Drawings of flying saucers of the Third Reich. Secrets of Ahnenerbe. UFOs or flying machines of the Third Reich. Excessive gullibility of uncritical readers

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This material, was transferred respected colleague NF and slightly modified by me.


After the end of World War II, the Allies anti-Hitler coalition got the opportunity to study a large number of documents about the types of secret weapons systems being developed in Germany in those years. Some of these materials were published in the press in 1950. This concerned the so-called “flying saucers” or “flying discs”, which were developed and tested by the Germans during the Second World War. The interest in these unusual aircraft after the war, when in Germany things finally began to become clearer regarding the “Weapon of Retaliation” being developed, was understandable. And this curiosity in cases related to “Flying Saucers” began to manifest itself with even greater interest, since at that time a wave swept various kinds UFO reports * , which, if you look at it, had a completely different origin.


As for the German “flying saucers”, in this case we are talking about a central fixed body around which a rotor or disk was supposed to rotate. These "flying saucers" were supposed to take off and land vertically and be able to fly in any direction horizontally or at an angle to the horizon at unusually high speeds. Such aircraft, for obvious reasons, were very interesting from the point of view of their use for military purposes.

Materials published in 1950 mentioned two rather significantly different models of “flying discs”. One of these models was referred to as the V 7 anti-aircraft mine. Judging by the available materials, the first of the “flying saucers” was supposed to be developed by Captain Rolf Schriever, the second by the certified engineer Miethe. Judging by the reports, these aircraft were manufactured and were expected to have fantastic flight performance.

Rice. 1. Shriefer’s “flying saucer” in flight. Diameter 14400 mm, height 3200 mm, disc height 200 mm, take-off weight about 3 tons. Three jet engines with a thrust of 900 kg and two with a thrust of up to 2500 kg served as the power plant.

According to reports, ideas for creating “flying saucers”, created according to the scheme proposed by Schriefer, arose in the spring of 1941. One model, perhaps very reminiscent of a children's toy, was already flying in June 1942 and allegedly confirmed Schriefer's assumptions regarding flight data and the correctness of his choice. In August 1943, Schriefer and three trusted persons supervised the manufacturing process of a much larger version of a similar aircraft at a BMW company near Prague. Initially, this aircraft had a propeller, and in the summer of 1944 this “flying saucer” was modified and received a jet engine. In April 1945, it was ready for flight tests, but just before the end of the war (May 8 at 24-00) they only managed to carry out runs of the power plant on the ground without flights. On May 9, 1945, the “flying saucer” was blown up and the inventor, with all the materials related to his invention, moved to the west.


Rolf Schriefer died in the 50s. After his death, in addition to those compiled on a quick fix, apparently, immediately after the war (no date), descriptions and sketches of his aircraft were newspaper clippings on this topic (see sources numbered 2-9, 12-14, 16). The first such notes, dated March 30 and April 2, 1950, belonged to reporter Rudolf Augsteins, who often had a head start over his competitors in matters of his professional activity. In this same case, materials about aircraft built on the basis of Schriefer’s inventions, the source of which was the weekly publication “Heim & Welt,” attracted attention for only three days. Both publications on this topic, with their rather contradictory content, served in turn as a source for other publications. These later reports in a number of points partially, and in some even very significantly, differed from the data presented in the first publications.

Rice. 2. Schriefer's "Flying Saucer", rear view. You can see three engines that served to drive the disk, two engines for horizontal flight and three struts that served as landing gear.

Many were critical of the fact that numerous obvious inaccuracies quickly surfaced in all published materials. Thus, one source indicated that Schriefer’s idea to develop “flying saucers” arose in 1942. Another source already mentioned 1941. Another indicated the exact date of July 15, 1941.

According to one report, the Schriefer model first flew on June 1, 1942, another said on June 3, 1942. The same applies to the start date of production of a life-size aircraft. One source reports 1943, another reports 1944.

Rice. 3. Combined image of Schriefer’s “flying saucer” from above and below

It is even more difficult to determine the date when the aircraft was manufactured. One of the alleged witnesses to everything that was happening, senior engineer Klein, claimed that on February 15, 1945, he saw Schriefer’s aircraft in the air. One of the participants in the assembly of this aircraft indicates as the date of the first flight that the “flying saucer” was ready for flight tests only in April 1945, but the flight failed and the aircraft was destroyed.

Rice. 4. View from three sides of the “flying disc” of the certified engineer Maite as it was imagined at that time

Chief Engineer Kline's testimony seems rather dubious because the 8th Air Force's combat log contains a weather service certificate dated February 14, 1945, according to which very thick clouds were currently occurring in this region. The lower boundary of the clouds was at a very low altitude, at times about 400-800 meters above ground level, and it was raining and snowing. Visibility was very poor (8/10-10/10). These weather conditions with a high degree of probability would not have allowed testing of the revolutionary aircraft.

Inaccuracies appear in other details as well. According to one source, an airplane was to be used to evacuate technical personnel from near Prague, another mentions cars. In the first case it is said that the personnel were to be evacuated to Munich to one of the Dornier enterprises, in the second the mountains of the Bavarian Forest (Bayerische Wald) are mentioned, in the third a more precise place was indicated - locality Regen.

Rice. 5. Presumably this is what the V7 “flying mine” should have looked like

There are also a number of discrepancies regarding when and where all the technical documentation for Schriefer’s invention was sent. The Spiegel magazine, which went on sale in Bremerhaven on August 4, 1948, suggested that these materials were stolen by someone on May 14, 1945, i.e. shortly after the evacuation from Prague. According to other sources, this happened a few weeks later.

Technically unrealistic

This whole story, as can be seen before and after, was implausible. It’s even too implausible and perhaps this story would have died back in the 50s, since techies would then have had the opportunity to get to know such an unusual aircraft better and would have made some calculations.

It was very quickly established that at the indicated disk revolutions (1800 rpm), enormous forces arise due to centrifugal acceleration (about 26200 g), which in real practice occur only in military equipment and even there only in cases of using small-caliber weapons. For example, with a power plant weighing about 560 kg (BMW 003 jet engine), for its suspension under aircraft it was necessary to use massive bolts made of high-strength steel, which made it possible to evenly distribute the load arising during operation of the power plant. With two fastening points, the diameter of these bolts had to be at least 142 mm, with three fastening points - at least 116 mm. Moreover, such powerful fastenings had to be used not only for the suspension of the power plant, but also in other elements of the aircraft structure. The maximum torque was 110,000 Nm. Thus, the aircraft, supposedly built according to the scheme proposed by Schriefer, should have been much more durable than anything that had previously taken place. It was simply impossible to implement all this in practice at that time.

In addition to the resulting weight loads, numerous technical problems arose that prevented the creation of anything capable of flying. With a take-off weight of 3 tons, Schriefer and his staff had to place on the aircraft at least 2 tons of high-strength materials, numerous instruments and instruments, and at least five jet engines. By the time this aircraft was to be created, jet engines still had significant shortcomings, as well as the materials available to the developers. And it was impossible anywhere, even with enormous funds, to purchase such materials. Anyone who wanted to make such a project a reality had to try to find suitable materials somewhere and obtain funds and appropriate documents for this. The departments responsible for providing such materials do not have any information about attempts to acquire them.

Despite the chaos that reigned in Germany in the last months of World War II, all the documentation of the department, headed by Reich Minister of Arms and Ammunition Speer, was preserved. The same applies to the negotiations of Field Marshal Milch on the allocation of all necessary materials for the needs of the Luftwaffe, the distribution of personnel, the development of various promising projects, etc. In addition, there were also numerous journals and other documentation from various departments involved in the creation and production of various weapons systems, and all this data was very accurate.

None of these collections of documents, in which Milch's negotiations with various authorities alone took up more than 40,000 pages, and the fully preserved materials of KTB RK VIII from the period from August 15, 1939 to December 31, 1944, make very little mention of a “flying saucer” that could be built on the basis of the developments of Schriefer or the “flying mine” Miethe V 7. In other words, if you believe these documents, then in reality there was not a single similar aircraft that had been created and could be tested in the air.

Excessive gullibility of uncritical readers

First post-war years For large quantity materials on the secret weapons systems developed in the Third Reich were not available. But at the same time, there were many different kinds of fantastic stories and stories of science fiction writers and bankrupt inventors. The stories they spread were eagerly devoured by the curious. There was almost no analysis of these stories and, accordingly, no critical comments, which also allowed many people to believe in all these stories. Some people still believe this today, as evidenced by notes like the April 1972 article published by Ulk in the factory magazine Vereinigten Flugtechnischen Werke-Fokker GmbH, Bremen. Intended as a joke, the article “Unbekannte Flugscheiben bei VFW-Fokker entdeckt” (“Unbekannte Flugscheiben bei VFW-Fokker entdeckt” was discovered at the VFW-Fokker) was a stunning success and was followed by a number of more articles about secret weapons (Geheimwaffe).

In reality, everything was limited to a simple model, which was made of plastic cuffs for electrical outlets glued together. This model rested on three ballpoint pens, the base of the model was made of a plastic model making box and some smaller parts. The model was painted accordingly and had German identification marks period of the Second World War. Outwardly, this model looked quite interesting and for some it seemed real...

Brief description of Schriefer's "flying saucer"**

The fuselage in appearance resembled a flattened lens with a cockpit in the center. At the periphery of the structure there was a rotating disk with blades, consisting of an upper and lower halves.

In the upper part there was a control compartment for a crew consisting of several people; The control compartment was equipped with all the equipment necessary for flight and control of the power plant.

On the so-called lower part, which could be rotated 360° relative to the upper part, there were two jet engines and fuel tanks. Spring-loaded struts located under the engines replaced the conventional chassis.

At the level of the center of gravity of the entire aircraft there was a round cabin, around which a disk with twenty-one blades rotated on special bearings. The tips of all the blades were attached to a ring, which served not only for stabilization, but also to reduce the resulting air resistance.

Three jet engines are located under the disk with blades. These engines were suspended on so-called carrier plates that also served as fuel tanks.

To take off, land and fly in a vertical direction, the disk had to rotate at 1650-1800 rpm, which allowed an aircraft weighing 3 tons to have a vertical speed of up to 100 m/s. For normal flight, the disk blades changed the angle of attack, the disk speed was reduced to 500 rpm, which significantly reduced the vertical speed and made it possible to use two jet engines located on the lower half of the fuselage. In horizontal flight, the aircraft was supposed to reach a speed of 4200 km/h. At launch, if the aircraft took off at an angle to the horizon, all five jet engines had to work at once. Control was carried out by rotating the lower part of the aircraft relative to the upper.

  • * literally “UFO” (UFO) and “Foo Fighters” - Allied pilots' term for UFOs and other unexplained phenomena
  • ** compiled from the notes of the inventor

Researchers of the secret history of the Third Reich today already know a lot about its mystical roots and the behind-the-scenes forces that brought Hitler to power and directed the activities of Hitler.

How did a small country with a population of only 70 million people manage to take over half the world in two years? Nazism turned out to be a force of colossal proportions. But what is the secret of this power?

The foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state, but this worldview became an active force after the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

In 1918, a group of people who already had experience working in international secret societies founded a branch of the Teutonic Knightly Order in Munich - the Thule Society (named after the legendary Arctic country - the cradle of all humanity). The official goal of this society was the study of ancient Germanic culture, but the true goals were much deeper.

The theorists of fascism found a candidate suitable for their purposes - the power-hungry, addicted to all sorts of mystical things, and also drug-dependent corporal Adolf Hitler, instilling in him the idea of ​​world domination by real white people. At the end of 1918, the young occultist Hitler was accepted into the Thule Society and quickly became one of its active members. And soon the ideas of the Thule theorists were reflected in his book “My Struggle.”

So, in 1919, the secret “Lodge of Light” was founded (later “Vril” - after the ancient Indian name for the cosmic energy of life). Later, already in 1933, the elite mystical order “Ahnenerbe” (Ahnenerbe - “Heritage of the Ancestors”), which since 1939, on the initiative of Himmler, has become the main research structure within the SS. Having under its command fifty research institutes, the Ahnenerbe society was searching for ancient knowledge that would allow them to develop the latest technologies, control human consciousness using magical methods, and carry out genetic manipulation in order to create a superman.

Practiced and unconventional methods gaining knowledge - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the “Higher-Unknowns”, or, as they were called, “External Minds”. Ancient occult “keys” (formulas, spells, conspiracies, etc.) found with the help of “Ahnenerbe” were also used, which made it possible to establish contact with “Aliens”. The most experienced mediums and psychics were involved in “sessions with the gods.” For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the Thule and Vril societies.

They claim that some occult “keys” worked, and through independent “Alien channels” some secret information was received. For example, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, whose characteristics were significantly superior to the aviation technology of that time.

Another task that was set before scientists and, according to rumors, was practically solved was the creation of a “time machine” that would allow them to penetrate into the depths of history and obtain knowledge of ancient high civilizations, in particular information about the magical methods of Atlantis, which was considered the ancestral home of the entire Aryan race. Of particular interest to Nazi scientists was the technological knowledge of the Atlanteans, which, according to legend, helped to build huge sea vessels and airships driven by an unknown magical force.

There is information about the development of a highly secret “flying saucer” called “Honebu” at the 4th SS experimental design center, subordinate to the Black Sun society.

In his book “German Flying Saucers,” Bergmann gives some of its technical characteristics: diameter 26.3 meters, engine: “Thule” tachyonator, diameter 23.1 meters, control: pulse generator magnetic field, speed: 6000 km/h (estimated - 21000 km/h), flight duration: 55 hours or more, suited for flights in outer space, crew - 9 people, with passengers - 20 people, planned serial production: late 1943 - early 1944.

In search of ancient magical knowledge, Ahnenerbe organized expeditions to the most remote corners of the globe: Tibet, South America, Antarctica... The latter was given Special attention... This territory is still full of secrets and mysteries. Antarctica was officially discovered by the Soviet expedition of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1820. But tireless archivists discovered vintage maps, from which it followed that they knew about Antarctica long before historical event. One of the maps, compiled in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was discovered in 1929. Other maps also surfaced: by the French geographer Orontius Phineus from 1532, Philippe Buache, dated 1737.


It has been suggested that Antarctica is the former Atlantis. One of the arguments: the size of the legendary country of Atlantis (30,000 × 20,000 stages according to Plato, 1 stage according to Plato - 185 meters) approximately corresponds to the size of Antarctica.

Naturally, Ahnenerbe scientists, who scoured the world in search of traces of Atlantean civilization, could not ignore this hypothesis. The Third Reich should be considered one of the pioneers of astronautics. Such brilliant scientists as Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun worked at Ahnenerbe. Oberth theoretically designed a rocket to fly into outer space in 1923, and his faithful student von Braun, working on a ballistic rocket at Peenemünde, the Nazi rocket center, conducted experiments on launching rockets into outer space.

Already by 1944, the first “flying saucer” was created in Germany, developed Technical Academy Luftwaffe. Other similar aircraft of unusual shape and design were in varying degrees readiness. There were rumors that the Germans had launched a rocket to the moon. In 1944, astronomers actually recorded unusual activity on it, which could not be caused by natural causes: light flashes, flickering, mysterious shadows, etc.

The Americans, who received the archives, designs and finished products from Peenemünd in 1945, were amazed at how far Nazi scientists had advanced in the development of rocketry.

For example: The V-2 was a ballistic missile that could carry a nuclear warhead from Europe to the United States. They also discovered a design for a two-stage composite cruise missile A9/A10, which included an astronaut cabin.

The famous saboteur of the Third Reich, Otto Skorzeny, recruited a detachment of 500 kamikaze astronauts. In one of the variants of the V-2 project, the rocket was supposed to be controlled by a kamikaze cosmonaut (however, there was also an option to save him by ejecting when approaching the intended target). This missile was aimed at New York.

In 1945, Wernher von Braun and a group of rocket scientists surrendered to the American secret services. There is a famous photograph where he stands with a broken left arm in a cast, with a satisfied smile on his face. In principle, the German SS major Wernher von Braun even won something by surrendering to the American authorities and finding himself overseas. He was provided there with not worse, but even better conditions for space research than in Nazi Germany, which squandered money only for military needs.

The Nazi authorities, seeing the inevitability of the collapse of the Third Reich, prepared the ground for retreat ahead of time. To do this, they created secret bases in hard-to-reach corners of the world: in Latin America and Antarctica. The Germans urgently transported equipment and personnel to these places using submarines, transferred currency, gold, and jewelry to foreign banks, and hid museum treasures.

Since 1947, there have been constant reports of aircraft of unknown origin, which have been called “flying saucers.” First, such a “saucer” (or even a group of such aircraft) crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. Then such cases became more frequent, and eyewitnesses began to meet the crews of these flying objects.

In April 1945, Major Robert Staver, a US intelligence officer, inspected an underground V-2 rocket plant. What appeared before the eyes of the seasoned intelligence officer stunned and amazed him. “It was like Aladdin's Cave of Wonders!” - the American could not resist words of admiration for Nazi technologies.

As a result, it is quite possible that German designers continued their unusual experiments and research after the collapse of the Third Reich, and most likely they developed and tested new technology, including “flying saucers.”

After the May 1947 crash of three “flying saucers” with mysterious pilots in the area of ​​New Mexico, Texas, management air force The United States turned to German rocket scientists who were at American secret military training grounds. A group of German scientists led by Ernst Steinhoff and Wernher von Braun prepared a special report analyzing this extraordinary event of the 20th century. So, the German rocket scientists were unable to identify the remains of the crashed vehicles as experimental samples of some new top-secret German technology being developed at that time. But the American military had suspicions that such developments belonged to the invisible empire of the Fourth Reich, dispersed across various corners of the globe.

Wernher von Braun and other German specialists working in the United States could well act on the principle of “friendship is friendship, tobacco apart” and did not unnecessarily share their secrets with new American “friends.” Thus, the secret of German developments remained unsolved both for the Americans and for the whole world.

The main goal of the former German specialists who went underground and were supplied with Reich gold was to reproduce the “black international” with the help of the latest ultra-modern military equipment. This was the only way they could see future revenge for the defeat of the Third Reich.

In order to perceive this story more or less impartially, the modern reader must take into account that
1) in 40-50 last century in the West, the topic of “flying saucers” had not yet become marginal and with good reason occupied a place on the pages of newspapers (including large ones), not only under the heading “Incidents”, but also under the heading “Technology”. For the average person of that time, a “flying saucer”, from a technical point of view, was no different from, say, a “space rocket.” Perhaps the first seemed even less fantastic than the second.
I will omit most of the (pseudo) technical details that, mixed with sketches of “aircraft”, abounded in articles of that time, out of mercy to the readers. Those who are curious can easily find them on Google using the names of the “inventors.”
2) in the late 40s, UFOs observed in various parts of the world did not leave the pages of newspapers. The press fueled interest in the topic so much that it seems to have caused an information chain reaction. On its wave they appeared

1. Pioneers.

On March 24, 1950, Il Giornale d'Italia informed readers with reference to the Italian engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo ( Giuseppe Belluzzo) that “flying discs” were invented and designed back in 1942 in Italy and Germany. The article caused a real sensation, and within a few days the same information was republished by most major Italian newspapers. On March 30, Italian Air Force General Ranza published a refutation, but it was too late.

Giuseppe Belluzzo, who was then 74 years old, became famous as a specialist in the field of thermodynamics and designer of steam turbines. For example, in one of his first scientific works, Einstein reviewed Belluzzo’s book “Principles of Graphic Thermodynamics.” After Mussolini came to power, Belluzzo went uphill - from 1925 to 1928. he served as Minister of Economy, and from 1928 to 1929 Minister of Education in the Italian government. At the same time he published the book “The Economics of Fascism.” Unfortunately, nothing is known about Belluzzo’s further scientific or engineering career (including during the war).

On March 27, the newspaper Neue Presse (due to the lack of original Italian articles, I use German-language sources) with reference to the AP agency wrote:
Italian scientist Giuseppe Belluzzo... claims that flying saucers were created in Germany and Italy back in 1942. They do not represent anything supernatural and did not come from Mars, but only rationally use the latest technical achievements. Probably one of the great powers is now experimenting with them.

The most famous article of this period, published three days later in Der Spiegel, also briefly mentions Belluzzo, although the word “inventor” is prudently placed in quotation marks:
“I designed the plans myself,” says Belluzzo. Already in 1942, Hitler and Mussolini ordered experiments with “flying saucers”, which were supposed to carry long-range weapons. Alas, the drawings disappeared during Mussolini's flight to Northern Italy.

Looking ahead, we note that these will not be the last missing drawings in this story. To this sad for technical progress The reader will gradually get used to the patterns. We will return to the article in Der Spiegel, but for now let’s say the word to the Hamburg newspaper Strasse dated April 9, 1950:
Professor Belluzzo described himself in an interview with INS (International News Service) in Rome as the inventor of the “flying saucer”, but pointed to the German technicians and engineers who - with him or under his leadership - worked on this project. With one of those whom Belluzzo named, with engineer Kurt Schnittke ( Kurt Schnittke) our correspondent met from Regensburg.
Engineer Schnittke made it clear that the “flying saucers” observed recently are not at all messengers from distant planets... The fact is, according to Schnittke, that another designer, together with a group of his employees, ended up in 1945 Soviet Union. Without a doubt, Italian-German developments were further developed there. In this regard, we recall reports about “flying saucers” that came three years ago from Poland, Finland and Sweden... But the danger that the East took possession of this invention is not too great - after all, two leading designers remained in the West.

From the context of the article, it is not entirely clear who is meant by the “two remaining designers in the West”: Belluzzo and Schnittke themselves or third parties.
It is important, however, that here, with reference to Belluzzo, the names (more precisely, the name) of German collaborators are mentioned for the first time. Alas, Kurt Schnittke was unlucky. By irony of fate or by the intent of later compilers, he ended up being left out of history. It’s a pity, because unlike most of the subsequent semi-mystical characters, engineer K. Schnittke from Regensburg is quite real. On sites dedicated to the history of the Messerschmitt aircraft, you can find wartime photographs of it from the Regensburg airfield. We also know that from 1960 to 1973 he bore the difficult burden of chairman of the Regensburg aircraft model circle. And only the fame of the designer of “flying saucers” passed him by.

On April 22, 1950, the Volkszeitung reported:
In an interview given by the famous Italian physicist Belluzzo INS... he named the names of some Germans with whom he worked together on “flying saucers”. One of them is the designer Rentel (Rentel) - together with his assistants came to the Russians in 1945. It seems that he is continuing in Russia the development of “flying saucers”, invented back in 1942. The same opinion is shared by engineer K. Schnittke, who, together with Rentel, carried out the first tests in the initial stage of the project in 1943 and is also one of the inventors.

The rest of the article describes how to use Belluzzo's flying saucer. The unmanned disk was supposed to rise to a height of up to 10 km and from there slowly fall onto the waiting squadrons of enemy bombers. In order not to cause damage on the ground, at the 1000 m mark the plate had to explode automatically. Let us note in parentheses that this undoubtedly ingenious tactical concept comes into some conflict with the ranged combat weapons mentioned in Der Spiegel.
Rentel, like Schnittke, did not leave any trace in ufology. Perhaps the reason is that an unmanned flying saucer of extremely dubious effectiveness from a military point of view was considered by subsequent compilers to be unworthy of the engineering genius of the Third Reich.

The article in the Wochenend newspaper dated April 13, 1950 became a true milestone in the history of ufology. The fact is that the plates multiplied in it for the first time (in the future they will do this with the intensity of a medal-winning rabbit). In addition to Professor Belluzzo’s unmanned saucer, which for some reason was transferred to 1941, it turns out that already since 1938 there was a project for a German flying saucer with a crew:
We received a letter from engineer Karl Wagner ( Carl Wagner). He saw a picture of a “flying saucer” in the newspaper and remembered that this was his third date with her. In 1938, he saw drawings of a similar aircraft, and in 1943 he heard about it from soldiers of an engineering regiment in Detmold. His story fully confirms Professor Belluzzo’s data, but he wrote his letter even before the first reports from Italy appeared.

Karl Wagner is also forgotten today, and this is especially sad. After all, he is practically the only witness in the entire history of the flying saucers of the Third Reich who saw the saucer (or the drawings), but overcame the desire to invent it. Such dedication, of course, deserves all praise.
Giuseppe Belluzzo died in 1952 at the age of 76.


Let's return, as promised, to the article in Der Spiegel:
In Bremerhaven-Lee, Louisenstrasse 9, second floor, left, retired pilot Rudolf Schriever ( Rudolf Schriever) painstakingly collects all reports about flying discs. “I immediately thought about my car,” says the forty-year-old design engineer, “about the flying top I had designed... The idea came to me in 1942. I was a senior pilot in Bohemia at the time.” Schriever is working on the first sketches. A year later, he involved Prague engineers in the calculations.
Equipped with nozzles from the Me-262, the three-ton spinning top was supposed to have a diameter of 14.4 meters, reach a horizontal speed of 4,200 km/h and a flight range of 6,000 km. Until April 15, 1945, Schriever worked on his plans. The drawings were completed, Schriever was about to present them to Goering. But the Russians got there earlier. Schriever had to flee.
Schriever set up a workshop in his father-in-law's garden house in Bremerhaven. On August 4, 1948, it was hacked. All plans for the flying top and the finished model were stolen. In the archives of the Bremerhaven criminal police there is a folder marked: “The investigation has been stopped. The attacker has not been found."
Since then, Schriever has already talked about distant countries and beautiful plans with envoys of different governments. But for now he works as a truck driver at an American military base.
“If I had the opportunity, I would build such a thing and fly away.” Rudolf Schriever is convinced that Prague engineers, now working for another government, have reconstructed his “flying top.” For him, the mystery of “flying saucers” does not exist.

It is important to note that in this first article about Schriever, it seems that during the war he was engaged in “flying tops” as a hobby. There is no talk of any specialized design bureau. Moreover, by the end of the war only drawings were ready; no prototypes, much less models ready for testing, were mentioned. The article was accompanied by a talented (from the point of view of a comic book reader) sketch.

Two years later, the German Illustrated Magazine returns to the topic:
The little house at Höckerstraße 28 in Bremerhaven-Lee has recently been surrounded by serious activity. Workers from American research institutes, professors and engineers from Western and Eastern powers crowd around the doors. Despite the silence they maintain, it is clear that they are all interested in the same thing: "Flying Saucer Number 1" On the desk of engineer and chief pilot Rudolf Schriever lies a stack of letters from the most different countries. And new ones come every day. Schriever laughs, looking out the window:
“Why didn’t I go abroad? I was offered a job in South America, in the USA, in the Eastern zone... well, that is, in Russia. But one unsuccessful attempt in South America was enough for me... And the flying top is as real as some of the recently seen “flying saucers”. They appear to have been created on the basis of my plans, stolen on May 14, 1945 in the Bavarian town of Regen in the Prestel inn, where I stayed with my family after fleeing Prague.
I started development on July 15, 1941. The first model was ready on June 2, 1942. A day later she took off and we were amazed by her performance. But we actually started designing and building a large sample only in Prague. Its diameter was 14.4 meters.

In two years, as we see, a lot has changed, both in the present and in the past. First, Schriever moved. I hope he left a reminder at his old place of residence so that crowds of Western and Eastern agents would not rush around Bremerhaven with their eyes bulging. By the way, the story that the inventor is torn apart by potential customers, alas, giving in to the power of the idea, after which he, misunderstood, returns to his native jigsaw, occupies a strong second place in German UFO folklore after the “stolen drawings.”
But the appearance of “South America” (read Argentina) on the list of powers hunting for genius is by no means accidental. However, there is no information about Schriever’s (real or imaginary) trip to Argentina.
The fact of the theft of the drawings, as we see, has undergone a mysterious space-time deformation. And they themselves acquired visibility and three-dimensionality.

On November 15, 1952, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung remembers Schriever:
35-year-old former pilot Rudolf Schriever from Bremerhaven plans to patent a wingless elliptical aircraft with a diameter of 40 meters, which he has been working on for 11 years.

Fame clearly benefited Captain Schriever - he looked seven years younger, and the diameter of his plate tripled. Unfortunately, this is the last message about him during his lifetime - it is believed that he died in 1953.


On June 7, 1952, the newspaper France Soir published an interview with a certain aeroengineer, former Colonel Richard Mithe ( Richard Miethe). Unfortunately, I do not have the original French interview, but only an English retelling.
Colonel Miethe says that in April 1943, work was underway on a German “secret weapon” in Essen, Stettin and Dortmund. He also took part in them and built - in 1944 in Breslau (Wroclaw) - a flying saucer known as V7. The engines were given to her after the Russians occupied Poland. He does not name the six engineers who worked on the project, but mentions that three of them died and three were captured by the Russians.
Therefore, he believes that the “flying saucers”, including those recently seen in Brazil, are the work of his colleagues now working for the Russians. Shortly before the defeat of Germany, Miethe with a group of others German officers moved to Cairo, where he continued work on recreating the flying saucer. Now he lives in Tel Aviv.

Two months later, the Italian magazine Tempo published photographs in which people without imagination could see a black spot on a gray background (possibly a development defect), and magazine employees and sympathizers - tests of a V7 flying saucer designed by engineer Miethe, captured on April 17, 1944 over Baltic.

Actually, nothing more is known about the mysterious (how many German engineers settled in Tel Aviv in 1952?) Colonel Mita. Ufological folklore, without bothering with evidence, believes that after the interview, the Americans took Mite to their place and forced him to work in the Paperclip project. Recently, a photograph from 1933 was also discovered, where someone named Miethe is depicted next to Wernher von Braun. I'm afraid, however, that even a photograph from 1500 hugging Leonardo Da Vinci is not convincing enough evidence that the man depicted in it designed a flying saucer.

Please note that at this initial stage of myth formation there are no cross-references. Both Belluzzo, Schriever, and Miethe mention other engineers who worked with them (Belluzzo even names names), but they seem to know nothing about each other's existence.
But soon the pioneers were replaced

2. compilers

On April 26, 1953, the completely respectable newspaper Welt am Sonntag published an interview with senior engineer Klein ( Georg Klein), in the past, in his words, a special adviser to the Speer Arms Ministry:
- Recent reports from Canada about the construction of flying disks mark a new stage in the history of aeronautics?
- For specialists, we are by no means talking about a completely new invention. Similar devices already existed in Germany during the war, at least prototypes. I myself observed the launch of a flying disk with a crew on board on February 14, 1945 in Prague. The car reached an altitude of 12,400 m and a horizontal speed of 2,200 km/h. It sounds fantastic, but thanks to their aerodynamics, such devices can reach speeds of up to 4000 km/h.
- Such a high speed surely causes insoluble technical problems?
- We had an alloy that could withstand such speed. The launch in Prague was the result of research and engineering work that began in 1941. Around the end of 1944, three different designs were ready. We went two ways: the famous designer Miethe worked on one project, Habermohl ( Habermohl) and Schriever - over the other.
- And what happened to the prototypes and inventors?
- The disk that had already taken off into the air and other devices that were in production in Prague were destroyed by us shortly before the arrival of the Soviet Army. In Breslau, Miethe's assistants and the prototype fell into Russian hands. The fact that the East is further developing the project is confirmed by recent American reports from Korea. Nothing is known about Habermohl and his two engineers after the capture of Prague. The pilot and designer Schriever, who recently lived in Bremen, died a few weeks ago. Mitya, who escaped at the last moment, lived in France, and now, as far as I know, he works in the USA.
- Does your experience give you reason to believe that flying discs are the future?
- Thanks to their incredible speed, they can easily compete with jet aircraft. Of course, you can also build passenger “flying saucers” for 30-50 people, then a flight from Hamburg to New York will take 90 minutes. But most likely they will be too large and therefore unprofitable. An Italian designer I know, G. Belluzzo, holds a similar opinion.

Almost nothing is known about the person of Georg Klein. There is no evidence of his service in Speer's department. Having given several sensational interviews over the course of two years, he disappeared from the information field forever.
So, Captain Schriever's dream came true. His flying saucer took off, albeit as an afterthought. The insignificant fact that he himself did not know about it while he was alive should not hinder the recursive progress of technical progress.
An attentive reader will easily notice that Klein’s interview is, as it were, composed of a mosaic of names and circumstances already known at that time. Although the boundaries have been pushed somewhat: for example, Belluzzo, who, in his words, developed unmanned vehicles, suddenly began to talk about the prospects of passenger transport. On the other hand, neither he nor Schriever could object to anything. The only mystery is presented by the “Habermohl designer”. This surname was not found in earlier (known to us) sources.

A year later, on April 19, 1954, the newspaper “Seven Days” continues the investigation:
In April 1941, Goering ordered the construction of flying disks to begin. The pilot Rudolf Schriever, who recently died under mysterious circumstances, was secretly working in Bohemia on his “flying top”.
Independently of him, in Wroclaw and near Prague, another project, controlled by the Speer ministry, was developed by the designer Miethe. They wanted to use this “flying saucer” as a long-range bomber to bomb military factories in the United States. In April 1945, such a saucer took off, but due to a failure of the remote control, it did not return back to Breslau. Only years later it turned out that she crashed on Spitsbergen.
Two Miethe employees were captured by Russians in Breslau and have not yet returned to Germany. Apparently they are continuing to work on the project in Russia. Mitya himself escaped at the last moment on a private plane. He lived in the Middle East, then in France, and now, according to reliable information, he works under a false name in the United States.

Now the second saucer took off, losing its crew along the way, but becoming a bomber. We must pay tribute to the courage of the testers - in April 1945, in Breslau, which had long been occupied by the Russians, they continued to work for the benefit of the Reich as if nothing had happened, and only after throwing a military secret onto Spitsbergen, they surrendered.

On September 23, 1954, the Stuttgarter Zeitung reported:
Senior Engineer Klein, a special representative of Speer's ministry, claims that plans for "flying saucers" were developed in Germany during the Second World War. Three designers worked on them: one of them - engineer Schriever - died a year and a half ago in Bremen, the second - Italian engineer Belluzzo - also died, and the third - Mite - is alive and presumably working in the USA.
Construction began in 1942, and two years later the first tests took place. An uncrewed remote-controlled flying saucer, built in Peenemünde, took off from Stettin and crashed on Spitsbergen.

Over the course of a year, Klein went from special adviser to special commissioner, but this (like other contradictions with the first interview) seems to be in the order of things.


In 1956, a book by Rudolf Luzar was published ( Rudolf Lusar) "German weapons and secret weapons during the Second World War and their further development." The two-page chapter “Flying Discs” finally legitimized the history of the “flying saucers of the Third Reich” in the “Klein version”:
Experts confirm that the first developments began in 1941. Models of these “flying saucers” were created by German designers Schriever, Miethe and Habermohl and Italian Belluzzo. Schriever and Habermohl, who worked in Prague, tested their disk on February 14, 1945. It rose to a height of 12,400 m and reached a speed of 2,000 km/h (with a maximum design speed of 4,000 km/h).
The development, which cost millions, was almost complete by the end of the war. The prototypes were then destroyed, but Miethe's workshop in Breslau fell into the hands of the Russians, who took the materials and experts to Siberia, where they continue to work on the project.
Schriever left Prague, Habermohl may have ended up in the Soviet Union - nothing is known about his fate. Former designer Miethe is in the USA and builds “flying saucers” for the company A.V.Roe.

And hoping that the train had not left yet, more and more people jumped on the bandwagon

3. Passengers.

In 1957, the Austrian magazine “Soldier” reported that the Viennese engineer H. Fistel went to Berlin back in 1944 with ready-made drawings of his “flying saucer”. But the Ministry of Aviation did not listen to him. I had to work at my own risk, converting a barn near Regensburg into a workshop. The Viennese company, to which he never returned, was looking for a absentee through the labor exchange. On the second attempt, Fistel made his way to Goebbels, who approved his plans. At the beginning of February 1945, work began on a prototype capable of rising to a height of 30 km and traveling at speeds of up to 3000 km/h. But it was too late. The drawings and an almost finished sample fell into the hands of the Americans.

In 1966, the economist Hermann Klaas proved his remarkable talent as a draftsman in the publication of the esoteric magazine Neues Zeitalter. His story, replete with vital details (“the very first model of the saucer was equipped with an electric motor, but during testing it flew up so quickly that it hit the eight-meter ceiling of the hangar, fell and crashed”) was accompanied by numerous drawings. One of them, for example, depicted the “Ballenzo-Schriever-Miethe disk.” The ufological community, of course, did not ask the question whether the technical details in the story of a person who was unable to correctly write the name of the designer could be trusted.

In 1980, Heinrich Fleissner from Augsburg remembered his glorious past. Work on the “flying saucer” began on the orders of Goering and contrary to Hitler’s ban - for that it was “too fast a thing”, it flew at a speed of 3000 km/h in the earth’s atmosphere and 10000 km/h beyond it (now they have gone into space ! hats off! note that the first information about this appeared after Gagarin’s flight). Development was carried out in Peenemünde, with Fleisner himself serving as technical advisor. He did not see the saucer that took off, but he personally knows a witness who claimed that a squadron of four manned saucers took off on April 24, 1945 under heavy Russian artillery fire from the Berlin Lichtenfeld airfield and disappeared in an unknown direction. At the end of the war, the Wehrmacht destroyed all documents. Only a small part fell into Russian hands. In the 50s, Fleissner patented the “plate”, but the patent went to the Americans.

I have not been able to determine exactly when Andreas Epp appeared on the ufological scene. His book “The Reality of Flying Discs” was published in 1994; the main mentions of him in the press also date back to the 90s. The book, however, cites a facsimile letter from a certain pilot Otto Lange, dated 1965. This same Lange (about whom, according to tradition, nothing else is known) confirms that Epp personally invented the flying saucer (“For twenty years I remained silent. I hope for more It’s not too late to reveal the truth”). Already in May 1941, Epp sent General Udet a model of the saucer, later called V7. Goering ordered work on the project to begin. Surprisingly, Epp himself was not involved in it, but was occupied by the Prague designers Habermohl, Schriever and later, the engineer Klein (whatever you want, but it gives me pleasure to watch how each subsequent generation of “inventors” canonizes the previous one). The second team worked in Breslau and consisted of engineers Miethe and Belonzo (poor Belluzzo, his last name was never given to his followers). After the war, Epp tried to interest the Russians in the project, but after working for a year, he became disillusioned with them and returned to West Germany. Of course, they took a non-disclosure agreement from him. He also patented the plate and even built a prototype “Omega Disc”, which was demonstrated at numerous exhibitions. Epp is discreetly silent about whether the prototype took off.

Of the four newly-minted “designers”, only Klaas and Epp went down in history. It is not difficult to guess the reasons: unlike the fantasies of Fistel and Fleisner, their legends used an already existing foundation. A kind of symbiotic union arose: the storytellers confirmed that Shriver and co. in the sweat of their brow they forged flying saucers for the glory of the Reich and settled down next to them.

And they started baking all this ufological strudel, in which even at that time reliable facts were present in minimal doses

4. Marauders.

There are more than two dozen books devoted to one degree or another to the “history” of German flying saucers. The best of them consist of pure lies, in the worst of them the same lies are served with neo-Nazi sauce. The “Haunebu” and “Vril” models, the Schauberger engine, the connection between the saucer designers and the Thule Society, the mysterious Sonderburo 13 - neither the first “witnesses” nor subsequent compilers knew anything about all these exciting details that are replete with modern “research”. Anonymous testimony, amateurishly forged documents, vague photographs - the evidence base did not look too reliable before, but now it is completely designed for people with amputated brains. What does not prevent enterprising authors from continuing to milk the topic: in the recently published fundamental work “Hitler’s Flying Saucers,” the English historian Henry Stevens smears the same Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, Belluzzo, Klein and others for as many as 300 pages. Bild and Focus wrote about the book, and Stevens was called a “serious researcher.” God save us from the frivolous.

100 great records of aviation and astronautics Zigunenko Stanislav Nikolaevich

"Flying saucers" of the Third Reich

The fact that during the Second World War the Germans worked on disc-shaped aircraft can be considered a proven fact. But were their flights record-breaking? Most experts believe that not a single disk has ever risen into the sky, and everything ended at the prototype stage.

So, let's say, it is known that model No. 1, created by German engineers Schriever and Gibermohl, was tested in February 1941 near Prague. This “saucer” is considered the world’s first vertical take-off aircraft. In design, it resembled a lying bicycle wheel - a wide ring rotated around the cabin, the role of “spokes” in which was played by the blades of a helicopter rotor.

The device brought a lot of problems to the developers. For the slightest imbalance of the “wheel” led to significant vibrations, which was the cause of numerous accidents.

The situation was not saved by model No. 2, which was an improved version of the first. The power of the engines was increased, and an additional steering mechanism, similar to an aircraft one, was introduced for stabilization. They say that this car could reach speeds of up to 1200 km/h, which, of course, was a world record at that time. But this option also had problems with stability.

Model No. 3 of the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger was codenamed “Belonce disk”. It was distinguished primarily by the presence of “smokeless and flameless” engines, which probably worked on the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and their subsequent explosive reaction.

In winter, on February 19, 1945, the “Belonce disk” seemed to take off, making its first and last flight. In 3 minutes he reached an altitude of 15 km and a speed of 2200 km/h! However, this device of record capabilities was blown up as soon as Soviet troops approached Breslau (now Wroclaw), where the tests were carried out.

However, if this is so, then why did Schauberger, who moved to the West, not resume his record-breaking development after the war? After all, the Americans offered him 3 million dollars - huge money at that time - for just the secret of the engine. But he, they say, refused because he believed that his development would be used exclusively for military purposes, and he had seen enough of the horrors of war...

In fact, most likely the development, if such a thing actually existed, was so imperfect that neither the Germans nor the Americans were able to bring it to fruition...

However, myths about the superpowers of the designers of the Third Reich are tenacious. Just remember the legend about the secret Nazi base in Antarctica, the “flying saucers” from which destroyed the American fleet...

There are also opinions that the designers of the Third Reich advanced so far in their work that their “flying saucers” continue to fly in space to this day, occasionally descending to Earth to replenish fuel, water and food supplies. These visits fuel the myth about the existence of aliens who have long chosen our planet for some kind of global experiments on a universal scale.

They even have a base on the Moon, where the Germans first landed back in 1942 using their large Muthe and Shriver space saucer rockets. These interplanetary ships had 50–60 m in diameter and a dozen compartments to accommodate equipment and crew.

I leave the further development of this legend to your imagination and move on to discussing more realistic projects and records.

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Hipsters of the Third Reich When the Third Reich is mentioned, heavily armed Wehrmacht or SS soldiers are usually imagined. It seems that nothing could escape the Nazi state; all areas of life were under control. However, this is not entirely true. Recently,

Secrets of the Reich. The specialists of the Third Reich were engaged in the development and creation of the latest systems and types of weapons that had no analogues in world practice literally until the last seconds of the existence of their secret laboratories and institutes.

Then hasty evacuations began, the complete destruction of all traces and the transfer of scientists and the most valuable materials to the West or pre-prepared secret bases in South America, located on the border of Argentina and Bolivia, where the Nazis managed to buy up huge tracts of land and create settlements practically independent of the governments of both countries , which still exist today.

Secrets of the Reich development of flying saucers

One of the projects to create a new secret weapon was a fairly large-scale research and development project under the code name "Vril" which provided for the development and launch into mass production of a new type of aircraft. They had to be capable of vertical take-off, good speed and strong weapons, superior in all respects to the weapons of any aircraft known at that time, both German and those created by designers of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

How seriously Nazi scientists and designers approached this issue can be judged by at least some captured documents, in which researchers found mentions that the designed vertical take-off aircraft was supposed to be armed with... a tank gun!

We should have all the secret scientific and technical societies of Germany under our control, Hitler told Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler even before coming to power.

"Faithful Henry" understood the task assigned to him by the Fuhrer, and such “closed type” organizations as "Black Sun", "The Vril Society" and a number of others. Some researchers, not without good reason, believe that the code name of the research and development project to create a vertical take-off vehicle "Vril" was a derivative of “Vril”, which in a number of captured documents from secret archives Nazi intelligence agencies are also referred to as the “Shining Lodge”.

In any case, this name is unlikely to be associated with the Freemasons, since Hitler, although he himself was a member of the Masonic lodge in his youth, took power, abolished and banned the activities of Freemasons in the Reich.

Back in 1939, scientific and technical societies working under the patronage of imperial security spent a lot of effort and money on developing a project for psychotronic weapons and methods for mass zombification of people.

Hitler himself attached great importance to this area of ​​research and considered it more promising than the creation atomic bomb. If you think about it, then, by and large, the Fuhrer turned out to be absolutely right.

Hitler and his inner circle considered achieving success in creating a new type of aircraft, especially those equipped with heavy weapons and capable of vertical takeoff, to be no less important and relevant. This was precisely the main goal of the Vril project.

The Nazi leadership was sincerely convinced that the answers to most questions, including those regarding the creation of weapons and new types of aircraft never seen before by mankind, could be found in the “knowledge of the ancients.”

Secrets of the Reich, search for ancient artifacts

According to the Nazi bosses, "proto-civilization" who once existed on Earth and, perhaps, through negligence, destroyed themselves, possessed such secret knowledge and it can be found, since a significant part of the information was preserved in ancient manuscripts. There are such manuscripts in Tibet and the Himalayas, in India and in the East - supposedly, these are exactly the places that were not affected even by the Old Testament Flood.

We must find any materials relating to these issues,” said Reichsführer SS Himmler to SD chief Reinhard Heydrich.

Our agents are already actively working in India and Tibet,” Heydrich reported.

Agents of secret and secret scientific and technical societies, who had special ranks as SS officers and the necessary scientific and linguistic training, literally flooded India and Tibet in search of ancient manuscripts. Most of all they were interested in manuscripts telling about the secrets of past earthly civilizations. It is quite obvious that these people were professional intelligence officers.

Their active work could not help but worry the British "Secret Intelligence Service" because the Germans, like rats, roamed where the area of ​​​​vital interests of Great Britain was located: let us recall that India was considered the “jewel of the British crown.” Any complications in this region did not suit the British.

They developed and carried out a number of successful operations against German agents, forcing them to significantly reduce their activity and show greater caution and ingenuity when penetrating this tempting region of Asia for the Nazis.

Nazi agents still managed to achieve some successes. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler proudly informed the Fuhrer that those sent to Asia “ specialists", lucky thanks to their persistence and perseverance. The Germans managed to find, redeem or obtain in other ways - they did not stop at outright crimes, including murder - and transport manuscripts written in Sanskrit to Germany Vimanika Shastra and Samarangana Sutradharan.

- We'll find out ancient secret"vimans"- Hitler was smiling contentedly, rubbing his hands animatedly.
“Now there is practically no doubt about this,” Himmler nodded in agreement.

We were talking about the so-called "star chariots" ancient, called “vimanas”. In fact, these were - if they existed in reality - space-type aircraft.

When specialists from secret scientific and technical societies and institutes of the “black order” translated the manuscripts obtained by the agents, the joy of the Nazi bosses simply knew no bounds. As it turned out, the materials obtained in Asia described in sufficient detail absolutely incredible aircraft that were allegedly used during the times of pre-civilizations.

Moreover, the manuscripts brought to Germany by Nazi agents contained descriptions of the basics of technology and a list of necessary materials for the construction of such aircraft.

Taking into account the highest level With the development of production technology in Germany at that time, which in many respects was ahead of most developed countries of the world, it was not difficult to reproduce much of what was described in ancient manuscripts.

Even if something was missing, such little things did not stop the SS men responsible for the implementation of the projects - what is not in Germany is probably available in other countries of the world. Therefore, it can be obtained somehow!

As it turned out, the manuscripts delivered to the Reich contained more than thirty, or rather, “thirty-two secrets” regarding the control of unusual aircraft.

Most independent experts who have studied this issue quite rightly believe that the ancient manuscripts dealt with the use of solar energy and its transformation into other types, navigational principles of flight and methods of determining one’s location on the ground, radar and the use of laser-type beam weapons.

Of course, all this sounds like pure fantasy, but, nevertheless, it is all true, and the Nazis were quite seriously engaged in studying and trying to implement all scientific and technical projects related to these areas, some of which converged in the project code-named “Vril”.

According to a number of sources, the Germans managed to find, take out and translate from Sanskrit a treatise describing "Shakuna Vimanas"- a huge spaceship.

There is no doubt that the ship was of great interest to German scientists and designers, but even the developed industry and technology of Germany could hardly provide the necessary materials to build the necessary engines and instruments - discoveries had not yet been made, the time of which came only in the second half of the 20th century.

Secrets of the Reich - diskettes

However, the implementation of the project under the code name "Vril" was in full swing in Germany. In parallel with other secret design groups - for example, Schriever - Habermohl in Dresden and Mete - Belonets in Breslau - the principles of creating a disc-type aircraft were developed and prototypes were tested.

According to some reports, tests of one of the “flying saucer” type “discoplanes” were carried out by the Nazis already in 1941.

There is some information that the super-secret Vril project did not remain, as they say, an empty flower. The Germans managed to create some semblance of a vertical take-off apparatus: supposedly, the archives of the special services even preserved photographs taken during tests of the Vril apparatus, carried out in the second half of 1944. They depict a disc-shaped aircraft with a turret and a tank-type cannon - apparently, the designers sought to fully realize the idea of ​​the “customers.”

The fact that this device did not live up to participating in hostilities is absolutely certain. The fate of the vertical take-off aircraft itself and the design team that worked on its creation are shrouded in an impenetrable mystery. Neither the Anglo-American troops nor the Red Army units were able to find and capture even the remains or any parts of such devices.

Either they were thoroughly destroyed by the Germans or taken away. Of course, one can doubt that they existed at all, but the overwhelming amount of information available on this topic indicates that the work was actually carried out, and Nazi scientists managed to achieve certain results.

In 1945, the Americans broke through to the German missile complex at Peenemünde. In one of the salt mines, reconnaissance discovered and delivered to General J. Patton clearly aviation instruments of a completely incomprehensible purpose.

According to the conclusion given by American experts, these devices could not, due to their design features, be used on any of the types of German aircraft known to the Allies, including the latest developments. On the panel of unknown devices there was an icon of the secret society “Thule”, which included Adolf Hitler himself. The Americans took the devices overseas and their fate is unknown.

The fate of the secret research and development project “Vril” to create a new type of aircraft capable of vertical take-off also remained a mystery.

Society " Vril"(German) Vril-Gesellschaft) - in esoteric-historical fiction about the occultism of the Third Reich, a fictional ufological secret society of mediums. (Author's note)