Croatian Russian translator. Translations from Croatian. Online translator or professional translation services

Croatian-Russian translation

Our agency has extensive experience in translating texts of various subjects, various formats and varying complexity from Croatian into Russian. High quality is ensured by the presence of specialized translators and editors in the company who can complete assigned tasks in the shortest possible time. We provide them with the most modern hardware and software, and thereby contribute to the quality and convenience of their work. This also applies to our interpreters. Contact us if you need professional simultaneous or consecutive interpretation, and you will not regret it. The range of our services also includes apostille, consular legalization and notarization of translations made by employees of our office.

The obvious advantages of working with our company with the above advantages are a reasonable price, professional and fast service, as well as complete confidentiality of the information that the client provides to our company.

Croatian is the official language in Croatia and one of the official languages ​​in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It also has this status in Burgenland and in Vojvodina, an autonomous region of Serbia. Croatian belongs to the Slavic group Indo-European family languages. There are about 6.2 million speakers in the world. The study of Croatian is called croatistics. Translation into Croatian from Russian and others European languages is in demand in the market, due to active economic ties with Croatia.

In addition to the literary language, there are also three dialects. The most common of them is Shtokavian. More than half of Croats speak it. The next most popular is Kaikavian. It is used by 31% of carriers. The third is Chakavian, about 12% speak it.

Translation from Croatian to Russian

The Croatian language uses a Latin base, has 27 letters and three digraphs, which also count as letters. The alphabet is called "gajevica" in honor of Ljudevit Gaj, a figure of the Croatian revival. This alphabet was created in the nineteenth century and has not changed since then. WITH mid-19th century, linguist Vuk Karadzic carried out a language reform with the aim of unifying the speech of Serbs and Croats. However, the Croats did not take the Cyrillic Vukovica as their alphabet, but began to write in Latin. For a long time There were two variants of the common literary language - Serbian and Croatian. They differed from each other only in writing. Translation from Croatian into Russian has long roots and traditions, and is carried out taking into account modern dialects.

The quality of translations from the Martin Bureau is confirmed by the international certificate ISO 17100:2015

This certificate was issued to less than 0.1% of Russian companies.

International translation quality standard

Translation agency "MARTIN" is certified according to the international translation quality standard ISO 17100:2015 and ISO 9001:2008.

The certification was carried out by the German company DQS Holding GmbH.

Language norm

In the twentieth century there was a strong influx rural population to cities in Croatia, and literary language Vuk Karadzic began to gradually become obsolete. New rules were developed. The modern spelling standard is the fourth edition of the manual called “Croatian Orthography”.

Features of the language

One of the important features of Croatian is the so-called purism - practically complete absence borrowed terms. Instead of borrowing foreign words, Croats invent their synonyms using Slavic roots.

 Do you need to translate from Croatian to Russian? Would you like to translate from Croatian for free? Everything is very simple. To quickly translate from Croatian to Russian, simply use a free online translator.

Translating from Croatian to Russian using online translators is very simple: just paste the text into the online translator and click the "Translate" button. In just a couple of seconds you will have the finished translation result. The translation process using Croatian-Russian online translators does not require any effort from the user.

Croatian-Russian online translator Google Translate

Try also Google's free online translation system. This high quality translation results and fast work speed. Just paste the text into this field and click the "Translate" button.

Croatian-Russian online translator ImTranslator

With this online translator you can translate from Croatian as short phrases, and large texts. The quality of the translation will depend on the complexity of the text you are translating. It is advisable not to translate artistic texts and poems using an online translator.

The text from Croatian will be translated into Russian immediately after you click on the button. The translator automatically determines the subject of the text and independently selects the most suitable dictionary for translation. If, however, some words were not translated from Croatian into Russian accurately enough, you can use the built-in dictionary to correct the translation result.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For proper operation Croatian-Russian translator needs to enable frame support in your browser.

For the Croatian-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Croatian-Russian online translator

Translator of texts from Croatian to Russian from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Translation from Croatian to Russian by online translator

Thanks to the achievements modern technologies The process of translation from Croatian today is as simplified as possible. On the Internet you will find many online translators that will help you translate text from Croatian to other languages. You simply insert text in Croatian, press a button, and get a ready-made translation.

User participation in the translation process is minimal. No effort, no need to look for a Croatian dictionary, no need to even have an idea of ​​Croatian grammar. The translation process is hidden from the user behind the simple and convenient interface of the online translator. You can only guess how the translation actually happens.

Are you interested in Croatian culture? Are you going on a trip and planning to visit Zagreb, Dubrovnik or Plitvice Lakes? Use the services of free Croatian online translators. Translators will help you access a large volume of useful information, both during the trip and in preparation for it.

If you are not satisfied with the quality of machine translation from Croatian, you can always use the services of a professional translator. Of course, free online Croatian translators are still far from ideal, but they are constantly being improved. It is quite possible that tomorrow the quality automatic translation from Croatian will be as close as possible to a professional translation.

The Croatian language is not particularly remarkable. The presence of three dialects, 95th place in the ranking of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and 6.2 million speaking population are more statistical information than a reason to decide to run headlong to buy a Russian-Croatian dictionary. However, despite his “modest persona”, he has the right to exist, which means a translator from Croatian to Russian online is needed just as if it were any other language.

A Croatian translator from the “site” is a great opportunity not to waste your precious time studying textbooks and specialized literature. Croatian translator available online saves a lot of time. At any moment he is ready to come to the rescue and carry out machine translation of text in an unknown language.

It is not at all necessary to contact a translator to translate each individual word. You can equally successfully use this service both as a tool for fully solving a language problem, and as an assistant-consultant, clarifying the meaning of dubious words. Quickly, simply and excitingly, the Croatian language will turn from a “frightening set of alphabetic symbols” into text that is instantly understandable

4.09/5 (total: 22)

Mission online translator and is to make all languages ​​more understandable, ways to get online translation- simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in a matter of minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to “erase” the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

For us, being the best mobile translator means:
- know the preferences of our users and work for them
- look for excellence in details and constantly develop the direction of online translation
- use the financial component as a means, but not as an end in itself
- create a “star team”, “betting” on talents

Besides the mission and vision, there is another important reason why we are engaged in the field of online translation. We call it the “root cause” - this is our desire to help children who became victims of war, became seriously ill, became orphans and did not receive proper social protection.
Every 2-3 months we allocate about 10% of our profits to help them. We consider this our social responsibility! The entire staff goes to them, buys food, books, toys, everything you need. We talk, instruct, care.

If you have even a small opportunity to help, please join us! Get +1 to karma;)

Here you can make a transfer (do not forget to indicate your e-mail so that we can send you a photo report). Be generous, because each of us bears responsibility for what is happening!

How to improve the quality of online translation?

Use punctuation marks in the text, especially periods at the end of sentences.
- Avoid typos and mistakes!
- In languages ​​like German or French, be sure to use diacritics.
- Write simple but complete sentences: “My online translator translates the text.”
- Using English as an example: it is better to write “it is” than “it”s”, “cannot” than “can”t”, etc.
- Use only generally accepted abbreviations. Avoid jargon.
- If necessary, look in the dictionary to check controversial words, select more appropriate or more accurate synonyms, etc. The program will definitely not replace a live translator, but the help it often provides is quite real. And don’t forget to learn the language yourself so that you can gradually discard the “electronic crutches” and start “walking on your own.”
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Electronic translator functions:

The main task of the online version, of course, is the approximate translation of phrases, phrases, sentences and connected text, be it personal or business correspondence by e-mail or ICQ, website articles, all kinds of greetings or congratulations that need to be expressed to someone etc.

This handy program quickly translates the original message or file from English (or other foreign language- see menu) into Russian and vice versa. And just some 15 years ago we could not even imagine that in the future it would be available like this, for free: take it and use it!

"Promt" and other technologies used are quite effective. By the way, customers are usually offered up to 6 electronic dictionaries as a gift: business, legal, sports, online dictionary, phrase book, electronic dictionary traveler - with them the possibilities become even wider!

Among the programs there is also an electronic translator for Android, tablets, and iPhones. Wherever you are, you will always have an electronic assistant “at hand” that will quickly (though, unfortunately, not always very accurately) provide you with translation support.

Advantages of purchasing professional electronic translators:

Quality of the result: professional Promt programs, although expensive, are easier to handle complex texts. Unlike online versions, it is possible to create your own dictionaries and connect hundreds of ready-made ones. Professional category programs are full-fledged business translation systems that can be configured for accurate, high-quality processing of specific texts (technical, financial and other documents).

Your time is saved significantly by batch processing of source files. And if you have your own dictionary or glossary of terms, you can quickly connect it to Promt.

It is also obvious that electronic translation will be of higher quality through the use of dictionary databases. Let's say you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase in the text that is not in the program's dictionaries. Then you can use dictionary databases. For example, the Multitran dictionary contains more than eleven million words with transcription and phrases! In its databases you can find the translation the right word and without much difficulty enter it into your translator’s dictionary.

You can also save your time significantly thanks to the Translation Memory database of electronic translations. Translations successfully made using Promt can be saved in the TM database for reuse, which is especially important for standard texts such as legal documents.

The variety of translation languages ​​is impressive. Those for whom English is not enough can always use online translators for languages ​​such as German, French, Spanish, Italian - see the rest above!

25.03 A good online translator from English in our time, oddly enough, must be a “polyglot”, so the site now offers electronic translation into Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hindi, French, and Turkish. Although it is not surprising that the Russian-English and English-Russian options are still the most in demand - the bulk of visitors choose these directions. In general, expand the drop-down list and pay attention: the program will help you quickly translate text into the most different languages- including Arabic, Greek, Italian, Chinese... And this is just the beginning. Recently, the site’s capabilities have expanded even further - three new translation directions have been added: Bulgarian, Czech, Finnish. The quality of the results produced by Promt is not always ideal, but work is underway to improve it. Free text transliteration and spell checking (spelling) are also now possible.

24.11 - Perhaps best online translator- this is how visitors recently described us. And it’s true, the tool has recently been replenished with new languages, including: Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Hebrew. We also note that recently in the arsenal of our free “interpreter” there appeared, let’s say, the rarer languages ​​Polish, Serbian, Romanian - rare in the sense that they are less common in programs.
At the same time, thanks to the efforts of specialists, translation of sentences and phrases is now possible into no less “exotic” Hungarian and Vietnamese. Successful application!

Rainbow Slov.Ru, 2019.