Annual work plan for dow according to federal state standards. Dow annual plan. Main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution



The work plan for the academic year is mandatory documentation for a preschool educational institution. It defines the directions, tasks and system of measures to solve problems in a particular academic year.

Exist primary requirements to the technical and content design of this document: title page, contents of sections, page numbering, etc. The text can be illustrated with diagrams and tables. If necessary, thematic annexes are prepared for the annual plan.

In the practice of managing a preschool educational institution, there is still some formalism at the planning stage, and overcoming this formalism is an important factor in increasing the efficiency of managerial work in general. If we consider planning not only as the execution of a document on paper, but also as making a management decision, then we can say that planning is the basic principle effective management preschool educational institution. Any planned target serves as a kind of starting point when determining labor productivity.

Currently, there are certain requirements for preschool educational institutions: requirements:

Improving the quality of various services, including educational,

Interaction various organizations and structures to achieve set goals and objectives.

A number of mandatory documents constitute the regulatory framework for the activities of each preschool educational institution. From this point of view, the development and implementation of a plan are the two main stages of the management cycle.

Determining the main events, types of activities, specific performers and deadlines - this is the essence of planning.

Planning purpose- developing unity of action among administrative and teaching teams. The ability to clearly formulate the goals and objectives facing the team based on an in-depth analysis of the level of achievement over the past academic year requires special knowledge and skills from managers. Currently, a system of plans has developed in the nomenclature of affairs: charter, development program, educational program, work plan for the academic year. Documentation requirements for preschool educational institutions require individual plans for each teacher, manager and specialist.

The main, target decision for the entire preschool educational institution team is the work plan for the year and the educational program, and the preschool development program is the long-term action plan.

Three important documents of the preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution development program, educational program, annual work plan) define a number of key goals and objectives for the entire teaching staff. These documents are interconnected by goals, objectives and even main activities.

Speaking about the work plan for the academic year, we know that a certain cyclical nature has developed, which reflects the main stages and types of activities of the teaching staff.

Start school year - This is an adaptation period in the life of children, both newly admitted and those returning to kindergarten after a summer holiday with their parents. These are competitions to determine the readiness of the entire preschool educational institution and each age group for the new school year. The beginning of the school year involves methodological interviews with teachers in order to identify knowledge about age characteristics children of the group with whom they will work. This is a discussion of the organization of flexible modes, forms and content of work.

Academic year- this is a system of successive events: teacher councils, consultations, holding “open days”, organizing holidays, winter holidays and much more.

End of the school year- this is summing up and monitoring, drawing up a “graduate portfolio” and preparing the institution for summer health work.

This regulation simplifies planning the work of preschool educational institutions, since a number of issues are cyclical in nature and are repeated from year to year.

The annual work plan can be considered as a tool for the operational management of a preschool educational institution.

The annual plan is a specification of the tasks and activities outlined in the development program and educational program.

In the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution defined:

Specific measures to resolve problems in the educational process,

A system of methodological support for teachers in their professional growth,

Formation of work experience of teachers,

Introduction of innovations to improve the quality of preschool education.

The annual plan is the focus of the team on the main tasks of a particular academic year.

Main goals planning are as follows:

In ensuring the implementation of decisions government agencies on issues of education, development and emotional well-being of children of early and preschool age;

In identifying the main, key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;

In determining specific activities, their timing

Execution and responsible executors;

In instilling responsibility and discipline among team members.

I would like to highlight one more problem related to planning. We know the formal requirement of individual governing bodies to take into account, when drawing up the work plan of preschool educational institutions for the year, the recommendations and plans of these management structures. However, experience shows that it is almost impossible to coordinate and harmonize the activities of the teaching staff with the plans developed by the governing bodies, since planning “from above” practically does not take into account the real needs and capabilities of performers “from below”. In addition, the plans of higher-level structures, as a rule, are drawn up for the calendar year, and in preschool educational institutions planning is carried out for the academic year. Sometimes already in May, upon acceptance of the preschool educational institution, they require a plan for the next academic year, although the month of May at the preschool educational institution is the most eventful and it is in May that active work on its writing takes place.

In the methodological literature, another reason for formalism in drawing up a plan is often cited, which subsequently leads to formalism in its implementation. This is the overload of the plan with activities and voluminous text plans without a clear structure.

Optimality, as a condition of necessity and sufficiency, is an important principle of effective planning.


From the book “Technology for drawing up an annual work plan for a preschool educational institution”


The form in which the annual plan is written may vary. But no matter what form the annual plan is written in, its first part is “an analysis of the work for the past academic year.” We draw attention to the importance of this section, since only a deep and comprehensive analysis can be a good basis for determining annual goals and subsequent planning.

Main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution

1 section. Analysis of work for the past academic year.

This section can be presented in text and illustrated with diagrams and brief conclusions. We offer 6 sections of an analytical report on the results of the academic year, corresponding to the six blocks of the first version of the annual plan we presented.

1.1. Ensuring health and a healthy lifestyle. In this section it is necessary to briefly present: the health status of the pupils; morbidity of children and employees during the year, comparative figures by days of operation, summary data by health groups for the organization of special treatment and preventive work; the results of organizing physical education and health work, hardening, organizing a balanced diet, etc. The following are given general conclusions(identified trends in the level of health and healthy lifestyle), reserves for planning activities for the new academic year are determined.

1.2. Results of the educational program We are preschool educational institutions in the following areas: social-personal, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive-speech and physical development of children. This is an assessment of the intermediate results of mastering the Program in each age group in areas and educational areas.

1.3. The level of development of integrative qualities of preschool educational institution graduates (assessment of the final results of mastering the Program in the preparatory group for school), children’s readiness preparatory group to schooling; academic performance of former graduates kindergarten, currently graduated from grades 1-3. What follows are general conclusions and reserves for increasing the effectiveness of work in this section.

1.4. The results of professional development are analyzed nal skills of teachers, their certification and advanced training; applications from teachers for methodological assistance for the next year (according to the teaching skills card); systems methodological work at the preschool educational institution. The scientific and methodological support of the educational process is analyzed.

1.5. General conclusions, identified trends and work planning reserves with personnel, equipping the teaching room for the next academic year.

1.6. The system of interaction with parents of pupils is analyzed (based on the results of a parent survey); implementation of plans for joint work of preschool educational institutions and schools; results of work with other organizations. General conclusions.

1.7. The results of administrative and economic no work and the material, technical, medical and social conditions of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions are assessed.

1.8. For preschool educational institutions of compensating and combined types, one more section is included - analysis of the results of correctional therapy bots.

Section 2 of the annual plan.Improvement of qualifications and professional skills.

In this section, a system for working with personnel is planned:

Training in advanced training courses (for different categories of teachers, taking into account a differentiated approach);

Preparation for certification and certification;

Visits by teachers during the intercourse period methodological associations, conferences, round tables, etc., in order to improve professional skills;

Self-education of teachers.

Section 3 of the annual plan.Organizational and pedagogicalJob.

A system of methodological support for teachers, using various forms of methodological work.

Work of creative groups.

Preparation and holding of pedagogical councils.

Study, generalization, implementation, dissemination of advanced teaching experience.

Participation in competitions and shows.

Equipment and replenishment of teaching materials.

The second and third sections of the annual plan can be combined: “Scientific, methodological and personnel support for the educational process.”

Section 4 of the annual plan.Internal monitoring system.

This section is related to the control and diagnostic function in the management of a preschool educational institution and is presented as an internal monitoring system. Here the types and forms of control are planned (operational, thematic, DRC, etc.). Every year it is planned to organize a summing up of the final and intermediate results of the development of preschool children, in which all members of the teaching staff take part.

Þ In the pre-school group are summed up final results children's mastery of the basic general education program preschool education.

Þ In all age groups kindergarten - betweenaccurate results mastering the basic general education program by students in all areas of development.

Section 5 of the annual plan.Interaction in work with sevenher, the school and other organizations.

In this section, work is planned to improve the pedagogical competence of parents ( parent meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, round tables, etc.).

Joint creativity of children, parents and teachers.

Activities are planned on issues of continuity in work with the school and organizations with which contracts have been concluded.

Section 6 of the annual plan.Administrative and economic work.

All work is planned to strengthen the material, technical and financial base of the preschool educational institution: repair, equipment and replenishment of subject environments, etc.

Leila Strakashina
Annual plan of the preschool educational institution





1.1. Meetings of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical Council

1.1.2. Public Council

1.1.3. Work team meeting

1.1.4. Meeting of the trade union organization

1.2. Work with personnel

1.2.1. Advanced training of teaching staff

1.2.2. Certification of teaching staff.

1.2.4. Meeting with the head of the preschool educational institution


2.1. Pedagogical Council

2.2. Workshop

2.3. Consultations

2.4. Working with young professionals

2.5. Shows, competitions

2.6. Innovation activities:

2.6.1. Self-education of teachers

2.6.2. Dissemination (reporting to the audience) best pedagogical experience

2.7 Organization of the work of the methodological room


3.1. Entertainment and leisure activities for children.

3.2. Exhibitions.


4.1.1 Information and reference stands

4.1.2. Parent meetings

4.1.3. Seminars

4.1.4. Consultations

4.2. Joint activities of the educational institution and parents

4.3. Interaction with society

Fifth section. CONTROL

5.1. Comprehensive control

5.2. Thematic control


5.1. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees

5.2 Strengthening the material and technical base.

Annual plan of MKDOU"Zaoksky kindergarten No. 3 combined type" compiled in accordance with

Federal law "On education in Russian Federation» (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ)

Federal State educational standard preschool education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 3013 No. 1155)

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions (SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13).

Approximate general education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

GOAL OF THE WORK: Ensuring effective interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, children for the comprehensive development of the preschooler’s personality, maintaining and strengthening his physical and emotional health.


1. Protecting the life and health of children

2. Create conditions in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, with preschool activity plan, in order to ensure equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education.

3. Organize work at the preschool educational institution to create an optimal subject-spatial environment.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development younger preschoolers through learning to draw

5. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers.

6. Continue work on developing all components of oral speech children: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms; formation of a dictionary, education of the sound culture of speech.

7. Continue the joint work of the kindergarten and the family on design and creative activities;

8. Interconnect the entire teaching staff in the educational space of the preschool institution.


1.1. Meeting of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical advice


Subject: “Priority directions of educational policy of preschool educational institutions for the 2017 – 2018 academic year”

Subject: “Teacher self-esteem. Its influence on the psychological and pedagogical process"

Subject: “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children. Learning to Draw"

Subject: “Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers”


1.1.2. Public Council

Public council meeting. Familiarization with regulatory documents governing the work of the Public Council. Statement plan work for the academic year.

Preparation of documentation for the Public Council of the preschool institution.

Public report by the head of an educational institution on the activities of the kindergarten for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Creating conditions for maintaining health in a preschool institution pupils:

Organization and quality control of hot food;

surveying institution employees on issues of improving working conditions in kindergarten;

Holiday Teacher's Day.

Preparing the kindergarten building for winter

Organization of participation of pupils belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with disabilities health, left without care in various competitive events at the district level, as well as at the preschool level.

Assisting in the preparation and holding of New Year's parties.

Analysis of software and methodological equipment of a preschool institution, formation of an order for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Organizing the participation of parents in the design of winter areas.

Report of the head of the kindergarten on economic and financial activities for the first half of the year.

Monitoring the sanitary condition of group premises.

Participation in the development of local acts and educational programs for preschool institutions.

On the state of work with children belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with limited health capabilities, and left without care.

Organization of work of the parent community with families from "at-risk groups"

Organization and holding of Open Days.

Consideration of candidates from among the institution’s employees for awards for success in work.

About the organization cosmetic repairs in group rooms and on walking areas in the summer.

Organization of events within the month “And the saved world remembers”.

Organization of summer holidays.

Preparing a preschool institution for the new school year (redecorating).

Consideration of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of teachers.

Analysis and compilation plan work for the next academic year.

Organization and holding of graduation matinees, holidays, dedicated to the Day child protection.

1.1.3. Workforce meetings

Meeting No. 1. Prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions in the new academic year.

Target: coordination of actions to improve the conditions of the educational process.

1. Results of work during the summer health period.

2. Main directions educational work Preschool educational institution for the new school year.

3. Adoption of local acts of preschool educational institutions.

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees of preschool educational institutions

Meeting No. 2. Results of the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration and the workforce.

Target: coordination of actions, development of common requirements and improvement of conditions for implementation activities of preschool educational institutions.

1. On the fulfillment of standard indicators and the results of the financial and economic activities of the preschool educational institution for the year;

2. On the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the labor collective of the preschool educational institution

3. On the implementation of the agreement on labor protection. Safety engineer's report.

4. Consideration and introduction of changes and additions to local acts preschool educational institution:

Regulations on the procedure and conditions of incentive payments to employees of preschool educational institutions;

Internal labor regulations;

Work schedules;

Vacation schedules;

Labor protection agreement for the new year.

Meeting No. 3. On the preparation of preschool educational institutions for the spring-summer period, the new academic year.

Target: compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations, safety regulations.

1. About preparation for summer health work

2. On the state of labor protection for the 1st half of 2018.

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees of preschool educational institutions.

4. On preparation for the new academic year, on carrying out repair work.

1.1.4. Meetings of the trade union organization

Election of the chairman of the trade union organization

Statement plan work of the trade union organization

Report of the PC Chairman on current work

Results of PC work for the academic year

1.2. Work with personnel

1.2.1. Training teaching staff

Drawing up a schedule for advanced training of teaching staff

Completion of advanced training courses for management personnel.

Submitting applications for advanced training of teaching staff to the education department

Independent completion of advanced training courses by teaching staff of preschool educational institutions

Certification of teaching staff

Consultation on clarification of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 N 276

“On the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions”

Introspection pedagogical activity over the past 5 years

Monitoring the activities of certified teachers.

Conversation on portfolio design.

Presentation of the work experience of certified teachers.

Publishing materials on the Internet.

1.2.3. Teacher Assistant School

“The appearance of employees as one of the means of aesthetic education of preschool children.”

“Rules of Conduct for Doe Employees in the Group”

“Organization of routine moments in different age groups”

“Helping the teacher prepare for the lesson”

“The formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is the concern of the entire preschool educational institution team”

"Organization of work in the summer"

1.2.3. Meetings with the manager

Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. Organization of control activities (familiarization with the control schedule)

3. Strengthening measures for the safety of all participants in the educational process (familiarization with the orders on health and safety for the new academic year.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

4. Preparing for the autumn holidays.

5. Preparing preschool educational institutions for winter (insulation of premises, cleaning of the territory).

6. Organization of work to protect the rights of pupils in preschool educational institutions and families. Working with socially disadvantaged families.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

3. Analysis of morbidity for a month.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities

3. Morbidity analysis.

4. Preparing for New Year's holidays:

Pedagogical work, music design. hall, groups, corridors

Approval of scripts and schedules for matinees;

Ensuring safety during the process.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of the incidence of children and preschool employees over the past year.

4. Preparation for the meeting of the labor collective.

5. Organization of work to ensure the safety of all participants in the educational process, occupational safety.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Interaction of preschool educational institutions with society, with "unorganized" children of the microdistrict, with "disadvantaged" families.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Carrying out "Safety Month".

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of morbidity for the 1st quarter.

4. The results of an in-depth medical examination, the readiness of graduates of the preparatory group for school education.

5. Organizing a cleanup day for landscaping.

6. Statement plan repair work in preschool educational institutions.

1. Statement monthly work plan.

2. Effectiveness of control activities.

3. Preparing for children to go to school.

4. Morbidity analysis.

6. About preparation for summer health work.

7. The effectiveness of the work of self-government bodies in preschool educational institutions.

8. Organization of work on the safety of all participants in the educational process for the summer recreational period.


Purpose of the implementation work block: improving the work of the institution as a whole, the teaching staff, working with parents, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of the preschool educational institution; improvement and development taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, obtaining positive results through teaching activities.

2.2. Seminars, workshops


Learning to diagnose

Stages of teaching drawing to younger preschoolers

Algorithm for developing projects in preschool educational institutions

Games that heal

Music in a child's life


Increasing the environmental competence of teachers

Music in a child's life

2.3 Consultations

For educators:

- “Sanitary requirements for the teaching process”

For senior and preparatory teachers groups:

- "Distribution study load during the day"

- “The problem of giftedness in modern pedagogy”


- “General diagnostics and identification of children with prerequisites for giftedness”

For educators:

Advanced pedagogical technologies.

The importance of artistic and aesthetic development of a preschool child.

For junior teachers groups:

Methods and techniques for teaching drawing to younger preschoolers.

Surprise and playful moments. Their meaning.

For teacher assistants:

- "When there is an infection in a group"

For educators

Teacher influence methods that stimulate children to be creative

For music directors:

Modern technologies in the work of a music director.

For correctional teachers groups:

The role of fairy tales in speech therapy work with children

For educators:

Prevention of postural disorders in preschool children

Safety rules for preparing and holding New Year's parties

For primary and secondary teachers groups:

Who is he "problem" child? What to do with him?

For senior educators groups:

Visual modeling as a means of developing coherent monologue speech of a preschooler.

For teacher assistants:

Organization of duty in senior groups

For educators:

Tips for organizing self-education

Forming healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers

Overview of partial programs

Forms and methods of work to develop healthy lifestyle habits in older preschoolers

Portrait of a future first-grader

Organization of summer health work

For teacher assistants:

Features of work during the summer health period

2.4 Working with young professionals


1. Study of legal and regulatory bases:

Federal law "About Education".

Federal law “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Model regulations on a preschool educational institution

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations for preschool educational institutions.

2. Providing assistance in organizing quality work with documentation:

Structure of the perspective planning

Calendar structure planning

Structure of a complex thematic planning


2. Organization of work to adapt the child.


1. Organizing and conducting a walk.

2. Formation of knowledge about sensory standards in early childhood.


Drawing up a summary of the organization and conduct didactic game on sensory education.


1. Organization of GCD

2. Interaction between teachers, parents and students through the project method.


Drawing up a project outline


1. Meaning fine motor skills in the development of child speech

2. Organization of leisure and entertainment in groups.


Drawing up a summary of entertainment in your group.


1. The importance of the regime for the successful development of the child

2. Development of graphic skills.


1. Safety and health of our children

2. Children's rights


Compiling a catalog of health-saving technologies


1. We develop by playing

2. Beauty is what man creates.


1. How to work during the summer health period

2. How to write a report on work for the academic year.

2.5 Shows, competitions

1. For teachers:

Competition of projects for teachers of primary and secondary groups on the use of natural materials.

2. Children's drawing competition "Colors of Autumn".

3. Project competition for early childhood educators “Child’s adaptation to preschool educational institution”

4. Review "Designing groups for the New Year's holiday"

5. Crafts competition "Winter's Tale" for teachers of all groups.

6. Children's drawing competition "Sorceress - Winter"

7. Review "Music corner in a group"

2.6. Innovation activities

1. Familiarization of teachers with the latest pedagogical and psychological literature

2. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of teacher T. M. Strakhova in sensory education of preschool children

3. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of educators O. A. Vinogradova and S. A. Pridorogina in introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land.

4. Study of the generalized pedagogical experience of the teacher Strakashina L.V. “Patriotic education of older preschoolers”

5. Games with massage.

2.7. Project activities

1. Development plan project activities preschool educational institution

2. Presentation of projects by groups

3. "Gold autumn"

4. "Sorceress - Winter"

5. "Spring is red"

6. "Summer"

2.8. Organization of the work of the methodological room

1. Selection and systematization of materials in the methodological room.

2. Replenishment of the bank of pedagogical information.

3. Drawing up a passport for the methodological office.

4. Bank replenishment pedagogical developments teachers of preschool educational institutions.

5. Compilation of a data bank of preschool teachers.

6. Work with the creative team.

7. Production of manuals and materials on mathematics.

8. Creation of a card index of EORs.

9. Reporting.


3.1. Entertainment and leisure activities

1. Day of Knowledge

2. Music Festival

3. Sports festival

4. "Osenins"

5. Harvest Festival

6. New Year's parties

7. "Christmas time", "Kolyada".

8. Defender of the Fatherland Day

9. Winter sports festival

11. Cosmonautics Day

12. Victory Day

13. Graduation parties

3.2. Exhibitions

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials and vegetables "Gifts of Autumn"

3. Exhibition of children's creativity "Gold autumn"

4. Promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

5. Exhibition of group newspapers "Dad can"

7. Exhibition of children's works of artistic and productive activities "Space"

8. Exhibition of drawings for Victory Day "Victory May".


Purpose of the implementation work block: providing parents with practical assistance in increasing the effectiveness of the upbringing, training and development of children

4.1. Pedagogical education of parents

4.1.1. Information and reference stands:

1. "In the kindergarten"

2. "What do cartoons teach"

3. « Moral education preschooler"

4. "About the future schoolchild"

4.1.2. Parent meetings

1. “Is a parent a customer, a sponsor, a partner?”

2. "Six steps to baby's health"

3. “Know, understand and respect the individual”

4. "Special Child"

4.1.3. Consultations

1. Formation of legal competence of parents with preschool children.

2. Formation of the child’s worldview.

3. Mathematics is interesting.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

4.2. Cooperative activity

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials

3. Joint preparation of groups for winter.

3. Promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

4. Exhibition "Christmas story"

5. Parental involvement in fun activities "Christmas time", "Kolyada".

6. Open day.

7. Questionnaire "Study of family satisfaction with preschool educational institutions"

8. Promotion "Green blooming area"

9. Hike "Camping"


Purpose of the implementation work block: strengthening and improving relationships with society, establishing creative contacts that increase the efficiency of preschool educational institutions

Department of Education of the Administration of the Zaoksky District Moscow Region, methodological service.

1. Participation in regional competitions and exhibitions.

2. Attending consultations and seminars.

3. Exchange of experimental materials.

4. Providing preschool educational institutions with regulatory documents and methodological literature.

5. Course training for teachers. During a year


1. Joint meetings on morbidity

2. Organizing regular examinations of children

doctors - specialists.

3. Control over vaccination work. During a year

1. Organization of control over compliance with sanitary rules and standards.

2. Training of preschool employees.

3. Disinfection and deratization of preschool educational institutions.

4. Medical examinations of preschool educational institutions.

5. Chamber processing of P/B

1. Training of preschool employees. Attending reporting concerts and performances.

2. Organization of joint holidays.

3. Visit entertainment programs, exhibitions.

4. Excursions, targeted walks. During a year

DDT "Rainbow"

1. Participation in competitions, thematic exhibitions and other events.

2. Exchange of best practices. During a year


1. Joint teacher councils.

2. Attending lessons and activities

3. Excursions

4. Organization of joint entertainment events.

Children's library

1. Joint events and holidays

2. Use of the literary fund

3. Organization of excursions During the year


1. Joint meetings

2. Working with difficult families Throughout the year

1. Joint preventive measures (classes, entertainment, consultations, visual information)

Fire Department

1. Organization of training for the evacuation of children

2. Employee training

3. Control over fire fighting equipment

4. Excursions for children to R/C

5. Working with parents on fire prevention.

District preschool educational institution

1. Joint events.

2. Sharing best practices

3. Participation in the RMO


Purpose of the implementation work block: improving the work of the institution as a whole, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of preschool educational institutions

Operational control

1. Planning educational activities

2. Diagnostics

3. Group documentation

1. Organization of the subject-developmental environment of the group

2. Visibility of the preschool educational institution

3. Compliance with the regime

1. Catering in groups

2. Organization of work on life safety

3. Use of TCO and ICT

1. Sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution

2. Observations in nature

3. Safe environment when preparing and holding New Year’s matinees.

1. Organization of leisure activities on holidays.

2. Labor education

1. Organization of walks

2. Environmental education on walks

3. Compliance with the motor regime

1. Organization of work on aesthetic education

2. Aesthetics of everyday life

3. Organization of work on familiarization with fiction

1. Guide to role-playing games

2. Organization of 2 half days

3. Organization of theatrical games

1. Organization of a musical activity area

2. Diagnostics

3. Preparation for the summer health season.

Thematic control

1. Teaching drawing to younger preschoolers

2 younger "A"

2 younger "B"

2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers

preparatory "A"

preparatory "B"

Comprehensive control

2nd junior group "IN"


Purpose of the implementation work block: improvement of psychological and pedagogical work using ICT.

1 Introduction into work practice Modern preschool educational institutions communication technologies.

2 Creation of presentations of educational and other nature, selection of musical works by age.

Control and management in preschool educational institutions

Annual plan of educational work of MDOU kindergarten No. xx for the 20xx-20xx academic year

1.1. Basic technical information about the institution, characteristics of the material base.

The kindergarten building was built according to the project, two-story, bright, central heating, water, sewerage, plumbing equipment in satisfactory condition. Group rooms and sleeping rooms are separated from each other. Each group has its own entrance. There are sports and music halls, a methodological room, a psychologist's office, a games library, and a room for Russian life.

The kitchen-catering unit is located on the ground floor (preparation and cooking). The kitchen is provided with the necessary sets of equipment (refrigeration cabinets - 3 pieces, a two-chamber household refrigerator - 1 piece, a freezer - 1 piece, electric stoves - 2 pieces, an electric meat grinder, a vegetable slicer, a potato peeler, an electric boiler, electric boilers - 2 pieces, an electric frying pan.

The laundry room is equipped with 2 automatic washing machines, a centrifuge, a dryer, and a Kalinka ironing machine.

The medical office is equipped, has an isolation ward, and a vaccination station.

The territory of the kindergarten occupies 14,430 sq.m., for each group there is a separate area on which play buildings are located and there are shady canopies.

There is a sports ground with a jumping pit.

1.2. Availability of teaching staff.

FULL NAME. job title Date of Birth education discharge category
FULL NAME. job title education discharge
1 Art. nurse
2 Deputy Head according to AHR
3 Chef
4 cook
5 kitchen working
7 laundress
8 ml. teacher
ml. teacher
18 ml. teacher
19 cleaning service premises
20 watchman
21 street cleaner
22 building worker

1.4. Analysis of work over the past year.

In 2006 – 2007 academic year. year we set the following tasks:

  1. Create conditions for protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children.
  2. To improve the work of the kindergarten in developing the foundations of environmental culture in preschoolers.
  3. To develop the creative imagination and musical abilities of children, to help create a comfortable environment in the preschool educational institution.

To solve the primary problem, systematic systematic work is carried out at the preschool educational institution. To successfully solve these problems, we used various means of physical education in a complex: rational regimen, nutrition, hardening (in Everyday life; special hardening measures) and movement (morning exercises, developmental exercises, sports games, leisure, sports activities). Many groups have been updated and corners have been created physical culture, where various physical aids are located. Much attention is paid to the prevention of flat feet: special exercises are carried out with children, physical equipment such as massage mats, health tracks, and spiked mats are used.

An analysis of children's health groups showed that 15% of children were in health group 1, 75% were in health group 2, and 10% were in health group 3.

An analysis of the work of the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions on speech development showed that in the process of regular systematic individual and frontal classes, the use of various methods and techniques, knowledge about the environment expands and deepens, and coherent speech develops. In general, the level of speech development of children is stable, which is confirmed by diagnostic results.

This year, our kindergarten team also worked on the legal education of children, parents and employees. The teachers studied such documents as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Family Code. The creative group develops plans for activities with children.

To solve the third problem, work was carried out in parallel with children and teachers. A consultation was held on organizing nature corners in groups. As a result, during the review-competition for the best corner of nature, it was revealed that in all age groups the ecological space was designed in accordance with the requirements of the program and the age of the children.

Much attention was also paid to the adaptation of children new to kindergarten. A psychologist and a senior teacher worked with parents, children and teachers of early age groups. As a result of the favorable emotional and psychological climate in the team and the interaction between adults and children, children quickly and painlessly adapted to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Educational level of parents of pupils: 47% have higher education, 47% secondary vocational. in this regard, parents are highly motivated to obtain high-quality preparation of children for school and their successful adaptation to new social conditions. Some parents are actively involved in the process of managing a preschool institution through parent committees. Number of large families 2.4% incomplete 16%.

There are 26 teachers working in our preschool institution, of which 31% have higher education, 66% have secondary specialized education. Teachers regularly and successfully undergo certification. Number of teachers who successfully passed certification for the 2006-2007 academic year. amounted to 31%.

Brief characteristics of teaching staff

-by level of education-
only 26 teachers

-by work experience-
only 26 teachers

On the background achieved successes in the system of educational work of the kindergarten, we identified the following problems and contradictions:

  1. Insufficient level of education of parents and children to promote a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Despite the implementation modern technologies In the practice of preschool educational institutions, play activities are not used enough in the lives of children.
  3. Low level of development of fine motor skills in preschoolers.
  4. Legal education of children and parents of children of senior preschool age is not carried out at full capacity
  5. Insufficient level of knowledge and ideas of children about hometown, about the country in which they live.

1.5. Analysis of the implementation of the annual plan for the section “Organizational and pedagogical work for the 2007-2008 academic year. year."

Completed (%) Not completed due to...(in%)
Lack of responsibility
Absence of other workers Lack of time due to current problems Substitution for another event Overload
There is no longer any need to hold an event Other
1 Teachers' councils
2 Consultations
3 Seminars and workshops
4 Open Views
5 Music entertained
6 Phys. entertained
7 "School beginning" teacher"
8 Control and management

1.6. Tasks of work for the 2007-2008 school year. year

  1. Continue to create conditions to protect the lives and improve the health of children.
  2. Introduce children to the history and culture of their native land.
  3. To improve the joint work of kindergarten and family on legal education.
  4. Study and implementation of the “Safety” program in the educational process

1.1. Group recruitment

age group educators ml. educators
Gr. early age No. 1 (2-3 years)
Gr. early age No. 7 (2-3 years)
1 ml. group No. 8 (2-3 years)
1 ml. group No. 12 (2-3 years)
2 ml. group No. 4 (3-4 years)
2 ml. group No. 11 (3-4 years)
Middle group No. 3 (4-5 years old)
Middle group No. 10 (4-5 years old)
Senior group No. 5 (5-6 years old)
Senior group No. 6 (5-6 years old)
Preparatory for school group No. 2 (6-7 years old)

September 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Current briefings on occupational safety and protection of life and health of children Manager
1.2. Drawing up educational support schemes, choosing topics for self-education, plans Art. teacher
1.3. Drawing up a certification schedule, certification work plan Art. teacher
1.4. Trade union meeting “Approval of the work plan. Choice of trade union committee" Art. teacher
1.5. Briefing with junior service personnel “Job descriptions” Art. nurse
1.6. Rules for handling dishes, changing linen, etc. Art. nurse, deputy head of AHR
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical advice No. 1, installation.
1) Analysis of work during the summer health period Manager
2) Familiarization of the teaching staff with the annual plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2006-2007 school year. year Manager
3) Abstract and approval of the list of programs and technologies used in the work of d\s Art. teacher
4) Approval of activity schedules and plans for group work with children Art. teacher
5) Approval of schedules for music and physical education classes Art. teacher
6) Approval of the topics for parent meetings Manager
7) Discussion of personnel placement in groups Manager
2.2. Consultation for teachers of groups No. 12. 8 “Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions” Psychologist
2.3. Consultation for educators “Overview of the Safety program” Art. teacher
2.4. IGA “Approval of the work plan. Beginning of adaptation" Psychologist, early childhood educators
2.5. Exhibition of drawings “How I spent my summer” Group teachers
2.6. Musical entertainment dedicated to the Day of Knowledge Music Supervisor
2.7. Management and control: checking the quality of documentation Head, Art. teacher
2.8. Organization of work to create an environmental circle Art. teacher
3.Working with parents
3.1. Registration of family passports, information about parents Group teachers
3.2. Analysis of families by social groups(complete, incomplete, etc.) Child Protection Inspector
3.3. Extended meeting of the parent committee Manager
Manager, deputy head of AHR
4.2. Analysis of furniture labeling and furniture selection in household groups Manager, nurse, senior teacher
4.3. Work to strengthen preschool educational institutions with new aids and furniture Manager
4.4. Order on organizing catering in preschool educational institutions, appointment of those responsible Manager
4.5. Operational meeting to prepare preschool educational institutions for the new academic year Manager

October 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Labor safety raid Labor Protection Commission
1.2. Preparation groups of preschool educational institutions for winter Deputy head for AHR, head
1.3. Drawing up work plans for educators for self-education Art. teacher, group teachers
1.4. Assisting educators in preparing materials for certification Art. teacher
1.5. View the work of young professionals Art. teacher, head
1.6. Beginning teacher's school. Consultation on the Rainbow program to help you understand the tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the children in your group Art. teacher
1.7. TV in the kitchen, working with electrical appliances. TV in the laundry room, electric machines Deputy head for AHR, head
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for teachers' meeting No. 2 Head, Art. teacher
2.2.Consultation for educators “Family through the eyes of a child” (using children’s works) Psychologist
2.3. Workshop " Interpersonal relationships in a kindergarten group" Psychologist
2.4. Open viewing of classes in senior group No. 5 “Child’s health” Senior group teacher
2.5. Open viewing of lesson in senior group No. 6 “Child on the street” Senior group teacher
2.5. MPS "Child on the threshold of school" Art. teacher
2.6. Direction and control: examination of children's health status Head, Art. nurse
Art. teacher
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultation. "Family through the eyes of a child" Art. teacher, psychologist
3.2. Conducting a general parent meeting for parents of newly admitted children
“It’s good in our garden”
Head, Art. teacher, group teachers
3.3. Group parent meetings according to plan Group teachers
3.4. Working with parents to improve the territory Manager, Deputy Head of AHR
4. Administrative work
4.1. Applying for advanced training courses. Manager
4.2. Meeting of the administrative council on labor protection - results of an inspection of the building and premises of the preschool educational institution
4.3.Work on updating soft equipment - bed linen
4.4. Raid to check the sanitary condition of groups
4.5. Inventory in the preschool educational institution. Write-off of low-value and valuable inventory
Labor Protection Commission
Deputy head according to AHR
Labor Protection Commission, Art. nurse
Deputy head according to AHR

November 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Discussion of personnel actions in emergencies, with the threat of terrorist attacks Manager
1.2. Preparing the building for winter, covering windows, cleaning the area Team, deputy head according to AHR
1.3. The work of self-education teachers Educators, Art. teacher
1.4. Assisting educators in preparing certification materials Art. teacher
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical Council No. 2 “Safety and health of our children Head, Art. teacher
2.2. Consultation for educators “Introduction to the “Young Kostroma” program” Art. teacher
2.3. Workshop “Development of leaflets on the implementation of children’s rights” Art. teacher
2.4. IPS “Continuity between nursery and preschool groups: problems, ways to solve them” (for groups No. 4,11,8,12) Art. teacher, psychologist
2.5. Exhibition of drawings “Golden Autumn” Group teachers
2.6. Beginning teacher's school. Seminar “Methods and techniques for organizing activities with children” Art. teacher
3. Working with parents
3.1. General parent meeting for parents of future first-graders Art. teacher
3.2. Photo exhibition “Visiting Autumn” (on the pages of autumn holidays) Group teachers
3.3. Consultation. “Portrait of a future first-grader” Psychologist, Art. teacher
3.4. Making family albums “Me and my family” Group teachers
4. Administrative work
4.1.Work on registering a preschool educational institution for the New Year Manager
4.2. Checking the lighting of the preschool educational institution, work on additional lighting of the preschool educational institution Deputy head according to AHR
4.3. Preparing a new group for young children: purchasing furniture, dishes, toys Head, parent committee, deputy. head according to AHR
4.4. Analysis of the accumulative sheet, reject log Manager, nurse
4.5. Development of a plan of preventive measures for acute respiratory infections and influenza Art. nurse

December 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Safety precautions when holding New Year's parties. Manager
1.2. About New Year's gifts and a holiday for employees Trade union committee
1.3. Consultation on New Year's holidays Art. teacher
1.4. Preparing certified educators for testing Art. teacher
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for teachers' meeting No. 3 Head, Art. teacher
2.2. Consultation for educators “Types of parental love” Psychologist
2.3. Consultation “Countrymen - Kostroma residents during the Second World War” Art. teacher
2.4. School for a beginning teacher. Planning (difficulties). Form: circle. table Art. teacher
2.5. Direction and Control: Table Etiquette Art. teacher, head
2.6. New Year holidays Music managers
3. Working with parents
3.1. Involving parents in winter construction on sites Educators, Art. teacher
3.2. Organizing and purchasing New Year's gifts Parental committee
4. Administrative work
4.2. Raid of the occupational safety commission in groups, in the catering department, in the laundry OT commission
4.3. Work in a preschool educational institution on the aesthetics of room design Manager, teachers, specialists
4.4. Drawing up a vacation schedule. Viewing work books and personal files Manager
4.5. Work on drawing up regulatory documentation Manager

January 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Instruction “On the protection of life and health in winter - ice, icicles” Manager
1.2. Production meeting following the results of the occupational safety audit in December Manager
1.3. Discussion of new products methodological literature. Exhibition Art. teacher
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical council No. 3 “The work of educators with parents to prevent child abuse” Art. teacher
2.2. Consultation for educators. Creation of a developmental environment in kindergartens – important condition mastering the “Young Kostromich” program Art. teacher
2.3. Intellectual game “Oh, Kostromich!” (expanding and deepening teachers’ knowledge about Kostroma) Art. teacher
2.4. Open viewing of classes in the preparatory school group “Family. Family tree of my family" Art. Educator
Preparatory school teacher gr.
2.5. Open viewing. “Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas” Musical director
2.6. MPS. Adaptation analysis. Dynamics of neuropsychic development of children (gr. No. 8,12) Art. teacher
2.7. Exhibition of children's drawings "Crystal Winter" Group teachers
2.8. Beginning teacher's school. Methodology for conducting classes in fine art Art. teacher
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultations. About childhood traumatism. Art. teacher
3.2. General parent meeting. Dangers on the roads. Traffic rules (with the invitation of a traffic police officer) Art. teacher
3.3. Photo exhibition “New Year and Christmas holidays” Art. teacher
3.4. Parents' committee meeting. Report. Head, Art. teacher
3.5. Group parent meetings according to plan Group teachers
4. Administrative work
Head, Parents Committee
4.2.Cleaning the roof. Inspection of electrical wiring in preschool educational institutions Head, parents
4.3. Inspection of a food warehouse. Control over the storage of products Deputy head for AHR, head
4.4. Strengthening MTB preschool educational institutions - purchasing play furniture for groups Members of the trade union committee
4.5. Operational meeting on fire safety Manager
4.6. Development of a preschool development plan and statutory documents Manager, deputy head according to AHR

February 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Briefing. Prevention of influenza in preschool educational institutions during periods of epidemiological troubles Nurse
1.2. Raid on health and safety of children and employees Safety Committee
1.3. Preparation and conduct of certification events Art. teacher
1.4. Preparation for the celebration of March 8th Trade union committee
1.5. Consultation for service personnel. We repeat the rules of SanPiN. Requirements for sanitary maintenance of premises and disinfection measures. Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for teachers' council No. 4. Art. teacher
2.2. Lecture for teachers “Artists of Kostroma” Art. teacher
2.3. Business game “Five rules for conducting activities with children” Art. teacher
2.4. Management and control over the organization and conduct of hardening activities in groups Manager, nurse
2.5. Exhibition of children's drawings "Our wonderful dads" Educators
2.6. Music entertainment “Wow, Maslenitsa!” Music workers
2.7. Review-competition of local history corners in groups Commission members
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultation. Psychological readiness of parents and children for school. Psychologist
3.2. Publishing a newspaper for parents on the topic of school preparation for children Art. teacher
3.3. Photo exhibition “Our wonderful boys” Educators
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work to attract additional funds Manager
4.2. The state of labor protection in the catering department Safety Committee
4.3. Purchasing furniture. Improvement of MTB DOW. Manager
4.4. Checking catering according to SanPiN. Manager, nurse
4.5. Implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regime in preschool educational institutions Team

March 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Work on drawing up instructions and updating briefings Manager
1.2. Sanitary condition of groups - mutual inspection Trade union committee, nurse, teacher
1.3. Preparation of certification documents Art. teacher
1.4. Celebrating International Women's Day Trade union committee
1.5. On internal labor regulations Head, trade union committee
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical advice No. 4 “Know and love your native land” Head, Art. teacher
2.2. Consultation “Zoning of kindergarten premises. Design of group corners" Art. teacher
2.3. Exhibition of drawings “Our beloved mothers” Educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. Analysis of children's morbidity Nurse, teacher
3.2. Parent survey. “Satisfaction with kindergarten. Parents' requests for next year" Art. teacher
3.3. Musical congratulations from children to mothers and grandmothers Music managers
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work on additional lighting of preschool educational institutions caretaker
4.2.Replenishment of the game room Head, senior teacher
4.3. Analysis of the accumulation sheet in the preschool educational institution Nurse, caretaker
4.4. Work on drawing up new local acts and regulations Manager

APRIL 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Raid of the administration and trade union committee on health and safety Manager, supply manager, trade union committee
1.2. Production meeting “Taking care of the preschool educational institution site is the work of the whole team. Subbotniks. Seedlings for flower beds" Manager, team
1.3. Acceptance of applications for certification in the 2007-2008 academic year. years Art. teacher
1.4. View final lessons by group Art. teacher
1.5. Environmental clean-up days Team
1.6. Implementation of the sanitary and epidemiological regime Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for teachers' meeting No. 5 Art. teacher
2.2. Seminar - business game " Speech development preschoolers" Art. teacher
2.3. Review of final lessons Educators
2.4. MPS. A child is on the threshold of school. Reports from teachers and psychologists Art. teacher
2.5. School for a beginning teacher. Methodology for conducting classes on cognitive development Art. teacher
2.6. Exhibition of children's drawings "Spring is Red" Group teachers
2.7. Management and control. Children's readiness for school. Art. teacher
3. Working with parents
3.1. Conducting final classes for parents and a meeting “So we have become a year older” Educators, Art. teacher
3.2. Photo exhibition “Our Affairs” Senior teacher
4. Administrative work
4.1. Landscaping work Caretaker, team
4.2. Operational meeting based on the results of the nutrition analysis in the preschool educational institution Manager
4.3. Work on streamlining the nomenclature of cases Manager

MAY 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Conducting briefings for summer recreational work Manager
1.2. About the transition to summer operating hours Manager
1.3. Mapping OERs Educator
1.4. Preparation of annual reports Art. teacher
1.5. Arranging children to go to school Educators
1.6. Landscaping of the preschool educational institution site Team
1.7. Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological regulations in the summer Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Teachers' Council No. 5. Final. Head, Art. teacher
1) On the implementation of annual tasks of the academic year Manager
2) “About our successes” - a report from group teachers on the work done for the year Educators
3) Report from the senior teacher on the work done for the year Senior teacher
4) Analysis of children's morbidity Nurse
5) Analysis of physical education and health work for the year Physical training instructor
6) Approval of the work plan for the summer health period Manager
7) Draft decision of the pedagogical council, its approval, additions Manager
2.2. MPS. Achievements of children over the year, using diagnostic results (junior, middle, senior groups) Educators
2.3. About the work of teachers in the summer Art. teacher
2.4. Preparation of materials for final classes Art. teacher
2.5. Graduation party Musical director
2.6. Excursion to the Eternal Flame Senior teacher
3. Working with parents
3.1. Involve parents in landscaping the territory of the preschool educational institution Educators, Art. teacher
3.3. Parents' committee meeting Manager
3.4. Graduation of children to school Musical director
3.5. Exhibition of works of artistic and productive activity “What have we learned in a year” Educator
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work to attract additional funds for the development of preschool educational institutions. Manager
4.2.Analysis of children by health group at the end of the school year Nurse
4.3. Purchase of materials for repair work caretaker
4.4. Analysis of the accumulative statement Manager, nurse
4.5. Landscaping, review competition Trade union committee

Annual planning at preschool educational institutions

The annual work plan for the academic year is the most important local act of a preschool institution. It must fully comply with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, federal and municipal legislation and be based on modern achievements pedagogical management, didactics, psychology, etc.

The annual work plan of a preschool institution is a purposeful program of action for the team of a preschool institution, brought to the necessary specification in content, time, performers, organizational forms and ways of its implementation.

The form in which the annual plan is written may vary. But no matter what form the annual plan is written in, its first part is “an analysis of the work for the past academic year.”

Main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution

Introduction. Brief description of preschool educational institution(basic technical information about the institution, characteristics of the material base, provision of teaching staff, staffing of groups).

Section I Analysis of work for the past academic year.

This section can be presented in text and illustrated with diagrams and brief conclusions. (K.S. Belaya offers the following sections of the analytical report on the results of the academic year, corresponding to six blocks).

1. Ensuring health and a healthy lifestyle.In this section it is necessary to briefly present: the health status of the pupils; morbidity rates in children during the year, comparative figures by days of operation, summary data by health groups for the organization of special treatment and preventive work; results of organizing physical education and health work, hardening, organizing balanced nutrition, results of adaptation of newly arrived children, etc.

2. Results of the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution in the following areas:social - communicative, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, speech and physical development of children. General conclusions.

3. The level of development of target orientations of preschool educational institution graduates is analyzed(assessment of the final results of mastering the educational program in the preparatory group), the readiness of children in the preparatory group to study at school. What follows are general conclusions and reserves for increasing the effectiveness of work in this section.

4. The results of improving the professional skills of teachers are analyzed,their certification and advanced training; requests from teachers for methodological assistance for the next year (based on analysis of questionnaires, control results); systems of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. The scientific and methodological support of the educational process is analyzed, innovation activity,results from experimental activities.

General conclusions, identified trends and work planning reserveswith personnel, equipping the teaching room for the next academic year.

5. The system of interaction with parents of pupils is analyzed(based on the results of a parent survey); implementation of plans for joint work of preschool educational institutions and schools; results of work with other organizations. General conclusions.

6. The results of administrative and economic work are analyzedand the material, technical, medical and social conditions of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions are assessed.

For preschool educational institutions of compensating and combined types, one more section is included -analysis of the results of correctional work.An analysis of internal institutional control is also included as a separate section.

Planning annual tasks

The main tasks of the activities of the preschool educational institution should logically follow from those problems that emerged during the analysis of the implementation of the Educational Program and the Annual Plan in the current academic year.

The annual work plans define the main tasks in the areas of activity. The tasks are the main ones for a particular institution and are determined on the basis of an analysis of work over the past year, during which problem areas in the work are identified. Problem areas dictate the choice of annual tasks for the next academic year.


Availability of a clear mechanism (you can check the result of the task);

Unified parameters for measuring the task and result;

Forecasting goals (tasks for the future).

Management tasks are aimed at creating conditions for solving educational problems and, depending on the specific situation, may be associated with:

Improving the qualifications of teachers on a specific issue;

Enrichment of the material and technical base and development environment;

Optimizing interaction with parents of students;

Improving the management process (ensuring coordination of employee activities, updating the organizational structure, control mechanism, etc.);

Increasing operational efficiencyDOW (introduction of additional educational services, new forms of work of preschool educational institutions)

Currently, there are certain requirements for preschool educational institutions: requirements :

  • fulfillment of state order-tasks,
  • improving the quality of various services, including educational ones,
  • interaction with various organizations and structures to achieve set goals and objectives.

Main goals planning are as follows:

  • in ensuring the implementation of decisions of government bodies on issues of education, development and emotional well-being of children of early and preschool age;
  • in identifying the main, key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;
  • in determining specific activities, deadlines for their implementation and responsible executors;
  • in instilling responsibility and discipline among team members.

During annual planning in preschool educational organization it is necessary to focus on the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

  • supporting childhood diversity;
  • preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as important stage V general development person;
  • full-fledged living by a child of all stages of preschool childhood, amplification (enrichment) of child development;
  • creating a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • assistance and cooperation between children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the world around them;
  • introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;
  • formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion in different kinds activities;
  • taking into account the ethnocultural and social situation of children's development.

The form of writing an annual plan can be very different:

  • calendar (broken down by month),
  • cyclical (contain a certain cyclical nature of work forms),
  • text (have a text description of the content),
  • tabular (have a tabular form of writing),
  • block-schematic (divided into specific blocks of work).

According to most modern scientists, the planning process should lead to the creation of a certain unified system, in which the following would be clearly visible:

  1. Objectives of the preschool educational institution for a certain period (in this case, a year);
  2. The main content of the plan;
  3. Timing of planned activities;
  4. Persons responsible for implementing the plan.


Section II of the annual plan. Improving the qualifications and professional skills of teachers.

In this section, a system for working with personnel is planned:

  • training in advanced training courses (for different categories of teachers, taking into account a differentiated approach);
  • preparation for certification and certification;
  • visits by teachers during the intercourse period to methodological associations, conferences, round tables, webinars, master classes, etc., in order to improve professional skills;
  • self-education of teachers.

Section III of the annual plan. Organizational and pedagogical work.

A system of methodological support for teachers, using various forms of methodological work.

  • Work of creative groups.
  • Preparation and holding of pedagogical councils.
  • Study, generalization, implementation, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.
  • Participation in competitions and shows.
  • Consultations;
  • Seminars, workshops;
  • Viewings of open events;
  • Master classes;
  • Testing and implementation of innovative technologies;
  • Participation in experimental activities
  • Equipment and replenishment of teaching materials.

The second and third sections of the annual plan can be combined: “Scientific, methodological and personnel support”

Section IV of the annual plan. Internal monitoring system.

This section is related to the control and diagnostic function in the management of a preschool educational institution and is presented as an internal monitoring system. Here the types and forms of control are planned (operational, thematic, comprehensive, frontal).

Every year it is planned to organize a summing up of the final and intermediate results of the development of preschool children: the state physical health; grade individual development preschool children; state of the art mental processes(thinking, memory, imagination).

  • In the pre-school group are carried out final resultschildren's mastery of the educational program of preschool education.
  • In all age groupskindergartens are heldintermediate resultsmastering the educational program by students in all areas of development.

Section V of the annual plan. Interaction in work with family, school and other organizations.

In this section, work is planned to improve the pedagogical competence of parents (parent meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, round tables, consultations, etc.).

  • Joint creativity of children, parents and teachers (competitions, promotions, holidays and entertainment);
  • Awareness of parents on various issues on information stands, the official website of the kindergarten;
  • Activities are planned on issues of continuity in work with the school and organizations with which contracts have been concluded.

Section VI of the annual plan. Administrative and economic work.

All work is planned to strengthen the material, technical and financial base of the preschool educational institution: repair, equipment and replenishment of the subject-spatial environment, etc.


  1. Curriculum (explanatory note to the curriculum);
  2. GCD schedule;
  3. Annual calendar training work schedule;
  4. Day modes (cold and warm periods);
  5. Internal control plan (if not planned in the annual plan);
  6. Planning PMPK meetings;
  7. School interaction plan;
  8. Schedule of advanced training courses;
  9. Schedule for certification of teachers;
  10. If any competitions are planned within the kindergarten, the provisions for these competitions;
  11. Long-term work plans for specialists;
  12. Cyclograms of the activities of the deputy head, specialists;
  13. Experimental work program;
  14. Work plan of a creative or working group;
  15. Work plan of the parent committee, Governing Council;
  16. Plan of interaction with families of pupils;
  17. Work plan for the prevention of crime, neglect, homelessness of minors and the prevention of family troubles;
  18. Long-term plan for holidays and entertainment;
  19. Long-term plan for sporting events;
  20. Monthly work plan for the current year;
  21. Summer health work plan;
  22. Other (based on the specifics of the institution’s work).

Structure of the annual work plan
preschool educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

(authors: Nedomerkova I.N., Murchenko N.A., Kudryavtseva E.A., Uzhastova V.V.,

“Annual work plan for a preschool educational organization.”Publisher: Uchitel, 2014)

Section I Organizational and methodological work with personnel

  • improving the professional skills of a teacher, specialist preschool organization; consultations;
  • collective viewings and master classes; seminars, round tables;
  • pedagogical advice, etc.;

Section II. Studying the state of the pedagogical process

  • types of control and their subordination, target and content settings of each type; approximate control methods with the purposes and conditions of their application);

Section III. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of social and personal qualities preschoolers:

  • introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society, state is intended for planning holidays, exhibitions, competitions, sports competitions and other norms, traditions of the family, society, state;
  • events of ethnocultural and social orientation includes events - an important phenomenon, a major fact that occurred in public life. This block includes events from both the macrosociety and the microsociety surrounding the child. It includes areas of environmental-local history, cultural-historical and artistic-aesthetic activities of those raising adults and children.

Section IV. Direction of work of creative groups

It is proposed to include in the annual plan creative groups that develop optimal ways to develop the main educational areas, subject-spatial developmental educational environment, etc.

Section V Interaction with parents:

  • Studying the educational capabilities of kindergarten and family (socio-pedagogical diagnostics; open day; meetings and acquaintances);
  • Information education of parents (individual conversation, consultation, conference, readings, stands, memos, booklets (educational weekend routes), handwritten newspapers and magazines, oral journals, correspondence, exhibitions, media library, official website);
  • Joint activities of teachers with parents (action, assembly, evening of music and poetry, meetings, living room, salon, festival, club (including question and answer evenings), holidays, excursions, project activities.
  • Joint activities of children - teachers and parents (holidays, entertainment, competitions, hikes, excursions, project implementation, play activities, etc.)
  • Parent education (lectures, seminars, workshops, master classes, excursions, club).

Section VI.

  • Logistics support
  • Improving working conditions for employees
  • Protecting the life and health of children and employees

VII section. Work of the methodological room

  • Advanced training for teachers
  • Preparation for certification, certification
  • Annual circle of parent meetings
  • Study of pedagogical and psychological literature

VIII section. Main directions and forms of interaction between kindergarten and institutions additional education, culture and art

  • Studying the educational capabilities of subjects of the cultural and educational space
  • Information and educational support for interaction
  • Joint activities between adults and children

Among the main planning quality indicatorsdistinguish (for example, V.G. Alyamovskaya):

  • Compliance with the structure of the annual plan as a document reflecting the quality management of the organization’s activities;
  • Reflection in the annual plan of the main activities of the preschool educational institution;
  • Connection of the annual objectives of the plan with the strategic objectives of the development of preschool educational institutions;
  • The relationship between the objectives of the annual plan and the analysis of the activities of the preschool educational institution in the previous academic year;
  • The focus of all sections of the annual plan on solving the assigned tasks;
  • The number of employees involved in solving the tasks set by the annual plan;
  • The validity of monitoring the activities of preschool educational institution personnel using rational, various types of control;
  • Active study of the content of the annex to the annual plan.

In addition, quality indicators include:

  • The logic of the plan;
  • Uniform distribution of activities over time, their feasibility;
  • Rational distribution of workloads among persons responsible for carrying out activities in accordance with their job responsibilities;
  • Lack of duplication in the work of various governing bodies of preschool educational institutions;
  • Technical design of the document (title page, planning sections, appendices).

Form for writing annual planning

  1. Block-schematic form used in MADOOU d\s "Malyshok"

Direction (section)


Forms of events

Topic (task corresponding to the form of the event)





Completion mark










  1. Block-schematic form of the plan.Can be presented on one sheet, or each quarter on a separate sheet. With this kind of planning, there is no need to write out events for teachers for a month.

Main areas of work

Target setting

As target setting annual objectives for the activities of preschool educational institutions can be formulated


Work with personnel

Organizational and pedagogical work

Working with parents


in working with school, society

Administrative work










advice and control

Organization and



The topics of teachers' councils are determined by the main areas of work, and minor issues will be formulated in the course of preparation for the teachers' council a month before the meeting.

This section plans to:

  • Study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Views;
  • Competitions;
  • Equipment method. materials cabinet;
  • Purchasing teaching aids