How to enable Russian language on Steam. How to change language on Steam. A way to change the language in a separate game

Steam is one of the largest international services for games and communication. Users can buy licensed products from digital format, use the program as a social network, broadcast gameplays, exchange various items and even earn decent money. This application is simple and accessible, and the interface has never changed globally. Today we’ll talk about how to change the language in Steam, because this issue worries many.

This product was announced 19 years ago. It specializes in the distribution of computer gaming content and has an audience of more than 125 million people. Initially, the resource distributed only Valve products. But currently you can find several thousand games here from various brands and for 3 popular operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X.

It is worth noting that the main software is still adapted for users of the Microsoft platform. Thanks to Steam, you can almost completely change the software interface, including colors, layout of keys, icons, and menus. One of the most important settings is changing the language in Steam to Russian, if it’s easier for you to use the utility that way. At the same time, the service provides support for, for example, Korean, Portuguese and others. In addition, it is possible to transfer and return to reverse order into English and selected gaming products.

Another point is that Steam has restrictions on the use of different applications in some regions. So the translation in such cases will lead to nothing - game programs will not function in Russia if, for example, they were created exclusively for America.

How to change the language on Steam yourself

Many users can easily cope with this task. You can switch to Russian-language design for the entire client, or configure it only for a specific game.

In the first case, it will be more convenient for you to use the application itself, and in the second you can play normally.

How to change the language on Steam for the client

In this case, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • launch the Steam program and log in;
  • select the desired interface language settings, English is set by default;
  • go to the “Settings” subsection;
  • select the “Interface” tab;

  • select the first column, the current one is installed in it. Open the list, scroll to the “Russian” sub-item;
  • Save your changes by clicking “OK”.

The changes will take effect after restarting the program. To do this, look for “Restart Steam” in the menu. It’s so easy to change the settings and make a Russian-language interface to make it more convenient to use.

How to change the language on Steam for a specific game

The majority of PC applications that the user purchases through the service support several language options. By changing it in the settings of the program itself to Russian, the user by default notes that this is the form in which he wants to use the content. So after this the system will automatically offer Russian-language versions. But for some applications you need to select manually. How to change the language in Steam without changing the interface settings? The instructions are simple:

  • go to your profile;
  • look for the game you are interested in in the catalog through the “Search” menu;
  • select “Properties” (Settings, when you haven’t changed anything);
  • go to the Language section or in Russian translation;
  • look for a specific item in the language menu that opens;
  • Click “OK” to save.

If the content selected on Steam supports Russian, only the necessary files will be downloaded to your PC. But often the main English version is also downloaded.

Not all game software developers implement support for Russian, in which case you will have to play the original or wait for the release of an expanded version with translation. You can find out this moment on the game page.

How to change the language in Steam? With the help of the above instructions, you can do this easily and quickly.

Today we will learn with you how to make the Russian language in Steam. There are several meanings here that will have to be sorted out. After all, the algorithm of our actions will depend on this. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Program interface

Well, the first scenario is the one where we will change directly How to make the Russian language in Steam?

For example, you can always resort to changing the settings. There you will find the interface language we need, and not only Russian. After you save the changes and restart the application, all manipulations will take effect. But how to get to the treasured menu?

In order to answer how to make Russian in Steam (or any other language), just go to the program client, then click on the first (leftmost) inscription on the main page. It is simply labeled “Steam”. Next, you will see a list of actions and functions. There you will have to find “options” or simply select the 6th line.

Now, if you want to see “Steam” in Russian, just select “Interface”, and then in the very top parameter set the data we need. In our case, you will have to find “Russian language” and save the changes. Steam will restart. That's it, problems solved. But this is not all that may concern our question today. Let's find out what other ways to solve the problem may be.

For Game

Well, there is another approach. If you are thinking about how to make the Russian language in Steam directly in the game, then you will have to work with the game settings. Let's figure out how this idea can be implemented.

First, it is worth noting that not all Steam games support Russification. Thus, these products will have to be left in English or any other language. But if there is support for Russian localization, then you can try to play a little with the options.

Launch the game and then go to settings. There you should find the "Language" option. In it you set “Russian” and save the changes. As a rule, after this all problems will go away. Sometimes you have to restart. That's all the problems. Now you know how to make the Russian language in Steam.


But what to do if you need to translate the program website? Of course, there is a different approach here. To do this, just install a good browser. All new similar applications have an automatic translation function.

It appears as a separate line at the top of the browser asking if you want to translate the site, as well as a choice of possible languages. It is enough to set the “Russian” parameter and then agree to the request. That's all. The page has been translated. Only the language here will not be particularly correct. Some suggestions may seem strange to you. That's all.

It will be no secret to anyone that the majority of players in modern world prefer online purchases, the only option to buy the boxed version is being considered due to any “goodies” from the publisher that come in the set. The ability to easily update your games, download free or purchase paid add-ons and, of course, play your favorite games alone, with your friends or in the company of players from anywhere in the world - all this is provided by the digital distribution service for games and programs Steam. Below we will figure out how to change the language in Steam and individual games, as well as how to make Steam in Russian in particular.

Steam service

The Steam program was born in 2002 and is the brainchild of game publisher Valve. At first they distributed on the site games only from this company, but over time Steam has become a generally recognized world leader with a customer base of 125 million users, tens of thousands of gaming products and related software from various developers.

The design of the software shell has been changed several times to make it easier for players to navigate the library - from the color scheme to the layout of menus, buttons and icons. Over time, the service has reached the ability to display information in more than 20 languages. It is logical that Russian localization is also on this list.

Changing the language in the game client

By default, the client is installed in English. Initially it was the only one available, but now it is the basic one. To the question of how to switch Steam to Russian, the answer is very simple: when downloading the client from the publisher’s official website.

Why does the problem of changing the language in the program occur? Basically, it appears when you accidentally select the wrong option during the initial installation or due to a failure in the settings during the next client update.

If you do not understand the language in which the program is already installed, say Japanese, then it is better to completely remove the client from your computer. After all, by guessing the names of buttons and tabs and pressing them at random, you can change important game settings for your account. Then you will have to spend a lot of time to set everything up correctly again.

If the language is set correctly, the client will already be in Russian and you only need to confirm the current language settings. After going through the remaining installation steps, at the end you will get a Russian interface.

Let's consider the most common situation - installed in the program English language, and we’ll see step by step how to translate Steam into Russian.

To change language settings, you need to:

A way to change the language in a separate game

Most gaming products on the service have a multilingual platform. If your client is Russian, the proposed games will already have a localized interface and voice acting.

Unfortunately, at the moment, not all games support the Russian language, especially for older games that are found mainly in English. Let's consider manually changing the localization in the game using Steam client.

In order for the interface and voice acting to become Russian in the game you have chosen (if they are localized), you need to do the following:

It will take some time to load package of language files, in a few minutes you will be able to enjoy the translated game product.

As you can see, there is no great difficulty in changing the localization of both the Steam client itself and individual games in its library. In just a few minutes, you will be able to English-Russian dictionary navigate the client and freely use all the functions available in the service.

Steam users quite often make requests to search engine“how to change the language in Steam”, so we described 2 ways to change the language to Russian or English.
The original version of the client is in English, which sometimes causes inconvenience in its use. Especially among those who do not have much knowledge foreign language, or are getting acquainted with Steam for the first time, without having yet studied the menu and features of the program.


Steam was created back in 99 and it mainly distributes games to the computer. Currently, its audience is 125 million people, or even more.

With the help of the Steam service, all current Valve products have begun to be distributed, and now you can find games here from other manufacturers, as well as for different platforms and OS.

But most of applications are still designed for Windows.

Steam client allows you to change the template appearance, the interface of your program, change its color, the location of icons and buttons in the menu. One of the important details of setting up your client is setting the language. How can I change it to Russian?
In addition to the Russian language, there are other languages ​​in Steam, even Chinese and Korean are present. The setup doesn't take that long.

The service also has restrictions for the use of certain applications in some countries and regions.
If the game is intended for the USA, there is no way to launch it in Russia.

2. Change the language in Steam

Changing the language in Steam is a simple process. You can select the Russian language separately for a specific game client, or for the entire Steam.

Changing the language in Steam
To switch the language on Steam to Russian, you must:
- Launch the program and log into your profile using your personal data;
- If the client is English-speaking, go to “ Settings"item, and then to the tab " Interface».

- In place of the language, select from the list “ Russian" and confirm the action.
- After saving the changes, the program will be restarted and translated into Russian.

Change language only for games
It happens that the Steam application does not need to be translated, but some game would like to be translated. It's not that difficult to do, just follow the instructions:
1. Log in to your account as last time;
2. Go to your games, select the one you want, you can use the search;
3. Select “Properties” if Steam is in Russian, “Settings” if in English;
4. Go to the Language tab;
5. Select the desired game language and confirm the action.

If the selected client supports the Russian version, then only Russian files will be downloaded. But more often both versions are downloaded, including the foreign one.