What is the name of a person who prefers extraterrestrial races? Alien races (5 photos). Humanoids in black clothes

There are many races and species of aliens, which became known to humanity both after direct contact of individuals with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, and as a result of the use of channeling and other meditative spiritual practices. Depending on the frequency of contact and the nature of communication, some races of aliens are known more than others.

Let us highlight the main types of aliens in terms of active interaction with humans.

Alien race - Andromedans

It is known that this is a spiritualistic race of ancient angels originating from the galaxy of the same name - Andromeda. Being a branch of the human race in the process of evolution, they are the leaders of the Pleiadians and the race from the Cygnus Constellation - peaceful amphibians. The goal of the Andromedans is to help the creatures of our Milky Way galaxy develop, mentors and spiritual curators. Aliens from Andromeda do not have a physical body as we understand it. There is an opinion that the image of angels appeared after the first human contact with this alien race. Contact with humanity occurs quite frequently. It is known that aliens from Andromeda have a division of individuals into male and female, however, people know almost nothing about their reproduction, nutrition, methods of recreation and other similar things.

According to the surviving Old Testament and other ancient religious sources, it is known that the Andromedans, both male and female, previously actively entered into physical contact of a sexual nature with people.

It is noteworthy that, having a non-physical nature, the Andromedans could and can interact with humans as a biological species in all spheres of our lives - both spiritually, mentally and physically.

This is the most interesting race of aliens for people, because... It is she who has a strong influence on us and, having once shared her precious genes with us, takes care of humanity as her offspring, understanding us and trying to help us.

Time of membership in the Global Fund: Approximately 3.5 million years.
Location: Approximately 150 - 4,000 light years from Earth.
Life form: Humanoids.
Height: 1.7 - 2.12 meters for men and 1.63 - 1.93 meters for women.
Eyes: Slightly larger than human eyes.
Lips: Thin, light pink.
Ears: Slightly smaller than human ears and set lower.
Hands and feet: Long fingers.
Communication: Andromedan language ranges from a dialect similar to Italian-Spanish to a more tonal, guttural sound.
Special Abilities: Known throughout the galaxy as masters of all forms of science.
Need for sleep: about 2 hours a day.
Fleet: The traditional shape of the ships is sombre-shaped - reconnaissance ships measuring 15 - 20 meters. Lenticular command ships up to 800 meters long.
Andromedans include 2 types of humanoid creatures:

The first is the "Caucasian" type, which ranges from the so-called "Nordic" type (blond, blue eyes, fair skin) to the "Mediterranean" (hair: light to brown, eyes: gray to brown, skin : tanned).

The second type is typically "Oriental", with dark hair, dark Asian eyes, and pale to dark brown skin.

Alien race - Arcturians (Arcturus)

Like the Andromedans, they are a non-physical race living in the Universe or reality pure love. Members of the Confederation of Humans.

One of the most advanced civilizations in our galaxy. Consciously existing in five dimensions, they are the prototype of the civilization that humanity should become. The energy of this civilization has a healing effect on people emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Arcturians interact with people solely on the emotional and mental levels. We cannot have any physical connection with them due to serious barriers separating us.
The lifespan of Arcturians ranges from several hundred Earth years to one and a half thousand years. There are individuals of both sexes - male and female. Outwardly, both men and women look very similar; there are no special external differences between the sexes.

Time of membership in the GF: 3.75 million years ago
Location: Star Arcures in the constellation Boot, 36 light years from Earth.
Life form: Horse-like creatures.
Height: The body is tall and thin: 2.3 - 2.64 m for men, 2.19 - 2.49 m for women.
Eyes: Larger than human eyes, pale blue or dark brown.
Ears: Similar to those of a horse, but more rounded and smaller in size.
Hands and feet: Hands have 4 long, thin fingers, very flexible.
Hair: Vanilla to dark brown in color, with a mane behind the head.
Communication Tonal language, sounds a bit like Chinese or Vietnamese.
Special abilities: In the Galactic Federation they are known as masters of time (galactic calendars, etc.), great abilities in science and philosophy.
Need for sleep: 1 - 3 hours a day.
Fleet: Reconnaissance ships are shaped like a diving bell, with a diameter of 12.2 - 23 m. Planetary command ships are lenticular in shape, more than 22.5 km long.

Alien race - Aryans (Blondes)

Nordic Blonde humanoids work with the Grays, a very dangerous race. There is an opinion that the Aryans were captured by the Reptoids, have implants, and are inclined to change their loyalty from the Reptoids to the Human Confederacy.

Type A humanoids are genetically similar to humans. They have natural human height, fair skin and hair. These individuals were abducted by the Grays or are the descendants of those abducted, raised by the Grays as servants and completely subjugated.

Alien race - Blues (Star Warriors)

They are blue, have translucent skin, large almond eyes and are short in stature. The main idea of ​​their teaching is “Follow your feelings,” in your own way, by means, without succumbing to anyone’s influence.

The Blues intervened very actively and continue to interfere in human affairs to this day. Their goals are not always clear. Blues either appeared on Earth and existed side by side with people for quite a long time, or left our planet for centuries.

This race of aliens is not particularly spiritual. They can be friendly towards people, but they can also be aggressive. Previously, there had been open armed confrontations between people and the Blues, but representatives of Andromeda and Aktur saved humanity from destruction.

There is an assumption that the once common race, lower in development than the modern Acturians and Blues, went in development in two ways. As a result, the spiritually and technically advanced Acturians and the Blues, devoid of spirituality, but possessing their own technologies, were formed. The “technologies” of the Blues are quite different from the concepts of technical progress people, therefore we perceive representatives of this race of aliens as fictional characters, dressed in medieval armor, hung with energetic active amulets. Although their “armor” actually has nothing in common with our medieval weapons and means of defense. Probably, people in the early Middle Ages borrowed the external form of weapons from the Blues. This is where all the similarities end.

Blues have representatives of both sexes, actively mated and mate with people upon contact, however, both within their race and upon contact with earthlings they leave very meager offspring. In addition, children born rarely survive. However, this function is more than compensated for by their period of life. Blues live 2-3 thousand Earth years and, possessing a very real physical body, are endowed with the function of ultra-fast regeneration of damaged tissues.

Alien race - Centaurians

This is a type of Nordic Blonde that came from Alpha Centauri. They, like the Pleiadians, strive to help us grow spiritually, but they do not play as active a role as other races, although they have contact with some people on Earth.

Time of membership in the GF: 1.1 million years ago.
Location: Centauri Constellation: Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri; distance from 4.3 to 1000 light years from Earth.
Life Form: Humanoid and Reptoid Species
Size: Humanoid Centureans: resemble humans; 1.8 - 2.4 m. men, muscular and well built, women also well built, 1.65 - 2.1 m.
Reptoid Centureans: women up to 2.4 m, men slightly shorter
Eyes: Humanoid Centureans: Brown, black, blue, green or earth-colored, sometimes rounded.
Reptoid Centureans: Round, convex with a vertical pupil like a reptile, light red or golden in color.
Hands and feet: Reptoid Centureans: narrow, 6 fingers that end in a sharp, curved claw. The feet have 5 long toes with curved claws.
Skin: Humanoid Centureans: Lightly tanned white to dark brown. Hair is blond, brown, black or red.
Reptoid Centureans: scaly, spotted, green and blue or green and red
Communication: Humanoid Centurians: Slightly guttural, reminiscent of German, but tonal sounds reminiscent of Chinese.
Reptoid Centureans: very guttural
Special abilities: Excellent strategists, often serving as Liaison Consuls of the Global Fund. Distinguished by the ability to bring a group of different beings to agreement, all this is achieved in a peaceful and harmonious way
Need for sleep: 2 - 4 hours a day.
Fleet: 2 types of ships have been seen above Earth: A multi-purpose reconnaissance ship, shaped like a bell with a large lens-shaped round wing attached to one side. Diameter 14 m, height 9.1 m. The command ship has the shape of a cigar with a bulge in the middle. Length 60 m.

Alien race - DALs

This is a Nordic type race that came from the DAL Universe. They are descendants of the Lyrans and are very advanced technically and spiritually, about 300-1000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help the Pleiadians in much the same way that the Pleiadians help us.

Alien race - GORN - Reptoids (Reptoids - GORN)

A reptilian race with Draco that controls the Gray-A, installing implants the same as the Grays implant on Earthlings. They are also at the heart of the kidnappings. The main goal is to infiltrate using newly created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy the Human Confederation. Reptoids are carnivorous towards humans, using them as food.
Genetically similar to reptiles, this is a very advanced race, but they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerously disposed towards people, considering them an inferior race. They perceive us roughly as we perceive a herd of cattle. There is a supposedly controlled planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizards that entered our solar system in the mid-90s on our calendar.

They view Earth as their own ancient outpost and seek to gain complete control of the planet upon their return. Their own planet is no longer suitable for supporting life and they need some other planet to live on.

Alien race - Grays

From the perspective of the scientific community, Grays are a frequently described race in abduction victims. Here they are presented as a race with unknown motives and goals. They kidnap, study, test, etc. in accordance with their vague goals.

Various conspiracy theories are often a mixture of science and fiction. It is believed that the Grays crashed on one or more ships and were found by the US government. The government has entered into a secret treaty with the Grays, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology. The Grays didn't keep their side of the deal.

This race of aliens was named Grays based on the color of their skin. This is a humanoid alien race, divided into three subtypes.

Gray - Type A
This type is generally understood as "Grey". Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (Bernard's star) in the vicinity of Orion. Apparently, a militaristic race with a clearly distributed social structure, which keeps science and "world conquest" as the primary goals. They are usually 1.2 meters tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.
Their genetics are partly based on insects. Their science is very broad in the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. Type A Grays are believed to be involved in changing the genetic structure of humans over thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with people in order to create a “mixed race”, “hybrids”, which will be more perfect than the original races.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rude, and assertive. More peaceful, others are more inclined to conduct business and take a diplomatic approach to gain control over people.

They have no emotions (in human terms) and appear cruel to human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Grays actually serve a superior reptilian race and are trying to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet through various means. They enjoy the freedom that they have on Earth, away from their masters, and would like to help humans in their confrontation with the reptiles.

These Grays have known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

Gray - Type B
Tall Grays from Orion. Typically about 2 - 2.4 meters tall with similar facial features to Type A except for the presence of a large nose. These Grays also have technology that allows them to do what appears to be a "miracle." These Grays are less hostile towards people than Type A, but still remain so. They seek to exert influence through political control and concluding agreements with government officials. Their main bases appear to be in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray - Type C
These are the shortest of the Grays - about 1.3 meters tall. The facial features are similar to Grays with Zeta Reticuli. Also hostile to humans, like Type A. They are from a star system on the outskirts of Orion called Bellatrex.

Alien race - Lyrians

This is a very ancient parent race from which descended branches of humans and humanoid races, including all Nordic types, Orions and even Grays. A fully militant civilization at an early stage, they have significantly raised their goals and are now technically and spiritually at the Pleiadian level.

Constellation Lyra. The main planet is Dotumi, e Lyra system. 6 star systems and 17 planets were colonized in Lyra. The second most important (possibly) in the Lyra constellation is the Vega system, alpha Lyrae. Population: Nordics, tall, blond, 6-8 feet tall. Well developed, muscular, shoulder length hair, light, straight, thin. The face is beautiful, the physique is correct, the demeanor is fatherly, careful, kind. The effect of their presence is warmth, a feeling of delight from the emanating power. Clothing of the earth type, tight-fitting. Communication is telepathic.

In addition to the Lyra constellation (6-star systems colonized there), the Lyrans also settled in the Pleiades, Hyades, Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti, Rigel of the Orion constellation. The Hindus also live on Earth: they moved from Lyra to Maldek, the fifth planet of the solar system, and after its destruction they live on Earth.

Alien race - Orion Empire (Orion Forces)

The Orions came from two opposing races. The "Council of Light" was one of the Betelgeuse star system, the powerful evil Orions equally originated from the Rigel star system. The Orions have taken control of many planets in our galaxy, but are always in balance with the Intergalactic Confederation. The militant Orion Empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederacy and has not threatened Earth since then. They are currently preparing to "move into Level 4" just like we are on Earth. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negativity and from here uplift both of our worlds.

Alien race - Pleiadians

The Pleiadians are a collection of aliens from the Pleiades star system. They are also from various times in the future, from 500 to millions of years in the future. The Pleiadian culture is very ancient and was "seeded" from another universe of love long before the Earth was created. They have formed a huge society that operates with love, ideas and ideals that we are not yet aware of.

The Pleiadians have launched a project to contact and inspire humanity to reclaim their energy and create a better reality for themselves. They are here as messengers from another universe to help the Earth move from the third level to the 4th and to help each of us in our personal quest for awakening, remembering and learning. As the project progresses, more aliens join the group, some from other systems. The group later changed its name from Pleiadians to Pleiadians Plus.

The Pleiadians say their reasons for contacting us are the possibility of tyranny in the future and they have returned to inspire us as much as possible to begin creating our own reality and change the future. They teach personal and social metaphysics, love and purity. The Pleiadians speak as one, there is no individual identification. They do not appear in a physical form, despite the fact that they say they can. They say it's safer to go through the canal and doesn't require as much attention.

Alien race - Sirius

Members of the Human Confederacy. They are an aquatic, obscure race that are an evolved version of dolphins and whales. They say they live in the consciousness of Christ and are in solar system, very related to our own physical sense. They also play a role in helping the Earth, but do so at more subtle key points, such as through the whales in our seas.

Alien race - Vega

Members of the Human Confederacy. Another known species of human-type aliens of a "higher spiritually evolved" nature, who are apparently aware of the situation on Earth and are taking some possible actions. They are from Arcturus and Vega.

One of the most famous races of aliens, outwardly almost indistinguishable from humans. Spiritually more developed than humans. Apparently, they are aware of the chaos happening on Earth and help to the best of their ability.

Alien race - Hybrids

Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often, eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on people's reproductive organs. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from similar contacts between humans and aliens. Hybrids are more similar to humans than other aliens, although they retain the typical alien shape of eyes and skull. In some situations, Hybrids exhibit the ability to telepathy.

Origin: Result of crossing Grays and humans
Height: 1.74 - 2 meters
Weight: 40 - 55 kg.
Eyes: Human, blue
Hair: Dark brown, black
Skin: Pale gray
Gender: Man and woman
Breeding: Possibly the result of selective breeding between Grays and humans. The Grays remove eggs and sperm from humans and combine the Grays' DNA with the DNA of specially selected humans to create Hybrids.
Communication: Telepathic and verbal
Characteristics: Looks very similar to people; thin body; high forehead; the head is slightly rounder and slightly larger than that of humans. \"Hybrids\" are more similar to humans than other aliens, although they retain the gray coloration of their skin, typical of aliens.

Alien race - Ancient

They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids with cool, black, almond-shaped eyes and yellow-green skin. They are quite tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most spacefaring races, the Ancients are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens, the Ancients are extremely cold, and sometimes with great hostility, towards people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The stories of those abducted by the Ancients are notable for their grisly details of barbaric medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if playing the role of leaders or overseers. From this fact grew the hypothesis that all alien races coexist in some galactic civilization and that some types were obtained from others through genetic experiments.

Origin: Unknown
Height: 1.5 to 2 meters
Weight: Not known
Eyes: Cool black almond shaped eyes
Hair: Unknown
Skin: Yellow-green skin
Gender: Unknown
Reproduction: Unknown
Communication: Not known
Characteristics: They are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers.

Alien Race - Human Confederation (Intergalactic Confederation)

It is more commonly referred to as the "Intergalactic Confederacy", led by the Ashtar Command. Consists of an organization of groups of aliens born in positive energy who help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades, Lyrians, DALs and Centaurians.

Alien Race - Type B People

Genetically similar to us (Type A people), as well as people who serve the Grays. They are from the Pleiades and also appear to be blond with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, blood related to humans and the only aliens that can be trusted at the moment. They once offered their assistance to earthly leaders in resolving the situation with the aliens, but they were refused and have not intervened since then. These aliens are supposedly the ancestors of the human race. They are mostly not present on Earth at present due to serious problems in their home territory.

Alien Race - Type C People

Very little is known about them. Presumably they are very highly evolved, spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.

Alien race - Reptilians

A very rare alien species. In terms of physical parameters, they are also thin and lanky, like many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced reptile characteristics: scaly skin, like some lizards, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interests on Earth.

Alien race - Chupacabra

According to some researchers, chupacabras began visiting Earth quite recently. However, their striking resemblance to chimeras and gargoyles in Gothic architecture suggests that they have been on Earth for a very long time. Chupacabras are described as unintelligent small animals, no more than half a meter tall, with large slanted eyes, projections and bumps on the head, and spines on the back. They are cautious and timid, but cruel, like wild predators. They feed on herd animals, sucking juices from their bodies, but do not touch people. There is a theory that they are the result of a failed genetic experiment by an alien civilization.

Origin: Unknown
Height: 1.2 - 1.8 meters
Weight: 50 - 60 kg
Eyes: Red, oval, with pointed edges
Hair: None
Skin: Dark brown
Gender: Unknown
Reproduction: Unknown
Communication: Unknown
Characteristics: There are two thin, sharp fangs; some eyewitnesses report that there is a pair of wings; on the back there is a comb that glows in the dark; webbed feet with three toes.

Alien race - Bellatrians

Time of membership in the GF: Became a member several years ago.
Location: One of the brightest stars in the constellation Orion, approximately 112.5 light years from Earth.
Life form: The main species is reptoid, migrating from the constellation Sagittarius 25 million years ago.
Height: 2.45 - 3 meters for men, 2.6 - 3.12 meters for women.
Eyes: Large, red or dull yellow, directed upwards
Lips: Thin.
Ears: Absent, there is only their “trace” - a circle with a diameter of 7.5 cm immediately behind the eyes.
Hands and feet: The hands have 6 long, clawed fingers. They have 5 toes on their feet, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. There is a small tail.
Skin: Scaly, like a crocodile, and comes in colors of green, yellow, brown or red.
Communication: Rough, guttural language, lots of whistling and growling sounds
Special abilities: Good diplomats and leaders; in the past, as part of the Alliance, they controlled this sector for 6 million years milky way.
Need for sleep: 5 - 8 hours a day.
Fleet: The scout ship looks like a beetle or a dewdrop, size 30.5 - 122 meters. The mother ship looks like a long tadpole, dimensions 1.6 - 640 kilometers.

Alien race - Neonates
Neonatals (neonate) are similar to both “grays” and “Roswellians”. They resemble people in many ways, or more precisely, newborn babies, hence the name (“neonate” - a child under the age of a month).
Intentions: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Height: Small height
Weight: Not known
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Skin: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Reproduction: Unknown
Communication: Telepathic
Characteristic features: With a disproportionately large head, long limbs, four-fingered.

Alien race - Fomalhotenians

Time of GF membership: Folmahot Confederation, a neutral star nation, became a member 3 years ago
Location: Bright star in the constellation Pisces, approximately 23 light years from Earth
Life Form: Humanoid Type: The Pleiadian rebels who first colonized Formaholt 250,000 years ago are found on the 3rd and 4th planets of Folmahot.
Reptoid type from Bellatrix in Orion who colonized the 2nd planet of this system 200,000 years ago. After the destructive wars that ended 20,000 years ago, these two types created the Confederacy of Folmahot.
Height: Humanoid type: they are also called "Nordic Aliens" ("Scandinavians"). Men are approximately 1.85 m tall, women are between 1.65 and 1.83 m tall.
Eyes: Humanoid type (1): blue or gray
Humanoid type (2): gray or black
Reptoid type: red or pale yellow, with a vertical pupil
Lips: Humanoid type: almost human-like
Reptoid type: thin
Ears: Humanoid type: almost human-like
Reptoid type: none.
Arms and Legs: Humanoid Type: Almost human-like
Reptoid type: hands have 6 long, clawed fingers. They have 5 toes on their feet, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. There is a small tail.
Skin: Humanoid type (1): light or slightly tanned, blonde hair;
Humanoid type (2): dark brown, dark or brown hair;
Reptoid type: scaly, with a large bony ridge on the head
Communication: Humanoid language - lyrical, slightly guttural
Tongue: reptoid type - guttural
Special abilities: courage and scientific abilities.
Need for sleep: 2 - 6 hours a day.
Fleet: Humanoid Type: The scout ship is ovoid in shape, measuring 18.3 - 26 meters. The mother ship is a multi-story cigar-shaped ship, size 3.2 - 1,920 km.
Reptoid Type: The scout ship resembles a beetle, with a diameter of 30.5 meters. Motherships are similar to amoebas, ranging in size from 13 to 14,400 km.
Alien race - Eridanians

A hostile civilization that tries to fight almost everyone with whom trade relations have not been established. It is also difficult to conduct trade relations with her, since by hook or by crook he tries to lure out the greatest benefit for himself.

Andromedans (Andromedans)
A non-physical race of rather fearsome ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda Galaxy. They are ultimately the spiritual force of command Ashtar (Ashtar) and managers Pleiadians (Pleiadians) and our entire branch of Human evolution! But not only that. They are the leaders of at least one more branch of racial development completely different from us Cygnusian (Cygnusian) - quiet, slimy, amphibian-like creatures that come from planets in the constellation Signus (Cygnus). The way in which the beings of the Andromeda galaxy help the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy to evolve can be seen in the macrocosmic example of how civilization Pleiadian (Pleiadians) helps the development of civilization on our Earth.


"UFO - Contact from the Pleiades" by Wendelle Stevens

Aryans (Aryans), Blondes (Blondes)
Blonde Scandinavian Humanoids who work with Gray. They are said to have been captured Reptoids and also have implants (implementations). They are believed to have a tendency to fluctuate in loyalty between Reptoids (Reptoids) and the Human Confederation.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from “Opening of Understanding”, Issue No. 37

Arcturians (Arcturus)
Members of the Human Confederacy. Arcturians are a very spiritual race that lives in the universe or reality of pure love. It seems that there is some kind of gate on our planet through which higher energies are transmitted into the Universe of our dimension.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from: “Opening of Understanding”, issue No. 371.

Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

Vegans (Vegans)
Members of the Human Confederacy. Another known species of human-type aliens of a “higher spiritually developed” nature, who are apparently aware of the situation on Earth and are taking some possible actions. They are from Arcturus and Vega.


Hybrids (Hybrids)
Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often, eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on people's reproductive organs. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from similar contacts between humans and aliens. Hybrids They are more similar to humans than other aliens, although they retain the typical alien shape of eyes and skull. In some situations Hybrids show the ability to telepathy.

Blue (Blues), "Warriors of the Star"
Blues are said to have clear skin, large almond-shaped eyes, and short stature. The main theme of their teaching is “FOLLOW YOUR PASSIONS”, follow your own path, do your own thing, don’t allow yourself to be forced into being something other than who/what you are.

Information about blue comes from Robert of Morning ( Hopi/Apache dancer). According to him, the first contact began around 1947-1948, when Gray came into contact with the American Government to conclude an agreement. But another ship arrived with aliens called Blue.

Blue advised the government not to deal with Gray, warning that it would only lead to disaster. They told the US to follow its own path. They said that they would teach peace and harmony if people would disarm and listen. The military said nothing. So they left, but a few of them decided to stay and remained in Northern Mexico and Arizona and entered into an agreement with the Hopi Indians.

These aliens are known to the Hopi as the Star Warriors. Gray started tracking Blue, so the latter were forced to flee the reservation and go underground, several Hopi elders went with them.

According to legend the Hopi were two races: " children of the pen"coming from heaven, and" reptile babies"coming from underground." Reptile children"expelled the Hopi Indians from their land, also called Hopi" two-hearted".

Source: [email protected](Don Allen)

"CASE: Star Wars", sent by "contactee" Sandy van der Straten - to Kathy Emerson, August 23, 1992, 7:29 pm

Also see: “American Indian Magic” by Brad Steiger

Dalian (DALs)
This is a race of Scandinavian types, coming from what is called "DAL Universe". They are a branch Lyrian (Lyrians) and are very advanced technically and spiritually; approximately 300-1000 years ahead Pleiadian (Pleiadians). They help them a lot like Pleiadians help us.

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades", Wendelle Stevens

Ancients (Ancient)
They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids with cool, black, almond-shaped eyes and yellow-green skin. They are quite tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most space races, Ancients very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens Ancients extremely cold, and sometimes with great hostility towards people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. Stories from those who were kidnapped Ancients, are notable for their grisly details of barbaric medical experiments. Ancients often accompanied Gray, as if playing the role of leaders or overseers. From this fact grew the hypothesis that all alien races coexist in some galactic civilization and that some types were obtained from others through genetic experiments.

Human Confederation (Intergalactic Confederation)
She is more often referred to as "Intergalactic Confederation", led by command Ashtar (Ashtar). Consists of an organization of groups of aliens born in positive energy who help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vegan (Vega), Arcturian (Arcturus), Sirian(Sirius) Pleiadian (Pleiades), Lyrian (Lyrians), Dalian (DALs) And Centauri (Centaurians).

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from “Opening of Understanding”, issue No. 371

[email protected](Arbaline)

Lyrians (Lyrians)
This is the most ancient parent race, from which our entire branch of human or humanoid races has descended, including all the Scandinavian types, Orions (Orions), and even Gray (Grays). A very warlike civilization in its infancy, they gradually changed for the better and now technically and spiritually they are approximately at the level Pleiadian (Pleiadians).

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades", Wendelle Stevens

Type B people .
Genetically similar to us ( Type A people?), as well as people who serve Gray. They are from the Pleiades and also appear to be blond with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, blood related to humans and the only aliens that can be trusted at the moment. They once offered their assistance to earthly leaders in resolving the situation with the aliens, but they were refused and have not intervened since then. These aliens are supposedly the ancestors of the human race. They are mostly not present on Earth at present due to serious problems in their home territory.

Type C people .
Very little is known about them. Presumably they are very highly evolved, spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from “Opening of Understanding”, issue No. 371.

Information given [email protected](Arbaline)

Orions (Orions)
Consist of two opposing races. "Council of Light" was originally founded in the Betelgeuse star system, the equally powerful Orion negative (“evil”) forces were replaced in the Rigel star system. Orions occupied a large number of planets during less spiritual times of our galaxy, but they were always balanced by the Intergalactic Confederation. Conquest part Orion Empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederation, and they have not been a threat to Earth since then. They are now preparing to "transform into the 4th dimension" just like we are on Earth. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions (Orions), which must here integrate their negative beginning and allow both our worlds to rise.

Source: Information given [email protected](Arbaline) EL*AN*RA: “Healing Orion” by Solara Antara Amaa-Ra

“Bashar: Project Change. A Message from Our Future by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing

Pleiadians (Pleiadians)
This is a collective of aliens from the Pleiades star system. There are also Pleiadians from various time periods in the future, ranging from 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The Pleiadian culture is very ancient and was “grown” from another universe of Love much earlier than the Earth was created. They have formed a huge community that works with love, with ideas and ideals that we are still not familiar with.

Pleiadians began their project of contacting and inspiring earthly people in order to regain their strength and create a better reality for themselves. They are here as ambassadors from another universe to assist the Earth in its Transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assist each of us in our personal efforts of Awakening, Remembrance and Knowledge. As this project proved increasingly successful, more aliens joined the original group, some coming from other systems. The group later changed its name from "Pleiadians" on "Pleiadians Plus" .

They say their reasons for contacting us is that there is a possibility of tyranny in the future and they are going back to our times to inspire us as much as possible to take responsibility for creating our own reality and change the future.

They preach a very empowering form of personal and social metaphysics, with love and clarity. Pleiadians act as a single collective and no individuals are singled out among them. They do not appear in physical form, although they say they can. They say it's safer to get through the channel and doesn't attract much attention.

About Billy Meier's contact with the Pleiades

Billy Meyer was contacted more than 130 times between 1976 and 1982. It was a woman named Samiz ( Samjese), who said that she was from the Pleiades star system. She was the first to telepathically contact Meyer and tell him where to go for the first physical contact. Meyer had in-depth conversations with Samyiz.

Notes about the contact were published in the following four books:

1)." UFO... Contact from the Pleiades, volume 1 and 2. Photo Magazine».

2).“ UFO... Contact from the Pleiades. Preliminary Study Report».

3).“ UFO... Contact from the Pleiades. Additional Research Report».

4)." Message from the Pleiades. volumes 1 and 2. Light Years».

There are 4 videos on the Pleiades case.

Video can be found at: Genesis III Publishing, P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park, AZ 86017

There is also a book version: “ Bearers of the Dawn. Training from the Players" Author: Barbara Marciniak.

They also have 2 or 3 hundred tapes of tape recordings.

Source: information from [email protected]

“The Link” Magazine, Player Articles, channeled by Barbara Marciniak

Reptiles (Reptilian).
A very rare alien species. In terms of physical parameters, they are also thin and lanky, like many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced reptile characteristics: scaly skin, like some lizards, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interests on Earth.

Reptoids (Reptoids), Lizards (Lizards), HORN (GORN)
A race of lizards Draco (Draco), conquerors. They are considered to be in control Serykh-A through implants, just like Gray implants into people. They are also considered to be the masterminds of abduction plans. The main goal is to infiltrate using newly created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy Confederation of People. They are carnivorous towards humans, using them as food.

Genetically similar to Reptiles, this is a very advanced race, but they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerously disposed towards people, considering them an inferior race. They perceive us roughly as we perceive a herd of cattle. There is a supposedly controlled planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizards that entered our solar system in the mid-90s on our calendar.

They view Earth as their own ancient outpost and seek to gain complete control of the planet upon their return. Their own planet is no longer suitable for supporting life and they need some other planet to live on.

These are aliens who are served Gray-A.

Gray (Grays)
They are the most commonly identified alien race. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them.

Grays as they appear to the scientific community:

Gray is the race most often described by kidnapping victims. However, they are viewed as a race with unknown motives and intentions. They appear to abduct, study, test, and variously use humans for still unclear purposes.

Grays from a point of view New Age :

In this movement Gray often associated with an evil race or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many other races, such as Reptoids (Reptoids), their motives are known.

Grays from the point of view of various Conspiracy Theories:

Various conspiracy theories - often a mixture of scientific evidence and perceptions New Age. The standard conspiracy theory framework states that Grays crashed (one or more of their spaceships and they themselves were found in the US by the government). The government tries to make a secret agreement with them, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology.

Conspiracy theories often end up Grays are not holding up their end of the bargain.

There are descriptions of several types of Grays:

1. Most Seen Grey: 2 to 4 feet tall, very slender and thin in appearance, small creatures with light weight, extremely piercing black slanted eyes without pupils, almost vestigial mouth and nose, very large head with pronounced chin. Skin color varies from dark gray to light gray, from brown to brown gray, from white to pale white. They don't have any hair on their body.

2. Other Commonly Seen Grey similar to the one described above, except that they are usually six inches taller, and seem to give orders. Variation of the individual described here: same height, but the eyes look like large black buttons and are rounded.

3. Other type Gray- a small robot-like creature, stocky and small, with a smooth rounded hat on its head, with dark, deep-set eyes, a round O-shaped mouth, square rib cage with concentric circles on it. Their smell is reminiscent of burnt match heads, porous gray leather. It is often said about these grays that they act as guards during contacts.

Other variations are described like Reptilian (Reptilians) with claws like a praying mantis. There have also been many reports of mixed types ( Hybrids), which are not quite People and not really Gray.

Gray– Type A

This type is generally understood as "Grey". Also known as Zeta Reticulans from the star system Reticulum. Apparently a militaristic race with a clearly distributed social structure that keeps science and "world conquest" as its primary goals. They are usually 4.5 feet tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.

Their genetics are partly based on insects. Their science very widely studies other life forms and genetic engineering. They are believed to be involved in changing the genetic structure of humans over thousands of years. Apparently they are trying to genetically interbreed with humans to create a "mixed race" Hybrids, which will be more perfect than the main ones.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rude, and assertive. Others are more peaceful, more inclined to conduct business and use a diplomatic approach to gain control over people.

They have no emotions (in human terms) and appear to be cruel to the human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Gray actually serve the superior race Reptoids and try to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet through various means. They enjoy the freedom they have on Earth, away from their masters, and would like to help humans in their confrontation with the lizards.

These Gray have well-known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

Gray– Type B

High Gray from Orion. Typically about 7-8 feet tall with similar facial features to Type A except for the presence of a large nose. These Gray also have technology that allows them to do what appears to be a "miracle". These Gray less hostile towards people than Type A, but still remain so. They seek to exert influence through political control and concluding agreements with government officials. Their main bases appear to be in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray– Type C

These are the shortest of the Gray– about 3.5 feet tall. Facial features are similar to Gray With Zeta Reticuli. Also hostile to people, like Zetas. They are from a star system on the outskirts Orion entitled Bellatrex (Bellatrax).

Cosmic Channel of Understanding from “Opening of Understanding”, issue No. 371

"Bashar: Project Change. A Message from Our Future by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing

Sirians (Sirians)
Members Confederation of People. They are an aquatic, dreamy race, to some extent an evolved version of dolphins and whales. They are believed to live in Christ Consciousness and are in a solar system very closely related to our own in a psychic sense. They also play a role in helping the Earth, but they do so in a more subtle way, through the cetaceans in our seas.

Source: Cosmic Channel of Understanding from "Opening of Understanding". Issue No. 371

Centauri (Centaurian)
They are a type of blond Scandinavian, come with Alpha Centauri. They sympathize Pleiadians, strive to help us grow spiritually, but they do not actively participate, unlike other races, although they have had and have contacts with selected people on Earth.

Source: information from [email protected](Arbaline)

"UFO Contact from the Pleiades", Wendelle Stevens


Many people who are surrounded by their family and sitting in a warm and cozy home feel safe. In such a small citadel of peace and harmony, we protect ourselves from the world around us, but still remain part of it.

Unfortunately, on our planet, in addition to people, there are also representatives of alien races, the existence of which is hidden by space organizations such as NASA and the Russian space agency. There are many alien races that we don't know about. This article will provide a list of ten races for which there is considerable evidence of their presence.

1. Race Dorsai

The Dorsai are just one of many races that have been hidden by scientists for many years. These are not large creatures, approximately 0.5 meters high. Some of them are mistaken for short people. They visited our planet more than 250 times during meteor showers from the Cassiopeia star system. Unlike humanity, they have 2 home planets. Representatives of this race are intelligent beings and their plans were not to start a war with people, but for some unknown reason, the last time they visited our planet was in November 2001.

2. Hellenic race

If you are a fan of the movie The Lord of the Rings, then one thing you should know is that the elves were inspired by the alien race Hellenes. This race was often found in the forests of European countries. They are not known to pose any threat, but are prone to various pranks. These creatures enjoy scaring people and sometimes steal valuables. The last time a representative of this race was seen was near Munich, Germany.

3. Race X-1Z

Appearances of this race are quite rare on Earth. Their origins remain unknown, but the fact that they have certain abilities that are not available to humans is true. It is also known that they are hostile towards us. The X-1Z race loves to kidnap and conduct scientific experiments on people. Their ships were last seen flying over Turkey.


The origin of this race remains a mystery. They are most often spotted on the northwest side of the United States. They seem to have a keen interest in our oceans. In the 1980s and 1990s, there were several sightings of these creatures near shipwrecked US Navy ships. The Puritave are a peaceful race that usually move around the Earth at night.

5. Race ZETA

Zeta visited Earth a long time ago, back in the days Ancient Egypt. Scientists claim that they are representatives of the Anunnaki race on Earth. Subsequently, the Anunnaki became the pharaohs of Egypt. The reason for the disappearance of this race from Earth was the appearance of the Reptilian race, which most likely drove Zeta away from the planet. This alien race lived on Earth about 4,000 years ago. At the moment, their location on the planet is unknown, but it is quite possible that they walk among us.


The alien race Negumak was discovered in 1989. These insect-like creatures use the power of their minds to control people, gaining complete control over us. According to researchers, Negumak are one of the most ancient races in the world. Representatives of this race are very dangerous and aggressive.


The alien race Alcohbata first brought alcohol to Earth thousands of years ago. Alochobata are very dangerous. They often kidnap people for reasons unknown to anyone. They are hermits and do not interact with other races. They are also aggressive creatures, as they are responsible for several plane crashes around the world.


You've probably heard about the Reptilian race. What else can be said about these creatures other than that they are evil? Researchers believe that they are a very ancient race. Reptilians come from the constellation Draco. These mentally and technologically advanced creatures love to work behind the scenes. Reptilians have various abilities, such as fast movement, invisibility and mind control. They created 3 bases on Earth. One in Bermuda Triangle, another near Denmark and a third off the coast of New Zealand.


Vinnytvari is a peaceful race. They flew to us from their home planet in the constellation Pavo. They have been enjoying life on Earth since they arrived here in the year 1000. Additionally, they don't like to kidnap people, and they don't want contact with humanity at all. Apparently, the Earth is a more favorable planet for the life of this race than their home planet.

10. Race PUXHITY

This race has brought great benefits South America. Puxhity helped Central and Latin America in scientific development and the construction of civilization. Perhaps they wanted to live in peace with us, but people completely destroyed the Puxhity representatives on Earth.

You may not believe in the existence of alien races on Earth, but there are many facts about the presence of other creatures on our planet.

The Marvel Universe is very developed and developed, and there are many described alien races and civilizations in it. One of the most famous alien races is the Kree people. (Kgee) .


The Kree are an ancient race of blue-skinned, robust humanoids. The average Kree is stronger and tougher than the average human. The Kree have been at odds with the Skrulls for a long time - once upon a time, when the Skrulls were a peaceful race, and on the Kree’s home planet there was also a second nation, the Cotati, the Skrulls proposed organizing a competition to determine which people had the right to take the entire planet for themselves. The Skrulls transported the Kree and Cotati to the Moon, fenced off a small area there, and challenged both peoples to do something cool. They defeated the Cotati by making a gorgeous garden. The Kree, who built a cool city, got angry, destroyed all the Cotati and started a war with the Skrulls.

Since then, on the far side of the Moon there has been a so-called “frost region” - a small area where you can breathe. There are the ruins of a Kree city, among which stands an estate belonging to Watcher Uatu.

To help create the Cosmic Cube, the Kree created a supercomputer, the Supreme Intelligence. (Supreme Intelligence) , but the Mind, being a smart mechanism, refused to serve the Kree and instead subjugated the people to itself. In various comics, the Kree people either obey him or rebel against him, obeying Ronan the Accuser (Ronan the Accuser), one of the strongest Kree warriors. The Kree people are also famous for the fact that their geneticists created the Inhumans (Inhumans). The fact is that the evolution of the Kree has been stopped. Stuck in a dead end. This happened due to the fact that ancient times a certain representative of the race tried to use a crystal filled with energy that he found to become a god, and the crystal, as punishment for the attempt, led the evolution of the Kree to a dead end.

The Kree didn't just fight the Skrulls. They also had a war with the Shiar Empire. However, this war was not so long, and ended with the explosion of the Nega-Bomb - a terrible weapon that destroyed most Kree Empire. The remnants of the empire came under the rule of the Shi'ar, but over time, the appointed ruler of the territory simply neglected her obligations, and the Kree empire began to recover.



Skrulls (Skrulls)– an ancient race of reptilians with epic chins. In ancient times, when this race was just emerging, the planet of the Skrulls was visited by the Celestials, creatures of enormous cosmic power. As in the case of earthlings, Kree and many other races, they conducted an experiment, dividing the Skrulls into three peoples - ordinary Skrulls, immortal Skrulls (Eternals (Eternals)) and capable of changing the appearance of the Skrulls (Deviants (Deviants)). The Skrulls fought among themselves, and only the deviants survived. Since then, it has been this way: Skrulls can change their appearance. They can become physically stronger, more massive - or smaller, more inconspicuous. Grow wings, claws - or simply take on the appearance of your interlocutor.

Branded distinguishing feature Skrull - ribbed chin. If a Skrull takes on a hybrid, half-human appearance, the chin remains, and it is the chin that appears first when a Skrull in disguise takes on its true appearance.

The Skrulls were a peaceful people until the vile Kree started a war, squeezing out a bunch of Skrull technology. Having developed new technologies and unleashed the ability to transform, the Skrulls became one of the most warlike races in the universe. After the main Skrull planet was absorbed by Galactus, the people began a period of fragmentation - separate groups of Skrulls began to declare themselves independent and fight each other. Also, the Skrulls have repeatedly officially and unofficially attacked Earth. The remains of their empire were further destroyed by Annihilus, the tyrant from the Negative Zone, and the remainder came under the control of the radical Queen Veranke.



These cutest Alien-Zerg hybrids - Brood (Brood). Insectoid-looking creatures, really evil, every single one of them. Members of the Brood reproduce by laying eggs in the bodies of members of other races. When the time comes for "birth", the egg does not hatch, but instead the host's body transforms into that of a Brood member. That is, with the appearance of the little Alien there will be no blood from the stomach, but fangs will begin to grow, the shape of the skull will change, and over time the human personality will completely die, making room for the Brood personality. Professor X once almost became Brood Queen. They planted an egg in it and it almost developed. If it weren't for Kitty, everything could have ended very badly. All representatives of the Brood obey the Queen unquestioningly; there have never been any riots. And the Brood also loves when its carriers suffer and suffer, losing themselves and turning into the Brood. So it goes. The Brood are the worst enemies of the Shi'ar Empire. Speaking of Shi'ar...



Shi'ar (Shi'Ar)- a humanoid race descended from birds, most representatives of the race have feathers on their heads instead of hair, and they carefully protect these feathers in battle, wearing helmets in the shape of their hair. The average Shi'ar can lift close to a ton and is very durable. The Shi'ar first came into contact with humans when their Majestor (their version of the title of emperor), Dken Neramani, desired to become a god by taking control of the M'kraan Crystal, which contained the power of the Phoenix. Dken's relative, Lilandra, became the new ruler of the Shi'ar, and the wife of Professor X. The Shi'ar Empire was dealt a brutal blow when Professor X's evil sister took control of Lilandra's mind and started a civil war in the empire.

Lilandra's sister, the Deadly Bird (Deathbird), repeatedly caused trouble for the X-Men in particular and Earth in general, and seized the throne of the Shi'ar. The Deadly Bird is unique among the Shi'ar, its body lags behind the rest of the race in development - it still has feathers almost all over its body. And she's such a maniac. She for a long time was led by the Shi'ar, but in later comics the ruler of the empire was Kallark, the former "chief of security" and personal bodyguard, nicknamed "Gladiator".


Phalanx and Technarchy

Phalanx (Phalanx) and Technarchy (Technarchy)- two sister races, very similar, but at the same time warring. All representatives of the Phalanx are cyborgs, and quite evil ones at that. Their main feature is the ability to absorb organic matter in order to enhance their own technology. The Phalanx repeatedly tried to destroy the Shi'ar Empire, but were repulsed by the X-Men. As a result, Ultron became the new ruler of the Phalanx. And the Technarchy is a peaceful race that has no true form. All representatives of the race are constantly changing, and consist entirely of technology, which they constantly absorb. They can take on human form, but prefer to appear as creepy, albeit non-evil, techno-quirks. One of the representatives of the Technarchy, Sorcerer (Warlock), was a member of the Young Mutants team.



Chitauri (Chitauri) were first mentioned in 2002 in the comics of the Marvel Ultimate universe (Earth-1610), where they were analogues of the Skrulls from the original universe - the same aggressive invaders seeking power over the universe. The Chitauri assisted the Nazis during World War II and clashed with the Avengers on numerous occasions. In the main Marvel Universe (Earth-616), the Chitauri are present separately from the Skrulls, and are enemies of the Nova Corps (Nova Corps). In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth 199999), the Chitauri were subordinate to Thanos, and one of their squads temporarily borrowed Loki.



Moloids (Moloids) were created by Deviants from Earth as a race of slaves. This was a very long time ago, and over time they degenerated. By interbreeding with each other, they lost almost all their intelligence and most of their physical strength. Moloids lived in caves deep underground, and when a researcher penetrated there, later calling himself the Mole Man (Mole Man), The Moloids immediately became his servants. The Moloids repeatedly helped the Mole Man in his crimes. Some Moloids were made smart again in one way or another, for example, after experiments by the High Evolutionary.



In the Marvel universe there are angels, and demons, and simply peoples similar to them. For example, Neyyafim (Neyaphem). A race of mutants with a demonic appearance, one of the brightest representatives of which is Azazel, the father of Nightcrawler, the blue-skinned jumper from the X-Men. In biblical times, another group of mutants, the Cheyarafim, drove them into a parallel dimension - the Sulfur Dimension (Brimstone Dimension). In addition to Azazel, well-known representatives of Neyyafim are his servants - the telepathic Jinnie, who can change her appearance, the winged warrior Gillian, the strongman Idrazil and the pyromaniac executioner Ophis.



Representatives of some races may seem like real monsters, for example, the Makluan dragons from the planet Kakarantara (aka Maklu IV). The Makluans are a peaceful race of dragons who can change their appearance. As often happens, their least pleasant representatives became the most “famous”, for example, the conqueror Finh Fang Phum (Fin Fang Foom). All Makluans can fly, survive in space without spacesuits, breathe fire and acid steam, they are superhumanly strong and resilient, and can live for a very, very long time.



Builders (Builders)- the oldest race in the universe, passionate about creating the world. They created numerous assistants for themselves - the race of Alephs (mechanical “cleaners”), Gardeners, Caretakers, and others. Builders are neither evil nor good, they are neutral. At one time they tried to destroy the Earth, and after that they confronted the Otherworldly, guests from outside the Multiverse, who wanted to slam this same Multiverse with one blow. All the Builders were destroyed in the battle with the Beyonders.



Badun (Badoon)- a rather old race (older than the Kree and Skrulls), which is always torn apart by gender conflicts. Females hate males, males despise females. One day they had a serious sexual war. The victory (and the females) went to the males. Males developed a bunch of new technologies and became conquerors, females remained to guard the hearths, becoming pacifists. The Badun worshiped a bunch of different Badun gods, one of which was Vurd Bloodeye, who died at the hands of Gorr, the Slayer of Gods.



People calling themselves simply "Neo" are a source of controversy among fans. Presumably, Neo are representatives of the species Homo Sapiens Superior. Simply put, they are ordinary mutants. But they consider themselves “new and improved” mutants, “mutants 2.0”. They lived in a close community, without contact with people and other mutants, until suddenly their abilities were temporarily cut off (the High Evolutionary tried). Who did Neo blame for his troubles? That's right, X-Men. Since then, the X-Men and Neo have fought from time to time. The situation was somewhat defused only by M-Day, after which most of the Neos lost their powers.


Plant Colossi

On Planet X, in a distant corner of the universe, there live Plant Colossi (Floral Colossus)- tree giants, the most famous representative of which is Groot. All representatives of this people can voice only one phrase - “I am Groot” - but they are not fools. On the contrary, all tree colossi are real geniuses. They undergo extensive training and absorb the knowledge and experience of many generations of Groots through photosynthesis. Groot has appeared in many comics already and there are hints that this was not the same Groot. After all, if all representatives of the people are Groot, how to prove that in different comics readers see the same tree colossus?


Also a very noticeable people are the Kronants (Kronans)- “stone people from Saturn.” 3000 years ago they established an outpost on one of the moons of Saturn. One day they invaded Earth and intimidated the unfortunate lame doctor Don Blake so much that he ran into a cave. In the cave, Don found Thor's hammer and gained the ability to take on the form (and powers) of the god of thunder. Thor single-handedly drove the stone hulks from the Earth. The most famous Kronan is Korg, a gladiator who became an ally of the Hulk during the "Planet Hulk" and " World War Hulk."

Races of alien civilizations represented:

Constellations: Orion, Andromeda, Lyra;
Sirius, Antares, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Vega, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Polaris;
Star cluster:
Mars, Venus, Nibiru, their incarnations on Earth, etc.

Now earthlings are receiving a lot of information about creatures from various planets. I present to you information about representatives of some of them. So, get acquainted.

A non-physical race of rather fearsome ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda Galaxy. They are ultimately the spiritual power of the Ashtar Command and the leaders of the Pleiadians and our entire branch of Human evolution! But not only that. They are the leaders of at least one other completely different branch of the Cygnusian race - silent, slimy amphibians - like creatures that come from planets in the constellation Cygnus. The way in which the beings of the Andromeda galaxy help the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy to develop can be seen in the macrocosmic example of how the Pleiadians civilization helps the civilization on our Earth to develop.

Aryans, Blondes

Blonde Scandinavian Humanoids who work with the Grays. They are said to have been captured by Reptoids and also have implants. They are believed to have a tendency to fluctuate loyalties between the Reptoids and the Human Confederacy.

Arcturians (Arcturus)

Members of the Human Confederacy. Arcturians are a very spiritual race who live in a universe or reality of pure love. It seems that there is some kind of gate on our planet through which higher energies are transmitted into the Universe of our dimension.


Members of the Human Confederacy. Another known species of human-type aliens of a “higher spiritually developed” nature, who are apparently aware of the situation on Earth and are taking some possible actions. They are from Arcturus and Vega.


Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often, eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on people's reproductive organs. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from similar contacts between humans and aliens. Hybrids are more similar to humans than other aliens, although they retain the typical alien shape of eyes and skull. In some situations, Hybrids exhibit the ability to telepathy.

Blues, "Warriors of the Star"

Blues are said to have clear skin, large almond-shaped eyes, and short stature. The main theme of their teaching is “FOLLOW YOUR PASSIONS”, follow your own path, do your own thing, don’t allow yourself to be forced into being something other than who/what you are.

Information about blue comes from Robert of Morning. According to him, first contact began around 1947-1948, when the Grays came into contact with the American Government to conclude an agreement. But another ship arrived with aliens called the Blues. The Blues advised the government not to deal with the Grays, warning that this would only lead to disaster. They told the US to follow its own path. They said that they would teach peace and harmony if people would disarm and listen. The military said nothing. So they left, but a few of them decided to stay and remained in Northern Mexico and Arizona and entered into an agreement with the Hopi Indians. These aliens are known to the Hopi as the Star Warriors. The Grays began to track the Blues, so the latter were forced to flee the reservation and go underground, several Hopi elders went with them.

According to Hopi legend, there were two races: the "children of the feather" who came from the heavens, and the "children of the reptile" who came from underground. The "Children of the Reptile" drove the Hopi Indians from their land, the Hopi also called them two-hearted.

Dalians (DALs)

This is a race of Scandinavian types, coming from what is called the "DAL Universe". They are a branch of the Lyrians and are very advanced technically and spiritually; approximately 300-1000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help them a lot, just as the Pleiadians help us.


They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids with cool, black, almond-shaped eyes and yellow-green skin. They are quite tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most spacefaring races, the Ancients are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens, the Ancients are extremely cold, and sometimes with great hostility, towards people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The stories of those abducted by the Ancients are notable for their grisly details of barbaric medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if playing the role of leaders or overseers. From this fact grew the hypothesis that all alien races coexist in some galactic civilization and that some types were obtained from others through genetic experiments.

Human Confederation (Intergalactic Confederation)

It is more commonly referred to as the "Intergalactic Confederacy", led by the Ashtar Command. Consists of an organization of groups of aliens born in positive energy who help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades, Lyrians, DALs and Centaurians.


This is the most ancient parent race from which our entire line of human or humanoid races descended, including all the Scandinavian types, the Orions, and even the Grays. A very warlike civilization in its infancy, they gradually changed for the better and now technically and spiritually they are approximately at the level of the Pleiadians.

Type B people

Genetically similar to us (type A people?), as well as people who serve the Grays. They are from the Pleiades and also appear to be blond with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, blood related to humans and the only aliens that can be trusted at the moment. They once offered their assistance to earthly leaders in resolving the situation with the aliens, but they were refused and have not intervened since then. These aliens are supposedly the ancestors of the human race. They are mostly not present on Earth at present due to serious problems in their home territory.

Type C people

Very little is known about them. Presumably, they are very highly evolved, they are of the spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.


Consist of two opposing races. The "Council of Light" was originally founded in the star system Betelgeuse, the equally powerful Orion negative ("evil") forces were replaced in the star system Rigel. The Orions occupied a large number of planets during the less spiritual times of our galaxy, but they were always balanced by the Intergalactic Confederation. The invading Orion Empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederation, and they have not been a threat to Earth since then. They are now preparing to "transform into the 4th dimension" just like we are on Earth. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negative side and allow both of our worlds to rise.


This is a collective of aliens from the Pleiades star system. There are also Pleiadians from various time periods in the future, ranging from 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The Pleiadian culture is very ancient and was “grown” from another universe of Love much earlier than the Earth was created. They have formed a huge community that works with love, with ideas and ideals that we are still not familiar with.

The Pleiadians began their project of contacting and inspiring earth people to reclaim their strength and create a better reality for themselves. They are here as ambassadors from another universe to assist the Earth in its Transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assist each of us in our personal efforts of Awakening, Remembrance and Knowledge. As this project proved increasingly successful, more aliens joined the original group, some coming from other systems. The group later changed its name from Pleiadians to Pleiadians Plus.

They say their reasons for contacting us is that there is a possibility of tyranny in the future and they are going back to our times to inspire us as much as possible to take responsibility for creating our own reality and change the future.

They offer a very empowering form of personal and social metaphysics, with love and clarity. The Pleiadians act as a single collective, and no individuals are singled out among them. They do not appear in physical form, although they say they can. They say it's safer to get through the channel and doesn't attract much attention.


A very rare alien species. In terms of physical parameters, they are also thin and lanky, like many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced reptile characteristics: scaly skin, like some lizards, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interests on Earth.

Reptoids, Lizards, GORN

A race of lizards with Draco, conquerors. They are believed to control Gray-A through implants, similar to how the Grays implant human beings. They are also considered to be the masterminds of abduction plans. The main goal is to infiltrate using newly created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy the Human Confederation. They are carnivorous towards humans, using them as food.

Genetically similar to Reptiles, this is a very advanced race, but they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerously disposed towards people, considering them an inferior race. They perceive us roughly as we perceive a herd of cattle. There is a supposedly controlled planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizards that entered our solar system in the mid-90s on our calendar.

They view Earth as their own ancient outpost and seek to gain complete control of the planet upon their return. Their own planet is no longer suitable for supporting life and they need some other planet to live on. These are aliens served by the Gray-A.


They are the most commonly identified alien race. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them.

Grays as they appear to the scientific community:

Grays are the race most often described by kidnapping victims. However, they are viewed as a race with unknown motives and intentions. They appear to abduct, study, test, and variously use humans for still unclear purposes.

Grays from a New Age perspective:

In this movement, Grays are often associated with an evil race or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many other races, such as the Reptoids, and their motives are known.

Grays from the point of view of various Conspiracy Theories:

Various conspiracy theories are often a mixture of scientific evidence and New Age ideas. The standard conspiracy theory framework states that the Grays crashed (one or more of their spaceships and they themselves were found in the US by the government). The government tries to make a secret agreement with them, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology.

Conspiracy theories often end with the Grays not holding up their end of the bargain.

There are descriptions of several types of Grays:

  • 1. The most commonly seen Gray: 2 to 4 feet tall, very slender and delicate in appearance, small creatures with a light weight, extremely piercing black slanted eyes without pupils, an almost vestigial mouth and nose, a very large head with a pronounced chin. Skin color varies from dark gray to light gray, from brown to brown gray, from white to pale white. They don't have any hair on their body.
  • 2. Another commonly seen Gray is similar to the one described above, except that they are usually six inches taller and seem to give orders. Variation of the individual described here: same height, but the eyes look like large black buttons and are rounded.
  • 3. Another type of Gray is a small robot-like creature, stocky and small, with a smooth rounded hat on his head, dark deep-set eyes, a round O-shaped mouth, a square chest with concentric circles on it. Their smell is reminiscent of burnt match heads, porous gray leather. It is often said about these grays that they act as guards during contacts.

Other variations are described as being like Reptilians, with claws like a praying mantis. There have also been many reports of mixed types (Hybrids) that are not quite Human and not quite Gray.

Gray – Type A

This type is mainly understood as “Grey”. Also known as Zeta Reticulans from the Reticulum star system. Apparently a militaristic race with a clearly distributed social structure that keeps science and "world conquest" as its primary goals. They are usually 4.5 feet tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.

Their genetics are partly based on insects. Their science is very broad in the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They are believed to be involved in changing the genetic structure of humans over thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with humans in order to create a “mixed race”, Hybrids, which will be more perfect than the main ones.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rude, and assertive. Others are more peaceful, more inclined to conduct business and use a diplomatic approach to gain control over people.

They have no emotions (in human terms) and appear to be cruel to the human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Grays actually serve the superior Reptoid race and are trying to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet through various means. They enjoy the freedom they have on Earth, away from their masters, and would like to help humans in their confrontation with the lizards.

These Grays have known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

Gray – Type B

Tall Grays from Orion. Typically about 7-8 feet tall, with similar facial features to Type A, except for the presence of a large nose. These Grays also have technology that allows them to do what appears to be a "miracle." These Grays are less hostile towards people than Type A, but still remain so. They seek to exert influence through political control and concluding agreements with government officials. Their main bases appear to be in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray – Type C

They are the shortest of the Grays - about 3.5 feet tall. The facial features are similar to Grays with Zeta Reticuli. Also hostile to humans, like the Zetas. They are from a star system on the outskirts of Orion called Bellatrax.


Members of the Human Confederacy. They are an aquatic, dreamy race, to some extent an evolved version of dolphins and whales. They are believed to live in the Christ Consciousness and are located in a solar system very closely related to our own in a psychic sense. They also play a role in helping the Earth, but they do so in a more subtle way, through the cetaceans in our seas.


They are a type of blond Norse who come from Alpha Centauri. They sympathize with the Pleiadians, they strive to help us grow spiritually, but they do not actively participate, unlike other races, although they have had and have contacts with selected people on Earth.

We are all aliens to some extent

In reality, there is no significant difference between aliens and humans, since the Earth has been genetically manipulated by various alien races for quite a long time. Therefore, we all, to one degree or another, have genes from other star systems.

There are some physical-genetic attributes passed down from generation to generation that can help in identifying humanity's alien heritage. For example, those people who contain the genetic material of the Pleiadians of the Scandinavian type are often tall and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes. But in all this mixing and shuffling of genes in the cosmic melting pot of Earth, identifying the original origins of man seems to be a very difficult task.

In fact, if aliens walked among us (and some do), they might not even be recognizable. Not only can some alien races cleverly disguise themselves, but many simply look like us.

As I said before, approximately 80% of all aliens are benevolent, pleasant, loving souls who truly want to help humanity return back to their cosmic family. Approximately 20% of aliens are malevolent, power-hungry beings who completely ignore or even despise humans. Of course, there is some neutral middle level (mainly alien scientists who have no particular animosity towards humanity, but are not spiritually developed enough to be able to understand what is best for us). In the name of science, they may disembowel a person to learn more about him. (But kidnappings are another topic for another time).

The bottom line is that most negative aliens vibrate in the 3D and 4D realms and are therefore more likely to be visible to humans. Most of the friendly, loving races exist in 5D, 6D and 7D and can only be accessed by those people who are attuned to the vibrations of these high worlds. So, it only APPEARS that there are many negative aliens associated with Earth. And of course, most of the world's rulers are manipulated by negative aliens (due to their lust for power).

There are many different "species" of aliens. Here is my latest assessment, including those in human incarnation:

  • Orions are similar to us because almost 80% of us are Orions.
  • The Pleiadians are also similar to us, as they were the main race that inhabited the Earth.
  • Sirians are slightly taller and thinner than the average person.
  • Antareans are large, muscular and have reddish-brown skin.
  • Andromedans tend to incarnate among Asians, although among themselves they are tall and lanky, with large heads and small, slanted, almond-shaped eyes.

Zetas have three main shades:

  1. Alabaster-white shorts with huge black almond-shaped eyes;
  2. Gray dwarfs with large black almond-shaped eyes (the majority of them);
  3. Tall hybrids, with blue skin and small, slanting, almond-shaped eyes;
  4. Venusians are white-faced, blond, transparent;
  5. Arcturians are large, translucent creatures with bluish skin;
  6. The Pleiadians of higher dimensions appear as figures of light shimmering with gold. Pleiadians themselves high level look like blue-white stars visible to the eye star group Pleiades;

Other races belong to higher dimensions and can change their appearance at will.


  • Orion Constellation – Tips of Rigel and Betelgeuse; Incarnated from Mars and Maldek.
  • Pleiades system 7D – Race of Adam (primordial earthlings) from Lyra/Vega DNA, Atlantean priest-rulers.
  • Dual System of Sirius B - Biblical God, Greek Gods, descendants of Israel and the Middle East.
  • Venus, 6D – Usually white-haired, blue-eyed, white-faced people.
  • Pleiades 4D system – Scandinavian type, tall muscular (original Vikings, Scandinavian peoples).
  • Andromedans 4D - People of the oriental type with narrow slanted eyes.

  • Antareans 4D – Red giant race mentioned in the Book of Genesis (Nordic types, original Europeans).
  • Zeta Networks 3D – Human incarnations of the original Zeta races.
  • Hybrids Zeta Networks 3D – Human incarnations during evolutionary programs.
  • Andromedan Hybrids 3D – Human incarnations during evolutionary programs.
  • Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Polaris - Human incarnations from these star systems (mainly 6D-8D).
  • Arcturus 7D-9D – Emissaries incarnating in human form.
  • Nibiru (Planet X) – Members of the Nibiru Council, terrestrial and extraterrestrial incarnations.
  • Aliens in their bodies are Humanoids incarnating outside the Earth.
  • Substitutes (walk-ins) - Various races that occupy human bodies through the replacement of souls.
  • Other categories (3D-12D) – People from star systems not mentioned above.
  • Other entities (7D or higher) are Spiritual Masters from higher dimensions (avatars in mystically created bodies).

A bit of astronomy– for those interested, because there are many unfamiliar names that can increase suspicion: “can this be true”?

I think it might. Nothing said here was suspicious and cannot be called a lie. And some of the information is confirmed by other sources.

  • Rigel and Betelgeuse- the brightest stars of the Orion constellation.
  • Sirius– the most bright Star constellation Big Canis.
  • Vega- the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.
  • Polar- the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor.

“Dual Sirius B System – Biblical God, Greek Gods, Descendants of Israel and the Middle East” - it is known that the civilization of Ancient Egypt was supported by the civilizations of Sirius and Orion.

  • Antares= Ant-Ares is a rival of reddish Mars, a reddish star in the constellation Scorpio.
  • Andromeda- constellation of the northern hemisphere.
  • Keith, Centaurus– equatorial constellations.
  • Arcturus- the brightest star in the constellation Boötes.