Do you have charisma and how to develop it. Do you have charisma


The test will only take a few seconds.

A group of scientists at the Canadian University of Toronto, through a series of interesting studies, was able to determine charisma level a specific person. The team was led by scientist Konstantin O. Tskhai.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality Psychology and social psychology(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology), there are only six criteria responsible for a person’s charisma. It is the analysis according to these criteria that will show how charismatic you are.

Charisma test

You need to rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 for each of the statements below.

I am the one who stands out in the company.

I am someone who knows how to influence people.

I am someone who knows how to lead people and knows how to do it.

I am someone who attracts others, people feel good with me.

I am someone who often smiles at others.

I'm the one who can find mutual language with any person.

The resulting amount must be divided by 6 to calculate the average score. If the resulting number is higher than 3.7, then your charisma is higher than that of the average person.

These criteria were identified based on the results of many studies conducted by scientists and in which a total of more than 1000 people took part.

Experts asked experiment participants to rate themselves on several qualities that are inherent in charismatic people. As a result, they found that charisma is a combination of two factors: friendliness and leadership.

In our test, the first three questions are related specifically to leadership and influence, and questions 4, 5 and 6 will tell you about a person’s good nature and friendliness.

During the experiments, one interesting feature was revealed. The way a person assesses his own friendliness and level of influence usually coincides with how others see him. The situation is different when it comes to assessing a person’s personal qualities and behavior.

Experts also found that charisma is a very important aspect that helps to develop social relations. For example, in one test called Dating, participants who were rated higher in agreeableness were also rated as more attractive and likable. At the same time, the level of influence did not evoke such a feeling of sympathy.

The current study was not the first to analyze charisma. In this area, the work of a group of specialists led by John Antonakis is also known, who trained managers from various fields of activity to be more charismatic.

The difference in this study is that the experts analyzed the charisma of a standard person, while most of other studies have focused on the charisma of leaders. This study also analyzed fewer qualities.

As is the case with other personality tests, there is no need to be upset if the result does not coincide with your desires and expectations. There are a huge number of ways that can help you become a more charismatic person, from understanding the emotions of your interlocutor to using words that help you win people's favor.

Do you have charisma and how to develop it. Part 1: Charisma Test

Why do some people easily infect with their moods and ideas, while others have no influence on society? Charisma is to blame for everything - that feature that makes a person a born leader. How to measure your personal charisma and whether it is possible to develop it, read in this post.

Charisma is the exclusivity, talent of a person, special psycho-emotional qualities that allow him to influence other people, be a leader and lead.

Charismatic leaders change the destinies of peoples and states, determine global events and remain in history forever. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and an endless chain of people etched in history - all this charismatic leaders who could convince millions of people, infect them with their ideas and change the world.

However, not only great leaders and spiritual leaders have charisma. Among ordinary people Those who have not distinguished themselves by great achievements can also be identified as individuals with strong charisma.
As a rule, they have more influence on people than others. Their advice is listened to, respected and loved. Since all people in general are social beings, and society and place in it are of great importance for a person’s happiness, those with charisma can be called lucky.

Charisma test

There are quite a lot of tests on the Internet designed to determine whether a person has charisma, but many of them seem like complete nonsense. Questions like “Are you attracting people?” or “Do you think you could be successful in politics?” based on a person’s self-conceit, and not on an assessment of his emotionality.

I suggest taking the test of Howard Friedman, a psychology professor at the University of California. This test tests the subject for the qualities of a “transmitter” - a person who is good at conveying his emotions and moods to other people.
So, here is an adapted test of 16 questions from Howard Friedman’s book “The Longevity Project”: sensational discoveries based on research that spanned nearly 100 years."

Emotional expressiveness test

1. When I listen to cool music, my body automatically starts swaying to the beat.
2. I always try to dress fashionably.
3. When I laugh, everyone in the area hears it.
4. I always pay attention to details.
5. When I talk on the phone, I express my feelings loudly and openly.
6. I am always prepared.
7. Friends often tell me about their problems and ask for advice.
8. I use to-do lists.
9. I try to work on something until it is perfect.
10. People say I would make a good actor.
11. I make plans and follow them.
12. Sometimes I forget to put food back in the refrigerator.
13. I'm great at solving charades.
14.People usually think that I am younger than I really am.
15. At parties I am always in the thick of people.
16. When I talk with close friends, I often touch them - hug them, pat them, put my hand on their shoulder or knee.

And now the results.

From 0 to 37 points. 25% of people score in this range. You may be shy by nature or have become this way through a strict upbringing. Or maybe you just don't like attracting attention and prefer to spend time alone.
From 38 to 49 points. Most people fall into this category. You can be successful in communication, but not due to natural charm, but due to social skills and intelligence. You can also use nonverbal techniques, but you will have to use them consciously and not instinctively, as more charismatic people do.
From 50 to 60. People with such scores have natural magnetism. You are an extrovert and a natural leader, although you also have enemies around you because you stand out from the crowd. Sometimes you feel burdened with attention and responsibility for your followers.
From 61 to 72. You are one of the lucky 5% to score this high. You are one of those people whose presence makes the room brighter. You know how to emotionally charge other people and at the same time feel what they are experiencing.

Today, there are two options for the “origin” of such a phenomenon as charisma. The first presupposes the divine origin of such a gift, that is, its possession from birth. The second option is to purchase it during your lifetime. Of course, natural charismatics have an advantage over their “artificial” counterparts. They don't need to work on themselves. But both of them stand out from the crowd equally.

It is not difficult to notice such a person - he is constantly surrounded by people. His charm itself attracts and makes you pay attention to him. However, it is not necessary that he be very attractive or rich. It may be quite the opposite, but this does not diminish the desire to communicate and listen. That is, such a person is always in the center - of attention, team, society, party, family, etc.

The sphere of manifestation of charisma can be very different. In any company there is such a “highlight of the program”, without which the fun will not take place. Every team has an employee, without whom complex production tasks cannot be solved. Every family has its own “solver” of problems and unusual situations.

However, the brightest charismatics live in the “heavenly” spheres of show business - cinema and theater, on television, in the world of music, dance and fashion. Famous actors, singers, and TV presenters have entire armies of fans and imitators. They are successful and attractive. And the power of charisma in this case is not synonymous with talent or popularity. It's the spark that makes people burn in a good way words.

There are no less charismatic people among politicians, high-ranking executives and businessmen. In this case, the ability to attract and captivate people becomes the primary goal. Therefore, such charismatics are most often good speakers, organizers and managers. They are self-confident, far-sighted, admit mistakes and know how to use the situation for their own purposes.

Thus, charisma is a way to influence destinies and even change the course of history, as Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Hitler, Martin Luther King, Stalin did. Or leave your bright mark in the art world, like Marilyn Monroe, Salvador Dali, Yesenin, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, Coco Chanel.

Reasons for lack of charisma

Sometimes it happens that a person strives to achieve something more in life, but all attempts either do not bring the desired result or end in failure. In this case, you need to pay attention to the presence of factors that interfere with the development of charismatic qualities. These include:
  • Fear of responsibility and self-doubt. A leader who lacks self-confidence is unable to lead. The eternally doubting head of the family cannot unite his neighbors. A complex person is uninteresting in communication. This interferes with the manifestation of abilities (qualities, talents), thereby reducing the chances of changing your life. Moreover, the lives of others.
  • Inability to communicate. A charismatic person simply must communicate, since this is how he solves most of his problems and moves towards his goal. Fear of communication, including remote communication, awkwardness when necessary to ask for a favor or distribute responsibilities significantly reduces the chances of success. No less detrimental to the development of charisma is the inability to listen to your interlocutor and excessive emotionality. Hyperreactions in the form of shouting or irritable tone have a repulsive effect on the interlocutor. In addition, the fuse of a “screamer” can quickly pass, but remain in the opponent’s soul for a long time. And emotional attacks are often thoughtless and spontaneous. It is difficult to achieve a response with slurred speech or incompetent statements.
  • Pessimistic mood. A person who does not see anything good in himself will not see anything good in others. Lack of faith in the future and reluctance to change prevent you from achieving significant results. A pessimist surrounds himself with people with the same attitude. Therefore, it is very difficult for him to become a leader - he does not believe in it. Fear, worries, anxieties, internal complexes, and failures prevent you from standing out from the crowd. That is, a person’s inability to abstract from the past and realize the significance of the present and the prospects of the future.
  • Wrong prioritization. The desire to embrace the immensity does not always end in success. Absolutely not talented people. Therefore, you should not rush to extremes and try to be the best in everything.
  • Excessive demands on yourself and others. Obsession with the perfect execution of a task of any complexity interferes with overall result. By focusing on the little things, the main task is missed. In addition, this approach is very exhausting: both mentally and physically.

Important! Charisma is what is hidden inside a person. Therefore, only he himself can destroy or drown it out.

The main signs of a charismatic person

Charisma is a magic that absolutely everyone can control. Any social status, any appearance and any temperament. But they have something in common, a “core”, characterized by several features.

Signs of charisma:

  1. Ability to communicate. Communication is one of the main levers of influence of a charismatic. He knows how to speak and speak in such a way that he is not only listened to, but also heard. He feels his interlocutor very subtly, has a sense of tact, clearly expresses his thoughts and knows how to listen. Therefore, he can find a common language with any person and any audience.
  2. Self confidence. It's very difficult to get people to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself. Therefore, the art of charisma presupposes absolute faith in oneself and one’s strengths. The ability to correctly set a goal, achieve it and take responsibility for any result are qualities without which it is impossible to attract and captivate people.
  3. Willingness to be responsible for one's actions. A charismatic person is not afraid of responsibility. He understands that life is the result of only his thoughts and only his actions. Therefore, he tries to create it in such a way as to be a harmonious part of this world. And this cannot but attract.
  4. Positive outlook on life. Optimism is another powerful component of the charismatic's attractive power. He knows how to view the past, present and future from a positive point of view. Able to find the positive in others. Adequately assess your abilities, desires and behavior.
  5. Courage and independence. A leader is constantly faced with the need to make decisions. And he doesn’t always have time to think and support. Therefore, a leader with charismatic inclinations can find a way out of any situation. Moreover, sometimes due to a bold, non-standard decision, which he is able to defend despite the pressure or disagreement of others.
  6. Respectful attitude towards yourself and others. To attract people to yourself, you cannot do without such personal qualities, such as benevolence, self-respect and a harmonious perception of the world. A charismatic person understands the natural “heterogeneity” of the world and knows how to accept a person with any abilities and character. He soberly assesses his abilities and capabilities. He loves, accepts and respects himself for who he is.
  7. Work on yourself. To become truly successful, you need to find the strongest sides in yourself in this regard. Having success in all areas at once is difficult even for the most charismatic. Therefore, they know exactly their pros and cons, which they are working on. The advantages are strengthened and developed, the disadvantages are compensated and turned into advantages. And at the same time, they are always open to something new and interesting.
  8. Emotional control. Emotions are an integral part of human existence. They can decorate life and, on the contrary, significantly complicate it, since a high concentration of feelings sometimes “turns off” the mind. For a charismatic person, such emotional “blocking” is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, they keep their emotions under control, thanks to which they can communicate with the most different people. And use it to achieve your goal without losing your sincerity.
  9. Emotional sensitivity. The correct development of charisma is impossible without sensual interaction with others. A charismatic person subtly senses the mood of those around him and builds communication on the right tone. This allows him to make the conversation productive - to encourage the interlocutor, stimulate him or get the necessary information.

Important! There is no need to confuse charisma with shockingness. Although both help achieve their goals. Only the first one does this nobly, using its resources, and not by attracting the attention of others by any means.

How to develop charisma

If nature has not endowed you with charisma, this is not a reason to consider yourself a failure. These qualities can be developed. It is enough to have motivation and desire, as well as choose the most suitable method. Today there are many techniques and tips on how to develop charisma. We have selected the most effective ones.

General rules for developing charisma

Being successful, standing out from the crowd, attracting attention and captivating people is equally important for both men and women. Therefore, we suggest trying to increase your status using universal methods of increasing charisma. These include:
  • The ability to shed negativity. Negative emotions everyone experiences. Even the most charismatic and successful people. Only they know how to get rid of them - with the help of sports, art or special techniques (screaming, writing letters to the offender, beating pillows, etc.). Learn how to relieve stress in the most suitable way for you.
  • Mastering the art of eloquence. This is one of the most basic methods to increase charisma. To be listened to and perceived correctly, you need to be a speaker. You need to be able to speak beautifully, convincingly and purposefully. And if this is not given to you by nature, develop it yourself - with the help of NLP techniques and trainings. Learn to control and “play” your voice, feel the audience and in no case be afraid of it. Expand your horizons, become interesting conversationalist.
  • Correct goal setting. Make it a rule to set realistic goals with adequate deadlines for their implementation. Divide the goal into stages: break the global goal into intermediate ones, and intermediate ones into small ones. And don't forget to reward yourself for completing even the smallest goal. This also applies to collective goals, when their achievement depends on the work of several people.
  • Self-presentation. Develop your individuality and become a professional in your field. As a “trick” that will make you stand out from the crowd, you can choose a certain style of clothing, manner of speaking or “signature” gestures. To improve your professionalism, do not block sources of information for yourself: read specialized literature, watch videos, attend courses (conferences, trainings). No less valuable source useful information- successful people in your field of activity. Look for them, meet them, communicate and learn from their experience.
  • Maintaining emotional balance. Learn to control your emotions, but not block them. It is difficult for a soulless person to instill optimism in others. Therefore, do not be shy about your emotions, but maintain them in an acceptable range - without hysterics, screaming or restless laughter.
  • Correct language communication. This concept includes several components at once - body language, the ability to listen and capture the emotional mood of the interlocutor. Study your usual postures, gestures and facial expressions during a conversation and adjust if necessary. Try not to see the person opposite only as a tool to achieve your goal. Tune in to his state, try to listen, express your interest in him - this will definitely position him for productive communication.

How to develop charisma in a man

Representatives of the stronger sex by their nature tend to dominate, manage and control. And this is very difficult to achieve without charisma. Therefore, they simply need to know ways to develop charisma in a man and be able to use them.

Ways to increase male charisma:

  1. Develop self-confidence. First of all, you need to realize your individuality and accept it. Learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Keep yourself in shape: train your body, stimulate mental activity, develop spiritual qualities. Be able to find a balance between work and rest. Take care of yourself, your emotional background. Be able to discard the past, analyze failures and find positive even in them.
  2. Learn to communicate. And this is not only the ability to speak beautifully and a lot. The interlocutor needs to be interested, that is, listen and participate in the conversation. To do this, learn to “grope” common points contacts and attitude. Learn to speak to people as equals - without superiority or reverence, regardless of their status.
  3. Be brave. Decisiveness is a necessary quality that allows you not only to make non-standard decisions, but also gives you the strength to defend them. Courage gives you freedom from fear and doubt.
  4. Don't hide your sense of humor. Make your humor high quality - subtle and appropriate. It is he who can play an important role in communication. At the same time, a real man is not afraid to laugh at himself. But he does not allow himself to be ridiculed in public and does not ridicule others.

Important! Arrogance, tenacity and assertiveness are qualities that have nothing to do with charisma. Charismatic man knows how to retreat without fear of losing his authority.

How to develop charisma for a woman

Women's charisma has its own characteristics. She combines the same masculine confidence with a truly feminine principle - lightness, romance, spontaneity.

The most effective ways develop charisma for a woman:

  • Be attractive. Self-care is an absolute rule of a charismatic woman. Appearance is her weapon. And for this you don’t have to wear only branded items and use the services of expensive stylists. Neatness, style and appropriate accessories are no less effective in creating an image.
  • Be interesting. To attract people to you, you need to please them not only externally. You need to learn to radiate optimism and be a good and interesting conversationalist. This means not being afraid of communication, expanding your horizons and respecting your interlocutor.
  • Reduce criticism and gossip to a minimum. A critical approach to evaluating others is the result of dissatisfaction with oneself, as is the discussion of others. Conduct introspection, identify your weak points and find other topics for communication.
  • Reach inner harmony . Love and self-acceptance are factors that allow you not only to balance your inner state. They will help you calmly accept the world just the way he is. That is, without offense, self-criticism and claims. Such a person radiates this harmony, calmness and attracts those around him.
  • Use charm and charisma. Don't be afraid to use your natural charm, especially when communicating with the opposite sex. This will not only help you achieve your goals, but will also significantly improve your self-esteem.
How to develop charisma - watch the video:

Charisma is a set of personal qualities that can be developed. But here you cannot do without constant and serious work on yourself. Decide to change yourself - and you will have every chance to change your life. And maybe the lives of many people.

Charisma is the exclusivity, talent of a person, special psycho-emotional qualities that allow him to influence other people, be a leader and lead.

Charismatic leaders change the destinies of peoples and states, determine global events and remain in history forever. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and the endless chain of people etched in history are all charismatic leaders who could convince millions of people, infect them with their ideas and change the world.

However, not only great leaders and spiritual leaders have charisma. Among ordinary people who have not distinguished themselves by great achievements, individuals with strong charisma can also be distinguished.

As a rule, they have more influence on people than others. Their advice is listened to, respected and loved. Since all people in general are social beings, and society and place in it are of great importance for a person’s happiness, those with charisma can be called lucky.

But how to determine the degree of your charisma?

Charisma test

There are quite a lot of tests on the Internet designed to determine whether a person has charisma, but many of them seem like complete nonsense. Questions like “Are you attracting people?” or “Do you think you could be successful in politics?” based on a person’s self-conceit, and not on an assessment of his emotionality.

I suggest taking the test of Howard Friedman, a psychology professor at the University of California. This test tests the subject for the qualities of a “transmitter” - a person who is good at conveying his emotions and moods to other people.

So, here is an adapted test of 16 questions from Howard Friedman's book "Project Longevity: Sensational Discoveries Based on Research That Lasted Nearly 100 Years."

Emotional expressiveness test

  1. When I listen to cool music, my body automatically starts swaying to the beat.
  2. I always try to dress fashionably.
  3. When I laugh, everyone in the area can hear it.
  4. I always pay attention to details.
  5. When I talk on the phone, I express my feelings loudly and openly.
  6. I'm always prepared.
  7. Friends often tell me about their problems and ask for advice.
  8. I use to-do lists.
  9. I try to work on something until it's perfect.
  10. People say I would make a good actor.
  11. I make plans and follow them.
  12. Sometimes I forget to put food back in the refrigerator.
  13. I'm great at solving charades.
  14. People usually think I'm younger than I really am.
  15. At parties I'm always in the thick of people.
  16. When I talk to close friends, I often touch them - hug them, pat them, put my hand on their shoulder or knee.

Calculate your points for answers 1,3,5,7,10,13,15,16. These are really important questions, the rest are simply padding the test to make it harder to consciously select answers.

And now the results.

From 0 to 37 points. 25% of people score in this range. You may be shy by nature or have become this way through a strict upbringing. Or maybe you just don't like attracting attention and prefer to spend time alone.

From 38 to 49 points. Most people fall into this category. You can be successful in communication, but not due to natural charm, but due to social skills and intelligence. You can also use nonverbal techniques, but you will have to use them consciously and not instinctively, as more charismatic people do.

From 50 to 60. People with such scores have natural magnetism. You are an extrovert and a natural leader, although you also have enemies around you because you stand out from the crowd. Sometimes you feel burdened with attention and responsibility for your followers.

From 61 to 72. You are one of the lucky 5% to score this high. You are one of those people whose presence makes the room brighter. You know how to emotionally charge other people and at the same time feel what they are experiencing.

The emotions of people with high scores are conveyed instinctively, even without the help of speech. This is confirmed by the experiment of the same Dr. Friedman.

After creating another test, similar in content to the one above, but consisting of 30 questions, Friedman conducted an experiment on the transfer of emotions by more and less charismatic people.

The scientist selected several dozen people who received high scores on the test, and several people with the lowest scores. He then asked all participants to fill out a questionnaire measuring their feelings at the moment: joy, sadness, sadness, anxiety.

Friedman then placed the high-scoring participants in separate rooms and paired them with two low-scoring participants. The participants simply sat together for 2 minutes, without talking or even looking at each other.

In just 2 minutes, without a single word, people with low scores adopted the mood of participants with high scores.

This is high emotional expressiveness, which helps people infect others with their ideas and moods even without words. However, this is not all that is considered to be signs of charisma. Even if this is one of the strongest components, there are at least five other signs of a charismatic person.

5 Signs of Charisma

Emotional sensitivity

Charismatic people know how to not only infect with their emotions, but also subtly sense the initial emotional mood of other people, and also build interactions based on this mood. They quickly establish emotional contact with people, so that the other person very soon begins to feel like “the only person in the room,” and who doesn’t like being like that?

Emotional control

Charismatic people know how to control their emotions. The emotional state becomes their tool, they use it for their own purposes, which, however, does not make their emotions lose sincerity.

Ability to express your thoughts

Almost all charismatic people are good speakers, so they influence their interlocutors not only with the help of emotions, but also with the help of words.

Social sensitivity

Charismatic people are sensitive social interactions, know how to listen and be on the same wavelength with their interlocutors. Therefore, such people are almost always tactful and attentive to their surroundings.

Self-control in communication

This is an important skill for charismatic people, allowing them to maintain composure and grace when communicating with any audience. They can establish emotional contact with any segment of the population.

So, up to this point we have talked about people who are naturally charismatic. But what if your charisma scores are at an average or low level? Is it possible to become more charismatic?

Developing charisma

Before you infect with ideas and emotions, you need to get excited about them yourself

It is impossible to infect other people with something that you yourself are not sure about. Therefore, before infecting others with emotions and instilling self-confidence in them, you need to learn to experience all this yourself.

Stop suppressing your emotions. If something makes you happy, laugh heartily, without trying to suppress your giggles, and if it makes you sad, don’t make an indifferent face, experience the emotion in full.

Of course, not all emotions should be thrown out on your interlocutors; this is fraught with eccentricity, and it will not add popularity to you.

All people want to be brave and positive, not to doubt themselves and their abilities. If you experience these emotions and openly exude positivity and confidence, it will rub off on those around you.

Correct body language

Body position during a conversation, hand actions, facial expressions - all this greatly influences other people's perception of you. Even if your nervousness and uncertainty are not noticed by the consciousness of your interlocutor, the subconscious will certainly tell him whether it is worth communicating with you or not.

Fortunately, body language also works in the opposite direction: if you take a more relaxed posture, you begin to feel more relaxed, if you smile, your soul becomes a little lighter.

So watch the position and behavior of your body: do not slouch, even during the most intense conversation, do not fiddle with objects in your hands or wrinkle your fingers, try to smile more often and do not take closed poses.

Respect your interlocutor and listen to him

If the transfer of emotional state is not so easy to establish, then learning social sensitivity is much easier. All you need to do is stop considering yourself the most important person in the world and pay attention to your interlocutor.

Listening to other people is a real art. If you listen to another person and are interested in them, they begin to feel special. I don’t think it’s worth explaining how cool this feels.

What do you think, is it possible to develop charisma or is it an innate gift, the absence of which cannot be helped?

Why do some people easily infect with their moods and ideas, while others have no influence on society? Charisma is to blame for everything - that feature that makes a person a natural leader. “First Lipetsky” found out how to find out your personal charisma or develop it together with

Charisma is the exclusivity, talent of a person, special psycho-emotional qualities that allow him to influence other people, be a leader and lead.

Charismatic leaders change the destinies of peoples and states, determine global events and remain in history forever. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and the endless chain of people recorded in history are all charismatic leaders who could convince millions of people, infect them with their ideas and change the world.

However, not only great leaders and spiritual leaders have charisma. Among ordinary people who have not distinguished themselves by great achievements, individuals with strong charisma can also be distinguished.

As a rule, they have more influence on people than others. Their advice is listened to, respected and loved. Since all people in general are social beings, and society and place in it are of great importance for a person’s happiness, those with charisma can be called lucky.

But how to determine the degree of your charisma?

Charisma test

There are quite a lot of tests on the Internet designed to determine whether a person has charisma, but many of them seem like complete nonsense. Questions like “Are you attracting people?” or “Do you think you could be successful in politics?” based on a person’s self-conceit, and not on an assessment of his emotionality.

We suggest taking a test by Howard Friedman, a psychology professor at the University of California. This test tests the subject for the qualities of a “transmitter” - a person who is good at conveying his emotions and moods to other people.

So, here is an adapted test of 16 questions from Howard Friedman's book "Project Longevity: Sensational Discoveries Based on Research That Lasted Nearly 100 Years."

Emotional expressiveness test

  1. When I listen to cool music, my body automatically starts swaying to the beat.
  2. I always try to dress fashionably.
  3. When I laugh, everyone in the area can hear it.
  4. I always pay attention to details.
  5. When I talk on the phone, I express my feelings loudly and openly.
  6. I'm always prepared.
  7. Friends often tell me about their problems and ask for advice.
  8. I use to-do lists.
  9. I try to work on something until it's perfect.
  10. People say I would make a good actor.
  11. I make plans and follow them.
  12. Sometimes I forget to put food back in the refrigerator.
  13. I'm great at solving charades.
  14. People usually think I'm younger than I really am.
  15. At parties I'm always in the thick of people.
  16. When I talk to close friends, I often touch them - hug them, pat them, put my hand on their shoulder or knee.

And now the results.

From 0 to 37 points. 25% of people score in this range. You may be shy by nature or have become this way through a strict upbringing. Or maybe you just don't like attracting attention and prefer to spend time alone.

From 38 to 49 points. Most people fall into this category. You can be successful in communication, but not due to natural charm, but due to social skills and intelligence. You can also use nonverbal techniques, but you will have to use them consciously and not instinctively, as more charismatic people do.

From 50 to 60. People with such scores have natural magnetism. You are an extrovert and a natural leader, although you also have enemies around you because you stand out from the crowd. Sometimes you feel burdened with attention and responsibility for your followers.

From 61 to 72. You are one of the lucky 5% to score this high. You are one of those people whose presence makes the room brighter. You know how to emotionally charge other people and at the same time feel what they are experiencing.

The emotions of people with high scores are conveyed instinctively, even without the help of speech. This is confirmed by the experiment of the same Dr. Friedman.

After creating another test, similar in content to the one above, but consisting of 30 questions, Friedman conducted an experiment on the transfer of emotions by more and less charismatic people.

The scientist selected several dozen people who received high scores on the test, and several people with the lowest scores. He then asked all participants to fill out a questionnaire measuring their feelings at the moment: joy, sadness, sadness, anxiety.

Friedman then placed the high-scoring participants in separate rooms and paired them with two low-scoring participants. The participants simply sat together for 2 minutes, without talking or even looking at each other.

In just 2 minutes, without a single word, people with low scores adopted the mood of participants with high scores.

This is high emotional expressiveness, which helps people infect others with their ideas and moods even without words. However, this is not all that is considered to be signs of charisma. Even if this is one of the strongest components, there are at least five other signs of a charismatic person.

5 Signs of Charisma

Emotional sensitivity

Charismatic people know how to not only infect with their emotions, but also subtly sense the initial emotional mood of other people, and also build interactions based on this mood. They quickly establish emotional contact with people, so that the other person very soon begins to feel like “the only person in the room,” and who doesn’t like being like that?

Emotional control

Charismatic people know how to control their emotions. The emotional state becomes their tool, they use it for their own purposes, which, however, does not make their emotions lose sincerity.

Ability to express your thoughts

Almost all charismatic people are good speakers, so they influence their interlocutors not only with the help of emotions, but also with the help of words.

Social sensitivity

Charismatic people have a keen sense of social interactions, they know how to listen and be on the same wavelength with their interlocutors. Therefore, such people are almost always tactful and attentive to their surroundings.

Self-control in communication

This is an important skill for charismatic people, allowing them to maintain composure and grace when communicating with any audience. They can establish emotional contact with any segment of the population.

So, up to this point we have talked about people who are naturally charismatic. But what if your charisma scores are at an average or low level? Is it possible to become more charismatic?

Developing charisma

Before you infect with ideas and emotions, you need to get excited about them yourself

It is impossible to infect other people with something that you yourself are not sure about. Therefore, before infecting others with emotions and instilling self-confidence in them, you need to learn to experience all this yourself.

Stop suppressing your emotions. If something makes you happy, laugh heartily, without trying to suppress your giggles, and if it makes you sad, don’t put on an indifferent face, experience the emotion in full.

Of course, not all emotions should be thrown out on your interlocutors; this is fraught with eccentricity, and it will not add popularity to you.

All people want to be brave and positive, not to doubt themselves and their abilities. If you experience these emotions and openly exude positivity and confidence, it will rub off on those around you.

Correct body language

Body position during a conversation, hand actions, facial expressions - all this greatly influences other people's perception of you. Even if your nervousness and uncertainty are not noticed by the consciousness of your interlocutor, the subconscious will certainly tell him whether it is worth communicating with you or not.

Fortunately, body language also works in the opposite direction: if you take a more relaxed posture, you begin to feel more relaxed, if you smile, your soul becomes a little lighter.

So watch the position and behavior of your body: do not slouch, even during the most intense conversation, do not fiddle with objects in your hands or wrinkle your fingers, try to smile more often and do not take closed poses.

Respect your interlocutor and listen to him

If the transfer of emotional state is not so easy to establish, then learning social sensitivity is much easier. All you need to do is stop considering yourself the most important person in the world and pay attention to the interlocutor.

Listening to other people is a real art. If you listen to another person and are interested in them, they begin to feel special. We think there’s no need to explain how cool this feels.