What astronauts say about space. Angels in space. Either reality or dreams...

But what about space celestial navigation???

I already wrote that the American Moon turned out to be very different from the real Moon. And American space turned out to be completely different from the space where Soviet cosmonauts flew in the 60s.

Where were your eyes, astronauts?

“Star blindness” over the daytime half of the Earth is evidence of the falsification of American near-Earth space flights.

Fig.1. Stars on the day side of the Earth. View from the window of a spaceship.

Painting by A. Leonov and A. Sokolov “Our Beautiful Planet”.

Cosmonauts see stars, astronauts don’t!

Ill.2. This is how the lies of the “astronauts” of the 60s look more clearly

NASA information on near-Earth flights American ships in 1961 – 1969

According to NASA, in the 60s, the Americans successively created three types of ships - the single-seat Mercury, the two-seat Gemini and the three-seat Apollo. Over nine years, they allegedly made 2 leaps into space and 16 flights in near-Earth orbits. According to NASA for the period 1961 - 1969. In just 6.5 years, 16 were allegedly in orbit. ships and 30 Americans(including re-entry).

Total in orbits - 63 days 17 o'clock

completed≈980 orbits around the Earth

6 spacewalks were performed with a total duration of ≈ 11 hours.

But they never saw the stars on the day side of the Earth!

Already Ralph Rene more than 15 years ago questioned the reality of some of these NASA flights. He simply did not have enough information to draw more decisive conclusions. After all, this information has been collected literally bit by bit for decades, and by many authors. Therefore, it will take time for NASA’s elaborate deception to fully come to light. But it goes on, and makes the picture of deception more and more obvious.

CM. Eremenko in his work “To the Moon with God’s Help” showed that NASA did not have launch vehicles at that time capable of launching Mercury and Gemini into orbit. That is, that all 14 orbital flights of these ships up to and including Gemini 12 were a hoax. At the end of the second chapter, S.M. Eremenko writes: “The maximum that can be reality is the suborbital flights of all the Mercury and Gemini capsules”.

A.V. Kudryavets, in his article “On the prose of life in the Apollo missions,” examined the devices and sewerage systems of the Apollo (the largest ship of the listed triad) and touched a little on the Gemini. (By the way, the topic of the lack of sewage disposal equipment for Mercury and Gemini was discussed in some detail by S.M. Eremenko). A.V. Kudryavets showed NASA’s complete inability at that time to provide basic sanitary and hygienic requirements for crews in space. And I concluded : “in the 60s, Americans not only did not fly to the Moon, but also did not make long flights in Earth orbit.” And since the “Apollo – 7” and “Apollo – 9” presented in the table performed (supposedly) long flights for those times, this conclusion applies to them in full.

Popov A.I. in the article “Vimes from “orbit”” he compared the state of health immediately after the return of Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts. From the American side, the flights of the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft were considered. And based on this indicator, it turned out that the American flights were a sham.

“Star blindness” is a specific disease of NASA astronauts in the 60s

Ralph Rene discovered an amazing disease among American astronauts in the 60s, which he called “star blindness.” According to the astronauts themselves, it was that while flying over the daytime half of the Earth, they did not see the stars. Skeptics were very surprised by this, because in airless space the sky is always black, and even the Sun cannot prevent you from seeing the stars, you just have to turn away from it. It is curious that Soviet cosmonauts were not subject to “star blindness.” Agree that such selective influence of near-Earth space is an interesting subject for research. Therefore, a summary of materials about this purely American “disease” will be useful.

Every person knows that the darker the sky, the better the stars are visible. This means that in space, where the sky is always black, the stars should be visible during the day, unless space flight affects human vision.

NASA lawyers cannot counter this logic, and they are trying to shift the conversation to the topic of photographing stars. But seeing stars and photographing them are not the same thing. Everyone saw the stars, but only a few out of thousands took photographs. To narrow the scope for NASA lawyers to deceive, the author emphasizes that

The topic of this article is extremely narrow and specific: ARE stars VISIBLE during the day in low-Earth orbit? with the naked eye? So, it is better to postpone knowledge of photography for a more appropriate occasion.

The stars are visible to both Soviet pilots and stratonauts during the day

On the surface of the Earth, against the background of a bright blue sky, daytime stars, of course, are not visible. But 80% of the air is concentrated at altitudes up to 12 km. Higher up the sky becomes noticeably darker. Who flies higher? Military pilots and pilots of high-altitude stratospheric balloons. What do they tell you about the day stars?

Hero Soviet Union, pilot E. G. Pepelyaev (ill. 3a) in 1950 -53. fought in the skies of Korea with American Sabers. He wrote a fascinating book about these battles. On the topic of this article, we are interested in the following phrase from section 14 of this book: "At flying at altitude 16 km the sky darkens and the stars appear during the day.”

Ill.3. Soviet pilots and stratonauts: stars are visible during the day at altitudes of 16 km

A) MiG-15 pilot E.G. Pepelyaev, http://s42.radikal.ru/i096/1101/f1/91fc04db01bc.jpg http://koreawar.narod.ru/aces/pepelyv3.jpg

b) tester of parachute equipment at the Air Force Research Institute, Colonel E.N. Andreev, crew member of the Volga stratospheric balloon, http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1153

V) Leading engineer of the Tu-144 crew O. Kuptsov, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czyvUOHFFBI (7:45)

Stratonaut E.N. Andreev (ill. 3b) ascended on the Volga stratospheric balloon on the afternoon of November 1, 1962 and performed a long jump with a parachute. Here's what he remembers: “As the altitude increases, the sky changes color. Pale blue, blue-violet and finally black. Prepare to jump! In the boundless darkness of the black sky, the stars glow, they seem very close and somehow unreal. I look at the altimeter - already 19 km » .

A crew member of the Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144, engineer O. Kuptsov (ill. 3c) says: "Somehow we rose to the heights 20 km , and very surprising - the stars are visible in broad daylight, the sky is black and the stars are visible".

Soviet (Russian) cosmonauts of all times: DAY STARS ARE VISIBLE

both from the ship’s window, and (especially good!) during spacewalks

The first detachments of both cosmonauts and astronauts were recruited, with rare exceptions, from the ranks of military pilots - aces military aviation. Naturally, they had no problems with vision. The sky in orbit is completely black. Does this mean that in orbit a person will see daytime stars? Very likely, but not certain! Because in orbit, complete and continuous weightlessness awaited man. How will it affect vision? Today we know that weightlessness does not cause significant visual impairment, although it sometimes causes dramatic harm to other functions of the body. But before the start of flights, no one knew about this stability of the vision function. This could only be proven personal experience people who have been in orbit. And already the first Soviet cosmonauts brought such proof from space.

Here is a photograph of Yu. A. Gagarin’s official report on his flight (ill. 4). The report was signed personally by Yu. A. Gagarin and presented at one of the stands of the S.P. Korolev Memorial Museum (Moscow, 1st Ostankinskaya, 28).

The report is only two pages long. Ill. 5 shows an enlarged excerpt from the second page, where Yu. Gagarin clearly says that the stars above the daytime half of the Earth are visible - “bright and clear.” The same picture by Yu.A. Gagarin describes in the article: “The picture of the horizon is very beautiful. You can see the transition from the light surface of the Earth to a completely black sky, in which the stars are visible. And this transition from blue to black occurs incredibly smoothly and beautifully.”

Ill.5. Yu.A. Gagarin describes the view of the Earth's daytime hemisphere from the ship's window:

“The stars look a little brighter and clearer against this black sky.”

"It's hard to put it into words"- Yuri Gagarin finishes his description of the stars in the porthole. But our happiness, this “difficult to convey” picture was captured in paint by two artist-partners: cosmonaut A. Leonov (a direct eyewitness of this picture) and his art colleague A. Sokolov. Their painting “Our Beautiful Planet” is shown in Figure 1.

Cosmonaut A. Leonov made a recording and drawing, Fig. 6 - a kind of instruction on how to observe the stars from the porthole:

“Stars in space can be observed not only in the night sky, but also in the daytime sky, although at a sufficient distance from the Sun. But from the opposite side, from the shadow side of the ship, the stars are visible almost the same as at night.”

Ill.6. Sketch drawing by A. Leonov with his explanations

Our other cosmonauts also spoke about daytime stars in orbit. The daytime stars are especially beautiful and numerous during spacewalks, when only the glass of the pressure helmet separates the eyes from the cosmic sky.

Cosmonaut A.A. first spoke about this. Leonov, who was the first in the world to go into outer space:

“And now I’m already sticking out of our space “canopy” up to my waist. First impression? Sun. The disc is smooth, without rays or halo, but it is impossible to dazzle. And the sky is very black and starry. The stars are both below and above. Sunny night! Or a starry day? It took my breath away!”

Cosmonaut A.A. Serebrov performed 10 (ten!) spacewalks with a total duration of about 32 hours. “I remember my first exit well,- he writes . I saw an abyss full of stars... I IMMEDIATELY saw both the stars and the Earth in the blue halo of the atmosphere.” .

So, our cosmonauts saw daytime stars both through the windows of their spaceships, and (especially well) during spacewalks. Now let's get acquainted with what the American astronauts of the 60s said about the daytime stars.

NASA astronauts of the 60s: “stars in orbit are visible only at night!”

(The master of American astronauts of the 60s, E. Aldrin, expresses their general opinion)

According to NASA, the first American, Alan Shepard, flew into space in May 1961. The following month, V. Grissom was second. In both cases, these were not orbital flights, but essentially jumps into space to an altitude of approximately 200 km with landing after just 15 minutes. Let us recall for comparison that even just one orbit around the Earth is about 100 minutes of pure time in weightlessness. Therefore, we will not discuss the question of whether Shepard and Grissom saw the daytime stars or not. Maybe they had no time for the stars in those few minutes of weightlessness that they experienced.

Instead, let’s get acquainted with the opinion of E. Aldrin, the still living first “lunar walker”, “astronaut” of Apollo 11. Before “landing” on the Moon, he allegedly also performed a spacewalk from the Gemini 12 spacecraft. E. Aldrin is one might say the unofficial elder and master of all American astronauts. Shouldn't he know their opinion?

Let's read an excerpt from Ralph Rene's book, where he quotes Aldrin's words:

“In the book Men of Earth, Aldrin recalls how he went into space from Gemini 12: “Stars during the day? - I asked myself out loud. - Don't think! On early Mercury flights, NASA scientists assumed that astronauts would see stars during the day, but the astronauts soon realized that they only saw stars in orbit when they were in Earth's shadow, that is, at night." (18, p. 156)". (Here reference 18, p. 156 is quoted from the text of Rene’s book).

The book “People from Earth” was published in 1989. Therefore, Aldrin had time to get to know and generalize his colleagues from the crews of all the Mercurys, all the Geminis, and those two Apollos that we included in the table reflecting NASA’s “pre-lunar flights.”

Aldrin's style of reminiscence is interesting. A person, of course, will think if he is asked what he was doing on the Tuesday before last from 16.41 to 17.13. But here the question is much simpler: did Mr. Aldrin see or not see the stars during the day in orbit? Moreover, he allegedly spent 5.5 hours in outer space, where daytime stars are perfectly visible! Answer yes/no?

If you have seen it, you will never forget it. Just as A. Leonov (only 12 minutes in outer space) and A. Serebrov (10 hours in outer space) did not forget this.

But Aldrin, right off the bat, can’t even remember about the daytime stars (such a small detail, you see!). And to be sure, “he quietly conducts a conversation with himself,” demandingly asking himself out loud: “Are the stars during the day?” Together with him, other astronauts strain their memory. However, in the end, the collective mind triumphed and “They realized that they saw stars in orbit only when they were in the earth’s shadow, that is, at night”.

So, the result of the work of the collective memory of American astronauts of the 60s is as follows: During the day, stars are not visible from orbit!

Conclusion: These “astronauts” were not in orbit!

Thus, according to Aldrin, after about a thousand hours of total time spent above the Earth’s daytime hemisphere of 16 American ships, after supposedly six spacewalks with a total duration of about 11 hours, and after some deliberation under the leadership of Master Aldrin, thirty (30!) American The astronauts realized that they had not seen the stars during the day. This is already from the realm of unscientific fiction, but rather from the realm of lies (ill. 2).

Yes, some exceptions are possible, for example, when some bright detail of the ship falls into the field of view and blinds the eyes. Or when the window is dirty. But this does not apply to spacewalks. In open space, as if on command, the glasses of the helmets should fog up. Finally, a flying UFO could be a distraction. But thirty exceptions is too much! It is impossible to imagine thirty American errors in a row in all sixteen flights listed in the table.

Therefore, the massive case of “star blindness” among American astronauts described by E. Aldrin says only one thing: these astronauts were not in orbit!

The general conclusion of several authors that NASA's 1962 to 1969 orbital flights were faked is another blow to NASA's lunar scam. Because how logically thinking man can he imagine the chances of successful American flights to the Moon in 1969 - 1972, if they had not previously made a single orbital flight in low-Earth orbit?

This conclusion is perceived today as completely natural. Suffice it to remember that after the complete failure and closure of the shuttle program in 2011, the Americans do not have a ship to deliver their astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). And they fly there on our Soyuz. The country that supposedly created Mercury, Gemini and Apollo half a century ago and allegedly made about two dozen near-Earth orbital flights (and then a dozen flights to the Moon), today suddenly finds itself unable to deliver its astronauts to the ISS?!

And where are the descendants of those brilliant “Gemini” and “Apollo”? (We’re not even talking about the Lilliputian “Mercury”). Maybe they don’t exist because there were no “parents”? That is, there were mock-ups of “parents”, but they were not intended for space, but for showing to the public. First for display as part of a show on the topic of American “orbital” flights, and today for display in American museums in the “Achievements of the American Manned Program” sections.

Well, since mock-ups are scientific - technical progress does not move, then today the United States is bowing to Russia. Moreover, they come with a range of opposite emotions: both with arrogant claims to leadership in space, and at the same time with gnashing of teeth from anger and chagrin:

Two more examples of “star” forgetfulness.

We read the NASA document - a log of negotiations between the A-11 astronauts and the Control Center. Skeptics have repeatedly noted that after one or another of their criticism, NASA erases unpleasant moments from its documents. Moreover, entire pages are disappearing from NASA reports, and more than one at a time. Therefore, the author of the article saved small print original English text as of January 2013, and in normal font the translation was given by A. Bulatov:

103:22:54 Duke: Roger, Tranquility. We understand. Must be a beautiful sight. Over.

(copied - January 2013, A.P.)

103:22:54 Duke: I understand, (Sea) Calm. We understand. It must be a beautiful sight. Welcome.


[Gene Cernan says that when he was outside and standing in the shadow of the Apollo 17 LM, he could see some stars. I asked the Apollo 11 crew if they had done the same experiment.]

Armstrong: "I don't remember , did it do it on the surface (of the Moon). We tried it quite often while inside."]

[Armstrong : "There was an idea that if you looked through a pipe, you could probably see the stars. I don't remember if we tried something like that."]

[Related question: Could the star images register in any photographs taken on the surface (of the Moon) or not? A link is provided to a discussion by Sky and Telescope editor Dennis Di Cicio.]

“I don’t remember” what I did on the surface of the Moon. “I don’t remember” whether I picked up the telescopic pipe. “I don’t remember” whether I saw the stars. Have the astronauts fallen into prostration, or what? And if they have such lapses in memory, then what demand can there be from them? They belong in the clinic, not on the moon.

What is it like to visit the moon and not remember the stars?! It’s as if someone, after a walk in the forest, said something like the following: “We were assigned to collect acorns, and we had no time to see if there were leaves on the oak trees. So, we don’t remember. There was no order regarding leaves.” Let's be honest, the author does not believe in the poor health of astronauts. Those with poor health are not accepted to become astronauts. After all, candidates pass not only physical, but also psychological tests. Therefore, we will look for other, genuine reasons for their imaginary forgetfulness and strange “star blindness”.

“Star blindness” “matured” in the corps of American astronauts long before the so-called “flights to the Moon.” And you can always understand a disease better if you know its history, and when you have the opportunity to compare the testimony of sick and healthy people.

You and I are unlikely to be on the Moon. Therefore, we will start with near-Earth space. It is as black as near the Moon. The laws of optics also work in it. And more than a hundred astronauts have already been in near-Earth orbits. And not only astronauts can help us.

Why can't we see the stars from the surface of the Earth on a clear day? Because the bright blue light scattered on air molecules from the Sun fills the entire sky. And against this bright and comprehensive background, trying to see the faint points of the stars is a futile exercise. But our blue sky is the Earth’s atmosphere. And this is very thin shell. 80% of the air is concentrated at altitudes no higher than 12 km in the so-called troposphere. It is worth flying a little above the troposphere - into the stratosphere, and the sky already noticeably darkens at an altitude of about 16 - 20 km. And stratospheric balloons and some types of aircraft go up there.

To avoid numerous repetitions, we emphasize that below we will only talk about the daytime side illuminated by the Sun, first of the Earth, and then of the Moon. We are only interested in the daytime half. After all, American astronauts allegedly landed on the day half of the Moon.

For 30 years since 1961, Soviet cosmonauts observed the stars during the day and even photographed them.

Already Yu. Gagarin reported that in orbit “the stars are visible very well,” but did not specify whether he observed stars on the daytime half of the Earth. However, it is difficult to expect that in one single revolution around the Earth he would see and tell everything that interests us.

Shows cosmonaut G.S. Titov (1961).

But already the second Soviet cosmonaut, German Titov, took with him on a daily flight a professional film camera “Konvas” with 35 mm color film. Below is a spread of the Izvestia newspaper for August 28, 1961 with space photographs of German Titov. These were the first images of the Earth from space that the general reader saw. Next to it is a color frame from Titov’s film. The stars appeared clearly on it, although in small quantities. This is the first photograph known to the author that showed that stars are not only visible from orbit on the daytime half of the Earth, but can also be photographed.

a) page from the Soviet newspaper “Izvestia” dated August 28, 1961, in the insert – G.S. Titov b) frame with stars in the daytime half of the orbit

Many of our cosmonauts have written about the fact that stars in space are visible to the naked eye during the day. This is A.A. Leonov, A.V. Filipchenko (he also mentions seven more cosmonauts who confirmed this fact), V.N. Volkov, G.G. Grechko, V.V. Lebedev, V.P. Savinykh, V. Dzhanibekov, A.A. Serebrov. There are probably other memories of our cosmonauts that the author simply did not find. But what was found is quite enough. Below are some testimonies from our astronauts.

Cosmonaut A.A. tells Leonov (1965). A.A. Leonov made the first spacewalk in history in 1965:

"“And now I’m already sticking out of our space “canopy” up to my waist…. Sun. The disc is smooth, without rays or halo, it is impossible to dazzle. And the sky is very black and starry. The stars are both below and above. Sunny night! Or a starry day? ... took my breath away...”

In an interview with A. A. Leonov explains: “The brightest stars can be seen when they are no closer than 30° from the daylight star. But from the opposite side, where the ship’s hull serves as a kind of shading hood, the stars are visible almost the same as at night.” A.A. Leonov sketched the view from the window of his ship. Stars are visible right up to the very boundary of the dense layers of the atmosphere. Wherein The huge white-blue surface of the globe does not interfere with seeing the stars with its radiance.

Cosmonauts V.P. Savinykh and V.A. tell the story. Dzhanibekov (1985).

“June 8, Saturday, the third day of the flight... at 11 o’clock we finally saw the station in which we were to live for quite a long time. We saw her immediately after emerging from the shadows. It caught fire in the rays of the Sun, which was still breaking through the atmosphere. A dot, not a dot, but much brighter than all the stars, it grew as we got closer.

The journal entry conveys this meeting as follows: V. Dzhanibekov: “The station is very bright. At first it was not visible, but then it began to flare up. Red - red, ten times brighter than Jupiter". Thus, our two cosmonauts immediately see the stars, and among them one planet - Jupiter.

Cosmonaut A.A. tells Serebrov (1990). 25 years later, on January 8, 1990, one of the last Soviet cosmonauts, A. A. Serebrov, also “directly” saw the stars: “I remember my first exit well. I saw an abyss full of stars... I IMMEDIATELY saw the stars, and the Earth in the blue halo of the atmosphere, and a snow-white station, decorated with reflected solar flares."

Cosmonaut V.N. tells the story. Volkov (1969). Based on the results of the group flight of the Soyuz - 6,7,8 spacecraft, a very representative press conference was held. It was opened by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. Keldysh, after which each of the flight participants covered some part of their flight mission. For V.N. Volkov's task was to observe and photograph stars from the ship's window. This is what he reported: “The crew of the Soyuz-7 spacecraft photographed the starry sky in the antisolar direction... Our observations showed that stars of the first and second magnitude are clearly visible on the dayside. Through the windows of the orbital compartment and the descent vehicle, we identified stars and constellations.”

According to the total number of stars of the first and second magnitude in half the sky is about four dozen. (Both an astronaut in low Earth orbit and a hypothetical observer on the surface of the Moon see only one hemisphere of the sky above them.) The young Ukrainian astronomer A. Klyanchin clarified in his letter to the author: “...There are 49 such stars. To this we must add 5 bright planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The constellation Orion (Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam and Alnitak) contains the largest number of stars brighter than magnitude 2."

In total, there are about 50 bright stars and planets on one hemisphere of the sky. It is likely that V.N. Volkov also saw less bright stars through the porthole, since he also spoke about "constellation identification". And even beautiful constellations, as a rule, contain only one, maximum two bright stars. (Orion is an exception in this sense). The rest of the constellation outline is outlined by fainter stars. If you don't see them, you won't recognize the constellation. So total number the stars visible from the porthole could be close to a hundred.

So, daytime stars in the black cosmic sky were seen with the naked eye, and even photographed by many witnesses (Titov G.S., Volkov V.N.). Convinced of this, let’s return to the “star-blind” American astronauts from the 60s.

1961: “star blindness” “afflicts” the Mercury and Gemini astronauts and at the same time becomes a matter of publicity. This is discussed at the very beginning.

If after the X-15 flights the astronauts were silent about the stars, then after the flight of the first Mercury (May 5, 1961) they suddenly started talking. American researcher R. Rene writes about this (ill. 7a) in his book “How NASA showed America the Moon.”

“In my entire life I have never met a person with “star blindness.” I had no idea that such a concept existed. However, NASA never ceases to delight us with amazing discoveries...

Alan Shepard was launched into a ballistic flight, where he touched what NASA called space. Shepard reported that he did not see the stars."

Grand Forum, Star blindness of American lunar astronauts


In American space, as well as on the American Moon, the stars are not visible, unlike real space and the real Moon!

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Visions of astronauts

There is a mysterious cosmic phenomenon - mysterious visions that people who have been in space encounter. The phenomenon was first reported by Russian Sergei Krichevsky back in October 1995. He is a cosmonaut-researcher who has flown around the globe several times in an orbital station, a serious scientist, a candidate technical sciences, full member of the Tsiolkovsky Academy of Cosmonautics. What Krichevsky said in his speech in Novosibirsk international institute space anthropology, literally shocked scientists then and immediately became a sensation.

Here are excerpts from his report.

“The fantastic visions observed during the flight are a new, previously unknown phenomenon that can be attributed to the classic state of altered consciousness... Imagine: an astronaut unexpectedly quickly leaves his usual initial - human appearance-self-awareness, turns into some kind of animal and at the same time moves to the appropriate environment. Subsequently, he continues to feel himself in a transformed form or is successively reincarnated into another supernatural being. Let's say one colleague told me about his stay in the “skin” of a dinosaur. And mind you, he felt like an animal moving on the surface of an unknown planet, stepping over ravines, abysses, and some kind of physical barriers. The astronaut described his appearance in sufficient detail: paws, scales, membranes between the toes, skin color, huge claws, etc.

Merging his “I” with biological essence the ancient lizard was so complete that all the sensations of this seemingly alien organism were perceived by him as his own. On the skin of his back he felt the horny plates on his spine rising. About the piercing scream that escaped from his mouth, he could say: “That was my scream...” Moreover: at the same time, corresponding scenarios of transformations, transformations of external environment. At the same time, not only did the astronaut feel like he was in the “skin” of certain organisms, animals from previous eras, but the person seemed to turn into a different personality, and he could also turn out to be an alien creature - a humanoid.

What is interesting: the observed visionary paintings are unusually bright and colorful. Various sounds were heard, including the speech of other creatures, and it was understandable - it was absorbed immediately, without training. The astronaut was transported to another space-time, including other unknown ones celestial bodies. And, finding himself in a completely new world for him, at that moment he perceived it as something familiar, familiar.”

And here is the message of pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov: “I flew into space twice... Fortunately, I didn’t have anything like that. But my partner Vasily Tsibliev, for example, sometimes behaved as if he had eaten too much henbane: he screamed, rushed about, did somersaults with his feet. It turns out that he had absolutely amazing, enchanting, indescribable dreams. He could not retell them at all. He only insisted that he had never seen anything like it in his life. Such states could be repeated in reality. There, in orbit, sometimes you don’t understand where the dream is, where the reality is...”

Doctor of Technical Sciences Valentin Lebedev, who flew many times, first on Soyuz, then on Salyut-7, had something similar. It turns out that many astronauts saw some kind of monsters during their flights, monsters that seemed absolutely real to them. But this information has always been carefully hidden. People who had been in space were afraid that their stories would not be believed and they would simply be expelled from the detachment and put in a mental hospital.

And here is what cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov said about the mysterious voices he heard in October 1969 on Soyuz-7: “There is a characteristic crackling of the ether in the headsets. The earthly night flew below. And suddenly from that night... came the barking of a dog. An ordinary dog, maybe even a simple mongrel... I don’t know where the paths of associations go, but it seemed to me that this was the voice of our Laika. He got on the air and forever remained a satellite of the Earth. And then, after a few seconds, the baby’s crying became clearly audible. And some voices. And again the completely earthly cry of a child.”

American Aldrin, the second earthling to set foot on the surface of the Moon, spoke relatively frankly about the reasons for this change in his behavior. According to him, during his descent to the lunar surface he was “attacked” by cosmic dust: “This cosmic wind penetrated my brain, and it was it that obviously disturbed my nervous and mental balance. I know that many astronauts were exposed to similar effects...”

What did people face when they found themselves in space? Sergei Krichevsky was the first to try to answer this question. He proposed two hypotheses at once. According to the first, the source of visions is in the human subconscious. During a long stay in conditions of weightlessness in space flight, states arise when information emerges from the depths of the subconscious in the form of fragments of the life of various organisms - the distant ancestors of humans in the process of evolution. The second hypothesis suggests that the flow of information into the brain comes from the outside. It can be assumed, Krichevsky believes, that these dreams are triggered by some non-stationary flow of galactic radiation. If at the same time spaceship falls into this “ray” and the astronaut remains in a relaxed slumber, a phenomenon arises. I left the beam and everything disappeared.

An interesting fact provides indirect confirmation of this hypothesis. Russian psychics probed the Moon and unexpectedly discovered several points on its surface from which intense mental radiation was emitted into space. It is likely that it affected both the American astronauts who landed on the surface of the Moon and the Russian cosmonauts who worked in space for a long time.

There is also an attempt to explain the visions by magnetic and other physical fields that affect the human brain and cause hallucinations. Another hypothesis connects this phenomenon with a little-studied type of physical interactions - torsion fields(their existence has not yet been proven). Allegedly, getting into space, people also encounter conditions of physical interactions that are different from those on Earth, and torsion effects are sharply activated. Every astronaut can feel them there...

edited news LAKRIMOzzzA - 4-03-2011, 18:40

Astronauts saw angels

The astronauts saw angels, Space and angels. Interesting Facts

In 1985, on the Salyut-7 space station, a team of cosmonauts consisting of Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov was preparing to carry out the planned experiments. Suddenly, the station found itself in a cloud of orange gas of unknown origin, which penetrated inside the orbital complex.

People rushing to the portholes were dumbfounded - on the other side of the heavy-duty glass, seven giant figures could be seen in an orange cloud. There was no doubt: heavenly angels were flying in space before them! As if feeling the gaze on them, the angels turned their faces to the people. “They smiled,” the cosmonauts later said, “It was not a smile of greeting, but a smile of delight and joy, we don’t smile like that.” A few minutes later, the celestial creatures accompanying the station disappeared, and the orange cloud also disappeared. To avoid publicity, the flight directors removed the cosmonauts’ report out of sight, labeling it “secret,” and advised them to keep their mouths shut.

The version of a group hallucination was the only sensible explanation of what happened.
Later, on the 167th day of the flight, three colleagues joined the cosmonauts - Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. Once again, the space orbital station was bathed in a bright orange light, and again the seven angels appeared. “Each one is the size of an airliner,” eyewitnesses commented. All six astronauts reported seeing “smiling angels.”

One could attribute this episode to the stress accumulated over a long space journey, if we were talking only about the first crew, this crew set a record - 237 days on space orbit. However, this explanation is not suitable for the second crew - the meeting with the angels occurred shortly after their arrival at the station.
So the second crew simply confirmed the Angels' observation.

Now that much has become public, it has become known about this episode and the fact that American astronauts also met angels in Space.
They were even photographed by the Hubble Orbital Telescope. The appearance of winged creatures was also noted by the equipment of research satellites.
While exploring the galaxy NGG-3532, Hubble's sensors again detected the appearance of seven bright objects in Earth's orbit. Some of the photographs obtained later showed slightly blurry, but nevertheless distinguishable figures of luminous winged creatures reminiscent of biblical angels! “They were about 20 meters tall,” said Hubble project engineer John Pratchers. “Their wingspan reached the length of the wings of modern Airbuses. These creatures emitted a strong glow. We cannot yet say who or what they are.

And on December 10, 1994, the giant American Hubble telescope presented the world with another mystery: “it photographed the Abode of God at the edge of the Universe - a shining snow-white city, soaring in the darkness of Space! The telescope transmitted hundreds of images to the Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “We have found where God lives,” one NASA source said.”
Information that has excited the public. Interesting facts - space. There's a lot to think about.
Article + video (below) The weekly World News published an article and an image, but despite media coverage mass media, NASA refuses to acknowledge the existence of this photograph.

NASA analysts couldn't believe their eyes.
“After checking and cross-checking the data, they concluded that the images were genuine. They also suggested that the city may not be living life as we know it.

On December 26, 1994, there was a big uproar at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA). After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space.

NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories. Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, subsequently (and still) strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes

The photographs clearly show a huge white city floating in the blackness of space.
“This is the proof we've been waiting for,” Dr. Masson told reporters.

They also confirmed that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore had taken matters private and they had asked for daily briefings.

“The only logical explanation is that the souls of the dead live in the city. As one of my sources put it, “We have found where God lives.”

On December 26, 1994, NASA's largest space telescope, Hubble, recorded a huge white city floating in space. Photos located on the telescope's web server are at a short time became available to Internet users, but then were strictly classified.

In January 1995, a German astronomical journal published a short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded. Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects of this message, but the essence boiled down to one thing: the Abode of God had been discovered in the Universe.

So what did astronomers see in these amazing photographs?

At first it was just a small foggy speck in one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to take a closer look at the photograph and, in addition to Hubble optics, armed himself with a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the speck had a strange structure that could not be explained either by diffraction in the lens set of the telescope itself, or by interference in communication channel when transmitting the image to Earth.

After a short operational meeting, it was decided to reshoot the area indicated by Professor Wilson starry sky with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. There were several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope.

And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island” of Laputa and science-fiction projects of cities of the future.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light. The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it

However, nothing like this was noticed by astronomers until recently (As this and a lot of other examples show, it WAS noticed, but it was carefully hidden and is still hidden. A striking example- a huge spaceship that hovered over the Kremlin almost all night in December 2009. - D.B.). And now - an obvious man-made object of galactic proportions.

It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the 20th century turned out to be exactly the desired engineering structure of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the City is amazing. Not a single celestial object known to us is able to compete with this giant. Our Earth in this City would be just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue.

Where is this giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble showed that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies. That is, regarding the Earth, everything happens within the framework of the theory Big Bang. Galaxies “scatter”, the red shift increases with increasing distance, no deviations from the general law are observed.

However, during three-dimensional modeling of the distant part of the Universe, an amazing fact emerged: it is not part of the Universe that is moving away from us, but we are moving away from it. Why was the starting point moved to the City? Because it was precisely this foggy spot in the photographs that turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model. The three-dimensional moving image clearly demonstrated that the galaxies are scattering, but precisely from the point of the Universe in which the City is located.

In other words, all galaxies, including ours, once emerged from precisely this point in space, and it is around the City that the Universe rotates. Therefore, the first idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to the truth (This statement is true in the sense that this is really the abode of the gods - people who have reached high level evolutionary development. - D.B.).

In this case, the opposite happened; science, with the help technical means confirmed or at least provided significant evidence of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator living in the shining City in heaven.

However, no matter how expected such a message may be, its consequences are practically unpredictable. General euphoria of religious fanatics, collapse of the materialistic foundation modern science- all this can lead to irreversible and terrible consequences. Therefore, the photographs were immediately classified, and access to images of the City of God was given only to people vested with special powers, who in reality, and not on TV, control life individual countries and the planet as a whole.

Many who have visited near-Earth space have seen strange phenomena that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern science. And they tried to hide these phenomena from people. Even the first cosmonaut of our planet encountered them in outer space.

It would seem that the whole world knows literally everything about the first manned flight into space. But that's not true. The first human flight into space took place on April 12, 1961, and in the late eighties of the last century, secret information was leaked from sources close to the KGB. It turned out that communication with Yuri Gagarin was interrupted twice during his flight. He stopped responding to the control center's call signs. At first, the most likely version was considered that Gagarin, due to severe stress, or overwork, lost consciousness for a short time. During Gagarin's scheduled visit to a psychotherapist, he was subjected to regressive hypnosis. The memories of astronaut No. 1 left everyone in a state of shock. While in a hypnotic sleep, Yuri reported that during the flight a dark spot appeared in the cabin of the ship, which transformed into a human face. And this face hung in front of him in the air of the cabin. According to Gagarin, he did not feel fear, but was unable to move either his arm or his leg. An outside voice was heard in his head, which confidently told the astronaut that everything would be fine with him and he would return safely to Earth. Everything that happened could well be attributed to hallucinations that arose as a result of experiences and stress and forgotten about it. If only everything had not happened again, but with other astronauts. On board the Salyut 7 space station in 1985. there was a crew consisting of Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. For some of them, the 155th day of the flight has arrived. The astronauts were preparing for the next series of laboratory experiments. Suddenly, an orange cloud enveloped the station from the outside. There was a bright flash overboard, which blinded the crew members for some time. And when their vision returned, they were amazed to see seven figures near the station. Outwardly, the aliens were very similar to people, but their growth was gigantic, wings were visible behind their backs, and a halo shone above their heads. This is how angels are described. A report was immediately sent to Earth about what was seen. As soon as official officials became acquainted with it, this information was immediately classified as “Top Secret”. For a long time The station's inhabitants were tortured with all sorts of psychological and medical tests. But they all showed that the psyche of the astronauts is normal, and there are no deviations. After returning to Earth, the flight participants were strictly forbidden to talk about the incident. A few years ago, a series of photographs taken by the American Hubble orbital telescope went around the Internet. The pictures show strange structures flying in space. And these structures look like humanoid silhouettes with wings behind their backs. Seven brightly glowing creatures float in outer space. One of the Hubble project engineers, John Pratchett, saw the objects with his own eyes. John claims that the creatures captured in the photographs were alive. Their height reached 20m, and their wings had a span comparable to the size of a modern Airbus. After the publication of the photographs, it turned out that the “angels” depicted in them had repeatedly accompanied American space shuttles. And the shuttle crews saw them. But, as in the USSR, this information was not made public. The same Hubble telescope transmitted on December 26, 1994. several hundred photographs to the Goddard Space Flight Center. Those who began to view them gasped in amazement. They captured a large, white city floating majestically in the vast expanse of space. Information about the city, as always, was hidden from the general public, and a report was sent to representatives of the highest US authorities. And this report made a serious impression on them. There are many known cases when, after a long stay at orbital stations, astronauts began to have visions. Plucking up courage, one of the cosmonauts told his fellow cosmonauts that both he and his partner began having the same visions at the same time after a six-month stay at the station. It began to seem to them that they were turning into other people, animals and even aliens. And the brothers shared that similar incidents had happened to them. Sometimes astronauts saw ghosts of people close to them who had died on board the station. A similar thing happened with American astronauts. NASA psychologists tried to attribute everything to the influence of environmental factors. But many phenomena are difficult to explain.