Tspd fsin tests for a higher position. Psychological Research Information

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you are required to undergo a psychologist examination.

She asks a question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw a few pictures (“I”, “Holiday”). I don’t remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with colors in front of you and says: “Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now.”

I (pashaadm2) did not pass the psychologist test, and therefore did not end up serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from one gun store told me: “You can’t be crazy, you have a hunting firearm in your hands.” + passed the trauma test. Moreover, I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB. I answered the psychologist’s question like this: “To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store.” In the pictures I drew: “Man at the Computer” and “Man with Flowers”. I don’t remember how I answered the color test because I think it’s stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of choosing. If she had asked what color was your favorite, I would have said “Green,” but she didn’t ask. He further said that I love children and do not feel uncomfortable in company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely how the psychologist was tested, and most importantly, how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has those same 500 questions from a psychologist for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they used to be in the commercial version of Consultant+) and/or a list of pictures that need to be drawn? Or maybe the correct order of the color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If so, you can send it to me by email [email protected]

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

Psychological test MMPI (there is a questionnaire on the Internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the test subject must answer whether this statement is true or not in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult - you need to know “the whole kitchen” from the inside. There is a “lie scale”, “correction scale” - if you exceed them, you will not pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of their own questions in the questionnaire, scattered throughout the test. I’m not even talking about the scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. It is very difficult to remember everything, how to answer “correctly”. Everything is intertwined there. More details are available on the internet.
One of my friends, when undergoing a medical examination in the army, memorized the “Rabkin Table” (a test for color perception to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct picture or numbers. He managed to deceive the doctor, but still an ophthalmologist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards - the Luscher color test, is known all over the world and has also been passed. It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.
We also took an IQ test. Then, if everything was fine, we had a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a crazy person asked me what to do with speculation in the country, jail speculators? (This was in the late 80s) - I answered, fill store shelves with goods.
In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.
If you say that you came to serve and protect! There will be questions; if you say that you need a career and living space, they will say that you’re good enough without any questions. I’m exaggerating, of course, but tests are a relative thing. They just haven’t come up with anything better yet. However, these tests coupled with a conversation with a professional psychiatrist, they provide a more or less accurate personal and psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with colored cards everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.
I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.
After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
Rewrote. Found fit.

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiters go beyond standard questions. What to do if HR uses psychological tests when applying for a job? How to react to them and behave correctly? The Land of Soviets will tell you about this.

Psychological tests for employment can be oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help in the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck test)
personality tests
qualifying tests
simple tests
Intelligence tests for employment are used to determine general level the candidate’s intelligence, his logical thinking abilities and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled in relation to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests for job applications are usually supplemental and have no right or wrong answers. Certain personal qualities candidates may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can discern the background of this or that question and answer “as it should,” but in the process of working in a team, the lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests for employment help assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of a candidate. Using a qualification test, you can determine, for example, the level of PC proficiency or knowledge foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests that take into account their specific work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low-level positions and combine an intelligence test and a skills test. The tasks in them are usually simple; the skills of perception and processing of information, and the ability to perform simple operations are tested.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, cases (situational tasks) and a stress interview.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a certain set of colors in order: from the most to the least pleasant. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, it is possible to determine the potential performance of the candidate, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of “template” thinking of the candidate, analytical abilities and his ability to creatively approach solving problems. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important responsible positions that require the ability to quickly make effective decisions in any situation. Such employment tests are quite complex, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular stressful situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off, or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are communication in a raised voice, a large number of unrelated questions that are asked at a fast pace, conversation on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the personal life of the applicant.

How to pass a job test? When it comes to placement and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests online and practice on them. Then such a test when applying for a job will not take you by surprise. Personality tests are a little more difficult. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions, which help to identify the lies of the applicant. These questions are in different parts tests are formulated differently, but their essence is the same. If the candidate answered them differently, then he was insincere.

When taking an oral test, answer quickly and without thinking too much. Don’t try to embellish reality too much, but don’t be crystal honest, exposing all your shortcomings. If the proposed position requires creativity and an unconventional approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Don’t worry and don’t try to find complex answers to basic questions: most often the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing; if you do this, you most likely will not be hired. When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests are important when applying for a job, but a good employer will not make conclusions about you based solely on test results. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not “wind up” yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand that this will be approximately.
quote: I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.

Please describe in approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post it here, send it by email. [email protected]
Unfortunately, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creativity in my work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not characterize the personality type at all, it rather characterizes your internal mood for a given, specific time.
The main test is a questionnaire. Then an intelligence test - “Roven's Progressive Test”, and the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics - a conversation with a psychiatrist. He, based on all the tests passed and a conversation with the subject, makes a decision.
For example, he may ask why you answered this way. test question and not otherwise? -You must justify.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer to the point, a minimum of emotions. If you begin to defend your point of view, becoming more and more carried away by your rightness, then consider that the opinion of the psychiatrist (and it is the main one in the commission’s decision) will be this: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not for you.
In general, you could pass all the tests with “five points!” (if such an assessment is applicable) and according to them you are an “unshakable rock”, and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could discern something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that’s all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way, in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, practically no one does this, because it’s necessary, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
This also characterizes your personality type. This means that there is a certain nervousness and a lack of perception of other people’s opinions, an inability to enter into an open dialogue with an opponent—it’s easier to wipe it off—no person, no problem.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: This also characterizes your personality type.

I already wrote that I don’t want to discuss phrases, for example: “Do cops sell drugs.” This is my own business. Unregistered users also come here, for example, those who make requests in Yandex. I don't think they should read what's in the deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try for a different destination group?

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I'll delete Shooter001's answer. I don't want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.

Once, when I received a medical certificate for a weapon, I went through everything, and they asked me: “What kind of weapon do you need?” I said hunting smoothbore. Next they asked me: “Do you need gas?” After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is necessary to work as a system administrator. For example, when a computer with Smeta.ru breaks down, the old program with estimates cannot be saved without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I don't want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no secret here.
Now even on Android and iOS for iPhones there are a fair amount of these tests describing the characteristics of a personality type. I counted about 6 Luscher color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, there’s already a lot of this stuff in its wilds. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)), if you think about the answer, it means you have poor orientation in time space. And they have a lot of similar “baubles” in stock.
I remember I went through the regular, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was 23 years old at the time. Even the psychiatrist was alarmed by this, saying that it was time, and it was so suspicious. However, I reassured him by saying that I had enough female attention and affection without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then they are also not comme il faut. They may ask you provocative questions, such as “how often do you masturbate” and look at the redness of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me that when he was interviewing riot police officers for officer rank, many of them were generally “unbreakable,” that is, the person’s lability was zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this soldier needs to knock down the door, and doesn’t bother him—what’s the point? He’s perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: Why does he need superintelligence?

When admitted to different services, the medical commission is slightly different. As a rule, those who do not pass the psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another; they just need a justified refusal. Nothing special emerges there. there are no such good specialists. the most that a psychiatrist can reveal is whether your psychotype matches the place where you are going to serve or matches the police service in general. Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to go through the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I answered questions there saying that I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green. In general, to pass the test you must answer truthfully without bothering yourself. lie only on pressing questions, take as many tests as possible. You won’t have time anyway. You can skip math and advanced tests. The point is not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you do not bother with little things and can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

You're welcome.
This is not a matter of legal literacy.
Cop and ded2008 will be better at literacy than me.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say, in the PDN inspection or in the crime department. The laboratory needs choleric people. Or, say, in the riot police there are phlegmatic people.

Yes, and more. If you haven’t passed the first group of assignments, you can go through the second/third/fourth (although if you’ve been referred by a psychiatrist, it’s already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will hire you. Regardless of what position you will work in later. I myself passed the HVAC in the third, and worked in a position that required the first. This did not bother anyone, including the doctors from the 1st clinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie... I answered questions there like I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some famous Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I can’t say for sure). You can read about it on the Internet in sufficient detail.
There, the calculation of your answers is based on diagrams and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, has too little value, it means you have some deviations from the norm. In this case, the scale of “lies” was exceeded. More details here:
It is this test that is still used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: As a rule, those who do not pass a psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely earlier) there was an unspoken directive to screen out persons from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasus to work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of them, of course, but there was a limit - this is Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and Georgia, etc. Those who had passed through Afghanistan were also undesirable for employment, even if the applicant’s mental parameters were satisfactory.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you did not go through the first group of destination, you can go through the second/third/fourth

I did not pass through the fourth group of destination, I went to the CC IC at the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally took me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist refused. They don’t like my IT brother at all. The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass the fourth group of destination

This is the worst option.
If you didn’t pass by the 4th, then by higher topics won't miss anymore.
I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

On old passports, a mark was made with a pen near the fold on the first page. Like, he tried to pass. I had two birds like this, I passed both times. I don’t know which group, like the second one (UR), the first one was the riot police and the traffic police then.
They don’t do that now, so it’s possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to a friend from the personnel, now many people do not pass the polygraph. They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?
quote: The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

I don’t understand what the psychologist from PFL has to do with it. What difference does it make to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?

a reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For some reason no one has taken up this yet. Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary. secondly, polygraph readings are not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a disqualification for hiring. thirdly, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense, the same as crossing the street on a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary.

No problem. Recruitment to the police is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.
I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.

Do not consume before the service, they will start during the service. Business...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: will start on time. Business...

So I meant - necessarily during the service. That is, regularly ALL the time of service.

ZY I knew the opera, I left for seven years. Just for getting hooked. More precisely, they hooked him up for free, but during his withdrawal symptoms, in an attempt to get money, he did a lot of things there.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

Well, that’s possible, once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. After smoking weed, traces of use can be detected in the body within a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

Firstly, testing is ALREADY available at the police. Irregular, but there.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can’t carry a jar of someone else’s urine with you all the time. When you start a shift or on duty, during your shift, if you please, pour it into a jar.

It is usually not difficult to squeeze out a hero during a search. Well, sometimes it is needed for operational expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that they will come and check at any moment, you can at least somehow hold on.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely, they hooked him up for free,

They offered me to try weed on the street, but I refused. A weak person needs this, but I am not that case. I’ll still try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job. I don't have anything to lose. Moreover, 2.5 years have already passed.

The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

I told you. That's the whole point. Don’t let the person think and answer automatically. The correctness of the mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, so that it’s completely clear to you, I’ll give you this example: a policeman doesn’t have to think about which hand to hit the hooligan with, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I’ll tell you a secret that you still won’t have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if you pass two thirds.
The test reveals personal qualities. ability to build associative series, ability to think nonlinearly, quality of mental development, literacy. Sometimes a person's handwriting tells more than the answers themselves. No one will grade you for mistakes.
By the way, here's an example. the security officers needed a translator from some kind of gibberish Asian language, like they were going to detain drug traffickers but couldn’t talk to them. They hired some scumbag as a full-time translator. He has a 4th grade education, a belly like my TV and the physical fitness of a 70-year-old grandfather. Now he’s walking around waving the black FSB. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with the psychologist for a box of chocolates.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: The main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic you wrote about a similar “Let him sit.”
quote: walks around now waving the black FSB

My friend who served in the FSB says that it should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you hand it in every day when you leave the service.
quote: They’ll negotiate with a psychologist for a box of chocolates.

Maybe in the FSB, but I want to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after an idiot named Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks closely during the selection process. A friend of mine served in the VTs ITs OVD. He says it very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI(aut) Average estimated time is normally 60 - 80 minutes
Raven's option lasts 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then. I won’t argue.
quote: Luscher's 8-card test DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit in the face of the diagnostician who shows it to you.

Well, I didn’t know anything about it and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

Is anyone capable of working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? On the one hand, power of a given extent results in a number of temptations, which only a person who is morally strong enough can resist. On the other hand, daily work contact with human negativity turns into a kind of professional pressure on the psyche. And finally, the third, perhaps the most important question for society: how to prevent citizens with criminal inclinations from joining the police? For example, drug addicts? Or those who go to the police to obtain certain advantages, go in order to use their official position for selfish or some other purposes, far from protecting the Law? To ensure the effectiveness of staffing for law enforcement agencies, the Center for Psychological Diagnostics (CPD) was created in Smolensk in 1996, which is now an expert unit of the medical and sanitary unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Smolensk region. The CPD is intended for organizing and conducting professional psychological selection of candidates for police service, as well as medical and psychological support for personnel. After all, the pressure of various negative factors accompanying professional activity, can affect the psycho-emotional state of employees.

For example, business trips to “hot spots”, infiltration into criminal communities, or traffic police officers working on the roads. Olga Petrovna Manukhina, Deputy Head of the Center for Medical and Psychological Diagnostics, told us about the work of the Center for Medical and Psychological Diagnostics of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Smolensk Region. She has been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 15 years, has a higher legal and higher psychological education. The center is provided with everything necessary. It has nine employees. To ensure that the examination procedure is as objective as possible, each psychologist has a separate office equipped with computer equipment. Every year, each employee of the Center undergoes advanced training courses in Moscow. The most important assistant in the work of expert psychologists is a polygraph of the latest design, which allows one to determine with the highest accuracy whether a person is telling the truth or lying, or perhaps hiding something. One of the stages of health examination of those coming to serve in the internal affairs department is psychodiagnostics. People come to the CPD based on a referral from the HR department, which indicates what position the candidate is applying for. Which determines the complex of his psychophysiological examination. There are methods regulated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs system for the operation of the CPD. Yes, first of all, the cardiovascular and central nervous system body. But no less important in personnel selection, and perhaps even more necessary, is psychodiagnostics.

First of all, the person is examined using test methods, which can be carried out either manually or computer-based. Memory, attention, intellectual abilities, characterological characteristics and personal qualities are studied. Based on the survey data, the psychologist finds out how suitable the candidate is for the proposed position. Each person who comes to the Center first works in the room with methods: he receives instructions with step-by-step tests, with the help of which information about his motives for entering the service, the characteristics of memory and attention, intellectual abilities is determined, the range of personal qualities is determined, etc. Next, a Center psychologist is assigned to each candidate. Having studied the data obtained through preliminary tests, he conducts a conversation, during which certain information about the personality and biographical data of the candidate is also revealed. First of all, psychologists need to exclude the presence of selfish motivation in the candidate. In the proposed questionnaire, a person sets out his reasons for joining the police service.

But it is one thing for a citizen to say, but a psychologist needs to find out what he is trying to hide. To identify hidden information, there are additional methods examinations. Hidden negative information that psychologists most often encounter concerns selfish motivation, that is, the use of official position for personal gain. Making “useful” acquaintances, receiving unearned income, etc. Also, a candidate for a position is checked for connections with criminal elements. Forms of addictive behavior are studied, for example, the use of drugs, psychoactive substances, alcohol abuse, and the facts of bringing to administrative responsibility and the institution of criminal cases against the candidate are also of interest. The person himself will not tell about such facts in his biography, but with the help of a polygraph they are established with high accuracy. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

So, the psychologist, having found out the personal qualities of the candidate, makes a conclusion whether he will be able to engage in this or that police work. There are cases when a person was recommended for service in operational units. Memory, attention, logical thinking- on high level! But he, having learned in detail from the psychologist the features of his future work and the psychological nuances of his personality, abandoned his intention. A psychological examination is mandatory for all applicants to the police, but this is only the first stage for future operatives, traffic police officers, as well as for those who previously served in the police or other law enforcement agencies. These candidates undergo a polygraph examination without fail.

Why? Yes, so that there are no random people in our police! As practice shows, of all those sent for examination using a polygraph, from 77 to 80 percent of people hid negative information about themselves. They tried to hide... The polygraph is the third stage of the study, which takes about two hours. Each applicant is offered an individual set of questions, everything depends on the first communication with the psychologist, as well as on what position the subject is applying for. Prepare for each examination in advance. The examination procedure itself has a complex structure, but is not very burdensome for the subject. There is an active dialogue between the candidate and the polygraph examiner, a lively conversation. At the end of the examination, the polygraph examiner analyzes the data obtained and only then makes a conclusion.

Based on objective data, a conclusion is made, which is passed on to the psychologist, and he, in combination with his initial data, makes a conclusion. The structure of the identified hidden negative information is dominated by:

  1. taking psychoactive substances - 31.2% (including non-medical use of drugs - 25.2%, alcohol abuse - 6%);
  2. facts of administrative or disciplinary sanctions (mainly facts of bringing to administrative responsibility for constant violation of the rules traffic, for petty hooliganism, etc., facts of disciplinary sanctions during military service or service in law enforcement agencies) - 15%; 3) suicide attempts - 5%;
  3. negative motives (mainly the desire to abuse power, obtaining unearned income) -3.6%;
  4. committing criminal acts that did not result in punishment or remained unsolved - 3%;
  5. off-duty stable personal or business connections with criminal elements - 1.7% of cases.

A large proportion of cases are “other negative data” ( negative traits character (conflict, aggressiveness, tendency to violence, selfishness, deceit), the presence of mentally ill relatives, relatives who abuse alcohol, with deviant, delinquent behavior, facts of the subject’s involvement in asocial companies, etc.) - 40.5%.

There are not isolated cases when a candidate for a position is not recommended for future service based on the results of a psychological examination. It happens that at the preliminary stage, candidates hide reports to the police, involvement in a criminal case, drug use and other negative things about themselves; the polygraph reveals all this with a high probability, and a suspicious candidate will not be accepted into the police. In addition to the polygraph, the Center has introduced an express diagnostic method that makes it possible to determine with absolute accuracy whether a person uses drugs or not. For this purpose, a “MiniexpertDT” device was purchased; the study takes literally 20 minutes, the result is accurate up to 100%. If a candidate for police service receives a positive conclusion from the Central Police Department, then, as practice shows, in the future he will do well in the service, there are no complaints from management. But there are people who receive a conditional recommendation. Such people are carefully monitored to see which side the person will show himself to be. The prognosis for the future of “conditional” candidates is most often not entirely favorable.

Site, it is suggested to go through SMIL test(MMPI) online: Standardized Multidimensional Personality Inventory - originally, Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory - MMPI test, created by American psychologists back in the 40-50s of the last century, and adapted to SMIL test online at the Psychoneurological Institute named after. V. N. Bekhtereva. (see the abbreviated version of the mmpi mini-multi test)

After passing online SMIL test(566 questions), at the end there will be a transcript, results and answers to questions MMPI test.

SMIL test (MMPI) online - transcript of 566 questions

By taking the MMPI test online and answering 566 questions (statements) “True” or “False”, after decoding, you will learn the following about your personality type:
  1. Hypochondriasis (Hs). The subject's proximity to the astheno-neurotic type. Subjects with high scores are slow, passive, take everything on faith, are submissive to authority, are slow to adapt, do not tolerate change of environment well, and easily lose their balance in social conflicts.
  2. Depression (D). Persons who are sensitive, prone to anxiety, timid, and shy have high scores. In business they are diligent, conscientious, highly moral and obligatory, but they are unable to make decisions on their own, they lack self-confidence, and at the slightest failure they fall into despair.
  3. Hysteria (Well). Identifies individuals prone to neurological defensive reactions of the conversion type. They use symptoms of physical illness as a means of avoiding responsibility. All problems are resolved by going into illness. The main characteristics of such people are the desire to appear larger, more significant than they actually are, the desire to attract attention at all costs, and the thirst for admiration. The feelings of such people are superficial and their interests are shallow.
  4. Psychopathy (Pd). High scores on this scale indicate social maladjustment. Such people are aggressive, conflict-ridden, and disregard social norms and values. Their mood is unstable, they are touchy, excitable and sensitive. A temporary rise on this scale due to some reason is possible.
  5. Paranoia (Ra). The main feature of people with high scores on this scale is a tendency to form extremely valuable ideas. These people are one-sided, aggressive and vindictive. Whoever does not agree with them, who thinks differently, is either a stupid person or an enemy. They actively propagate their views, so they have frequent conflicts with others. They always overestimate their own slightest successes.
  6. Psychasthenia (Pt). Diagnoses persons with an anxious-suspicious type of character, who
    characterized by anxiety, fearfulness, indecisiveness, and constant doubts.
  7. Schizoid (Se). Persons with high scores on this scale are characterized by a schizoid type of behavior. They are able to subtly feel and perceive abstract images, but everyday joys and sorrows do not evoke an emotional response in them. Thus, common feature schizoid type is a combination of increased sensitivity with emotional coldness and alienation in interpersonal relationships.
  8. Hypomania (Ma). Individuals with high scores on this scale are characterized by an elevated mood, regardless of the circumstances. They are active, active, energetic and cheerful. They love work with frequent changes, willingly contact people, but their interests are superficial and unstable, they lack endurance and perseverance.
  9. Masculinity - Femininity(Mf) - intended to measure the degree of identification of the subject with the role of a man or woman prescribed by society;
  10. Social introversion(Si) - diagnostics of the degree of compliance with the introverted personality type. It is not a clinical scale; it was added to the questionnaire during its further development.

Take the SMIL test (MMPI)

Take the male version of the SMIL test (MMPI) online. You must answer all 566 questions and statements of the SMIL test. Don’t think for a long time, answer quickly, preferably instantly (“Yes”, “No” or “True”, “False”), whatever comes to mind first... (

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations.

Employment tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, for lawyers, and even for sales consultants...

On this page of the psychoanalytic website website you will be able to take psychological tests used for hiring in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because Each employer can use its own testing, depending on the required personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of an applicant for a specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do applicants undergo when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when hiring in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations..., Banks (Sberbank), trade..., testing for the position of manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, sales worker (sales consultant), lawyer...etc. (career choice test)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of tests on the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software version)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

A verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where the applicant’s verbal (speech) abilities are required.

Math tests

Some corporations use mathematical tests when hiring to determine an applicant's analytical abilities.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests in the hiring process.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logic tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant’s ability to find the right solutions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for employment and subsequent re-certification - of applicants and current employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...)

Personality tests

Main, a widely used personality test for employment is the SMIL (Standardized Multivariate Personality Test) - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional. Personality Questionnaire(MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Mult

Intelligence tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

  • CAT test online (a short indicative questionnaire to determine general mental abilities - sometimes used in the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Genius test (also known as the “Red Square” reaction test - sometimes used in the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

In many modern organizations Creative, creative people are required, who sometimes must have organizational and even entrepreneurial abilities, which is why creative tests are also used when hiring.

After you have talked with the personnel officers and passed a kind of dress code, you will most likely be sent to a staff psychologist, although in some institutions this is done after passing the main commission and testing. But this does not matter, since it depends on the staff psychologist whether you will work here or not.
Usually this position is occupied by a girl of 22-30 years old, but this is not necessary. Your main task is to please the psychologist, to win him over, and not to fit into any standards or templates. After all, CPP testing is carried out automatically and no one thinks about how you answered a certain question, but here in front of you is a living person and he will decide “accept or reject.”
So, first you will be asked to take some tests - this is not CPP, but rather simple tests, type SMIL-minimult to roughly determine the main traits of your character, personality and determine whether you are a frank person or a liar. The tests are different everywhere - somewhere they give 2 tests, somewhere 3, somewhere 5, but they are all similar.
There are no questions in the tests, there are statements. For example: “I’m afraid of the dark”, answer options: “true” and “false”, but it’s worth noting Special attention to statements with double negatives: “I have never seen snow,” the answer is “FALSE.” I’ll make a reservation right away, the statements are repeated, only in different interpretations, the main task is to test honesty, so it’s best to answer frankly without thinking too much, so as not to screw up.
Another of the suggested tests Luscher test, which goes everywhere. The examination procedure proceeds as follows: the subject is asked to choose the most pleasant color from the cards placed in front of him, without correlating it with the color of the clothes (does it suit the face, or with the upholstery of the furniture, or with anything else, but only in accordance with how much this color prefer in comparison with others. The selected standard is removed from the table or turned over, then the next one and so on until all colors are selected. At the same time, the psychologist writes down the number of each selected color standard.

Personally, on the advice of a psychologist friend, I always followed the “traffic light” rule - first green, then yellow and then red. Well, then it’s up to your mood - which one you like best, but black is always the last one. And it seemed like everything was always normal.
Described below analysis technique Luscher, what and how in his opinion it should be, but in principle, it turns out the same thing:
Colors are divided into primary (1 - dark blue, 2 - blue-green, 3 - orange-red and 4 - light yellow) and additional, of which 7 (black) and 0 (gray) are achromatic, and 5 (violet) ) and 6 (brown) - mixed. Primary colors symbolize basic psychological needs, which Luscher identified as the need for satisfaction and affection (blue), the need for self-affirmation (green), the need to “act and succeed” (red) and the need to “look forward and hope” (yellow). Therefore, they are normal and with complete balance should be in the first positions. Additional colors are not given significance equated to the need area. Their role seems to be dividing or diluting.According to Luscher, they are not psychological “primary elements” and were included in the experiment mainly to expand the effect of primary colors.There is another test with the choice of color - associative, that is, with what color do you associate yourself or something (someone). Here, too, everything is based on the principle of a traffic light: green is good, yellow is back and forth, red is bad. For example: family - green, work - yellow, drugs - red, death - black.
In the same test, on another page, you need to continue the sentences, well, there’s nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to write nonsense like: “If I had extra money, I would .....” - “..... .....distributed them to the poor,” then it’s immediately clear that you are an asshole, and also stupid. There are no answer options here, so write what comes to mind, for example: “......went on vacation at the seaside.” Don't overthink it and don't try to sound smarter than you are.

Now directlyconversation with a psychologist..... The psychologist believes that he is smarter than you and that everything that is written in the books is true, so immediately sit down freely (do not cross your legs, arms, fingers), during the conversation try not to gesticulate and do not perform tic actions (scratching, biting your lip and so on.). Try to look away less often and keep your head straight. Then, if you believe the books, the psychologist will think that you are not nervous and are telling the truth.

When answering questions, try to use combinations less often: they told me, they sent me, etc., more often:I thought and decided, I was convinced, I made a choice. When asked about leaving your previous job, do not answer trivially, such as “I didn’t work well with the team” or “conflict with management”; you can answer that “I realized that this place was unpromising, I didn’t like the job and the salaryunstable, I’ve wanted to work for you for a long time, I found out that there were vacancies and decided to take a risk” (or something like that).... As for alcohol, the answer “on holidays” already irritates everyone, and anyone who doesn’t drink at all is either lying or sick, so it would be much more original to say that “I can afford to drink a glass, but on an exclusively significant one for ME date." Well, in general, the main thing is not to be clever, not to joke a lot (but also not to be too tense), just try to win over and lie less.

Don't try to argue, but don't be too loyal either.