How to be the first to be a leader. How to identify leadership qualities in yourself. How to develop leadership skills

The officially appointed manager and the actual leader of the team are not always the same person.

In order to rally colleagues around you, you need to have not so much a solid position as certain character traits.

Is it possible to develop them consciously? Certainly. Character is a natural consequence of habits, and any habits are the result of specific actions.

Behaviors that will enable you to become a leader

So, your goal is to become a respected, trustworthy and charismatic figure among your colleagues.

Let's look at each of these key qualities in order.

How to achieve respect and trust?

In business relationships, people with whom it is convenient to work hand in hand have the highest unspoken status. You are obliged to perform all the duties assigned to your shoulders “excellently”, and not as a passive robot, but as an proactive specialist.

You should consider each task as an element of the overall process and evaluate it from the point of view of expediency. Don’t be afraid to speak out loud about the dubiousness of projects that can really harm the interests of the common cause. However, when taking the initiative, try not to offend anyone.

Elevating yourself by putting your partner down is a very unreliable path to success.

  • live according to a routine (the requirement especially applies to getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening);
  • make promises as little as possible (or use the wording “I’ll try”, “I’ll keep it in mind”, etc.);
  • avoid behind-the-scenes discussions of the actions of your colleagues;
  • do not wash dirty linen in public - beware of talking about household chores and conflicts at work;
  • in conversations, address all people by name (or patronymic name), and not just “you”;
  • keep a calendar of events that will allow you not to lose sight of colleagues’ birthdays and important dates for the company;
  • when talking, listen, and do not think through your own next remark in your mind;
  • take an interest in the problems of your colleagues more often, help them get out of difficult situations;
  • Take responsibility easily.

How to develop leadership charisma?

Boring bores don't make leaders. Smile more often, communicate more willingly.

Can't match the charm of the group's main cheerleader? And don't try to dislodge him. It’s better to try to involve in communication those team members who are more closed and shy by nature. Such people know how to be grateful. Please note that the main part of the team are not activists, but gray mice (or people who seem like them until they get to know each other closely).

To be considered an optimist, make it a rule never to relieve your soul in public. Experiences, anxieties, and fears need to be poured out into a diary alone with yourself. Some psychologists recommend getting rid of negative emotions, typing three pages of stream of consciousness every morning before work. Try to take ten minutes after breakfast and get rid of everything unpleasant by typing the text without editing.

Take on the difficult role of mediator between groups that naturally form within the team. Invite someone from the next office for a cup of tea during a break. Organize a couple of events that bring the participants together - for example, a small hike, joint training.

To organize something exciting, you don’t have to be a natural-born entertainer. The internet is full of scenarios and jokes that you can use. At first, you will need to carefully prepare (even at home rehearsals) to keep the attention of others, but over time the process will no longer require such significant effort.

To cheer yourself up, make it a habit to dress well. Stylish clothes will certainly give you self-confidence.

A leader is a person whose opinion people listen to, not out of fear of being fired, power or authority, but out of trust and respect. Next to such a person, people feel safe, mutually understood and have firm confidence in their future. The leader inspires, clearly defines the main direction of further development and cares about everyone from his environment. This, of course, is the lot of strong people who perform equally strong actions.

We hope that our article will reveal your leadership potential, or strengthen your existing skills. We are for development and moving forward, so we want you to always have motivation, strength and desire for better. Let's look at the main qualities of leadership in English. Here we go!

Leadership is a learned behavior that becomes subconscious over time. Of course, this must first be achieved. Leaders can make several important decisions about a problem while others are just getting the hang of it. Many people wonder how, often under great pressure, people manage to make the best decisions.

Well, they're just leaders!

Decision-making skills are developed through experience, exposure to many different situations, personality types, and contingencies. Moreover, the adoption process difficult decisions is the ultimate understanding that you are already familiar with the cause and consequences of certain patterns. Possession of the necessary information and a sense of the relationship between the phenomena occurring in these patterns allows the leader to confidently make decisions and predict the likelihood of the desired results.

FYI, the most successful leaders are instinctive decision makers. By doing certain things enough times throughout their careers, they become immune to decision-making pressures and extremely intuitive in making the strategically best decisions. That's why most senior executives will probably tell you that they rely heavily on their gut feeling to make difficult decisions at any given moment.

So, if you aspire to leadership, but somehow things don’t work out, or if you have the honor of being a leader, then you simply have to become great!

Leadership is an ambition that can take many forms: you can lead by influencing the people around you or create change globally.

No matter the situation, there are certain skills that will help you become the leader you want and can be. Check it out!

15 Leadership Skills

  • Be confident(rest assured).

This skill has nothing to do with actually being aware of what you are doing. As long as you act confidently, few will ask questions. People assume and accept things, and while you act like you have everything under control, they assume that you actually have it, that you know what you're doing. This builds trust, responsibility and respect. But! There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Focus on being simple with people and avoid arrogance.

And in general, as they say, be simpler, and people will be drawn to you (not simpletons, of course). This means that you need to be able to admit mistakes and take responsibility for them, and also fully admit that one of your subordinates may well be better than you in some ways.

  • Be firm, but kind(be strict but kind).

Since you are in charge, you must set rules and boundaries. The sequence and pace are up to you. To do this correctly, you must be confident in your position. However, a dictatorial initiative can provoke a revolution. Be logical and understanding when stating your rules.

Conduct a personal assessment and ask yourself, "Would I follow me?" - Brian Tracy.
Take a personal assessment and ask yourself: “Would I follow myself?”
  • Become an expert(become an expert).

Show courage (even when you're afraid). All leaders fear something from time to time, be it risk, failure, or competition. But true inspirational leaders move forward despite fear and are fearless in the face of adversity. It's normal for a leader to say, “I don't know.” Saying that when answering every question asked is a no. When you don't know something, find out the answer. Become an expert in what you need to achieve professionalism. Eventually, you will find all the answers.You may not need them all now, but eventually you will need them all.

  • Be decisive(be decisive).

For example, you are standing with friends, discussing how to spend the evening. Everyone dilly-dallys, complains, shoots down each other's ideas, until one person finally stands up and says, “Guys, we're doing it this way. Briefly speaking... ". This man (figuratively) climbed to the top of the mountain, looked at everything and everyone around him, realized that the situation was going in the wrong direction, and took it upon himself to correct it. Who's the man?! Or woman?!

  • Care about your followers(take care of your followers).

Just because they are not leaders does not mean they are idiots. They will be able to tell if you show them compassion and are genuinely interested in them. And if you don't, they will take you under their feet and remove you from your pedestal. Remember who butters your bread! Without them, you will have no one to lead and no one to be a leader for.

  • Believe that anyone can become a leader(believe that everyone can become a leader).

The truth is, many people want to be led. Think of life as a path through dark forest- the more leaders around you, the more people keep lanterns on your way. How do you like this? People not only want leaders, but also search for them. For this reason, anyone can do this kind of work. You just have to fill the void.

  • Keep your promises(keep your promises).

You know how politicians are considered liars and promise-breakers? OK! And you know that a lot of people hate politicians, right? Well, there you have it! Break your promises and you will successfully lose respect in a matter of days. For good. You can look cool in a suit, you can have all the charisma and knowledge in the world, but if you don't keep your promises, someone else will get your silver platter.

  • Dress the part(dress appropriately).

If you walk into the office wearing a suit and tie and constantly looking at your watch, people will assume that you are waiting for some idiot who is late for a business meeting. Show up to the office in a T-shirt and a cap, and people will want to know where their pizza is. If you want to lead, then you need to look the part.

Hold on a sec! Before you answer, here's a great, inspiring video from Simon Sinek as he shares his memories, insights, and experiences about leadership. This will help you realize the truth. After it, you will definitely want to become great! And, of course, don’t forget about our Video Workshop, in which things become clearer;)

Now let's keep rolling!

  • Ask questions first(Ask questions first).

As a leader, you are untouchable. People may not approach you because you big man In the organisation. They don't want to make noise and attract attention. Know that you are dealing with a constant level of perceived intimidation that you need to avoid. How would you do that? Ask how they are doing (or how you are doing) and how they see the whole process being transformed into better side. Just because they aren't leaders doesn't mean they aren't full of great ideas!

  • Lead only when you have to(lead only when necessary).

A true leader does not walk into a room declaring, “Here I am!” The point is not to grab the situation by the throat and turn it to your advantage, no. The point is to see the need to take action if required, and not lose face.

  • Identify a problem(define the problem).

Look around you and find ways to make this world a better place. Observe your surroundings and listen to people. How can you help? What challenges still lie ahead?

  • Start "seeing" more than "doing"(start to “see” more than “do”).

Since you probably already guess that the ability to be a leader is more likely characteristic Rather than a series of actions, to manage a situation you need to see it occur and understand how you can handle it. Let your team take care of this. You must have a vision of the solution.

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." -Ronald Reagan
A great leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He's the one who makes people do them.
  • Share your vision(share your vision).

  • Remember that it is about the entire team(remember, it's about the whole team).

The greatest leaders have seen their role in the organization from beginning to end, and themselves as instruments of a deeper purpose; any fame, prestige or wealth was rather side effect, not motivation. In the end, nothing would come of one man's efforts. You don't want people to follow you just because they have to.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't worry about who gets the credit.
  • Don't take it all too seriously(don't take things too seriously).

Of course, running (any) company is serious business. Products and services must be sold and provided, and money must be made. Despite the seriousness of the responsibilities, successful leaders add fun to work. Instead of employees rushing to call in sick, be late for work or leave early, in successful organizations leaders arrange all kinds of entertainment for their subordinates. And as a result, they both work hard and have fun (hard), which ultimately makes them more loyal and energetic.


The skills needed to become a follow-worthy leader may not come naturally to all of us, but they can be learned, attempted, and practiced. And when people around you witness your efforts, you will unwittingly create an atmosphere of generosity, respect and loyalty around you. Believe in yourself!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

The phrase “Leaders are not born, but made” is known to everyone who has been part of a team at least once in their life. These are not empty words; experienced psychologists who have experience working with people and who understand human psychology note that there are proven and very successful methods for developing leadership qualities and commanding habits. But is this enough? What else should be embedded in the human psyche in order to achieve the set goal - to be able to manage people, to control the public mood in one’s fists, to keep one’s nose “in the wind” and to be able to create a favorable atmosphere. Moreover, it is not necessary that the person they are following is “seven spans in the forehead.” You just need to learn how to set specific goals and determine priorities.

An important and, perhaps, main quality of a leader is heightened intuition, the ability to foresee and communicate with others, especially with his colleagues and team. Most people attribute a lot of certain character traits and qualities to leaders. But it's not right.

Leaders are not always heroes, scholars, handsome men, strong men. This person knows how to act, sometimes goes all-in, realistically and honestly assesses the current situation, is ready for defeats and endures them steadfastly, and clearly assesses his abilities and capabilities. He does not deceive himself and does not fly in the clouds, which is why the qualities of a leader can be cultivated in everyone.

As we see, this is not an alien creature that absorbed amazing qualities with its mother’s milk, but an ordinary person.

Important qualities for a leader

Consider the series distinctive features someone who can curb the crowd and lead millions. Some of the following traits may be in a person’s blood, that is, transmitted at the genetic level, some traits are brought up by the environment, and some can be acquired independently by taking the will “into a fist.” But as adults, many argue that it is impossible to re-educate oneself. What is in character will accompany you for the rest of your life. But practice shows something completely different. Everything can be changed, the main thing is to have a desire - this is the most important “ingredient” of human nature. If we truly want something, then we achieve it, no matter what the cost, right?

Respect for people, communication skills

Society is a very sensitive category. Not only leading, but at least staying at the level of communication is possible only when you show respect to your counterpart. An offensive, boorish attitude, disregard for advice, inability to listen, hear, closedness always causes rejection in people and there can be no talk of any development.

It is necessary to “bribe” a colleague, and in in a good way. That is, show maximum understanding and make it clear that his thoughts and opinions are of enormous importance to you. You also need to learn how to interest a person. After all, none of us will open a book or watch a movie if there is no interest. But what can we say about important matters, for example, a new project, a trip, a vacation, if the person could not be interested?

Interest in the life of the team

You can’t be in a group and not know who and what breathes in it. A leader simply must be aware of events in the lives of his comrades. His participation, banal sympathy or understanding is already the first step towards “recruitment”. It is also important to create a healthy, stimulating, and, if you want, motivating atmosphere in the team. And this directly depends on the leader. He is obliged to communicate with everyone on equal terms, not to single out anyone from the crowd and not to create favorites for himself. There should be no jealousy, envy or resentment in the group. All team members must feel their own importance in their souls and understand that without it the chain of common action will be broken.


To become a leader, you must first be demanding of yourself. Let's answer the question - will you follow the person who has problems with self-discipline? No, it is unlikely that there will be a successful company whose head is an alcoholic or drug addict. In any case, at the beginning of the journey he was not distracted by nonsense and therefore people followed him.

So, what requirements should a leader fulfill in relation to himself: lead. A sick, weak person, whether a woman or a man, does not inspire authority. You need to work on your health. Play sports or at least visit a swimming pool, fitness club, gym.

A leader cannot keep disappearing in hospitals due to illness. Therefore, you need to do everything to prevent organs from malfunctioning - eat, drink clean water.

Mental capacity

The team leader must be more erudite than his team members. You need to be prepared for any questions and give your comrades a specific and verified answer. Chatter about nothing, empty promises, hidden lies and other negative methods of recruiting people will come out sideways. If someone believes at the beginning, then they will see through the deceiver and braggart in no time. The minimum will go away, the maximum will “clean up” your face for wasted time and a lot of disappointment. Read books, always follow the news, especially in your field.

  1. Don't be ashamed to learn from more experienced colleagues. Especially watch the activities and character traits of those who have managed to achieve more in this life and enjoy the authority and respect of those around them.
  2. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, they teach us not to make them in the future. The main thing is not to stop because of minor mistakes and move on. But if possible, still learn not from your own, but from the mistakes of others. Analyze their methods, experience and apply them in your activities. Moreover, simply ask an experienced friend for advice, do not hesitate to ask for help.
  3. New acquaintances and communication with friends are great for developing intelligence. During the conversation, we can always learn something new, replenish our knowledge in a particular area. The information received will always be useful.
  4. The brain also needs to “rest.” Periodic breaks from work, a positive attitude, joy and fun can also refresh your abilities.

Be confident in yourself

Without this character trait, you will never become a leader. To achieve anything, you need to believe in yourself and bet only on success. Of course, there may be some doubt; this is normal for each of us.

To build confidence, it is necessary to record every victory, no matter how small or insignificant. From such bricks it will be possible to erect a huge structure, which will become a powerful core in the character of the leader.

Having won the first “win”, continue further. Be assertive if you find yourself in a difficult situation, look for other options to overcome the path. Difficulties should not be considered a negative; this is, to some extent, a plus. Thus, character is honed and confirmed.

It is also important to show confidence during the conversation. Few of us know that strength of character is primarily manifested in communication. And if you overcome uncertainty and timidity in conversation, then it will be much easier.

Therefore, communicate, have conversations with those who are older and higher in status than you. Don’t be afraid to receive “blows”; it is important that you “fight back”, that is, be able to parry and respond. Over time, the skill will be honed, and the conversation will take place in an easy and relaxed atmosphere, without your stuttering, punctuation, blushing, etc.

Know how to communicate correctly

To feel like a true leader, don't be afraid to speak in front of people. Oratory involves more than just enticing words and slogans. A person must be able to “hold himself” in public, instill confidence in himself and in those who listen to him. Try it now.

When communicating and speaking, defending projects, you cannot push for pity. Remember - any business you undertake with your team is fraught with problems that need to be solved firmly and without snot. At the same time, your voice sounds firm, speak clearly, convincingly, you can even add a little “arrogance,” but in moderation!

Be assertive and resilient

A person’s endurance and assertiveness will help to be confident in oneself. You cannot give up after the first failure or difficulty. The team will follow exactly the person who does not give up and inspires confidence in his comrades, motivates his determination, stimulates not only in words, but also in behavior. This is where human responsibility comes into play. After all, his comrades look at him with the hope that he will bring them to a successful conclusion. Remember the great people who have done for the world greatest discoveries. After all, they had to train for years, decades to achieve their goal. There are no easy victories, otherwise it will simply be imperceptible.

Eat easy way strengthening your endurance. Set yourself a task that you are currently unable to complete anyway. But take decisive steps towards it, overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

Work on your character

What are we talking about a boss who constantly yells at everyone, throws papers, scolds with or without reason? Of course disgusting words. Such companies usually have a high turnover. Workers replace each other, which reduces labor efficiency and, of course, profits. Even if they offer a big salary, you don’t want to become an object of humiliation and insults. Therefore, remember the following rules:

  1. Control your emotions and don’t lose your temper.
  2. Do not gossip with anyone about a friend, stop evil conversations in the team (home, class).
  3. There is no need to be too soft-hearted, to allow everything and forgive everything, otherwise there can be no question of discipline. And besides, a real leader should not be a “mumbler.” The main thing is to be fair, and at the same time not to give a chance to insubordination, familiarity, or mischief.
  4. Be positive, instill only positive perspectives in your colleagues.

A leader must be an optimist and look to the future with confidence. No disappointments, scandals, conflicts, showdowns.

Be firm

No matter how hard it is, from the very beginning you need to learn to say “No!” Otherwise, they will sit on your head and stop seeing you as the leader of the pack. Don’t be afraid to offend someone, because you are using this word appropriately, and not to hurt. If you don’t learn, you are not a leader, leave this place and give it to another, more decisive and firm person.

As for comrades, they should not be offended. Of course, at first there will be “misunderstandings”, but this does not mean that you need to give up your positions. It is important to be able to explain why “No!” A smart person will understand, a fool will be indignant. If there is one on your team, it is better to get rid of him - let him go and not violate discipline. If you follow our advice, everything will be fine. There will come a time when colleagues who are confident in you will not ask why you gave a negative answer.

  1. Never threaten your employee - this is not a method, and it also looks mean. If he doesn’t want to work or obey, distance yourself.
  2. There is no need to evoke pity from the team; the leader has no right to do this. Categorically do not reveal small details of your personal life, everyone should know that everything is fine with you. You only need to pour out your soul to a close friend or relative.
  3. Learn to say the word “No” to yourself. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing for every person. But even leaders have their weaknesses, and if he doesn’t learn to push them into the background, or even better into the background, he’s lost. And besides, if you satisfy all your desires, your body will be completely relaxed and pampered.
  4. Give up everyone. This includes smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling, gluttony, etc. There must be in your life full order and no harmful excesses, otherwise there will be no strength left to manage people. And what kind of example do you set for others? The team wants to be like its leader, but here it’s a mess!

Be decisive in your decisions

When planning some things, be sure to make a list. Make a diagram, and step by step, according to the plan, approach the solution. If something doesn't work out right, don't get annoyed. You need to calm down, assess the current situation and act further. In this sense, yoga helps a lot. Simple and easy to do 7 chakras for each day of the week will allow you to put things in order inner world, on which everything depends.

When making a decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons, think about the consequences, and in different variations.

Strive for your goal no matter what

If you set a goal, don’t forget about it, because it’s looking forward to you. There is a point to which you need to strive, quickly or slowly, the main thing is to go and not stand still. You need to understand that it is not she who comes to you, but you who must go to her, there is no other way. And please, forever forget the usual excuses like “I’ll start on Monday”, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I’ll wait until summer comes”, etc.

Reassure yourself that everything will work out. If you want to get a good position, prepare for it mentally and convince yourself that no one can handle it better than you.

Be responsible

If you want to command, then learn to be responsible for everyone! And if you did something wrong, do not hesitate to admit the mistake. A leader must be honest and open, and in no case should one shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Leadership has both positive and negative consequences. Looking at your dedication - the team will receive clear example and will take his responsibilities just as seriously and responsibly.

A responsible person knows how to correctly distribute obligations among his colleagues. To do this, you need to know the abilities and inclinations of each of your subordinates. Thus, the group will not conflict, and things will go well.

Learn to be an organizer

A leader without a team is not a leader. And if misunderstanding or discord arises in the team, consider that you have not lived up to your title. Learn organizational skills. You need to carefully monitor the behavior of each subordinate, listen, take into account, feel the mood among employees. The leader of the team faces a difficult but solvable task. We need to create an atmosphere in which everyone will be . Moreover, this process will have to be monitored all the time.

You need to be able to unite and rally people around an idea, business, project, work. And for this you need motivation. Don't lead them to a goal that doesn't meet expectations. No matter how trivial it may sound, it should bring moral, physical or financial pleasure, or all three.

When overcoming difficulties, bear the burdens together with everyone else, do not isolate yourself and do not create yourself as a “master” with a bunch of servants. Everyone must do their job, but do it honestly, without placing it on the shoulders of others.

Don't forget about yourself

Yes, on the path to leadership, a person’s character undergoes a lot of changes. But you don’t need to completely remake yourself, remain yourself, unless you sharpen your qualities and remove everything unnecessary, unnecessary, and harmful.

When eliminating negative qualities, write everything down in a notebook. At the end of the day, analyze your actions and decisions, think again whether you did the right thing - it’s never too late to draw conclusions.

Consult with your loved ones, family, friends. Have them also write down all your shortcomings on a piece of paper. There is no need to be offended by critics, because they only want the best for you.

Perform an interesting and effective ritual. On a piece of paper, write down all your shortcomings and obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want. You don’t need to think for long - reflect on a piece of paper everything that comes to mind. Even if you repeat yourself, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to hide anything and be honest with yourself. Then crumple and burn the paper, along with the fire, everything bad will go away and the road to the goal will be cleared.

And most importantly, don’t forget to pamper yourself sometimes. We are not talking about returning to a wild life, bad habits, bouts of laziness, etc. Just love yourself, don’t give up on moments that give you pleasure. For example, go to the sea or out of town, relax with your family at the dacha, barbecue, fish, go hunting with friends. Women leaders should not forget about their appearance. She simply has to look stunning, and has no right to be neglected. Visit the spa, take care of your skin, hair, and be beautiful. You shouldn’t refuse to go out with friends to a restaurant or into nature. The only condition is that you do it in your free time. During the week you need to work together with the team, and relax on well-deserved days off. Moreover, everyone, without exception, should rest. And if there is a force majeure or a blockage at work, then everyone without exception needs to get involved, especially the team leader.

Leadership is effectiveness. What needs to be done to reach this level? Read about this in detail and step by step in our article.

In the article you will read:

  • Key Opportunities to Become a Leader
  • What leadership qualities are necessary for success?
  • How to become a leader, what steps should be taken
  • What are the barriers to leadership?

How to become a leader in life and in the team- one of current issues modern business. To answer this, you need to define what the term leader means. Leadership involves the ability to lead other people. It is important to remember that leaders are not born, but become leaders over time.

Best article of the month

Marshall Goldsmith, a top business coach according to Forbes, revealed a technique that helped top managers at Ford, Walmart and Pfizer climb the career ladder. You can save a $5K consultation for free.

The article has a bonus: a sample letter of instruction for employees that every manager should write to increase productivity.

What types of leaders are there?

According to psychologists, a team may have not one leader, but several. For example, the following types of leaders in a company are distinguished:

1) Leader-executor;

2) Inspirer;

3) Universal leader;

4) Situational leader;

5) Emotional leader;

6) Business leader;

7) Formal leader;

Authority in a team is often enjoyed by simply smart people with human charm. In many companies, gender plays an important role. For example, an intelligent and charming man in a women's team will always receive special treatment. Therefore, a person can become an informal leader not because of a desire for power, but because of the provision of this function by others.

Informal leaders in a team can be identified extremely easily. To do this, you should observe how employees behave during corporate events, whose holidays turn out to be significant events within the company.

What qualities does a leader have?

    Egoism or egocentrism. This leadership quality is needed to promote your interests in social environment. Characteristic this quality to a certain extent to all people.

    Intellectual or ideological activity.

    High degree internal and external energy, activity with high dynamics of interaction with people.

    Significant power of influence.

    Increased level socialization. Socialization involves a person's ability to get along with other people, build relationships, establish constructive communication, understand psychology, providing constructive communication.

What you notice about a leader

  • confident, focused look;
  • clean shoes;
  • neat, beautiful, stylish clothes;
  • a certain sense of “pathos”, manifested in communication and manners;
  • expensive watch, briefcase and diary are always with him;
  • values ​​his time, so idleness is a rare occurrence;
  • organization, no delays;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • communication skills;
  • difficult to lose your temper;
  • is not afraid of difficulties and difficulties, without panic in his actions and decisions;
  • willingness to take responsibility for actions and words spoken.

Where can you be a leader?

- At work. There are usually several leaders in an office. They are easily identified - successful, dress stylishly, and are respected among colleagues due to their experience and erudition.

- Among friends. If you strive to become a leader in life, among friends, first of all, you need self-confidence. You need to joke well, be superior to your friends in some ways, receive a large salary, have pronounced muscles, and be popular among girls. Learn to convince, to defend your position - this is especially important, since guys regularly have disputes, the results of which often determine the leaders.

- In a relationship. It is difficult to gain a leadership role in relationships with the opposite sex. After all, most couples strive for “democratic” relationships. The family is completely built on mutual concessions. Try to form relationships so that everyone is a leader in something.

- In society. To lead in life, you need fundamental changes in your character, behavior, and perhaps your appearance. It is not easy to be a leader in society, since it is usually easier to be born such a person than to become one. This person is not always completely successful, but he knows how to manage even his small success in such a way that those around him respect him. Is different beautiful speech, forcing everyone to listen. This person is not alien to a certain insolence, since it is often necessary to reflect his superiority in case of disputes.

- In a new team. The difficulty in this case lies, first of all, in the lack of trust. Therefore, it is necessary to conquer it as soon as possible. Basically, one quickly manages to become a leader in a team in which there was previously no leader or one left.

To demonstrate leadership qualities, there must be appropriate conditions

Yuri Adler, full member of the Academy of Quality Problems, Moscow

To demonstrate leadership qualities, employees must have proper working conditions. In particular, punishments should never be introduced when employees show initiative, without introducing responsibility for mistakes in this case - it rests with management.

The underlying principles of leadership are the opposite of repressive management, which is focused on punishment. It is unlikely that an employee will show proper enthusiasm if there is a subconscious readiness for punishment and repression.

Dispelling myths about leadership

    “Absolutely all top managers are leaders.” In fact, not all top managers are capable of leading people.

    “Many people are born leaders.” Even if you have a natural predisposition to leadership, mastering leadership skills is necessary. Therefore, it is better to focus on tasks that you can solve now. And not limit yourself to finding your life purpose.

    “A leader always knows the right answer.” The ability of leaders is to set the right questions, knowing the possibilities of finding suitable answers. If you are asked questions by colleagues who can find the answers themselves, you need to remember that you are depriving them of the opportunity to “turn on their brains and think.” Leaders do not know all the answers, but rather the opportunities and places to find them.

    “To become a leader, you need a high-paying position.” To be able to lead people, you just need to know how and when to do it best. The main thing is the ability to take responsibility for yourself and others.

    “Leaders are independent, successful individuals.” A leader can motivate himself and his team to solve problems. If a leader strives to work on a task, but is not able to inspire others to do it, then he cannot be considered a real leader. This is the difference from a manager.

    “A leader is the most ambitious person.” Leadership is about the ability and desire to make a difference for people. There is nothing wrong with ambitions, but usually they only play into the hands of the person himself. If the actions you take only benefit yourself, then it is not leadership. You can only be called a true leader if you bring value to others - colleagues, clients, suppliers and society.

    “Everyone is capable of being a leader.” Only those who want it can achieve leadership. It is impossible to force a person to lead if he himself does not want to.

Instructions: how to become a leader

1. Decide why you need to be a leader. You must be guided by a specific goal of what you want from life. Leadership is a means, not an end in itself.

2. Analyze your shortcomings. This can be done using several methods:

– talk to your inner critic.

– Find out the opinions of close friends and relatives. Ask them to write down all the bad things they see and love about you. It is advisable to approach your closest friends with approximately the same number of good and bad qualities. Don't be afraid to read and listen to all this. Then your fear of your inferiority will become an ally for improvement.

– on a piece of paper, indicate your shortcomings and the reasons why they prevent you from achieving your goals. After this, we burn the leaf. The procedure can be performed several times to achieve the best result. Stay true to yourself. You need to write down everything you remember. Maximum honesty with yourself is necessary. Write all these factors all day long. In particular, when the reasons for dissatisfaction accumulate, you can add to your list.

– keep a success journal. You should record your successes and victories every day. Try not to forget about this, then it will be much easier. You can raise your self-esteem by making sure of your own success.

3. Find leaders. If there are no such people in your environment, you need to look for acquaintance with them.

4. Try to get closer to successful people.

5. Do something. Eg, own business, engage in social activities, the main thing is to act. Get used to being responsible for everything yourself. Set yourself up for success, but don't be discouraged by the lack of great results.

6. Join other people's experiences. After you begin your actions, the time comes to actively study information about leadership, studying audio training, etc.

7. Creating your own leadership style. The most difficult step in the general instructions, but it is the beginning of the growth of leadership and personality. You should take the following steps:

  • watch yourself from the outside;
  • analyze personal strengths and weaknesses;
  • take a closer look at the people you respect;
  • think about particularly successful cases.

How to help deputies become leaders

Michael Vader leading consultant and partner of the company "Center Orgprom", Yekaterinburg; President of LeadershipExcellenceInternational, Inc., Colorado Springs, USA

Not all nominal CEOs are leaders in literally words. Often to work in this position Leading experts in a particular field are attracted. However, narrow knowledge is not enough to establish effective management the entire enterprise. A true leader needs to know the answers to 3 key questions.

The first question is: how can I help people achieve success? The task of an effective leader is to inspire, encourage people to believe in success. You need to provide your deputies with the right and authority to make decisions independently, providing them with the proper resources, and not forgetting to praise them when they achieve positive results. And your managers should act similarly towards their subordinates.

You should ask who is considered the best employee in the team, what measures are being taken to encourage them? Who do they think is not coping with their tasks? How should this situation be corrected? The team needs to make it clear that you are ready to help solve problematic issues and situations.

Another important question for a manager is the motivation of top managers, what should be done for this? Provide them with all the information for making management decisions. When making a decision, you need to be guided by numbers every time, otherwise successful management is impossible. The overall well-being of the company and employees will depend on the direction of development you set. Therefore, it is necessary to make informed decisions.

When making a decision, it is necessary to be guided by specific numbers - otherwise it is impossible to lead successfully. The well-being of the organization and employees will depend on the given direction of development, so it is necessary to make informed decisions. Making decisions without numbers is like driving a car without a dashboard.

  • Responsibility of the General Director before the law and the company

When employees approach you with a proposal or problem, you should always receive justification for the stated position. After all, discussing any issue without justification becomes a useless waste of time. Managers must convey to their subordinates that in order to approve a proposal or a specific issue, they must provide you with specific data. This approach should become a habit - with confirmation of the stated statements. However, remember - do not require justification to solve private and simple issues. After all, you should never forget about common sense. Employees should deal with minor issues on their own, without distracting management on various trifles. They need to be given this opportunity even if they do not agree with their ideas. By giving in a little, you can win in a strategic goal.

Question three: what example does a manager set for employees? It's really difficult to be in the public eye all the time. Therefore, do everything on time - arrive, start meetings, end them. Remain polite without raising your voice. Praise should be public, but criticism should only be done personally with the employee, without making this problem public. And be sure to inform the offending employee that you are ready to help him correct the situation.

Indeed, it is not easy for the general director - after all, someone is always demanding some decisions. Shareholders need profits, the board of directors plans to expand the business, employees want to improve their working conditions. Everyone is sure that you owe them something. It is necessary to form an effective team, inspiring it to succeed. Require that everyone who relies on you to make certain decisions provides the appropriate information to make them. You need to lead by example and treat your subordinates with respect.

1) You need to be a purposeful person. Set precise goals and don’t expect them to be achieved every second.

2) Know how to make decisions. Always be a proactive person. When you go to the supermarket, you don’t need to think “what should I buy for dinner?” You always need to know what exactly you will cook for dinner, what is needed for this dish?

3) Have a strong character. Learn to say no if necessary.

4) Be balanced. Regardless of life and professional situations, always maintain inner calm - one of the main leadership qualities.

5) Be confident. One of the main qualities of a leader, without which his successful activities are impossible. To develop confidence, calmly record your small victories in Personal diary achievements.

6) Be resilient. Never despair is the main principle of your life. Just remember - to create an incandescent lamp, Thomas Edison had to conduct 2 thousand experiments.

7) Be responsible. You must always admit your mistakes and wrongs towards others. There is a fairly effective technique for developing responsibility. Write 10 sentences on a piece of paper starting with the phrase “I am responsible for...”. Thanks to this method, you will be able to analyze what you are responsible for.

  • 6 top manager skills that lead to success even for introverts

8) Development of your organizational skills. If disputes arise within the team, the entire work process may be disrupted. A leader needs the ability to immediately extinguish light sources of conflict. Know how to unite people into a fruitful team.

9) Work on developing your intellect. Self-development is already half of all success. Continue to study books of different genres and specialties, and not limit yourself to just your field.

10) Don’t wait for the weather by the sea, get up and do it.

How to get people to recognize you as a leader from the first minutes of meeting you

The first tip is to take time to “set” your body. Stand firmly, straight, with an even distribution of body weight on both legs, looking the listeners in the eyes, taking a breath, and only then begin. To convey authority and trust, you need to face the audience. To signal cooperation, you need to stand at an angle to the interlocutor. Eliminate the presence of obstacles between you and your interlocutor. The interlocutor must see you completely; this is the only way to gain trust.

The second tip is to control your head position. When communicating with a person one on one, indicate by tilting your head that you are interested in his words. If you plan to show trust and authority, it is better not to tilt your head.

The third tip is don’t fuss, try not to be nervous.

The fourth tip is to look convincing, you need to control your gestures so that they correspond to the words spoken.

Fifth tip - words will sound more convincing if they are spoken with a smile, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

The sixth tip is that in order to encourage a person to take a certain action, you need to address it energetically, showing enthusiasm. An important aid for this is the volume, pitch and tone of the voice.

Seventh tip - speak first, and you will be recognized as a leader.

How to become confident

    Don't compare yourself to others.

    Develop self-confidence. Always live your own life, and do not be guided by other people's ideals.

    Hang out with positive people.

    Stop criticizing yourself. Do not forget about the materialization of any thought.

    Refusal of problems. Only a person who does not let everything pass through himself can gain confidence and learn to relate more simply to various life situations. Many people like to screw things up to an extent that is sometimes just funny if it weren’t so critical. Usually ours life problems are not as complex and dangerous as we imagine.

    There is no need to dwell on the past. Don't waste your energy and valuable time thinking about past actions. After all, this is history – now we need to concentrate on future success.

    Listen to yourself. Understand within yourself what you really need for success.

    Immerse yourself in what you love. It's hard to feel happy if you don't like or enjoy your work.

    Learn to speak confidently and firmly. Words have quite a powerful power. You can tell a lot about a person's character by the words they say. You should never throw your words to the wind. There is no need to answer sharply, you need to speak calmly, clearly and confidently.

    Make your weaknesses your strengths. There is no need to scold yourself for certain shortcomings. After all, each of us has certain shortcomings. It will be easier to get rid of your weaknesses if you try to optimize them as much as possible. For example, consider your curiosity as inquisitiveness, and consider stubbornness as determination.

6 Reasons Why Leaders Fail

    Inability to find a common language or contact. The functions of a leader are coordination and effective management, so the ability to find mutual language with subordinates.

    Inability to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions. Many people say, “I don’t care what others say. These methods worked in the past and will continue to be effective now.” But it is important to understand that society and business are developing, time passes, and outdated methods do not allow achieving results.

    They love themselves excessively. Every leader strives to be recognized and rewarded for their work and efforts, but some individuals are so focused on themselves that they simply forget about others for whom they are responsible.

    They are afraid to make a mistake.

    Inability to recover from a mistake.

    The feeling of guilt does not let go. A true leader needs to take responsibility for mistakes made; he may unconsciously blame himself for mistakes made. To avoid this problem, do not blame yourself if you make mistakes. After all, the feeling of guilt will lead to the loss of the leadership position, provoking further uncertainty in decision-making and one’s actions, which will certainly be felt by other team members. It is important to understand that every person has the right to make mistakes, including a leader.

Information about authors and companies

Oleg Zheltov, CEO SVR-Media company, Moscow. CJSC SVR-Media is the founder and publisher of the weekly newspaper Argumenty Nedeli. The circulation is 570 thousand copies, distributed throughout the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and Europe. The number of personnel is 85 people.

Yuri Adler, full member of the Academy of Quality Problems, Moscow. Academy of Quality Problems. Field of activity: conducting research on quality issues, scientific and methodological assistance in using in practice the experience and recommendations of international, regional and national organizations on quality, standardization, certification and uniformity of measurements. Form of organization: interregional public organization. Location: Moscow.

Michael Vader, leading consultant and partner of the company "Center Orgprom", Yekaterinburg; President of LeadershipExcellenceInternational, Inc., Colorado Springs, USA. "Orgprom Center". Field of activity: services for the development of the Lean system (lean manufacturing, kaizen, Toyota ProductionSystem). Form of organization: group of companies (LLC). Territory: Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries; head office - in Yekaterinburg. Number of personnel: 25. Main clients: AvtoVAZ, Bogdan Corporation, VSMPO-Avisma, European Bearing Corporation, KamAZ, Magnezit, Rusal, Sibur - Russian Tires, Philips.

How to become a leader? I dare say that many people are asking this question. In this article we will look at this topic in detail, and after reading it to the end, you will become a team leader. True, it will take desire and desire.

A leader is a person who takes responsible decisions regarding the interests of the group he leads. The leader's decisions often determine the direction and nature of the team's activities.

In some cases, the head of the team is officially appointed, although often he does not even hold an official position. In other words, he leads the team thanks to his organizational skills.

How to become a leader in a team

A leader is a person respected in society who different situations shows himself as a confident and purposeful person.

A person with leadership qualities is not afraid to make mistakes and is not afraid of criticism. He is concerned about the decline in authority, especially when a competitor appears who claims leadership.

Leadership is a unique quality, genetically inherent in a person, which is formed under the influence of stereotypes and conditions.

  1. If there is no inclination towards leadership qualities, it is difficult to cultivate them. A leader's mission is not a simple task. Only a highly intelligent person is able to reach the top. True, if you feel tired or want to change your lifestyle, you need to think about everything.
  2. A woman who is able to manage other people rarely becomes an ideal housewife. Even if he considers housework to be his calling. Such women often complicate the situation and make the lives of loved ones tense. This is explained by the desire to control other people and an attempt to restore order.
  3. The presence of peace and harmony in the home directly depends on whether a woman with leadership qualities has the opportunity to release energy. Otherwise, loved ones will feel inferior.
  4. If you do not have leadership inclinations, choosing a specialty related to leadership is extremely undesirable. Such a position will be an overwhelming test, and you can’t count on a career.

I shared information about leadership in a team. It became known what one would have to face as part of leadership activities, and which individuals are not suitable for the role of team leader.

Video tips and instructions

How to become a leader at work

There is an opinion that leaders are born. It's a delusion. Every person can become a leader at work, and the desire to achieve goals, perseverance and titanic work will help in this.

If leadership qualities first appeared in kindergarten, it will be easier to achieve status at work. In every group there is a person who leads the rest. She acts as a leader who emotionally turns on her colleagues and leads them to success.

The leader will be the one who helps his colleagues and knows what to do. The status will be given to a person with a wealth of experience and a decent age.

The tandem of perseverance and patience will be your ticket to the league. You will have to learn additional skills.

  1. Making decisions . Decisions must be thoughtful and timely. When considering any issue, weigh and think about everything.
  2. Ability to find the root of the problem . If you break down a problem into parts, you will be able to solve it faster and easier.
  3. Use of force . It's easier to develop abilities that you already have. Find a few strengths and focus on developing them.
  4. Career . Going with the flow is strictly prohibited. Overcome difficulties and strive for success.
  5. Initiative . If you make a mistake, admit your guilt. Add the mistake to your personal experience.
  6. Optimism. If you fail, you should not fall into a state of helplessness. Find a plan that will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Listen to advice and your inner voice, make sure you want to become a leader and take on responsibilities.

How to become a leader among friends

Any team is unthinkable without a leader. He leads the group members, sets the mood, distributes responsibilities, forces them to follow instructions and listen carefully.

According to psychologists, one team can have several leaders:

  1. performing
  2. inspiring
  3. emotional
  4. situational
  5. informal
  6. formal
  7. business
  8. universal

Each team member can become a leader in a certain area if the character matches the type.

  1. If you want to lead a group of friends, become confident. Leadership is closely related to confidence.
  2. Learn to joke and stand out from the crowd. A higher salary, more pronounced muscles, high popularity with the opposite sex, a unique hobby, etc. would be suitable.
  3. Learn to persuade, win arguments and prove what is right. The listed features are extremely important. Disputes often arise in a male company, and the skills listed above will help in such situations to win a share of leadership.

If you want to become a leader among friends and the life of the party, take an active part in resolving conflicts of varying complexity, be ahead of your peers and feel respect, listen to advice.

How to become a leader in a relationship with a girl

A person with a package of complexes, without a sense of humor and self-confidence in the matter of leadership is not able to succeed. By and large, to become a leader in a relationship with a girl, it is enough to be yourself, demand respectful treatment, and indulge your companion’s weaknesses.

  1. First of all, show yourself as a protector, hunter, breadwinner and a real man. Make the girl an object of adoration and protection. Then the girl will take the position you prepared.
  2. The leader makes decisions in relationships. A guy should consult with his soul mate, listen to her opinion, but the last word must be behind him. If you do everything right, the girl will develop a feeling of trust and respect.
  3. What to do if your other half is a strong and independent woman? According to the girls, the only thing that will help in this situation is confidence, which will bring the status of a leader, and the woman will feel protected and will be able to relax.
  4. It is useful to demonstrate care and express sympathy. In this case, the girl will understand that there is an attentive and caring man nearby and will become a good wife.

The tips really work. And if you awaken trust, it will become soft and fluffy.

How to become a leader in the classroom

The school acts as a miniature model of the world where social skills are acquired. There is a leader in every school class. In most cases, this person is ahead of his peers in all segments of school life.

In the classroom, he has to assert leadership as some of his classmates try to take his place. In some cases active work allows you to do this.

The leader in the class is not always the most successful, handsome, smart and strong. Such a person has strengths and knows how to use them.

If you want to become a leader in your class, read the basic rules.

  1. Without self-confidence nothing will happen. If you don’t have confidence, work on yourself, learn to make important decisions and take responsibility for them.
  2. Be an example for your classmates. They should be interested in your opinion and listen to your advice. To do this you will have to know more than others and be an excellent student. Development and reading will help you achieve your goal.
  3. Be in the center of the action. This concerns school and peer groups. In this case, there are more chances to prove yourself. Take on difficult tasks and involve your classmates in solving them.
  4. Play sports and drive healthy image life. Classmates like it when colleagues stand up for them. In addition, a person actively involved in physical education participates in competitions, defending the honor of the school.
  5. Finish the things you start. A leader who is unable to fulfill a promise will not last long in the team.
  6. An important point - appearance. The person at the head of a team, even a school one, is always neat and wears fashionable clothes. Learn to combine fashion trends, trying not to shock your teachers.
  7. Don't humiliate weak peers. This will reveal your bad sides and your classmates will understand that you are not capable of acting differently.

Believe in yourself. If there is a leader in the class, you should not despair. Try your hand at a small team of opponents. It is possible that you will be appreciated here.

How to become a leader in life

A leader in life will be a self-made man. To do this, it is not necessary to have high intelligence or unique talents.

A leader is able to see the situation ahead and create highly effective channels of communication with people. Developing personal qualities will help you become effective in life, lead a group of people, inspire, manage and lead. What qualities will be needed?

  1. Communication skills . Without followers, a leader is empty. Followers count driving force and enable you to succeed. Develop public speaking and communication skills. Words will help inspire and gain respect, support and sympathy.
  2. Advice. Communicate with other people on equal terms, participate in social activities, give each team member the opportunity to feel important.
  3. Thinking. While in some situations you have to make quick decisions, in others you have to make smart moves and weigh alternatives. If all else fails, the leader must offer a non-standard solution to the problem.
  4. Creativity . Focus on developing creative thinking Special attention. Listen to the opinions of others. Undoubtedly, group members can come up with wonderful ideas, but uncertainty and complexes prevent them from putting the idea into practice.
  5. Attentiveness . Notice active people, encourage and help develop their initiatives. The result will be success.
  6. Courage. Leadership and fear are incompatible things. Even if some action is wrong, you should not be afraid. Draw appropriate conclusions, and introduce the error into the experiment.
  7. Organization . An important quality is the ability to organize effective team work. We are talking about the work process, preparing for the holidays, going on vacation, and so on.

A leader in life is a multifaceted personality who fearlessly moves forward, leading followers. If you consider yourself such a person, try becoming a leader. Perhaps this is your calling in life.