charming and others were worthless. But one thing can be said with certainty: a usurper is an indomitable person.

There was something in each of them that pushed them to make decisions and act violently.

Gender usurpation

But what was said at the very beginning, when one person calls another a usurper, more often refers specifically to gender usurpation. This usually happens in families where husbands believe that they have some kind of superiority over their wives. They believe that men are higher in the hierarchy and women should be subservient to them. This problem is especially relevant in countries with patriarchy. But these days, a feminist movement has become widespread and is actively fighting this.


So, we found out who the usurper is. This is a person who seized political power by force or deception. Violence is most often used to speed up the capture process. Accordingly, the personality of such a person can be characterized by a clear tendency towards violent actions.

Humanity has long passed the time when this method of coming to power was quite common. This is less common today. But deceptions and falsifications still happen. We can only hope that everything will work out so that people will come to power legally and without violence.