"formation of meta-subject competencies of students in the classroom." Formation of meta-subject competencies in educational activities among students in fine arts lessons in primary school Key and meta-subject competencies

Speech by Valieva E.F., chemistry teacher at MBOU "ASOSH No. 1" of Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan

at the republican scientific and methodological seminar for teachers “Innovative teaching methods at school and their implementation”

(within the framework of the republican innovation platforms “Models of organization extracurricular activities schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution "

and “Current problems in the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards general education» on the basis of “Lyceum No. 5” of the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan

Hello dear audience. Good afternoon. My name is Elvira Fanisovna. I am a chemistry teacher at MBOU "Aktanysh Secondary School No. 1" of Aktanysh municipal district Republic of Tatarstan.

1 slide Topic: “Formation of meta-subject competencies of students through project and research activities”

2slide. The ancient Roman Philosopher Seneca said: “We study not for school, but for life.” Today these words acquire particular relevance. In the new standards of general education as a new methodological approach there is a requirement for meta-subject learning outcomes. Society needs a person who has universal information skills, a person who is capable of self-learning, forecasting and making decisions.

I believe that the organization of design and research activities provides fertile conditions for achieving a meta-subject result. However, certain difficulties hinder its successful implementation. One of which is the contradiction between the sufficient amount of knowledge of students and the practical inability to apply meta-subject knowledge in real life, I will try to reveal and solve this problem in my speech. (Many of our schoolchildren know the material, but do not know how to work with it in everyday life).

To solve this problem, I set a goal for myself - to create conditions for the formation of meta-subject competencies of students through design and research activities. I believe that to increase the motivation of schoolchildren it is necessary to develop critical and creative thinking skills

Mechanism for achieving the goalis meta-subject approach, since it assumes that the child not only masters the knowledge system, but also masters universal methods actions and with their help will be able to obtain information about the world. These are the requirements of the second generation educational standards, which have now been developed and are actively being introduced into training.

3 slide. The hypothesis of my own research is that The effectiveness of the development of life-oriented abilities of students in chemistry classes and in everyday life increases if the basis of learning is educational, project and research activities as a meta-subject component.

4 slide. In his pedagogical activity I use the works of the American philosopher and pragmatist John Dewey (1859 - 1952). He is the founder of the “project method” in world practice. It was this American scientist, a hundred years ago, who proposed teaching through the student’s expedient activities, taking into account his personal interests and goals.

In the Russian education system, since the beginning of the 21st century, competencies began to be interpreted as a new approach to the design of educational standards.

By heuristic learning we mean learning that aims to construct the student’s own meaning, goals and content of education, as well as the process of its organization, diagnosis and awareness.

The progenitor of this technique was the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. He did this back in the 5th century BC. Socrates is the author of the method later called “Socratic conversation.” This method is now called “partially exploratory” or “heuristic.”

5 slide.

What is metasubjectivity?

Metasubjectivity implies that there are generalized systems of concepts that are used everywhere, and the teacher, with the help of his subject, reveals some of their facets. In my lessons I often use concepts of a subject-specific nature. Name of many chemical substances It is difficult for students to remember and the essence of these substances is not fully understood by everyone. In order for the student to think through and trace the origin of the most important concepts, I introduce students to the everyday (everyday) names of substances, and thereby provide the student with a holistic understanding of the world around him. HYPERLINK. For example, calcium sulfate dihydrate - gypsum, sodium bicarbonate - baking soda; calcium carbonate - marble, chalk, limestone, etc.

In order for students to be able to use their acquired knowledge in practice during lessons, I ask effective questions. practice-oriented.

For example,

  1. Why shouldn't you eat an apple after brushing your teeth?
  2. Why shouldn't you eat hot food?
  3. Why does a golden brown crust form on fried meat?

These questions cannot be answered in monosyllables; you need to reflect and be able to defend your point of view, which contributes to the development of critical thinking.

I also try to create a situation of success in my lessons so that students can be proud and rejoice at their victories and discoveries. To do this, I assign labs to be completed at home oratory works.

For example ,

Make lemonade. Pour chilled boiled water into a glass, add a teaspoon of jam, a pinch of citric acid and mix well. Add a pinch of baking soda, stir vigorously and drink the prepared lemonade. Write down the reaction equations.

We decide with the students tasks and assignments of valeological and life nature. Since metasubject matter is life, a child, by obtaining information about the world, expands his horizons.

In mid-March, gardeners begin preparing cucumber seeds. To warm them up, they are suspended above the battery. Then for 10 min. Place in a 5% solution of table salt. Only sunken seeds are selected for sowing, and those that float are thrown away. Prepare 80 g of this solution.

To ensure the integrity of ideas about the world around us, together with students we create research projects and educational projects.

6 slide. I will dwell in more detail on the educational project.

Slide 7 The final product project activities students can have not only a presentation, but a model And, layouts, some kind of chemical product (for example, soap production), video clips of students (Chemistry is the queen of sciences), reference books, publications, series of illustrations, collections, articles, booklets, etc. Models, layouts, and final products are successfully used for the basketball method (“Excursion to the Chemical Museum.” The products find a place in the AMO (for another audience). Educational and design work is the beginning of student participation in practical conferences at various levels.

8 slide. Comparative analysis of meta-subject and project competencies.

Project (research) competencies are one of the meta-subject components. Project and research competencies develop meta-subject competencies. Meta-subject competencies are related to project competencies, thus they complement each other.

By developing design and research activities, the valeological and ecological culture of students is formed.

Slide 9. The result of design and research activities can be expressed by formulas like

“I was able to create something!”, “I can use the knowledge I gained in life!”, “I want to explore now and...”

10.Slide: I believe that the use of design and research methods as a meta-subject component in my practice contributed to the formation The following personal results:

1. Gradual building of your own holistic worldview;

2. Awareness of the life situation from the point of view of a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health.

3. Formulation of environmental thinking;

4.Participation in activities that benefit people.

1. The ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in cognitive activity;

2) The ability to correlate one’s actions with the planned results, to monitor one’s activities in the process of achieving results;

3) The ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

4) Interest in academic subjects has increased and students’ internal cognitive motivation has been formed;

5) The ability to use information resources and means of communication has been developed;

6) The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems.

7) Formation of scientific-theoretical, non-standard thinking of students.

Slide 12, 13. Subject results:

- Quantitative indicators of student success have increased (participation and victories in competitions, festivals, projects at various levels, improving the quality of knowledge);

- Quality indicators have increased (the creative potential of schoolchildren);

Many works were highly appreciated at the Volga region and republican scientific and practical conferences.

Quantitative indicators of student success will increase (participation and victories in competitions, festivals, projects at various levels, improving the quality of knowledge);

As you can see in the table, the participation of schoolchildren in creative competitions increases not only in quantitative terms, but also in qualitative indicators. The victory of my students is my victory.

Slide 14. I believe that the hypothesis has been proven. The effectiveness of developing project-research life-oriented abilities of students in chemistry classes and in everyday life increases if the basis of learning is educational, project and research activities as a meta-subject component.

Thank you for attention!

Meta-subject competencies are mastery of basic universal educational actions: regulatory, communicative, cognitive; methods of activity used both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on December 17, 2010, the Federal State Educational Standard was approved - a system-forming element of all education. At the state level, the goal has been defined: the education of a creative, free individual who professes the values ​​of a democratic society. The school is faced with the task of identifying and developing the abilities of each student, achieving not only subject, but also meta-subject and personal results. The standard guides teachers towards developing key competencies in students that will provide them with flexibility and adaptability in relation to a rapidly changing world.

Training is permeated with many conditions and tasks that determine didactic principles. The role of the teacher in the classroom changes radically; from a transmitter of knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the educational process, an assistant and adviser to children.

The teacher must clearly see the development prospects of each child and the team as a whole. The teacher must be ready every minute for improvisation and unexpected turns in the lesson. Undoubtedly, he must have an excellent command of the educational material and strive for knowledge, be in constant search for methodological techniques that provide developmental learning. A children's mentor must have self-analysis, adequate self-esteem, and must be able to adjust the results of his activities.The entire peculiarity of the educational process can be understood and experienced only through one’s own work experience.

What should a history teacher develop? What to develop with? How to develop? How to structure a lesson? These are the main questions that concern a teacher who is interested in the prospects for the development of schoolchildren in history lessons.

Method of developmental education, formation of educational activities -educational assignments (tasks). An educational task is a situation where a student needs to find an answer, and ready-made methods and there are no funds for this. The situation requires one to independently find a method of action. In the process of solving an educational task, the pedagogical activity of the teacher and the educational activity of the student intersect.

In the system of developmental education, history is the main unit of content educational material isconcept (system of concepts)– understanding of the essence of a thing or phenomenon, an integral set of judgments reflecting the internal essence of the subject. The level of development of conceptual thinking is an indicator of the development of personal and meta-subject competencies. Systematic independent cognitive activity students on the basis of developmental tasks forms an active activity position in them, thereby developmental training lays down an activity-based approach to the acquisition of knowledge.

The goal of developmental education is to form a person who is capable of independently setting certain tasks for himself and finding the optimal means and methods for solving them.

Methodological recommendations concern the organization of a lesson at the middle level, because A history teacher begins working in the 5th grade and it is important at this stage to begin the formation of meta-subject competencies. With age, the proportion of tasks that are analytical in nature only increases, children’s speech improves, and the speed of completing educational tasks increases.

Didactic principles play a regulating and guiding role:

The principle of higher difficulty level

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge

The principle of awareness of the learning process

The principle of passing material at a faster pace

The principle of working on the development of all students, both strong and weak

Conditions necessary for the effective implementation of didactic principles:

A special, trusting learning atmosphere

Emotional mood

Working on the development of all students

Independent work is the core of the entire system.In conditions of concentric history teaching, there is no way to properly organize oral work. We use small written assignments (10-15 minutes in grades 5-6, 15-30 in grades 7-9). The tasks are general character and are aimed at both strong and weak children. In class there is always a set time for completing work. In a unit of time, each child will do what he can do.

Methodology of teacher work in developmental education conditions.

The methodology is aimed at not drowning out the students’ desire for growth, development, and self-knowledge.The main organizational forms of training in the developmental education system are the same as in the traditional one: lesson, homework. But tasks in the developmental education system are more flexible, dynamic, and correspond to the level of development of students. The educational task is set differently; it should be formulated based on the advice of L.N. Tolstoy: “in order for the student to understand and enjoy what he is being taught, avoid two extremes: do not tell the student about what he cannot know and understand, and don’t talk about what he knows no worse, and sometimes better than the teacher.”

Creating a lesson plan is an important part creative work teachersThe time in which a particular task must be completed is determined precisely; wall clocks help children navigate time. This order of work is established from the 5th grade; it helps to avoid chaos, fuss, and disciplines children and teachers.

Methodological techniques that provide developmental learning in teaching history.

Examples of setting, solving, and analyzing educational tasks in the formation and development of educational-cognitive, social-communicative, problem-regulatory competencies and competencies of students.

The formation and development of competencies and competencies is carried out directly when working with the textbook text, setting and solving special educational problems.

  1. In this system, retelling of the text is excluded.

Baby need teach general techniques for working with text: the ability to pose a question and give a complete answer to it.Considerable time is devoted to the development of this learning competence in 5th grade. This is the basis for the development of monologue speech.

Possible forms of organizing lessons:

  1. After reading the text, 2 groups of children of 2-3 people each are invited to the board. If the class is well prepared, more children. A “duel” is organized between groups: question and answer. Who will last longer? Working conditions for children, those who remained in place: raise your hand if the question or answer is formulated incorrectly. Why? The guys express their opinions and make critical comments.
  2. Text based homework the number of questions determined by the teacher is compiled in the notebook (the exact wording of the task disciplines the students). During the lesson, after a brief repetition of the text, children turn to questions compiled at home and mentally answer them. If there is an answer, put “+” next to the question; if there is no answer, put “-“. Under the conditions determined by the teacher, the children give themselves a mark. It is necessary to selectively control the grade, primarily the A, to confirm its objectivity, or to pay attention to errors. Marks should be made in a journal (all work should be graded) and the mark shows students the seriousness of the task they completed.
  3. This task is offered in class. It is performed in three stages, each of them has its own condition:
  1. Make up as many questions as possible in five minutes. (When working, the text read at home is mentally divided into semantic parts and a specific type of question is selected for each);

Give a complete answer to question 2, or another question of the teacher’s choice. (Solving the 2nd part of the task contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge)

4. A more complex option for organizing a lesson is “Exam”. It is convenient to conduct such a lesson when summarizing the material. The guys prepare “tickets” - colorfully designed pieces of paper with a set of various questions; a “commission” is determined that will take the exam. By decision of fifth-graders, it should include those who had current grades of “5” on this topic. Members of the “commission” determine the conditions when it is necessary to put “5”, “4”, “3”.

This is how children develop not only educational and cognitive competencies, but primarily social and communicative ones, namely:

Work in groups;

Distribution of social roles;

Coordination of positions during assessment,

those. Students demonstrate the ability to organize educational cooperation.

Using the plan in history lessons

There are a lot of methodological recommendations for drawing up simple and complex plans, and history teachers know how to develop this competence in students, but it is important to teach not only how to draw up a plan, but also to consciously use it to perform various educational tasks, as well as in everyday life. A plan allows you to systematize and organize thoughts in limited time, build a structure for research and project work, etc. From the 5th grade we learn to draw up a simple and complex plan, in grades 6-8 we use it when checking homework, or when generalizing a topic (the plan is drawn up from memory).

The general formulation of the task allowed children with different speeds of completing work and personal perception of the material to draw up different plans.

This type of task represents a high level of difficulty and is initially performed at the children’s choice. Gradually, in high school, when solving any educational problem, students turn to the teacher with a request to complete it in the form of a complex plan.

  1. To work with text, you can use the compilation of logical chains and theses. These types of recordings help you quickly record events in a specific sequence.

Example of work:

Subject: " Socio-political and economic development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century."

  1. I World War- campaign of 1914 - depletion of reserves, shells and cartridges created before the war - 1915 - difficult situation with the supply of ammunition to the army - by the beginning of 1916 the crisis was overcome - by the end of 1916 - deterioration again - labor shortage in villages, food production, coal and iron ore mining fell - crisis in railway transport - 1916 - the government introduced mandatory standards for the sale of peasant grain to the state - discontent in the countryside.
  2. 1. Both rich and poor are dissatisfied with the authorities;

2. Industrialists, on whom the country's economy rests, are not allowed to come to power;

3. Nicholas II declared himself commander-in-chief, his absence in the capital had an effect;

4. Influence on the royal family of Grigory Rasputin;

  1. Frequent changes of ministers;
  2. an attempt by the nobility to commit a conspiracy against the Emperor, a crisis in the army, exposure of soldiers and officers to revolutionary ideas.
  3. Revolutionary ideas of the Bolsheviks.
  1. April 1917 - “April political crisis”. The provisional government announced the continuation of the war - Manifestation - resignation of ministers Miliukov and Guchkov - representatives of different parties entered the government - Chernov and Kerensky advocated an early conclusion of peace, but did not know how to do it - the offensive at the front failed - the influence of the Bolsheviks was growing in the army.

In the system of developmental education, repetition is aimed not just at consolidating knowledge, but at its more in-depth understanding, i.e. the child consciously owns the acquired knowledge and knows how to apply it in educational activities.

In the system of developmental education, a return to previously covered material occurs when other knowledge and skills have been accumulated. They allow you to recall what you have covered in your memory, but not in the form of a simple repetition, but from a different point of view.This is ensured by a variety of educational tasks and methodological techniques, taking into account age and psychological characteristics children.

It is very important to teach children to evaluate the performances of students speaking in front of the class.

This type of task allows you to develop educational, cognitive and cultural-personal competencies of students:

  1. Knowledge of the requirements when speaking in front of an audience;
  2. Comparing speeches and making value judgments;
  3. Critical analysis and argumentation of marks;
  4. Indicating the reasons for successful and unsuccessful moments in the performances of classmates.

In the system of developmental teaching of history, the main unit of content isconcept (system of concepts).

Various methodological techniques contribute to students’ deep understanding of the conceptual apparatus of history.

« Work on mistakes". When checking children's work, the teacher types texts with errors and uses them to compose the assignment.

During the lesson, the teacher dictates a text with errors, and the students write it down in their notebooks. Several excerpts of 2-3 sentences each.

At home, the task is completed on a separate piece of paper; the child chooses 3 texts. You need to find and explain errors in them by making a commentary on the texts.

Example of texts with errors:

1. The prince ordered the architects to go to the ecumene and see how churches were made there.

2. I pay the feudal lord corvee and quitrent, after death I will leave the estate to the family, I think that my son will work in the veche.

3. The prince’s squad included smerds and boyars; they came to the khan to receive paiza.

4. People sold the three-field land to pay the virus.

This shining example Sixth graders’ mastery of meta-subject competencies:

  1. The ability to consciously independently solve a given educational task: find errors, explain them, make comments.

The students showed:

  1. the ability to evaluate the correctness of a task and propose their own ways to solve it;
  2. deep knowledge of concepts within the proposed topics;
  3. when arguing errors, they established cause-and-effect relationships, built logical reasoning, made analogies and inferences;
  4. showed good command of written language.

In grade 7, students are able to work with a large amount of historical concepts.

Each period of history has its own set of concepts, so the work is carried out systematically. It is important to teach students to consciously use historical terminology.

Example of a task - 9th grade - time to complete in class - 15-20 minutes.

Compose a story based on the proposed words without explaining them; the title for the story is one of the words.

A set of words: modernization, protectionism, investment, monopoly, concession, metropolis.


At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the position of the countries was not equal. To show this unevenness, historians have introduced the concept of 3 echelons of development. 1st echelon - Great Britain, Holland, Belgium, France, USA. 2nd echelon - Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria - Hungary, Japan. 3rd echelon - countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America.

Every country is trying to raise its level of development as high as possible. Each country chooses its own path.

Some pursue a policy of protectionism, thus supporting their entrepreneurs.

Other states are trying to raise their level at the expense of the colonies that are assigned to them. Such states are called metropolises.

Another way is a concession. Using the resources of another country, naturally, with their consent, but this country could be forced, but it could also do it voluntarily, pursuing its goals.

I believe that modernization cannot exist without the support of its own citizens - entrepreneurs. These people unite in monopolies various types, invest their investments in any industry, thereby contributing to the development of modernization.

Thus, countries that chose one or another path of development of modernization achieved their goal. For example, the USA is the leading country in the world.

Thus, students consciously use historical concepts when performing a learning task.

Studying chronology in history lessons.

The importance of studying chronology is obvious not only to the teacher, but also to the students

Conscious assimilation of chronology is a long and complex process. Simple mechanical memorization does not allow chronology to be an assistant in the study of history.

Let's give an example of completing a task based on knowledge of chronology.

High level of difficulty: there are cards with dates on the table, but the events are not indicated on them. From a set of dates, select the ones necessary to complete the task, and mentally read the information contained in them.

1st task: date – name

2nd task: date – geographical name

3rd task: name the dates and events associated with the Mongol-Tatars

4th task: name the dates and words, related topic"Landowners".

Task 1: date – name

862 - Rurik; 882 - Oleg; 945-972 - Svyatoslav; 980 - 1015, 988 - Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko; 1019 - 1054, 1054 - Yaroslav the Wise; 1147 - Yuri Dolgoruky; 1223 - Genghis Khan; 1237 -1240 Batu; 1240 - Alexander Nevsky; 1113 - 1125 - Vladimir Monomakh; 1325 - 1340 - Ivan Kalita; 1359-1389, 1380 - Dmitry Donskoy; 1462 -1505, 1480 - Ivan III; 1547,1551,1565-1572 - Ivan the Terrible.

Task 2: date – geographical name

862- Novgorod, 882 - Kyiv; 1097 - Lubitsch; 1147 - Moscow; 1380-r. Don; 1223 - r. Kalka; 1240 - r. Neva. 1380 - Kulikovo field.

Task 3: name the dates and events associated with the Mongol-Tatars

1480 - fall of the Horde yoke; 1223 - battle on the Kalka River; 1237 - 1240 - Batu's campaigns; 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo.

Task 4: name dates and words related to the topic “Landowners”.

1565 - 1572 - oprichnina, zemshchina; 1551 - reserved years; 1097 - feudal lords, feud, 1462-1505 - St. George's Day.

This task develops logical thinking and the ability to see logical connections between historical phenomena, promotes the development of attention and helps to operate with factual material; the chronological basis of knowledge of history is consolidated.

A distinctive feature of students in the developmental education system is the ability to consciously use a significant amount of acquired knowledge when performing educational tasks.

An example of a generalization lesson in 6th grade.

The task “Make sentences on the history of Rus', including: names, dates, vocabulary words. The sentences do not depend on each other, they are written from the red line, the chronological sequence is not observed.”

  1. Svyatoslav reigned from 945 - 972.
  2. Vladimir Monomakh made 83 military campaigns.
  3. Rurik ruled in Novgorod.
  4. Olga created lessons (this is a certain norm for collecting tribute)
  5. Under Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko there was the baptism of Rus' - 988
  6. The prince could collect tribute himself, it was called polyudye, or the people themselves could bring tribute, it was called a cart.
  7. Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko feasted with his squad and people.
  8. Igor ruled after Oleg.
  9. Olga avenged her husband's death.
  10. Igor was executed by the Drevlyans.
  11. Yaroslav the Wise built schools, libraries, churches, monasteries (Golden Gate in Kyiv, St. Sophia Cathedral), wrote and translated books.
  12. The collection of laws of the sons of Yaroslav the Wise was called “Russian Truth”, it was created in 1054.
  13. Askold was killed by Oleg and began to rule in Kyiv.
  14. Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko built signal towers with fires.
  15. Vladimir Monomakh fought with his cousin Oleg Svyatoslavich.

In the system of developmental education, the teacher develops flexibility of thinking and the ability to quickly find a way out of a crisis situation. The teacher is able to determine and analyze at each stage of learning what the student really needs. He is able to give him the meta-subject knowledge necessary in life.

Many years of work experience have shown the possibility and effectiveness of using developmental education in history lessons. Solving various educational problems is the main component of the educational process. The conditions for the successful application of tasks are their diversity, heterogeneity, versatility, i.e. something that ensures the development of personal and meta-subject competencies.

Historical material is a very fertile ground for creative solutions and invention of educational tasks. The teacher must have an excellent command of the program material and constantly strive for knowledge through self-education.

A long period of work in the developmental education system allowed us to build our own methodological system teaching history. The elements of this system are interconnected and interdependent, arranged in a logical sequence. This is the vision of the system methodological work, aimed at achieving personal and meta-subject results of students, are presented by me in the following diagram. Within the framework of concentric learning, consistency in the teacher’s work, the ability to predict and determine the stages of achieving the goal are especially important. With the adoption of the Federal Educational Standard, according to the developers of the standard, it will be more difficult for a teacher to work, because from a translator of knowledge he becomes a navigator for searching, selecting, analyzing, and checking the accuracy of the information received. But the teacher will also have more opportunities and rights to be creative.


This article discusses actual problems formation of meta-subject competencies as a pedagogical category. The concept of “metasubjectivity” does not have an unambiguous definition and reflects the different views of researchers. The authors analyze the definitions and opinions of various authors about meta-subject, meta-subject, universal learning activities, meta-subject results. Based on their analysis, the authors come to the conclusion that these concepts are explained on the basis of revealing the content of what they should reflect. Analysis of the requirements for educational outcomes of the Federal State Educational Standard also allows the authors of the article to come to the conclusion that the level of development of students’ basic abilities: thinking, understanding, communication, reflection, action should be considered as a meta-subject learning outcome. This educational result is universal and allows one to compare learning outcomes in any educational system, so it is precisely this result that ensures better preparation of students for independent decision problems that every person faces different stages his life path in a rapidly changing society.

developmental education

universal learning activities

subject-specific competencies

meta-subject competencies


1. Glazunova O.S. Metasubject approach. What is this? // Teacher's newspaper 2011. No. 9. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.ug.ru/article/64

2. Kraevsky V.V., Khutorskoy A.V. Basics of training. Didactics and methodology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – 352 p.

3. Potashnik M.M., Levit M.V. How to help a teacher master the Federal State Educational Standard. Toolkit. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2014. – 320 p.

4. Prokopenko M.L. Meta-subject content of training in primary school. New educational standards. Metasubject approach. [Electronic resource]: Materials of the pedagogical conference, Moscow, December 17, 2010 / Distance Center. education "Eidos", scientific. school A. V. Khutorskoy; edited by A. V. Khutorskoy. – M.: Central Distribution Center “Eidos”, 2010 // Online store “Eidos”: [website]. .URL: http://eidos.ru/shop/ebooks/220706/index.htm.

5. Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation" – 0-13 Moscow: Prospekt, 2013. – 160 p.

Modern life places strict demands on people today - high quality education, communication skills, determination, creativity, leadership qualities, and most importantly, the ability to navigate a large flow of information. Under these conditions, educational practice needs to implement a meta-subject approach, as certain factors contribute to this. Firstly, there is a rapid development of scientific knowledge; education in the past was focused on training specialists in specific fields of knowledge. This led to the loss of a certain universality, a holistic perception of the world. The technologization of society has provided the opportunity for openness and informatization, and instantaneous acquisition of knowledge. Secondly, the meta-subject approach ensures, in addition to the integrity of the development of the student, the continuity of all stages of the educational process. Thirdly, the meta-subject approach requires a change in the subject content of education, in which the acquired knowledge is for meaningful use in one’s practical activities, and not just information for memorization. Fourthly, meta-subject allows the teacher to work creatively, for the future. The role of the teacher is also changing; it is being transformed into the role of a partner, a tutor. All this is reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. The new federal state educational standards (FSES) are an opportunity to move to a higher level of education by ensuring its continuity. At the state level, the goal has been defined: the education of a creative, free individual who professes the values ​​of a democratic society. The school is faced with the task of identifying and developing the abilities of each student, achieving not only subject, but also meta-subject and personal results. The standard guides teachers towards developing key competencies in students that will provide them with flexibility and adaptability in relation to a rapidly changing world. This is manifested as the correspondence and interrelation of the content of education and methods of work with the specific characteristics of students at different age stages of development, as well as in the integration of different types of education, providing the necessary level and breadth of educational preparation at a certain stage of the child’s development. The concept of metasubjectivity does not have an unambiguous definition and reflects the different views of researchers. Despite the long history of the concept, there is still no single interpretation of it; different scientific schools interpret it differently.

The terms “metasubject” and “metasubjectivity” have deep historical roots; Aristotle was the first to speak about these concepts. In domestic pedagogy, the meta-subject approach was developed at the end of the 20th century, in the works of Yu.V. Gromyko, A.V. Khutorskoy, and finally, in 2008, it was declared as one of the guidelines for new educational standards.

At Yu.V. Gromyko, the meta-subject content of education is understood as activity that is not related to a specific academic subject, but, on the contrary, ensures the learning process within the framework of any academic subject. If the priority of society and the education system is the ability of people entering life to independently solve new, still unknown problems that confront them, then the result of education is “measured” by the experience of solving such problems. Then, along with general literacy, graduates’ ability, for example, to develop and test hypotheses, the ability to work in project mode, and to take initiative in decision-making comes to the fore. This becomes one of the significant expected results of education and the subject of standardization.

Traditional domestic pedagogy, which achieved certain successes in the 20th century, was based on two main principles - a focus on knowledge, skills and abilities and an encyclopedic approach. The first made it possible to technologize education and make it truly widespread. The second ensured the universality of school education, which was the basis for vocational education at various levels. Such a system worked quite successfully until the information revolution associated with the introduction of computers and various information technologies into everyday life. But with the beginning of the information era, the situation in pedagogy has changed dramatically.

According to M.M. Potashnik and M.V. Levit, meta-subject competencies are defined as mastery of basic universal educational actions: regulatory, communicative and cognitive. The most important task of the Federal State Educational Standard is the formation of universal (meta-subject) educational activities (ULA), providing schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability to work independently, and, therefore, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. Currently, it is not the knowledge itself that is becoming necessary, but the knowledge of where and how to apply it. But even more important is the knowledge of how to obtain, integrate or create this information. Any knowledge consists partly of “information” (“pure knowledge”) and partly of “skill”. The process of studying a particular subject has as its goal both the communication to students of this or that information relating to this subject, and the creation of certain skills. Skill is mastery; it is the ability to use existing information to achieve one's goals. A skill is a set of specific skills. This is the mastery of methods of activity used both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects. Meta-subject results are explained as interdisciplinary, supra-subject skills and universal actions (general educational skills) mastered by students, and the ability to build an individual educational trajectory. The term “metasubject result” can mean a result that:

Participates in the development of academic subjects;

Unites educational subjects into a certain community;

Means the cumulative effect of educational subjects;

Occurs between objects;

Occurs after mastering academic subjects;

It arises in order to master educational subjects, in other words, it serves educational subjects.

Changes (deepens, expands) understanding of academic subjects.

In the new standards, meta-subject results are given Special attention, since they provide better preparation for students to independently solve the problems that every person encounters at different stages of his life in a rapidly changing society.

Thus, the understanding of the meaning of the term “metasubject results” is diverse, more variable and much broader. On the one hand, such an understanding shows that “meta-subject results” is a generic concept that includes specific concepts: “supra-subject” and “inter-subject” skills; “universal educational activities” (also known as “general educational skills”). On the other hand, the proposed understanding allows for a new, much deeper assessment of the possibilities of the unity of the educational process, and, more importantly, builds a bridge (or ladder) between subject and personal results. This allows the teacher to “rise” from the subject to the formation of personality and “descend” from the formed personality traits to an increasingly deeper understanding of the subject. Meta-subject results include universal learning skills, interdisciplinary skills, as well as supra-subject skills. The second generation standard significantly transforms traditional didactics. The updated didactics of the Federal State Educational Standard shifts the emphasis from describing learning processes (forms, methods, means, conditions, etc.) to achieving direct educational results.

In constructive and technical terms, standards should be considered as a system of framework restrictions that define the field for the broad design of variable educational content. The standard establishes those elements of education without which the education of a graduate of each level cannot be considered complete. First of all, this relates to the content structure, which must be presented in the standard in its entirety. Design of educational content is carried out at several levels. At the first level of design, the content of education in its normative form is fixed in the form of a pre-subject minimum. Training is permeated with many conditions and tasks that determine didactic principles. The role of the teacher in the classroom changes radically; from a transmitter of knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the educational process, an assistant and adviser to children.

The teacher must clearly see the development prospects of each child and the team as a whole. The teacher must be ready every minute for improvisation and unexpected turns in the lesson. Undoubtedly, he must have an excellent command of the educational material and strive for knowledge, be in constant search for methodological techniques that provide developmental learning. A children's mentor must have self-analysis, adequate self-esteem, and must be able to adjust the results of his activities. The entire peculiarity of the educational process can be understood and experienced only through one’s own work experience.

The preparation of students for life is laid down at school, so the requirements for education today are changing their priorities: the knowledge component gives way to the developmental one. The goal of developmental education is to form a person who is capable of independently setting certain tasks for himself and finding the optimal means and methods for solving them. The method of developmental training, the formation of educational activities - educational tasks (tasks). An educational task is a situation when a student needs to find an answer, but there are no ready-made methods and means for this. The situation requires one to independently find a method of action. In the process of solving an educational task, the pedagogical activity of the teacher and the educational activity of the student intersect. In the system of developmental education, the main unit of content of educational material is a concept (system of concepts) - an understanding of the essence of a thing or phenomenon, an integral set of judgments reflecting the internal essence of the subject. The level of development of conceptual thinking is an indicator of the development of personal and meta-subject competencies. Systematic independent cognitive activity of students on the basis of developmental tasks forms in them an active activity position, thereby developmental learning lays down an activity-based approach to the acquisition of knowledge.

Thus, the new requirements for student results established by the standard necessitate changing the content of training based on the principles of meta-subjectivity as a condition for achieving high quality education. It also requires the development of variable organizational and legal models of network interaction of general, additional and vocational education, searching for new mechanisms, procedures, technologies for organizing the education and socialization of students, improving the regulatory framework that allows preserving the advantages of each type of education and creating conditions for a system of continuous general education. A teacher today must become a construct of new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating students’ own products in mastering knowledge.

Thus, the answer to the question of what is the result of meta-subject training, which is given in the Federal State Educational Standard, namely universal educational actions, is not technologically advanced enough. This version does not have a clear understanding of what, in essence, universal educational actions are; there is no indication of specific educational practices and technologies where such learning results are achieved. Therefore, the teacher does not have a model to follow in his work with children. It is much more convenient and correct to consider the level of development of students’ basic abilities as a meta-subject learning outcome: thinking, understanding, communication, reflection, action. This educational result is universal and allows one to compare learning outcomes in any educational system. Timely formed meta-subject teaching aids are a condition for successful mastery of educational material in various subjects, and, consequently, a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of student learning as a whole.


Barakhsanova E.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of ICT pedagogical institute North-Eastern federal university them. M.K. Ammosov Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Yakutsk;

Neustroev N.D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education of the Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Yakutsk.

Bibliographic link

Nikolaeva A.D., Markova O.I. METASUBJECT COMPETENCIES AS A PEDAGOGICAL CATEGORY // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2015. – No. 4.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=20437 (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences" Formation of meta-subject competencies in the conditions of modern education"

Schools today are changing rapidly, trying to keep up with the times. Today it is important not so much to give a child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, to equip him with such important skills asability to learn ,

what is the condition for achieving high quality education.

In fact, this is the main task of the new educational standards.

As a result of studying all items Students will develop key competencies:personal, regulatory, cognitive And communicative ( universal learning activities) as the basis of the ability to learn.

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities”

means the ability to learn, that is, the child’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower, actually psychological, sense, universal educational actions are a set of methods of action of a student, as well as the skills associated with them academic work, ensuring independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

The universal nature of educational activities is manifested in the fact that they are supra-subject, meta-subject in nature, ensure the integrity of the general cultural personal and cognitive development and self-development of the child, ensure the continuity of all levels of educational

process, form the basis of the organization and regulation of any student’s activity, regardless of its specific subject content. Universal educational activities provide the stages of mastering educational content and the formation of psychological characteristics of the student

It turned out that it is impossible to implement a new standard focused on the development of a child’s personality without a meta-subject approach, without developing meta-subject skills.

What is a meta-subject approach? What exactly is the essence of the meta-subject approach, how to stage and conduct a training session using the principles of the meta-subject approach?

By the way, participants All-Russian competition“Teacher of the Year in Russia” are actively mastering this approach, since a special nomination “Educational meta-subject lesson” has been introduced.

The metasubject approach ensures a transition from the practice of fragmenting knowledge into subjects toholistic figurative perception of the world, to meta-activity.

The metasubject approach assumes that the child not only masters a system of knowledge, but masters universal methods of action and with their help will be able to obtain information about the world himself.

Meta-subject skills

- these are supra-subject skills that make it possible to generalize the acquired knowledge for application in any field of life, form the ability to solve problems at the intersection of sciences, to perceive the integrity of scientific knowledge without specifying any academic subjects at all,

This is a generalized method of action that allows you to independently organize educational process, which includes elements of algorithmization and reflection of actions.

Several groups of meta-subject skills can be distinguished.

First of all:

This is the ability to plan one’s own activities,

Independently analyze the task and the conditions in which it is presented,

Be able to compare the content of the task with your knowledge and skills,

Evaluate your own actions

If necessary, adjust them.

Why was there a need?meta-subject approach , in the educational process?

The meta-subject approach in education and, accordingly, meta-subject educational technologies were developed in order to solve the problem of disunity, fragmentation, and isolation of different scientific disciplines from each other. When releasing a student to the main or high school(grades 7-11) to another classroom for another lesson, we have a very weak idea of ​​how a student will connect for himself the system of concepts of “our” academic subject with the system of concepts of another or how he will work with models - just like on our subject, or in some other way? If a student asks us how to connect one academic subject with another, he, unfortunately, will not receive a clear answer from us.

All this forces the teacher to move away from the usual lesson structure.

Corn meta-subject approach , development of meta-subject skills successfully sprouts and develops in elementary school during lessons and extracurricular activities, which you will see and appreciate today.

Today we operate in another time or dimension. This is a time when it is not enough to be immersed in “your” subject. Any subject teacher must be at least a little multi-subject or meta-subject specialist. Here, without mastering the meta-subject approach in education, which is built precisely on reflection different forms knowledge and methods of working with them are indispensable. The metasubject approach is a very good knowledge of your subject, which, in fact, allows you to actively reassemble educational material and reinterpret it from the point of view of activity units of content. The metasubject approach, although it helps to avoid the dangers of narrow subject specialization, does not imply a rejection of the subject form, but, on the contrary, involves its development on a reflexive basis.

Without finding an interdisciplinary language of communication, we will continue to guide a sailing ship from different shores, not knowing where to land. Conducting interdisciplinary bridges means building the new kind relationships between teachers, leading to a clear sense of common purpose and common cause.

In order for a student to walk across these bridges, they must be stretched between teachers. Then they insert these bridges into their lessons, i.e. the integrity of the picture of the world must be formed in the heads of the members of the teaching staff, and then transferred to the educational process.

A teacher today must be able to construct new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating students’ own products in mastering knowledge, and I am sure that you will see this in the lessons of our teachers.

Modern training students require formationmeta-subject skills and skills. Such training is personally oriented and has the following advantages:

    characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is completed;

    allows you to realize pedagogical goals at all stages of education;

    allows you to learn from your own experience, from the implementation of a specific case;

    brings satisfaction to students who see the product of their own labor.

Forming meta-subject skills , the teacher thereby organizes the student’s educational movement in different fields of subject knowledge: the student does not memorize information, but appropriates different cultural ways of working with knowledge.

When using meta-subject technologies (technologiesdeveloping meta-subject skills) in the educational process The teacher must be able to stage and create a lesson.

The basic unit that one has to deal with during staging is not subject matter, as it happens when planning a lesson, but a teaching-learning situation. The teaching-learning situation presupposes the organization of such interaction between teacher and student, during which there is a transformation of both the way the student works and the way the teacher works, in other words -The subject of transformation is the very form of organizing teacher-student collaboration . The teacher, implementing scenario technology, works not with the transfer of information and not with skills, but with the abilities of students. The main mechanism that allows one to reach the layer of abilities is specially created teaching and learning situations. During the unfolding of these situations, abilities are actually grown through the transformation not only by the student, but also by the teacher of the ways of working that are already familiar to them.

The purpose of the lesson in whichmeta-subject skills – are:

Focus on the close connection of learning with the immediate life needs, interests and sociocultural experience of students,

The ability to learn, that is, the child’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience

Creating conditions for activating the child’s thought processes and for analyzing the components of this process. The lesson scenario must be designed in such a way as to put the child on the threshold of discovery, create a situation of instability that will force the child to take the first step towards discovery, and provide tools for analyzing his steps.

Formation of a holistic idea of ​​the world, the interconnections of its parts that intersect in one object or are combined in it, comprehension of the inconsistency and diversity of the world in activity

Formation at each moment of the lesson in the student’s understanding of the ways in which he achieved new knowledge and what methods he needs to master in order to learn what he does not yet know.

What is a meta-subject lesson?

A meta-subject lesson is a lesson in which...

- integration of various learning profiles into a unified system of knowledge about the world takes place.

- work with the student’s activity necessarily takes place, transferring to students not just knowledge, but activity-based ways of working with knowledge and, accordingly, activity-based content units.

“It is not thoughts that should be taught, but thinking” (I. Kant).

It is pointless to teach thoughts, because... V modern world Information quickly becomes outdated, and therefore learning how to work with information comes to the fore.

Schoolchildren learn general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material; students form universal learning actions (ULA), i.e. the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active assimilation of new social experience.

The student lives the history of the discovery of the phenomenon, that is, he simultaneously perceives all the experience necessary for this.

The student masters the ways, not even activities, of LIFE.

With the help of a meta-subject lesson and extracurricular activities:

The culture of thinking and the culture of forming a holistic worldview are preserved and defended;

The integrity of the student’s ideas about the world around him is ensured as a necessary and natural result of his knowledge;

You can prepare your child for real life;

The teacher leads the child to reflect on the process of his activity in the lesson (or activity in general) to restore the genesis of a particular concept; this process can be compared to creating an algorithm for solving a problem: they carried out a proof of a fact, then compiled an algorithm for their activity “for future generations” ;

The entire complexity of the world is presented through the subject being studied.

The main features of a meta-subject lesson and extracurricular activities are:

- Independent (experimental, search, etc.) educational activities of students

Reflection, translation of theoretical concepts into the plane of personal reasoning and conclusions.

Activating students' interest and motivation to learn.

The methods of activity in the lesson are universal, that is, applicable to various subject areas.

Goal setting as a mandatory element of the lesson.

Research, heuristic, project, communicative-dialogue, discussion, game activities, the essence of which is that the assimilation of any material occurs in the process of solving a practical or research problem, a cognitive problem situation. “Arguments that a person comes up with on his own usually convince him more than those that come to the minds of others.” Blaise Pascal.

formation of the integrity of the perception of the picture of the world;

Problematic and research approach, cognition in comparison;

Development of monologue speech, communication skills;

- “teaching” by example, working on an algorithm;


the ability to draw information from everything.

Interrelation and interdependence of theory and practice

- “appropriation” of a discovery in the process of cognition

Worldview component (knowledge is “embedded” in experience)

"Life in the classroom must become authentic... and then our children will have the desire and meaning to learn

The use of educational technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities that develop meta-subject skills:

Project activities

Personality-oriented learning technologies.

Interactive technique.

Integrative technology

Gaming technology.

- Project activity as a means of developing meta-subject skills.

In the process of project activity, a person is formed who can act not only according to model, but also independently receives the necessary information from as many sources as possible, knows how to analyze it, put forward hypotheses, build models, experiment and draw conclusions, and make decisions in difficult situations. The student’s personality is being developed and students are being prepared for a free and comfortable life in the information society.

The use of the project method has great advantages.

Firstly, it contributes to the successful socialization of graduates by creating an adequate information environment in which students learn to navigate independently. Going beyond curricula, this method forces students to turn not only to reference literature, but also to Internet resources and electronic sources. And this leads to the formation of a personality with information culture generally.

Secondly, the relevance of research topics and the ability to clearly and visually present the results of one’s searches to a wide audience make it possible to organize a learning process that supports an activity-based approach to learning at all its stages. The creative abilities of students develop.

Thirdly, students master the technology of conducting research.

Fourthly, when choosing a research problem and solving a specific problem within a group, students proceed from their interests and level of preparedness. This creates the possibility of building open system education, providing each student with his own trajectory of learning and self-study, as well as differentiation and individualization of the educational process.

Thus, the application of project activities in educational process forms meta-subject skills and abilities, including the ability to solve constantly emerging new, non-standard problems; meet the increased requirements for communication interaction and cooperation, tolerance.

- Personallyoriented learning technologies .

Personally centered learning is learning in which students are the subjects of learning and their own development. It is focused on students acquiring the experience that they perceive as necessary in everyday life (experience in solving problems, communicating, etc.), that is, experience in life.

The purpose of this training is to create necessary conditions to identify the capabilities and abilities of students, to reveal and develop the personality of each child, his original individual characteristics.

- Interactive methodology.

Interactive training– it is learning through experience. What does it include?

Participants experience a specific experience (through a game, exercise, study of a specific situation).

Understanding the experience gained.

Generalization (reflection).

Application in practice.

The use of interactive technologies in teaching practice allows us to solve at least two problems: improve the quality of learning the material and develop children’s skills of interaction with other people. Interactive learning has a number of advantages, primarily because it is associated with group interaction of all participants and with the emotional involvement and activity of everyone in the process of work. In this regard, group methods go far beyond educational purposes. They are a means of self-knowledge and knowledge of other people, form a worldview, contribute to personal development and understanding of the actions and motives of behavior of others, develop in schoolchildren communicative competence, so necessary in modern society.

The use of interactive teaching methods makes it possible to make the student, regardless of his age, not a passive object of learning, but a subject - an accomplice in the learning process. The lesson creates a “field of communication” for students, as a result of which they learn to make decisions independently, cope with their anxiety, openly express their position in life, and develop the strengths of their character

- Integrative technology as a path to the formation of meta-subject skills.

Integrated lessons give the student a broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, of mutual assistance, and of the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture.

The main emphasis in an integrated lesson is not so much on the acquisition of knowledge about the relationship between phenomena and objects, but on the development of imaginative thinking.

- Technology for organizing group work.

The technology for organizing group work is the active inclusion of each student in the process of mastering educational material, where happens activation of cognitive activity. The skills of independent learning activities are developed: identifying leading and intermediate tasks, choosing the optimal path, the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s choice, and evaluate it objectively. Successful communication skills are being developed (the ability to listen and hear each other, build a dialogue, ask questions for understanding, etc.). Interpersonal relationships in the classroom are improved.

Meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program primary general education should reflect:

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

    active use of speech and information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) to solve communicative and cognitive problems;

    using various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the educational subject; including the ability to enter text using a keyboard, record (record) measured values ​​in digital form and analyze images, sounds, prepare your speech and perform with audio, video and graphic accompaniment; comply with the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette;

    mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

    mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

    defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    mastering basic information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject;

    mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

    ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including educational models) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky said that childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, and it is necessary to make sure that this discovery becomes, first of all, knowledge of nature, man and the Fatherland, so that the beauty of a real person, greatness and nothing else enters the child’s mind and heart. comparable beauty of nature and the Fatherland. He believed that it was necessary to introduce children to each subject in its connections with others, “to open it so that a piece of life would sparkle in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow.” This restores the natural process of learning the world by students.

Metasubjectmathematics competencies

Scientific understanding of the integration of meta-subjects into the educational process

In conditions of overload of modern educational content, the introduction of new educational standards remains a very problematic task. Therefore, we will try to consider the introduction of meta-subject competencies into the educational process from the point of view of scientific understanding.

Achieving meta-subject results, according to some scientists of modern pedagogy, is based on the formation of key competencies that can ensure effective activity in various spheres of human life. Thus, according to O. Lebedev, to achieve meta-subject educational results, “special pedagogical conditions, the creation of which can be stimulated by assessing educational results.”

The new Federal State Educational Standards are precisely based on the activity-based nature of education, which sets the main goal of developing the student’s personality. The education system to which it is developing modern society, is aimed at the formation of an intellectual, highly educated personality of the student.

A modern school must form in its students a holistic picture of the world, based on an understanding of the breadth of connections between all phenomena and processes occurring in the world. One of the reasons for the fragmentation of knowledge is the disunity of subjects and the lack of interdisciplinary communication.

In the modern world, integration is taking place in all areas of human knowledge and human activity: political, cultural, economic, information, etc. One can draw a disappointing conclusion that the division of the general picture of the world and the isolation of their study, the weak connection between subjects causes serious difficulties in the formation of a holistic picture of learning, contributes to a limited perception of culture. Consequently, all educational subjects exist on their own and do not satisfy modern realities.

The education system is trying to keep up with the times and change at a rapid pace. This is a requirement of the modern information society, which is developing at an accelerated pace. Society has never known such growth in technology development. Therefore, the school faces the most difficult task - to prepare its pupils for a life about which it itself has no idea. The mission of modern education is not so much the assimilation of ready-made knowledge, but rather its provision of cognitive, general cultural, personal development, and the formation of students’ ability to learn. This is what it is the main essence new educational standards.

Based on the Federal State Educational Standard, we will form the concept of meta-subject educational results. Meta-subject results of educational activities are methods applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.

Thus, the introduction of a meta-subject approach into school education is an urgent need, since traditional means and methods of pedagogical activity do not correspond to modern realities and the level of development technical progress. General education programs are built on the basis of more than half a century ago and do not set themselves the task of updating knowledge. The meta-subject approach offers such a reorganization of education when the student perceives knowledge not as information to be memorized, but as knowledge that he comprehends and can apply in life. Using this approach, the school is able to form in the child an idea of ​​the discipline as a system of knowledge about the world expressed in numbers (mathematics), bodies (physics), substances (chemistry), etc.

We can conclude: the meta-subject approach allows us to form a holistic personality of the student, as well as ensure continuity at all levels of education.

Analyzing the conceptual foundations of meta-subject competencies, firstly, let’s consider their classification given by V.:

· value-semantic competencies;

· general cultural competences;

· educational and cognitive competencies;

· information competencies;

· communicative competences;

· social and labor competencies;

· competences of personal self-improvement.

We emphasize that, referring to this classification, the formation of meta-subject competencies is based on the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren.

Methodological support for the formation of meta-subject competencies

Meta-subject skills - assigned meta-methods, general educational, interdisciplinary (supra-subject) cognitive abilities and skills.

One of the areas for using such skills in mathematics is to strengthen the applied orientation, that is, the emergence of a whole layer of practical problems. This kind of tasks appeared in the final test materials in mathematics (Unified State Examination, State Examination), these are tasks on the ability to use acquired mathematical knowledge in everyday life. These tasks allow you to develop meta-subject competencies and show the connection between mathematics and life, which leads to increased motivation to study the subject itself.

Let us give examples of classes of problems of this kind.

These are tasks on the topic “Energy Saving”. They need to calculate the amount the family pays for consumed electricity. The conditions offer current and past meter readings, as well as the cost of one kilowatt of electricity. Moreover, in the tasks of the Unified State Exam, the tariff is differentiated between day and night.

Problems to find the amount of medicine a patient needs to take when the daily dose required by the patient is known. Problems of a statistical nature about finding a group of residents, based on the known number of all residents and the percentage composition of various groups. Problems of an economic nature about bank deposits or loans with a known interest rate.

There are separate tasks on the ability to use dependency graphs in everyday life (read graphs). Typically, such graphs are constructed using weather observations, statistical observations for sales on the stock market, the dependence of proportional physical quantities, as well as the course of chemical reactions.

Marketing tasks are also included in a separate task. They need to choose the most optimal one from the proposed options. These are tasks related to grocery baskets, the purchase of certain construction products, and the rating of household appliances.

Applied problems with physical or economic meaning. These problems do not provide a graphical interpretation of some dependencies of one quantity on another, but show the functional dependence of these quantities. For example, in them you need to find the monthly production volume at known costs and the amount of profit, or find the time of movement of an object according to a known law of motion, etc.

Let's look at how communicative competence can be developed in mathematics lessons. This is facilitated by group and pair work in the classroom. Working in small groups allows you to solve almost all didactic problems, from learning new material to consolidating and generalizing what you have learned. Very an important condition when recruiting groups, it is necessary to take into account interpersonal relationships between its members, as well as the level of knowledge of all group members.

Such work requires the student to be collected and take into account many factors. When working in a group, you need to have time to work at the same pace, clearly formulate your thoughts, and take into account your capabilities to solve all the problems facing the group. Such work is simply necessary to develop the ability to work in a team, develop communication skills, learn rational behavior in conflicts, and apply a constructive solution to a problem that arises during the course of work.

For example, group work can be done in a generalization lesson when comparing different functions when exploring various functional dependencies.

Working in pairs is also effective for developing communicative competence. This form of work can be used for all stages of the lesson. Pairs with the same intellectual level should be formed, given individual tasks, and then mutually tested. To form a pair, it is advisable to combine a more prepared student with a weaker one. Such interaction develops a sense of responsibility for each other, and also teaches not to mix personal relationships and a business approach.

Active learning methods also help develop meta-subject competencies. One such method is a conference. Here, the primary role from preparation to conduct and summing up is given to students. The teacher plays the role of a consultant and organizer. Students develop the skill of working with other sources of information in addition to textbooks. This can be scientific and popular science literature, as well as sources taken from the Internet.

Conferences also significantly contribute to the development of oral speech and replenishment of the vocabulary, especially with words in a certain subject area. This is a rather complex form of work for intermediate level students. It is preferable to conduct it with high school students.

Since holding conferences entails quite a lot of time and organizational costs for both teachers and students, it is enough to hold them two or three times a year. For example, a conference can be held in geometry lessons to summarize the topic “Spatial Figures”.

Another form of active learning methods is workshops. In workshop technology, the emphasis is on acquiring knowledge through practical work. For example, a workshop could be conducted on the topic “Circumference”. The task is given to draw a circle, measure its length, this can be done with a thread, measure its diameter. Then find the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. Since everyone draws different circles, and the ratio of the circumference to the radius is the same for everyone, this leads students to think that this state of affairs always happens.

Thus, the number π is introduced and the formula for the circumference is derived. The workshop can also be held to consolidate the topic right triangle, properties of a rectangle. The task could be as follows: how to “break” a house on the ground, having only available means (for example, rope and pegs), that is, build a rectangle and check whether this figure is a rectangle.

In order to form value-semantic competencies in a child, it is necessary for him to clearly understand what knowledge he will receive in today’s lesson, what skills this topic is based on, the immediate prospects for applying the acquired knowledge, and where this knowledge will be needed in the future. To develop this type of competencies, certain techniques are applicable. In the first lesson of studying a new section, you need to review the entire topic, give an idea of ​​the place and role of the concepts being studied in the entire system of knowledge. It is imperative to organize independent work with the textbook. This may be theorizing of some theoretical material on a given topic or an independent detailed analysis of an example. All this allows you to deeply understand the material, learn to choose the main thoughts, the most important things in the topic.

To develop value-semantic competence, holding subject Olympiads is suitable. They always contain non-standard problems, the solution of which requires an integrated approach and comprehensive knowledge, both in mathematics and in other disciplines, for example, logic. Such tasks allow you to develop mathematical, algorithmic thinking, and the ability to present a problem visually and schematically. We can also say that this competence is associated with career guidance activities, since awareness of one’s strengths in this area and one’s interest subsequently helps in choosing a profession or at least a vector of self-realization.

General cultural competence is formed by solving word problems. By learning to solve word problems in mathematics, a child can transfer this skill to other sciences - physics, chemistry. What is important here is the ability to create a mathematical model of the process, formalize the problem, and develop it. In this case, the teacher is required to systematically work in this direction so that children gain experience of such work and comprehension of this experience.

To develop a vocabulary of terminological words that contribute to the development of oral speech in children, it is advisable to conduct mathematical dictations, including, for example, the correct spelling and pronunciation of numerals, as well as special mathematical terms.

Don't forget to carry out extracurricular activities, for example, invite children to write fantastic stories and fairy tales. It is necessary to select text problems for solving in which numerical characteristics are written in hidden form, for example, use words instead of numbers: week, day, century, etc. or use numerals. It is also useful to solve problems with a hidden information part. These can be tasks with environmental, hygienic, household and other implications. When solving them, children should pay attention to the general cultural components of the task.

Cognitive interest underlies a positive attitude to life in general and to study in particular. If a person has formed such an interest, then the person actively seeks answers to the questions that he asks himself. Moreover, if the child is passionate, then a situation of success is created, the student experiences an emotional uplift, rejoices in his own knowledge and his luck in solving the issue. This type of competence develops especially effectively when entertaining, non-standard problems, magic tricks, match relaying problems, and historical problems are offered for solution. For example, children really love, when learning the coordinates of a point, to build figures according to given coordinates.

Information competence is formed in the process of students mastering information technologies. But at the same time, the guys should form a strong opinion that information Technology are used not only in computer science lessons, but also in all others. It is advisable to conduct integrated lessons in mathematics and computer science. The topic “Charts and Graphs” is very similar to the topic “Building graphs and charts in a spreadsheet processor.”

Social and labor competence is formed by solving tests and developing mental arithmetic skills.

The competence of personal self-improvement can be formed by solving problems that affect children’s self-awareness. For example, when you need to do a check, or if there is a condition to create an inverse problem to this one.

The formation of meta-subject competencies in mathematics lessons is facilitated not only by problem solving, but also by the following forms, methods and techniques:

· interactive technologies;

· method of cooperation;

· design methods;

· use of ICT;

· activity approach;

· work on the algorithm, etc.

It is worth focusing on the method of projects related to person-oriented technologies. This is a way of organizing students’ independent work that combines research, reflective, and problem-based group work methods. Projects can be small, designed for one lesson, or quite voluminous, requiring students to prepare outside of class. As practice shows, the authors of the most interesting, extraordinary projects have higher rates of meta-subject competencies. Like other methods, the project method creates strong motivation for learning and self-education. The mandatory inclusion of presentations in this type of activity contributes to the formation of information competencies. Projects related to the history of mathematics “How the calendar was formed”, “Number systems”, “Golden ratio” are well developed.

To facilitate memorization, we can suggest the use of mnemonic techniques. So, when studying reduction formulas, you can easily remember whether the function changes or not. No, the head turns right to left, angles 0 and 180 degrees, yes up, down, angles 90, 270 degrees.

Yes, all of the above methods and means educational activities did not appear yesterday; progressive, visionary teachers, over the past decades, have fragmentarily developed and included in their activities all these educational technologies. But today such a training system should not be fragmented, but comprehensive.

How does a meta-subject lesson differ from a traditional one? What should you rely on?

We offer an algorithm for developing such a lesson:

1. Formation of the topic of the lesson.

2.Formation of subject, meta-subject goals of the lesson.

3. Identification of fundamental educational objects that students need to work on.

4. Determining the abilities of students on which it is supposed to rely.

5. The basis of a meta-subject lesson will be some problematic educational situation.

The core of a creative meta-subject lesson is a problematic educational situation:

1) It is necessary to formulate one or more main problems that can help children express themselves. The problem must be posed in such a way that the student wants to solve it, that is, arouse interest among the students. And the problem should be of a meta-subject nature.

2) Tasks for students should be clearly formulated at each stage of the lesson.

3) It is advisable to determine the specific educational product that should be obtained as a result.

4) It is imperative to think through how students reflect on their activities.

5) Carefully select diagnostics for the educational product created by the student.

Many components of educational and cognitive competencies have always been in the arsenal of mathematics teachers for decades. Science itself contributes to the formation of such skills as the ability to abstract, the development of critical and algorithmic thinking, and an analytical approach to information.


Summing up the results of the study, we note that the introduction of meta-subject competencies in the educational process is the education system’s response to the demands of time and society, which require the school to educate its students in the ability to “act effectively outside of educational situations and plots” (V. A. Bolotov, V.V. Serikov). Mathematics teachers very quickly picked up this idea. Mathematics is the science of fundamental structures real world. Over the centuries, the development of mathematics has contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress of all mankind. A mathematically educated person will easily apply its technologies in the study of any new problem for humans.

Let us emphasize once again that mathematics has wide applied applications. The task of the school of our century is not to foresee the future, but to create it today, investing all the knowledge, skills, professionalism and a piece of the soul of teachers into their students.

The new Federal State Educational Standards, on the one hand, must be implemented, since they are legally approved, but on the other hand, we emphasize once again, they do not clearly define meta-subject competencies and, therefore, they need to be adjusted. The school will have to do both at the same time.

It is worth admitting that the teacher himself cannot do this. He needs scientific and methodological support and accompaniment. It is necessary to prepare teachers themselves for meta-subject teaching. Teachers need to identify what fundamental educational objects they can study within the framework of their subject, and reconsider the planning of educational material in relation to them. The next step is to diagnose the readiness of students. Then, after spending a certain, sufficiently long, educational activities, diagnose the results of these activities and, based on the results, adjust your activities. All this is difficult to do at the level of teachers or even schools. Support is needed from experts in this field, professional scientists.

At the moment, it is still very early to talk about any results from the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards. Scientists who have been involved in the development of meta-subject competencies for quite a long time show good level development of their students, proving that the education system is moving in the right direction. This means that it seems necessary to provide comprehensive methodological assistance to teachers from specialists, the guarantor of which can only be the state.

Thus, the essence of meta-subject competence, in our opinion, is not sufficiently developed and structured in the Federal State Educational Standards system. We state the need to improve the information, analytical and legal apparatus for ensuring meta-subject competencies, to which the Russian government has recently paid significant attention. Moreover, it is necessary to develop an effective methodological basis for the formation of meta-subject competencies in students, as well as special methodological projects for teachers. In other words, educational system Large-scale work remains to be done to optimize the Federal State Educational Standard, the decisive factor of which should be an integrated approach.