What is clinical death and its complications. Consequences of clinical death. What does our body consist of?

“Man is mortal, but his main problem is that he is mortal suddenly,” these words, put by Bulgakov into Woland’s mouth, perfectly describe the feelings of most people. There is probably no person who is not afraid of death. But along with the big death, there is a small death - clinical. What is it, why do people who have experienced clinical death often see divine light, and is this not a delayed path to heaven - in the material on the site.

Clinical death from a medical point of view

The problems of studying clinical death as a borderline state between life and death remain one of the most important in modern medicine. Unraveling its many mysteries is also difficult because many people who have experienced clinical death do not fully recover, and more than half of patients with a similar condition cannot be resuscitated, and they die for real - biologically.

So, clinical death is a condition accompanied by cardiac arrest, or asystole (a condition in which various parts of the heart first stop contracting, and then cardiac arrest occurs), respiratory arrest and deep, or transcendental, cerebral coma. Everything is clear with the first two points, but about whom it is worth explaining in more detail. Typically, doctors in Russia use the so-called Glasgow scale. The eye opening reaction, as well as motor and speech reactions are assessed using a 15-point system. 15 points on this scale correspond to clear consciousness, and minimum score– 3, when the brain does not respond to any type of external influence, corresponds to an extreme coma.

After stopping breathing and cardiac activity, a person does not die immediately. Consciousness turns off almost instantly, because the brain does not receive oxygen and oxygen starvation occurs. But nevertheless, in a short period of time, from three to six minutes, he can still be saved. Approximately three minutes after breathing stops, cell death in the cerebral cortex begins, the so-called decortication. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher nervous activity and after decortication, resuscitation measures may be successful, but the person may be doomed to a vegetative existence.

After a few more minutes, cells in other parts of the brain begin to die - in the thalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral hemispheres. A condition in which all parts of the brain have lost functioning neurons is called decerebration and actually corresponds to the concept of biological death. That is, reviving people after decerebration is, in principle, possible, but the person will be doomed to remain on artificial ventilation and other life-sustaining procedures for the rest of his life.

The fact is that vital (vital - website) centers are located in the medulla oblongata, which regulates breathing, heartbeat, cardiovascular tone, as well as unconditioned reflexes like sneezing. During oxygen starvation, the medulla oblongata, which is actually a continuation of the spinal cord, is one of the last parts of the brain to die. However, despite the fact that the vital centers may not be damaged, by that time decortication will have already occurred, making it impossible to return to normal life.

Other human organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, can survive without oxygen for much longer. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the transplantation, for example, of kidneys taken from a patient who is already brain dead. Despite brain death, the kidneys are still in working order for some time. And the muscles and intestinal cells live without oxygen for six hours.

Currently, methods have been developed that can increase the duration of clinical death to two hours. This effect is achieved using hypothermia, that is, artificial cooling of the body.

As a rule (unless, of course, it happens in a clinic under the supervision of doctors), it is quite difficult to determine exactly when cardiac arrest occurred. According to current regulations, doctors are required to carry out resuscitation measures: cardiac massage, artificial respiration within 30 minutes from the beginning. If during this time it was not possible to resuscitate the patient, then biological death is declared.

However, there are several signs of biological death that appear within 10–15 minutes after brain death. First, Beloglazov's symptom appears (when pressure is applied to the eyeball, the pupil becomes like a cat's), and then the cornea of ​​the eyes dries out. If these symptoms are present, resuscitation is not performed.

How many people survive clinical death safely?

It may seem that most people who find themselves in a state of clinical death come out of it safely. However, this is not the case; only three to four percent of patients can be resuscitated, after which they return to normal life and do not suffer from any mental disorders or loss of body functions.

Another six to seven percent of patients, being resuscitated, nevertheless do not fully recover and suffer from various brain lesions. The vast majority of patients die.

These sad statistics are largely due to two reasons. The first of them is that clinical death can occur not under the supervision of doctors, but, for example, at the dacha, from where the nearest hospital is at least half an hour’s drive. In this case, doctors will arrive when it is no longer possible to save the person. Sometimes it is impossible to defibrillate in a timely manner when ventricular fibrillation occurs.

The second reason remains the nature of the damage to the body during clinical death. If we are talking about massive blood loss, resuscitation measures are almost always unsuccessful. The same applies to critical myocardial damage during a heart attack.

For example, if a person has more than 40 percent of the myocardium affected as a result of blockage of one of the coronary arteries, death is inevitable, because the body cannot live without heart muscles, no matter what resuscitation measures are taken.

Thus, it is possible to increase survival rate in case of clinical death mainly by equipping crowded places with defibrillators, as well as by organizing flying ambulance teams in hard-to-reach areas.

Clinical death for patients

If clinical death for doctors is an emergency condition in which it is necessary to urgently resort to resuscitation measures, then for patients it often seems like a path to a brighter world. Many people who experienced clinical death talked about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, some meeting their long-dead relatives, others looking at the earth from a bird's eye view.

“I had a light (yes, I know how it sounds), and I seemed to see everything from the outside. There was bliss, or something. No pain for the first time in so long. And after clinical death, there was a feeling that I had lived some kind of someone else’s life and now I’m just sliding back into my skin, my life – the only one I’m comfortable in. It’s a little tight, but it’s a pleasant tightness, like a worn pair of jeans that you’ve been wearing for years,” says Lydia, one of the patients who suffered clinical death.

It is this feature of clinical death, its ability to evoke vivid images, that is still the subject of much debate. With pure scientific point From a visual perspective, what is happening is described quite simply: brain hypoxia occurs, which leads to hallucinations in the actual absence of consciousness. What kind of images a person has in this state is a strictly individual question. The mechanism by which hallucinations occur has not yet been fully elucidated.

At one time the endorphin theory was very popular. According to her, most of what people feel during near-death experiences can be attributed to the release of endorphins due to extreme stress. Since endorphins are responsible for pleasure, and in particular even for orgasm, it is not difficult to guess what many people who experienced clinical death thought after it ordinary life just a burdensome routine. However, in last years this theory was debunked because researchers found no evidence that endorphins were released during clinical death.

There is also a religious point of view. As, indeed, in any cases that are inexplicable from the standpoint of modern science. Many people (including scientists) tend to believe that after death a person goes to heaven or hell, and the hallucinations that those who experienced clinical death saw are only proof that hell or heaven exists, as well as the afterlife in general. It is extremely difficult to give any assessment to these views.

However, not all people experienced heavenly bliss during clinical death.

“I suffered clinical death twice in less than one month. I didn’t see anything. When they returned me, I realized that I was nowhere, in oblivion. I had nothing there. I came to the conclusion that there you free yourself from everything by completely losing yourself, probably , along with my soul. Now death doesn’t really worry me, but I enjoy life,” accountant Andrei cites his experience.

In general, studies have shown that at the time of human death, the body loses a small amount of weight (literally a few grams). Adherents of religions hastened to assure humanity that at this moment the soul is separated from the human body. However, the scientific approach states that the weight of the human body changes due to chemical processes occurring in the brain at the moment of death.

Doctor's opinion

Current standards require resuscitation within 30 minutes of the last heartbeat. Resuscitation stops when a person’s brain dies, namely upon registration of an EEG. I personally once successfully resuscitated a patient whose heart had stopped. In my opinion, the stories of people who have experienced clinical death are in most cases a myth or fiction. I have never heard such stories from patients of our medical institution. There were no such stories from colleagues either.

Moreover, people tend to call completely different conditions clinical death. Perhaps the people who supposedly suffered it did not actually die, they simply had syncope, that is, fainting.

The main cause that leads to clinical death (as well as, in fact, to death in general) remains cardiovascular diseases. Generally speaking, such statistics are not kept, but we must clearly understand that clinical death occurs first, and then biological death. Since the first place in mortality in Russia is occupied by heart and vascular diseases, it is logical to assume that they most often lead to clinical death.

Dmitry Yeletskov

anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Volgograd

One way or another, the phenomenon of near-death experiences deserves careful study. And it’s quite difficult for scientists, because in addition to the fact that it is necessary to establish which chemical processes in the brain lead to the appearance of certain hallucinations, it is also necessary to distinguish truth from fiction.

Clinical death is a subject of particular interest primarily because of people's testimonies of experiences associated with this “otherworldly” experience. But people are not interested in the question of how even a short-term, but still being outside life affects those people who were able to return from this state. In fact, the consequences of clinical death can be both quite real and not very plausible.

Recently, reports have become frequent that people who have experienced clinical death acquire certain specific abilities that they did not possess before their extreme experience. Most often they say that such people allegedly have incredibly developed intuition, that is, the ability to predict the development of events or make the best choice in a situation with several equivalent options.

However, since intuition is a subjective concept that is difficult to evaluate and measure in any way, such messages are in most cases not verified. It is also often reported that people who return from beyond the threshold of death acquire special physical strength or instantly become possessors of knowledge foreign languages, which have never been studied before. However, there are quite a few specific examples.

Most often, the acquisition of supernatural abilities after clinical death is associated with the cessation or significant slowdown of the aging process and sleep disturbances. The two most famous cases are usually cited. The first is the story of Valery Klimov, who looks no older than thirty years old, although in fact he was born in 1963. About thirty years ago, he was in a car accident, as a result of which he was in a state of clinical death for four minutes, and after six months of treatment for terrible burns, he survived it again, but for seven minutes. After the second incident, he actually stopped aging, both his appearance and condition internal organs stopped at the level of a thirty-year-old person.

Scientists believe that as a result of the state of shock, the body maximally activated all its resources and remained in this mode of “high alert” for some reason, but at any moment it can return to a normal state. Another example is a resident of Germany, Yakov Tsiperovich, who in 1979 suffered clinical death, according to sources, within an hour (which in itself contradicts the ideas of modern medicine), then remained in a coma for a week. After this, Tsiperovich could not sleep at all for many years, then he learned to sleep two to three hours a day, and, in addition, is in physical condition person 26-27 years old.

Noting the presence of individual unique examples of amazing consequences after clinical death, science claims that the assumption that this particular condition gives people special abilities is stupid. First of all, if only because, purely statistically, the percentage of those people who, after clinical death, became unusual in some way, is simply very small. And such supposed abilities as increased intuition, insight into the meaning of the universe, reading minds and predicting the future, scientists refuse to speak seriously for lack of evidence.

Doctors talk much more about the negative consequences for physical and psychological health a person who suffers from clinical death, even if it was successfully experienced. They tend to believe that even with the fastest possible return to a normal state, clinical death still has a certain effect on the brain, the central nervous system, which can be more or less obvious and manifest itself faster or slower.

Even those people who belong to 15-20% of survivors of clinical death admit that they have problems with memory and acuity of perception, which, however, are minimized with proper treatment. But there are much more serious problems. According to doctors, approximately half of the people who experienced clinical death died within a few months - their general condition was grave, and the first rescue was only a delay in the overall sad outcome. In cases where people returned to more or less normal life, the risk of psychological complications was very high.

In addition to harmless problems with memory and general apathy, suspiciousness, depression, headaches, tremors of the limbs, and a significant decrease in the intensity of thought processes developed. In cases where a person initially had a weak nervous system and a weakened psyche, there is a high probability of developing psychiatric diseases. Special attention is given to infants whose births were complicated and who actually suffered clinical death: studies have shown that these children are more likely to have a lower level of intelligence in the future (an IQ level of less than 80, while a value of less than 70 qualifies as mental retardation) - this is observed in 3-4% of such children.

If a person can live without food for a month, without water for several days, then the interrupted access of oxygen will cause breathing to stop within 3-5 minutes. But it’s too early to talk about final death right away, because clinical death occurs. This condition occurs when blood circulation and oxygen transfer to tissues stop.

Up to a certain point, a person can still be brought back to life, because irreversible changes have not yet affected the organs, and most importantly, the brain.


This medical term implies the simultaneous cessation of respiratory function and blood circulation. According to the ICD, the condition was assigned code R 96 - death occurred suddenly for unknown reasons. You can recognize being on the verge of life by the following signs:

  • There is a loss of consciousness, which entails a cessation of blood flow.
  • There is no pulse for more than 10 seconds. This already indicates a violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • The pupils are dilated, but do not react to light.
  • Metabolic processes continue to occur at the same level.

Back in the 19th century, the listed symptoms were quite enough to declare and issue a person’s death certificate. But now the possibilities of medicine are enormous and doctors, thanks to resuscitation measures, may well be able to bring him back to life.

Pathophysiological basis of CS

The duration of such clinical death is determined by the time period during which brain cells are able to remain viable. According to doctors, there are two terms:

  1. The duration of the first stage is no longer than 5 minutes. During this period, the lack of oxygen supply to the brain does not yet lead to irreversible consequences. Body temperature is within normal limits.

The history and experience of doctors shows that it is possible to revive a person after a given time, but there is a high probability of the death of most of the brain cells.

  1. The second stage can last a long time if the necessary conditions to slow down degeneration processes with impaired blood supply and oxygen supply. This stage is often observed when a person is in cold water for a long time or after an electric shock.

If action is not taken to bring the person back to life as soon as possible, then everything will end in biological care.

Causes of the pathological condition

This condition usually occurs when the heart stops. This can be caused by serious diseases, the formation of blood clots that clog important arteries. The reasons for the cessation of breathing and heartbeat may be as follows:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • A nervous breakdown or the body's reaction to a stressful situation.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Choking or obstruction of the airway.
  • Electric shock.
  • Violent death.
  • Vasospasm.
  • Serious illnesses affecting the blood vessels or organs of the respiratory system.
  • Toxic shock from exposure to poisons or chemicals.

No matter the cause of this condition, during this period resuscitation should be carried out immediately. Delay is fraught with serious complications.


If we consider the entire body as a whole, then the period of preservation of normal viability is different for all systems and organs. For example, those located below the heart muscle are able to continue normal functioning for another half hour after cardiac arrest. Tendons and skin have a maximum survival period; they can be resuscitated 8-10 hours after the death of the body.

The brain is most sensitive to oxygen deficiency, so it suffers first. A few minutes are enough for his final death. That is why resuscitators and those who happened to be close to the person at that moment have a minimum amount of time to determine clinical death - 10 minutes. But it is advisable to spend even less, then the health consequences will be insignificant.

Introduction to the CS state artificially

There is a misconception that an artificially induced coma is the same as clinical death. But this is far from true. According to WHO, euthanasia is prohibited in Russia, and this is artificially induced care.

Induction into a medically induced coma is practiced. Doctors resort to it to avoid disorders that can adversely affect the brain. In addition, a coma helps to carry out several emergency operations in a row. Finds its application in neurosurgery and treatment of epilepsy.

Coma or drug-induced sleep is caused by the administration of medications only as indicated.

An artificial coma, unlike clinical death, is completely controlled by specialists and a person can be taken out of it at any time.

One of the symptoms is coma. But clinical and biological death are completely different concepts. Often, after being revived, a person falls into a coma. But doctors are confident that the body’s vital functions have been restored and recommend that relatives be patient.

How is it different from coma?

The comatose state has its own character traits, which fundamentally distinguish it from clinical death. The following distinctive features can be mentioned:

  • During clinical death, the work of the heart muscle suddenly stops and breathing movements stop. Coma is simply a loss of consciousness.
  • In a comatose state, a person continues to breathe instinctively; one can feel the pulse and listen to the heartbeat.
  • The duration of the coma can vary, from several days to months, but the borderline vital state will turn into biological withdrawal in 5-10 minutes.
  • According to the definition of coma, all vital functions are preserved, but may be suppressed or impaired. However, the outcome is the death of first the brain cells, and then the entire body.

Whether a comatose state, as the initial stage of clinical death, will end in the complete death of a person or not depends on the speed of medical care.

Difference between biological and clinical death

If it so happens that at the moment of clinical death there is no one near the person who could take resuscitation measures, then the survival rate is practically zero. After 6, maximum 10 minutes, complete death of brain cells occurs, any rescue measures are pointless.

The undeniable signs of final death are:

  • Clouding of the pupil and loss of luster of the cornea.
  • The eye shrinks and the eyeball loses its normal shape.
  • Another difference between clinical and biological death is a sharp drop in body temperature.
  • Muscles become dense after death.
  • Corpse spots appear on the body.

If the duration of clinical death can still be discussed, then for biological death there is no such concept. After the irreversible death of the brain, the spinal cord begins to die, and after 4-5 hours the functioning of the muscles, skin, and tendons stops.

First aid in case of CS

Before starting resuscitation, it is important to make sure that the CS phenomenon is occurring. Seconds are allotted for the assessment.

The mechanism is as follows:

  1. Make sure there is no consciousness.
  2. Make sure the person is not breathing.
  3. Check pupil reaction and pulse.

If you know the signs of clinical and biological death, then diagnosing a dangerous condition will not be difficult.

The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. To clear the airways, to do this, remove the tie or scarf, if any, unbutton the shirt and pull out the sunken tongue. IN medical institutions At this stage of care, breathing masks are used.
  2. Give a sharp blow to the heart area, but this action should only be performed by a competent resuscitator.
  3. Artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage are performed. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed until the ambulance arrives.

At such moments, a person realizes that life depends on competent actions.

Resuscitation in a clinical setting

After the ambulance arrives, doctors continue to bring the person back to life. Carrying out ventilation of the lungs, which is performed using breathing bags. The difference between this type of ventilation is the supply of a mixture of gases with an oxygen content of 21% to the lung tissue. At this time, the doctor may well perform other resuscitation actions.

Heart massage

Most often, closed cardiac massage is performed simultaneously with ventilation of the lungs. But during its implementation, it is important to correlate the force of pressure on the sternum with the age of the patient.

In infants, the sternum should not move more than 1.5-2 centimeters during a massage. For children school age the depth can be 3-3.5 cm with a frequency of up to 85-90 per minute; for adults, these figures are 4-5 cm and 80 pressures, respectively.

There are situations when it is possible to perform an open massage of the heart muscle:

  • If cardiac arrest occurs during surgery.
  • Pulmonary embolism occurs.
  • Fractures of the ribs or sternum are observed.
  • Closed massage does not give results after 2-3 minutes.

If cardiac fibrillation is determined using a cardiogram, then doctors resort to another method of revival.

This procedure may be different types, which differ in technique and implementation features:

  1. Chemical. Potassium chloride is administered intravenously, which stops fibrillation of the heart muscle. Currently, the method is not popular due to the high risk of asystole.
  2. Mechanical. It also has a second name: “reanimation strike.” A regular punch is made to the sternum area. Sometimes the procedure can give the desired effect.
  3. Medical defibrillation. The victim is administered antiarrhythmic drugs.
  4. Electric. Used to start the heart electricity. This method is used as soon as possible, which significantly increases the chances of life during resuscitation.

For successful defibrillation, it is important to correctly position the device on chest, choose the current strength depending on age.

First aid for clinical death, provided in a timely manner, will bring a person back to life.

The study of this condition continues to this day; there are many facts that even competent scientists cannot explain.


Complications and consequences for a person will depend entirely on how quickly help was provided to him and how effective resuscitation measures were used. The faster the victim can be brought back to life, the more favorable the prognosis for health and psyche will be.

If you managed to spend only 3-4 minutes on revival, then there is a high probability that no negative manifestations will not be. In the case of prolonged resuscitation, the lack of oxygen will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the brain tissue, up to their complete death. To slow down degenerative processes, pathophysiology recommends deliberately cooling the human body at the time of resuscitation in case of unforeseen delays.

Through the eyes of eyewitnesses

After a person returns to this sinful earth from a suspended state, it is always interesting what can be experienced. Those who survived talk about their feelings like this:

  • They saw their body as if from the outside.
  • Complete calm and tranquility ensues.
  • Moments of life flash before your eyes, like stills from a movie.
  • The feeling of being in another world.
  • Encounters with unknown creatures.
  • They remember that a tunnel has appeared that they need to go through.

Among those who have experienced such a borderline state, many famous people, for example, Irina Panarovskaya, who became ill right at the concert. Oleg Gazmanov lost consciousness when he was electrocuted on stage. Andreichenko and Pugacheva also experienced this state. Unfortunately, the stories of people who experienced clinical death cannot be 100% verified. You can only take my word for it, especially since similar sensations are observed.

Scientific view

If lovers of esotericism see in stories a direct confirmation of the existence of life on the other side, then scientists try to give natural and logical explanations:

  • Flickering lights and sounds appear at the very first moment the blood flow through the body stops.
  • During clinical death, the concentration of serotonin rises sharply and causes peace.
  • The lack of oxygen also affects the organ of vision, which is why hallucinations with lights and tunnels appear.

The diagnosis of CS is a phenomenon that is interesting to scientists, and only thanks to high level medicine managed to save thousands of lives and prevent them from crossing that line where there is no turning back.

Every body needs a sufficient amount of oxygen; it comes from the circulatory and respiratory systems. If blood circulation stops, breathing is blocked, the person dies. We draw your attention to the fact that when the heart does not beat, breathing stops, a person does not die immediately. This transitional stage is called clinical death. Why does clinical death occur? Is it possible to help a person?

Causes of clinical death

It is important to understand that in this case a person can be saved; it only takes a few minutes. Most often, clinical death occurs when the heart stops. As a rule, such a disorder is provoked by cardiac pathologies, as well as blockage of blood clots.

The main causes of pathology include:

  • Severe stress, physical activity - all this negatively affects the blood supply to the heart.
  • Loss of blood due to injury or trauma.
  • State of shock (most often clinical death occurs in the case of anaphylactic shock after a severe allergic reaction).
  • Asphyxia, respiratory arrest.
  • Serious mechanical, thermal, electrical damage to tissues.
  • as a result of exposure to a chemical, poisonous and toxic substance on the body.
  • Serious disease of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Violent death in which serious injuries were inflicted, as well as aspiration of blood, fluid, embolism, spasm in the coronary vessels.

Main symptoms

  • A person loses consciousness after blood circulation stops (within a few seconds). Please note that blood circulation never stops if a person is conscious.
  • No pulse for 10 seconds. This is a rather dangerous sign, because it indicates a cessation of blood supply to the brain. If help is not provided in a timely manner, brain cells may die.
  • The person stops breathing.
  • Dilated pupils and lack of reaction to light. This sign indicates a cessation of blood supply to the nerve that is responsible for the motor activity of the eyes.

A specialist can identify the first symptoms of clinical death within a few seconds after the heart stops. In this case, it is important to provide first aid and carry out all resuscitation measures, otherwise everything could end with serious consequences.

How does clinical death proceed?

First stage(lasts no more than 5 minutes). Some areas of the brain responsible for the body’s vital functions remain in a normal state for some time. In this case, everything can end with the following consequences: the person will come to his senses or, conversely, the situation will worsen - all parts of the brain will die at once.

Second stage occurs when the degenerative process in the brain slows down. Most often, this stage is typical for a person who has become hypothermic, for a long time arrived under water, as well as after being electrocuted.

Features of clinical death in children

It is worth noting that there are many different pathologies and factors that can lead to such a dangerous condition in a child:

  • Problems with respiratory system– pneumonia, inhalation large quantity smoke, suffocation, drowning, respiratory obstruction.
  • Cardiac pathologies – arrhythmia, heart disease, ischemia, sepsis.
  • Serious lesions of the central nervous system– meningitis, hematomas, convulsions, intracranial trauma, malignant brain tumors.
  • Poisoning, .

Despite the causes of clinical death, the child loses consciousness, falls into a coma, and has no breathing movements or pulse. Clinical death is declared within 10 seconds. It is important to remember that the child’s body is sensitive, so if measures are not taken, everything can end in death.

How to distinguish clinical death from biological death?

In case of untimely assistance, everything ends in biological death. It occurs because the brain completely dies. The condition is irreversible, all resuscitation procedures are impractical.

As a rule, biological death occurs 6 minutes after clinical death. In some situations, the time of clinical death is significantly prolonged. It all depends on the ambient temperature. If it is low, metabolic processes slow down in the body, and oxygen starvation is tolerated much better.

The main signs of biological death include the following symptoms:

  • The pupil becomes cloudy, the shine in the cornea is lost.
  • There is a "cat's eye" appearance. When the eyeball shrinks, it loses its normal shape.
  • Body temperature drops sharply.
  • Bluish spots appear on the body.
  • The muscles become denser.

It has been proven that when it occurs, the cerebral cortex dies first, then the spinal cord and subcortical region. And after 4 hours, the bone marrow, tendons, muscles, and skin stop functioning. Within 24 hours the bones are destroyed.

How does the person feel?

The patient may have different visions, in some situations there are none at all. Many victims who had to experience clinical death said that they communicated with their close deceased relatives. Quite often the visions are quite real. In some visions, the person seemed to be flying above his body. Other patients saw and remembered the appearance of doctors performing resuscitation procedures.

So, medicine is still carefully studying the features of clinical death. You can save a person by providing first aid in the first seconds of clinical death. In this situation, the resuscitator can sharply hit the heart area, and artificial ventilation is also performed in the mouth or nose. Remember, you can save a person by taking timely measures!

A near-death experience (or NDE for short) is the experience that a person has as a result of near death. Such evidence has much in common, which suggests their authenticity and a single mechanism of occurrence and occurrence. Contributing to an ever-increasing body of evidence is the constant development of medicine and resuscitation methods, thanks to which a fifth of patients return to life even in the most seemingly hopeless cases. At the same time, the consequences of clinical death are very diverse.

The NDE phenomenon is accompanied by well-studied , which is the main source of post-mortem experiences. In principle, this is a common occurrence in resuscitation efforts and accidents. They are accompanied by certain physiological, psychological and transcendental experiences. Much of it hardly fits into the usual scientific picture of the world. By the way, if you want to learn more about gellan gum, follow the link http://x-prod.ru/dobavki/377-gellan-gum.html and read.

What explains all this? Science is unable to provide anything other than hypotheses and assumptions.

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