How to explain the facts of human teleportation. This is a complete shock! They hide from us that teleportation is possible! Nikola Tesla's experiments

Teleportation is interpreted as a change in the coordinates of an object, while such a movement is poorly justified scientific point vision. It is unclear how the effect is achieved, since testing hypotheses in practice is unrealistic. But there are assumptions by scientists that allow us to hope that in the future this method of transportation will be available.

What is "teleportation"?

Teleportation is the result of the rapid movement of a thing or body over any distance, when it disappears in its original place and appears in its final place. So far, scientists have paid little attention to putting this method into practice, but there are still some developments. The following types of teleportation are distinguished:

  1. Transport beam. The molecules of the object are scanned, recorded, then the original is destroyed, and in another place the machine recreates a copy based on this data. It is not suitable for moving a person, since it is impossible to count millions of molecules of the body and reproduce them in a split second. Moreover, when the original body is destroyed, consciousness also disappears.
  2. Portal. A special state of space that transfers an object to another place, with the same field properties. A favorite fantasy theme, but not used in reality, since it is unknown where such places exist.
  3. Null-T. Scientists explain this option as opening a window into another dimension, the location of which corresponds to our reality, but the distances are compressed many times. A puncture is made through them, and the object is moved to another place.

Quantum teleportation

Scientists also identify a type called quantum teleportation - the transfer of a photon state through two things separated in space and a communication channel where the state is first destroyed and then recreated. To do this at the speed of light, Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlation particles are used. It is used in quantum calculations, where only the recipient has data about the item.

Why were scientists reluctant to discuss this idea of ​​“teleportation in space”? It was believed that it violated the principle that prohibits the scanner from extracting the entire data of an object. The scan must recreate complete information, otherwise a perfect copy cannot be created. The first successful experiment was carried out only at the beginning of this century between laser radiation quanta and cesium atoms, this was done by scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute. And in 2017, Chinese researchers achieved quantum teleportation over 1,200 kilometers.

Hole teleportation

There is also a type called hole teleportation, a method when objects move from one size to another without a transition period. The action is explained in the following ways:

  1. Pushing objects beyond the boundaries of the universe.
  2. Increasing the wavelength of the object to Broglie.

Teleportation exists - this position is based on the fact that space has limits, beyond which there is no longer space and time, but only emptiness. Since space has no center, such vacuum holes can actually be found at any point; these are conditional particles that are constantly in motion. From a scientific point of view, hole teleportation is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Niels Bohr's complementarity principle.

"Mole Hole"

The wormhole theory explains that space has the power to take the shape of a pipe that connects eras or islands of time. Famous physicist At the beginning of the last century, Flamm suggested that plastic lineometry could represent a hole connecting two planets. And Einstein noted: simple solutions equations that describe electrically charged and forming gravitational fields, sources, have spatial structure bridge.

“Wormhole in space” or wormhole – these “bridges” received this name much later. Versions of how it works:

  1. Electrical power lines They enter the hole from one end and exit from the other.
  2. Both exits lead to the same world, but in different time periods. The entry point is a negative charge, and the exit point is positive.

Psi teleportation

Teleportation technology also manifested itself in psi effects, they are also called psychokinetic phenomena. It includes the following phenomena:

  1. Psychokinesis or telekinesis– impact and influence on objects or energy fields.
  2. Levitation– liberation from gravity. Outwardly, it looks like hovering above the ground, walking through the air.
  3. Out-of-body projection. Separation of energy mass from the physical body. A person sees himself from the outside.
  4. Materialization. The ability to implement concerns both processes and objects and situations.

Teleportation - myth or reality?

Is teleportation possible? This question is asked by many people: from scientists to ordinary people. For centuries, it was believed that such a phenomenon could not exist, and that some manifestations were the tricks of charlatans. Only in last years the theory of movement in space and time began to be listened to, thanks to the efforts of physicists who declared that small parts of matter are not an obstacle to instantaneous movements.

Teleportation - is it possible? The answer can be found in the story of the nun Maria, who over the course of several years managed to visit America more than 500 times without leaving her monastery. At the same time, she converted the Yuma tribe in New Mexico into the Christian faith, which is confirmed by conversations with Indians and papers presented by the conquistadors of Spain and explorers of France.

Human teleportation - how to learn?

How to learn teleportation? There is no answer to this question yet, although you can find many societies on the Internet that promise to teach. As well as detailed instructions. But there is no real methodology yet; there are only special cases when individual people showed such talents. However, they could not describe the process of movement itself. Scientists believe that even if technologies such as human teleportation appear, it will be extremely difficult to bring them to life due to the relativity of time.

Teleportation - real cases

Cases of human teleportation, which have been recorded and confirmed over many centuries in different countries.

  1. Magic specialist Tudor Pole in 1952 was able to cover a distance of one and a half miles from the suburbs to his own home in three minutes.
  2. Chinese Zhang Baosheng has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to teleport objects from one place to another. The facts were recorded by scientists in 1982.
  3. A prisoner in the American prison Hadad managed to disappear from closed premises. But at the same time, he always returned back, not wanting to aggravate the punishment.
  4. In New York, a case was recorded when a young man appeared at a subway station, claiming that he was instantly transported from the suburbs of Rome. Checking the situation confirmed this fact.

Books about teleportation

Experiments on teleportation were often carried out by heroes of science fiction writers; the Strugatsky brothers even outlined how flights to the stars would proceed based on this theory. The most interesting books, where many lines are devoted to such an amazing movement:

  1. Cycle "Troy". Mars of the second millennium, strong players recreate Trojan War. A professor from the 20th century, having moved to another reality, is forced to correct this historical battle.
  2. Alfred Bester. "Tiger! Tiger!". The fact of “jaunting” is stated - teleportation by force of will.
  3. Sergei Lukyanenko. "Star Shadow". The type of teleportation “jump” that the hero performs using a special mechanism is described.

Movie about teleportation

Films and TV series about teleportation were created by directors from different countries. This fact first appeared in the film “The Fly,” when the hero performed an experiment on moving himself, but a fly flew into the camera, which led to tragedy. Of the most famous films:

  1. Star Trek series. So as not to spend money on expensive take-off effects spaceships, it was decided to move Enterprise crew members along the beam.
  2. "Sagittarius the restless". Main character creates a teleportation installation and moves around the world at will.
  3. Stargate series. With the help of artifacts and the Asgard beam, people learned to move to other planets.

This technique will open up a new world for you, where there are no usual laws of nature! You can learn teleportation and find yourself in different places instantly!

Our imagination speaks the truth!

The phenomenon of teleportation¹ has always lived in people, most of them like a fairy tale. Ancient legends described heroes who had the ability to move vast distances in one second.

What is this: just a fantasy or a memory? The fact that these legends are found in completely different cultures, unrelated to each other, suggests that people once knew how to teleport!

In the same way, there is now evidence that some masters, such as Indian yogis and Tibetan masters, can do this!

In fact, this ability to teleport is inherent in everyone, people just forgot about it. This happened largely due to the fact that teleportation requires very high level internal energy- and a clear, trained mind.

At the present time, old knowledge is beginning to awaken, and now you are reading an article that outlines one of the ways in which you will discover a unique technique for moving in space!

It must be said right away that teleportation is developed with a lot of practice. Some people spend years developing it. It is necessary to make your will pure and your thought absolute. You can find the necessary practices on our website.

When you can learn to teleport even short distances, you will realize real power!

How to learn teleportation? Technique

The point is that our reality is made up of many different sub-realities.

Having learned to move between different realities at will, you will be able to dematerialize your material body and “assemble” its original form in another place, not paying attention to the usual laws of physics!

You will discover physics of a new order!

1. The practitioner begins the lesson in a darkened room. He sits down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body and face.

2. Soon the person will feel immersed in a relaxed state of consciousness. He focuses on the process of his breathing, feeling it: an even deeper trance will arise.

3. Now the practitioner visualizes a place that he knows well and which is located nearby: for example, the next room.

4. It is necessary to create the effect of “full presence”. For this, good development is needed.

A person is completely immersed in an imaginary picture, feels the hardness of the wall, the smell, all the sensations. The mind must believe that it is there!

5. The practitioner then creates within himself the desire to be in this room. The desire must be very strong, complete, as if everything depends on it!

He creates the belief that his material body is now and here dissolving, becoming pure energy and taking shape in the right place.

Gradually, after many trainings, you will be able to believe in your sensations, and they will actually arise! You will begin to feel how your body begins to “dissolve” in space, becoming incorporeal!

This can be accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure; the main thing here is to maintain awareness and “gather” in the intended place.

When you learn to move short distances, you need to gradually increase them: incarnate on another street, in another city.

You need to know the place you will be moving to: the technique of moving in space is based on precise detailing of the area. Gradually the power of your superpower will increase, and you will be able to teleport to much more remote places- for example, the place of your last vacation in another country.

You need to exercise no more than 45 minutes a day. In order to learn teleportation, you need to perform the exercise every second day.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (

Human teleportation is one of the most desirable

abilities of those who develop beyond their abilities. Allowing you to disappear from anywhere and appear anywhere.

Technologies related to human consciousness and superpowers

If one person on earth knows something, everyone else can be taught it...

Teleportation (New).

Historically confirmed facts of human teleportation.

The Venerable Maria, born in 1602, spent her entire life in the Monastery of Jesus in the Spanish town of Agreda. According to official documents, between 1620 and 1631 she made more than 500 trips to America, converting the Yuma Indians of New Mexico to Christianity.

Cautious Catholic authorities, having repeatedly encountered fantastic visions of religious fanatics, did not immediately accept

Maria's stories and even tried to get her to retract her claims that she actually made her transatlantic flights. However, the testimony of missionaries who visited the Indians of Mexico forced them to admit that the flights actually took place. In 1622 (1 of 32)

Human teleportation

Father Alonso de Binavides of the Isolito Mission in New Mexico in a letter

He asked Pope Urban VIII and Philip IV of Spain to explain who had managed to convert the Yuma Indians to the Christian faith before him. The Indians themselves said that they owed their acquaintance with Christianity to the “woman in blue” - a European nun who left them crosses, rosaries and a chalice, which they used when they celebrated mass. It was later established that this chalice belonged to the monastery in Agreda.

Returning to Spain, Father Benavides learned about the story of Sister Maria. And he insisted on permission to visit the monastery and question Maria. He received from her detailed reports of visits to the Yuma Indians and detailed descriptions of their customs and clothing. Sister Maria kept a diary, but burned it on the advice of her confessor. In this diary she described

his travels, including his vision of planet Earth in the shape of a ball, which was considered heresy at the time. In “The Life of the Venerable Mary of Agreda,” James A. Carrico wrote: “The fact that Sister Mary actually visited America is confirmed by the documents of the Spanish conquistadors and French explorers, as well as the absolutely identical stories of several Indian tribes. In any fundamental book on the history of the southwestern parts of the United States, you can find references to this mystical phenomenon, unprecedented in the history of the world (human teleportation)."

From ancient Spanish sources it is known that on October 25, 1593, a soldier unexpectedly appeared in the Spanish city of Mexico, whose regiment, as it turned out, was stationed in the Philippines, nine thousand miles from Mexico. The soldier was captured and tried by the Inquisition. At the trial, he testified that a few moments before his appearance in Mexico City, he

was on guard duty at the palace of the governor of the Philippines in Manila, who had just been treacherously killed before his eyes. How he himself appeared in Mexico City, the soldier had no idea. A few months later, people who arrived by ship from the Philippines confirmed the news of the death of the governor and other details of the soldier’s story.

Teleportation in nature.

Atta queens are giant females that only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly away from their native anthill-city, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new ant city. The queen gives birth to worker ants, and they begin to care for her, and she (2 of 32)

Human teleportation

over time grows to monstrous sizes and increases

productivity of your “egg conveyor”. To protect the queen, worker ants build a “concrete” chamber so strong that it can be destroyed.

her It is possible only with the help of a crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only in its very lower part there is a series of small holes for the entry and exit of the food carriers of the “midwives” who monitor the eggs, a chute for the eggs and a channel for the removal of excrement. Such a chamber can reach the size of a coconut. If you get to the camera and carefully cut

her side part, you can observe the whole process

vital activity of the queen ant. And if you close the chamber for a few minutes and then open it again, then the uterus... will no longer be there. But she will appear in exactly the same chamber a few tens of meters from the first one!

The same experiment was performed many times: the queen ant was marked with spray paint and the chamber was closed. The uterus was disappearing. And in the new chamber, discovered at a great distance, they found the same

the most marked uterus. She felt great and ate

And laid eggs. It is impossible to imagine that atta ants in a short time - no more than an hour, even several hours (while the experimenters are searching for the second chamber) - time manage to dig a tunnel several tens of meters long and build a new “concrete chamber”

And drag the uterus there. According to the famous researcher of the mysteries of the animal world, Ivan Sanderson, the results of experiments indicate that the Atta created a teleportation system for the most important members of their society, which works in emergency situations.

It’s interesting how these comrades reproduce

probably like ants. Then we are like caterpillars for ants on a planetary scale.

Teleportation from the perspective of modern physics. (3 of 32)

Human teleportation

Not long before the premiere, a very unusual event took place within the walls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), related to the imminent release of the science fiction film “Teleport” (Jumper), which will premiere this year. Actor Hayden Christensen, performer leading role, and the film's director Doug

Doug Liman met with physicists Max Tegmark and Edward Farhi to show them scenes from the film and to consult on whether it was literate in terms of modern physics. Contrary to the fears of skeptics, scientists responded to the picture quite positively and agreed that there is nothing fundamentally impossible in “Teleport” and human teleportation.

The film tells the story of a young man who unexpectedly discovers the ability to teleport to an arbitrary point on the planet. Their

He uses his unusual abilities in a rather ordinary way - he robs banks for personal enrichment. In the end, the hero finds himself involved in a war between the same “jumpers” as himself, and a group of mysterious ill-wishers who decided to destroy the upstarts. Watch the official trailers for the film "Teleport" (they (4 of 32)

Human teleportation

will be useful to us):

UFO teleportation.

Well what can I say, look:

Human teleportation.

This video is not a person, but even cooler.

I have already written about human teleportation. It was humble and raw material. Time has passed, I tried a lot of things and I want to share it with you. To achieve a practical result to gain

ability to teleport, I use the knowledge of the Merkabah and the Merkabah itself as an electromagnetic field that does the work of moving my body and consciousness through space. You can read what I understand by the word Merkabah here. This will give you a better understanding of what I

I want to say in this section.

Now let's talk about who the teleporter is. This is a person whose worldview is fundamentally different from the worldview of ordinary people. What are these differences?

1. The teleporter sees 360 degrees. More precisely, from a single center and in all directions. This is a person, as it is now customary to say, who

sees with the brain. And he sees with his brain not only in front but also in all directions from a single center. Who chooses himself. (5 of 32)

Human teleportation (6 of 32)

Human teleportation

2. This is a person without emotional attachments to other people. A person who is not connected by energetic connections with others

people. Emotional connections with other people are one of the first problems on the path to teleportation. And I myself have more than enough of these problems. When

I I accelerated my Merkabah to speeds at which teleportation is possible. Merkabah opened portals to other people. A

teleporting into another person is not possible; you are immediately pushed back to the place from which you opened the portal. In a word, I've seen enough

I there are quite a few horrors. And these emotional connections, I tell you, are not so weak. I would compare them to a hook and line, with the hook in your skin. When you start to tear out of yourself the bonds that connect you with other people, the pain is terrible. And note in the film, both teleporters are lonely people with no attachment to anyone. After all, in order to jump in space, the Merkabah fields, or call them as you prefer, must be clean. Because if they contain the energy of another person, you

You will attract this person to you as you attract the place you are jumping into and you will get a terrible picture of which I have seen enough as a result

There are quite a few experiments of our own. As a result of the fact that I had a relaxed attitude towards the fact that I was still connected to other people. So if you want to master teleportation, the first thing you need to do is break

all emotional connections with other people. And keep the electromagnetic fields around your body clean. Remember, David told his girlfriend that the first time might hurt. Why does it hurt? Because he is his electromagnetic field will break all emotional ties with other people, and I’ll tell you this, it can be very painful, almost like pulling a fishing line with all your strength and the hook is caught in your skin.

To remove these connections, Cakstaneda would advise you to recapitulate,

I I advise you to use Merkaba technology and

recapitulation at the same time. Don Juan, like Castaneda, were also teleporters, but they looked at these processes of human teleportation from other positions. There is also evidence that Nikola Tesla

had the ability of teleportation and could instantly transport other people over long distances. Here's what Drunvalo Melchisidek says about teleportation:

With the help of Merkabah you can quickly move in space, (7 of 32)

Human teleportation

maintaining their integrity, and this teleportation effect will have

people living on Novaya Zemlya. There will be no railway roads, cars, or air transport, since all this will no longer be needed. On

The Earth in the Three-Dimensional World has teleportation Tibetan Lamas, yoga

- those who have achieved high degree enlightenment, immortals (living in the city of immortals), as well as Great Initiated Teachers, but Their presence is a secret for everyone until the end. Sorcerers and Black Magicians also have this knowledge, and there are quite a few of them on Earth. There are especially many of them in Africa, Western America, Mexico, and the USA. The conclusion is that everything normal people teleports)).

3. Teleport is a person who is aware of his entire body, clothes and the electromagnetic field around him and inside the body. Center

electro magnetic field selects the teleport itself in the film, it is clear that David used the center of the solar plexus there. Look at Da Vinci's canon with Drunvalo Melchisidek's drawings (drawings of parts of the Merkabah) superimposed on it. In the figure, the center of the solar plexus is circled.

The energy center itself is located inside the body. And the electromagnetic field can be in the form of a sphere or a cocoon, whichever is more convenient for you. Please note that at the teleportation point where David lands, spherical depressions remain. This can be seen during the first robbery.

bank by David and when he teleported his dead father to the hospital. Here is one of these two episodes. (8 of 32)

Human teleportation

And let me tell you, the film was shot with high quality and skill. As for the fields, Merkabah is field geometric shapes, which are around the planets of the stars of people and so on around everything. Definitely about planets, stars and people! This has been proven and shown by quantum and astrophysicists using some kind of ultra-sensitive instruments, and these fields can be observed on monitor screens, including using modern satellites. Remember the phrase in the film [We are searching through its points]. The fact is that the active magnetized fields of Merkabah are visible from satellites. And the points referred to in the phrase from the film are electromagnetic bursts when you use your electromagnetic

you bend space with a field and teleport from point A to point B. And those guys with their technologies who were chasing teleports to (9 of 32)

Human teleportation

the movie is just losers compared to those who will be chasing you

V reality, if you decide to wobble)). We'll talk about this below.

4. A teleporter is a person who easily controls electromagnetic energy. The energy to perform teleportation is like

times electromagnetic energy. A teleporter can be called a human magnet. Since he, with his gravitational electromagnetic field, is capable of attracting places to which he wants to move. By the way, the teleport doesn’t jump anywhere into any holes, this is a misconception caused by an incorrect worldview and the fact that we are observing the teleportation process

from the outside (as an outside observer, but this statement is ambiguous). When teleporting, you do not move in space, but space moves around you (relative to you). You know

how video games work. Let's take Counter-Strike for example. There, the game character stands still and the terrain moves relative to him. But you probably won’t argue that it seems to be moving relative to the terrain. And within the framework of your incorrectly specially formed

worldview, many are 100% sure that it is the character in the game who moves and the walls stand. This is of course not familiar and not easy to understand, but it is so. So if you practice, don’t try to jump into the portal)) This is stupidity. I have no evidence, but most likely the ordinary world works the same way.

We are fixed at the zero point and holograms move around us which we interpret as real world. By the way, theory single field just proves that the universe is holographic. This is a theory that

Einstein worked in his last years but never came up with it [Unified Field Theory is a theory that combines all the laws and theories, and also describes the structure of the universe]. Einstein did not deduce it, but NASA scientists did it a few years ago. They deduced and proved that the universe is holographic, and as you know, from one piece of a hologram you can restore the whole picture, and from one piece of the universe you can recreate the entire universe. Here is an example of a piece of the universe: (10 of 32)

Human teleportation

Also, if you take a part of a person as a piece and go to minus infinity (like looking through a microscope) while examining the one located at

us a piece of the universe. Then in this piece you can see distant stars and planets of the universe of which this piece is a part. In short, in a piece of your nail you can see and receive information about the distant stars of our universe of which this piece is a part. It also follows from this theory that your nail is located in every point of the universe at the same time, since through it you can look into every point of the universe. This theory has also proven that we are all

one whole and inseparable from each other and from the entire universe. Now science says that we live in a haloplane. Before this, the Mayans talked about this. And what’s interesting is that anthropologists and archaeologists did not find more than one wheel or cart in their culture. Marvelous! Not really, why do teleporters need a cart? Maya is translated as illusion. Few people know that it was a civilization of teleporters. And where did they disappear with their entire civilization? Let everyone give their own answer to this question.

And think about it, for you there is no difference (returning to human teleportation) whether you move relative to matter (holograms) or matter (holograms) move relative to you, everything will be as it was. The difference is very difficult to discern. Play whatever

computer game, which are all tripled according to the same principle, the character stands

A the terrain is moving. After all, you wouldn’t even think that this is so without knowing how they (video games) are made. Also in reality, you are fixed at the zero point

A holograms move around you (and the zero point energy is infinity). This is why the teleport “jumps” as much as it wants. After all, energy (11 of 32)

Human teleportation

this is the ability of a body or field to do work and since energy

jump endlessly and jump in space as much as you want. And all these abilities are hindered by incorrect knowledge that was deliberately and forcibly drilled into our heads and the incorrect worldview that was formed in us through parents, school, institute, society, TV in order to close us beyond our abilities and turn us into slaves. This is certainly not clever and not pleasant to hear, but it is true. I am writing this for you

understood what you would have to change to achieve practical results. Let's make a short summary before continuing.

And so human teleportation is an ability that consists of several abilities at once:

1. See with your brain. See with your eyes closed. The most accurate definition is to see directly with your consciousness, to see the electromagnetic field that surrounds you, which you are aware of and which does the work of moving you in space. You can say the field of your consciousness and your electromagnetic field are mixed to the point that they are a single whole.

2. Be aware of the electromagnetic field around you in the form of a sphere. Or if you don’t use Merkabah, be aware of the electromagnetic field around you (you choose the form, it could be a cocoon or something else). (12 of 32)

Human teleportation

3. Have the ability to create a strong electromagnetic attraction. Simply speaking, attract the places you want to go to.

This is what a person who wants to become a teleporter should be able to do (but that’s not all). Now let's talk about the types of human teleportation.

Types of teleportation.

I divide human teleportation into two types. Human teleportation

V within direct vision, for example, at a distance of 30 meters from the place where you are now. And teleportation of a person over long distances, for example to another city. What is the difference? The difference here is that in the first case there is an instantaneous movement from point A to point B. And in the second case, a person’s teleportation will be instantaneous only for an outside observer. But not always for teleport. Since when teleporting a person over long distances, the teleporter can move through the portal. And for him, movement through the portal will take some time. And at first this time may seem endless. Because the bumpiness there is terrible when you fly through the portal for the first time. You

twists, turns, turns over. But the worst thing is that if you do something wrong, twitch or anything else, you can be carried to the wall of the portal and, having flown out of it through the wall, you can end up anywhere. In any part of the universe! When I teleported for the first time on a small Merkabah, I was twisted and turned over this way and that, in general, the bumpiness was terrible and I realized that I might not make it and that I might be thrown

on the wall of the portal. I concentrated all my attention on the place I saw

V end of the portal and into which he made the “jump”. What’s most interesting about the inside of the portal is that it twists and turns just horribly, but in the end you don’t roll out head over heels, you are gently put on your feet. Then for some time you observe open portals around you into which you can also jump. Then, moving away from the landing site, everything becomes normal and stable. The Little Merkabah is a Merkabah within a Merkabah. All the same (13 of 32)

Human teleportation

The only thing is that the small Merkabah is smaller than the large one.

The picture below is a large Merkabah reactor. Do you see the same star in the nutria?

only smaller is the reactor of the little Merkabah that we were talking about. You take off on a small Merkabah from a large one and train so that you don’t move your horses if you do something wrong, it’s very convenient, I recommend it.

The human teleportation we are talking about here is the so-called hole teleportation. A teleporter at the beginning of the teleportation process has the state of a particle, then a wave, then again a particle. Particle

wave particle. The wave is the same as a mental wave. After all, walls and barriers do not interfere with thoughts, just like, for example, radio waves. Moreover, the speed of movement of thoughts, what can I say, is high)) An example of the transformation of a teleport

V wave and then again into a particle, it is clearly visible when David came to talk with Mark, who was sitting behind bars because he was found in a money vault, not without the participation of David himself. Remember at the end of the conversation, David teleports through Mark and the wall to the lair of the second teleport somewhere

V desert. And in this scene you can clearly see how he turns from a particle into a wave. There is also a very revealing episode which, by the way, was not there

V The Russian version of the film is still in the same place where David talks to Mark in prison. Here

V This foreign video shows David's transformation into a wave and back

V particle. This episode is 1:37 seconds long: (14 of 32)

Human teleportation

And so human teleportation can be divided into two types. The first one then turns out to be purely hole teleportation of a person, like stepping over a threshold leaving a hole in space. And portal teleportation of a person when the teleport moves through the portal for a certain time to

destination. Hole teleportation of a person, as far as I can judge from my own experiences, is a movement through space (the walls of a house), a movement when you represent a field and move at a very high speed. And portal teleportation of a person when you move through a portal to your destination. Portal

human teleportation is the teleportation of a person over long distances, and in the portal you can be in the form of a wave or in the form of a particle. That is, in order to enter the portal you become a wave, in the portal you again take on the form of a particle (you move through the portal in your

normal state) and to exit the portal you again become a wave and then again a particle. In short, this is the scheme. [Particle]-[wave]-[particle]-[movement in the portal]-[wave]-[particle]. And this all happens on its own. The most important thing when moving through a portal is to focus all your attention on the place where you are teleporting

And which you see at the end of the portal. Since there are different branches possible in the portal, and if you direct too much into these branches

a lot of your attention [since other worlds are visible through these branches] can pull you into one of these branches and you will jump out somewhere at the other end of the universe. Which in general is not scary if your memory

And the ability to teleport will remain. In my opinion, the portal is formed due to the fact that the teleporter does not have enough energy to properly attract the wall of the sphere that contains the distant place. But

he has enough energy to set up two spaces. The place from where he teleports and the place to. That is, imagine two planes, they will look like planes to you, since with large sizes of spheres holding space, their walls will seem like flat planes to people like us. And when the teleport only has enough energy to attract two walls and adjust them, as a result of such a resonance between these two spaces, a tunnel is formed through which the teleport moves from point A to point B. (15 of 32)

Human teleportation

Using this drawing I want to show only two planes that are included

V resonance (they tuned in) then began to move away from each other (after all, the teleport initially attracted them to each other) and due to the distance and resonance between them, a connection was formed in the form of a portal through which the teleport moves from melancholy A to current B. But this is not the picture they are so beautiful

V in reality they are different. Of different lengths and geometries (all sorts of curved ones with branches and so on). Everything seems clear here. Be sure to imagine in your mind what I am talking about. Both from the position of an outside observer and from the position of someone who has the ability to teleport. That is, imagine yourself as a teleporter who does

all these things with space. This will give you a complete understanding of what I’m talking about here, since when I press the keyboard keys, I see everything I’m writing about and stand from a different position (an outside observer and teleport). And if you can’t imagine in your mind what I’m writing about, it means most of the information simply does not reach you. This is important, especially for those who

V Seriously wants to learn how to teleport a person. Let's try again)).

Look at the picture. Imagine that two planes are not connected by a spatial tunnel. Then you, as an outside observer, see how the teleport attracts one wall to another (curves space) and adjusts them and turns into a wave, (16 of 32)

Human teleportation

moves through the tunnel and ends up on the other side of the portal turns

from wave to particle, leaving behind an open tunnel that begins to close.

Now we look at all this through the eyes of a teleporter. You are in front of a wall of space, your consciousness permeates it (space is like everything in the universe), then you attract another wall of space, become a wave and the attracted wall passes through you. Then you, in a wave state, rush through space (at the speed of light or so) and it is your Merkabah that carries you.

Then, from the state of a wave upon arrival, you become a particle again and go about your business in the space where you moved. It's simple!

Now let's talk about memory. This is a very important aspect. Many people have big problems with this. If you lose it after teleportation, you're screwed)). At the moment, if you are not doing Merkabah, your memory is retained by the electromagnetic field of the planet. Which is created (17 of 32)

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as a result of the rotation of a soft core around a hard one. And if you don't

If you have your own electromagnetic field, for example Merkaba, then as a result of the upcoming event when the pole reversal occurs, you will lose your memory. The consequences of memory loss for you will be terrible. Those who do not practice lucid dreaming, remember, you don’t remember when you sleep who you are and what you recently went to bed and what you are sleeping now. So? And why? Because in parallel worlds your memory is gone, it remains in our world. If we talk about the teleportation of a person only on our planet, then there probably won’t be anything terrible, since having teleported to one of the places on our planet, you will again connect to the energy information field of our planet where there is

your memory. But if you somehow, without the ability to retain your memory, move to another planet in the energy-informational field of which your memory does not exist, then you will definitely remain there for a long time. So take care of this issue, otherwise teleportation may be dangerous for you. Because if you are thrown somewhere you don’t want and you lose your memory without having your own electromagnetic field (in which it is recorded and by which it is retained). It will all be over for you. In this matter, I chose the electromagnetic field of Merkabah and almost regret it.

And this is the optimal choice because there are the same fields around planets and stars. In other matters, we talked about this above.


Now let's move directly to the teleport ability itself. And we won’t repeat ourselves too much. I hope you are the one who really wants to learn this and has enough audacity and courage to jump through infinity. After all, when jumping from one place to another, you are jumping through infinity (according to the theory of hole teleportation). Theory is good, of course, but it always comes down to practice. Let's go to her and

let’s say what’s the point of theory if your qualities and skills are not enough to achieve a practical result. Don Juan also said what's the point (18 of 32)

Human teleportation

from knowledge if it cannot be applied in practice. Or what good is it to you

from working knowledge if you yourself cannot apply it in practice)) (Reasons may be different)

If you are ready to practice day and night 24 hours a day and have nothing to do other than develop the ability to teleport a person, then let's get started.

The first thing you need to do is to tear yourself out of the ordinary world with which you are tightly connected. This means cutting off all energetic ties with other people, in the language of Castaneda, and doing a recapitulation. We are connected to all people in different ways, with some by cables and threads and with others by ropes. And many people call these connections holes in your energy through which energy goes into the past. I myself used to think so until my worldview became three-dimensional, volumetric, which is what it should be

in a person who wants to jump in space. And these holes, connections between me

And other people ceased to be holes for me; I began to see them as hooks. Hooks between me and another person or between me and a group of people. How to tear yourself out of the web of society, the threads of which are these energy connections between people, and the nodes are people themselves? Do Merkabah meditation, cutting off energy connections with the lids of tetrahedrons. And also do a recapitulation where the hold is difficult

And demands to be unraveled.

[Read about all this in more detail in the information " Large section on Merkabah»]

Then, if you are a hybrid between an alien and a human, you will have to get rid of this alien, more about this in the book “Slave

never seen freedom" It’s these settlers who are weaving a web out of us.

and with our own hands. Just don’t be afraid of them, they are not strong, they are very smart. You are hundreds and thousands of times stronger than them. But that's all in the book. And so your ultimate goal is to cleanse the electromagnetic field around your body so that there is no junk in it and it is not connected with the fields of other people.

In the place where the clearing of the Merkabah fields begins (19 of 32)

Human teleportation

You will also have to change your diet. Look, your body is in the center of the Merkabah reactor.

And it should be pure light, pure water that is energized. What do we do three times a day? We pour sand, chemicals, carrion, and so on into the reactor of our starship; to put it bluntly, we fill our UFO with slop. (20 of 32)

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for more (to put it mildly). Look at these beautiful

electromagnetic fields in the form of flying saucers that are around your bodies in which your divine consciousness lives, which is you. And this is just a black and white drawing! You can’t even imagine what beauty it really is when you begin to see with your consciousness. After you look at the miracle of Merkabah geometry, you press the “buttons” and start looking at those who show off with Porsches and Mercedes with a grin. Realizing what you have. Moreover, these fields can be alive and you, using your starships and knowledge of Merkabah, can travel throughout the universe. These fields are not the result of meditation and imagination - they are

was created along with your body. Created by the Creator so that you can be completely free. Since he the creator gave us all the gift of free will. Well, so to speak, a complete set for this endless and divine freedom. I'm talking about the Creator who created all these galaxies, universes and so on. (21 of 32)

Human teleportation (22 of 32)

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What could it cost him to create such a wonderful vehicle as the Merkaba in place of his body? This is simple and pleasant for him, as a sign of the manifestation of his divine will and power in relation to us (his creations)!

Look how simply harmonious and effective everything is! But let's get back to food. (23 of 32)

Human teleportation

What I advise you to eat:

1. The first is pure natural drinking water not from a store, but from anywhere, from a source or from a clean well. In such water there is precisely the electromagnetic energy that we so need in order to recharge, magnetize the Merkabah and pull it out of those barracks in which we sit stoned with drugs (food, alcohol, drugs), sit and watch TV like zombies (which is what TV does to people).

2. Your food should be live, raw. The more moisture, the better you remember, you are 85% water, even your bones are 25% water. An example of what you should write about is wheat germ and what you grow in your grandmother’s garden. Also, any apples produced by us are definitely not a product of genetic engineering. The salmon there is lightly salted and so on. Write the selection criterion as follows. It must be live and raw and also environmentally friendly, non-GMO and E additives. You can be indignant all you want, but in edible food stores it’s about 1%. This was done specifically to reduce the planet's population - more details in the book.

3. It's not overeating a common person consumes food 8 times more than he actually needs. He constantly overeats. How can I practice if, according to the imposed worldview system, I have to eat 3.5 times a day. And there is slop! Once a day is usually enough. This doesn’t mean you have to eat everything you previously ate in a day in one sitting. Not at all, we ate wheat there, butter made from natural milk, apples from near Voronezh, then after a while we got some salmon and that was enough. But the most important thing is to drink as much as possible per day. natural water You shouldn't overdo it either. As for meat, eat 150 grams of kebab once a week, which is more than enough. After all, if you eat food rich in all useful substances, then the body will be provided with everything (although

and the amount of food may be small). Ordinary people They eat like horses because they are zombified and don’t understand anything about nutrition. In most cases, a person begins to eat not because the body asks, but because he wants to experience the taste of food. See the difference. The body will live on its own reserves for a couple of days and nothing will happen. But

that drug-addicted consciousness that lives in him in these couple of days will go crazy without a dose of what the taste of food is. We have an emotional attachment to food and not eternal hunger. I'm not even talking about cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

The next thing you have to do is learn to adjust your emotional state. Nowadays devices do this for you and (24 of 32)

Human teleportation

drugs. TV, radio (music), tobacco, alcohol, drugs,

food. Some people can’t help but fall asleep doing something like homework without something playing or singing in the background. Someone cannot live without beer, cigarettes, drugs, this calms them down, these things adjust the emotional state of a person for him, that’s why he

tied to him. I wonder how many kilometers can you drive in a car without music?)

But these things provide only an imaginary balance; in fact, music (depending on what kind), alcohol, and drugs unbalance a person. And in order for the system (person) to at least somehow support him, he needs to speed up so that the events around him rush by at high speed. In our opinion, he gets into motion, he starts calling everyone to ask what they are doing and so on...

You will have to give up all this. Since you will be working with powerful energies, if used incorrectly you can experience a lot of physical and emotional pain. After all, Merkaba is controlled by feelings and does what you think and feel. Moreover, to increase the power of your consciousness, you will have to sit alone in a dark room a lot, either doing a recapitulation and breaking ties with other people, or sit in inner silence and maintain the Merkabah balance. Then you will have to learn to hold the world with the power of your consciousness. And this is not easy at first, because the consciousness cannot withstand the load and throws the “Merkaba steering wheel”; the body relaxes, the Merkaba is discharged, the electromagnetic energy dissipates and we have to start all over again. This usually happens when you cannot control the power of the Merkabah. That is, in the required mode, your consciousness cannot work for long, but it needs to be constant, but with practice, consciousness grows and increases its strength and everything becomes easier and easier. In short, your task will learn

achieve balance and maintain it. That is, you are upset about something or have had enough of everything and in order to change your emotional mood you want to get drunk, forget yourself in swirls, and so on.

And if you can’t do without it, then you are not yet ready for teleportation. I also understand if you are already someone who has human teleportation. Then there are no problems, but if you are studying, then you need to give up all this and put your emotional state in order on your own without foreign substances. Anyone who begins to learn human teleportation should not drink at all, not even beer as this

slows down the rotation of the Merkabah. Especially nowadays when alcohol is made (25 of 32)

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according to the scheme, the more deadly the better. In a word, he is almost everywhere

complete crap, even in a club for 4000 thousand a bottle the price is decent and the effect and consequences are complete crap. I have tried a lot of things and price is not always a guarantee of quality. The most awesome alcohol I've ever drunk is rum from Thailand, it costs 115 rubles for a 30 ml bottle. There is no headache, no residual effect, nothing. I didn’t even think that this was possible in terms of alcohol)) And not any kind of sex, because in order for you to learn to jump in space, you need all the energy you can have. Then when you learn as much as you want. In the meantime, adjust your emotional state yourself!)))

What about drugs? Drugs accelerate mental activity, increase the speed of rotation of the Merkaba and unbalance it by provoking chaotic, unfounded feelings (Merkaba is controlled by feelings), that is, you fly in the space of options

with a drugged head that has just been hit a couple of times through the egregor of the drug and the drug presses all the buttons at once. Under this effect, you need to maintain your balance, and once you maintain it, you must constantly maintain it. In general, they will not help you, since you immediately, through the drug, unite with other people through the egregor of the drug. On the contrary, we do not need people, but places and our own Merkabah balance. So they don’t skate unless it’s to practice some specific skills. But you will have to figure this out yourself.

The third thing that needs to be changed is the worldview, knowledge about the world and the universe.

Since they are no good if you use the knowledge that you received at school and institute, as well as from our corrupt scientists who derive the laws and theories that they are told and for which they are paid. Not everyone is like that, of course, but the majority are. Usually, the most stupid knowledge and theories are released to the masses and the most valuable ones are classified. Think for yourself why a slave needs knowledge and technology that works 100%; he can use it to become free and free others. Therefore, they do the following: they take the working theory and remake it so that it works, only 10% of its full power is useful, and they leak it to us idiots, we spend a long time figuring out what’s what until life ends, and of course we work all this time.

If you want to become a teleporter, you need to realize a lot of new things and look at the world from completely different perspectives. After all, if we consider such an ability and technology as human teleportation seriously. All school and college physics, philosophy and everything in general (26 of 32)

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We were taught that we should just throw it in the trash.

You need to start “throwing it out” by determining where the network is and where everyone else is. It's simple. The most fundamental part in your mind

this consciousness I Am is a piece of the Spirit (Creator), which knows that it simply exists.

AND you must understand that you are not the body, but the consciousness that lives in the body. Close your eyes and become aware of the part of I Am. This is you, your immortal part. Then derivatives come from it: you are the one who develops the ability of teleportation, the one who loves sports, the one who deceives girls, and so on. That is, your personality consists of subpersonalities (parts of personalities like a nesting doll). And the funny thing is that superhumans or extraterrestrials (aliens) create a subpersonality (a copy of you) in their minds, then they attach you to you and control you through it. Since you cannot distinguish your own from strangers. Yes, and understand where you feel and think, and where

They do this for you, encouraging you to act as they need. It's all over the place.

AND your task is precisely to become whole. After all, this

a hostile consciousness, human or alien, can also be an adapter for removing energy potential from you, for example, that precious electromagnetic energy that is needed for

feel the lid of the solar tetrahedron))

Then you need to understand that the teleporter doesn’t jump anywhere, it’s only from an outside observer that it seems like it’s a jump. In fact, the teleport moves space itself relative to itself. And then

moves relative to space. And this is what actually happens when you walk. In fact, space moves around you and you are fixed. It's hard to understand but what to do. But I can not (27 of 32)

Human teleportation

this is unequivocally stated. That we are 100% fixed and only

space moves relative to us. In my opinion, both are possible at the same time.

Here's another interesting fact. Do you know that we don't touch anything? Even before contact, electrons produce a discharge and repel other electrons, so we don’t touch anything. Read more. The shoe consists of atoms, electrons spin around the nucleus of the atoms, creating a soft electron cloud. The floor is also made of atoms. The shoe steps on the full electrons of the atoms, producing a charge, preventing the two substances from coming into contact. That's why we don't touch anything. After all, an electron never falls on a nucleus. And when we stand on the floor, the electrons of the atoms of two substances constantly cyclically create discharges of electromagnetic energy from the shoes and the floor and we hang. Contacting only the electromagnetic field of the shoe atoms and the electromagnetic field of the floor atoms. And all the laws of physics are just installations in our consciousness and subconscious. Installations for Merkabah to which an ordinary person does not have access and does not strive to gain it. By changing these settings you can fly, and so on and so forth. Superman can be compared

with a cheater in computer game. A cheater is one who changes his own program

And program of the system in its own interests while everyone else plays by the established rules. No one obliges them to comply with them. They simply chose to abide by them, like being so honest towards idiots like themselves. Remember one thing about

Only those laws that you adhere to work for you (whether consciously or not is not important). And for everything to be as you want, do not follow any rules

And laws, except for those whose compliance gives you personally advantages and benefits in abilities or business or something else. This is exactly the rule that those who run everything here adhere to. They set laws for us and those who are slaves in the Soul blindly obey them,

without questioning or raising objections. But the most ancient book says that the Creator gave all beings free will, without any restrictions. And creatures that were more arrogant and vile than others took advantage of this freedom and enslaved many areas of the universe. And here we also have chaos, since everyone is free and free to do whatever they want. But not everyone knows this, and this is not equality and slavery. With this knowledge [Infinite Free Will], the only thing that matters to the one who has this knowledge is how deep you are willing to go. Where is the limit of your consciousness and determination to possess what you choose? And does he exist? (28 of 32)

Human teleportation

Remember your dreams, you are constantly teleporting there; it is so natural for you in a dream that you don’t even notice it. Remember how you get from one dream to another or from one place to another. We were at home, a moment later we found ourselves at the dacha, we stayed at the dacha, then instantly we found ourselves

V Institute. This is real teleportation for you. Moreover, if up to a fraction of a second you remember moving from place to place, then you can see and realize that one place changes another, and you are just standing or walking and stepping from a path in the forest onto the asphalt in the city in which

live. Human teleportation is easy and natural. It’s not natural what was done to us from birth because of which this ability became inaccessible to us. And they did the following to us. They mutilated us as best they could, turning us

V slaves and I am writing for those who do not eat regular store products. By inserting hoses and electrodes into our body, through which the energy potential is constantly removed. Do you know that our body can

supply electricity to a medium-sized metropolis for two whole days. This is not surprising considering that we are living starships.

If you don’t believe me, you’ll probably get out of all this crap and see for yourself. It seems off topic, someone might notice. But

It’s impossible to reach a goal and overcome it if you don’t understand what’s stopping you on the way to it. And the fact that you are most likely connected to the system will greatly disturb you. This is not a matrix, of course, but it will be very similar when you climb out of it “matrix” to freedom. After all, only a free person not tied to anything can teleport. And how is it possible, while connected to the system, to accumulate sufficient potential to bend space and jump through it. When this

Your energy potential is constantly being stripped from you either by the system or by other freaks. Who have already been freed or were born free. And most likely you will have to study in nature, since it is there that there are entire oceans of natural electromagnetic energy. But in the city, in order to use it, you need to transform and organize it. (29 of 32)

Human teleportation

your eyes about it here. You may see black dots in front of

eyes connected by strings. But you will not see the dots themselves, but their projection from behind (the reflection in the mirror into which you look with your eyes). Remember, you probably saw, looking at the sky or the snow before your eyes, luminous spheres that move chaotically (they are so small that we see them as luminous points). And next to it are these dark structures

tied with strings. This is nothing more than the hooks of our consciousness with ourselves in the past, as well as with other people with whom you previously and most likely still communicate. Well, once upon a time these black dots connected by strings were luminous dots that merrily rush around

but as a result of some kind of emotional trauma or something else, the movement of one of the points stopped and a hold was created in time and space. And our Merkabah sphere is now tied by these hooks to other places in space and is distorted because of this. We are also attached to other people. This is all that needs to be untangled in order to jump in space.

After all, human teleportation, as I already said, is natural and easy. You just need to remove everything that interferes with human teleportation. Well, what are these luminous dots, you ask? Which can be observed against the background of the sky or snow. This is you in the past, future and/or in other dimensions. And if the luminous sphere that we see

As early as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena occurred with by different people and objects. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to studying these phenomena. Renowned American explorer Charles Fort first coined the term "teleportation" in 1931 to describe certain paranormal events and phenomena. By this definition he understood the movement of objects and people in time and space. Is this really possible? Has human teleportation been proven? How to learn to travel in time? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

First teleportation

As mentioned earlier, paranormal phenomena called teleportation were noticed back in the first century BC. This happened, for example, with the famous scientist philosopher Apollonius (1st century BC). Flavius ​​Domitian, the Roman emperor, tried him for witchcraft and magic, when he suddenly disappeared from the courtroom and found himself on the other side of the world. And such disappearances were not uncommon. In many prisons, prisoners disappeared without any trace of escape.

Nikola Tesla's experiments

N. Tesla is a Serbian scientist and inventor in the field of radio and electrical engineering. Some of his discoveries were related specifically to the movement of objects over a distance. He believed that teleportation was possible and conducted secret experiments with magnetic fields to prove it. The unit of measurement of magnetic field induction is even named in his honor - Tesla (T). He dedicated his entire life to devices powered by alternating current. In his circles he was often called a genius of all times and peoples and a superman. Indeed, many claimed that he had the gift of foresight, could read minds and even draw information from space. There is a legend that N. Tesla conducted experiments on a military destroyer called Eldridge, and he managed to move this warship 320 kilometers in a fraction of seconds. At the same time, along with the ship, the entire crew in it moved in space. There are rumors that almost all the people on the ship died due to exposure to strong radio-magnetic waves. Those who survived were distraught.

There is another legend associated with the great scientist N. Tesla. Rumor has it that he created a time machine and could move any person or object in space. Based on these assumptions, the film “Prestige” was shot in 2006. Opponents of stories about teleportation believe that this is impossible from the point of view of physics, since in order to move from one place to another, you need to move at super speed, and with such movement the object is destroyed. Accordingly, the question arises: how then does everything come together again?

Quantum human teleportation

Quantum is very small indivisible particle in physics. IN Lately many scientists conduct experiments specifically with the movement of these particles in time and space. If you can move a small particle, then everything else will work out too. Recently, Chinese and Canadian scientists managed to teleport encoded information in particles of light. Of course, for this, quantum channels were used to transmit data, but in the future such experiments could lead to the transfer of information without the use of any transmitters.

Sufi miracles

The followers of the esoteric movement in Islam - the Sufis - also pay a lot of attention to such a concept as “human teleportation”. Almost every famous Sufi teacher knew how to learn to move in space and time. They used this knowledge, as a rule, for the purposes of self-improvement and self-knowledge. Returning to the past allowed them to “learn a lesson” from certain situations, while they went to the future to see what events needed to be changed in the present. There are a huge number of records of how experienced Sufis traveled hundreds of kilometers in order to convey certain knowledge to people.

Venerable Mary and teleportation

This sounds incredible, but the Soviet writer-historian A. Gorbovsky describes in his works that in the 17th century the Venerable Maria, who never left the monastery in which she lived, at certain points in time found herself near Indian settlements in America and told them about Christianity . Later, one of the priests, who went to these tribes for the same purpose, found out that someone had gotten ahead of him. In addition, it became known that the Venerable Mary not only told the Indians about her faith, but also gave them rosaries, crosses and a communion cup. The inhabitants of these lands themselves later clearly described a woman from Europe as exactly like the Venerable Mary. Whether there can be so many coincidences is anyone's guess.

Spontaneous teleportation

If you believe everything that is written above, it actually turns out that cases of human teleportation occurred with different people, in different countries and completely in different time. Of course, there are a huge number of opponents of this phenomenon; they try to explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, refute certain events and, of course, have every right to do so.

Supporters, on the contrary, are looking for evidence and trying to learn how to travel in time. There is an opinion that the first practice of human teleportation, as a rule, occurs completely unexpectedly and spontaneously. Of course, before this you need to study a lot of literature and learn how to enter a certain state. It also happens the other way around, when a person teleports completely consciously and understands exactly what is happening to him. For the first time, this phenomenon is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. In any case, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to learn how to move.

What is needed for teleportation

Most likely, many who want to learn this are wondering where they should start. There is a huge amount of different information on the Internet, some for a fee, some for free. Let's try to structure it and select the most important moments for such an event as teleportation. Learning these techniques is very important to achieve the best results.

First of all, in order to learn teleportation, you need to be able to concentrate on a specific thought.

It sounds very simple, but in reality, when a person closes his eyes and tries to think about only one thing, a variety of subjects and problems constantly flash through his head. Therefore, first you need to master the technique of complete relaxation and turning off absolutely all thoughts. When you can maintain a “blank slate before your eyes” (which means no thoughts) for at least 10 minutes, it means that the first stage is already behind you.

Transferring the astral body

As mentioned earlier, you need to start small, which means it’s not worth traveling through time yet. You need to focus your thoughts on When you are completely relaxed, you need to figuratively try to move “your double” to a very close distance. If, for example, you are meditating on the sofa, then imagine that your astral body gets up from the sofa and stands next to you. You should see the room with “different eyes”, look around: here is a chair, a closet, here you are lying on the sofa, etc. When this exercise is completely successful and you can clearly see all the objects in the room, you can begin to change the distance - first to kitchen, then to your street and so on.

Conscious human teleportation

Only a few know how to learn this technique, but if a person believes in his abilities, he can succeed. If the teleportation of the physical body turns out to be insurmountable, it is necessary to continue training and not retreat. Even moving the astral body through time is already a great success. When a person fully masters this skill, he can think anywhere on the planet and “see through” any situation. Teleportation in time is, of course, more difficult than movement in space, but a huge number of stories on the Internet on this topic still indicate that it is possible. Many practitioners - magicians, Sufis, shamans - claim that the first experience, as a rule, occurs in a dream. On the one hand, a person is already quite trained, but with a high concentration of attention, his body is so tense that he cannot teleport. The situation in a dream radically changes things. A person who has sufficient quantity knowledge, is in complete relaxation, which means his body is ready to move for a split second to another place.

Many scientists and esotericists have dealt in detail with such an issue as human teleportation. How to learn this technique has always been kept in the strictest confidence, and there are reasons for this. Of course, everyone would like to be able to move, but does each of us really need it? How, for example, should we deal with criminals in prisons who could teleport out of there at any moment? In addition, if everyone could be transported wherever they want at any moment, how much would thefts in the world increase, and how would murders be investigated? There are no answers to these and many other questions yet. Of course, teleportation is very interesting and exciting, but we should not forget about real life.