"Until better times"? Why you shouldn't postpone pregnancy. Developmental psychology, full life cycle of human development 28 years old what age

At 27-28 years old a person enters a period of crisis of youth. During this period, a person looks back on the years he has lived for the first time; Young people have a distinct feeling that they have said goodbye to their youth. Looking ahead, a person feels that he is entering a phase when completely different life tasks appear. Such stopping and reflection manifests itself in the experience of the feeling that youth has passed and that a new stage in individual life is beginning. Often the first glance back, farewell to youth is painted in sad tones. This happens when the ideas about life that were formed between the ages of 20 and 30 turn out to be not entirely correct, life suddenly ceases to seem easy and understandable, sometimes the foundations of the way of life are destroyed, and the entire personality is rebuilt.

By both social and psychological standards, a person completes a certain stage of his development by the age of thirty. There is a need (social and personal) to sum up preliminary (intermediate) results and determine the prospects for future life. The first successes and expectations in life are already behind us, work and life become mundane, and as a result there is a new decrease in the sense of meaningfulness and fullness of being. The phenomenology of the thirty-year-old crisis is connected with a reflexive assessment of the path traveled, with an awareness of the possibilities and prospects for further development. Despite the fact that a person may be relatively satisfied with his life, he begins to feel dissatisfied with himself, wonders what he is like and what he would like to be, and realizes that he has overestimated something in his life and underestimated something. What only yesterday seemed vitally important and to which a lot of effort was devoted seems petty and empty compared to what one would like to do. There is a deep introspection and critical revision of one’s own personality, leading to a reassessment of values.

Sometimes such internal reappraisal leads to a change in profession, a reconsideration of one’s relationships with other people, and a change in the way of family life. Such inner work

It is necessary for a person to understand his place in life. If a person fails to re-evaluate and, if necessary, correct the current way of life, he will not be able to really change himself and develop further.

The core basis of the process of personal self-determination in the crisis of youth is professional activity, prospects professional growth, careers. More difficult this one

Men experience the crisis more than women, which is explained by special social expectations regarding the professional career of men. As a rule, a man puts work first. This preference also manifests itself in youth, during the period of self-determination, when the questions “who to be? what should I be like?" But at the age of 30, the issue of professional growth becomes especially important. The thirties of life in public opinion and in one’s own mind are

The years when you need to make a career. Upon completion of the period of initial entry into the profession, its mastery, with the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills (becoming a professional), the young man needs real confirmation of his professional achievements. If this does not happen after 4-5 years of independent work, then the young man develops emotional discomfort and unconscious dissatisfaction with work. If management is late in realizing that a young specialist has already “grown up” and artificially slows down his progress, then a conflict situation arises, inevitably leading to a deepening of the 30th anniversary crisis. The combination of these unfavorable factors increases the likelihood of changing jobs. The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a young man at 30 is complete disappointment in his professional activity.

Researchers identify the following possible ways to resolve the professional crisis of youth.

1. Termination of professional growth - stabilization at the achieved level, limitation of professional aspirations and shift of main motives to other areas of life.

2. Strengthening one of the aspects of professional activity - choosing one of the most successful professional areas and improving qualifications without going beyond its narrow boundaries.

3. Constructive resolution - a professional finds new ways of development, leading to reaching a qualitatively different, higher professional level.

4. Destructive resolution - a breakdown expressed in conflicts, changing jobs, trying to start over.

The path to resolving the crisis depends on the characteristics of the previous period, as well as on individual characteristics; it is closely related to the circumstances of life in general. The works of psychologists note that men and women experience the process of revising life goals differently in the period from 28 to 33 years. Men may change jobs or change their lifestyle, but their focus on work and career remains the same. Women at the age of 30 usually change the priorities established in their youth. Women who were previously focused on marriage and raising children are now increasingly attracted to professional goals; at the same time, those who devoted their energies to work now, as a rule, direct them into the bosom of family and marriage. Men's ideas about their future position and the world that will surround them are usually simpler and not as heterogeneous as those of women. Women, precisely because of the heterogeneity of their aspirations, find it much more difficult to achieve their goals than men.

By the age of thirty, a person becomes a unique individual, with his own worldview, his own style of activity, way of life, social circle and manners of behavior. A person is at the peak of development of his intellectual capabilities. He went through a serious school of social and public life.

4.1.5. Crisis of youth (27 - 33 years old)

At 27-28 years old a person enters a period of crisis of youth. During this period, a person looks back on the years he has lived for the first time; Young people have a distinct feeling that they have said goodbye to their youth. Looking ahead, a person feels that he is entering a phase when completely different life tasks appear. Such stopping and reflection manifests itself in the experience of the feeling that youth has passed and that a new stage in individual life is beginning. Often the first glance back, farewell to youth is painted in sad tones. This happens when the ideas about life that were formed between the ages of 20 and 30 turn out to be not entirely correct, life suddenly ceases to seem easy and understandable, sometimes the foundations of the way of life are destroyed, and the entire personality is rebuilt. By both social and psychological standards, a person completes a certain stage of his development by the age of thirty. There is a need (social and personal) to sum up preliminary (intermediate) results and determine the prospects for future life. The first successes and expectations in life are already behind us, work and life become mundane, and as a result there is a new decrease in the sense of meaningfulness and fullness of being. The phenomenology of the thirty-year-old crisis is connected with a reflexive assessment of the path traveled, with an awareness of the possibilities and prospects for further development. Despite the fact that a person may be relatively satisfied with his life, he begins to feel dissatisfied with himself, wonders what he is like and what he would like to be, and realizes that he has overestimated something in his life and underestimated something. What only yesterday seemed vitally important and to which a lot of effort was devoted seems petty and empty compared to what one would like to do. There is a deep introspection and critical revision of one’s own personality, leading to a reassessment of values. Sometimes such internal reappraisal leads to a change in profession, a reconsideration of one’s relationships with other people, and a change in the way of family life. Such internal work is necessary for a person to understand his place in life. If a person fails to re-evaluate and, if necessary, correct the current way of life, he will not be able to really change himself and develop further. The core basis of the process of personal self-determination in a crisis of youth is professional activity, prospects for professional growth, and career. Men are experiencing this crisis more severely than women, which is explained by special social expectations regarding the professional career of men. As a rule, a man puts work first. This preference also manifests itself in youth, during the period of self-determination, when the questions “who to be? what should I be like?" But at the age of 30, the issue of professional growth becomes especially important. The thirties of life in public opinion and in one's own mind are the years when it is necessary to make a career. Upon completion of the period of initial entry into the profession, its mastery, with the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills (becoming a professional), the young man needs real confirmation of his professional achievements. If this does not happen after 4-5 years of independent work, then the young man develops emotional discomfort and unconscious dissatisfaction with work. If management is late in realizing that a young specialist has already “grown up” and artificially slows down his progress, then a conflict situation arises, inevitably leading to a deepening of the 30th anniversary crisis. The combination of these unfavorable factors increases the likelihood of changing jobs. The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a young man at 30 is complete disappointment in his professional activities. Researchers identify the following possible ways to resolve the professional crisis of youth. 1. Termination of professional growth - stabilization at the achieved level, limitation of professional aspirations and shift of main motives to other areas of life. 2. Strengthening one of the aspects of professional activity - choosing one of the most successful professional areas and improving qualifications without going beyond its narrow boundaries. 3. Constructive resolution - a professional finds new ways of development, leading to reaching a qualitatively different, higher professional level. 4. Destructive resolution - a breakdown expressed in conflicts, changing jobs, trying to start over. The path to resolving the crisis depends on the characteristics of the previous period, as well as on individual characteristics; it is closely related to the circumstances of life in general. The works of psychologists note that men and women experience the process of revising life goals differently in the period from 28 to 33 years. Men may change jobs or change their lifestyle, but their focus on work and career remains the same. Women at the age of 30 usually change the priorities established in their youth. Women who were previously focused on marriage and raising children are now increasingly attracted to professional goals; at the same time, those who devoted their energies to work now, as a rule, direct them into the bosom of family and marriage. Men's ideas about their future position and the world that will surround them are usually simpler and not as heterogeneous as those of women. Women, precisely because of the heterogeneity of their aspirations, find it much more difficult to achieve their goals than men. By the age of thirty, a person becomes a unique individual, with his own worldview, his own style of activity, way of life, social circle and manners of behavior. A person is at the peak of development of his intellectual capabilities. He went through a serious school of social and public life.


They say that 28 years is the worst age in a person’s life, is that true?

In Russia, any age after 25 and up to 30-35 (if not after 22) is bad if the person’s life develops dramatically. At this time, you are already overtaken by a midlife crisis and the burden of social expectations hangs more and more inexorably. For women, the situation is also aggravated in the light of motherhood: there are still people convinced that you need to give birth before 25, while you are young. The environment and mass culture, in turn, are strict towards men, because... I’ll be 30 soon, and by this time I absolutely need to get ahead in life and achieve serious success. Before you turn 25, a lot of things are forgiven; after that, public opinion becomes less and less loyal.

However, it should be taken into account that our whole life is a complete cognitive distortion, which in Russia (and the ex-USSR in general) is superimposed on the post-communist firmware, where there is no fundamental respect for privacy, for private life, private property and other people's personal space. It's normal for us to rummage through someone else's dirty laundry, peek through the keyhole, discuss someone's private life and unceremoniously teach everyone around us about life except ourselves. In addition, everyone around us owes us everything in advance.

We shamelessly look at the passport, soul and panties of strangers, without thinking at all, do I have the right to do this?..

In Europe, too, there is an increasingly widespread opinion that 30 years is still youth and only at 35-40 do people truly understand themselves, their mission and their needs. Only after 30 is it normal to get married and have children (of course, they do this there before 30, but much less often), because you have already matured completely, have smelled gunpowder and are relatively firmly on your feet.

In our Palestines, we often approach 30 squeezed like a lemon, having a history of a couple of failed marriages and small children from them, mortgage payments, a frayed psyche and already undermined health - after all, we started working at 18-20, combining this with study in the full-time department and even at parties. It's scary to think that you're 26, 27, 28, 29...

The wonderful period of real youth is compressed in the mass consciousness so eschatologically that at 25-30 we still do not enjoy life and ourselves, but already think in terms of 50-year-old burghers dreaming of grandchildren.


Seven-year cycles and age-related crises. Transformation - Women's Project by Veronica Khatskevich

Let's get acquainted with seven-year cycles and age-related crises. The system of age-related crises coincides with the system of seven-year cycles. And I will immediately mark next to each cycle what is the catalyst for the transition from one cycle to another and explain that in order to survive the next crisis period, a “closed” previous period is necessary, otherwise the cycle will repeat again.

From conception to birth, the divine cycle, the catalyst for the transition to the next cycle of accepting existence in this world; 0-7 years of formation - childhood, the catalyst for transition is active inclusion in society. 7-14 years old peers - adolescence, the catalyst for transition is the favorable attention of the opposite sex. 14-21 years old society is adolescence, the catalyst for the transition to the next period is psychological and actual separation from the parental family; 21-28 years old family - youth, the catalyst is bodily changes; 28-35 years old self-actualization - maturity, catalyst self-identification; 35-42 years old self-sufficiency, the transition is socialization; 42-49 years self-realization - ripeness, catalyst of spirituality; 49-56 years of age, catalyst of retribution to the world; 59-63 years old enlightenment - old age, catalyst purpose.

Age crises and what it means

A crisis is acceptance, living through your cycle in order to close the previous cycle and move on to the next.

Many people live to a certain age and seem to stop in their development, and now it’s Groundhog Day. And until he closes the previous crisis period and accepts it, he will remain fixated on his period and no fundamental changes will occur.

For example: A person divorced and remarried, a new family, children, it would seem that these are changes, new life, life should go differently, but no, everything continues the same. Unsolved problems of the marriage period of 28-35 years will be repeated again and again in subsequent marriages. A person has the feeling that he has done everything to change his life, but in the next marriage the same thing happens.

Let me give you some more examples from practice. A 35-year-old man demands admiration and delight from his wife, and daily care. They say about such men that we have another child in the house. When the wife is busy with her own affairs, the husband threatens to leave her. Surprisingly, many successful people actually live seven years from 0-7 years. A man is fixated on the dissatisfaction of his needs from 0-7 years.

Another example, a man, a successful businessman, 47 years old, single, single, no children, free time travels, dreams of a soul mate, but does nothing special for this. He does not have a closed cycle of 21-28 years.

A 28-year-old woman is offended by her father because he doesn’t communicate with her much and rarely calls. It is obvious here that a woman has a crisis not at 28 years old, but at 7-14 years old.

An elderly woman, 63 years old. She does not communicate with her children, considers them traitors, and does not meet with her grandchildren, since they themselves must figure out how to find an approach to her. Sick of cancer. This woman's crisis corresponds to the period before birth.

How to get into your seven-year plan and what to do in it?

1. Ask yourself a question: is it more important for me now to receive love or to give. If you receive it, then from whom more? If you give, then to whom most.2. Compare your biological age with the solved and unsolved problems of the seven-year-old, try to identify the gaps. From 0 to 28 years old we receive love. From 28 to 56 and more we give love.

From conception to birth in the womb, it is normal for a child to feel that the world loves and supports him, and that everything that happens is out of love. Children are born into the world full of bliss, they believe that they got here and this is good and natural.

If a person has the feeling that the world is a fierce struggle, that everything must be done by oneself, that one cannot rely on anyone and cannot trust anyone, that there is no room for error and self-aggression, this indicates that the first cycle is empty. And it needs to be replenished.

Psychosomatics with a shortage in this cycle: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, traumatic conditions. Complement this cycle with meditation with the content and filling that the world and the universe gives help, replenishes strength, and performs that part of the work that a person is not capable of.

Your thoughts in meditation: the world loves me, I exist, I am part of this world. If your cycle from conception to birth is complete, you should have basic trust in the world, a clear feeling that the world accepts you and I am needed in this world, I am in demand here, they are waiting for me here.

From 0-7 years

The deficiency manifests itself in doubts, inadequacy, inferiority complex, emotional restlessness, anxiety, complaints and dislike for parents.

How to replenish? If you have grievances against your parents or one parent, then you do not need to make claims against your living parents, you need to learn to cope on your own. Experts and numerous practitioners will help you with this. I suggest you “rent” your parents among like-minded people or in psychotherapy. For some time, one of your like-minded people may become your parent and you can express what you would like to tell him, get feedback from the parent: take the position of a parent and answer yourself from his role, you need to improve the relationship with parents without bothering real parents.

You can also learn to receive parental love. You have an inner parent and an inner child. Become an ideal parent for yourself, support yourself in everything, praise and encourage. This is also where we work with parental introjects. I will tell you more about this next time and tell you how to work with them.

From 7-14 years old

How to determine that this cycle is not full. If your life is mundane, lack of entertainment. You can replenish it with friendship, carefree pastime, games, humor, maintain relationships with old friends or make new ones.

The main task of this age is play. If the cycle is not filled, then a person will fill this gap all his life with the help of games and carefree pastime.

An adult must be able to work, provide for himself, take care of himself, satisfy his needs and still have time for games. From all this we can say that all 3 cycles of a person are closed, the person copes and moves on.

From 14-21 years old

During this period, it is important to learn to receive love from peers and like-minded people through hobbies of interest, to do something and somewhere other than work and communicating with friends. It must be some other people with similar hobbies. These could be sports sections, concerts, interest clubs, etc.

If you did not complete this cycle between the ages of 14 and 21, you will continue to play it out throughout your life until you complete this period.

Period from 21-28 years

You need to work with this period when you have covered all previous cycles. If a person has basic trust in the world, he feels and knows that his parents love him, that he has friends, home leisure, hobbies, like-minded people who will support him, and only then can he practice self-love.

From 21-28 years old, this is the period of learning self-love, provided the previous cycles are closed. This is the last cycle in which we receive love from ourselves and use this love as a resource. The need to subsequently demand attention and love from others during other periods of the cycle disappears and, moreover, we will learn to give it.

An important question to ask yourself: who am I and what do I want for myself?

During this period, it is very important to get out of your everyday environment and feel free. You need to learn to move from your usual position, point, and be among new people different from you.

It is important to discover your shadow (hidden) essence and connect with it. All people have their own shadow and during this period people first learn to get in touch with their shadow part. And self-love can only happen when you have fully accepted all your shadow sides. By the way, most diseases are healed when a person finds his shadow aspect masking the disease.

In the cycle of 21-28 years, it is important to reflect on your desires and satisfy them for several days every day.

Period from 28-35 years

This is the period when a person can honestly and truly love and not lie. People learn to love only at this age.

In our culture it is very difficult to imagine that at 28-35 you have just learned to love. We tend to think that as soon as a person enters into a relationship, he must love someone. Sometimes you look at families, they are 20 years old, they already have children, but they have not yet really learned to love themselves, not to mention the fact that they have not communicated with peers, have not found like-minded people, have not played enough with friends at home, and maybe they have a feeling that their parents don’t love them and the world doesn’t really need them, but they already have two children. Unfortunately, this is the case in our culture.

IN Western culture At this age, people start long-term relationships and there is no question of a family with children. I will say that at the age of 27-28 it is normal to want children and by the age of 35 some people learn to love their children, taking into account the fact that all cycles are closed. Otherwise, a person deprived of love “raises” a traumatist.

If in the previous part you learned to love yourself, recognized all your shadow aspects, then in ideal you no longer transfer your shadow parts onto your long-term partners, do not project them onto others, but accept your partners as they are. During this period, interdependence and mutual attachments are formed. If we talk about interdependence, then there are certain phases of partnerships. It all starts with fusion and ends with a mature relationship or interdependence.

28-35 is the search for physical and spiritual intimacy with a partner, the creation of long-term passion for a partner and the creation of a romantic relationship with one specific partner.

Period from 35-42 years

35-42 years is a cycle in which a person selflessly gives of himself. Man unconditionally loves those who depend on him. A person in the 35-42 cycle develops due to the fact that he gives his love free of charge, and this only happens at this age. And this is a natural impulse and need to care, patronize and truly love. And it is very important that a person gives not to his partner, but to children and animals.

Period from 45-49 years

45-49 years old reward to the social environment. Not all people can do charity from the heart, not because it is decent, necessary and because it is compensation for guilt before someone, but precisely because they want to do it and it is a natural impulse of the soul. This is joining volunteer activities, social projects, helping the poor, environmental organizations, etc.

Only at the age of 45-49 does a person awaken to a crisis desire to give back to his social environment. 49-56 years cycle of retribution to the world. This is the promotion of one’s political ideals, views, worldviews, and ideas on a global scale. At the age of 49-56 people begin to do this seriously, they have a natural impulse and they do it because the previous seven-year plans are closed, they have solved all their problems and therefore the need for this activity awakens.

During this period, it is very important to expand the horizons of your life, if possible, then go on a long-term journey, it is important to come into contact with other cultures, to show your facets, your own self, to show your culture and ideals.

56 years or older

56 years and more is service to God, the universe, the matrix, the creator if you like. And this is where you come into contact with your purpose. After 56 years people go into wisdom.

Unfortunately, in our culture there are a huge number of people who, at 56 years old, are stuck in the cycle from conception to birth and from 0-7 years. That is, they expect that someone will take care of them, that someone will encourage them, that someone will help them, they are ready to accept love, but not give it. But here the task is the opposite - to learn to give our love, which we have already received a long time ago.


Age crises in adults

Age crises in adults

Age-related crises in adults occur regardless of their social status and financial well-being. Overcoming such crises changes people's lives depending on how they are handled correctly. Knowledge general patterns such conditions allows you to successfully overcome them.

The stages of human development change depending on his age. This is not only a physiological concept. This is personal, professional, family, psychological maturation. Life attitudes change with age, and this does not always happen painlessly for the soul and psyche. A change in worldview, career status, marital status, etc. causes a change in old habitual ideas.

Crisis stages in adults

We have already said that approximately every 7 years a new stage arises in a person’s life, during which the forms of relationships with the world are renewed.

Youth crises

The age of 21 characterizes the onset of one of the important periods, both for the person himself and for his parents. By this time, full maturation had set in, and sufficient social experience had been acquired. Most boys and girls study, work, communicate with the opposite sex and are ready for an independent life. If at this time parents take care of such “children” without giving them the opportunity to self-actualize, then they will delay the progress of the matured person and will be responsible for subsequent problems in his life.

Age crises of 21 years require fulfillment of life, career or business tasks. This time is a springboard for preparing for family and financial well-being. Received previous education will increase the likelihood of achieving success regardless of whether the person continues to work in the profession or not. Anyone who does not have an education can succeed, but it will require many times more effort and time. If the educational stage is not completed, then the subsequent period will be more painful and overcoming the next age crisis will be more difficult.

This is a time of not only great opportunities, but, if not passed correctly, great losses. There are young people who want to earn a lot of money, but do not want to put in the effort. They think that it will take a lot of time, but they have no desire to wait, they want everything at once. “Why should I learn professionalism and hone my knowledge? After all, I will start earning good money only in five years, and that’s such a long time!” - this is how some of them think, racking their brains over the idea of ​​making quick money. Some young people listen to broadcasters from the Internet about the uselessness of education and believe in the ability to easily earn money while sitting at a computer. 3 - 5 years pass, big money is not earned, and time for study and opportunities are missed. All that's left is disappointment Bad mood and uncertainty...

The age period of 21-28 is one of the most productive for self-realization in the future, you need to appreciate it. The better the preparation based on the knowledge gained, the greater the desire to develop, the more successful the subsequent years will be. The most favorable age for starting a family is coming, 26-29 years.

Age crises 28 years

They are associated with an analysis of the path traveled and a critical revision of one’s personality. A person at this age begins to regret if he wasted time and wasted energy doing unproductive things. He understands that much cannot be changed. Choosing the wrong profession and starting a family too early limit the possibilities of the future. There is a growing need to reconsider your life plans.

The period of 28-35 years is the result of the previous stage. If a person has passed it correctly, he moves from good to better, to his financial success.

Middle age crisis

Age crises of 35 years arise due to emotions that were expressed earlier. They accumulate and begin to enter the physical plane, forcing a person to think about his health. At 35 years old, it is not advisable to change your usual job and think about building a new business.

From 35 to 42 years old there is a change in worldview, habitual points of view, and attitudes. As a person develops, he abandons some of the solution methods as ineffective at this stage of development. During this period, it is necessary to take stock and set new tasks related to the development of the soul. Some become interested in religion. Although a person is already wise with experience and age, he can fall into the networks of various sects, since the soul requires development, enlightenment and answers to troubling questions. Finding a way to yourself without intermediaries will be the best way out.

During this period of life, the development of the soul can give a qualitative impetus to strengthen successful financial opportunities.

Age crises of 42 years are also associated with personality development. Sometimes a woman between the ages of 42 and 49 has an obsessive thought about having a child. But the desire to give birth is nothing more than the need, not understood by her, to be born herself into a new creative, spiritual concept. A person must open up internally and know himself more deeply, increase his spiritual and social potential.

Crisis of Seven Sevens

Age crises of 49 years mark 7 stages of life of 7 years. 49 years of age tests its owner's strength. The more mature and wise a person has reached such a figure, the easier and calmer he will go through this important stage of his development.

Age-related crises in adults should be viewed not as a catastrophe, but as an exam, after passing which with a good grade, the student is admitted to a new stage of his psychological maturity...


Women's models of behavior during the crisis of their thirties. Psychology

Typically, the crisis begins at the age of 28–32, when the processes of reassessment of values ​​and goals, search for a place in adult society are most pronounced, conflicts of adolescence are finally resolved, and new responsibilities are acquired.

People differ in their behavior patterns depending on the choices they made in their twenties. It is believed that each behavior model has its own set of psychological problems related to how effectively a person solves his development problems.

Women's behavior patterns

“Caring”: features of self-identification

Such women get married around the age of 20 (or earlier) and do not plan to go beyond the role of a housewife. They fail to solve the problems that a person faces at the age of twenty: gaining autonomy and independence, forming an identity, a holistic image of “I” that combines different elements of personality. A woman can break away from her parents and family, but still not become independent: her husband still takes on parental functions (economic and control).

With this model, there are several possibilities for pathological identification: through the husband and his achievements, through children, through sex and through hoarding.

When identified through her husband, a woman faces the loss of her own individuality. Status is gained through the husband's achievements and possession of things.

Another identification possibility is to become a mother. The birth of a child serves as “proof” of the feminine essence. Therefore, many unemployed women continue to give birth again and again, not knowing what to do with themselves. In the future, when children grow up and leave home, solving the problem of finding oneself will become even more difficult.

Sex can be a cure for boredom and routine life, but it cannot be a full-fledged means of self-identification. Trying to assert herself through sex, a housewife often begins to look for pleasure on the side.

The crisis of the thirtieth birthday finds a woman with a “caring” model of behavior unprepared and vulnerable to the blows of fate: she is deprived of independence, passive, economically dependent, and has no education or profession. The task of development is complicated by family problems and a lag in the professional sphere from peers. With a negative resolution of the crisis, regression to the previous stage of development and the emergence of neuroses are possible.

“Either-Or”: An Efficient Model

These women at 20 must make a choice between love and children or work and education. There are 2 types of such women: some put off thoughts about a career until a later date, but, unlike the “caring” ones, after some time they still intend to make a career. Others seek to complete their education first, postponing motherhood, and often marriage, to a later period.

In the first case, the advantage is that the woman gets the opportunity to do a lot of internal work, which will help her in the future accurately determine her priorities. Unlike “caring” women, such women have overcome the crisis of transition from early adolescence to adulthood, defined life goals (family, work), laid the foundation for future career. The danger of this development model is that if the resolution of the crisis is postponed to a later date, there may be a loss of professional skills and increased competition among peers.

Studies of women who chose the second type of “either-or” model are quite small. Typically, such women are the firstborn in the family; their mothers have no influence on them. The typical content of a crisis is a sudden realization that they have little time left, a feeling of loneliness. Women begin to visit doctors, change partners, and try to get married. The problem is that it is difficult for an independent woman who has reached a certain position to find an equal partner; men often tend to fear them.

There is also a group of women who manage to balance reciprocity with individuality. They first make a career, and then get married and become mothers around the age of 30. This model is the most effective: its advantage is that events can be planned, and the woman becomes more prepared for the crisis of her thirtieth birthday.

"Integrators": main difficulties

Such women try to combine marriage and motherhood with a career. The content of the crisis is that the woman feels tired, overwhelmed by tasks, guilty before her family, and she constantly has to sacrifice something. According to some researchers, a woman is able to combine these roles only by the age of 35.

Often women cannot withstand the stress and for some time refuse either work or marriage and raising children. Others find a more positive way out, redistributing household responsibilities with their husbands, working part-time, using the services of nannies.

Modern family models and certain progress in the views of society suggest many positive ways out of such a crisis.

“Women who never get married,” including nannies, educators, and “office wives.” Some women from this group are homosexual, some refuse sex altogether. Some become community workers and direct their creative abilities to caring for the world. However, there are also women who are ready to exclude all other attachments in order to devote their lives to famous people.

“Unsustainable”: crisis every day

At the age of 20, such women choose impermanence, travel through life, changing place of residence, occupation and sexual partners. A woman who has chosen this model of behavior prefers not to be defined in any way in life: she does not have a regular income, often wanders and, as a rule, has an immature personality, low self-esteem, lives for today.

Contents of the crisis: by the age of 30, a woman gets tired of the “free life” and faces the problem of further self-determination. In fact, it must solve the problems of both adolescence and thirty years of age. In extreme cases, development may be delayed to such an extent that the person is unable to enter the next period. He feels overwhelmed by new challenges while he struggles with old ones. Often women from the “unstable” category are at risk: they are characterized by destructive behavior and alcohol and drug abuse. If the outcome of the crisis is negative, the problems worsen and the woman becomes “stuck” at the teenage stage.


When a woman goes crazy (or has a midlife crisis)

It is human nature to dream. In childhood and adolescence, we believe that all dreams will come true. And they actually come true, we achieve many of our goals. But sooner or later an age comes in which a feeling of dead end, precipice, and fading of the “life drive” arises. And usually in a situation of complete success and well-being, in “middle age”, when the strength, opportunities, and potential are still great, but it feels like there is nowhere else to rise. Its main feature is a feeling of emptiness and loss of meaning in life.

What is this notorious crisis, at what age does it occur, does it happen to women and how to actually cope with it?

Many articles have been written about the male version of this disease. Well, it really is more difficult for men - at 40-45 they reassess their values, and more is demanded from them, and they have to structure their life mainly through work. And therefore we, women, are recommended to be more tolerant. We must forgive our partners for their bad mood, gloomy appearance and other accompanying signs of crisis.

However, what if women also have a midlife crisis? This usually happens ten years earlier: mainly due to the fact that a woman is forced social role“a product in a beautiful package,” namely, that its main value is its appearance, and more specifically, “freshness and youth.” There is still a belief that a woman after thirty is supposedly already “on her way out of the fair” and definitely begins to lose her “marketable appearance.” And women are greatly influenced by this ridiculous stereotype.

At 30-35 years old, a woman may have the feeling that time is not endless, and then the need to realize: “What am I living for? Am I going there? What else do I want to achieve? What should you make the most important thing in your life now? And then... Someone changes their profession, someone gets divorced, someone gets married, someone gives birth to a child, someone takes a lover, someone learns to draw, sculpt, sing, etc.

If a woman after 30 is still or no longer married, she begins to rush around, rush and can commit rash acts (as people say: “blows the roof off”...). If there is no child, then the leading question becomes childbirth. Children are an important confirmation that a woman has not lived half her life in vain. Children can also justify some “shortcomings”, for example, not finishing college, because a child appeared, recovered after childbirth, etc.

For married women, a midlife crisis usually awaits when the child is ready for separation. If he leaves, the parents begin to quarrel, because now topics of family conflicts emerge that were previously hushed up, postponed and not resolved. To avoid dangerous clarifications, a woman can turn her attention towards the other partner.

The new body image of a “middle-aged woman” is also causing protest. Closer to forty, metabolic processes in a woman’s body slow down, muscle mass decreases, and the amount of fat increases. And this is a natural process. In addition, it is “warmed up” by stress and anxiety. When stressed, the level of the “alarming” hormone cortisol increases, which provokes the active proliferation of fat cells. A powerful release of cortisol can also be triggered by lack of sleep or a hectic nightlife...

There are women who are more family-oriented, and there are those whose main focus is their career. If both work and family are important to a woman, then such a woman in the middle of her life evaluates herself on two counts, and, of course, is more critical of herself, because It is difficult to be an equally good specialist and a good mother and wife. And she experiences a “midlife crisis” violently and painfully.

However, this is a time not only of the pain of loss, but also of the joy of gain.

“A midlife crisis” is an opportunity to think about yourself and your life, to sum up some intermediate results, to evaluate from the height of your own experience what you have succeeded in, what you can be proud of, and what you want to improve, correct, change while there is still time and resources. If much did not happen in accordance with our dreams, then the main feelings are shame, guilt, bitterness. Then it is necessary to mourn unfulfilled hopes, grieve over missed opportunities, before setting new goals and looking for new meanings. A psychologist can help here. He won’t write a list of new life goals for you, but he will help you analyze your condition and potential. Together you will find not only a way out of the crisis, but also an entrance into a new period of your life.

The most important thing during this period is to focus on what you can do, and not on what you may not be able to do. Instead of suffering, think about what you are proud of and don’t forget to praise yourself! Be realistic and accept that not all dreams come true. By the way, it is not yet known what would happen to you if everything you dreamed about in at a young age, was realized in life.

Don't judge yourself harshly. We often want to do everything “to the highest standards,” but we can evaluate our life in different ways. The main thing is to place the emphasis correctly, to note not only your mistakes (by the way, they are the ones who made you wiser), but also obvious successes. A crisis is always accompanied by a restructuring of personality and a restructuring of relationships. Answer yourself honestly: in what ways is your relationship with your partner satisfying you, and in what ways is it not, and tell him about it. If a crisis finds you alone, try to understand whether you need a partner, what kind of relationship is right for you, what you can do to meet such a man.

It is advisable to learn psychological techniques relieving stress in order to slow down the mechanism of development of diseases and aging, for the same purpose it is worth reviewing your daily menu and introducing habits healthy eating. Strive to maintain psychological youth - to feel active, interested, enthusiastic.

In order not to cultivate your longing and suffering for supposedly lost youth, beauty and unrealized opportunities, do something new. Sign up for a dance class, go to the pool, start teaching new language, complete the training “Between us girls...” which is designed specifically for solving crisis women’s problems. There can be many options. The main thing is that you find life interesting! The crisis at the end gives new strength and energy, or calmness and humility. And if these acquisitions make you happier, then the crisis was good for you. And you will turn from a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly...

Lyudmila Di

Psychologist, group psychotherapist


Age crisis in women - Notes of a cheerful pessimist

It is not true that only men experience a crisis. Looking back, I can say with certainty how a woman’s crisis progresses.

It usually comes closer to thirty. A woman suddenly begins to feel that her youth is gone. She acutely feels that she is getting old. She perceives every manifestation of age as a personal drama. She buys anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging lotions, and begins to visit beauty salons more and more often. She goes on a diet, although her curves suit her. On nervous soil and because of the diet, her body is overtaken by various ailments - suddenly heart problems appear, hair begins to fall out, and other diseases I don’t even want to describe. Her sleep becomes fitful, most often she has nightmares, and even more often - nothing at all, a black void. Since a nervous disorder is adjacent to workaholism (this is also a neurosis), she often falls asleep while doing paperwork. She has a persistent feeling that she has not managed to do something in this life, and that life is going downhill. Although money is getting better and better.

And of course, she blames everything on the only person who is always there - her husband. It is his fault that she works so much and sleeps so little. That she's sick. What gets old. It is he who is the obstacle to her easy life, because she remembers student years- it was so fun. And most importantly, because of him she cannot feel like a woman...

Then the throwing begins. Cheating seems to be bad. But her husband is a jerk and probably won’t even notice if she starts a little affair on the side. Moreover, friends advise that an affair will not harm the marriage, but will only strengthen it. Oh, these friends! And suddenly a completely handsome and unmarried man turns up. And he, it seems, is not against easy, non-binding relationships. And everything happens so quickly. And running after work on dates, she really does feel rejuvenated. And there seems to be more energy.

Only here's the problem. The husband, it turns out, feels everything and notices everything. And he doesn’t want to understand and accept this simple and accessible cure for a midlife crisis. And then comes this sharp kick in the gut - he, tired of the worries, also suddenly found someone else - and younger, and curvier, and her career is also all-top. And she already feels how keenly she really loved her husband all these years. And finally she feels that her life is finally falling apart just now. And before everything was fine. And that next to her, in general, is some kind of nonentity. Most importantly, he is very alien. And he knows how to lie. As it turns out over time.

But beloved men do not know how to forgive betrayals. That's how they are built. Because they are men. They don't understand this age-related women's crisis. They don't want to understand. And although sometimes it hurts and even goes away...

And then she builds a new life. After all, time heals. And everything seems to fall into place, and the crisis passes. And the new relationship is not bad at all. They don’t have the former sharpness, but they are mature, because these are the relationships of an adult woman who has gone through a crisis. But sometimes it becomes excruciatingly painful again - because something real is missing, something that will never return.

Women are also experiencing a crisis. Closer to thirty. Don't forget about this.

Pitfalls of the 30th anniversary, what you should prepare for in advance

Early adulthood and the 30th birthday trap

Having reached the age of thirty, we begin to experience some kind of restless revival. Almost all of us want to make some changes in our lives. If a man has obediently fulfilled his duty, occupying one of the levels in the corporation, he begins to feel that he has grown beyond this position. If a man for a long time studied, for example, medicine, then during this period of his life he will be puzzled: life consists of continuous work, and there is no place for games here. A woman who has been sitting at home since childhood strives to expand her horizons during this period. If she was striving to achieve a career, she now feels a strong need for emotional attachments. The impulse of expansion often brings us to action before we realize what we are missing out on. "

The limitations we feel as we approach thirty are echoes of the choices we made in our twenties, even though the choices we made were necessary at that stage of development. But now we feel differently. We realize now that some aspect of life was not taken into account before.

Developmental psychology examines periods of personality development in accordance with certain principles:

- stages of development. The sequence of one stage after another, they cannot change places; and it is impossible to skip any stage. At each stage there are certain tasks.

For each stage your sensitive period , those. Each stage necessarily occurs at one age or another. For example, for the development of speech, the sensitive period is 2-2.5 years; phonemics, when the semantic content of speech differs, is formed by 3 years.

- heterochrony as a principle developmental psychology. Something in a person is in its rise, and something is in its decline (something is aging, and something has not yet been born).

By the age of 27-28, the “30th Anniversary Trap” crisis begins and lasts until about 33 years of age.

Signs of a trap:
The experience of time changes - life goes on, but something is missing, for others everything happens, but for me it doesn’t. On the one hand, people are active, but on the other hand they feel that something important is not happening, everything is somehow monotonous. If the choice of family or profession is not very successful, the severity of the crisis increases.

We find ambiguity and persistence, these unmistakable signs that a man has entered the transition to the age of thirty, in Georg Blecher’s short story “The Death of a Russian Short Story.”
“Sometimes I sit down and say to myself:

“Listen, you are thirty years old now. At best, you'll live another fifty. But what are you doing? You drag yourself through life with effort. You always want something. But you will never be satisfied with what you have, and you will always admire what you don’t have. Chew your cutlet, friend. Eat it with pleasure and joy. Love your wife. Have children. Love your friends and have the courage to tell those people who put you down that they are devils and that you would like to leave them. Be brave, friend, and have a good appetite!”

During the intervening period of twenty-eight to thirty-two years, new choices must be made and inner orientations must change or deepen. There are big changes, confusion and the usual crisis in your work, which is accompanied by a contradictory feeling: you feel like you are standing on your own two feet, and at the same time you want to break out of it all. A period of transition gives way to a more stable and established period of rooting and expansion.

Usually at this age there is a feeling that the life you have been building since you were twenty is falling apart. This means finding a different path that leads to new ideas. Divorce, or at least a serious analysis of the marriage union, is possible. People who have enjoyed being single and childless suddenly feel the urge to enter into a traditional marriage, have children and stay home with them. This is how a brave, although often clumsy, struggle begins with the positive and negative qualities. We must select and retain the qualities that have been implanted in us since childhood, add to them the qualities and abilities that distinguish us as individuals, and put the whole package back into a broader form. Expansion and opening of internal boundaries makes it possible to begin to unite those aspects of our inner self that have been hidden until now.

As they enter their thirties, most people select their most meaningful personal connections and continue to create their home. Almost every married person checks their internal guidelines. In some cases, the question comes down to the following: does he want to maintain the family union? At least sometimes the marriage contract requires revision in the light of new facts that we have learned about ourselves or which we would not like to know, since we have great difficulty in parting with our illusions. However, the transition to the age of thirty stimulates a subtle psychological shift on all fronts. The “I” simply begins to take more value than the “other.” The strong desire for expansion begins to overpower the need for security. Energy begins to come from within.

At the age of 28, a person has long been formed, everything goes “as planned”, without bringing surprises. Further life turns out to be familiar and boring. Therefore, many are drawn to add variety to their lives. Sometimes such diversity becomes something unpredictable, and sometimes even unpleasant for loved ones.

A person pays the main attention to his hobby, devoting all his free time to it. Satisfaction comes from successfully completing work, achieving the desired result in work and hobbies.

Physiology of age

The person has a lot of energy. Mental activity and physical strength are at their peak. The downside is laziness and fatigue. A person gets tired at work, tired after working with children. Due to uneven nutrition and the desire to “just lie down and relax,” excess weight may appear. With such a rhythm of life, energy cannot always find a way out, so sometimes breakdowns and quarrels occur.

Age statistics

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period (25-29 years) is 11,165 thousand people. Of these, 5,576 thousand are men, 5,589 thousand are women.

Of the population of this age group, only 12.9% are employed in the Russian economy

You were born in 1990 or 1991

1990 — August 6. The UN Security Council approved a resolution imposing a military and trade embargo against Iraq. A protracted oil and military conflict with Iraq began.

November 22. She publicly announced her resignation " The Iron Lady» world politics Margaret Thatcher is the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

December. A referendum was held in Croatia regarding secession from Yugoslavia. The overwhelming majority of citizens voted to leave. The formal disintegration of Yugoslavia began.

1991 - The 25th of January. Iraq is dumping oil reserves into the Persian Gulf. This threatens an environmental disaster.

December 8th. Representatives of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine sign an agreement on the Creation of a Commonwealth of Independent States, to which 5 more countries of the former Soviet Union join on December 21.

December 25th. USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev resigns. The USSR officially ceases to exist.

1992 - February 2. In many CIS countries, economic reform began, which consisted of price liberalization - the abolition of centralized price controls.

The beginning of the era of GSM communications. This year, Germany launched a GSM communication system, which was subsequently used as a prototype for many operators around the world.

The 4th of October. Government tanks are shooting at the White House in Moscow. As a result of the incident, 150 people die. The system of power in Russia has changed dramatically. This marked the beginning of the creation of a presidential-parliamentary republic.

12 December. Referendum on the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation. 58.4% of citizens were in favor of adoption.

1994 - January 31. The first images from the Hubble Space Telescope, which photographs galaxies at an early stage of their development, were demonstrated.

the 6th of May. The Channel Tunnel, connecting England and France, was opened. total length The tunnel is 50 kilometers long, 38 kilometers are laid under the sea itself.

December 11th. Fighting began in the Chechen Republic. The troops of the Russian Federation begin fighting. The fighting did not stop until an agreement was signed to end the war in Khasavyurt (until 08/30/1996).

The first book on CD appeared in the USA. By the end of the year, most encyclopedias had been created or translated into this format.

1995 - 20th of March. Nerve gas was used in the Tokyo subway in Japan, killing 5,000 people and killing 12. On May 16, Soko Asahara, the leader of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo, was arrested.

The first artificial liver was tested, performed by German surgeon Peter Neu Haus.

1996 - 4th of July. B.N. Yeltsin becomes President of the Russian Federation for the second time. This is the first time the same person has been re-elected to the post of President of Russia.

A test began to be used to detect AIDS. Proteins produced by the virus were detected in the blood, which made it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

1997 - February 22. Scottish scientists announced the birth of the only surviving embryo, a clone of an adult sheep. Dolly was born on July 5, 1996 without any abnormalities and lived until February 14, 2003 as an ordinary sheep.

4th of July. A rover designed to collect and analyze Martian soils has landed on the surface of Mars.

1998 — August 17. In Russia, the ruble depreciated, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government resigned.

September 24. The first transplant of a limb from a deceased patient to a living one took place. A hand and forearm were transplanted in the city of Lyon, France.

12 December. The first organ transplant to a child was performed in the United States. A three-year-old Florida boy received a heart, lung and liver transplant at a Pennsylvania hospital.

1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to paying in the new European currency – the euro.

March 24. The first NATO air raid was carried out on Yugoslavia. The US invaded a sovereign state that was not threatened by a third party.

2000 - 26 March. Election of V.V. Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation. The official inauguration took place on May 7.

A robotic developmental doll has been created in the USA. She knew how to talk, laugh, cry, blink, make grimaces. In the process of communicating with people, she increased her vocabulary and reached the development level of a two-year-old child.

The first medicinal products were created in Novosibirsk, the prefix “Bifido” was added to the usual name. They contain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent the development of pathogenic microbes and nourish the body with B vitamins and vitamin K. Such products quickly gained popularity among buyers.

2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

11 September. The largest terrorist attack in world history was committed in the United States. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged, the Trade Center was destroyed, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

October. After 50 years, restoration has begun railway between North and South Korea.

October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, all the terrorists were killed during the assault by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

1st of May. The European Union has expanded its scope with the inclusion of ten new countries.

2005 - 5 January. Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system, has been discovered.

2006 - March 29. On the territory of Russia it was possible to observe the first in the XXI full eclipse sun.

24 August. Scientists have stripped Pluto of its planetary status. This decision was made at the congress of the International Astronomy Union in Prague, Czech Republic.

2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

November 4. Presidential elections took place in the United States. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of the state.

2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - 18th of March. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

April 10th. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynskaya, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures(total 97 people).

First created living cell, in which its own DNA was replaced with DNA created artificially. Humanity has received new tools for developing technologies for artificially growing organs.

2011 - 11th of March. In Japan, off the northeastern coast, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

May 2. Osama bin Laden, the “No. 1” terrorist in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack, was killed.

September 7. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the Lokomotiv hockey club, which was flying to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the PussyRiot group took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

December 1. Russia has headed the G20 (G20), a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest heavenly body, collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

February, 15. Asteroid 2012 DA14 flew by at the minimum distance from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the entire history of astronomy.

18th of March. Putin V.V. signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This agreement comes into force from the moment of ratification by the Federal Assembly - March 21.

2015 - Jan. 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.

What should a modern man be like?

What should a man look like? Respectably. In any situation.

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Be attractive to women.

Have your own individual style of existence, which consists of an endless series of styles: behavior, communication, habits, clothing.

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A manual for real, active, successful men, and not those who spend their lives imagining that they play in films.

Whoever you are and no matter how old you are, but only if you are not a woman.

All materials posted on the site cannot be reproduced or used in any way without placing an active link to the main page of the site Men's site www.parniok.ru next to the materials used.

Ten the best professions for a successful man

What happens if you stop swinging

Will I become fat if I quit the gym?

Will muscles turn into fat if you stop exercising?

Does skin sag when a person quits bodybuilding?

Such naive questions and statements are found on bodybuilding forums and heard in the conversations of guys during training. But the topic of stopping exercise has been thoroughly studied by doctors from the Research Institute of Cosmonautics and Sports Biochemistry, as it concerns not only jocks, but also astronauts (what happens to muscles during periods of weightlessness), and patients after serious injuries.

The answers here are clear:

Curious facts about Schwarzenegger

Today, few people know that the Hollywood star, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, was born into a poor Austrian family in the village of Tal, near the city of Graz. According to the actor’s own recollections, they lived so modestly that there were no amenities of civilization, not even a television, and all amenities were in the yard.

Secrets of muscle growth

Somehow, imperceptibly, people began to switch to healthy image life. More and more young boys and girls can be seen in gyms, and not with a glass of vodka or a cigarette in their hands. And this is good. But the main thing in this matter is not just to start training, but to see the results. This is the only way to maintain enthusiasm and continue to grow.

How to drink beer “with taste”?

When you enter a query about the correct consumption of beer, similar pages pop up with serious explanations and a description of the well-thought-out technology for absorbing this drink. What if you don’t take this pleasant matter seriously? Many people know which glass is better to choose, what temperature to maintain, what not to mix with, etc. Our task is an experiment during which you can dispel the melancholy and just have fun.

If you have a choice: to stretch or not to stretch the ceiling

Top 10 most popular male entertainment

The black humor of the Russian classic says: if you fall asleep for a hundred years, wake up and ask what they are doing in Russia, the answer will be obvious: they drink and steal! You can agree or argue with this, but there is a grain of truth. But with regards to traditional and popular men's entertainment, they are changing dramatically! And what was exclusively fashionable twenty years ago is now fading into the background, leaving honorary leadership positions to more fashionable leisure activities. Here is a selection of the most popular entertainment for men of the 1910s.

Crisis of 30 years in men. How to overcome a midlife crisis

Everyone knows that men, by definition, are considered representatives of the stronger sex of humanity. In principle, this statement is 100% true, however, even the strongest physically and morally stable person sometimes experiences periods in life when he does not understand where and what exactly he is going for, what he wants in the future, his soul is boiling. dissatisfaction with your existing achievements. The crisis of 30 years in men is precisely characterized by such manifestations of the internal state. We’ll talk about the life of a man in his early thirties in this article.

At the age of thirty, almost every normal man subjects the most thorough analysis of what he has already completed. life path, defines its achievements and fiasco. At the same time, the person finds out that although life has already more or less developed financially, his personality is still far from the desired perfection, and a lot of time was spent completely in vain and he did much less than he generally could have done. The crisis of 30 years for men is, in fact, a moment of maximum reassessment of values, a close and attentive revision of one’s inner “I”. Even a successful macho understands that he cannot change many things. This is where the stumbling block arises: I really want to “change and change something.” The realization of this desire depends on many factors, but in general the key points are only willpower, diligence and hard work. After all, it has long been known that folk wisdom, which says that patience and work will grind everything down, is more relevant than ever today.

Gender feature

Most often, the crisis of 30 years in men manifests itself primarily in dissatisfaction with their position at work and financial situation. That is why strong people at this moment they decide to change their profession, while leaving the desire for career heights at the same level.

Typical Behaviors

With his 30th birthday, a man acquires certain skills and life experience. At this age, representatives of the stronger sex very often behave on the basis of the three psychological models described below.

“Unstable” are men who do not have any clear life guidelines and goals set at an earlier age, and continue to experiment like eighteen-year-old boys. Such people can grab onto many things, but none of them will be completed. They do not have the slightest idea about what kind of profession is ideal for them, what specifically attracts them, and in general they do not strive for certainty and any kind of constancy in life.

The crisis for such men manifests itself directly in the fact that they float very inertly with the flow of life, destroying themselves from the inside. Although in fairness it is worth noting that in some cases the “unstable” are able to achieve a positive result, this happens in cases where endless experiments help them form a clear basis for the final choice.

Average option

“Closed” are perhaps the most common category of people. Men of this type quite calmly, without any problems or scrupulous self-analysis, define their goals at the age of 20. They strictly adhere to the chosen path, are very reliable, but still morally suppressed.

The crisis for such men manifests itself in the fact that they may begin to regret that in the early years of their life they did not explore it as much as possible and did not conduct experiments. However, brave people can very well use their thirties to their advantage: they begin to destroy their stereotyped “sense of duty” if the peaks they have achieved in their career no longer suit them.

"Wunderkinds". Almost each of them is a business man who at one time achieved success before his peers, overcame the most difficult professional trials, climbed to the top, although sometimes he does not stay there. As a rule, for such older guys the line between personal life and work merges into a single whole. With their 30th birthday, such men begin to be afraid to admit to themselves that they do not know and can do everything. They are also afraid to let people get too close to them, because there is an all-consuming fear that someone will find out about their weaknesses and secrets.

Why is the thirty-year crisis dangerous?

The severity and drama with which a man experiences a midlife crisis can vary for a number of reasons. This is easily explained, because each person has his own characteristics. Therefore, manifestations can range from an ordinary feeling of internal discomfort, a gentle and absolutely painless process of change, to a very stormy, emotional flow of passions that can break the previous established relationships with the outside world and are accompanied by the deepest experiences, which in turn may well lead to physical and psychological diseases. character.

As practice shows, the age of 30 for a man can bring extremely unpleasant changes in his personal and professional life. This moment is especially dangerous for those people who have been married for quite a long time and have already had children. Indeed, in this case, the man is already quite firmly on his feet: he has his own home, he may not like the job, but at least he provides him with all the necessary things. At the same time, life has lost its bright colors, a person seems to be walking in a circle and cannot break it, plunging more and more into the abyss of dullness and despondency. The dream is lost, surprises disappear, everything is boring and monotonous. Life with his wife may no longer bring the former bright, voluptuous sensations, and here comes the moment when a business man decides to engage in adultery, which can ultimately lead to the destruction of the family, which often has an extremely negative impact subsequently on relationships with children left without the attention of the father . What is the result? Of course, divorce and an even worse situation. Fortunately, such a scenario is not widespread, but still occurs in our harsh reality.

Age-related problems, which are most common in men aged 30 and older, can be avoided or at least tried to minimize their impact. Thus, in particular, many years of in-depth research have shown that if a representative of the stronger half of humanity married after 25 years, that is, avoided early marriage, then many of the features of the crisis (for example, fatigue from family life) will bypass him. In addition, those men who have further, real prospects for career growth are also less susceptible to psychological problems at this age. People who are constantly developing as individuals and striving to become better, paying attention to self-education, pass the thirty-year mark quite calmly. In many cases, a man’s psychophysiological health directly depends on whether he is able to diversify his life, add a “zest” to his family, which would strengthen the relationship between all relatives and force him to take a fresh look at his other half. In addition, a clear awareness that a mistress or a new wife will in no way, under any circumstances, save you from a personal crisis, also contributes to the normal course of a man’s life in the period from 28 to 35 years.

Of course, even under such fairly favorable conditions described above, melancholy can still overtake a person. However, he will be able to develop his future without destroying the present. In this case, the crisis of 30 years for men will have a successful outcome: a feeling of self-confidence will arise, new goals will appear on the life horizon, and the desire to bear responsibility not only for themselves, but also for their family will increase.

The man’s health will be preserved if he goes through this period safely. To do this, he will need to gather all his will into a fist and try not to dwell on problems. It is considered that one of the most effective methods overcoming the crisis is to deepen one's professional knowledge and skills. It is also recommended to concentrate on your personal tasks, find new interesting goals, and break out of the extremely pessimistic “never” and “everything is bad.” To some extent, a person should be selfish in order to immerse himself as much as possible in his inner world and understand your current needs. As a result, the crisis will completely pass, and the man will save his family, increase his achievements and again feel a burning desire to live. And in general, it is necessary to remember the wisdom spoken by the ancient King Solomon, which sounded like: “Everything will pass. And this too."

23 years old. Everything about the age of 23. Psychology, physiology at 23 years old.

23 years old is a favorable age for achieving any goals. When you finish your studies at the university, you begin your job search. An understanding of adulthood and the presence of both rights and responsibilities comes. A person is full of energy, new ideas, experience and certain knowledge. At this age, he is able to cope even with activities that are very difficult mentally and emotionally. Many opportunities are open to him to realize his talents.

The main specialization at 23 years old is work and communication. The ability to establish contact with any type of people develops, an understanding of friendship and love comes. People begin to understand the psychology of others and not allow unfavorable personalities near them.

For girls, responsibility manifests itself in the birth of a child. Most women have their first child at 23. This is already a meaningful act, the consequences of which are clear, thought out and accepted.

At the age of 23, bone growth zones close and the need for calcium decreases. The muscles are elastic and strong. The organs responsible for sensory perception (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, balance) function perfectly.

Girls have a highly developed sympathetic nervous system, which controls breathing, circulation and digestion.

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period (20-24 years) is 12,671 thousand people. Of these, 6,409 thousand are men, 6,262 thousand are women.

Of the population of this age group, only 9.4% are employed in the Russian economy

You were born in 1994 or 1995

1994 - January 31. The first images from the Hubble Space Telescope, which photographs galaxies at an early stage of their development, were demonstrated.

1995 - 20th of March. Nerve gas was used in the Tokyo subway in Japan, killing 5,000 people and killing 12. On May 16, Soko Asahara, the leader of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo, was arrested.

1996 - 4th of July. B.N. Yeltsin becomes President of the Russian Federation for the second time. This is the first time the same person has been re-elected to the post of President of Russia.

1997 - February 22. Scottish scientists announced the birth of the only surviving embryo, a clone of an adult sheep. Dolly was born on July 5, 1996 without any abnormalities and lived until February 14, 2003 as an ordinary sheep.

1998 — August 17. In Russia, the ruble depreciated, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government resigned.

1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to paying in the new European currency – the euro.

2000 - 26 March. Election of V.V. Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation. The official inauguration took place on May 7.

2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

2005 - 5 January. Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system, has been discovered.

2006 - March 29. The first total eclipse of the sun in the 21st century could be observed in Russia.

2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - 18th of March. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

2011 - 11th of March. In Japan, off the northeastern coast, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the PussyRiot group took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

2015 - Jan. 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.

Women's behavior patterns during the thirtieth birthday crisis

The proposed models of behavior are, in a way, a classification of development options and ways to overcome the crisis of the thirtieth anniversary.

Typically, the crisis begins at the age of 28–32, when the processes of reassessment of values ​​and goals, search for a place in adult society are most pronounced, conflicts of adolescence are finally resolved, and new responsibilities are acquired.

People differ in their behavior patterns depending on the choices they made in their twenties. It is believed that each behavior model has its own set of psychological problems associated with how effectively a person solves his development problems.

Women's behavior patterns

“Caring”: features of self-identification

Such women get married around the age of 20 (or earlier) and do not plan to go beyond the role of a housewife. They fail to solve the problems that a person faces at the age of twenty: gaining autonomy and independence, forming an identity, a holistic image of “I” that combines different elements of personality. A woman can break away from her parents and family, but still not become independent: her husband still takes on parental functions (economic and control).