Military Signalman Day in Russia. Holidays and events of October Happy communication day October 20

A man born under the sign of Virgo can safely be called a man of duty. These are disciplined, hardworking and at the same time highly intelligent people, whose minds have a pronounced practical orientation. For them, the meaning of life lies in work - a source of not only moral satisfaction, but material security. Virgos only recognize earned income. Other ways to earn money simply do not exist for them; Men born under this zodiac sign will never reap where they have not sown. They view work as a need, a necessity and a duty at the same time. Virgo men are characterized by reliability and commitment, so you can rely on them without a doubt. They consider it unacceptable for themselves to be late and always comply with agreements. Having once made a decision, Virgo will not change it. Men born under this sign categorically do not accept vulgarity and vulgarity in all their forms. They really don’t like sloppiness and negligence, and this extends to everything: both appearance and inner world, way of thinking. Possessing precision and accuracy, the Virgo man expects the same qualities from those around him. If their behavior does not meet the requirements, the representative of this zodiac sign will criticize. Virgo has a very sharp tongue, and this quality, combined with pettiness, pedantry, and meticulousness, often becomes the reason interpersonal conflicts. At the same time, the Virgo man categorically does not accept any criticism of himself. Virgos can be called very earthly people. Emotionally, it is very difficult not only to piss them off, but even to hurt them. They do not give free rein to their feelings, do not spill them out, and always try to avoid situations in which they can become emotional and show more emotions than necessary. They do this for the purpose of self-defense and are even capable of making compromises just to prevent their soul from being affected. Among bachelors there are quite a few a large number of Virgo-men. It should be noted that they live quite well in this status. In any case, bachelors born under other zodiac signs perceive their loneliness much more painfully. If a woman sets herself the goal of awakening interest in herself in a Virgo man, then she should completely forget about all the tricks of the fair sex such as flirtations, dramatic scenes, etc. Representatives of this sign choose a woman for themselves, and first of all a life partner, but not a mistress, a companion for entertainment and other joys of life. Being extremely demanding and picky, Virgo men can easily live alone until they find the one they need. Their loneliness is also facilitated by the fact that Virgos’ ideas about the fair sex are often overly idealized. In addition, men born under this constellation are often characterized by timidity. When love comes into the heart of a Virgo man, from the outside he may look indifferent: this is his peculiar defensive reaction. Such a man can spend many years waiting for reciprocal love, but he will not give up on his dream. When a Virgo man proposes marriage, his chosen one can be sure: all the pros and cons are scrupulously weighed, the decision is made once and for all. It is rare that someone is as devoted to their other half as the Virgo spouse. But it is not only this quality that makes Virgos excellent life partners. They are distinguished by tenderness, constancy, attentiveness, including to the little whims of the fairer sex, honesty, sincerity, and decency. Virgo men are quite capable of ensuring a stable financial situation for their loved ones; They are distinguished by practicality, hard work, and frugality. Virgos rarely have large families. It cannot be said that they burn with very strong paternal feelings for their children. However, this does not in any way negate the fact that they approach the issues of upbringing and education of their offspring with all responsibility.

The path to the development of military communications was quite long. In more early times Messengers and couriers were used to transmit information and orders from leadership to subordinate troops; army units in more ancient times used light and sound signals. Starting with so much simple ways communications, military service communications has developed to modern automated complexes and systems capable of transmitting signals over almost unlimited distances, using satellite and other types most modern types communications for your own purposes.

In our country, the time of appearance of military signalmen is usually counted from October 20, 1919 - by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic No. 1736/362, a communications department headed by the head of communications was created as part of the Field Headquarters. At the same time, the basic structure of modern signal troops was laid down, and they were separated into independent special troops.

Happy Military Signalman's Day -
Don't lose touch with your friends!
The soul is light and pure,
If the connection is not interrupted.

May luck not leave you,
Let life go with meaning,
Fate will add joy
And health in turn!

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
May success come quickly
And the work is not easy
There will be a joyful mood.

Communication will always be fine
Without problems and shortcomings,
Be proud without hesitation
Loud title - signalman!

Congratulations on Military Signalman's Day. I wish you to always successfully complete your assigned tasks without any interference or obstacles, I wish that the signal of optimism and connection with luck never disappears in your life.

Happy Military Signalman's Day,
Let everything be: smooth, clean,
A wonderful connection to have,
And things were going well!

So that your health is strong,
Every day was: kind, bright,
Everything always works out
And it worked out great!

Military signalman is an unusual position,
You need to keep in touch, be careful,
Today is your day, your holiday has come,
We wish that the fighting spirit does not disappear!

Let there be no mistakes in your work,
Connections will be established, may success prevail,
Good luck, patience and great will,
And inspiration to you, groovy dreams1

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
Strength, patience, optimism.
Fewer old wires
And untalented partners.

Keep in touch with confidence
And value your work.
Honor and recognition await you
For your work and efforts.

On Military Signalman Day
I don’t want to lose touch
And always easy and fast
Do all the work!

May luck accompany you
May success await you!
And let every moment
Gives peace, tranquility, comfort!

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
Let the air be clear,
Messages are flying in
Let everything happen in one moment!

Let the service go smoothly
Let everything be alright
And today, on your holiday,
Have fun, dance and sing!

I wish you less risk in work,
After all, the fate of a signalman is not easy.
Always keep in touch with the world
And never give up!

Let there be a lot of health,
Let the road be happy.
May only a bright path await you in life.
Signalman, always be happy!

The courage and professionalism of military signalmen often became the key to stunning victories, and timely information about the impending danger made it possible to prevent tragedies. In peacetime, this profession is also very relevant, because trouble can come suddenly and it is better to always be ready to meet it with dignity and repel the enemy as soon as possible. Military Signalman Day calls on the public to appreciate the great services of these people to the Fatherland and thank them for their constant vigilance and willingness to take risks.

No matter how professional the scouts and powerful landing force were, all their efforts would have been futile if not for prompt and uninterrupted communication. On this holiday, military signalmen receive congratulations from the leadership, are given awards and other incentives; it is much more important and dear to them to feel the support and love of loved ones and relatives, for whose peace and safety they serve. Their sacred duty is to defend the Motherland not only with weapons in their hands, but also using available communication channels to coordinate offensive campaigns and defensive strategies.

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In war, signalmen are needed -
This is no secret to us.
Because it will come in handy
The connection there is first class.

And today on this holiday
Wonderful guys
We sincerely wish them:
Don't lose touch with anyone!

Your service is so important -
In war you need communication.
I can't cope there without you,
And today at this hour

Congratulations on Signalman's Day,
We wish you to stay in touch
With those who love you very much!
Stay connected - day and night!

On the day of the military signalman
We wish you a clean connection.
Accurate, fast, without gyrations -
That's tantamount to victory.

Let's not give up
And with fear to say goodbye,
Always be on top -
In the water, in the sky, on the ground...

Never be sad
Don't grieve over trifles,
Always be positive!
Congratulations, friends!

Happy Signalman's Day!
You guys are great!
Again and again we repeat,
We are so proud of you!

Victory would hardly have been possible
We can win without you,
After all, it decides a lot
Communication in command and battles.

And this service is not easy,
Of course, there is danger in it.
On this holiday we wish you,
So that you can count your victories,

Let everything be smooth in the service,
Don't let the enemy get close to you.
And may your life be sweet,
With smiles - nothing without them!

Military Signalman Day
Celebrated with us.
We wish the guys
Communications are simply top class,

So that she doesn't let you down,
May it be reliable!
And also, so that in life there is
Lots of sun and warmth!

Let the connection be excellent,
And life too - the best!
And in your important service
Let success lead!

Military signalman, congratulations,
Accept praise today.
I wish you good health,
And never believe evil.

May your work be successful
Let joy warm your heart.
Life will be bright and funny,
Military signalman, congratulations.

Military signalman, I congratulate you,
Be happy, friend, always and cheerful.
Let love surround only you,
May every day be wonderful.

Let the connection always be established,
Let there be no failure in your work.
Let there be true friends nearby,
And all difficult problems are resolved.

Once upon a time there were messengers and couriers under the kings,
but how our times have changed,
now signalmen are military and brave,
All the horses' stirrups won't be useful anymore!

Our signalmen have a holiday for you,
when the entire Fatherland congratulates signalmen,
for their important work, for communication always, everywhere,
We just wish them all happiness in life!

Today at Armed Forces In all countries, those people celebrate their professional holiday, without whose successful activities it is truly impossible to carry out any modern operation, be it a training operation or a combat operation. We are talking about military signalmen. It is they who ensure uninterrupted exchange of information both between individual units and between entire military formations - exchange at various levels, at any time of the day, in any weather, including political weather.

Officially, the modern military communications service dates back to October 20, 1919, when, as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, Civil War V Soviet Russia The communication control appears. It was formed by order of the Revolutionary Military Council No. 1736/362. We are talking about the so-called USKA, which stands for “Communications Directorate of the Red Army.”

The tasks of the USKA included managing all communications equipment available at that time in the troops. Since 1920, representatives of USKA received the right to inspect units using these and newly available means. This includes telephone and telegraph equipment, cables and related electrical fittings. USKA in its original form did not last long.

By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR number 446/96 dated March 28, 1924, the USKA, as they would say now, was “optimized.” It was merged with the GVIU (Main Military Engineering Directorate) and transformed into the Military Technical Directorate (VTU) of the Red Army, reporting to the chief of supplies of the Red Army.

A little over seven years later - a new reorganization. The 33rd order of the RVS of the USSR dated May 17, 1931 divides the VTU into two departments - the Red Army Communications Directorate and the Military Engineering Directorate. And in 1934, according to the regulations on the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, at USKA, as at central authority People's Commissariat, is charged with providing communications equipment to all units and formations of the Red Army. Three more years - and a new reorganization: by order of NKO No. 0114 of July 26, 1937, a merger was carried out with the Technical Directorate of the Red Army into the Communications Directorate of the Red Army. That is, the name is the same, but there are significantly more functions and rights.

This, by the way, relates to the question that reform “in both directions” (with the creation of one of two, and then the division of one into two) is carried out, as evidenced by the history of the USSR Armed Forces and the RF Armed Forces, quite actively not only in our time. Each time cycle dictates its own tasks. And how effective mergers and divisions ultimately become is a topic for another discussion.

A significant contribution to the development of signal troops was made by the Soviet military leader, a native of the city of Gorlovka, Ivan Peresypkin. On his shoulders fell the most difficult task of providing communications for the country, front and rear, during the years of the Great Patriotic War. It was Ivan Peresypkin who was the People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR in the period from May 1939 to July 1944.

In 1941, Ivan Terentyevich simultaneously became Deputy People's Commissar of Defense Soviet Union. It was under him that the country, during its most difficult period, coordinated actions in different areas of the front-line and long-distance evacuation management, during battles on the front line, in rear units and formations, in government structures and in other directions using the means of communication available at that time.

Ivan Peresypkin personally went to the front 21 times to ensure the reliable operation of military communications structures. The Battle of Moscow, the Kursk Bulge, the liberation of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states. In February 1944, Ivan Terentyevich became the first military man in the history of the country to hold the rank of Marshal of the USSR Signal Corps. At that time he was not even 40.

Invaluable contribution to Great Victory introduced, of course, not only by the generals of the signal troops. A total of 304 military signalmen during the bloodiest war in human history became Heroes of the Soviet Union. 133 military signalmen - full holders of the Order of Glory, received up to 600 communications units as a reward for their enormous contribution to the defeat of the Nazi armies. military orders, and the 58th formations became guards.

Speaking on Military Signalman Day about the people who forged victory, one cannot fail to mention the equipment they used to provide communications on the front line and in the rear. One of the most popular radio stations during the Great Patriotic War was the RBM (modernized battalion radio station). This is an improved version of the radio station RB (3-R). Radio stations with the factory code “Levkoy” were produced from 1942 to the early 50s. Production began at plant No. 590, Elektrosignal, which was evacuated to Novosibirsk from Voronezh. Radio stations RB and RBM are the brainchild of Soviet radio engineers K.V. Zakhvatoshin, I.S. Mitsner, I.A. Belyaev, A.V. Savodnik, A.F. Oblomov and E.N. Genisht. All of them were awarded the Stalin Prize for their invention.

From the RBM kit: transceiver, power package, handset, headphones, telegraph key, collapsible small whip antenna, horizontal dipole antenna, collapsible vertical antenna mast 7 m high with counterweight.

The radio station operated in two frequency ranges: from 1.5 to 2.75 MHz and from 2.75 to 5 MHz.

The RBM can well be called the “grandmother” of modern technical means military communications.

IN modern conditions When new forms of warfare are constantly being introduced, based on the use of a network-centric method of command and control, the role and importance of communications troops increases significantly. This places special demands on both the technology itself and the training of specialists.

From the release:
The main focus of efforts to create a promising communications system for the Armed Forces Russian Federation is the implementation of tasks for its transfer from technologies for constructing primary and secondary communication networks to technologies for constructing a unified transport (stationary and field) communication network, access networks and object communication networks of control points of the Armed Forces.
The Main Communications Directorate of the RF Armed Forces, together with other interested military control bodies, is working to create a unified automated digital communications network of the Armed Forces. It will ensure compliance with the requirements of the command and control system of the RF Armed Forces in terms of timely and reliable delivery of combat command and control orders from control points of all levels to fire weapons, and provision of necessary communication services of the required quality to military command and control officials.

This year, the signal troops continued to receive the latest equipment, including command and staff vehicles
R-149AKSh-1 based on the KamAZ-4320 vehicle. These KShM allow you to establish communication via closed Internet channels and carry out topographical reference via satellite systems. The development of signal troops continues as part of the modernization program of the Russian Armed Forces.

"Military Review" congratulates military signalmen on professional holiday!

Military Signalman's Day is a military and professional holiday at the same time. It is dedicated to all workers and military personnel of the Signal Corps. The history of the holiday dates back to October 20, 1919 - the moment of the emergence of this type of troops in the USSR.

On this day, by order of the Field Headquarters of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic, the first communications department was formed and approved. This service was transferred to the headquarters special service, and its troops became independent special troops. The head of the service received the position of chief of communications. The order laid the foundation for the formation of modern signal troops, approving their structure, main tasks and powers. To this day, military communications are considered an integral component of the management of the Armed Forces, as well as its material and technical basis. After all, the efficiency of troop leadership, and, first of all, the timeliness of the use of weapons and combat equipment, directly depends on its condition and level of functioning. This history of the origin of the signalman's holiday tells about its military purpose.

There are, however, newer prerequisites for the emergence of this holiday, which made it not only a military, but also a professional holiday. It was recognized as such in the Russian Federation in 2006 by presidential decree. Before the signing of this decree, the military holiday was called “Day of the Signal Corps.” After 2006, it became “Military Signalman’s Day”.

Today this holiday is both military and professional. It is celebrated by a wider category of the population than 90 years ago. It is celebrated annually by military personnel and civilians whose work relates to this area. However, priority was deservedly retained by the relevant troops.

The requirements for the level of combat readiness of the Armed Forces, which is ensured, among other things, by the signal troops, are constantly increasing. A significant role in the implementation of this task is given to improving the aircraft control system. Data transmission systems, automated troop control systems have already for a long time remain the technical basis of this management, which determines their strategic importance.

It is not easy to overestimate the importance of the daily work of representatives of this profession. Their job is to develop and use the latest equipment, as well as methods and techniques for rapid data transfer. The means of ensuring the transmission of such data have evolved from the simplest forms of broadcasting visual signals to the development of the latest communication technologies that make it possible to transmit information of all levels of secrecy. This is the merit of the signalmen.