How to learn to be stress-resistant at work. How to increase stress resistance: advice from a psychologist. Stress and health

Life sometimes presents surprises, many of which can hardly be called pleasant. They are capable of unsettling a person, disrupting his emotional, spiritual, and psychological balance. Modern life is full of stress, only the dead do not have it, and other people react to it in one way or another. stress. Some people know how to fight them and come out of a difficult situation as a winner, while others, under the weight of stress, break down and lose themselves. It is impossible to create a life in which there is no stress. Even the most successful, rich and independent people cannot protect themselves from it. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn deal with stress And develop stress resistance.

Types of stress and effects on humans

It is wrong to say that stress only harms a person. In fact, there is also positive stress, this is a kind of shake-up of a person, his psyche and body. Such stress is useful in that it helps the body discover all its hidden capabilities and reveals hidden psychological resources in a person. But there is another type of stress. Prolonged, negative stress becomes the cause of severe diseases, sometimes leading to death. Stress depletes the nervous system, negatively affects the heart and blood vessels, and all vital organs and systems suffer from it.

How to become stress-resistant

If a person understands what he is doing, he will not be afraid of stress at work and he will not react painfully to difficult situations that arise unexpectedly. You also need to be patient and have endurance. It is important to remain calm in a critical situation, learn to manage and manage emotions. A person is most often exposed to stress when he reacts to the negativity of others. You shouldn’t react to someone else’s negativity (swearing, scandals, hysteria), why absorb someone else’s negative energy. If a person has the opportunity to distance himself from stressful situations created by other people, he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. For example, if a woman makes a scandal in a store, swears, throws out all the accumulated negativity, you need to leave the store immediately. If it is not possible to eliminate yourself, you need to learn to abstract yourself at such moments.

Increase self-confidence

You should not allow other people to treat you poorly, or ignore insults or humiliation. But you need to defend yourself without harming your opponent. To be able to defend yourself and know how to cope with stress, it is necessary to increase self-confidence: play sports, work on personal and intellectual improvement.

Psychological relief

Only those people who regularly unload their psyche using various techniques are stress-resistant. What do you need to do to become stress-resistant?

  1. Meditate.
  2. Take a contrast shower.
  3. Go for a relaxing massage.
  4. Go out into nature more often, relax in the country, walk in the park, swim in open water. Communicating with nature is the best way to develop stress resistance.
  5. Listen to relaxing music.
  6. Communicate with positive people.
  7. Do a hobby.

Provoke stress and exercise

It is important not to hide from stress, not to avoid it, but to face it and act. This does not mean that you need to create conflict situations yourself. For example, if a phone call from the boss and a call to his office are stressful for a person, then it is useful for him to call the boss himself and go to him. You can go to your boss’s office after a job that has been successfully completed or a report that has recently been accepted. You can also develop stress resistance with the help of fairy tale therapy, a method that has become extremely popular in Europe. The benefits of fairy tale therapy for adults can hardly be overestimated. This method can be used to combat stress in a fun and creative way.

It is important to analyze the moments when a person is stressed, find the cause and deal with it. You can take a piece of paper and describe one stressful situation, then describe your feelings, the factors that caused these feelings. How was the situation resolved and what helped calm the person? This technique will help you find the weakest and most vulnerable places in yourself. It is impossible to become successful without the ability to cope with stress. After all modern life– this is constant stress.

How fashionable it has become today to explain all of your life’s troubles with the word stress! But not each of us will give an exact definition of this concept. Most people have a vague image in their head of something dangerous or very unpleasant, which makes them give up and don’t want to live. This is completely wrong! We must learn to accept and respect stressful situations, then we will understand how to become a stress-resistant person.

His Majesty stress

Psychology gives the following definition to the concept of stress: a normal reaction of the body to external stimuli that disturb its calm. A person lives in complete prosperity, everything is normal, his muscles, brains and, worst of all, his heart become overgrown with fat. He looks down on his fellow losers and thinks of himself as “ something, and something not unimportant." And then, out of nowhere, stress: I got laid off at work, for example.

What happens in our body when faced with a stressful situation? The body reacts in the same way to absolutely all types of stress: illness, work or family troubles, material losses.

  1. The pituitary gland, one of the glands of the brain, sends danger signals into the blood - special hormones that carry this message to the adrenal glands.
  2. They, in turn, release cortisol into the blood.
  3. Its presence in the blood breaks down proteins, increasing the amount of sugar, because it is a source of energy for decisive action.
  4. Sugar reserves in the form of glycogen are collected in the liver, ready at any time to replenish energy expenditure.
  5. Blood circulates at an increased rate, pressure rises.
  6. Fats stored in reserve in times of peace are ready to perform hard work with energy costs.
  7. Many other changes prepare the body for the “fight or flight” mode.

The body comes to the same level of combat readiness in a woman who collided with her rival on the stairs, in a hunter who suddenly saw a tiger, and in our official who received an order to dismiss him. This stage of stress is an anxiety response and requires action. Actions, firstly, fast, and, secondly, correct. If previous changes in the body occurred without our conscious intervention, then further development The situation depends only on the person himself. Building resilience to stress begins with learning to ask ourselves the right questions. Knowing through thoughts, you can achieve excellent results.

The right question already contains the answer

When confronted with an unpleasant situation, natural questions rush through a person’s head:

  • Why did this happen to me?
  • When will this end?
  • Who is guilty?

John Miller, author of the famous QWQ method, which allows a person to emerge victorious from any stressful situation, states: these questions are wrong! Why? – this is not a call to action, but a complaint about circumstances. When?- a question that postpones the solution of the problem for an indefinite period of time. Who? – absolves himself of responsibility, saying that someone else is obliged to help and take care of us.

Asking questions: Why? - When? - Who? - the person is filled with negative emotions (suspicion, resentment, envy, condemnation), essentially taking no action. And this is at a time when the body is in increased readiness for important and difficult work. It is not surprising that in this case hypertension or diabetes mellitus develops!

Anyone who knows how to be stress-resistant will consciously stop feeling sorry for themselves and switch to other issues:

  • What What can I do in this situation?
  • How can I find a way out? it definitely exists!
  • How can this incident change my life for the better?

This way of asking questions focuses attention on a specific stressful situation, requires a search for an immediate solution and is addressed to oneself: no one but me will solve my problems. And since the body is already ready for action, as a rule, constructive ideas come from somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. A non-standard solution to a problem can radically change your life and open up new horizons.

Trying to ask yourself the right questions ( What? - How? - How?) in any, even the smallest unpleasant situation, these are good exercises for stress resistance. A skill will be formed that will ensure quick and correct action in the stress resistance phase.

I will think about it tomorrow

An important problem of behavior under stress is the outburst of emotions. Often a situation arises unexpectedly, we are not ready to accept and think about it. An emotional response comes faster: anger, irritation, resentment, accompanied by screaming, tears, and inappropriate actions, can completely ruin a relationship and close the path to a constructive solution. Therefore, to increase the level of stress resistance, you need to learn to extinguish emotions.

At a time when you are openly insulted or you can no longer contain the influx of feelings, it is better to apologize and leave without permission. This can be explained with any valid excuse. It is important not to allow yourself to explode with emotions.

Simple walking, looking at plants, birds singing, the murmur of flowing water - nature - has a calming effect. Anyone who wants to become stress-resistant simply needs to love and know nature. Mushrooms, fishing, hunting, gardening, gardening - all these activities seem to be created in order to return us to balance.

Sports, with its increased loads and constant confrontation is the prevention of stress resistance. It is known that V.I. Lenin was a good chess player, but was forced to give up this activity, since losses were an insurmountable stress for him. But the ability to lose helps us calmly accept life’s situation and not give up.

Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of the famous novel Gone with the Wind, never solved problems at the very moment they arose and did not act rashly. "I will think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day." This phrase became famous because it is correct. Life does not end today: brilliant solutions and favorable situations need time to mature. And if you do not treat this with patience, the stressful situation will move into the third phase - exhaustion of the body. In this phase we will be haunted constant feeling hunger.

Eating stress correctly

This feeling is familiar to everyone: during times of trouble, a person strives to eat a lot and tasty. This leads to obesity, but it does not help the body, because you need to know what to eat.

Mobilization of the body during stress collects protein in all nooks and crannies of the body: from the walls of the digestive tract, kidneys, etc. Therefore, you need protein: meat and fish. Tea and coffee increase adrenaline, and in a stressful situation there is already a lot of it in the blood. Instead, we drink milk and juices. Well proven, developed on the basis of honey, mint and water.

When times get tough, it's helpful to support your body with vitamins and macronutrients. Calcium, potassium, magnesium in the form of dietary supplements, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid and vitamin E are very necessary for the body to recover during periods of stress.

So, stress is a natural life situation that requires energetic and correct actions from a person. Analyzing the situation is crucial in increasing stress resistance; it consists of asking yourself the right questions. The ability to control emotions and switch to other activities is an indicator of resistance to stress. The human body responds to a stressful situation with a powerful mobilization of all resources and needs their targeted replenishment.

Stress is a normal part of life. It must be taken into account that nature specifically invented stress to organize the body’s adaptation to dramatically changing environmental conditions. A small portion of stress for our health. The body prevents stress through stress resistance, which varies greatly depending on external and internal factors.

Characteristics of a stress-resistant personality

Increased resistance to stress does not manifest itself in all people, but only in individuals with certain character traits. These are the signs of a stress-resistant person. Key features include:

  • Forecasting ability. This characteristic will make external stress less unexpected. This means that the stress level immediately decreases.
  • A person's willingness to perform multiple tasks. In this case, it will not be difficult for the individual to concentrate on s conflict situation, because it nervous system mobile and capable of working in a short time.
  • Experience with stress. Emotions experienced in previous nervous situations make it easier to survive subsequent ones.
  • Type of nervous system. The psychophysiological component directly affects the stress resistance of the individual.
  • Having the motivation to overcome. Stress is overcome through struggle – it is always the body’s resistance to a changing world.

The set of life principles that a person possesses is of great importance.

To overcome a stressful situation, you must have the desire, as well as the ability to control the situation, the understanding that everything can have a positive and negative outcome. There is always a risk. In addition, the social environment influences.

Methods for increasing resistance to stress

Stress resistance can be trained, like any processes in the body. To do this you need to know a few effective methods for stress and depression.

  1. First, relaxation or relaxation. How to become a stress-resistant person if you can't relax. helps relieve excess tension, relax, and distract the nervous system from excessive stress. Creative activities and positive thinking are ideal for this.
  2. Secondly, breathing. What is right is closely related to emotions. Some breathing exercises help you tune in and make the right decision.
  3. Thirdly, physical therapy. In addition, regular visits to a psychologist are ideal for combating stress. A specialist will be able to set you up correctly and find the cause of your condition.

A great way is through vigorous physical activity. The main thing in this method– namely moderation, since unnecessary sports activities, on the contrary, are severe stress. Dancing and yoga, which also includes breathing exercises, are best suited.

There are medical methods for developing stress resistance, but these can only be used under the supervision of a specialist who can first conduct a stress tolerance test.

The Benefits of Resilience

Stress and stress resistance are constant companions of our lives. At the same time, individuals with high resistance to nervous situations and sudden changes have a number of advantages. Among them:

  • Excellent health. Those who worry less live longer. This happens because disorders of the nervous system lead to diseases of almost all body systems. Digestion, the heart, the kidneys and liver, as well as sex life suffer. People correctly say: “All diseases come from nerves.”
  • Quiet life. All life situations are experienced more easily if there is stability. The ability not to get irritated by all sorts of little things, but to calmly react to all the nuances. In addition, a calm person can work normally, which means he is more productive.
  • Positive outlook on life. When a person reacts sharply to everything, it seems to him that the whole world is full of stress, everything is seen in black colors, and this leads to increased stress and a depressive state.

Therefore, it is important to train yourself to be resistant to stress, as well as to engage in stress prevention, so that all psychological stress is given easily and naturally, without affecting your overall health.

Types of stress resistance

According to stress resistance, people are divided into 4 types. Each of them has its own established body reactions to sudden changes and stressful situations.

  • Stress-resistant individuals. For them, any unexpected situation is stressful. They enjoy living in a stable, measured life. When stress occurs, they become lost and cannot respond adequately.
  • Stress trained. They prefer gradual, slow changes. This type can adapt to such changes. Turbulent changes can confuse everything, throw you off track and lead to depression due to your inability to adapt.
  • Stress-inhibitory. These are very active individuals who are always ready for drastic changes. They instantly adapt to any changes and react quickly to everything. The nervous system of such people is capable of withstanding heavy loads.
  • Stress-resistant. It is not possible to destroy the psyche of such people. They live only in a fast rhythm, but they do not like everything stable and slow and causes an ironic reaction. Personalities of this type can live in conditions of constant stress.

Each of us can train our resistance to stress, but, in most cases, a person develops a certain type.

Formation depends on the environment, experience, as well as many external factors. As a result, the very type of stress resistance develops that lasts for a long time and is the basis of personality.


Learning to cope with stress in a fast paced life is very important. Stress haunts a person constantly, but you can fight it and not fall into depression. The nervous system is also trained, just like muscle. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

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Today's people live in the least stressful environment in the history of mankind. Most don't have to think about protecting their lives or getting food. But despite this, many are subject to constant stress. Therefore, today it is considered almost a necessary quality for work and life.

This article is a guide to stress resistance. In it, we will study various factors that lead to stress, and also give some effective recommendations to combat it. At the end there is a list of books, after working through which you can develop your stress resistance.

What is stress

Stress is a set of adaptive reactions of the body to the influence of various unfavorable factors (they are called stressors), which disrupt it and the state of the nervous system. Stressors can be physiological and psychological.

The first include: taking certain medications, caffeine abuse, loud noise, pain. Examples of psychological stressors: threat to social status or self-esteem, information overload, family or work problems.

Symptoms of stress

Stress can manifest itself physically and emotionally. Physical symptoms include:

  • Profuse sweating
  • Back or chest pain
  • Cramps or muscle spasms
  • Fainting
  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Tingling in the limbs
  • Nervous spasms
  • Stomach upset

Emotional manifestations of stress can be:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional burnout
  • Depression
  • Problems with concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Diffidence
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritability

With prolonged exposure to stress, a person begins to behave in a certain way. It may be characterized by overeating or lack of appetite, sudden outbursts of anger, alcohol abuse, smoking and drug use, and social isolation.

Acceptable stress level

Every person has an acceptable level of stress. Beneficial stress, also called eustress, “spurs” you, causing a feeling similar to what you experience in the heat of a sports competition. It promotes extreme concentration and work. Taking this into account, the first intermediate conclusion is that stress resistance is not a complete relief from stress. Find out what level is acceptable for you and fight against exceeding it.

But how do you know what level of stress is acceptable for you personally? After all, some people remain calm even under a hail of social blows, while others become covered in sweat even during a banal conversation with their boss on the phone. To determine your acceptable stress level, you need to monitor yourself for some time, paying attention to the following areas.

Moral exhaustion. Jane Pernotto Ehrman, a behavioral psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic Health Institute, says, "Stress is an energy drain; it secretly tires out every system in the body." If you are exhausted by midday, this is not normal. Even if you are mentally exhausted after work, this is also not normal and indicates that the stress level is high.

Insomnia. It occurs as a response to repetitive thoughts in the head. It's a kind of vicious circle - you repeat the same thing in your head, feel stressed and can't sleep. Worrying because you can’t sleep is only making the situation worse.

Absent-mindedness. This is an absolutely normal situation for any person, if it happens from time to time and does not last long. However, if you are absent-minded too often, this is a reason to think about it. Are your thoughts in the present?

Guilt. This can be a feeling of guilt for many things: you are not a good enough father, mother, wife, husband or child, you did something wrong or said too much.

Social alienation. An alarm bell can be considered situations when relationships with loved ones and interactions with strangers cause you discomfort and even pain.

Simply put, stress is caused by two things: personal problems and lack of time. Many people admit that when they begin to be guided by principles, they stop worrying and feel much better. Therefore, the first and main advice for a person of the 21st century is: learn to manage your time.

Development of stress resistance

First of all, try to prevent the “disease”. That is, to put the body and psyche in order. But this will not be enough; later we will talk about specific techniques. Now let's see how you can start moving towards stress resistance.

Physical exercise

Get yours in order physical state. Remember that everything in the human body is connected, which means your stress level is also affected by how you feel physically. Start with morning exercises.

Reducing consumption of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine

Stimulants wear out the nervous system and reduce resistance to stressors. They do not help avoid stress, but only make the situation worse. Reduce their consumption to a minimum.


Eating healthy with plenty of fruits and vegetables helps support the immune system during times of stress. Poor nutrition is in itself stressful for the body.

Research on stress management has shown that it can be managed through planning. When a person has a lot of things to do, he is prone to procrastination, which leads to additional stress. Spend some time organizing your to-do list to get a clear picture of what's most important. Then focus on what you accomplished that day rather than what you didn't complete.


Set aside some time every day just for yourself. Use it to organize your life, relax and do what interests you.

Breathing and relaxation

Meditation, massage and yoga will help you. Breathing and relaxation techniques can slow down the nervous system and help you relax. Breathing is also a central part of mindfulness meditation.

Talking to yourself

We often don't notice the accumulation of stress in our bodies. So ask yourself several times a day:

  • How am I feeling now?
  • Where is the source of stress?
  • What can I do?

Stress Resilience Techniques

There are many stress resistance techniques; we will focus on a few well-known and useful ones.

"Preparation" by Tony Robbins

“The technique only requires 10 minutes, which you must set aside every day. If you don't have 10 minutes to yourself, then you don't have a life. Just 10 minutes. I put on some music and work on my breathing, which radically changes how I feel. Then I perform a 3-part technique.

First: I devote 3 minutes to gratitude. I think of 3 things that I am truly grateful for. And I don’t just think, but really feel this gratitude. Why is it important? When you are grateful, you cannot be anxious, you cannot be afraid. When you are grateful, you cannot be angry. Anger and fear are what ruin people's lives the most. It interferes with life, relationships, and business. Most people want happiness, but they have a habit of worrying, feeling frustrated, and being stressed. So, I tune myself into gratitude, which changes all emotions.

Second: I devote the next 3 minutes to a kind of prayer for my family and friends.

Third: 3 minutes on the most important goals I want to achieve. I see them realized, I feel it.

And all this takes 10 minutes. Sometimes it’s 20, but that’s the limit.

It's a great way to set the tone for the day."

Charlie Hooper technique

The creator of the YouTube channel Charisma on Command makes great videos on confidence, communication, and more. He has two tools that help develop stress resistance:

Free yourself from your desires. The very first thing to get rid of is the past. The actions you have committed remain in the past, you cannot change it. The same applies to the future. For example, an interview. If you are late for it, you need to focus your thoughts on the fact that you don’t really need this job. It doesn't matter that this may not be true, in this case this way of thinking is ideal. You cannot arrive faster, so it is important to maintain inner peace.

Develop a sense of control. Many people feel more confident when driving a car than when riding a train or flying. Even though the chances of dying in a car accident are significantly higher, we still feel more confident behind the wheel of a car. Because the situation is under our control. This is why it is necessary to create several plans to achieve one goal. Stress comes from thinking, “This is my only plan. If I don’t succeed, everything is lost.”

"Change of Hands"

Mentally place on left hand everything that you don’t want to happen in your life. This could be dismissal, an accident, separation from a loved one. And on right hand mentally place all the good events that you wish to happen: promotion, harmony in the family. As soon as you start to worry and worry, look at your left hand with its set of bad situations and suddenly change it to your right.

This technique works well at least because it takes you out of a state of unconsciousness. Most people fail to control stress simply because they do not know that it can be controlled.


The point is to look at a stressful or negative situation and explain it (realistically and honestly) in a positive or neutral way. Many times when something bad happens to us, we emotionally turn into negativity. But this is wrong and dishonest, since it is usually not the whole picture.

Always try to look at any negative situation differently. What benefits does a stressor have? Play a simple game with yourself: starting from this minute, look at all your problems from at least a neutral, zero angle. See every failure as a chance to improve. On a piece of paper, list all the stressors you face on a daily basis. You will be surprised that their number can exceed a hundred. But, as a rule, we are eaten by something small and often repeated. Once your list is ready, find something neutral or positive for each situation. Re-read this list throughout the week. You will see how you begin to automatically respond to your problems in a completely different way.

Stress resistance at work

Every job has stressful elements, even if you enjoy what you do. In the short term, you may be faced with pressure, tight deadlines, or a difficult task. And when stress becomes chronic, it can be harmful to both physical and emotional health.

Here are some tips to help you develop resilience at work.

Monitor your stressors. Keep a journal for 1-2 weeks to determine which situations create the most stress and how you respond to them. Write down your thoughts, feelings and information about environment, including people and circumstances, the physical setting, and how you responded.

Set boundaries. In today's digital world, it's easy to feel the pressure that happens 24 hours a day. Define boundaries between work and life. This may mean there is a rule not to check email at home in the evening or not answering the phone during dinner. It is important to notice when thoughts about work come to you at the wrong time and switch to the present moment.

Take time to recharge. To avoid the negative effects of chronic stress and burnout, you need to take time to recharge and return to the level of acceptable activity. The recovery process requires "disconnecting" from work, having periods of time when you are not engaged in work-related activities or thinking about work.

Relax. Techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness (a state in which you actively observe present experiences and thoughts without judging them) alleviate stress. Start with a few minutes each day to focus on a simple activity, such as breathing, walking, or enjoying food.

Books on stress tolerance

In principle, just reading a book has a calming effect on a person. If you want to understand some aspects in more detail and improve your stress resistance, read the following books.

  • "Emotional intellect" Daniel Goleman. The book will teach you to understand your own emotions.
  • "How to stop worrying and start living" Dale Carnegie. The book contains tips on how to learn to cope with stress and anxiety. Carnegie wrote it for about 10 years, understanding the methods and collecting information from various sources.
  • "Stress resistance" Sharon Melnick. The book is valuable because it offers special exercises - physical, breathing and mental. We are talking about developing stress resistance at a fundamental level. Melnik also pays Special attention working with thoughts and emotions.

Stress tolerance takes a long time to develop, so you will have to be patient and develop this skill. But as soon as you begin to put your nervous system in order, you will be able to think and work much more efficiently.

The price to pay for not wanting to take on the problem can be too great. Health problems will take away a huge amount of your money and time in the end. Start fighting it now.

We wish you good luck!

Stress resistance - useful personality trait. It can be developed to become more resistant to the effects of adverse environmental factors.

Wondering how to develop stress resistance? pay attention to advice from psychologists.

Definition of the concept in psychology

What it is?

People are exposed to the effects almost every day.

Even traveling in public transport during rush hours is already strong mental stress.

During the day you have to solve many complex problems and interact with people.

As a result of chronic stress a person develops neuroses and develops.

Stress resistance- this is individual psychological feature, integration of all body systems, allowing to effectively counteract the effects of stressful factors.

This is a set of psychological and psychological factors that allow you to act even in the most difficult conditions and solve assigned problems.

Stress resistance necessary in many professions. It ensures reliability and success professional activity. Stress resistance allows you to stay cool in dangerous situations and quickly find the right solution.


There are three levels of stress tolerance:

  1. High. Allows the individual to remain calm and confident in any situations that ordinary person put into a state of panic. Such people have psychological resistance to stressors, endurance, and fortitude. You can rely on them in any situation, they remain calm and do not lose control of themselves. Even in situations involving strong emotional stress, such a person remains outwardly calm and is able to effectively solve complex problems. A high level of stress resistance is necessary for emergency services employees, train drivers, airport dispatchers and other professions associated with extreme working conditions.
  2. Average. Most people are at this level. Expressed in the ability to actively confront everyday difficulties. This includes a break in relationships, a change of job, a period of financial instability, and illness of relatives.

    This level allows you to successfully find a way out of difficult life situations and cope with them.

    For example, when fired, a person does not fall into despair, but looks for a new job.

  3. Short. It is difficult for a person with this level to adapt to the surrounding reality. Even small problems cause panic. He can easily get sick from excitement and fall into a state of neurosis. The level characterizes a weak personality. People with hypersensitivity react emotionally to any changes in their lives, even minor ones.

In addition to this division, four types of people are distinguished depending on their reaction to traumatic situations:

  1. Stress-resistant. It is most difficult for them to adapt to external world. Changing the way they behave is an almost impossible task for them, as they are accustomed to acting according to a familiar pattern. They have unchangeable settings. Any adverse event or impact for them is increased stress.
  2. Stress trainees. Their psyche is ready for change, but events should happen gradually, without a sharp turn. In similar situations, they begin to act more calmly.
  3. Stress-inhibitory. They have quite cruel principles. If changes happen suddenly, they take it calmly and coolly.

    But constant stress can eventually drive their psyche out of control.

  4. Stress-resistant. They calmly accept any life changes, act calmly in difficult situations, and do not lose self-control.


Currently, for diagnosing stress resistance an integrated approach is predominantly used, especially when appointed to responsible positions and professions requiring extreme working conditions.

Until recently, stress resistance was determined by a person’s emotional state and behavior.

But now this method is considered ineffective, since a more in-depth study of personality characteristics is necessary. A person may not show any outward emotions, but at the same time be under deep stress.

To diagnose stress resistance, testing, questioning and self-analysis are used. Various techniques have been developed to determine the level of adaptability of the psyche.

Diagnostic tests:

  1. Boston test.
  2. Cohen and Willianson Self-Esteem Test.
  3. Schreiner's Stress Diagnosis.
  4. Questionnaire “Well-being in extreme conditions”, authors Volkova and Vodopyanova.
  5. Baranov’s method of relapse proneness.
  6. Leonova’s method of integral diagnostics.

Depending on the objectives, the most appropriate research methodology is selected.

What should people with low stress tolerance do?

People with low stress tolerance need work on your reaction to negative manifestations external environment.

However, this is easier said than done. A person reacts sharply to any events, and it is difficult for him to control himself.

One of the tactics is Do not be scared get into various kinds troubles, solve problems. Force yourself to do what you are afraid of.

Often other people cause stress. There are two options - have less contact with society and, conversely, increase the number of contacts by becoming more active so that the psyche adapts.

Are you afraid to speak in front of the public, but do you need it due to the nature of your work? Take a rhetoric course, find extra work in the form of lecturing, communicate more often via video conference.

You won't be able to overcome stress tolerance unless you put yourself in situations that require increased self-control.

At the same time it is necessary increase self-confidence and self-esteem. Understand that in difficult situations, people are actually preoccupied with themselves rather than trying to evaluate your actions.

It would be useful to understand for what reason you have low stress tolerance:

  • weak type of nervous system;
  • incorrect in childhood;
  • suffered psychological trauma.

The method of increasing stress resistance is also selected based on the initial cause.

It is not necessary to strive to achieve high level- most people not engaged in dangerous professions do not need this.

What to do? For the normal functioning of the human body you need to get enough sleep.

Go to bed and wake up on schedule. Eliminate factors that interfere with sleep, do not watch TV shows with a negative plot in the evening, and do not open news on the Internet.

Very important organize meals properly. Irritability and poor mental resistance to environmental influences may be associated with a lack of vitamins. Choose healthy foods.

Do not try to accumulate in yourself negative emotions, they must find a way out. If you hold back all the time, don’t express your sadness outwardly, then sooner or later it will result in a nervous breakdown.

You can get rid of negativity through physical activity, communication with people, meditation practices. Don't be afraid to cry if you feel like it.

Tears help get rid of negativity. However, you shouldn’t make a habit out of it. Have a cry useful sometimes, not every time you feel anxious.

Sensitive people react sharply not only to their own problems, but also to the problems of others.

Stop thinking about others and put your personality first.

The desire to help people is a good trait, but it should not be to the detriment of oneself.

If you cannot refuse the requests of others, this also becomes a cause of constant worry. Therefore, one of the techniques is the ability to say “no”.

How to become a stress-resistant person?

How to train stress resistance?

Stress resistance can be increased, but this is mental work. It’s good if you have the opportunity to consult a psychologist.

How to increase stress resistance:

Have a beneficial effect on the mental state meditation. Learn to meditate to calm music. At this time, you are as calm as possible and your nervous system is resting.

One of the options for increasing self-esteem and stress resistance is to enroll in extreme driving courses. Here you will have to develop attentiveness and reaction.

By successfully completing the exercises suggested by the instructor, you increase self-confidence and learn to deal with difficult situations.

Resistance to stress is a useful personality trait; it makes life easier and helps you achieve greater success.

How to build and strengthen stress resistance? The psychologist says: