7th Legion Warhammer. Space Marines from A to Z. Notable non-code orders

To increase knowledge about the world.

Primarchs(eng. Primarch) are genetically enhanced superhumans created by the Emperor to command the Space Marine Legions. All twenty children were created from the DNA of the Emperor himself. Their genetic material also formed the basis of the Legions they were to command.

The Great Crusade.
20 legions. The so-called Legions of the first foundation. Nothing is known about the two legions and their primarchs. The information was destroyed by the Inquisition.
Throughout the Great Crusade, all legions united and increased the size of the Imperium of Man. At that time, the Emperor was not revered as a god. During this period, the number of Legions was not strictly controlled. The legions were represented by Homeworlds, fortress bases and huge powerful armada fleets, often divided into several "fists".

Horus Heresy.
To continue the crusade to unite all of humanity's planets, the Emperor of Mankind appointed Primarch Horus as commander of all forces. This decision displeased the leaders of the Space Marines, especially those who themselves were aiming for this position. Horus was corrupted by the Chaos Gods and betrayed the Emperor. He convinced several Primarchs and their legions to come over to his side. These legions would go on to become the Chaos Space Marines and begin the war with the Imperium. The young human Empire was divided into many parts, in each of which there were fierce battles. Eventually, Horus overcame the resistance of the Imperial troops and struck Earth, trying to destroy the Emperor himself. A bloody and stubborn battle unfolded under the walls of the palace. Eventually, the Emperor, along with two loyal primarchs and a squad of the best marines in Terminator armor, teleported to the rebel headquarters. Primarch Sanguinius was the first to attack Horus and fell at the hands of Horus, but according to one version, it was he who found/made a hole in Horus’s armor. The duel between the Emperor and Horus ended disastrously for both sides. Horus fell at the hands of the Emperor, but the ruler of mankind was mortally wounded. To preserve the breath of life in the body of the Emperor, a gigantic life support complex was created on Earth under the leadership of the tech-priests of Mars - the Golden Throne.
If I’m not mistaken, they went over to the side of Horus, at the beginning of the Heresy, the 4th legion: Word Bearers, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Children of the Emperor. (And in the end 9 legions.)

Second Foundation.
The Horus Heresy became an era of struggle as the Imperium was nearly torn apart civil war. Vast forces fell under the influence of Chaos, including at least 9 of the 20 Space Marine Legions. The heresy ended when the Emperor of Mankind defeated the leader of the traitors, Warmaster Horus, although he was mortally wounded in the process. As a consequence of this event, many weaknesses in the structure and organization of the Imperium were exposed. The High Lords of Terra decreed that massive reorganization was necessary to prevent catastrophes like the Horus Heresy.

The second founding occurred seven years after Horus's defeat. The existing Space Marine Legions were broken up and reorganized into Chapters - smaller, more flexible formations.

One Order was ordered to leave the heraldry of the Progenitor Legion, while the rest, known as the Orders that followed the English. Successor Chapters, had to choose new names and heraldry. Most Legions split into five Chapters or fewer (weakened by the war), but the sheer numbers of the Ultramarines Legion helped create 23 successor Chapters.

Introduction. Creation.

The physique of the Space Marines is designed in accordance with the structure and appearance of the power armor created by the legendary Jess Goodwin. The purpose of the drawings is to lead appearance space marines in accordance with published art and text materials from official copyright holders. The purpose of this article is to create a complete image of a Space Marine that would fit 100% into the device Warhammer universe 40,000 and explained some of the features, such as why in images and stories key characters, the heroic Space Marines, are larger in size than their fellows.

!!! This article is purely fan thoughts!!! , because I would like to highlight one of the aspects that is not reflected in the official ENT of Warhammer 40000. In the comparative diagrams, the power armor is 100% consistent with the images from Games Workshop, and the three-dimensional model was created by the author of the article based on the templates he used when designing the cover for the book “The Lying Ones” Gods" published by Black Library. However, to avoid confusion and speculation, there has never been a request from the official copyright holders to create an image of a Space Marine not wearing power armor.

Space Marines and Power Armor.

The physiology of a Space Marine goes far beyond what we can consider to be the ultimate development of the human body. In the fortieth millennium, the Citizens of the Imperium are confronted with a much greater variety of what is familiar to the human form today.

The largest subspecies of humans are classified as Ogryn, in size and weight it can surpass even space marines, the smallest is known as a ratling and is vaguely similar to the hobbits inhabiting Middle-earth. People of the fortieth millennium differ from each other much more than representatives of different races on our Earth. Therefore, some of the inhabitants of the Imperium may well meet the strictest standards required of recruits capable of ordinary people will be reborn as Space Marines. Almost none of the current inhabitants of the Earth will fit them

Armor matching.

I started with the power armor templates as depicted by Jess Goodwin. This is the official image, approved by GW, giving us an idea of ​​the Space Marine's proportions. I used this as a base image, but made the stance less pretentious, and placed the legs closer to make the modeling task easier. The main goal was to not allow changes in proportions and design, which would allow the body of the Space Marine to logically fit inside the armor.

Jes describes his vision for the Space Marines in Part 4 of the Design Philosophy IV: Jes Goodwin Interview podcast. There he mentions that, in his opinion, the average Space Marine is between 230 cm and 260 cm tall and weighs “as much as four basketball players.”

Armor and Space Marine.

Note: The armor is designed as a second skin for the Space Marine and his body is fully integrated into it through the Black Carapace interface. In its thickness, power armor corresponds to the armor of modern armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles, although it has a more complex composition based on ceramite, providing excellent protection against infantry weapons. Power armor is equipped with a power source and power circuits, allowing the Space Marine to move quickly despite the considerable weight of the armor. In addition to the muscular strength of the Space Marine himself, the armor is driven by bundles of neuro and muscle fibers that entangle its frame and are located under the outer armor plates.

Flesh vs NVP/MV (Neuro-fiber bundles/muscle fibers)

Note: Muscle fibers have incredible strength, but use a monstrous amount of energy to produce it. This is a problem because muscle fibers consume much more energy than most portable power systems can provide. And, if in theory the Mechanicum could create an android powered by muscle fibers, they wouldn't have a power grid compact enough to run it and keep it moving (lost technology).

Therefore, relatively few muscle fibers are used in power armor, and the ratio of power output and energy consumption of the armor is carefully adjusted.
Muscle fibers permeate almost every element of Space Marine armor. For each beam there is a channel running between the power armor frame and the external armor plates. The channels reliably fix the muscle fibers, protecting the Space Marine from the fate of a cheese wheel striped with hot wire. This also means that power armor looks quite thin on the outside, since there is no massive “muscle suit” or any massive power drives underneath the armor plates. The armor is worn directly on the Space Marine, and although this armor has a lining, it performs a lot of other, “non-power” functions (connecting the “Black Shell” interface, sealing, hygiene, comfort, cooling).

Diagrams of a space marine with skeleton and muscles.
This diagram shows the skeleton of a Space Marine with muscles applied and placed inside power armor. The armor has been modified to suit my personal preferences and the appearance of the Space Marines as shown in Rogue Trader, which is where I took the inspiration for this article. The most noticeable changes are in the design of the armor covering the hips and ankle support.

Comparison of muscle mass

This diagram allows you to clearly compare and understand how different a Space Marine is from the average man. When fully armed (far right), a Space Marine is significantly more massive than a normal human (far left). Most of The forces of the Space Marines are not of divine origin, it’s just that their muscles are disproportionately more powerful and larger than human ones and are located on a significantly modified skeleton. In terms of the type of muscles and muscle force produced, the body of a Space Marine resembles a gorillas or a chimpanzee. They are devilishly powerful simply because of how cleverly they were “engineered.”

Strength: Combined with Power Armor, it is obvious how effortlessly a Space Marine can move a normal person, open a locked door, or handle any other obstacle. A blow with a fist will throw an already lifeless person into the air many meters. A Space Marine is large enough to grab a person by the ankles and swing them like improvised nunchucks to make his way through any crowd, even if these “nunchucks” very quickly become unusable due to their fragility, but the crowd around him consists of the same weapons!

Growth and development

Due to his unique metabolism and ultra-fast regeneration, a Space Marine is always at the peak of his powers and continues to grow for many centuries. Although their growth eventually slows with age, it will take several millennia for a Space Marine to reach a state of "dynamic equilibrium". But due to their lifestyle, it is unlikely that any of the Space Marines will live to see the age when their strength begins to leave their body. Even the great Lord Dante, Supreme Master of the Blood Angels Chapter, is still rising, albeit slowly. His body is in amazing condition and will remain so for many millennia. It is also noteworthy that, having reached the stage of a “mature” Space Marine, he began to develop albeit weakly expressed psyker abilities, such as precognition, and he became more and more like his beloved primarch, the holiest of the Imperial archangel: Sanguinius.

Stages of Growth: Space Marine scouts are about 200 cm tall, Space Marines of tactical squads, who have exchanged more than a century, are about 230 cm tall. After this, the growth rate slows down, but does not stop, and the oldest warriors of the orders, who have lived for many centuries, have a height of 260 cm or more. (excluding genetic abnormalities).
A common person: This is a man, about 180 cm tall. Any of the Space Marine Initiates are taller, their height line is marked with a red dotted line.
Dedicated: Space Marines are selected from among outstanding people, born warriors whose height exceeds 195 cm. It is rare to take a person taller than 210 cm, since such sizes often entail internal defects of organs and skeleton, or owners of such sizes cannot boast of stable genes.
End of the initiate phase (Scout): This is an initiate who will become a scout, he has passed all the tests and training, in addition, he can already be implanted with the “Black Shell”. The power armor is designed from interchangeable modules, but none of them will fit a wearer whose height is less than 230 cm.
Space Marine: Space Marines are still actively growing for the first two centuries of their lives and during this period, elements of their equipment are updated at intervals of 5-10 years. As they grow, they pass on armor components to their younger brothers and, in turn, receive pieces of equipment from veterans of the Order. Accepting elements of armor is a whole ritual. During these times, most newly converted Space Marines are killed in battle and many pieces of armor given to recent Scouts are repaired armor from their fallen predecessors. This further increases the honor of receiving armor "discarded" by a living and fighting elder brother, such armor is considered blessed by the Emperor.
Terminator *: Once a Space Marine reaches the age of two hundred years, his growth slows. They no longer need to change their armor plates, and their power armor is marked with more and more awards, vows and oaths, becoming unique and ornate. Such armor is transferred in full and only after the death of the Space Marine. It is these strengthened and finally “grown up” Space Marines who can receive one of the greatest relics of their Order: the mighty armor of the tactical dreadnought.
* In addition to the Space Wolves

Armor Notes: As a Space Marine grows, his armor is replaced with more armor. Armor plates contain spacers between the plates and at the joints, if you make a cut, you can see peculiar “growth rings” on the armor. A Space Marine who is over 240 cm tall and 300 years old is considered "mature", but most do not live to that age or size. The height of the average space marine who is part of a tactical squad ranges from 230 to 240 cm. Most changes in the body of a space marine (height, weight, organs) occur during the early stages of his life, during his service as a scout. Hence the “specific” appearance of the scout armor, which combines elements of armor and fabric clothing. Scouts could also use standard power armor, controlling it using the same methods that, for example, the Sisters of Battle use, without using the “Black Shell”, but this would not make sense, since the resources of any Order are limited, and scouts die quickly and in huge numbers quantities.

Armor lining is an extremely flexible material, and usually only requires higher tension and sometimes additional inserts and fasteners if needed. This means that a Space Marine can use the same pad throughout his entire service.

Terminator honors, armor distribution.

Most Orders will only allow the use of Terminator armor by brothers who have proven their military skill and faithful service to the Emperor with a long list of victories. Over the course of several centuries of victories and fierce battles against the enemies of the Imperium, a Space Marine perfects his skills and achieves enough glory to qualify for Terminator honors. The number of sets of this armor is extremely limited. In fact, gaining the right to wear Terminator armor depends very little on the age and size of the Space Marine. Due to their limited supply, only the "best among equals" will be awarded Terminator armor. A Space Marine may be awarded the Terminator Cross (a symbol that he is trained and qualified to wear Terminator armor), but will never wear this mighty armor. Because of this, many mature Space Marines continue to wear the power armor they are accustomed to. Thus, any Space Marine will undergo an additional test - he will need to survive long enough to receive weapons belonging to his older brother, who will be destined to die.
This also explains why most Space Marine Terminators are taller and more massive than their brethren. According to the principle of operation, Terminator armor is similar to power armor, but due to its greater mass, the Terminator is slower and this is ideal for mature Space Marines, who are stronger, but are already inferior in agility to their younger brothers.

Physical strength.

It should be noted that although the Space Marine is powerfully muscled, his body does not resemble that of a bodybuilder. In the previous diagrams you could look at the skeleton and musculature of a Space Marine. Their muscles and strength are fundamentally different from the effort produced by a bodybuilder, simply because this is not a natural state for his body, it is simply over-pumped. Space Marines are more like weightlifters, runners and pentathletes, they have a similar development, although, obviously, the Space Marine is much larger. Also, in proportions, he is completely different from basketball players - with their skeleton and muscles, they will look dystrophic even next to an ordinary scout.


To get an idea of ​​the strength of a Space Marine, imagine a gorilla. A huge leader gorilla with a silver back and weighing about 250 kg. A Space Marine weighs about 450 kg. and his legs, torso and chest are larger than those of a gorilla, and his arms are most likely similar. The question involuntarily arises: how will things go with such giants with dexterity and mobility?
Have you ever seen a gorilla attack? They are frighteningly fast! Moving on four legs, a gorilla will easily overtake an ordinary person and crush any attempt to resist! The rhinoceros is quite large, but it can also outrun a person. A Space Marine is capable of running faster than any athlete, possessing not only powerful muscles but also striding wider than a common person.


The Space Marine is very large and fast, great for hand-to-hand combat, but not so great for warfare with small arms. Using firearms, people are able to kill animals that are much larger and faster than themselves. If humans can kill tigers and mammoths, a space marine shouldn't be a problem either, even our myths glorify those who defeated superior opponents (David and Goliath). The size of a space marine, in itself, is not such a threat for experienced warriors; they, of course, can be intimidating, but only if you yourself do not have weapons and the necessary skills, but a true warrior is more likely to see a “challenge”. I'm sure heroes like Achilles will not be daunted.

What makes a Space Marine a truly fearsome adversary is not just their size or superior physique, but their training, equipment and set of additional organs. The equipment is interesting in that Space Marines are so large and their arms are so large that it would be difficult for them to independently maintain and manufacture some of the miniature parts of the armor and weapons they use. That is why the Space Marine Chapters have a huge staff of ordinary people, servitors and tech-priests serving them. Without armor, a Space Marine would be extremely vulnerable to firearms - but, nevertheless, why such dimensions?

There are two reasons:
First, their strength and size allows them to wear armor so thick that their armor is sufficient to evade the vast majority of infantry weapons wielded by both humans and xenos. In fact, the Space Marine is invulnerable to enemy infantry. To give you an idea, the Space Marine is covered with armor similar to that of modern armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, but head and shoulders above them in terms of technology and armor protection.

The second is that the speed at which they move, their comparatively small size and their ability to use cover make Space Marines difficult targets for weapons powerful enough to penetrate power armor. Although in the novels the space marines sometimes run into an attack across open space, through the explosions from shots from large-caliber guns, this is almost incredible (dangerous, reckless) and is used by the authors to add more drama to what is happening.

While storming enemy bunkers, pillboxes and strongholds, Space Marines will encounter enemy infantry sidearms and, occasionally, man-portable weapons. Therefore, they can be devilishly fast and "reckless" (by normal human standards), but capture or destroy an enemy headquarters very quickly.

Notes: Interesting relationship between medieval warriors and techno-barbarians of Terra; the armor and technology they used allowed them to protect themselves from ranged attacks and therefore the techno-barbarian could be large. While in the galaxy, most people had lost ancient technology, and therefore did not have power armor, being vulnerable to firearms. Thus, smaller and more inconspicuous warriors survived. This may be the reason why Space Marines prefer to recruit on worlds similar to those that gave birth to the Ogryn. The low level of technology development, size, strength and level of mastery of primitive weapons determine whether a warrior and his community will survive or not. In the process of natural selection, only those people remained in such worlds whose genes are quite capable of creating a space marine.

II: Accurately Known Information

  1. The Horus Heresy, Book 1 contains the names of all the Primarchs and the names of their legions. Everything in the second line is hidden, but the length of the name of the second primarch is comparable to Alpharius, and the name of his legion is slightly shorter than Emperor's Children. The erased legion is also marked Error CDIV (error 404)
  2. In "Dead Forsaken" it is said that the Wolves will be unleashed again. From this there is a growing version that they are involved in the liquidation of at least 1 of the unknown primarchs, or even two.
  3. In The First Heretic it is said that the legion was purged and forgotten, and the remnants were poured into the ranks of the Ultramarines.
  4. On the cover of one of the audio dramas there is a picture of a Sigillite, and under right hand he has a skull with the number 2. No, it is very unlikely that this is the skull of a primarch, because it is no larger in size than Malcador's head. But could the right side have a hidden meaning?
  5. There were statues of all the primarchs on Terra. 9 statues of traitors were covered with a shroud, and two others lost their faces and were later overthrown. What did 2 unknown primarchs do that makes heresy not so terrible in comparison?
  6. In The Palatine Phoenix, which takes place around 840, the Lord of the Second, aka Fulgrim's brother, is still in service. The Phoenixian describes him as "usually contemplative, hypocritical and humorless." Which means the Second Primarch is the third to be found.
  7. It follows from this that during the First Xenocide this primarch could have died with his legion, and possibly parts of the eleventh (note Forge’s words about “Entire Legions”)
  8. According to "Wolfsbane"

"I don"t think he (Horus) ever liked me, not like some of the others,"
said Russ. "He always respected me, he always knew how to
get the best out of me, but he was jealous from the start. I
was the second found, and when I returned I took the light of
father from him. "
"A problem all eldest sons experience."
"True," said Russ. "When we found our third brother-"
The ship ran through another squall left over from the
Ruinstorm's dissipation. The shaking it experienced sent the
sparse furniture sliding across the stone. The ever danced to
the very edge of the table. Russ" words were drowned out. "-
and we know how tragic that tale was.

The second suffered some kind of tragedy, somehow connected with envy and bad relationships between the brothers. This may have been due to his character, which was mentioned earlier.
II: assumptions

  1. In "Vulcan Lives", the spirit of Manus tells Vulcan to be stronger. Otherwise, the Salamanders will be forgotten and destroyed in shame, and Nocturne will burn.

» assumptions

Does this mean that one of the unknown primarchs, the version of the Second suggests itself, in the light of the powerful Rangda, gave up and died?

  1. In "Fabius Bile: Master of the Clones" it is mentioned that one of the Forgotten Ones equipped an expedition to the Imga Monolith in the early centuries of the CPSU. Who is the early one (according to the same Reynolds)? That's right, Second
XI: definitely known
  1. in "Lying Gods", Horus senses that the Eleventh's power will remain unclaimed, and then his capsule cracks before being kidnapped.
  2. The Horus Heresy, Book 1 contains the Eleventh's closed name, comparable in length to Magnus the Red, and his legion's name, comparable to Thousand Sons. Legion between ZhR and PM is marked Censored by Imperial Decree
  3. Eliminated by the Space Wolves.
  4. "The First Heretic" sheds a lot of light on this mysterious figure. The 11th Legion was purged and forgotten, the remnants were poured into the Ultramarines. The Eleventh Primarch was described as a disaster for his brothers, and the Word Bearers wanted to destroy him in the past, but did not do so. Moreover, his action offended Lorgar. Given Aurelian's reverence for his father, the Eleventh might have done something against him.
  5. Under the Sigillite's left hand is a skull with the number 11. Hidden meaning?
XI: assumptions
  1. In Laurie Golding's "Official Order of Primarchs" the third and nineteenth are marked DELETED. The events of "The First Heretic", at the time of which the 11th committed the atrocity, take place in 966-967M30. Corax was found eighteenth around this time. This means N19 is the Eleventh (taking into account the information about the Second)
The "Rogue Trader" called the Valedictors order (11 characters - TC has 13) one of the first foundations. The Forgivers wore olive armor and drove Chaos and Orcs across the Eastern Reach during the Heresy.
  1. HH7-Inferno:

by the end entire Space Marine Legion s lost to the Imperium.

It was then given to the Space Wolves of the VIth and the Dark Angels of the Ist

In other words, the Rangdan braineaters could subjugate/desecrate the 11th Legion (read excerpts)

  1. "Horus Heresy, Book 5":

What we foolishly call truth is only a small island on the vast sea of ​​the unknown. To achieve true prosperity, a person must be willing to completely reject the ever-shrinking island of such petty truth

Prohibited texts seized from the defunct military lodge of the Legion [cut out by censorship]. Attributed to Erebus, first chaplain of the Word Bearers Legion.
NS is not cut out. Did Erebus push the forgotten legion to revolt? Given the order from Golding and the Palatine Phoenix, this could be the Eleventh (which breaks some of the speculation here). Or a miscalculation by the author?
II/XI: difficult to assign to a specific primarch/legion

  1. In the back there are renegades from the Space Wolves - the Dark Wolves of Skyrar. It is known that they were given a mission that pushed them into darkness. Weren't they the eliminaters?
  2. On the VKP map in Pacificus there is an area Finding of the Lost Son. But most likely this refers to Alpharius.
  3. Events that took place in 965 and 969M30 in which the Space Wolves took part are marked as<ВСЕ ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ>.

» assumptions

From “The First Heretic” we already know that the fall of the NS occurred after the atrocity of the Eleventh - 966-967M30. This means that 11 could have been eliminated in 965, and in the same year as the discovery, because there were no previously crossed out dates, besides, the Night of the Wolf is silent in that chronology, so it can be put as 969

  1. Again, “The First Heretic”: information about these legions disappeared 20 years before the Monarchy. This happened with the Emperor's Children - when their gene storage was destroyed, they were removed from the Campaign until the primarch was found. Gene seed defects?
  2. Sanguinius in The Rise of Horus tells the Warmaster that he fears the fate of the legion if the Emperor learns of the crimson thirst. After all, then the legion will be destroyed. Another point in favor of the version of a flaw in the gene code?
  1. In The Burning of Prospero it was said that the exterminatus of the world of the Thousand Sons is unparalleled in power. The burning of two forgotten worlds wasn't so shocking?
  2. Titan contains someone whose equals walked the earth while the Emperor was alive. And if this prisoner wished to get out, he would already be free. Let me remind you that the Father of Humanity kept the most dangerous enemies of the Imperium near the Palace in the Khangba Marwu prison. Titan contained those whom he was afraid to keep near him.
  3. Magnus is the most powerful psyker of the Primarchs. 2/11 were weaker or did not have these abilities at all.
  4. Angron is the only primarch who has achieved nothing on his homeworld. 2/11 achieved something.
  5. Malcador considered Mortarion to be the most damaged primarch - some received distorted flesh, others - the soul. To him - both. 2/11 suffered less.
  6. And again "The First Heretic". Argel Tal observed 10 capsules. In 9 there were traitors, in 1 - El Jonson (Tzeentch bet on him, it was not for nothing that the Lord of Change tempted him). And there are no unknowns. Not connected with chaos?
  7. "Tower of Lightning": the falls of the forgotten were like darkness, deviations from the norm.
  8. When Sanguinius did not return from Signus for a long time, Malcador considered him dead and almost disbanded the legion. One point for the fallen primarch? It is worth noting that the armory, resources and even Baal were to be transferred to the needs of the legions loyal to the Emperor. As stated in this work (Lost Sons), this has already happened twice.

» assumptions

Those. rumors among the NS may be partly true. And this would explain the origin of the armor of Russ, which is mentioned in XX7-Inferno as being created to standards unknown to the Imperium.

  1. "The Horus Heresy, Book 3." Alpha Legion section:
a) It is noteworthy that in the case of [redacted] there was a failure at this stage (implantation of the gene seed).
b) The [redacted] disaster showed the unwiseness of recruiting Legiones Astartes from potentially unholy sources.
c) With participation in Labrik Polaris or the canceled experiment [redacted], for a long time former topic for dark rumors.
d) [The Emperor] also did not want to mercilessly liquidate the unsuccessful experiment, as he had done before.
  1. Lorgar, tempted by Ingethel, saw alternate passages of time. In one of them, he killed Sanguinius, was executed by Russ and Curze, and the legion faced the fate of being destroyed due to a specially constructed genovirus. 2/11 could have been subjected to a similar procedure.
  2. And again "The First Heretic". Lorgar considered himself the only one of the brothers who did not want to be a military leader at all. This could mean that the Forgotten Primarchs were not averse to taking up arms.

» assumptions

And if Magnus was drawn to the campaign by the search for knowledge, and Vulcan was drawn by the desire to free people from the oppression of the xenos, which was not the last reason for his agreement to the Campaign, as stated in “The Sun of Prometheus,” then these two could also be drawn by something of their own

  1. In "Sons of the Forge", the main action takes place on a planet with high levels of radiation, an unnamed world in the Boron-13 system, where the Vulcan weapons depot is located. Information about what happened once on the planet has been deleted. Why would this happen all of a sudden?
  2. There is an interesting point in Conquest related to the campaign against the Mitu civilization, in which the Imperial Fists and two other legions took part. What's special, you ask? The fact that none of them, except for the Seventh, is described more, despite all the meticulousness of the other articles in the series, thanks to which it is possible to find out by name the third-rate personalities from the 142nd row on the right. Of course, these may not be hints at two erased legions, because one of those mentioned in passing could be the Twentieth, a rather dark horse even before the reunion with Alpharius. But what then is another one?
  3. ATTENTION! INFORMATION FROM OUTDATED SOURCES! Codex: Ultramarines says that at least 10 legions were on Horus's side at the beginning of the Heresy.

The Space Marine Chapters are special military organizations of the human empire in the Warhammer universe. There are a huge number of them, and a special code was created for them. Many of them remained unknown, while others, through the courage of their soldiers, immortalized their name in the world of constant galactic wars.

General information about orders

All fans of the Space Marine orders should know that they are divided into codex and non-codex. The first category includes those groups that take on faith and blindly follow every point of the Astartes - the manual for all legions (another name for organizations). In creating such a powerful military force The emperor in the book introduced clear rules and created the structure of the orders. The first category of organizations agreed to all the rules, and they are called code ones. The second accepted only part of all the strict points, and therefore their name is non-code. Among the two types there are legions that have earned themselves immortal fame with a huge number of exploits.

Two prominent code organizations

The Space Marine orders are interesting because among them there are no similar ones in terms of principles of life and internal rules. The most famous of all the legions are the Ultramarines - guardians of the code on top level. Their observance of the rules reaches almost religious worship, although they do have some retreat in the form of a detachment of Space Marine veterans. Their internal structure resembles ancient Greece, where there is freedom of speech and democracy. Rules for them are a means of life, and therefore they boldly go into battle to protect the territories of the empire.

The second no less famous legion in the list of Space Marine orders is the “Imperial Fists”. Members of this group are obsessed with discipline and character building. For them, any minor violation of internal regulations is a reason for severe punishment with the help of a special glove. This instrument affects the pain receptors of the brain, and the person experiences incredible agony. According to the “kulaks”, every person should go through such tests, because only pain makes you stronger. For this reason, many people voluntarily wear these gloves.

"Ravens" and "Salamanders"

At 40,000, the list of Space Marine Chapters is incredibly large, but none of them compares guerrilla warfare with the Raven Guard. This is a small legion, and its low popularity is explained by mutations that sooner or later occur with each member of the squad. Their skin becomes incredibly pale, and their hair and eyes become completely black. All secret operations and sabotage wars on enemy territory are carried out by this order. Despite their skin pigmentation, they are able to perfectly camouflage themselves and remain invisible in the right situation.

The Order of the Salamander is completely different from the Ravens in its statute. They love direct combat, but only at long range. Their gene code contains a slow reaction, and therefore they even make weapons personally for their fighters. Lizardmen respect fire and often use it in battle with thunder hammers and flamethrowers. Their differences are in the black skin of the soldiers and their humanism towards the common population. Other orders treat civilians with contempt, but the Salamanders' operations take into account their need for protection.

Angelic orders

All Space Marine Chapters have their stories, but the Dark Angels have one of the most tragic tales. This order remained coded only on paper, because few people know about the existence within it of the secret organization “Death Wing”. Its creation was due to the schism during the galactic war and crusades. Many traitors have broken away from the organization and are hiding in the universe. Members of a secret group hunt them down and kill them. The presence of many secrets and secrets within the organization made all members of the legion distrustful with signs of paranoia.

The Order of the Red Angels has also earned a bad reputation for itself, which is associated with genetic problems. The soldiers of this organization love the aesthetic approach, but the influence of genes is beyond their reason. To create a new member of the legion, it is necessary to inject blood into it with a particle of panarch, which is stored in special tanks. On the battlefield, angels often succumb to two destructive effects: Red Fury and Black Wrath. The first, in the heat of battle, makes you lose control of yourself, and the second, with echoes of the past, brings your mind to the brink of madness.

Notable non-code orders

In the Warhammer universe, Space Marine chapters can be a thousand strong, as the code dictates, but the Space Wolves completely defied its rules. They have thirteen companies, each of which has up to four thousand fighters. This enormous force is controlled by an old warrior named Logan Grimnar. For "wolves" the concepts of honor and valor are paramount. Their genetic code gives their bodies the characteristics of animals. Thanks to them, they reject the effects of Chaos and have heightened senses.

The second well-known non-code order is the Black Templars. These soldiers used to be members of the “Imperial Fists”, but decided to throw away the rules of the order and continue their independent struggle against all enemies of the Imperium. They are masters of hand-to-hand combat and excel at fighting in any terrain. Their hunt in fleets of 5-6 thousand never stops. The constant movement is explained by the lack of a personal base. The commander of this armada is High Marshal Helbrecht.

Third category of orders

In the world of Warhammer 40,000, Space Marine Chapters may also have a controversial status. Among these, the most famous are the Relictors and the Legion of the Damned. The first received this status due to their craving for Chaos artifacts. When the Inquisition found out about this, the head of the legion was executed, and other members of the army were sent on a campaign of atonement. Later, this conflict only intensified, the order was excommunicated from the community and almost destroyed by the Gray Knights. The remnants fled outside the empire.

The Legion of the Damned is a remnant of the Fire Hawks. They come to the aid of other Space Marines in the most difficult moments in the form of spirits. All this is thanks to the mutations of psychic influence that occurred after the Warp explosion. Most of the “hawks” then died or went mad, and the survivors acquired such abilities.