Gdz Russian language 2. Analysis of the most complex and extraordinary tasks in the textbook

When first grade is over, it's time to move on to the next stage. Second-graders begin to immerse themselves even more intensively in the study of the Russian language. The program is expanding. Now students will study: the composition of words, how to correctly write case endings, prefixes and much more. Girls and boys should already be able to correctly compose small texts from three or four sentences.

Helps the student complete the exercise GDZ in the Russian language for grade 2 to the textbook and workbook authors V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky (Part 1, 2). Homework will become a journey into the land of knowledge. Parents, don't miss the opportunity and join the Russian language learning tour. If you have forgotten the rules, the solution book will give answers to all questions. With the help, moms, dads, and grandparents will be able to check the accuracy of their homework. The Russian language is a rather complex subject, so you need to come up with different interesting forms of studying it. Despite the fact that the book is designed so that the children study the discipline in game form, no small effort is still needed to gain knowledge.

Completing the lessons will become easier if parents first study the topic themselves and then look at the answer to the task number, because then they will certainly be able to help their child cope with any difficulties if such suddenly arise. GDZ is not just a solution book where you can find the task number and immediately the answer, first of all, it is a manual that is very detailed and provides an explanation of the correct solution.

GDZ for the Russian language workbook for grade 2 Kanakina V.P. can be downloaded.

GDZ for test and measurement materials in the Russian language for grade 2 Kurlygina O.E. can be downloaded.

GDZ for test work in the Russian language for grade 2 Kanakina V.P. can be downloaded

Language in human life

Loneliness for a person is a terrible karma, since every person is born and endowed with the ability to use a voice and convey any emotions. Since a person always has a society around him, this means that he must communicate and exchange information. That's what language is for. The globe contains a lot of peoples and nationalities, but there are many more languages ​​than peoples, since there are also folk dialects and their own characteristics in pronunciation, as well as in the vocabulary of each region or region. But one way or another, language was created for communication, transmission and exchange of information and emotions. A person deprived of the ability to speak finds other ways to convey thoughts and this is also a language, but a specific one.

Language takes its history almost from the moment of the appearance of the animal world, since language was formed not only between two people. All living beings communicate with each other. But the language is not understandable to everyone, but it is clearly noted that when exchanging sounds, individuals begin to act together. Each person, clan or tribe has its own knowledge of language and, without having its own language, will certainly create it, since a person needs communication.

In addition to simple communication, language also performs particularly important functions. The communication function is designed for simple communication between people. Scientific function it's receiving and sharing useful information. The mental function of language helps to correctly form, construct, formalize and present one’s thoughts to others, as well as to think alone with oneself. The cognitive function of language helps a person absorb information, filtering out the unnecessary and assimilating exclusively useful facts. The aesthetic function is used to a greater extent in literature or art; this direction endows a person’s speech with beauty and variety.

Russian language and its world power

The school curriculum is rich in a lot of subjects, but there are some of them that accompany the student throughout school path and occupy a particularly significant role in education. Studying native language this is a very important component of education. Subjects in school from the very junior level already have divisions; these are exact sciences; they attract students with a mathematical mindset more and require mastery of logic and developed thinking. Humanitarian sciences somewhat easier to learn and do not require any special functions from the student. But one way or another, each child has his own aspirations and craving for a certain direction in discipline.

Russian language is studied more thoroughly by students already in 2nd grade, and here the first difficulties may arise in completing homework and understanding the material. It is necessary that the child master each topic, since the resulting gap can greatly affect the further study of the material. Even in elementary school, students resort to help solver. The peculiarity is that school program undergoes changes every year and the parent is not always able to clearly explain to the child the material covered at school. Therefore, scolding a child for using GDZ categorically undesirable. An unsatisfactory grade can negatively affect the child’s psyche, and the desire to study this subject may disappear altogether.

GDZ Russian language 2nd grade by Kanakina and Goretsky This is an excellent support material for children. Kanakina and Goretsky These are leading philologists in the Russian language, their knowledge and work formed the basis for many school materials. Publishing house Enlightenment and 1, 2 Parts methodological material in Russian will help your child study independently at home and learn the material more thoroughly. This will give the student confidence and encourage him to independently complete tasks in school lessons.

A child’s head can only be imagined as “square”, or maybe even a more complex shape. Now they will attack us - what are you saying, how can this happen!? But we are not talking about the shape of the head as a physical thing, but about what happens inside it. After all, think for yourself, a child in 2nd grade has only just learned to confidently express his thoughts, and maybe he’s still learning how to do this. In addition, new words, rules, etc. are showered on him every day. etc.. And then bam, this school, with its homework and grades. And this is every single working day. Do it and do it homework Yes, everything is new, everything is new. Who here doesn’t have a square head!? But in order to somehow and partially knock off this influence of the “school machine”, and also to at least a little warn against unwanted grades, we created this very page with ready-made homework assignments in the “Russian language” for grade 2, authors Kanakina and Goretsky.
You just need to find the page that interests you and click on the corresponding numbers. As a result, you will see a page with ready-made answers on the Russian language School of Russia for grade 2 and part 2. It must be said right away that part 2 is actually the second quarter. Don’t confuse anything when you are looking for what you need and what we have!
Well, we just have to wish that our material will help you, and at the same time you would not turn to it in order to write it off and that’s it. And in order to check what you have already done yourself, that is, your finished homework. That's all, we look, check, compare, and comment if necessary.

Answers on the pages of the GDZ Russian language 2nd grade textbook part 2. Answers to assignments. Reshebnik

Select a textbook page: page 4 page 5 page 6 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14 page 15 page 16 page 17 page 18 page 19 page 20 page 21 page 22 page 23 page 24 page 25 page 26 page 27 page 28 page 29 page 30 page 31 page 33 page 34 page 35 page 36 page 37 page 38 page 40 page 42 page 43 page 44 page 45 page 46 page 47 page 48 page 49 page 50 page 51 page 52 page 53 page 55 page 5 7 page 58 page 59 page 60 page 61 page 62 page 63 page 64 page 65 page 66 page 67 page 68 page 69 page 70 page 71 page 72 page 73 page 74 page 75 page 76 page 77 page 78 page 79 page 80 page 81 page 8 2 page 83 page 84 page 85 page 86 page 87 page 88 page 89 page 90 page 91 page 92 page 93 page 94 page 95 page 96 page 97 page 98 page 99 page 100 page 101 page 102 page 103 page 104 page 105 page 106 page 107 page 108 page 109 page 110 page 111 page 112 page 113 page 114 page 115 page 116 page 117 page 118 page 119 page 120 page 121 page 122 page 123 page 124 page 125 page 126 page 127 page 1 28 page 129

Analysis of the most complex and unusual tasks in the textbook

Page 4 exercise No. 2, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) a) Fishing rod, swallow, matches, stove. b) Sandbox, flower girl, milky. c) Dream, post office, mast. d) Helper, predator, powerful.
Page 6 exercise No. 7, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) The hen laid an egg: it was not an ordinary egg, but a golden one. The old people's daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds. She herself is as white as snow, with a brown braid down to her waist. The fox was walking along the path and found a rolling pin.
Page 10 exercise No. 13, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) Y, and - [s], a, i - [a], y, yu - [y]. Remember: chu/schu, cha/sha, zhi/shi.
Page 12 exercise No. 16, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) Ruff - ruffs, puddle - puddles, porridge - reeds, pear - pears, ski - skis. To be friends - write, to write off - write, to hurry - hurry, to tell - tell.
Page 12 exercise No. 18, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle:
"If only I'm alive,
I’ll visit the wonderful island,
I’ll stay with Guidon.”
A. Pushkin
The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The letter combinations zhi-shi are written with the letter i, chu-shu are written with the letter y.
Page 13 exercise No. 20, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) The grass in the field is good,
And there are reeds on the river.
Near the field, past the rye,
Prickly hedgehogs walked by.
I'll put my hands in the water
And I will rinse them in water.
Or I'll light a candle
Or I'll turn on the light bulb.
Page 14 exercise No. 22, page (Russian language grade 2, part 2) First snow
A gray cloud covered the entire sky. The fluffy snowball flew to the ground. The wonderful snowflakes looked like a flock of white moths. They slowly circled in the air. The earth joyfully greeted the white fluff of winter.

Let's remember how to underline spelling >>

We'll do the first 12 exercises later.

In the "Perspective" program of elementary school reference book students in the subject Russian language is a textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We continue to work with textbooks and workbooks by these authors. The program is becoming more and more complex; in the second part you will increasingly look into our State Database. We hope you quickly figure it out and find the answers you need. We offer you a GDZ for the textbook Russian language grade 2, for its second part on this page GDZ for 7th guru. Let the student do his homework on his own, but parents should find the GD very useful for checking their answers. Ready-made homework assignments are designed to make life easier for parents, not for children!

If a spelling is missing in the text, as usual, it must be underlined. Some teachers are very demanding and reduce the grade, considering the lack of underlining as a mistake. Let's remember how to underline spelling >> In the textbook tasks there are questions for oral and written answers. Some teachers require detailed written responses to oral questions, so be aware of your teacher's requirements.

Remember that in primary school grades 1,2,3,4) is very important for getting a good grade in handwriting. The letters must be even, clear, the text without blots.

Answers to assignments have been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

GDZ for the Russian language textbook, grade 2, part 2

Page 4. GDZ on the topic The Word and its meaning

Page 4. What did the word say?

Page 14. Proper and common nouns

Ex. 13. Read the words in order, first from the left column and then from the right column.
Compare the words, figure out what they have in common and how they differ.
Write the sentences according to the model.

Samara, Moscow, Tver are cities. Volga, Oka, Neva are rivers. Vasya, Petya, Vova - these are names.

Ex. 14. Select and write down five proper names and five common nouns.

Answer to exercise 14:

Russia, Ob, Masha are proper names. Cat, dog, city - common nouns.

Ex. 15. Solve the puzzles. Write down the guys' names. What words are extra?

Answers to puzzles:

Natasha, Vova, Valya, water, bananas, Vanya, Nadya.

Ex. 16. How do you spell your full name and patronymic? Write it down. This is your proper name.

We write our name and patronymic. For example: A rtem A lexandrovich, E Lizaveta D mitrievna.

Ex. 17. A boy can be called differently: boy, student, schoolboy, second grader, son, grandson. What can you say about a girl? Write it down.

Girl, student, schoolgirl, second grader, daughter, granddaughter.

Ex. 18. Read the words. Divide them into two groups: proper names and common nouns.
Write the words in two columns.

dog Polkan
cat Murka
cat in ICQ
dog D friend
cow Zorka
calf Ryzhik
horse in oronok

Ex. 19. Read the words. Explain how they differ. Orally insert the appropriate words into each sentence.

1. Leva made a house for starlings from starlings.
2. Oleg P astukhov was with the shepherds.
3. Andryusha Rybakov loved listening to the stories of fishermen.
4. Tolya brought a lot of watermelons.
5. Zhenya Okhotnikov read a book about hunters.

Write down any 2 of these sentences.

Ex. 20. Come up with nicknames for dogs that start with sounds zh-sh, dt. Write it down. What rules do you remember?

Zhuchka, Sharik, Dimka, Tishka.

Ex. 21. Read the words. Are there any proper names among them? Are the words spelled correctly? Write down the words, correcting any mistakes you made.

Animals, cat, horse, dog, G underdog, Murka, P ear.

Ex. 22. Look at the pictures. Come up with nicknames for the animals so that they reflect their character or indicate appearance. Make up and write down 3-4 sentences about these animals.

Pestrushka the cow is grazing in the meadow. Puppy Zonochek wakes us up in the morning with a ringing bark. The M atroskin cat has stripes on his back and tail.

Ex. 23. Read funny poems by A. Kushner. What common nouns did the poet turn into proper names? (fountain, carriage, sofa, compote, radish) Come up with a similar quatrain and write it down.

Semyon Semyonovich Semenov!
Ruslan Ruslanovich Ruslanov!
Karton Kartonovich Kartonov!
Banan Bananovich Banananov!

Page 19. GDZ to the topic Words with multiple meanings

Ex. 24. Look at the pictures. ... Compose and write down 4 sentences with the word brush. How many meanings does this word have?

The curtain was decorated with a long tassel. A cluster of grapes was visible from under its leaves. The painter took a brush and painted the wall. I raised my hand.

Ex. 25. In what cases can you use the word goes?... Make up a sentence with this word.

It's been raining since morning.

Ex. 26. Read the words. Make up phrases with them.

Golden bracelet, golden hands, golden man.

Ex. 27. Read the poem...

The breeze asked as it flew by:
- Why are you, rye, golden?
And in response, the spikelets rustle:
- Golden hands raise us!

Ex. 28. Read the sentences. Think about why different objects are named with the same word. What do they have in common? Copy and underline ambiguous words.

1. Our cat Barsik has a fluffy tail. A red star is visible on the tail of the plane.
2. Little Sasha’s nose turned red from the cold. The bow of the motor boat rested on the low sandy shore.
3. Dazzling lightning flashed in the night sky. The zipper on my ski jacket suddenly came undone.

Ex. 29. Look at the pictures. Is it possible to use the following combinations of words: nose of an airplane, nose of a fox, nose of a ship? ... Make up a sentence using any of these combinations.

The fox's nose can smell a small mouse even under a layer of snow.

Ex. thirty.... Make 2-3 sentences with the word needle.

The sewing needle was stuck into the needle bed. The hedgehog protects itself from enemies with its needles. Another name for a knitting needle is a knitting needle.

Ex. 31. Read the poems. What is the meaning of the word bell?...

Bell - bell and bell - flower, they are similar in appearance, the word is ambiguous.

Verbal creativity

Ex. 32. Read the poem by I. Tokmakova. What is it like: funny, sad, ordinary or amazing?... Write down the highlighted words and make pairs according to the model.

The tongue of the shoe is the tongue of a kitten; potato peephole - door peephole; The neck of the bottle is the neck of a nightingale.
Window - window, eye - eye, potato - potato, neck - neck - neck.

Page 25. Answers on the topic Words that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning (homonyms)

Ex. 33. Draw models of words. Compare words by meaning, sound and spelling. (identical) Compose two sentences with any pair of words that sound the same but have different meanings.

We grew green onions in the garden. Ivan took his bow and arrows and set off.

Ex. 34. Look at the pictures... Make 4 sentences with any of these words and write them down.

The bull was grazing in the meadow and chewing grass. The bridge stood firmly on the bulls. The bunting sang tenderly at our window. Mom cooked oatmeal for breakfast.

Page 26. GDZ on the topic Words similar in meaning (synonyms)

Ex. 35. Read the groups of words... Copy the proverb. Compose 2-3 sentences using any of these words based on the picture.

No one was born wise, but learned.
The children politely greeted their grandfather. The wise old man told them interesting story. The cat ran away from the angry dog.

Ex. 38. Write down the proposal. Is it possible to replace the word nimble with the synonym resourceful? (yes) Underline the letters of the unstressed vowels.

Brave, nimble swifts hovered over the water and chattered smolderingly.

Ex. 39. Read the synonyms. Which ones do you use most often when addressing your family? Write these words down.

We copy from the textbook.

Ex. 40. Read the lines from A. Pushkin’s fairy tale. What synonyms can you find for the highlighted word? (to mother - mother, mother, mommy, mamula) Write down the quatrain from memory. (write it down)

Verbal creativity

Ex. 41. Read the lines of poetry. Write down synonymous words.

Storms, blizzards, blizzards. The rigmarole, the noise, the hustle and bustle. Chills, trembles, gets cold, freezes.

Ex. 42. Read the poem... Write 1-2 sentences about what an oak tree looks like in autumn. Write them down.
Write out from the text 4 words with unstressed vowels, 1 word with an unpronounceable consonant.

The oak has a thick trunk and a spreading crown. Its foliage remains green until late autumn.
Before waiting (do wait), afraid (fearful), standing (standing), hardened (hardening), late (late).

Ex. 43. Read the words that Anya and Vanya consider synonyms. Did they choose the right words for the groups? (no, despising is unnecessary)

Creative break

Ex. 44. What word is repeated in the dialogue...? (word said)

Ex. 45. Read the text. Correct it by replacing the repeated words with synonyms. ... Come up with a name for it and write it down in a corrected form.

On a walk in the park we saw magnificent fountains and beautiful gazebos. Cute girls ran along the alleys with balloons.

Page 33. GDZ on the topic Words with opposite meanings (antonyms)

Ex. 46. Read the proverbs... Write down the highlighted words in pairs. Compare them by meaning and sound...

Good is bad, little is much, lazy is agile.

Ex. 47. Read the antonym words from the “Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms” by M. Lvov. Copy the poetic lines of A. Zharov. Circle the antonym words.

The dawns were clear,
There were bad days...

Ex. 48. Read the poem by G. Sapgir. Find antonym words in the text. Match the words with missing letters with test words. Write the words in pairs by inserting letters.

Low - high, close - far, small - large, sour - sweet.
The hall will say, low - low, high - high, close - close, far - far, heavy - heaviness, sweet - sweetness.
Every man to his own taste.

Ex. 49. For each word from the left column, find a word with the opposite meaning (antonym) from the right column. Write the words in pairs.

Tall - short, long - short, add - subtract, wonderful - disgusting, brave - cowardly, affectionate - rude, buy - sell.

Ex. 50. Read the text... Choose the sunny antonym for the word. Write down a new title. What day can be described in a text with this title? Replace all the highlighted words with antonyms and write the resulting text.

It's a nasty day

A cold wind blows in your face. The leaves on the trees tremble sadly. Heavy clouds are floating across the sky. A boat is sailing quickly on dark water.

Page 36. GDZ on the topic Stable combinations of words

Ex. 51. Read the sentences... Write them down. (write it down)

Ex. 52....Select a meaning for each phraseological unit from the right column. Write down phraseological units with their meanings according to the model.

Rolling up your sleeves - diligently, diligently. Through the sleeves - somehow. You can't spill it with water - they are very friendly, inseparable. Come to your senses - become more reasonable, more prudent.

Page 39. Answers to the topic Thematic groups of words

Ex. 53. Read the words. Distribute the words into 3 groups: people, cars, space. Write them down.

People: builder, janitor, shoemaker, teacher.
Cars: truck, rocket, plane, computer.
Space: Moon, Jupiter, comet, rocket, stars, Sun.

Ex. 54. Read it. For each group, choose a word with a general meaning and write it down according to the example. What word can be common to all groups of words?

1. Linden, pine, spruce are trees. 2. Lilac, jasmine, acacia are bushes. 3. Aster, iris, rose are flowers. 4. Trees, bushes, flowers are plants.

Ex. 55. Make up several thematic groups of words: names of seasons, days of the week, educational subjects, domestic and wild animals. Write down the words of any group.

Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Academic subjects: mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the world, physical education, music, fine arts.
Pets: goat, sheep, cow, dog, cat.
Wild animals: bear, wolf, fox, hare, elk, roe deer.

Page 41. Test yourself

1. Find proper names among the words. Write them down, formatting them correctly in writing.

Lyosha, Mashenka, Morozko.

2. Match the words in each line with words with a common meaning.

Ruler, notebook, textbook, eraser - school supplies.
Tomato, potato, cucumber, carrot - vegetables.
Winter, spring, summer, autumn - seasons.

3. Find a word with multiple meanings. Write it down.

4. Write pairs of words, indicating synonyms with the letter c, and antonyms with the letter a.

Moon - month (s), peace - quarrel (s), storm - hurricane (s), winter - summer (s), brave - cowardly (s).

5. Find stable figures of speech. Explain their meaning.

1. Sit on pins and needles in class. 2. Work carelessly.

Page 42. GDZ on the topic Word composition

How to assemble and disassemble a word

Ex. 56. Read the song. To whom are her words addressed? Are these words similar in meaning? Do they have a common part in writing? write down these words... Underline the common part in these words.

I'm a cat, I'm a cat, I'm a cat, I'm a cat.

Ex. 57. Read the words. Distribute them into 3 groups and write them down.

With the root -dar-: to give, gift, present.
With the root -screw-: screw, screw.
With the root -side-: side, sidewall.

Exercise 58. Write down the sentences. Highlight the root in related words. Place emphasis. Pay attention to the spelling of the root.

We write down, highlight the root LIGHT with an arc in the words light, shine, fireflies, light, lamp. The roots of related words are spelled the same.

Exercise 59. Read the words. Who are they calling? (baby animals)

The common part is the suffix YONOK. We write down the words, denoting the suffix -yonok with a house.

Exercise 60. Look at the drawing. Read the words. Find the common part in them before the root. (The common part before the root is the prefix PRI.) Write down the words. Emphasize the common part in them before the root. Write a story using pictures and words.

They flew, they swam, they ran, they came, they arrived, they rushed.
All of Aibolit’s friends came to the holiday. A sailor arrived with his parrot. The children came running. The monkey arrived on Pull-Push. Ava the dog and the pig came running. The birds have arrived.

Page 46 GDZ to the topic The root is the main part of the word. Cognate (related) words

Ex. 61. Read the text. Give it a title. (To the watering hole) Find in the text the name of each animal and its baby. Write these words in pairs according to the example... Highlight the common part in each pair of words with an arc sign - the root... Write down sentences with related words.

A baby elephant stomped behind the mother elephant. A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox. A hedgehog was rolling behind its mother hedgehog. A bear cub followed the mother bear.

Ex. 62. Look at the drawing. Read the words. Write down the words. Label the roots. Compare words by meaning and spelling. Which of them does not belong to the group of related words?

The word driver does not belong to the related group.

Ex. 63. Read it. Are all the words in the groups related? (no) Write it down only related words, select the root.

Ring, ring, call.
Cold, cold, refrigerator.
Mountain, mountain, mustard.
Sea, sailor, carrots.

Ex. 64. Complete the sentences with words of the same root: sea, sea, seaside, sailor, sailor.

1. We live on the Black Sea coast. 2. My father is a sailor. 3. Father serves on a large sea ship. 4. A sailor is a sailor's wife. 5. We were vacationing in a small seaside town.

We highlight the root MOR in the listed cognate words.

Ex. 65. Look at the drawing. Read the questions. Write down your answers. Write down related words from your answers. How are they similar? What is the common part about them? (root SAD) Select the root.

1. In the drawing, the artist depicted a blooming garden.
2. This garden was grown by a gardener.
3. He is holding garden shears in his hand.

Ex. 66. Read the sentences. Find related words...

1. Summer rain generously irrigated the parched fields. 2. In the morning, dewdrops sparkle in the sun. 3. I like to wander through the dewy grass. 4. The dew disappears by midday.

Write down words with the same root. Select the root. How to check the letter of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word? (you need to choose a related word so that the emphasis falls on this letter)

Ex. 67. Read... Which word helps you write all other related words correctly? (elephant, salt, food) Write down groups of words. Label the root.

Ex. 68. Select related words for these words, one of which denotes an object, and the other a sign of an object.

Fly - pilot - flight.
Shine - light - ... .
To be friends -...
Be in love - ...

What part of related words remains unchanged? What is it called? (root) Select this part...

Ex. 69. Read the text. Divide the text into sentences and write it down, correctly formatting the sentences in writing. find the same root (related) words. Circle them. Which ones are testing?

Masha and Ira went out onto the meadow. Little calves were grazing there. The yellow heifer Buryonka mooed. The black chick Nochka was nibbling grass. The heifer Zorka drank water. The bull Buyan ran behind the hillock. The shepherd Vanya called him for a long time.

Chick, chick - test words.

Ex. 70. Read the sentences. For words with missing letters, select test words from the words to choose. Write the sentences by filling in the missing letters. Write test words in brackets.

1. Friends world were ( world) after a quarrel. 2. Sister at measure yala (with measure ka) new dress. 3. The washing machine itself polo with kala ( rinse e) underwear. 4. Girl at la sk ala ( lask a) kitten. 5. It’s good to hide from the sun in te n And ( shadow) trees! 6. You are an old man cha n st ( tyn e) goldfish with a seine. 7. Don't sting l elo ( it's a pity co) the sun is hot for a good tan. (E. Izmailov) 8. In our pond live wut ( live t) crucian carp. 9. In the school yard, second graders with le p or ( le p ka) a funny snowman. 10. There was a thaw and snow whether n al ( li p cue) to skis.

Highlight the roots in words with missing letters and in test ones.

Ex. 71. Read it. Find proverbs among the sentences and write them down from memory. Choose words with the same root for the highlighted words.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold. In the winter cold everyone is young. In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.

Ex. 72. Read the words. Determine which letters are missing. Match each one this word test and write the words in pairs.

Mushroom - mushroom o k, Fish ka - fish a,
bush - bush o k, fur coat - fur coat a,
rain - rain and k, birch ka - birch a,
cold - cold o k, herb ka - herb a.

Exercise 73. Read the riddles of N. Betenkova. Write down any riddle by filling in the missing letters. Find the roots in the highlighted words.

I am bitter, I am sweet (sweet)
I reach for the sun from the garden bed (bed)
Helpful friend for kids (friend),
And I’m just called onion (onion a).

We select the roots of the sweet beds of each onion.

I am round, I am smooth cue (smooth o k),
And it tastes pleasantly sweet (sweet o k).
Every toddler (karapuz s) knows
That my name is watermelon (watermelon s).

We select the roots of glad sweet karapuz watermelon.

Ex. 74. Read the text. Title it and write it down, filling in the missing letters. Explain their spelling.

The cat Anfiska gave birth to kittens (kittens).
Soon the kittens' eyes (eyes) opened and teeth (teeth) erupted. The kids got out of the basket for the first time. One climbed (climb) under the cabinet(s). The other crawled (crawl) under the bed. There were boots (boots) under the bed. The kitten climbed into the boot (boot and) and fell asleep.

The teacher may require you to highlight the roots in words with missing letters.

Page 57. Answers to the lesson Prefix

Ex. 75. Form new words from these words by adding prefixes: over-, on-, with-, over-, from-, under-, at-, pro-.
Write, read, fly. Write down new words. Select the prefixes in them.

To write, over to write, to write, with to write, to rewrite, from to write, under to write, to write, about to write.
Read, on read, re-read, about read.
To fly, to fly, with to fly, over to fly, from to fly, under to fly, with to fly, about to fly.

Ex. 76. Read the words. Which ones have prefixes and which ones don't? First, write down the words without prefixes, identify the root in each of them. Then write down the words with prefixes, designate the root and prefix in each of them.

Ex. 77. Look at the drawing. Make up and write down a story based on the picture, using words to choose from. Select the prefixes in them.

There is a hut on the edge of the grove. It is surrounded by tall slender birch trees. The trees come very close to the house. A swift flies high in the sky. Flowers bloomed in the meadow. Apples are ripe in the garden.

We highlight the prefixes: o are circling, approaching, flying over, blooming, ripe

Ex. 78. Here is a map of the city. Explain verbally how to get from the school to the stadium. Use action words... Write down your story. Highlight the prefixes in the words.

After school I go to the stadium. I'm walking out of school and turning left. Then I cross the street at the pedestrian crossing and walk straight. Five minutes later I arrive at the stadium.

Ex. 79. Observe the writing of the dividing solid sign and draw a conclusion in which place of the word and before which vowels it is written.

ABOUT b fuck it, With Oh, let's live, oh b I'm dreaming Withъ is there.

Ex. 80. Orally. The conclusion is written below the exercise.

Ex. 81. Read the words. Write down the words, inserting a separator where necessary soft sign, or a dividing solid sign. Highlight the root and prefix (if there is one) in each word.

Ex. 82. Find mistakes in a second grader's dictation. What spelling does he not know well enough? Explain his mistakes.

How I spent my day

In the morning I got up and sat down at the table. There was a white dinner tablecloth on the table. I With I ate porridge, and now I drink tea. My older brother Kolya bъ I thought that it was necessary to build a fence. I helped him score the stake.

Page 62. GDZ on the topic Suffix

Ex. 83. Guess the riddle. Write her off. Identify the suffix (ish) in each highlighted word.

Eye looking for and, mustache looking for and, tail, claws, and washes cleaner than everyone else. It's a cat.

Ex. 84. Look at the pictures. What are the names of the ones depicted on them? musical instruments? Remember what the musicians who play these instruments are called. Write down the words according to the example.

Ex. 85. Write down the words - the names of the athletes depicted in the pictures. Suffixes for selection: -ist, -schik-. Make up and write down sentences using these words. Underline the letters of unstressed vowels in the roots of words.

The football player scored a goal against the enemy. The hockey player hit the puck with his stick.

Ex. 86. Observe the work of the suffix -chik. Which words with this suffix have a diminutive meaning, and which ones name people’s professions?

Diminutive meaning - 1st group (chair - stool...), profession - second (fly - pilot...)

Ex. 87. Read the text. Replace the highlighted words with words of the same root, which would have one of the suffixes: -enk-, -k-, -ik-. What shade of meaning do these suffixes give to words? (diminutive) Write down the modified text. What is the description of the animal now? (affectionate)

Zaich IR

Have a hare IR and there are many enemies in the forest. And yet he lives, does not grieve. His nose and sensitive ears help him out To and, quick knife To and and inconspicuous fur coat To A. In summer the hare is gray yenk yy. There is no gray visible on the ground or in the grass. Bunny for winter IR and change their outfit. New wool To and they grow thick, warm day Kaya, Bel yenk oh, invisible in the snow.

We highlight suffixes in the highlighted words. In the word hare, the suffix is ​​ik, the root is zaich (from “hare”)

Page 66. GDZ to the topic Ending

Ex. 88. Read the text. Try to restore the missing part of the word.

Spring came. People and animals are happy about spring. They expect warmth and joy from spring.

Ex. 89. Read the text. What's wrong with it? How to fix it? Guess which part of the word will help connect all the words in the sentence. (ending)

Many schoolchildren use a computer. Computer[s] help us solve arithmetic problems, print fairy tales and short stories. You can play interesting games[s] on your computer.

Ex. 90. Change the words according to the example, find and highlight the endings.

1. Sister[s] - sister[s], girlfriend[s] - girlfriend[s], student - student[s], books[a] - books[s].

2. School[a] - from school[s], water[a] - from water[s], river[a] - from river[s], hand[a] - from hand[s].

Ex. 91. Read the text... Write the text, inserting the missing endings.

What grades can an excellent student have?

My neighbor received a letter from a friend from Germany: “Hello, Masha!” I study well. In German - "1", in Russian - "1", in arithmetic - "2". I only have ones and twos. I'm almost an excellent student."
Masha didn’t understand anything, so she asked the teachers to help her understand the letter. The teacher said that in Germany the best grade is one, and the worst grade is five. In general, it's the other way around!

Page 68. Test yourself

1. Name the main part of the word. (root)

2. Determine which parts of the word are highlighted in the words. Cup- chick(suffix chik), at-school (presidential agent), left- A(end a), at- city-ny (root city).

3. Collect words with the same root into groups.

Forest, forester, forester, wooded, woodsman. Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf.

Page 69. GDZ on the topic Parts of speech

What are parts of speech

Ex. 92. Read expressively the lines from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale... First write down the words marked with one asterisk, and then with two asterisks. What do the words in each group have in common?

A kettle, irons, and a frying pan are objects.
Runs, chatters, rattles, runs, quacks, jumps, strums, knocks - these are the actions of objects.

Ex. 93. Read the words. Determine which of them represent objects and which ones represent the actions of objects. First write down the words that answer the question who?, then - the question what?, then - the question what does? Connect the words of the two groups.

Who? Boy, frog, bird, baby.
What? Boat, ball, plane, tree.
What is he doing? Swims, jumps, flies, grows, walks.

The boat (what is it doing?) is floating. The boy (what is he doing?) is walking. The frog (what is he doing?) is jumping. The ball (what is it doing?) is flying. The bird (what is it doing?) is flying. The plane (what is it doing?) is flying. The tree (what is it doing?) is growing. The baby (what is he doing?) is growing.

Ex. 94. Read the words. Think about what three groups these words can be divided into. What do the words in each group have in common? What do they mean? What questions are answered? Write the words in three columns.

Item Attribute of the item Action of the item

acacia beautiful is coming
library blue studying
cherry narrow runs
huge bear writes
boy heavy friends
computer backpack

Ex. 95. Read the words in groups. Discuss what the words in each group name: objects, attributes of objects, or their actions. What questions do they answer?

1 - objects; What? Who?
2 - actions of objects; what to do? what to do?
3 - signs of objects; Which?

Ex. 96. Read the story by N. Sladkov. What have you learned about the wolf? Write down three words from the text - the name of the object, three words - the name of the action of the object and three words - the name of the attribute of the object.

Item names: wolf, wolf cubs, moon.
Names of the item's action: lives, avoids, raises.
Names of the object's characteristics: gray, large, round.

Ex. 97. Read the text from an old Russian language textbook. ... Try to write the text in poetic form, inserting the missing letters. Can all missing letters be checked? Try to compose a short text yourself describing nature.

Native paintings

Dear dear pictures (lyrics):
Fields, birches (birches) and forests,
Meadows, ravines and plains,
And under the mountain (mountains) the stream is ringing.
Willows bent over the stream.
The village can be seen in the distance (yes).
The fields are golden under the sun.
Cranes are screaming in the swamp.

A narrow path leads through the forest. Tall trees grow along it. White birch trees are located at the very edge. Pine trees stretch their long branches towards the sky. A village is visible in the distance.

Ex. 98. Read the tongue twisters. Learn to pronounce them quickly. Write down words denoting the actions of objects. Put a question for each word.

What they were doing? Maneuvered. What did you do? They didn't catch it. What did you do? Missed it.

Page 76. GDZ on the topic Noun

Ex. 99. Read the text. Write down the words that answer the questions...

Alyosha, dad, apple trees, pears. These words denote objects and answer the questions who? What?

Ex. 100. Read the poems. Write down the inanimate nouns. What question are they answering?

What? Things, hammer, vice, pliers, file, hacksaw, skill.

Ex. 101. Read the poetic text. What nouns answer the question who? Write them down along with the question.

Who? Deer, lion, badger, lynx, bear cubs.

Ex. 102. Read the beginning of Charles Perrault's fairy tale (translated by M. Bulatov). Remember its name. Find words in the text that answer the question who? and to the question what? Find the letters of unstressed vowel sounds in the answer words. Emphasize them. Orally select test words.

Who? Miller, sons, donkey, cat, brothers. What? Inheritance, mill.
The miller left his three sons but an inheritance.
The brothers immediately shared their father's inheritance.
The elder brother took the mill for himself.
The middle brother got about the village.
The youngest of the brothers was given a kota.

Ex. 103. Divide the nouns into two groups. First write down the animate nouns and then the inanimate nouns.

Animated: (who?) bear, magpie, frog, sparrow, hero, boy, girl, passenger, horse, cat.
Inanimate: (what?) poppy, oak, store, birch, watermelon, cabbage, carrots, peas, sedge.

Ex. 104. Game "Who is this? What is this?" Look at the pictures...

1. Buyers, mother, child, baby, shelves, basket, jacket, pants, boots, pears, apples, pineapples, bananas, oranges, kiwis, fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, vegetables, store.

2. Zoo, elephant, sand, birds, sparrows, fence, spectators, mother, children, hair, jacket, trousers, boots, hat, cap, carrots, interest.

Ex. 105. Read the sentences... What question does each of these words answer? Which of them can be called nouns and which cannot? Why? (because these are the actions of objects) Copy the sentences. Underline the nouns.

They lit the oven to bake pies.
A blanket of snow covered the entire field.
A leak opened on the side of the ship. Water started flowing from the tap.
A saw is ringing in the workshop. The moose drank water from a forest stream.

Ex. 106. Read the text. Why are some words in this text written with capital letter? (These are proper names.)

Ex. 107. Name and write down in groups as many proper names as possible with these meanings. Which of these names should be enclosed in quotation marks? (names of cars and magazines)

Names of cities: Moscow, Tula, Voronezh, Penza, Belgorod, Kursk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Paris.

Names of rivers: Don, Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Volga, Amur, Kama, Angara, Tobol.

Names of the seas: Azov, Black, Andaman, Barents, Bering, Red, Okhotsk.

Country names: Russia, China, Japan, Thailand, India, Mongolia, France, Italy, Spain.

The names of the capitals of different countries: Moscow, Beijing, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Colombo, Bangkok.

Car names: “Toyota”, “Mazda”, “Zhiguli”, “Kamaz”, “Renault”, “BMW”.

Names of magazines for children: “Funny Pictures”, “Nafanya”, “Murzilka”, “Three Cats”.

Ex. 108. Read the sentences. You write proper names nouns Which letters in the highlighted words need to be checked? Write them down along with the test words.

Gvidon, Irishka, Grishka, Marishka, S Altan.

About the window - about the window, pos. d nyaya - opoz d a l, gra chi - gra ch, ule teli - flight t, bake kla - oven, wreath - whisk, sad - sad and t, li tse - face.

Ex. 109. Read the words in two columns. ... Find the appropriate place for them in sentences.

1. Seryozha M is not afraid of ants. 2. Igor Listyev made a bouquet of leaves. 3. Vitya V Asilkov picked a bouquet of cornflowers. 4. Polya Ivanova returned from the field. 5. Little Grusha has pears in her basket. 6. Yura Gorshkov brought five pots.

Ex. 110.

Kitten and puppy

Misha had a puppy. And Katya had a kitten. The puppy and the kitten became very good friends. Neither ate from the same bowl.

Ex. 111.

The names of the writers: I.A. Krylov, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak.

Names of cities: Samara, Pskov, Novgorod, Vladimir.

Country names: Russia, Italy, Poland.

Ex. 112.

There was an ox in the field. The ox led the field from the field.

Ex. 113.

The calf was woolly and wet. They gave him names: Bobik, Rex, Tuzik, Swift, Gavryusha.

Sharik, Uncle Fyodor, Bobik, Rex, Tuzik, Swift, Gavryusha.

Ex. 114.

First and last names of people, names of animals, names of countries, cities and rivers are written with a capital letter.

Ex. 115.

An ordinary story

A puppy was walking down the street
Not so, my friend,
Not so Fluffy.
Walked in a snowstorm and in the sun,
And I walked in the rain and got wet,
And even if it snowed,
A puppy was walking down the street.
Walked in the heat
In the cold
And dampness
And he grew up.
V. Levin

Ex. 116.

1. Over the mountains plural. , in plural parts fur coat walks unit yes kaftan units . (Ram) 2. Not a bush singular. , and with plural leaves. , not a shirt singular , but sewn. (Book) 3. Duck unit. in the sea units , and the tail is singular. on the fence units . (Bucket) 4. Across the blue sky singular. plate unit floats. (Moon)

Ex. 117.

Plates[s], heroes[s], factories[s], paintings[s], room[s], apartment[s], shovels[s], shops[s], boys k[i]. These are dictionary words.

Ex. 118.

Swifts and magpies are birds. Pike and ruff are fish. Lily of the valley and rose hips are flowers. Hedgehogs and hares are animals. Sorrel is a plant.

Ex. 119.

Directors, contracts, drivers, cakes, carpenters.

Exercise 121.

We bought a pair of stockings and a pair of socks at the store.
There are no empty seats on the bus.
Tanyusha has a lot to do.
Several kilograms of apples were collected from one apple tree.
There are a lot of tomatoes, oranges and tangerines on the market.
The store has a large selection of boots, boots and felt boots.

Exercise 122.

Most of all nouns. The items are united by the word luggage.

Page 91. GDZ on the topic verb

Exercise 123.

Masters, scores, jumps.

Exercise 124.

Words answer the question what to do? and indicate the actions of objects.

Laugh - neigh, de lit - delit, cancel - cancel, throw - throw, endure - endure, whisper - whisper, meet - meeting, crack - crack, mix - laughter.

Exercise 125.

I lay there all winter,
In the spring he ran into the river.

On what road do they drive for six months and walk for six months?

I'm swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on the ground
I have a mouth, but I don’t speak,
I have eyes - I don’t blink,
I have wings, but I don’t fly.

Exercise 126.

What? Streams, snow, buds, sun, birds.
What are they doing? They run, they fly, they swell. What is he doing? It warms, melts, shines.

In spring, the sun shines brighter and warms hotter. Snow is melting. Fast streams run. Buds are swelling on tree branches. Migratory birds arrive from the south.

Exercise 127.

The driver (what is he doing?) drives the car.
The doctor (what does he do?) treats people.
The janitor (what is he doing?) sweeps the yard.
Tractor drivers (what are they doing?) are plowing the land.
Gardeners (what are they doing?) plant trees.

Exercise 128.

What are they doing? They jump, spin, pile up, rush, rumble, crackle.

These verbs name the actions of several objects.

Exercise 129.

Holidays in the village

In the summer we often went to the river. There we swam, basked in the sun, and went boating. At the edge of the forest we collected strawberries and tore cabbage soup. We went to the meadow to rake hay. We rejoiced and laughed.

Retell the written text so that it talks about the actions of one person.

In the summer I often went to the river. There I swam, basked in the sun, and rode a boat. At the edge of the forest I picked strawberries and picked sorrel. I went to the meadow to stir up hay. I was happy and laughed.

Exercise 130.

The duck screams. - The ducks are screaming. The woodpecker is knocking. - Woodpeckers are knocking. The dog is silent. - The dogs are silent. The frost is crackling. - The frost is crackling. The eagle is flying. - Eagles are flying. The kitten is sleeping. - The kittens are sleeping. The ship is stationary. - The ships are standing.

Exercise 131.

The ch. thundered. thunder. Lil Ch. rain. Looked through the rain. Sun. Ch. appeared in the sky. multi-colored rainbow.

Exercise 132.

Game "Wizard"... Retell the text as if the events had already happened.

Volodya returned home from school very sad. He got a bad grade. His grandmother was very upset.

Replace the highlighted words with antonyms. Write down the resulting text.

Volodya returned home from school very cheerful. He got an A. His grandmother was very happy.

Exercise 133.

Ivan the Great - to chop wood,
Vaska the cook - to carry water,
For the bear-heart - to heat the stove,
Orphan Grishka needs to cook porridge,
And for little Timoshka to sing songs,
Sing songs and dance,
Amuse your siblings!

Above the written verbs we sign with a pencil chap.

Exercise 134.

The first group of words denotes objects. These are nouns. The second group denotes the actions of objects. These are verbs.

Pike n. swims ch. . Man noun Ch. walks . Horse n. Ch. runs . Swallow n. flies ch. . frog n. jumps ch. . Snake n. crawls ch. .

Exercise 135.

Summer evening. Behind the forests
The sun has already set,
At the edge of the distant sky
Zorka turned red.

Exercise 136.

No wonder Zima is angry,
I walked through it -
The dream is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

The poem uses the device of personification.

Page 99. GDZ on the topic adjective

Exercise 137.

Which? Ice, bast, light, dark.

These are adjectives.

Exercise 138.

Use adjectives to indicate various characteristics of objects.
to taste according to shape according to color

The apple (what?) is sweet, round, red.
Plum (what?) is sweet, oval, purple.
Lemon (what kind?) sour, oval, yellow.
The nuts (what kind?) are tasty, round, brown.

Exercise 139.

Red, sweet, juicy, bitter.

Exercise 140.

The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet.
Round, red, sweet, with smooth green skin.

Exercise 141.

Read the text. What is it the main idea? (We need to protect nature) Title the text. (Meadow flowers)

The meadow is (what?) green.
Bluebells (what?) are blue.
Carnations (what?) are red.
Daisies (what kind?) are white.
Olya (what?) is small.

Exercise 142.

Warm, small, fluffy, silver, flexible, fast, dog-like.

Exercise 143.

Birch Grove . Sour cabbage soup. Thin skin and ca. Too toothy. Predatory and votive. Fluffy and thick scarf. Good luck. What an ear.

Each phrase is made up of an adjective and a noun.

Exercise 144.

White lily of the valley, blue cornflower, red poppy, ripe pear, large cherry, thin rowan, golden ring, fluffy towel.

We write adj. above adjectives.

Exercise 145.

1. A black crow is sitting on a branch. 2. A gray hare feasts on carrots in the garden. 3. A child’s coat is hanging on a hanger. 4. There are red apples hanging on the apple tree. 5. Kolya was skating on beautiful roller skates. 6. The driver confidently drove the car along a wide highway.

Exercise 146.

A small animal was hiding under a bush. He had long ears and a short tail. The body is covered with gray fur. The animal's eyes were frightened.

Exercise 147.

The spring morning is cool. The air is transparent and clean. The first leaves are blooming on tree branches. The earth is covered with a green carpet. Insects buzz around. Everyone is happy about the new spring day!

Exercise 148.

Make up sentences with the words highlighted.

Greenery - green- turn green.
Yellowness - yellow- turn yellow.
Purity - clean- clean.
Weasel - affectionate- caress.

A green beetle crawls through the grass. A yellow moth flutters over a flower. The forest has clean and fresh air. A gentle breeze shakes the feather grass in the meadow.

What part of the word is preserved in all words of each group? (green, yellow, clean, affectionate) What is it called? (Root) What part of speech does each word belong to? (1 - noun, 2nd - adj., 3rd - verb.)

Exercise 149.

The trees (what did they do?) blossomed.
Blue snowdrops (what were they doing?) were blooming.
The grass (what did it do?) turned green.
The dandelions (what did they do?) bloomed.

Trees - tree, zazele nela - green, grass ka - grass, in the forest - forest, it seemed - it seemed, there was a circle around, legs kah - knives.

Exercise 150. Read an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s poem. How would you title it? (Toys)

1) Nouns: shelf, elephants, dogs, camels, wolves, cats, accordions, ducks, pipes, matryoshka dolls.
2) Verbs: lay, stood.
3) Adjectives: fluffy, labial.

Exercise 151....Explain the trick in these verses. (The answer does not rhyme) Can poems be called humorous? (But why? (Because it will turn out funny if you match the missing word to rhyme)
Write down their poems: two verbs, two nouns, four adjectives.

Verbs: lies down, ripens. Nouns: day, snow. Adjectives: beautiful, clear, unripe, learned.

Exercise 152. Guessing game.

Hare: small, long-eared, oblique. Snow: white, cold. Frost: bitter, fierce. Book: interesting, children's. Rain: torrential, mushroom, autumn. Sour cream: white, tasty, thick, fatty. Wolf: gray, toothy, angry. Fox: red, cunning.

Exercise 153. What adjectives help not only to see the wilderness, but also to feel the freshness of the forest? (shady, damp, chilly)

In the wilderness of the forest (les), in the wilderness of green (green),
Always low (those) and damp,
In a steep ravine under a mountain (mountains)
A cold spring gushes out of the stones.

Exercise 154.

Description text.

The picture shows an autumn landscape. The grass has already turned yellow. The leaves on the trees have withered. A man walks through dry grass. He is in a hurry to get home.

Page 111. GDZ on the topic preposition

Exercise 155. Read it. Connect the words with each other in meaning. What words help us with this? (Prepositions)

Sit at your desk. Put the book on the desk. Call to the board. Stand at the board.

Exercise 156.

The cat climbed onto the dining table. The cat was hiding under the table. The cat hid behind the table. The cat climbed into the kitchen table.

These are prepositions.

Exercise 157.

Mom covered the table with a beautiful tablecloth. The lamp hangs over the table. A vase of flowers is on the table. There are cups on the table. Mom poured tea into cups.

Exercise 158.

The fox cubs are freaking out. Seagulls above water. The book is on the table. Smoke from the chimney. The horseman is on horseback. Gift for sister. A letter from a friend. A hut in the forest.

Sunbeams run along the white trunks of birches and along their green leaves.

Exercise 159.

An old pine tree grew in the forest. A red squirrel lived in a hollow pine tree. She stored mushrooms for the winter.

Exercise 160.

A ripe apple fell (from what? where?) from the apple tree (on what?) to the ground.
The frisky bird flew (from what?) from branch (to what?) to branch.
We were driving (where?) to the village (on what?) by car.
The yellow canary flew (from where?) out of the cage (where?) into freedom.

Prepositions with other words are written separately.

Exercise 161.

The dog has sharp teeth (who?) A cow has strong horns (who?). A horse has a long mane (who?). A monkey has prehensile paws (who?). Fluffy wool (who?) on a sheep. Striped skin (who?) of a tiger. A fox has a red tail (who?)

Exercise 162.

The bears were driving
By bike.
And behind them is a cat

And behind him are mosquitoes
On a hot air balloon.
And behind them are crayfish
On a lame dog.

Wolves on a mare
Lions in a car.
Bunnies on a tram
Toads on a broom...

Exercise 163.

Come, do, run away, write, move in, sketch, finish watching, stroke.

From a tall tree, from a two-story house, on a desk, in an elementary school, behind the central park, at our school, about excellent studies, behind an old house, to a shady alley, along blue water.

Identify the prefixes in the first group of words.

Exercise 164.

1. The Hindus have tame elephants. One Hindu By he walked like an elephant through the woods. Elephant about trampled the owner's path and helped cut down trees.

2. Suddenly an elephant behind measures and on guarded. The owner wanted to hit the elephant, but at I saw that from the bushes You A huge tiger jumped. Elephant By came back With He grabbed the tiger with his trunk, lifted it up and threw it to the ground. Tiger is scared and at ran.

We emphasize the space between prepositions and words, highlight the prefixes (indicated in bold).

Exercise 165.

Got on the bus. I got on the tram. I entered the subway. Got off the bus. Got off the tram. Got out of the subway.

The passenger entered the bus. The boy got on the tram. I entered the subway and began to wait for my train. The man got off the bus and walked along the road to the house. The man got off the tram at the final stop. I left the subway during the rain.

Exercise 166.


Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
Geese - on the harp,
Ducks - to the pipes,
Sheep - to the Donets,
Cockroaches - drums.

Page 120. Test yourself

1. A part of speech is a group of words that have a common meaning and answer the same questions.

2. 1) adjective;
2) a sign of an object;
3) which one?
4) small.

1) verb;
2) action;
3) what does it do?
4) runs.

3. Nouns: dog, bus, girl, book, cat, street.
Adjectives: homely, fluffy, interesting.
Verbs: read, run away, go.
Prepositions: from, from, by.

The fluffy cat ran away from the dog. A girl is reading an interesting book.

4. A preposition is a part of speech that connects words with each other.

Page 122. GDZ on the topic Proposal. text.

Exercise 167.

There was an old oak tree near the house.

Exercise 168.

Kids play hide and seek.
Cucumbers grow in the garden.
The piglets are sleeping in the ravine.
Musketeers sharpen their swords.
Children run to the circus in a gang.
Crayfish are dozing under a snag.
Pike swim along the bottom.
Wolves howl at the moon.

These are narrative sentences, non-exclamatory. Let's write off 4 of them.

Exercise 169.

The head of the family is mom or dad, the main members are parents.

Exercise 170.... Write down the sentences without asking questions. Underline the subject with one line and the predicate with two lines.

The cat meows. The pig grunts. The mouse squeaks. The frog croaks. The wolf howls. The crow caws.

Exercise 171. Copy the text.

The long-awaited spring has arrived. The sun is shining brighter. Birds are flying from the south. Buds are blooming on the trees. The first flowers appear. People rejoice at the friendly spring.

Exercise 172.

Explanations in the textbooks under the assignment.

Exercise 173. ... Complete each sentence with other words that clarify its meaning. Write down the resulting sentences.

The long-awaited spring has arrived in our area. The bright sun heats up more. A diligent student writes words and sentences beautifully. A little girl reads a poem out loud.

Exercise 174....Write it down by filling in the missing letters. Underline the main terms in the second sentence.

Elk is a forest dweller. Moose live in the Siberian taiga and in the forests near Moscow.
In winter, elk eat aspen bark and branches, and in summer they eat marsh grasses.
The elk has heavy, yellow and thick horns that look like shovels. The elk is a peaceful animal, but if the elk is attacked by wolves, it defends itself with both horns and hooves. Only hungry wolves dare to attack elk.

Exercise 175. Read and copy the sentences. Write the appropriate question in parentheses: what did you do? what did you do? what they were doing?

Mom (what was she doing?) was sewing a new dress for Nina.
Little Svetochka (what was she doing?) was playing with a new doll.
Vasya (what was he doing?) was drawing a horse.
Seryozha and dad (what were they doing?) were reading a fairy tale.

Exercise 176. ... Write down the text. In brackets, write questions for the highlighted words.

Marina loves (who?) her brother. She pushes (who?) the baby in a stroller. Marina tells (to whom?) the boy funny stories. Seryozha listens to (who?) his sister.

Exercise 177. ... Write words related to each other in pairs according to the pattern.

The man (what was he doing?) lived, the man (what?) was absent-minded, lived (where?) on the street, on the street (which?) Basseinaya.

Exercise 178. ...Make sentences correctly.

1. There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street. 2. The little bear eats honey. 3. The boy found a mushroom.

Exercise 179. Make sentences from words and text from sentences.

Why does a rooster need a comb?

Our loud rooster has a red comb. He takes his comb at night. The rooster is combing his colorful tail. That's why he has such a bushy tail.

Exercise 180. ... Compose a text, title it and write it down. Insert the missing letters.

Bad walk

Marina and Olya went for a walk in the park. Suddenly a huge black cloud appeared in the sky. It started pouring rain. My friends returned to my place in completely wet clothes.

Exercise 181.

1. Description text 2. Message text. 3. Text-reasoning

Let's copy one of the texts.

It holds its yellow head on a high, even stem.
The sun has risen. All the dandelions opened up to meet him.

Exercise 182.

Dream bike

There was a very beautiful bicycle in the store window. It was big and made of iron. The large wheels sparkled in the sun with their spokes. The bicycle frame was orange. There was a blue inscription on the side. This bike has 12 speeds and a soft seat. Not a bike, but a dream!

This text is a description.

Exercise 183. Write down the answers to the questions.

The dachshund has black or brown fur, long floppy ears, intelligent eyes, short legs and a narrow body. With a dachshund, the owner need not be afraid of anything, because she is always ready to protect him. The dachshund was used to hunt badgers.

Exercise 184.

Exercise 185. Write a note to your parents or friends.

Dear mom!
I did all my homework and had lunch. I fed the hamster. Don't lose me, I'm visiting Katya.

Kisses, Vika.

Exercise 186.

You need to add questions about your grandmother’s life, ask about her affairs.

Exercise 187. Write a letter to your friends, parents or children's book characters.

Hello, Anya! How are you doing? How do you study? How is the kitten, has it grown up? I'm great. Holidays are coming soon. Mom and I will come to visit you. You and I will go for walks and play interesting games. I'll bring a new board game with me. See you in a month! Your friend Vika.

Exercise 188. Write an invitation to your parents to celebrate spring and the end of second grade.

Dear Mom and Dad! I invite you to the celebration of spring and the end of second grade. The celebration will take place on May 28 in our class at 18-00. Your daughter Vika.

Exercise 189. Remember which fairy tales, stories and poems you know describe human communication with nature.

Stories by Snegirev, Prishvin, Ushinsky, Sladkov, Skrebitsky, poems by Tokmakova.

Exercise 190.

Test yourself, page 139

1. A sentence is a word or a group of words related in meaning that express a complete thought.

2. Subject, predicate.

3. Subject - who? What?
Predicate - what does it do?

4. Vanya visited Moscow. Moscow stands on the bank of the river. Vanya fell in love with this wonderful city.

This is the end of the Russian language textbook. End of second grade. Welcome holidays!!! Enjoy your holiday everyone!