Illidan are heroes of Heroes of the Storm (HOTS). How will the story of Illidan, Tyrande and Malfurion end? (spoilers) Who freed Illidan

Also Known As: Traitor

Demon Type: Unique

Faction Belonging: Independent

Illidan is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and, like his brother, was childhood friends with Tyrande Whisperwind thousands of years before the Great Rift. Unlike Malfurion, Illidan lacked the patience to learn all the intricacies of Druidry, and proved himself to be a poor student despite being taught by the demigod Cenarius.

Illidan, however, had a talent for magic, which was the main occupation of night elf society at the time. However, his magical abilities were of little comfort, as he was born with golden eyes, which was very rare among night elves before the Rift. Although golden eyes were generally considered a sign of future greatness, Illidan showed no signs of achieving anything out of the ordinary. Little Illidan also knew that his eyes actually spoke of great druidic potential.

Fascinated by mystical magic, he learned incredibly complex spells, but, to his disappointment, the Moon Guard did not offer to accept him into their ranks for his achievements in complex magic. Despite this, Illidan remained convinced that he would become the hero his people expected him to be.

He soon found another compelling reason to achieve greatness. One day during a festival, he saw Tyrande dancing in the crowd and realized that he loved her. Over the years, he fell in love with her kindness, her laugh, her beauty and her loyalty.

His joy was marred only by the fact that Malfurion also had feelings for Tyrande, although Malfurion had been aware of this for longer. Illidan knew that Tyrande would definitely choose either him or Malfurion as her husband. It only depended on which of the twins showed themselves more worthy in her eyes.

Illidan redoubled his efforts at mastering mystical magic and rejoiced when given the chance and quickly decision gave him the opportunity to save the life of Lord Cours "Talos Ravencrest. The grateful noble made Illidan his personal mage and began to believe strongly in the bravery and magic of his new protégé.

Unfortunately, the demon attempting to kill Ravencrest was only the first of many to appear on ancient Kalimdor. The Burning Legion's first invasion has begun.

War of the Ancients

Ravencrest has organized an army of night elves to fight the demonic invasion. When the head of the Moon Guard, Latosius, was killed in battle, Illidan seized the opportunity. He led the surviving mages and directed their collective power, achieving significant effect and killing many of the Legion's minions. Despite this, the war looked hopeless as more and more reinforcements were arriving from the Twisted Nether.

At a critical juncture in the war, Malfurion refused to obey Ravencrest's orders and left the night elf army. He embarked on a risky journey: he planned to find the dragonflights and turn to them for help. In a fit of emotion, Illidan confronted Tyrande and told her that he could no longer remain silent. He confessed his love to her and said that Malfurion had gone completely insane in his pursuit of druidism.

Concerned about Malfurion, Tyrande denounced Illidan, who realized he had confessed too late. She had already made her choice and it was not Illidan. Once again, Malfurion effortlessly accomplished what Illidan could not. Only this victory was especially bitter, since Malfurion still did not realize his love for Tyrande.

The pain of unrequited love haunted Illidan, and he found himself haunted by dark thoughts. He could not have known that at this moment he was influenced by Lord Xavius, a satyr capable of spreading corruption. In the end, Illidan also left the camp, but he set out for a completely different purpose. He was looking for Sargeras, the creator of the Burning Legion.

Illidan swore allegiance to the dark titan, for which Sargeras gave him great power. He burned out Illidan's eyes and gave the empty eye sockets a magically enhanced gaze. As a further reward, Sargeras infused a web of tattoos across Illidan's body, infusing the night elf with powerful mystical energy.

For this undoubted betrayal, Illidan was later called "The Traitor." Although he aided the slightly Burning Legion, he eventually sided with Malfurion and the night elves. Together with his brother, he closed the portal that the Highborne courtiers opened right in the Well of Eternity, thus preventing the appearance of Sargeras in Azeroth, which would lead to the death of the world. Shortly before the portal closed, a group of Highborne rebelled against the Legion and, led by Dath 'Remar Sunstrider, united with the main army of the night elves.

The Dark Way

Azeroth was saved, but the Well's abuse of magic caused it to consume itself, splitting ancient Kalimdor into several pieces. A new ocean appeared, and the night elf defenders had to flee from the advancing waves. Having reached Mount Hyjal, the night elves were finally able to rest: the waters of the ocean had reached their limit.

Before self-absorption of the Well, Illidan managed to fill several bubbles of it with water. He was confident that despite the victory of the night elves, the Legion would return someday. Despite the devastating war that had just ended, he believed that only mystical magic could save the night elves from a second invasion. Therefore, he found a secluded lake at the top of Mount Hyjal and poured three bubbles into it, irreversibly turning it into the second Well of Eternity.

He thought his people would praise him as a hero. He was wrong.

A small group of night elves, including a few repentant Highborne, discovered what Illidan had done and were horrified. Illidan thought that the Highborne would try to take over the Well, as they had done with the first Well, and attacked them. Malfurion arrived a little later and helped to capture his twin brother.

As Illidan's brother and war hero, Malfurion was allowed to decide the fate of his brother. Struck by Illidan's power, Malfurion decided that Illidan was too dangerous to remain free. Even so, Malfurion could not sentence his brother to death. Instead, Illidan was sentenced to a harsher punishment: he was imprisoned for the rest of his immortal life. Due to the so-called grace of Malfurion, Illidan spent the next ten thousand years in isolation, imprisoned deep underground, guarded by the Overseers.

Lost Soul: The Third War

Confirming Illidan's fears, the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth again during the Third War. Tyrande, the head of the night elf government, awakened Malfurion from his hibernation, and together they headed underground to awaken the rest of the druids. On the way, Tyrande passed Illidan's prison and thought that he might be a powerful ally. Although Malfurion warned her, she led her Guardians to the prison.

The warders did not give up their prisoner without a fight, so Tyrande and her soldiers killed the guards who were blocking the way to Illidan's cell. She told Illidan that his people needed his help again in their fight against the Burning Legion.

Illidan agreed to fight against the Legion. However, his long and unjustified imprisonment was hard for him. He said that he agreed not because of loyalty to his people, but only for the sake of her well-being.

Free at last, he followed Tyrande up into the infested forests of Felwood. Tyrande and her soldiers went to find Malfurion, who was awakening the last sleeping druids. She believed that by confronting Illidan's freedom, she could convince her husband to give his twin brother another chance.

Left alone, Illidan stumbled upon the death knight Arthas Menethil, who told him that the demons infecting Felwood had used a magical artifact for this: Skull Ghul "given. Arthas explained to him that the Lich King would be very grateful if Illidan stole for him this artifact. ”Essentially, Arthas suggested that Illidan consider the power of the artifact to be his own.

Illidan still craved magic and was confident that by mastering the power of the skull, he could defeat the forces of the Legion in Felwood. Despite his suspicions of Arthas' motives, Illidan nevertheless stole the artifact and consumed it, taking its powers for himself. Already marked by Sargeras earlier, during the War of the Ancients, Illidan was transformed into a demon immediately after absorbing the demonic powers of the skull.

Using his newfound power, Illidan killed Tichondrius, the leader of the demons that infected Felwood. Shortly after Illidan's victory, Tyrande and Malfurion returned to the forest and faced Illidan. At first, none of them recognized Illidan in this powerful demon. Upon learning what had happened, Malfurion became angry and, denying all of Illidan's merits, condemned him. Still in charge of deciding Illidan's fate, Malfurion banished him from the night elf lands.

Illidan was not surprised by the new punishment. Malfurion had always found it uncomfortable to deal with powers other than those that he and Tyrande possessed. Let Illadan's overconfident brother limit himself to so-called "safe" magic. Let him walk with his precious Emerald Dream while life in Azeroth passes him by. Illidan would never have resigned himself to such a death in his lifetime.

If Illidan was denied anything else, he would gain power.

Alliance with the naga

Following the Legion's defeat at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the demon lord Keel "Jayden contacted Illidan. He asked Illidan to kill the Lich King, who had betrayed the Burning Legion, making Arthas his personal warrior and head of the Scourge. In return, Keel" Jayden promised to give Illidan everything he could. wants to.

In the face of Keel Jayden's overwhelming power, Illidan had no choice but to agree. He also summoned a large group of naga from the bottom of the sea, including Lady Vosh. The nagas who were once Highborne recognized Illidan and respected his magical talent, which even more than they recalled, they agreed to become his allies.

Meanwhile, Overseer Maiev Shadowsong discovered that Illidan had escaped and vowed to catch him. She and her Overseers pursued him through Ashenval and followed him across the sea to the Broken Isles, where Illidan and his naga allies entered the Tomb of Sargeras.

Maiev tracked down Illidan when he first acquired the Eye of Sargeras. After running into his former jailers, Illidan used a powerful demonic artifact against them. He escaped, and all the Overseers remained, trapped in one of the parts of the tomb, which was quickly filled with seawater. The overseers did their best to bury Illidan alive; he just paid back the debts.

Of all the Overseers in the tomb, only Maiev escaped death by water. Illidan's nagas constantly attacked the greatly diminished forces of Maiev, but Maiev sent a messenger who reached Malfurion and asked for help. Malfurion and Tyrande arrived just in time to rescue the overseer, but Illidan managed to get away.

The trio followed Illidan to Lordaeron, where Illidan and several naga mages began casting a powerful spell using the Eye of Sargeras. Malfurion and Maiev arrived in time and managed to stop the spell before it was completed. Enraged and enraged, Illidan explained that he was trying to destroy the Frozen Throne and its invader, the Lich King. Illidan did not mention the pact with Keel "jayden, as Malfurion might not have understood. In any case, Malfurion's interference could have resulted in the pact being terminated."

Malfurion and Illidan soon discovered that Tyrande and a small group of Guardians had been driven down the Arevass River and were under attack by the Scourge. Illidan still loved Tyrande, so he quickly decided to help. To save Tyrande, Malfurion hesitantly agreed to work with Illidan. Malfurion established and defended the night elf camp while Illidan and his naga rescued Tyrande and her soldiers.

In gratitude for saving Tyrande, Malfurion excused Illidan for his dangerous sorcery. But he also warned Illidan to never threaten the night elves again. With little interest in the affairs of his former race, Illidan agreed to Malfurion's terms and opened a portal to Outland, where he hoped to escape Keel Jayden's rage.

Overlord of Outer Earth

Burned by the desire for revenge, Maev could not give up the pursuit. She and a small group of followers followed Illidan through the portal. The number of opponents was too great, and Illidan was captured again.

Fortunately, this power advantage was due to the fact that he sent Lady Vash and her naga to recruit more allies: Prince Cal "tas Sunstrider and his group of blood elves. These blood elves soon followed the naga to Outland and freed Illidan, who promised teach them how to cope with their addiction to magic. Cal "tas pledged allegiance to Illidan and helped his new master close all portals to Outer Earth. By doing so, Illidan hoped to stop any further demons from the Twisted Nether and block any attempts by Keel Jayden to find him.

The underworld lord Magtheridon, who ruled Outer Earth at the time, was a suitable target. Illidan led a powerful army of blood elves and naga against Magtheridon, defeated him and took possession of his stronghold, the Black Temple.

But Illidan's triumph did not last long. In a whirlwind of magic and rage, Keel "Jayden descended on Outland, despite Illidan sealed all portals that led to the planet. Illidan grossly underestimated the demon lord's power."

With a brainstorm, Illidan told Keel "to Jayden that he had only come to Outer Earth to multiply his powers before attacking the Frozen Throne. Keel" Jayden was persuaded with difficulty and decided to give Illidan one last chance. He warned Illidan that failure would mean death.

With no choice, Illidan led the blood elves and naga back to Azeroth. The Scourge fought fiercely against Illidan's army until Arthas and the Crypt Lord Anub "arak arrived. Arthas and Illidan fought one on one, and Arthas was victorious. He ordered Illidan to leave Azeroth and never return."

Illidan then returned to the Black Temple. As his allies fight to keep the many portals in Outer Earth sealed, Illidan prepares for the day Keel Jayden arrives to punish him for his failed assassination attempt against the Lich King.

Illidan Demon

As with some demons, Illidan does not consider himself a servant of the Burning Legion. Indeed, Illidan was alternately his ally and then his enemy in different time in past. Despite his demonic transformation, he retained almost all of his personality, which is very rare in demons. As a demon, he is incredibly evil and often cunning, but he has not yet lost the remnants of his nobility. Their conflict with his ambition and lust for power makes him a dangerous and unpredictable adversary.

Since Illidan's case is unique, there is no point in guessing how long his behavior will differ from normal demons.
Alternative history

It is known that in the world of Azeroth there are three time travelers who managed to partially rewrite the history of their world - a man, an orc and a dragon in the guise of an elf. Through a time portal on Mount Hyjal, they were transported from the Second War to 10,000 years ago, during the War of the Ancients, and tried to change the course of history in such a way as to prevent the invasion of the Burning Legion or somehow weaken it.

In the new historical reality, despite all the efforts of the trinity of time travelers, it was not possible to prevent the invasion of the Legion, but Illidan was able to curb his craving for magic and came up with a plan with which to defeat the demons. He went to the commanders of the Legion - Keel "Jaeden and Archimonde - and managed to convince them of his loyalty to the invaders, after which, at an audience with Sargeras, he offered that, in exchange for additional strength, obtain a powerful artifact - the Dragon Soul (later better known as the Demon Soul) The Fallen Titan agreed to this and, as a sign of the pact, endowed Illidan with some of his power, and at the same time with extraordinary magical vision, having previously blinded the night elf.

However, the soldiers of Azshara set out with Illidan. They grabbed Malfurion along with the Soul, who then managed to escape, but, despite the elf's requests, Sargeras did not entrust him with the disk. Illidan was in great confusion, but he quickly matured a new plan: he filled seven crystal vials in the Well of Eternity, in order to use a spell to reverse the polarity of the portal so that all the demons led by Sargeras would be thrown out of Azeroth. However, as it turned out, this spell was whispered to him by the Old Gods, and if Illidan had uttered it, it would have freed them from their eternal captivity. But at the most crucial moment, Malfurion appeared with the Dragon Soul, and the brothers were able to close the portal.

A side effect of the spell was the destruction of the Well of Eternity, and the Great Sundering did happen. Many elves escaped to Mount Hyjal, but the Highborne found themselves at the bottom of the maelstrom and, with the help of the Old Gods, turned into naga.

Malfurion became popular after the victory, while Illidan, due to the strange appearance granted to him by Sargeras and his strange-looking behavior during the invasion, on the contrary, aroused suspicion. All his exploits turned into shame, and this greatly annoyed the night elf. And he, anticipating new invasions of demons, decided to create a second Well of Eternity, choosing a quiet lake at the top of Mount Hyjal and pouring three of the seven preserved vials of pure magic there. An elven patrol caught him doing this. During the showdown, one of the patrolmen exclaimed in their hearts: "Yes, if not for your brother, we would have you ...". These words enraged Illidan, and before being tied down, he killed several elves. At the subsequent trial, Illidan was decided to be imprisoned for life. Disagreeing with the verdict, Mev, whose brother was killed in that patrol (according to other sources, only wounded), decided to personally guard him.
Developments Warcraft iii
After he was freed Tyrend to fight the demons of the Burning Legion who had invaded the world of Azeroth again. But the thirst for magic took possession of him with renewed vigor. He absorbed the energy of the demonic artifact - Skull Gul "Dan and became a half demon himself. This gave him the strength to defeat Tichondrius, one of the most powerful of the Nathrezim. But for using demon magic, he was forever banished from Ashenvale by his own brother.

After some time, he awakened a mysterious people - the naga. These were the once Highborne, night elves, who, in pursuit of magic and power, caused the first invasion of the Legion. Now they transformed into snake-like creatures and could live both under water and on land. On the orders of the demon Keel "Jaeden, Illidan began to look for a way to destroy the disobedient Lich King - Ner" Zul. To do this, he went in search of the tomb of Sargeras. He needed the Eye of the Burning Legion Lord, a powerful artifact that Illidan could use to destroy the Frozen Throne and complete Kil'jaeden's mission. However, he was thwarted by the jailer Maeve and his own brother. Illidan was forced into hiding in Draenor from Kil'jaeden's wrath. Maeve went after him and captured Illidan, but he was soon freed by a united army of blood elves led by Prince Kelem and the naga led by Lady Vashi. The prince pledged allegiance to Illidan. Together they began to plan to take over this world.

Illidan told the prince that the power in these lands belongs to the demon Magtheridon, who daily receives reinforcements through the portals opened by Ner'zhul. Therefore, in the first place, it was decided to close the portals. While Illidan cast his spells, Kael and his blood elves protected him from the demons that emerged from the portals. After that, they began an assault on the citadel of Magtheridon. Having destroyed his guards, they entered into battle with the demon himself and defeated him. Magtheridon was surprised. Bowing to Illidan, he asked him if he was a Legion servant sent to test him. Illidan laughed in his face and said that he had come to overthrow him, not test him. Thus Illidan became the new master of the Wasteland.

Illidan's green seals mean: "He who possesses the bones of Gul'dan rules over his power, and all knowledge passes to the owner of his flesh."

World of Warcraft Events

After an unsuccessful assault on Icecrown and being wounded by Arthas' rune sword Frostmourne, Illidan returned to the Dark Citadel, where he continued to rule.

Upon his return, Illidan dispatched a band of blood elves to capture the city of Shattrath, but that band (led by Kelem) betrayed him and defected to the Naaru. Kael'thas betrayed Illidan after the Battle of the Frozen Throne and took over the Naaru Hold. Lady Vashha took an indefinite stance, exercising independent activity to create a source of magical power. Akama, the chieftain of the draenei, also departed from his patron and, with the help of adventurers from Azeroth, prepared and carried out the assassination of Illidan, in which Maeve Shadowsong, Illidan's former jailer, took part. Another charismatic character of the Warcraft universe died ingloriously.
Amateur image
Illidan uses arcane magic and fire magic, burning the bodies and souls of his enemies, and as a result of absorbing the power of Gul'dan's skull in the past, he gained the ability to transform into a demon and destroy opponents with clots of chaotic flames.
In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, his abilities have been overhauled, and now Illidan uses shadow and fire magic.
Illidan's weapons are the twin blades of Azzinoth.

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Many players have welcomed Illidan Stormrage to return to the Legion, and this is not surprising. Illidan is a well-developed character with a curious history, and some wonder why, after his return, he did not try to contact his brother and lover. In past life paths Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande were closely intertwined - for example, during the War of the Ancients, which took place several millennia ago. Now what? The connection, which had existed for an incredibly long time, in the Legion was cut for some reason. Didn't the events of Burning Crusade teach us anything? There, all these characters also did not interact with each other - Malfurion was in a coma and could not go with his brother to Outland, but now, after everything that happened in Val'shara, why not fly to Argus and chat with his brother? Despite their rather strange relationship, Malfurion and Illidan certainly care about each other - after all, the same blood flows in their veins, wherever their fate takes them. Will Illidan be able to reunite with Malfurion and Tyrande? Let's find out.

Judging by the information that appeared on Wowhead, the story of the beloved characters will continue in the near future, and although they will not speak directly to each other, Illidan will give us a crystal to give to Tyrande and Malfurion in Azeroth. Why doesn't he drive the crystal himself? According to the information about the outcome of the expansion, Illidan, with the support of the Pantheon, plans to lure Sargeras into a trap and plunge him into stasis, thereby ending the invasion of the Burning Legion. That is, the developers reintroduced Illidan into the game only in order to send him back somewhere far away. Cruel, but this is what redemption looks like in the eyes of his people. Note that I said “in the eyes of his people,” because I personally feel that Illidan was not too sinful. Yes, some of his actions were radical, but from the point of view of the ultimate goal, they were all justified.

The crystal that Illidan gives us contains a message addressed to his brother: “Malfurion! We fought with each other even in the womb. This struggle continued throughout my life. You have followed the path that Cenarius showed you. I heard a different call. I thirsted for power, but not to command and conquer. I wanted to protect Azeroth from an unstoppable foe. You never supported my intentions - in part, I myself am to blame. But now that my fate has been decided, I would like to settle the contradictions that divided us. The Legion has fallen, but new threats are yet to come, and I don’t know who can handle them better than you, brother. You've spent your life making Azeroth the way you want it to be. Now you have to fight for what he has become. Take care of Tyrande. Listen to her advice. She has always been the best of us. The journey will be long, but no matter what happens, bear the name Stormrage with honor. "

Malfurion reacted to it this way: “My brother was selfish and did a lot of evil, his actions are difficult to forgive, but still there were times when we fought shoulder to shoulder. We had a common goal ... Those were good days. But now is not the time for personal contemplation and regret. We must save our world, his soul is beating in agony. "

Personally, it seems to me that Malfurion might have shown leniency given all that Illidan has done. After all, defeating the Legion was his goal as well. I love that he mentions the old days, but he doesn't seem to remember what sacrificed Illidan and how zealously he defended Azeroth. On the whole, his answer sounds very cold and detached, not at all fraternal. I had the strong impression that something was missing in him and that Malfurion could say a lot more. Illidan went to prison, was killed, resurrected and sacrificed himself again, and after that he heard this ...

I'm certainly glad that Illidan and Malfurion finally spoke, but I was expecting something a little more emotional ... human or something. After all, Illidan spoke well - he described the relationship with his brother, admitted that each of them made the right choice, despite the fact that their paths diverged. Illidan saw Malfurion as a brother from beginning to end, and it was to him that he assigned an important role in eliminating the coming threats. Without a doubt, Illidan still trusts Malfurion and hopes in him, which, in general, is understandable, because Malfurion is an experienced druid who won the battle with the Emerald Nightmare and Xavius. It is possible that he will play an important role in the wars of the future, along with other characters, as it was in the Legion, but Illidan will no longer help his brother in this.

Still, I was glad to hear the dialogue between the demon hunter and the druid, because in the Burning Crusade we were not shown anything on this topic at all.

Also, in his speech, Illidan remembered Tyrande, and again I want to note that his lines are very well elaborated. Don't they touch the soul?

!!! "Tyrande ... Once you trusted me so much that you went against Malfurion's will and freed me from prison, but over time this faith has dried up. Like my brother, you decided that the choices I made had led me into darkness. Know, then, that every act that I have done has led me to a single goal. I wanted to save our world. I did not know half measures, did not compromise. When I began to doubt myself, I clung to a single thought ... the thought of you. You have always been a virtue of Azeroth, Tyrande. Faith in you did not fade in me even in the darkest times. Now I can clearly see my destiny. I know what I must do, and I am tasked with protecting Azeroth and you and my brother. Take care of him, Tyrande. I would like your heart to make a different choice, but I know that it was not mistaken. "

Tyrande reacted like this: “The words of remorse ... are they worth believing? After Illidan was defeated at the top of the Black Temple, I tried to shake off my feelings. I felt disappointed and bitter. When I learned that Illidan was alive and leading an army into battle with the Burning Legion on the Broken Shore, I couldn't bring myself to speak to him. But the time for talking has passed. Duty calls him, as well as us ”.

And again, Tyrande's words sound somehow stingy and dry, despite the fact that she seems to be aware of what trials Illidan had, understands what prompted his choice and why it was necessary. In War of the Ancients and Warcraft 3, Illidan and Tyrande had a close bond, so I expected Tyrande to respond more emotionally. Illidan is strikingly honest, his words sound soulful - whoever wrote them definitely loves this story. The last line left me speechless altogether. I've always wondered why fate had treated Illidan so cruelly, wasn't the Demon Hunter path alone enough? No, he fell in love with a woman who could not reciprocate, and then he also admitted that this decision on her part was correct. Illidan has definitely changed a lot over the years. In the War of the Ancients, he tried to convince Tyrande that Malfurion was not suitable for her, did not want to put up with rejection and was angry to such an extent that it seemed to others that he was ready to cripple someone (of course, he would never do this). Since then, he has come a long way, recognizing his brother in Malfurion and realizing that the heart cannot be ordered.

The only oddity I find in all of this is in Tyrande's phrase: “When I learned that Illidan was alive and leading an army against the Burning Legion on the Broken Shore ...” When Illidan returned, Tyrande was in the Citadel of Night, and she It was probably a little not up to it, but the fact that she "could not bring herself to talk to him," to some extent explains the complete lack of story development throughout the expansion. However, we already got more than in Burning Crusade, despite the fact that Malfurion's reaction leaves a lot to be desired ...

I hasten to remind you that Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan will never talk to each other directly, and all messages will be transmitted using the crystal.

Tell me, are you satisfied with this denouement? Personally, I would like to know more details, and not at the end, but gradually, throughout the expansion - maybe at the time of Illidan's return to the Citadel of Night ... but at least what we have is still better than nothing ...

Illidan is one of several Heroes of the storm without energy (mana, rage). Based on this, the only limitation for Illidan is the cooldown of abilities, which is reduced by auto-attacks due to the passive skill. This character has a small amount of health, but he is able to restore it from auto-attacks. All of Illidan's abilities indicate that he is an excellent initiator, albeit with a small supply of health.

Illidan Stormrage is the self-proclaimed Lord of Outland. He was born a night elf, was the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage, and was deeply in love with Tyrande, Priestess of Elune. Illidan was an unusually gifted sorcerer whose power became difficult to classify. His pursuit of power and mastery in arcane magic led him to commit a series of heinous crimes against his own people and other races of Azeroth, including his alliance with Sargeras during the War of the Ancients and the creation of a second Well of Eternity.

For his actions, Illidan was imprisoned for ten thousand years. Illidan, with Tyrande's help, was able to escape. In the forest, he met Arthas, the champion of the Lich King, and fought with him. The forces of the fighters were equal, and the duel came to a standstill. Illidan stopped the duel and demanded an explanation from Arthas as to why he was following him. Arthas told the elf about the skull Gul "dana - a demonic artifact that desecrates the forest. He explained that if the artifact is destroyed, the corruption will leave the forest. For the decoy to work, Arthas was not stingy in detail, describing the power of the skull. Although Illidan did not trust Arthas, but everyone - equally aspired to get the power of the skull.

Illidan summoned the Naga people to the surface. The nagas, formerly a qel "dorai and minions of Azshara, wanted revenge on the night elves and other land races unaffected by the Great Sundering. The nagas followed the trail of Illidan, who descended on the Shattered Isles. It was these islands that Gul Dan and his warlocks raised from the ocean. twenty years before this moment, and it is here that the Tomb of Sargeras is located. Maiev and the Guardians arrived in the Shattered Isles shortly after Illidan. He had already made it to the tomb, but Maiev followed closely behind him. As soon as she caught up with him, the elf and Lady Vashj activated a powerful artifact, and Illidan used the Eye to bring down the vault of the tomb on her, and then escaped through the underwater passage created by his naga. Although he killed Naisha and all the Guardians in the tomb, Maiev escaped using her magical abilities.

Illidan landed on the shores of Lordaeron and made his way through Silverpine Forest to Dalaran, where he planned to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy polar ice, thereby destroying Icecrown and the Frozen Throne. But after starting to use the Eye, he was again interrupted by Maiev and Malfurion, thereby ruining the spell. Malfurion felt Illidan's spell ripping the earth apart and decided that his brother had become dangerous to this world and must be stopped. Illidan called Malfurion a fool for trying to destroy the Lich King, their common enemy. After Malfurion released him, Illidan opened a portal to Outland, where he immediately fled, pursued by Maiev. Since Ner "Zul" was still alive, he knew that Keel's wrath of the Jaeden would not be long in coming, so he decided to find a world in which he would be safe. But even in this shattered world, Maiev and the Guardians still pursued Illidan. The jailer caught him and put him in a cage.

Kael and Vashj rescued him from imprisonment. Illidan accepted the allegiance of the blood elves, and made Kael his right hand... As they entered the Black Temple, Illidan met Akama, the leader of the Broken, who had also sworn allegiance to the elf. Magtheridon noted Illidan's extraordinary strength and suggested that the demon was the Legion's envoy sent by his masters to check on the Overlord. But Illidan only laughed at this suggestion and replied that he was not a test, but a replacement, and imprisoned him under the Hellfire Citadel. As Illidan gathered the forces of Outland under a new banner, Keel "the Jaeden appeared in all his terrifying majesty. The demon wanted to punish Illidan for his foolish attempts to hide, but Illidan quickly stated that he was mustering an army for a second strike on the Frozen Throne. Keel" the Jaeden, noting that Illidan had "managed to raise a decent army" gave the elf another chance to serve the demons.

Illidan, Vashj, and Kael laid siege to Northrend and fought the forces of Anub "Arak who stood in their way. But Ner" Zul, realizing that he was finished if he did nothing, summoned Arthas to Northrend to complete his plan, which he had planned months earlier. Illidan's army reached Icecrown just as Arthas and Anub 'Arak made their way through Azjol-Nerub and the two factions fought in an epic battle. Arthas opened the doors leading to the Frozen Throne. But Illidan did not stop. Meeting at the foot of the glacier , Arthas and Illidan fought again. After a few minutes, Arthas broke through Illidan's defenses and slain the elf. Illidan Stormrage fell dead in the snow, or rather so it seemed. He was badly wounded, but not killed. Arthas feared this, and before leaving, warned Illidan to leave Azeroth and never return.When Vashj and Kael realized that they could not destroy the Frozen Throne, they retreated back to Outland, taking Illidan with them.

After finally making his way to Outland, Illidan started a gratuitous war with Shattrath. It is eventually revealed that Akama is conspiring to end Illidan's tyranny. He frees Maiev Shadowsong. With the help of the adventurers, Akama and his Ashtongue servants fight to protect the temple and ultimately challenge the Traitor. During the battle with him, Maiev appears, freeing the adventurers from one of Illidan's spells, helping them in battle. During the battle, Maiev remembers everything that hurt her during this time, from being forced to guard Illidan's prison to the atrocities that led to Naisha's death.

In the end, when Illidan is close to his death, Maiev is glad that he is finally defeated, but before his death, Illidan tells her that the huntress is nothing without a hunt. Akama again became the master of the Black Temple and vowed to fill its corridors with light, as it once was.

From World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

Illidan Stormrage

Illidan stormrage

NicknamesTraitor, Ruler of Outland
Raceunique hybrid of a demon and a night elf
ClassDemon hunter
OccupationRuler of Outland, Ruler of the Black Temple
LocationCrypt of the Guardians
RelativesMalfurion Stormrage (Twin Brother)
StudentsVaredis, Leoteras the Blind, Alandien

Illidan Stormrage(English Illidan Stormrage) - The self-proclaimed ruler of Outland, who ruled these shards of Draenor from the Black Temple. He was born a night elf, but because of his actions, he became a unique hybrid of an elf and a demon. Illidan had a crush on Tyrande Whisperwind, but she chose Malfurion, his twin brother. Illidan was once a gifted magician, but over time his powers have risen to incredible heights by becoming a demon hunter and absorbing the energy from the skull of Gul "dan.

Because of his desire for power and arcane magic, Illidan has committed several horrific deeds against his own people and other inhabitants of Azeroth, including helping Sargeras during the War of the Ancients and creating the second. For his crimes, he was named a Traitor and imprisoned, where he spent ten thousand years until Tyrande freed him during the Third War. Maiev Shadowsong, who had been Illidan's jailer for thousands of years, tried to recapture him, but was captured herself. She eventually teamed up with Akama to launch an invasion of the Black Temple and killed Illidan.

His lifeless body was taken to the Casemates of the Guardians, where it was kept for several years until Ghul Dan from an alternate universe tried to kidnap him.

War of the Ancients

fiction across the Warcraft universe.

Illidan, Malfurion's twin brother, studied and used the arcane magic of the Highborne. In his youth, he tried to master spells as a druid like his brother, but arcane magic endowed him with such sensations that the forces of nature and earth could not cause. Unlike Malfurion, Illidan was born with amber eyes, which was considered a sign of a great future in those days, but in fact indicated druidic potential. Although Malfurion and Tyrande had long ago decided their fate, Illidan was still struggling to find himself. He was not a Highborne, but was able to become the personal spellcaster of the Ravencrest general.

When word of Azshara's betrayal after the Burning Legion's invasion began, Malfurion convinced his brother to leave his queen, and Illidan followed. Soon, Malfurion, who fought alongside Cenarius and the dragons, realized the incredible power of the demons and decided to destroy in order to complete the invasion. Even the thought of it terrified Illidan. The well endowed the night elves with magic and possibly immortality, and its loss was too great a sacrifice.

Illidan also discovered that he was growing interested in the power of the Burning Legion. He saw that magic was at the heart of their chaotic behavior. Although the night elves fought constantly to maintain their positions, the number of demons did not diminish. Satyr Xavius ​​took advantage of Illidan's doubts and forced him to embark on a quest to gain the power of the Burning Legion in order to become stronger. Illidan was confident that this would help him defeat the demons. It appears that around this time, Illidan defeated Azzinoth, the doomguard commander, and took his weapon to fight with these twin blades.

Illidan had a crush on Tyrande Whisperwind, an aspiring priestess of Elune. He tried to impress her and often did rash things, especially when using magic. Illidan didn't realize that Tyrande was interested in something else entirely. He tried to fight for her heart, and none of them realized that this fight ended soon after the start, when Tyrande fell in love with Malfurion. Xavius ​​knew this and convinced Illidan that after Malfurion's death, Tyrande would love him. Seeing the priestess of Elune in her brother's arms, Illidan severed his last ties with the defenders of Azeroth.

A new plan ripened in his head, and he went to Zin-Azshari. Illidan pretended to be willing to serve Azshara and Mannoroth faithfully. He wanted to get the Demon Soul, an artifact of great power created by Neltharion. The Dragon Soul could close the portal through which the demons entered Kalimdor. But Illidan needed new powers to carry out this plan. He eventually met with Sargeras himself, and the dark titan was pleased that the night elf was trying to obtain an artifact for the Burning Legion. Sargeras gave Illidan a gift for his loyalty. He burned his eyes and placed clots of mysterious flame in the scorched eye sockets that allowed Illidan to see magic in all its forms. He also covered his body with tattoos that enhanced his arcane skills. Azshara was fascinated by Illidan's new species, but remained wary of him, and Captain Varo "tena went with him in search of the Demon Soul.

Illidan preserved seven vials of water from the Well of Eternity, and after the Great Sundering, he reached the summit of Mount Hyjal and saw a small and calm lake there. He poured the contents of three vials into it, and the chaotic energy immediately manifested, transforming the lake into a new Well of Eternity. Illidan's triumph did not last long - Malfurion, Tyrande, and the other night elf rulers discovered him and were horrified at what he had done. Malfurion, who could not realize that his brother had gone to betrayal, tried to explain to him the stupidity of this act. He said that magic, chaotic in nature, can only bring destruction to this world if it continues to exist. Illidan, however, refused to listen to his brother and was delighted with the new source he had created. He stated that magic would come in handy when the Burning Legion returned to this world.

Malfurion saw that his brother was unrepentant for his deed, and became angry, realizing that Illidan was forever lost to the influence of magic. He ordered him to be imprisoned in deep caves under Hyjal, where he was to remain alone. Malfurion later said that he sometimes visited his brother and tried to convince him to turn from the disastrous path. Maiev Shadowsong became Illinada's jailer. He spent ten thousand years in captivity.

Third war

The source of information in this section is the game Warcraft iii or an addition to it.

He was freed by Tyrande to fight the demons of the Burning Legion who have invaded Azeroth again. But the thirst for magic took possession of him with renewed vigor. He absorbed the energy of a demonic artifact - the skull of Gul "dana and became a half demon himself. This gave him the strength to defeat Tichondrius, one of the most powerful nathrezim. But for using demon magic, he was forever banished from Ashenvale by his own brother.

After some time, he awakened a mysterious people - the naga. These were the once Highborne who, in their pursuit of magic and power, caused the first invasion. Now they transformed into snake-like creatures and could live both under water and on land. On the orders of the demon Keel "Jaeden, Illidan began to seek a way to destroy the retired Lich King Ner" Zul. To do this, he went in search of the tomb of Sargeras. He needed the Eye of the Burning Legion Lord, a powerful artifact that Illidan could use to destroy the Frozen Throne and complete the mission set by Keel. Maiev went after him and captured Illidan, but he was soon freed by a united army of blood elves led by Prince Kelem and the naga led by Lady Vashj. The prince pledged allegiance to Illidan. Together they began to plan to take over this world. Illidan told the prince that the power in these lands belongs to the demon Magtheridon, who daily receives reinforcements through the portals opened by Kil-Jaeden. Therefore, in the first place, it was decided to close the portals. While Illidan cast his spells, Kael and the blood elves protected him from the demons that emerged from the portals.

After that, they began an assault on the citadel of Magtheridon. Having destroyed his guards, they entered into battle with the demon himself and won. Magtheridon was surprised. Bowing to Illidan, he asked him if he was a Legion servant sent to test him. Illidan laughed in his face and said that he had come to overthrow him, not test him. Thus Illidan became the new master of Outland. After taking over the Wastes, Illidan attempted to personally destroy the Frozen Throne, but was stopped at the last moment by Prince Arthas.

Overlord of Outland

The burning crusade to World of Warcraft.

After being defeated in the battle with Arthas Menethil, Illidan returned to Outland and, gathering an army of loyal followers around him, declared himself the ruler of these lands. He knew that Keel "the Jaeden would never forget his failed attempt to destroy the Frozen Throne. Because of this, Illidan expected and prepared for the coming of the Burning Legion. Defeating Magtheridon and capturing him, he settled in the Black Temple. He gave Magtheridon to the orcs to they could use his blood to fortify their bodies, and the mutated fel orcs joined his forces.Illidan and his allies tried to control all dimensional passageways to keep them closed and out of the way while the ruler of Outland gathered strength.

Illidan began a war against Shattrath, although they were also opposed to the Burning Legion. Kael "tas Sunstrider led the first assault, but many blood elves under the command of Voren" thal the Seer swore allegiance to the naaru and abandoned Illidan's forces. They settled in Shattrath City and called themselves Seers. Shortly thereafter, Shattrath City launched a counterattack, and fighting continued in Shadowmoon Valley. long time... Perhaps Illidan intended to destroy Shattrath City in order to eliminate one of the reasons for the Legion's appearance and to carry out at least part of Keel "Jaeden's vengeance against the draenei and Velen.

Akama, the chieftain of the Ashtongue, guarded the prison in which Maiev Shadowsong was imprisoned, but he was in fact preparing a plan to overthrow Illidan with her. In the end, they participate in the storming of the Black Temple and get to its top to fight Illidan. Maiev fought alongside the heroes of the Alliance and Horde and delivered the final blow. Illidan manages to tell her that the hunter is nothing without a hunt, and after the victory, Maiev really feels empty in his soul.

Sanctuary of Lost Souls

Source of information in this section - add-on Mists of Pandaria to World of Warcraft.

In the depths of the Black Temple, Illidan discovered that the Sanctuary of Lost Souls was the source of vast amounts of arcane magic. Thanks to her, he was able to subdue many demons to his will, inviting them to feed their thirst for magic in exchange for faithful service. Thus he was able to collect a large number of demons on their side and perhaps overcome their addiction to the magic of the Burning Legion.

Kanrethad Blackwood believed that Illidan intended to use this source of magic to aid the blood elves who had lost the Sun Column. But for some reason, he never told them about it, perhaps suspecting the betrayal of Prince Kael 'tas.

Return of the Legion

Source of information in this section - add-on Legion to World of Warcraft.

After the victory, Maiev took Illidan's corpse to the Vault of the Guardians so that his dark, tortured soul would suffer forever along with his followers, the terrible Illidari.

Ghul Dan, who had arrived from the alternate Draenor, once again summoned the Burning Legion to Azeroth. For mysterious reasons, he sneaked into the Vault of the Wardens to steal Illidan's body.


The source of information in this section is on the Warcraft universe.

Illidan - like the nagas, and especially the satyrs - is a mutation of the night elf. He began life as a completely normal male of his race: tall, muscular, with sharp facial features, shining amber eyes, purple skin and long pointed ears. When Illidan joined Sargeras, Sargeras burned his eyes with flames, granting him magical vision that neither demons nor undead could hide from. His appearance changed when he absorbed the power of the Skull Gul "Dan" artifact, which filled him with demonic power and part souls of the dead orc warlock. After his transformation, Illidan looked more like one of the Nathrezim than a representative own race despite the fact that his skin remained purple and his ears long and pointed. Now, the appearance of the former night elf has been complemented by wings, horns and hooves, as well as the ability to completely transform into a demon. In addition, he received the gift of walking on water, and after being wounded by Arthas's hand, he mastered the gift of flying.


The source of information in this section is - board game guides across the Warcraft universe.

Illidan is the most famous demon hunter and the first of them.

He uses arcane magic and fire magic, burning the bodies and souls of his enemies, and as a result of absorbing the Skull Ghul "Dana's power in the past gained the ability to transform into a demon and destroy opponents with clots of chaotic fire. shadow and fire magic in battle.His weapons are the twin blades of Azzinoth - the blades of the demon defeated by Illidan, who during his imprisonment learned to use them.

Good day, dear readers of the site!

In this article, we will look at the alternative hero of the Priest - Tyrande. The article will be of interest to those who find it difficult to digest the entire flow of information about the world of World of Warcraft and those who are familiar with this universe only through Hearthstone.

Diving headlong into the lore and trying to figure out what's what can be tricky. This material is designed to help players learn a little more about the heroes they are playing with or against. Have you ever wondered who Tyrande Whisperwind is and what role does she play in the world you are familiar with through Hearthstone?

Tyrande is currently unavailable if you don't already have one, but don't despair. Many argue that one day the opportunity to get this hero will appear again.

It was available for a limited time to Twitch Prime users (September 30 to November 5, 2016). By linking your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account, you could unlock a new hero and a special card back.

It was also available for some time to residents of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippine Islands. From January 25 to February 10, 2017, players from these countries were able to receive Tyrande Whisperwind after purchasing a set of 40 card packs.

Obviously, many players were upset that they were forgotten and not given the opportunity to get a hero. They hope that Tyrande promotions will still take place in the game so that more players can unlock it.

As with other alternate heroes, Tyrande has her own portrait and voice lines (with tons of goddess references). Also, she has her own animation when using hero power.

This character also has several special interactions with other classes and cards. Tyrande and Malfurion give a special greeting when they meet at the start of the match, while Fandral Staghelm speaks a special phrase just for her.

But what about Illidan and Maiev? They don't have any particular interaction, which is disappointing. A missed opportunity! Tyrande Whisperwind and Illidan Stormrage have long history and Maiev Shadowsong (as you can read below) has a grudge against Tyrande, so everyone expected them to exchange unique phrases when they meet at the game table. Maybe someday it will happen.

Another interesting point is Tyrande's description: “Unlike some, she does not sleep at work. Yes, Malfurion, this is about you. "

Who is Tyrande?

Tyrande Whisperwind is the chosen High Priestess of the goddess Elune and the head of the Sisterhood of Elune. Along with Malfurion, she leads the night elves. She is one of the strongest priestesses of Azeroth - for a time she was the general of the Guardians (an elite squad of night elves). Tyrande Whisperwind is a fierce and powerful warrior. And by the way, in battle, she moves on a tiger.

She grew up with Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage. These three were very close in their childhood and when their paths parted - they supported each other's choices - Tyrande became a priestess, Malfurion went to study under Cenarius, and Illidan ... left everyone and became addicted to magic. All three have taken part in events that have shaped the fate of Azeroth for millennia, which is why all three characters have major roles in the history of the Warcraft universe.

Both Malfurion and Illidan loved Tyrande - no wonder this led to a lot of drama. However, Tyrande herself reciprocated only Malfurion, who was her lifelong companion.

Why is it so important?

Tyrande was the sole leader of the night elves for 10,000 years while Malfurion was in the Emerald Dream - a fact in itself that makes her quite an interesting character. It is worth taking a closer look at some of the others. important events in her life.

War of the Ancients and the Great Schism

During the War of the Ancients (a massive conflict that resulted from the Burning Legion's first invasion of Azeroth), she proved to be a skilled warrior, showing incredible potential through her connection with the goddess Elune. During the fighting, the Burning Legion managed to kill the High Priestess of the time and Tyrande took her place. She didn't really like it, but her sense of duty made her accept the position and do everything in her power to become the strong leader that her subjects needed.

Ultimately, the war led to the Sundering that changed the world forever, literally tearing it apart. The Great Sundering is the result of Tyrande and her allies' efforts to end the war and drive back the forces of the Burning Legion.

At that time in the world there was a place called the Source of Eternity (one such still exists, but very different from the primary, more on that later). He, in fact, was a lake in which magical energy and a source of great power were concentrated, as well as a source of immortality for the night elves. Malfurion guessed that the portal through which the Burning Legion had come was right at the source, so they needed to destroy it.

Tyrande agreed with Malfurion, but Illidan did not - he was very angry with this plan. Illidan was so angry that he stole the vessels filled with water from the well and betrayed his allies by warning the enemy of Malfurion's plan.

During the ensuing battle, Tyrande spearheaded a stealthy attack that failed, almost killing Priestess. This greatly angered Malfurion and he attacked the enemy with renewed vigor. Events quickly followed each other and at one moment BOOM! The portal collapsed and destroyed the Source. Unfortunately, this event split the world apart and caused massive flooding across Azeroth.

Tyrande and Malfurion managed to survive the disaster and lead the other survivors to Mount Hyjal, where, to their horror, they discovered that Illidan had created a new Well (remember the stolen vessels?).

Everyone was very angry with Illidan for doing this, so he was thrown into jail for a very, very long time. However, no one wanted a repetition of the Great Schism, therefore, instead of destroying the new source, it was hidden at the foot of the tree. Obviously, this was not an ordinary tree, the source was at the foot of Nordrassil (the World Tree) and with the help of our favorite dragons (Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu), this tree bestowed the night elves with many blessings that the old Well gave them (for example: strength, endurance, immortality). Thanks to Ysera, it also gave them a connection to the Emerald Dream.

After the creation of the World Tree, Malfurion and the other druids agreed to help Ysera restore the Emerald Dream. Unfortunately for Tyrande, this meant that they would all fall asleep for hundreds of years, leaving her alone. She ruled and lived alone for 10,000 years, doing all the important things and protecting her people alone while Malfurion slept. This continued until a new threat forced her to awaken the druids.

Third War

During the Third War, a new enemy appeared. Archimonde (A rather bad guy who served Sargeras). Fearing that Archimonde's plan was to steal the energy of the World Tree and become a god, the awakened Malfurion wanted to gather the remaining druids to thwart him. At this point, Malfurion decided it was worth mentioning how much Tyrande had changed. To which she replied that she did not have the opportunity to sleep during all the crises.

Realizing the danger of the threat they faced, Tyrande came up with a brilliant idea: to free Illidan, because he could help them defeat Archimonde. Malfurion was so opposed to such a plan that he literally forbade it to do so, but such a tone did not work with a strong and independent Tyrande. Angry at Malfurion's self-confident order, she replied, “Only a goddess can forbid me anything. I will free Illidan whether you want it or not. "

And she did it, even though, in the end, and realized that it was a mistake - but at the time, she thought she was doing the right thing. Oh yeah, for your information, Maiev Shadowsong is not a Tyrande fan at all because of this act.

During the ensuing battle, Malfurion and Tyrande heard that Illidan was beginning to lose to the enemy's forces and went to his aid. Upon arrival, they saw that he had defeated all his opponents by turning into a demon. Terrified, Malfurion banished him, and this time Tyrande had no objection.

The conflict culminated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, where Tyrande fought alongside Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall to defeat Archimonde once and for all. They managed to win, but during the battle the World Tree was seriously damaged. After the war, Tyrande and Malfurion did their best to restore their people's homelands - until Malfurion was lost in the Emerald Dream and Tyrande had to rescue him. Now they are married and together they lead their people. Happy end? We will see that later. Considering what has happened in Tyrande's life so far, there is no need to hope. Let's see what the new Word of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth has in store for her.

Translated by Fitz, Edited by Blaze, Designed by Piligrim.

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