Gdz on obzh notebook smirnov. What are the features of working with teaching aids?

Select the appropriate edition of the workbook

  1. Workbook on life safety, grade 7 Smirnov Khrennikov Maslov 2011

Ready tasks

The seventh grade school curriculum includes a large number of various disciplines. Not all of them can be useful to students when receiving higher education. However, studying such a subject as the basics of life safety will be useful for absolutely everyone. During the lessons, students will become familiar with the features of their environment, learn what dangers it may contain, and how to behave in an emergency. To successfully master this discipline, the authors are Smirnov A.T. and Khrennikov B.O. developed a complex educational materials, including a 7th grade textbook and workbook.

Life safety in 7th grade: what new students will learn

At this stage of training, students master the necessary minimum knowledge of life safety. Textbook offered by Smirnov A.T. and Khrennikov B.O., helps to study the following topics in lessons:

  • Natural factors causing danger
  • Features of hazardous situations of geological origin
  • Meteorological hazards. Behavior during hurricanes, storms, tornadoes
  • Hydrological types of hazardous situations. Features of protection during floods, mudflows, tsunamis
  • Hazards of biological and social origin: forest and peat fires, epidemics of infectious diseases
  • Actions of a schoolchild when providing first aid

Using a workbook for independent work

If a dangerous situation arises, a seventh grade student should not doubt his actions. For this purpose, at school they take a course in the basics of life safety. But in a state of fear or stress, which invariably accompanies danger, the student will not be able to look at the notes or textbook and get a hint. Therefore, safety knowledge must be brought to automaticity.

The workbook on life safety contains a set of various practical tasks. To complete them, the student must have a good command of the theoretical course in the discipline. To make it more interesting for the student to complete tasks, the exercises are presented in various forms: graphic diagrams, tests, written exercises.

In middle school, it will be useful for the student to master self-control skills when doing homework. To do this, you can use the GDZ in combination with a workbook. After completing the exercises independently, the student can look up the correct answers in the workbook. This will allow you to identify errors and weaknesses in studying the material and work through it again using a textbook or notes.

Similar usage practice workbook in combination with the textbook and the GDZ, it will allow the student to have an impeccable knowledge of the practical fundamentals of life safety. The correct answers to questions about behavior in case of danger will always be ready and will not waste time doubting your actions.


The workbook contains verification tasks, tests, crossword puzzles, which can be used to consolidate the knowledge acquired while studying the textbook “Fundamentals of Life Safety. 5th grade” (edited by A.T. Smirnov). When completing tasks from this manual, you must not only repeat the material you have studied, but also independently work with the Internet, special literature, tools mass media. If necessary, ask parents and adults for tips so that you can come to lessons with your information. It is better to start completing the task after you have carefully studied the textbook paragraph corresponding to the section of the notebook. Only after you learn to work independently can you count on your preparedness for the Basics of Life Safety course for grade 5.

Example from the textbook

Indicate among the habits below those that have a positive effect on human health (choose the correct answers and mark them with a sign)
a) smoking
b) systematic drug use
c) systematically performing morning exercises
d) the habit of actively spending leisure time, saturating it with a variety of physical exercises
e) systematic consumption of chocolates and other foods containing large amounts of fats and carbohydrates
f) systematic consumption of beer in moderate doses (no more than two cans per day)
Is it fair to say that smoking is harmful only for children, since their body has not yet formed, but adults can smoke, since their body resists the effects various substances released during the combustion of tobacco? Justify your answer with two examples.

Preface 3
Module 1. Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state 4
Section 1. Fundamentals of integrated security 4
Chapter 1. Man, his habitat, human safety 4
1.1. City as habitat 4
1.2. Human housing, life support features of housing 6
1.3. Peculiarities natural conditions in the city 8
1.4. Relationships between people living in the city and security 10
1.5. Safety in Everyday life 13
Chapter 2. Dangerous situations of a man-made nature 15
2.1. Road traffic, safety of participants traffic 15
2.2. A pedestrian. Pedestrian safety 18
2.3. Passenger. Passenger safety 20
2.4. Driver 24
2.5. Fire safety 27
2.6. Safe behavior at home 30
Chapter 3. Natural Hazards 32
3.1. Weather phenomena and human safety 32
3.2. Safety on water bodies 34
Chapter 4. Emergencies natural and man-made 37
4.1. Natural emergencies 37
4.2. Man-made emergencies 42
Section 3. Fundamentals of countering extremism and terrorism in Russian Federation 44
Chapter 5. Dangerous situations of a social nature, antisocial behavior 44
5.1. Antisocial behavior and its dangers 44
5.2. Ensuring personal safety at home 48
5.3. Ensuring personal safety on street 51
Chapter 6. Extremism and terrorism: extreme dangers for society and the state 54
6.1. Extremism and terrorism: basic concepts and reasons for their occurrence 54
6.2. Types of extremist and terrorist activities 56
6.3. Types of terrorist acts and their consequences 58
6.4. Responsibility of minors for antisocial behavior and participation in terrorist activities 62
Module 2. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and healthy image life 64
Section 4. Basics of a healthy lifestyle 64
Chapter 7. Age characteristics human development and healthy lifestyle 64
7.1. About a healthy lifestyle 64
7.2. Physical activity and hardening of the body - the necessary conditions health promotion 68
7.3. Balanced diet. Food hygiene 69
Chapter 8. Factors that destroy health 72
8.1. Bad habits and their impact on human health 72
8.2. Healthy lifestyle and prevention bad habits 73
Section 5. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid 75
Chapter 9. First aid and rules for its provision 75
9.1. First aid for various types damage 75
9.2. Providing first aid for bruises and abrasions 77
9.3. First aid for poisoning 79
Test final work 82
Answers to crosswords 93

Select the appropriate edition of the workbook

  1. Workbook on life safety, grade 5 Smirnov Khrennikov Maslov

Ready tasks

The school discipline of basic life safety in the fifth grade introduces students to the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its integral components: hygiene and proper nutrition. Students will also learn the rules of behavior in unusual situations that can lead to danger. This knowledge will be useful in everyday life not only as a schoolchild, but also as an adult. Therefore, it is so important to take a responsible approach to the study of this discipline. The authors Smirnov Alexander Timofeevich and Khrennikov Boris Olegovich recommend using a textbook on life safety in combination with a workbook for the 5th grade.

The importance of studying life safety

This discipline is humanitarian and many schoolchildren do not take it seriously. In fact, the course material lays the foundation for correct and timely response to various phenomena. With excellent knowledge of life safety, the student will not be confused and will know what to do in any emergency situation.

All issues that are considered school curriculum At this stage, learning is very important in everyday life. Therefore, it is very important to acquire knowledge well and be able to apply it in practice. A fifth-grade student will be able to successfully cope with this by using a workbook on life safety, as well as a workbook with a GDZ.

What are the features of working with teaching aids?

In order to navigate and not get confused in a dangerous situation, the student’s knowledge of life safety must be brought to automaticity. The best way to achieve this is to do practical exercises.

The most successful and interesting practical tasks for fifth graders are collected in a workbook by the authors Smirnov A.T. and Khrennikova B.O. for 5th grade. By working with the notebook even independently, without the help of teachers and parents, the student will be able to obtain and consolidate knowledge in the discipline at a very high level.

In that textbook a variety of tasks are presented. Students are asked to choose the correct answer in the tests, fill out the table, and complete the sentence. By completing workbook exercises, students learn to analyze and systematize information and apply it in specific conditions.

Schoolchildren can obtain theoretical material from a textbook or download it from the Internet. If completing tasks raises doubts or difficulties, the student can use a solution book with a GDZ. This study guide contains the correct answers to the workbook questions. After checking the result independent work With the answers from the workbook, the student can independently judge his readiness for a lesson or test.

A 5th grade student should know that GDZ in printed form or those that can be downloaded on the Internet should be used only for the purpose of self-control. Fundamentals of life safety is a subject in which knowledge is needed not only for good academic performance. This knowledge in any critical situation can provide real help, sometimes vital.