What governments are hiding from us. What the authorities are hiding from us - the true goals of the war - the story of an American transplantologist who worked. Telephone attacks cause panic throughout the country, but the authorities and law enforcement officers act as if nothing is happening.

Sensational Discovery in Egypt

Since 1997, the Egyptian authorities have been hiding from the world scientific discovery, which they did that year and in the years after. Since then, they have owned it individually and kept it secret from our entire world. I invite you to familiarize yourself with this Discovery of the Century, as well as their latest discovery.

Many years ago, namely 70 years have passed since Edgar Cayce predicted that one day a room would be found in Egypt that would be called the Hall of Evidence or the Hall of Chronicles, and it would be associated with the Sphinx. It is this room that will tell us about the existence of a Highly Developed Civilization on Earth millions of years ago, and the passage to the Hall of Evidence will come from the room located under the right paw of the Sphinx.

Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely. They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

1. Or wait until the Egyptian authorities wake up to their conscience and they make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back then in 1997. Namely: removal of Light Force Field from the passage to the Hall of Testimonies and the Hall of Testimonies itself. And what they filmed now, when the Chamber of the Rod was Opened in Thoth’s own House.

2. Or ask the Egyptian Authorities to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Testimonies and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and try to pick up the Rod of Life and become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.

An acquaintance of mine knows someone who conducted a private study. He found all the information on the Internet, which was scattered and he simply connected it into one chain, in addition, all this information was collected due to the fact that the contactee who contacted Thoth informed him that the testimony hall should be opened soon, and the information that should be revealed to people now will help them move to another level of development. Therefore, the entire source of the publication is based on the information that is on the Internet and on what the contactee received. Therefore, believe it or not, it’s all up to you to judge; the list of sources used to compile the publication is presented below.

Show these photographs to those scientists who are looking for the entrance to the Sphinx to no avail! They spend so much time and taxpayer money and can’t find it!)

A rare photo of the Great Sphinx of Giza before excavations began. Most likely, the photo was taken from a hot air balloon before 1871. Pay attention to the hole located on the head of the Sphinx. About this entry official science It’s forbidden to talk, because they restored it and obviously went down there.

Google Maps is one of the most accessible mapping technologies recent years. Do you want to admire the Eiffel Tower, but as always you don’t have money for a ticket to Paris? No problem, turn on the appropriate soundtrack, dim the lights and open the tab Google Maps: travel is cheap and cheerful, like your boss on Monday morning. But even in this way you will not be able to see the whole world: the most interesting places For some reason, on public maps they are blurred or painted over. Where do these secret points come from in a project that is not officially a government development? What are the powers that be trying to hide from us?

  • Secret city

    There are still a lot of closed cities in Russia. Some of them are so secret that they even disappear from maps! Nearest locality- Egvekinot, separated from Alaska by the Bering Strait.

  • Military airport

    There aren't many secret places in Japan - at least not known to Western intelligence. Minami Torishima Airport is completely white on maps. Ten years ago a special group was based here navy countries, but what is happening now is unclear.


    Properties owned by Dutch royal family, are not the only secret and retouched places in the Netherlands. Oil tanks in Vlissingen, as well as several military and air force bases, were thoroughly camouflaged.

    Ramstein Air Force Base

    With this place darkened, everything is more or less clear. The NATO Air Force Center is the central hub of the grouping, carrying out all the most major operations in Iraq. Naturally, for terrorists the base is just a tasty morsel.


    Iraq, where fighting has not subsided for two decades, certainly has a lot of secrets. Even the famous Babylon on Google Maps is retouched so that it looks less like a city and more like farmland.

We can endlessly debate whether the world is ready to know the truth, but it is almost impossible to hide the reality of the existence of UFOs. When almost everyone carries a smartphone camera that can capture any strange or interesting event, it's much harder for aliens (or government agents...) to hide from us.

“When in doubt, read books, study the press, try to understand what is really going on. There is no doubt that we are being visited,” says former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. However, the official reveal of all cards has dark side, which ufologists do not want to accept. What will we have to endure if aliens show their faces?

1. Culture shock and panic

Although many people are not interested in the topic of aliens, and others do not believe that there is anything in the UFO videos other than government spy satellites and weather balloons, the reality of the existence of extraterrestrial life will be a real shock to most earthlings. Some will have their ideals destroyed, and others will be horrified that they have been deceived for 60 years or more (if we consider the Roswell incident to be the first major fact of concealing the truth).

When people realize how important information the authorities kept secret from them, mass protests will begin. Of course, governments will present themselves as defenders of humanity, but they will not be able to win our trust again soon .

2. Aliens may be too advanced or different from us

Accordingly, people may seem too wild or primitive to aliens. Some scientists believe that it is not worth revealing anything, much less inviting visitors from space to our planet with all sorts of messages, since the chances are high that the aliens will be interested exclusively in our natural resources.

“If aliens visit us, the result may be similar to the consequences of Columbus’s visit to America. Not a very healthy event for Native Americans...” warns Stephen Hawking. Carl Jung wrote back in 1954 that if the truth were to be revealed, humanity would be in the same position as the savage tribes were in during the period of colonization. We will never be able to reach the controls again.

3. What if aliens are people from the future?

What if the so-called aliens are our descendants who survived the processes of evolution? If this is so, then direct contacts are not only undesirable, but also dangerous, because they can provoke the so-called “time travel paradox” or “butterfly effect.” Scientists suggest that by returning to the past, you can change it and see the future completely different from how you knew it. This sounds fantastic, but indirect evidence already exists that aliens among us are visitors from the future.

During the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, Sergeant James Penniston received a coded telepathic message while in contact with an alien ship. Many years later, the data was deciphered, and the words “use of humanity”, “to improve the planet” and the date 8100 were found in it. There is no more surprising and unexplored category than time. Even the most eminent scientists cannot fully understand it, just as they cannot prove the impossibility of time travel.

Albert Einstein was obsessed with this idea. Stephen Hawking noted that technically, traveling into the future is possible if you reach the speed of light or are close to an object of enormous mass, for example, near a black hole. However, he denies traveling to the past, precisely because of the time paradox. But who can say that scientists who will be born hundreds of thousands of years later will not be able to realize the idea of ​​traveling to the past?

Look at the progress humanity has made in the last century alone. Can we imagine the science of the distant future? Will these future people even have a linear sense of time? Or further developments in the field quantum physics will show them that the past and future do not exist?

4. Revealing the truth is access to high technologies for which people are not yet ready.

If we look at the events of the recent past, we can say that man and high technology are a monkey with a grenade. Our civilization is too nervous and too cruel to become part of an intelligent interplanetary community, and we are excellent at turning any scientific discovery into a weapon. Some ufologists believe that we have already acquired these skills - during the Roswell disaster.

Witnesses say the US military immediately collected the remains of the crashed ship to use in new developments. Stealth aircraft may be the brainchild of an alien intelligence. Researcher Philip Corso in his book “The Day After Roswell” says that other alien developments are still used in military equipment USA.


This is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of uncovering UFO mysteries. What if the American or any other government does not let us know the whole truth, but only shows selected passages? What if this information is given in the wrong context to minimize panic and fear? What if acquaintance with aliens becomes a pretext for the artificial deployment of a new war, this time an interplanetary one?

The government will carry out just a couple of attacks, and people will unquestioningly believe that aliens have come to kill us - just as the events of September 11, 2001 were the reason for the military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. According to many accounts, some UFOs are indeed the work of the authorities. Using these ships and various special effects, they can stage a full-fledged attack. Psychologically, we are already prepared for such a scenario.

Look at the cinema of recent years. Most blockbusters deal with a theme alien invasion: From Independence Day 1996 to Battle Los Angeles, The Avengers, Dark Skies (2012) and Pacific Rim (2013). The launch of weapons into space has already been prepared.

Guns placed in orbit will protect us from asteroids and comets. They are the main cosmic threat today, but what will happen tomorrow? The US government has been preparing for war with aliens since Ronald Reagan and his popular UN speech on the topic in 1987. It is possible that those in power will try to unite humanity under the banner of fighting the invaders, using aliens as the new universal scapegoat. People should be aware that they may be facing a fake alien invasion.

We cannot rely on our government and religious leaders. Only understanding people should warn each other about impending misinformation. Undoubtedly, the importance of revealing the truth cannot be denied. But what is frightening is that the authorities will use this truth for their own purposes. Dr. Wernher von Braun, one of the founders of modern rocket science and the “father” of American space program, warned his colleagues about the US government's plans to stage "star wars". He said that space weapons technology will develop at a speed that few can imagine.

By the time we realize what is happening, it will be too late. If aliens are on earth and we are destined to find out about it, such shocking and important information should not come to humanity in a distorted form. No one can take away our right to truth, but we must prepare for such changes.

Eden Shetiya (Disclose.tv), translation by Kristina Plakhova.

In contact with

A very strange situation has developed in the world when many eyewitnesses report sightings of UFOs, they see how these unidentified devices not only plow the sky above our planet, but also land and those who control them emerge from them. Of course, no one has provided 100% confirmation of the UFO landing and the presence of aliens at the moment.

There is an explanation for this paradox, and it lies in the fact that people who are in direct contact with UFOs, who are present at the site of their landing and who come into contact with their crew, completely forget that they have a cell phone, camera or video camera with them. Many remember the contact vaguely and fragmentarily, as if someone had erased their memory. Some were able to take pictures or videos confirming their statements, but none of them managed to publish this evidence. In some cases, these witnesses simply disappeared, in others, some kind of accident suddenly happened to them.

In this regard, it seems that certain influential forces carefully hide the facts of visits to the Earth by representatives of other civilizations and go to the most extreme measures to maintain this concealment, up to the elimination of unwanted witnesses. Yes - we are deprived of photo and video evidence of the presence of aliens on our planet, but we have enough evidence from people who were involved in government structures and who were not afraid to declare that the governments of various countries not only directly contact with aliens, but also cooperate on various issues.

For example, a few years ago, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former Apollo astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission, broke the conspiracy of silence and spoke live by phone on Fox News to say that aliens do exist. and that the government is hiding this information from the public.

At the time of this statement, Mitchell was 82 years old and had nothing to lose. He broke his vow of silence and declared. that it is time to end government secrecy in this area and that the media is deliberately discrediting the UFO issue.

If contacts with aliens are already a reality, then information about this is kept under seven seals. What prevents them from being officially published? In 2009, when asked by a famous radio journalist about contacts with aliens, information about which is allegedly stored in the “Book of Secrets” in a certain Green Room, which every newly elected president visits, Barack Obama responded with a joke: “I would” tell what is written in “ Book of Secrets,” but then I’ll have to kill you.”

Jokes aside, in 2011 the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was officially confirmed by the FBI, which declassified part of the archives about the UFO crash in 1947 near the American city of Roswell. Before presenting their archive to the public, Bureau employees carefully erased all conclusions and recommendations from there. In many documents, only the “header” remained, and the text itself was removed “for reasons of secrecy.”

In fact, the first information about the invaders of the Earth appeared in the press and on TV, when an independent group of British television journalists conducted an investigation into the disappearances of many outstanding scientists and talented military personnel in the 60s of the 20th century. Everyone thought that they had gone to other countries to earn money. Journalists interviewed their friends and relatives and discovered strange things: postcards and letters to the homeland of the departed specialists were like two peas in a pod. And although everyone’s handwriting was different, the style of writing was the same, as if they were ordered to write these texts from dictation. After a certain time, contact with these people was completely lost.

For a long time, the US authorities were mainly accused of hiding information about aliens. Most of the “ufological” rumors circulated about Dwight Eisenhower. They suspected that he was the first powerful of the world this entered into “diplomatic relations” with the aliens. In February 1954, while on vacation in California, Eisenhower suddenly dropped out of journalists' sights for several hours. The version of the president’s connections with aliens was confirmed by William Milton Cooper (then he served as a military adviser to the US government): on April 26, 1989, he sent 536 copies of the “Petition of Charges” to each member of the US Senate and House of Representatives. It reported that back in 1954, Eisenhower entered into a contractual relationship with a civilization of “gray” aliens from a planet orbiting the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion. Arriving on Earth spaceships, which astronomers first mistook for asteroids, they landed at Holloman Air Force Base, and later at Edward Base, where Eisenhower’s pre-arranged meeting with the arriving humanoids took place. In addition, Cooper argued that the leaders of many powers and other influential persons have established strong contact with aliens.

As a result of this, a certain “secret world government", known as the Bilderberg Club, based in Geneva. It became secret from the moment information about cooperation with the “occupiers of the Earth” was classified. This club, according to him, plays the role of an overseer, keeping humanity in ignorance, for which orders are given to destroy and compromise scientists who were ahead of their time; inventors who made landmark inventions; archaeologists who “excavated the wrong thing,” and contactees who came into contact with the “wrong people.” The “Petition of the Prosecution” contained lists of members of the secret international government, among whom were named Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Nelson Rockefeller and others.

In 1991, the director of the Geneva Institute of Planetary Synthesis, R. Schneider, published a report by the same Milton Cooper, “The Secret Government,” which stated that from 1947 to 1952, about one and a half dozen alien ships landed on US territory alone. Some crashed, others made an emergency landing. As a result, 65 corpses and... one living alien ended up in the hands of the Americans. The report confirmed the existence of a secret world government that had entered into an agreement with representatives of “other worlds.” According to this agreement, the "initiates" received some "advanced" technology in exchange for permission to use people for research. Why do representatives of the public sector answer negatively when asked whether there are aliens on Earth?

Analysts offer three theories.

  • 1. The purpose of silence is not to traumatize the population with the awareness of the fact of the existence of other life forms in the Universe. Within this theory, the government is believed to know the level of technological development of the aliens; Having correlated it with the earthly level, it came to the conclusion that in a military sense we have nothing to fear - there should be no conflict with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 2. Historically, a certain “world government” has developed on Earth, standing above all countries and peoples and controlling financial flows. And it knows about UFOs, contacts aliens on diplomatic level, receiving some kind of “technical assistance” from them in exchange for “modest” requests to allocate territories for them to create enclaves and study the life forms of the Earth.
  • 3. Perhaps members of the “world government” do not want to make the “X-files” public for fear of losing control over people. They believe that the loss of power will be due to the needs of people to study the social structure of aliens and borrow technologies from them to restructure the state and society.

According to test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, “All astronauts see UFOs without exception, but only a few admit to it.”

American astronaut and test pilot Gordon Cooper, who made two flights into space (in 1963 and 1965), claimed that back in 1951, “while flying over Germany in an F-68 fighter, I personally observed a UFO.” In 1978, Cooper wrote a letter to the UN asking for the creation of a special body that would investigate this phenomenon.

The head of the FBI from its founding in 1935 until 1972, J. Edgar Hoover, regarding the famous 1942 incident (the shooting of flying saucers over Los Angeles): “We must insist on access to these flying machines. In Los Angeles, the military seized the devices and are not allowing us to examine them.”

In 1955, with a strange time for the height of " cold war“The commander of the Pacific Armed Forces, Douglas MacArthur, addressed the military and scientific forces of the nation: “The nations of the world must unite, since the next war will be an interplanetary war... The nations of the world will have to... form a common front against aliens from other planets.”

Mikhail Gorbachev: “The UFO phenomenon exists and should be taken very seriously.”

Richard Nixon, US President from 1969 to 1974: “I am still not at liberty to discuss the government's information about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. Discussion of this issue continues."

Paul Hellier, I former minister Defense Canada: "UFOs are as real as the planes flying overhead."

Speaking about UFOs and aliens, it is worth keeping in mind that they all do not necessarily have to be aliens from other planets of ours solar system. Facts show that representatives of other worlds fly to our planet, but on planet Earth itself there is a parallel civilization living a life invisible to us.

This is what the world-famous Edward Snowden said: “The highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding citizens the official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena. But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth's atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects. This species is smarter than Homo sapiens and lives in the Earth's mantle. This is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures and were able to thrive and develop intelligence at an accelerated rate. Homo sapiens and they evolved at the same speed, but their living conditions in the Earth's mantle protected their civilization from many cataclysms that occurred on the surface of the earth.

The President receives daily briefings about the activities of this civilization and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them.

The general consensus is that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression and the current plan of action in emergency situations includes a plan to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in hopes of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the depths of the earth."

Many years ago, namely 70 years have passed since Edgar Cayce predicted that one day a room would be found in Egypt that would be called the Hall of Evidence or the Hall of Chronicles, and it would be associated with the Sphinx. It is this room that will tell us about the existence of a Highly Developed Civilization on Earth millions of years ago, and the passage to the Hall of Evidence will come from the room located under the right paw of the Sphinx.

Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely.

They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

They used modern "non-destructive testing" techniques based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment.

But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened and stopped the project. Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber.

In the same way, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobetsky. And it also led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx.

Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University. But his work was suddenly stopped in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. Moreover, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx. And this despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, which local authorities had previously been interested in.

Also in 1993, the film “The Secret of the Sphinx” was released, in which the emphasis was placed on the fact that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC.

Partial funding for The Secret of the Sphinx was provided by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and its affiliate Association for Research and Enlightenment, ECF/ARE, and their supporters. This one documentary was the first to report Thomas Dobecki's seismic survey around the Sphinx and his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the bedrock beneath its front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction.

Also in 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels that were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx.

But the emphasis was still placed not on the Hall of Testimonies under the Sphinx, but on another discovery that distracted the public from the Hall of Testimonies. This discovery was information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door.

This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch.

And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive in time the necessary permission to film the opening of the door from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslman.

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities not to attempt to continue studying the Great Pyramid.

And in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television, which was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx. And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “even Indiana Jones did not dream of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx! No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

I can assume that this film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “ Ancient mystery Flower of Life”, volume 2, chapter 11, which was published in 2003. This is the passage in his book:

“In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: something has now been discovered that surpasses anything ever found in Egypt. A stone stele (a flat stone slab with inscriptions) emerged from the ground between the Sphinx's paws. The inscriptions on it spoke of the Hall of Testimonies and the room under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele so that no one could read the hieroglyphs engraved on it. Then they began to dig the ground between the Sphinx's paws and discovered the room that the Japanese discovered in 1989. It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities followed a tunnel from this room into a circular room from which three more tunnels led to the Great Pyramid. In one of them, two amazing phenomena were discovered.

First, the officials saw a light field, a veil of light blocking the entrance. When we tried to go through this field, nothing happened. Even a bullet couldn't penetrate it.

Additionally, if anyone attempted to physically approach light field at a distance of approximately 9 m (30 ft), the person became ill and began to vomit. If he tried to forcefully move forward, he felt that he was dying. No one, as far as I know, could touch the mysterious field.

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth, something completely unthinkable was discovered behind the light field.

An underground twelve-story building ~ imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth!

The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance. It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who could turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the opening of this unique tunnel. By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, therefore, it had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least try to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which they agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million "under the counter", which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video film of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, and the latter turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film.

Then another person appeared, Larry Hunter, who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 by 8 miles) and extends twelve floors deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, Message of the Sphinx. Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory. Mr. Hunter did this, and I myself was convinced that his proof was correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples at every single location corresponding to every major star in the Orion constellation. He used the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate these locations on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft) and physically visited each location where the temple was supposed to mark a star. This is how this hypothesis was tested.

Another thing is surprising: in each place there was a temple and each temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt.

The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid. It's called a coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it.

It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If this is true, then when underground city will be revealed, this archaeological find will lead to the growth of human consciousness."

I can add to what Drunvalo Melchizedek said above only that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala.

Information from Melchizedek's book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” was known to everyone who was interested in Egypt more deeply than simple curiosity. Because some printed publications, at one time, wrote articles about this, but nothing more.

As for the Sphinx and the Hall of Evidence below it, a local archaeological team has still been working there for many years under the leadership of Zaha Hawass. His group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily. And if someone has to go to the surface, it is done at night, when there are no tourists near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx.

No one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their country. It's their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and their Sphinx. But there is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in the local affairs of Egypt.

But quite recently, this group of archaeologists, including their leader Zahi Hawass, made a Great Discovery, which the Egyptian Authorities decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth. This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - his Rod of Energy, which is mentioned by him himself in his Tablets: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlante” - “Emerald Tablet I: The Story of Thoth Atlante”:

“We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the land beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis. Then I raised my staff and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them.”

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”:

“Your father's rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it.

Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states. Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred.

The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them.”

And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth and the Rod of Energy itself:

The Rod Storage Chamber itself is located behind the Hall of Evidence, just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the Light Barrier from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays. On the left stone, from the key stone, the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right of it, Maat is also depicted, but with a Rod.

After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the Hall of Evidence went inward, and the Door slid aside, ending up behind the wall of the Hall of Evidence. This revealed a large doorway, which opened access to the Chamber of the Rod.

The Chamber of the Rod is large and square in shape. In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid in its center is the Rod of Thoth Energy itself.

The Rod of Life has the appearance of a tall staff. It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter in the center. The rod narrows towards the bottom and widens towards the top. It is all strewn with precious stones, from which symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal.

It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area directly in front of the Chamber in the Hall of Evidence itself.

The reaction of some people to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that Light Force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Testimony: People felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer, he felt sick.

The same reaction occurs to an overdose of drugs, and in this case, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life. Therefore, the further a person is from the Camera, the better he is, and the closer he gets to the Camera of the Rod, the worse he becomes. This is the reaction of the human Soul to the energies of the Rod of Life.

But not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Rod of Life. There were also people who were able to approach the Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without consequences for their health. True, they were able to move forward only to a certain point, and then they felt bad and quickly left.

I can assume that only the Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life. One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul the Rod was encoded to merge their Energies as their Life Force.

The union of the Life Forces, as the energies of the Rod of Life and the Heir of Thoth, will occur at the moment of their physical contact. And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom He chose to become the new owner for his Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person spent into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, therefore it is safe for humans, but within reason.

But as long as the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimonies itself are closed to tourists, the Heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Heritage - the Rod of Life - into his hands, and the Second Coming will not take place, although Time and Timing are approaching their climax.

And now, at this point in time, we have two options further development events:

Or wait until the Egyptian authorities wake up to their conscience and they make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back then in 1997. Namely: the removal of the Light Force Field from the passage to the Hall of Evidence and the Hall of Evidence itself. And what they filmed now, when the Chamber of the Rod was Opened in Thoth’s own House.

Or ask the Egyptian authorities to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Evidence and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and try to pick up the Rod of Life and become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.