How beggars became billionaires. How to be a billionaire I know how to become a billionaire what to do

Many people ask themselves the question: why is he a billionaire and not me? Wealth will not just fall into your lap; if you want to become rich, you not only have to really want it, but also make some effort. You need to learn a lot, spend all your time (rich people don't have weekends or regular working hours), change your thinking and your life radically. If you're ready for a change, then we're sharing six secrets that separate you from a billion.

1st secret: Learn to think like a rich person

    Before you get what you want in reality, you must get it in your consciousness. You can't become a billionaire if you don't imagine yourself in this role.

    Your thinking is your limit; it sets the boundaries of what is possible.

    Stop thinking like a poor person. What is the difference between the thinking of the rich and the poor.

    Change your thinking and your lifestyle to match your new image and status.

    Do only what will bring you success, that's what billionaires do, the rest do whatever they want.

    The rich have order everywhere: at home, at work and in their heads. Get to cleaning.

    Read a lot, look for the information necessary to develop not only your business, but also your thinking.

    Equip workplace so that it inspires you to work.

2nd secret: Find a role model, your ideal

    To become a wealthy person, create a suitable environment. Hang out with rich people. Find someone who has already received their billion and learn from them.

    Take the issue of choosing an ideal seriously. Only someone can be a role model who can teach you something.

    One of the important rules to remember is that the teacher needs you, not you.

    If you find a person from whom you can learn experience, hang on his every word, do not miss a single opportunity to communicate with him.

    It wouldn't hurt to have a mentor in every area. How to find a mentor: .

    Don't miss the trainings provided by famous people, regularly read their books, interviews, listen to their audiobooks and audio courses.

3rd secret: Determine your life principles and remember them

    Always treat people the way you want them to treat you.

    Don't give up on your desires, be yourself, do what brings you joy.

    A person cannot be defeated until he himself admits defeat. The winner is not the one who is stronger or smarter, but the one who is ready to go to the end.

    5th secret: Focus on the main thing

    • Pay attention only to activities that bring you pleasure. It is impossible to become a billionaire doing a job you don't like.

      All your troubles come from the fact that you don’t know how or can’t focus on one thing for a long time.

      Every rich person does something much better than others. Think about what you are good at.

      Failure to focus will cause you to stagnate or run in circles, which is very ineffective.

      Dedicate yourself entirely to your chosen activity, become the best specialist in your industry.

      Every day you will have to choose something and refuse something. No one has the right to judge you for your choice.

    6th secret: The goals you set must be correct

      Set your goals every day.

      Know how to prioritize. You need to know exactly what needs to be done today, and what can be put off until later.

      Goals should be set not only for today, but also for the week, month, year. You must clearly understand where you will be in a year, how close you are to your goal.

      Goals must be realistic and achievable.

      Every goal should have a start time and an end time when it should be accomplished.

      Your goals should always be visible.

      Don't set too few goals, but also don't forget about the 5th secret.

    Now you all know all the secrets of how to become a millionaire. All that remains is to listen to them and begin to implement them in your life. Be rich and successful!

Charles Munger

American lawyer, famous economist and professional investor, business partner of Warren Buffett.

1. Remember: trust, success and fame must be earned

You will get what you want from the world if you imagine yourself in its place. By and large, people who live according to this principle receive more than just money and fame. By earning trust, they earn respect.

It is very pleasant to receive recognition by justifying the trust of other people.

2. Learn to admire the right people

The second idea, which I came to very early on: no, except the one that is based on admiration for another person. However, he does not have to be alive. The main thing is what it inspires you to do. I've kept this idea in mind my whole life, and it's been very, very helpful to me.

3. Learn new things. It is a moral duty, as is the application of knowledge in practice.

You need to turn your life into a constant search for new knowledge. Without this, you will not be able to become a person who copes well with your responsibilities.

If civilization can only develop by creating new inventions, then you can only develop by gaining new knowledge.

4. Learn to understand a little bit of everything

I have noticed that basic ideas are 95% of the important information in any field. It was easy for me to take these ideas from all the major disciplines and make them part of my thinking process. Of course, it is not enough to know something, you need to use it.

I have practiced this approach all my life. I can't tell you everything he gave me. But he made my life more fun, and made me more effective and more useful to other people. He helped me.

But there are dangers in this approach: experts in different fields and, perhaps, your boss will cease to be authorities. You will know much more and find the right solution faster than them.

But none of this will work if you just memorize the information to get an A on the exam. You must understand these ideas well enough to use them in your thinking process. This is the only way you can use them in other areas of your life.

5. Think about the causes of problems, not just their consequences.

Problems are easier to solve if you look at them from a different perspective.

If you want to help India, you need to ask yourself not how you can help the country, but what is causing it the greatest harm and how to neutralize it. It may seem that from a logical point of view these are the same thing, but they are not. Those of you who have taken algebra know that sometimes moving a term from one side of an equation to another helps solve a problem.

6. Be reliable. Insecurity can undermine your strengths.

If you cannot be relied upon, then everything is yours good qualities can be immediately thrown into the trash. Do everything in good faith, don’t be lazy.

7. Avoid extremes, don't become a fanatic

Another thing to avoid is reckless adherence to any ideology. You've probably seen people with limited views. For example, religious figures who hold opposing points of view on theology. They have one thing in common: they cannot go beyond the boundaries and think freely.

This also applies to political beliefs. When you are young, it is easy to get excited about certain ideas, to believe in them, to declare yourself a supporter of something. You can drive yourself further and further into the framework of ideology. This way you will forget how to think for yourself.

Every time I think about it, I think of the kayakers of Scandinavia. They successfully rafted all the rapids in their countries and decided that they would achieve the same success in the USA, in Grand Rapids. They all died.

A big whirlpool is not a place you want to end up in. And I think the same can be said for really deep ideology.

8. Get rid of envy, resentment and self-pity

Why would you envy, be offended, take revenge, feel sorry for yourself? These are catastrophic thinking patterns. And they quickly become familiar.

I have a friend who carries around a stack of cards. When someone tells him a self-pitying story, he takes one of them out and gives it to that person. The card says: “Your story touched me. I have never met a person with whom so many misfortunes have happened as with you.”

You can consider this a prank. But I think when you start feeling sorry for yourself, the reason is completely unimportant. Your child may be dying of cancer, but feeling sorry for yourself won't help you fix the situation. Just give yourself one of these cards.

When you learn to be kind to yourself, you will have a huge advantage over others. Don't shift the blame to circumstances or other people. Learn to take responsibility for your actions.

9. Work with people you admire

Your life will bring you more joy if you are inspired by the people you work with. This will require talent. I decided for myself which people at work I admired, and deftly maneuvered between them. And he never spoke ill of any of them. So I have always worked under people who admire me.

10. Learn to remain objective, especially when it's hardest.

Remember Darwin: he always paid a lot of attention to indisputable evidence. Constant testing of your own objectivity is necessary if you want to think correctly. The same attitude to facts as Darwin and the habit of leading will help with this. By checking everything against the list, you can avoid many mistakes. And there is no other way that works as well.

11. Let capable people lead.

Everyone will benefit if most of affairs will be concentrated in the hands capable people who love and know how to learn. This is a prerequisite for the development of civilization.

You don't want to choose a neurosurgeon for your child among 50 applicants, only half of whom are real professionals. You don't want to fly on a plane that was designed by unqualified people. You don't want mediocrity working in your company. You will want power to be in the hands of the right people.

12. Remember: you will be more successful in what you are most interested in

If a person is really going to succeed in any business, it must arouse his genuine interest. I can be good at many things, but I can't be the best in a field that doesn't interest me. So, if possible, do something that really interests you.

13. Sit down and do it until you finish everything

Two of my friends started a small construction company. They divided all the work equally and were guided by one important rule. Here it is: “Whenever we don’t meet a deadline, we will both work 14 hours a day until we get everything done.” It must be added that the business did not fail and these people became very rich.

14. Use failures as opportunities to improve.

Life will deal terrible, terrible, unfair blows. But it does not matter. It's just that some people rise, others don't. And I think the position of the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus is the best in similar situation. He believed that every misfortune in life is an opportunity to prove yourself and learn something. Your duty is not to wallow in self-pity, but to turn the blow into a constructive direction.

15. Trust people

If a whole crowd of lawyers conducts the process and everyone pulls the blanket on themselves, the case will be lost. There should be trust in your personal life as well. If your version of a prenuptial agreement is 47 pages, I advise you not to get married.

Being a billionaire means a lot more than just having an account with a bunch of zeros. Investing may be new to some, but it's not a barrier to becoming a billionaire. Profit from nothing and a life of luxury is a classic version of the American dream. To become a billionaire, create opportunities, invest wisely and accumulate wealth. Here's a theory on how to become a billionaire.


Part 1

Creating Opportunities

    Study hard. As a rule, people don't become billionaires by accident. Being a billionaire means being interested in interest rates, tax rates and dividends. Take financial courses online or study at a university. Study books about investing.

    • Study finance and entrepreneurship. Learn to identify customer needs and then develop business models to fulfill them. Nowadays, computer skills and new technologies can help you build a lucrative career.
    • Read about successful billionaires; Warren Buffett, Bill Gates or Jon Huntsman manage their capital wisely so that they can accumulate even more.
  1. Save money. You need money in order to earn it. Set aside a certain amount from each paycheck into a deposit account to save enough for future investments.

    • Decide what percentage of your earnings you will save; just $20 of your salary will make a difference in 3-4 years. Invest what you can afford to lose in risky investments.
  2. Set up a personal retirement account (IRA). It is available in many financial institutions and has special financial plans set for saving funds in the future. To save a billion dollars, start saving as soon as possible. Interest is charged on savings.

    • Depending on the institution, a minimum initial contribution may be required. Explore possible options and discuss them with a financial advisor.
  3. Pay off your credit card debts. It's hard to move forward with debt hanging over your head. Student loans and credit card debt should be paid off as soon as possible. Average annual interest rates range from 20% to 30%, so the debt will only continue to grow.

    • Keep financial savings a priority. Write your goals down on paper and speak them out loud regularly. To stay engaged in financial projects, leave reminders in visible places where you will see them every day, such as in the bathroom mirror or on the dashboard of your car.
  4. Make good financial decisions. The Internet is full of penny schemes and get-rich-quick scammers who prey on ignorant and gullible people, luring them into making poor financial decisions.

    • When in doubt, act conservatively with money. Diversification of funds, accumulation of interest and taking into account their fluctuations in the market will ultimately be the most correct decisions.
  5. Know when to quit the game. It is very important to catch the moment when you need to stop investing before it bankrupts you. If there are qualified specialists in your environment, pay attention to their advice, but also do not forget to listen to your inner voice.

    • If you see an opportunity to increase sales and make more profit, then take it. Profit is always more profit. If your shares expire next year, you still have the opportunity to earn money that you can reinvest elsewhere.
  6. Get involved. To become a billionaire, work together. Move in circles of cultured and wealthy people, learn from their experiences and listen to their advice.

    • Develop an interest in art, fine dining and travel. Consider purchasing a yacht and other desirable attributes of rich and successful people.
    • There is a difference between the concepts of “old money” and “new money”. "New money" is a derogatory term for people who got rich quickly and live for show, leading a lavish lifestyle. To stay afloat, learn from the "old money" and you will reach Olympus.
  • Learn to take the intended risks. Money earns high interest in banks, but to earn more, consider other options.
  • Be creative. To start your own business, find a solution to a problem that no one else has considered.
  • Develop a time management structure and establish order. Save time and use it constructively.

Donald Trump is a famous businessman and billionaire who made his fortune in the 80s. Later he lost everything, but did not lose heart and was able to earn even more. Now his capital is 3 billion pounds. Donald's main area of ​​activity is real estate. He also writes books. In this article, Trump will give some tips on how to become a billionaire. Read and memorize.

Don't take a vacation

You don't need him. If your job is not enjoyable, then it is better to change it. The business you are doing should bring positive emotions.

Let's change

If you are under pressure, then respond in kind. If insulted, attack the offender with as much force and energy as possible.

Don't trust anyone

Even close friends. They can also encroach on your money or your spouse.

Don't hire financial advisors

Most of them will not tell you how to become a billionaire, but will only lead to collapse. If you choose an advisor, it is better to rely only on your own judgments made by analyzing information read in respected business publications.

Dress according to your social status

Trump writes: "I used to pride myself on buying cheap suits. What's the point of paying several thousand when you can buy something for only a hundred? No one will know. Over the years, I realized that I was wrong."

Limit your sleep

Don't sleep more than necessary. Quote: “Personally, I sleep no more than four hours a day. I go to bed at about one in the morning, and already at four in the morning I read the latest newspapers. I don’t need a longer rest. Many businessmen sleep for ten hours, not realizing that excess sleep takes away precious time".

Don't make yourself dependent on technology

Only those who do not know the secrets of billionaires are dependent on technology. Many technological advances are simply unnecessary. Quote: “For example, I don’t have a computer. I’ve never used an internal telephone connection. If I want to call someone, I just yell. It’s much more efficient and faster.”

Listen to your instincts

Entrepreneurship is not a group game. Trust only yourself. Even if you have several degrees, without instincts it will be very difficult to get to the top, much less stay there. There are subtle signs that signal whether a deal is worth taking or not. The same is true for contacts with people.

Damage your own reputation

Express provocative opinions more often and observe your opponent’s reaction. It is quite possible to get a revealing response from him.

Quote: "In meetings, I often make outrageous remarks to someone and see if other participants will resist or agree. This is a great way to evaluate people."

Avoid handshakes

On this occasion, Donald Trump says: “Many middle and senior managers who really want to know how to become a billionaire sympathize with strong handshakes. But personally, I don’t like handshakes. Very often, people who are sick or have a cold will come up to me and say: “ Mr. Trump, I would be honored to shake your hand." Everyone knows that this is how germs are transmitted. I remember how one man in a restaurant, coming out of the toilet with still wet hands, told me: “You are a great investor, let me shake your hand "Then I agreed to shake hands, since I was late and knew that after that I would definitely not finish my meal."

Be optimistic but prepared for failure

Everyone has ups and downs. The latter are easier to survive if you are prepared for them in advance. Failures are inevitable, so learn to face them fully armed. This will save a lot of energy and save you from unpleasant surprises.

Pay attention to details

We can say that the entire psychology of billionaires is built on this advice. If you don't know all aspects of your business, then prepare for problems.

Quote: “I once read an article about a respected neurosurgeon who had a fanatical approach to organizing an operation. He constantly thought about it, trying to anticipate all possible complications and difficulties. But you don’t need to be a neurosurgeon to pay attention to details.”

Let them underestimate you

Here's what Trump writes about this: “Of course, few people want to be considered a klutz or a loser, but being the smartest and most daring person present is also not an option. For example, because I once wrote a book on art deal-making, everyone who negotiates with me remains on guard. Let's take another example. Ronald Reagan managed to become president only because his opponents underestimated him. No one saw a serious competitor in the former actor."

Make every decision carefully

Do it like a lover. People who know how billionaires think understand that success is a consequence of decisions made throughout one's career. Each of them is unique. Sometimes the decision is made quickly, like love at first sight. And sometimes it can take several days to find the right option, which is similar to the period between engagement and wedding.

Sometimes you discuss a decision with your team. It's the same as asking your acquaintances and friends' opinions about marriage. Make a decision as if you were in love - respectfully, honestly, sincerely - and you will definitely not get into trouble. It will be a good experience. Over time, you will understand when to follow the dictates of your heart and when to use your mind. By the way, under the influence of emotions you can often make a brilliant business decision.

It's wiser to trust family rather than friends

During his youth, Trump asked a successful businessman: “Are you dating your sisters and brothers?” He replied: “Of course, but only in court.” This made a strong impression on Donald at the time. And he decided to always maintain closeness with relatives and even with ex-spouses.

Probably today there are no people left among the readers who are not familiar with. Where do these rich people get this kind of money, how to become a billionaire from scratch? This question is asked regularly simple people, and do not find an answer. Therefore, they themselves often give a simple answer: “ They stole!" This primitive conclusion is not the answer to such a complex and interest Ask. Today IQ Review As part of the series of articles “Financial Education”, he proposes to study the mechanism of enrichment of billionaires.

Let's figure it out: have all the world's billionaires really stolen their fortunes? If so, how exactly did they do it? Maybe their enrichment scheme will suit anyone!

Start over. Let's remember how we used to imagine the rich.

The image of a typical billionaire

Scrooge McDuck dives into the golden mountains

What does a typical billionaire look like? When a person says “billionaire”, “oligarch”, he imagines a character who has billions of dollars in the bank or in general in cash. Canonical example- a very rich and extremely greedy duck Scrooge McDuck from the well-known animated series. One of the favorite characters of all Russian children, who grew up in the nineties of the last century. Uncle Scrooge keeps his money in gold in a huge vault, and every day he dives into the golden mountains from a tower.

Let's face it, Scrooge is not the most positive character. Why not use this money for the benefit of society - build roads, schools, hospitals! Why is this stupid duck collecting money in the vault and why is everything not enough for her? How long can you take money from those in need and increase the mountain of gold in your bunker?

But let's return from the world of animation to the real world. What if we move away from fictional characters and remember real rich people - who immediately comes to mind?

In the minds of the average person, a billionaire is a person like Roman Abramovich. Always in sight, flashy luxury, conspicuous waste of money, everything the biggest, the most expensive... and it is completely unclear what he does in his free time and where he gets the money from.

Let's use Abramovich as an example and reveal the secret of billionaires.

Where does Abramovich get his money?

Roman Arkadyevich controls the company " Millhouse Capital" The company is engaged in the purchase and sale of large businesses. How does this happen? Roughly speaking, they buy a plant for a billion, send a team of managers there to audit it, cut costs, make a big profit, and sell it a couple of years later for 2 billion. This is an exaggerated example. The list of well-known purchases of the investment company Millhouse Capital included the dumpling manufacturer Daria, the largest link exchange Sape, shares in Evraz and Pharmstandard.

This is interesting. If you want to know a detailed biography of Roman Abramovich, you should look for the book “The Abramovich Principle. Talent for making money." It is curious that Roman Arkadyevich himself did not give interviews for the book; it was collected by enthusiasts bit by bit from open sources.

Not all billionaires engage in business speculation. But all the rich people own it. Abramovich's fortune as of 2015, according to Forbes, is $9.1 billion. Imagine what Abramovich keeps at home $9 billion in cash .

Reference: 1000000000 dollars in cash in 100 dollar bills weighs 10 tons and occupies a volume of 11.5 cubic meters. A standard 20-ton long truck can transport only $2 billion.

2 billion dollars - visual representation

He will need a large area! And why does he need a billion at home? You can't spend that much anyway. In fact, billionaires don't have any billions in cash.. They have a business. This business appreciated in billions. This is where the fun begins.

How to become billionaires. Let's analyze the principle scheme of enrichment

How does the business valuation process work? To make it easier to understand the mechanism, let's go back to . This did not happen in capitalist countries, but it is easier to describe the mechanism for the emergence of billions this way. Let's simulate an abstract situation, without Abramovich and other specific figures.

How to become a millionaire from scratch

Henry Ford:

“I will account to society for every cent I earn, except for the first million dollars!”

Let's take the plant in the city of Nsk. There is a director and 9999 workers (hereinafter, conventional numbers are used to simplify understanding). Everyone has just been given a voucher. After some time, the vouchers will be converted into shares of the plant. Suppose all employees want to contribute a voucher to the capital of their plant. They are explained that then each person will own 0.01% of the plant. But only the director knows for sure how much product the plant produces and how much it can be sold for.

Let the revenue (total sales in monetary terms) of the plant be 1.5 million rubles. Costs - 0.5 million for everything. The director knows that the plant can bring in 1 million a year. This means that for each voucher there will be 100 rubles of profit. In other words, by contributing a voucher to the capital of the plant, a person can receive 100 rubles every year while the plant operates at a given level of profit.

Then the director turns to the workers: “Why do you need these vouchers? Let me buy them from you for 10 rubles apiece! The voucher is something incomprehensible, but here it’s 10 rubles of real money. Buy yourself some sausages.” After using it for 20 years, the director bought 5,000 vouchers. And he contributed them to the capital of the plant along with his own, receiving 50.01%. It must be said that exactly the same number of votes now belongs to him at the shareholders meeting.

And here is the meeting. The item on the agenda: “Sell the plant.” The workers are outraged and vote against it. But the director has an advantage of 2 votes. The plant was sold for 2 million rubles. The director earned 950 thousand (50 were invested in purchasing vouchers). The story of the emergence of a billion does not end there. It's just beginning.

From a million to a billion - how to increase your capital a thousand times

"Red Director" buys himself a brand new Mercedes SL

Having bought himself a new car and his wife a fur coat, the director began to think what to do with this money? And he decided to buy a plant in a neighboring city, about the same size, which did not have a million in profit, but was sold for only half a million. “I’ll fire the extra people, there’ll be a profit, I’ll sell it for 2 million without any problems,” the director thought.

No sooner said than done. After some time, the director receives an offer to sell half of the plant’s area for as much as 2 million for the market. "Wow! I bought it for half a million, but here they offer 2 for half. The market must be a profitable business!” - it dawned on the director. And he didn't sell. He himself built a market on the territory of a former factory, firing the workers. A year later, the market brought in 10 million in rent.

“Why is it that I only have one market?” thought the director, relaxing on a sun lounger on the French coast. With 10 million, he bought 20 plots of land throughout the region and built 20 markets. A year later, while counting profits and reading the newspaper, he noticed an article about a certain stock market. From the content, he understood that this is a place where a business can be sold and bought not entirely, but in parts. I called a friend and took my company to the stock market.

Sold 50% of a business generating 200 million a year for 500 million. And this is where the magic of the stock market begins. The director's fortune is not the 500 million that the reader sees. He has another half of the business, which was valued at 500 million when it was first purchased! That is, he already has a billion rubles! Realizing this fact, the director rushes to buy shares of enterprises on the stock market, which are offered at a price of 1-2 annual profits. After all, he knows that at the moment the real price is equal to 5 annual profits!

A few years later, our now quite aged director becomes a dollar billionaire and owns parts of a variety of enterprises throughout the country. And the stock market became increasingly popular. Savvy people are taking out loans to buy skyrocketing stocks. What was valued at 2 annual profits a few years ago is now worth 10-20. How more people buy shares, the faster prices rise.

As the reader can see, this person ultimately has very little cash relative to his total capital. But he has a lot of capital, which was created as the business valuation grew. And it all started with 50,000 rubles, at which half of the plant was valued!

The magic of the stock market : at a stable valuation level of N annual profits, the owner, in order to earn N dollars, needs to increase the annual profit by only 1 dollar. Thus, when valuing a business at 10 annual profits, the owner of an enterprise generating 100 million a year is already a billionaire, although he does not have any billions in cash.

Many will say that in the end, the hero of our fairy tale stole. This is a value judgement. No one forced each of the participants in the chain to sell their shares. It’s just that some people valued their share cheaper, others more expensive. This is how the market mechanism works, the most observant, insightful and calculating wins.

How to become a billionaire today?

Watches are not for everyone

Today's billionaires make a lot of money at a young age by creating startups. They create IDEAS and attract funds from investors for a share in the project. Everyone famous Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, became a multi-billionaire in less than 10 years, creating the largest social network in the world and bringing it to the stock market. The network was valued at $105 billion during its initial public offering. As of May 2015, Facebook's capitalization is already $220 billion. Zuckerberg's personal fortune exceeded $33 billion, allowing him to enter the top twenty richest people peace.

There are more recent examples of get rich quick. Evan Spiegel, born in 1990, created Snapchat, which is now valued at $3 billion, without even having a clear monetization model. The fortune of Drew Houston, born in 1983, the creator of Dropbox, a cloud service with, exceeds 1.2 billion. You can google the list of the youngest billionaires in the world - there are quite a lot of them. Everyone's story is unusual and interesting.

Among Russians, Oleg Tinkov has the most transparent enrichment scheme, who took a very long time to reach his billion. This man was born in a remote province in 1967, did not make money by cutting up factories, but became a billionaire, first creating a chain of household appliance stores, then one of the best brands of dumplings of his time, a brewery and, finally, the Tinkoff Credit Systems bank. , providing terribly favorable conditions for deposits and even more terrible interest rates on loans. Oleg Tinkov’s autobiography can be read in his book “I’m like everyone else.” In this book you can trace his path from zero to a billion dollars.

The main conclusion that the reader should understand for himself: Billionaires don't have billions. To get rich, they created or bought businesses valued by other people at billions of dollars!