When a person thinks he is right. The "always right" syndrome. How to behave with people who believe that they are right in any situation? A person who considers himself right in everything

Some people consider themselves always and in everything right.

“There are only two opinions: the wrong one and mine!!!” - sound familiar?

You can learn about the problems such a misconception can lead to from this article. Useful and interesting reading, friends.

First, let's find out why we are so afraid to admit that we are wrong.

Most often, we are simply afraid to admit that we are wrong, because it hurts our self-esteem. “Who is he to teach me, I know better!”? - we think and habitually reject any reasonable arguments from our interlocutor.

There are especially advanced cases when almost the whole world tells a person that he is wrong. And what is this man doing? And he still remains true to his only, of course, correct point of view.

That is, the main disadvantage of feeling that you are right always and in everything is the impossibility of learning something new. A person becomes limited by the cage of his mind. Unshakable confidence in one’s own rightness prevents a person from opening up and trusting the world, so he has to sit locked up in his own stronghold of correctness.

If we believe that we are completely right and do not even admit the possibility of the opposite, then it becomes very difficult to talk to us. Judge for yourself, what can you talk about with a person who is stubborn, like, excuse me, a stubborn sheep? You give him arguments, and he answers you: Beeeee! I'm right! Beeeeee!

A person who considers himself always and in everything right greatly slows down his development. We are social creatures and can only develop together. If a child is not raised, he will forever remain at the level of an animal. A similar situation occurs when a person denies all points of view that differ from his own. Of course, in adulthood, society is no longer as important as it was at birth and growing up. But even an adult suffers from a shortage of new ideas and points of view, which he himself rejects. After all, by doing so, he deprives himself of an excellent opportunity to learn something and become better.

Well, yes, we will defend our point of view. But will this make us smarter?

In a dispute, truth is born... This is not entirely true. But if two reasonable person If you disagree with each other and sincerely strive to understand someone else's point of view, then this can really lead to an understanding of something new and broadening the horizons of both parties.

The right person is always deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Yes, there are situations when you need to insist on your own. This is very useful skill. But if you do this always and everywhere, then this, alas, becomes a significant obstacle to development.

Friends, try not just to listen, try to understand him, even if it is not easy. Perhaps you will learn something that will make you better. Perhaps it is the universe itself speaking to you through its lips. And who knows what gift she will give?

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You've probably heard the statement: truth is born in a dispute. This is true, but only in certain circles and under certain circumstances.

For example, in the professional sphere, vigorous discussion is necessary in order to avoid making mistakes, but among scientists, controversy is welcomed for the reason that it allows you to see errors in reasoning that may elude the researchers developing the project. But in everyday communication, as a rule, they only do harm.

Why do people argue?

Before you learn how to stop arguing, you need to understand a little about the nature of this phenomenon. Only knowing the reasons can you understand how to act.

The psychology of the dispute is quite simple

Bickering at the everyday level is often a conflict based on beliefs. Each person has a unique experience and a set of specific beliefs. When he encounters an opinion different from his, the consciousness tries to reject these ideas by expressing his thoughts on this matter. This is the first and most common reason why people argue.

The second reason why people argue is that they are somewhat self-centered. It is easy to meet an individual who does not accept any other opinion than his own. This is most often called: a person who is always right.

There is also an option when a person, through an argument, tries to throw out the negative energy accumulated over the past day. He doesn’t care with whom to argue and on what topic, the main thing is to speak out.

Talking contrary is harmful

If controversy in the scientific community is a useful thing, then speaking contrary to your family and friends is always harmful. There are people who always need to be right, and they like to argue and defend their rightness. However, for most, disputes are exhausting, and they try not to participate in them. But one small provocation - and it still carries them away.

During a skirmish, a lot can be said, including words with which the opponent in the dispute will be greatly offended. As a result, he will be more wary, closed, or even move away from the one who offended him.

How to stop arguing?

First of all, let's look at the most Hard case when a person always wants to be right. Psychologists define such people as having communication complexes.

Why am I always right?

Egocentrism is characteristic of children under 7-8 years of age. After crossing this threshold, they begin to realize that in addition to their beliefs, there are many others. But some, for certain reasons, do not have time to learn to listen to others, as a result of which they continue to follow their line into adulthood.

If you think that you are a person who is always right, you need to work on yourself. Read several books that cover issues that are unfamiliar to you in different ways. You will understand that there are always many opinions on the same problem, but if you look closely at them, they all have a sound grain.

Why am I arguing?

Everyone else is advised to accept that it is not profitable to always be right. Think about what goals you want to achieve and whether arguing will help achieve this. Perhaps it will only aggravate the situation and distance you from what you want to get.

If, nevertheless, your ego forces you to speak contrary, try for a couple of seconds to imagine yourself in the situation in which your opponent is in the argument. For example, a husband who comes home from work is not happy that dinner is not ready yet. Before entering into skirmishes about “who is right and who is wrong,” he should think about what his wife was doing. Maybe she’s been busy with the baby all day, or she’s also just returned from the office half an hour ago. Then what's the point of getting into an argument?

There are people who are right in any situation. How to communicate with such people, how to avoid conflict and even win an argument with them.

Probably everyone has such a friend, or maybe you were even lucky enough to fall in love with such a person, who always believes that he is right and it cannot be any other way. Today we will tell you how to communicate with such people, how to avoid conflict and even win an argument with them.


1. Resist the urge to defend yourself. Understand that you cannot defeat such people in a frontal attack, just remember this. In their opinion, you are the source of all troubles and problems, and you will not change their opinion in any way. Your opinion doesn't matter at all because, by definition, you are already guilty, despite the fact that this is absolutely not the case.

2. Accept the situation as it is. Don’t get excited, yes, there is such a person in front of you.

3. Don’t try to involve another person to solve the problem. This will not solve the problem, and it will convince your interlocutor that he is right.

4. Imagine that there is a child in front of you. Most of all, the behavior of such a person is similar to the behavior of a child. So, just like with a child, you won’t be able to have a reasonable conversation with him.

5. If this is not the first time you communicate with him, then remember what happened before and stop behaving the same way.

6. Don't give in to pressure. It's simple here. A person subconsciously realizes that he was the one who made a mistake, but his nature forces him to behave this way and shift all responsibility onto you.

7. Don't blame, but prepare the facts. Such people are very good at blaming, but easily miss blows with indisputable facts. Moreover, one such blow takes a lot of strength from the attacker.

8. Remember the main slogan of such people: “I can’t be wrong!!!”

9. Banish your thoughts. Be cold and calculating. Don't let your emotions take over. This is exactly what he wants.

10. Be nice and friendly. This turns them on and infuriates them.

11. Be indifferent to emotions. Seeing that the usual tactics do not bear fruit, the attacker himself will begin to get irritated.

12. In an attempt to piss you off, when such a person is driven into a corner, he may begin to pour out on you all the dirt that has accumulated over the entire time you have known each other. There may be some insults, but be cool.

13. All arguments are aimed solely at getting you out. Hold on!

Preparing for a retaliatory attack:

1. Be prudent. Don't rush things.

2. Wait until the person has exhausted his strength.

3. Under no circumstances, even partially, admit your guilt.

5. Don’t let yourself be driven into a corner; from there it will be harder to strike back.

6. Do not allow yourself to lose your own self-esteem under pressure from your opponent.


1. Start with an indisputable fact, on which the opponent is guaranteed to stumble, and continue the attack until he comes to his senses.

2. Tell the person how he currently looks from the outside, but refrain from insults.

3. If the person is your loved one or you do not want to lose touch with him, take care of the future. Use phrases: “Tomorrow you will understand all this, but now I would like ...”

4. Remember that at the end of your attack, you must create such an atmosphere that you can leave calmly. After successfully attacking a person who is “always right,” he needs to be given time to think.

5. Remember similar situations in which he was and how they ultimately ended.

6. Remember that a person will look for an opportunity in your attack to get hold of your personal data. Don't talk about yourself.

7. In front of him you should look indestructible, tolerant and wise.

Probably everyone has such a friend, or maybe you were even lucky enough to love such a person, who always believes that he is right and it cannot be any other way. Today we will tell you how to communicate with such people, how to avoid conflict and even win an argument with them.


1. Resist the urge to defend yourself. Understand that you cannot defeat such people in a frontal attack, just remember this. In their opinion, you are the source of all troubles and problems, and you will not change their opinion in any way. Your opinion doesn't matter because you are already, by definition, guilty, despite the fact that this is absolutely not the case.
2. accept the situation as it is. Don’t get excited, yes, there is such a person in front of you.
3. Do not try to attract another person to solve the problem. This will not solve the problem, and it will convince your interlocutor that he is right.
4. imagine that there is a child in front of you. Most of all, the behavior of such a person is similar to the behavior of a child. So, just like with a child, you won’t be able to have a reasonable conversation with him.
5. if this is not the first time you communicate with him, then remember what happened before and stop behaving the same way.

6. Don't give in to pressure. It's simple here. A person subconsciously realizes that he was the one who made a mistake, but his nature forces him to behave this way and shift all responsibility onto you.
7. do not blame, but prepare the facts. Such people are very good at blaming, but easily miss blows with indisputable facts. Moreover, one such blow takes a lot of strength from the attacker.
8. remember the main slogan of such people: “I can’t be wrong!” 9. drive away your thoughts. Be cold and calculating. Don’t let your emotions take over you. That’s exactly what he wants.
10. be nice and friendly. This turns them on and infuriates them.

11. Be indifferent to emotions. Seeing that the usual tactics do not bear fruit, the attacker himself will begin to get irritated. 12. In an attempt to piss you off, when such a person is driven into a corner, he may begin to pour out on you all the dirt that has accumulated over the entire time you have known each other. There may be some insults, but be cool. 13. All arguments are aimed solely at getting you out. Hold on!

Preparing for a retaliatory attack:
1. be prudent. Don't rush things.
2. Wait until the person has exhausted his strength.
3. In no case, even partially, admit your guilt.
4. Assess how much you need this person in the future in order to choose the strength of your retaliatory strike.
5. Don’t let them drive you into a corner, it will be harder to strike back from there.
6. Do not allow yourself to lose your own self-esteem under pressure from your opponent.

1. start with an indisputable fact on which the opponent is guaranteed to stumble and continue the attack until he comes to his senses.
2. tell the person how he currently looks from the outside, but refrain from insults.
3. if the person is your loved one or you do not want to lose contact with him, take care of the future. Use phrases: “tomorrow you will understand all this, but now I would like to.” 4. remember that at the end of your attack, you must create such an atmosphere so that you can calmly leave. After a successful attack on the person who is “Always Right” “, he needs to be given time to comprehend.
5. remember similar situations in which he was and how they ultimately ended.
6. remember that a person will look for an opportunity in your attack to get hold of your personal data. Don't talk about yourself. 7. In front of him you should look indestructible, tolerant and wise.

There is a group of people with whom it is very difficult to communicate. At first glance, they do not have any special problems; they are smart, well-mannered, and open-minded. But as soon as a “fad” arises, a situation that falls under the taboo, a completely different story begins.

In any situation, even the opposite of what happened five minutes ago, circumstances, other people are to blame, in principle the city is bad, but the person always turns out to be clean. At the same time, he admits that perhaps he is mistaken somewhere. Understands this in abstract conversations, in abstract reasoning. But, as soon as it comes to specific situations and actions, it’s cut off.


Probably everyone has such a friend, or maybe you were even lucky enough to love such a person, who always believes that he is right and it cannot be any other way. Today we will tell you how to communicate with such people, how to avoid conflict and even win an argument with them.

6. Don't give in to pressure. It's simple here. A person subconsciously realizes that he was the one who made a mistake, but his nature forces him to behave this way and shift all responsibility onto you.

7. do not blame, but prepare the facts. Such people are very good at blaming, but easily miss blows with indisputable facts. Moreover, one such blow takes a lot of strength from the attacker.

8. remember the main slogan of such people: “I can’t be wrong!

11. Be indifferent to emotions. Seeing that the usual tactics do not bear fruit, the attacker himself will begin to get irritated.

Preparing for a retaliatory attack:

5. Don’t let them drive you into a corner, it will be harder to strike back from there.

3. if the person is your loved one or you do not want to lose contact with him, take care of the future. Use phrases: “tomorrow you will understand all this, but now I would like to.

"Always Right" Syndrome

There is a group of people with whom it is very difficult to communicate. At first glance, they do not have any special problems; they are smart, well-mannered, and open-minded. But as soon as a “fad” arises, a situation that falls under the taboo, a completely different story begins. In any situation, even the opposite of what happened five minutes ago, circumstances, other people are to blame, in principle the city is bad, but the person always turns out to be clean. At the same time, he admits that perhaps he is mistaken somewhere. Understands this in abstract conversations, in abstract reasoning. But, as soon as it comes to specific situations and actions, it’s cut off.

In my opinion, the actions of such a person are driven by fear. Fear of being wrong, bad, guilty. All events are assessed from the position of the victim, a person who is constantly trying to prove something. Your status, the right to life, independent actions. In any situation, he strives to take a leading position, stay dry, return to the comfortable position of “God”, from which he can better see and maintain imaginary control of the situation. In any development of events, a person is obliged to believe in the option of actions and events that he has chosen. There is no time for reflection, no time to think about unexpected turns. You don’t have to lie, but finding a solution that’s beneficial for yourself that preserves your halo is vital!

And in any situation that goes beyond “I’m good,” this defense kicks in - no matter what, I’m good, competent, strong. This is not the harmonious state of an adult defending his rights, this is the reaction of a child: “I hit you with a shovel - you set yourself up, you shouldn’t have run around here!” - the standard reasoning of such a person. Before our eyes, he turns from an intelligent, reasonable, noble person into a small defending child.

By refusing the possibility of mistakes, without admitting them, a person himself refuses the ability to assess the situation and learn from it.

How to identify this yourself? One of the markers: “it’s just the way people around me are, it’s not my fault, it’s they who act this way, this is how the circumstances developed.” There is nothing that happens to you without your participation. You are responsible (NOT GUILTY) for everything that happens to you.

The second marker that I would highlight is: “everyone around is worse than me.” Perhaps there are a couple of people (usually childhood friends) who are equal in rank, but this does not change the basic setting. Marker modifications: “Everything is worse, but much worse. I have the right to decide what is good and what is bad, even when it does not concern me. I have the right to judge how someone should act, I’m always right.” Again – a “God” marker. These beliefs act as compensation, balancing the real (for you) picture of things. You can really be wonderful person, but if in your soul you are afraid of others, are unsure of yourself, cannot take responsibility for your life, you will be bruised because of this disharmony between your inner feeling and external claims.

If a girl accuses you, most likely you did not do something to resolve this situation. She may be bad, stupid, rude, but you are also responsible for these actions. With someone else she will be completely different. So take responsibility for your life. Has she been bad for ten years and getting worse? Or is your fifth husband beating you to death? Are you involved in this, or is someone else being beaten? They beat you, therefore, you can either defend yourself, leave, break off the relationship, or continue to play this game.

If you start blaming others, what's the point? You are only digging deeper into the swamp. Independently, systematically and inevitably. Instead of drawing conclusions, you punish someone, saddle them with debts, and get offended. Is there a point of no return? I hope not. Rather, I believe in the bottom from which you will have to push off. And while you are going down there, the world is methodically driving you “face down on the asphalt,” throwing you more and more tough, extreme situations.

Perhaps I'm wrong, and these are my stereotypes and speculations - the reader can judge. I don't have a huge sample, but I think my thoughts are somewhat correct. I believe in the principle of similarity: if there are all sheep around, then you are unlikely to be a shepherd. The shepherd always stays on the edge and does not get into the center of the herd. Not because of arrogance or contempt for the sheep, the flock is simply not visible from the center.

I am always right!

Some people consider themselves always and in everything right.

“There are only two opinions: the wrong one and mine. - sound familiar?

You can learn about the problems such a misconception can lead to from this article. Useful and interesting reading, friends.

I am always right!

First, let's find out why we are so afraid to admit that we are wrong.

Most often, we are simply afraid to admit that we are wrong, because it hurts our self-esteem. “Who is he to teach me, I know better!”? - we think and habitually reject any reasonable arguments from our interlocutor.

There are especially advanced cases when almost the whole world tells a person that he is wrong. And what is this man doing? HE IS OFFENDED. And he still remains true to his only, of course, correct point of view.

That is, the main disadvantage of feeling that you are right always and in everything is the inability to accept constructive criticism and learn something new. A person becomes limited by the cage of his mind. Unshakable confidence in one’s own rightness prevents a person from opening up and trusting the world, so he has to sit locked up in his own stronghold of correctness.

If we believe that we are completely right and do not even admit the possibility of the opposite, then it becomes very difficult to talk to us. Judge for yourself, what can you talk about with a person who is stubborn, like, excuse me, a stubborn sheep? You give him arguments, and he answers you: Beeeee! I'm right! Beeeeee!

A person who considers himself always and in everything right greatly slows down his development. We are social creatures and can only develop together. If a child is not raised, he will forever remain at the level of an animal. A similar situation occurs when a person denies all points of view that differ from his own. Of course, in adulthood, society is no longer as important as it was at birth and growing up. But even an adult suffers from a shortage of new ideas and points of view, which he himself rejects. After all, by doing so, he deprives himself of an excellent opportunity to learn something and become better.

Well, yes, we will defend our point of view. But will this make us smarter?

In a dispute, truth is born... This is not entirely true. But if two reasonable people disagree and sincerely seek to understand the other's point of view, then this can actually lead to understanding something new and broadening the horizons of both parties.

The right person is always deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Yes, there are situations when you need to insist on your own. This is a very useful skill. But if you do this always and everywhere, then this, alas, becomes a significant obstacle to development.

Friends, try not just to listen, but to hear your interlocutor. Try to understand him, even if it is not easy. Perhaps you will learn something that will make you better. Perhaps it is the universe itself speaking to you through its lips. And who knows what gift she will give?

School of Harmony Awareness

There are two main extremes that prevent a person from opening up throughout life: the victim mentality and the Lucifer syndrome.

Basic behavior patterns of victims.


Transfers personal responsibility for his life to other people, using his inability to gain their support and attention. He entrusts his existence to others, while constantly reminding him that he is helpless and cannot be forgotten. Manipulates people even in adulthood, putting pressure on another person’s feelings of guilt. His usual speech sounds like this: “if I had health (money, time, knowledge or any other resource), then I would definitely help you, but my life turned out worse than yours, you cannot turn away from me “I’ll be lost without you.” The people he addresses develop a feeling of guilt that everything is fine with them - as a result, they make concessions and indulge the scammer.


Constantly giving in and acquiescing to the wishes of others. A completely lost soul because he traded his inner nature for social approval. As a result, there is a lack of inner core and self-realization, which leads to a constant search for approval from the outside. About such a person we can say: “today ours, tomorrow yours.” Nothing can be trusted; it can betray you at any moment. He cannot be left alone, because he understands that he is a dummy. Completely lost individuality.


Compensates for his low self-esteem by becoming responsible for others. He likes to use himself as an example as a person who would go into the fire for his friends. But these are just words. Focusing on others allows you to mask all your unresolved problems. Usually he does not love himself, so he demands that others love him, thereby maintaining the illusion that life is not without meaning. If a person does not live up to their expectations, he turns him into his enemy and will fight with him for the rest of his life. Judgment is the favorite pastime of this category.


Feels safe only by being in control of everything and everyone. He goes through life thinking that he is always right and only others are wrong. A true dogma, overly suspicious, cannot trust or rely on anyone. As a result, it depletes its nervous system, which leads to decreased health. Since everyone has their own opinion, he falls into the sphere of stereotypical thinking, closing himself off from life and its miracles in advance. In old age he becomes a petty, grumpy tyrant.

The victim mentality is based on the fear of losing the feeling of being needed and attention to one’s person. If you notice similar shortcomings in yourself, you need to do something about it. Suppression of the chakras will not lead to anything good. Not only will energy constantly circulate below, but also the mechanisms of premature aging and decreased health will start. I'm not even saying that emotional level depression, despondency, self-pity, resentment, melancholy, sadness will become your life companions.

You must understand that in the outside world nothing in itself will change until you change from within. And therefore, the main task at the first stage will be to bring the request to zero. Expectations always give rise to complaints, and at the same time a tormented sense of self-importance. Your idea of ​​the world may have nothing to do with the world. So leave the Whole on its own, and it will give you what you need, and not what your false ego, inflamed by personal ambitions, has drawn. To bring yourself into a state of inner balance, you need to ask God to take guidance from you. life path. If you have faith, then a state of submission and humility will help you find yourself, and then you need to reveal your potential within the framework of your destiny, not forgetting to enjoy life and its games.

If the first extreme blocks the flow of energy for a person who comes from below from the roots, then the next one closes him from the Divine flows that launch the higher centers.

Lucifer syndrome is an interesting phenomenon that began to manifest itself with a massive human passion for the sciences of self-awareness and self-development. Now almost every second person is a guru who claims to know the ultimate truth, and everyone around him is a gray faceless mass that distracts him from his Divinity. Think about why Lucifer fell? He was second after God, had enormous knowledge and power, but something was missing... Love.

Try to understand that the imbalance of knowledge over Love leads to the fall of the soul. As Marcus Aurelius said: “In many knowledges are many sorrows.” Another philosopher Michel de Montaigne said: “Just as plants wither from an excessive abundance of moisture, and lamps from an abundance of oil, so the human mind, with excessive activities and an abundance of knowledge, cluttered and suppressed by their endless variety, loses the ability to understand this clutter and under the burden of an unbearable load it bends and withers.”

They are absolutely right. Knowledge burdens a person, and if it has not yet been realized in him, then it begins to put pressure on him, creating nervousness and aggression towards to the outside world. When we receive information that we want to implement, we automatically attribute ourselves to higher personalities, and those entities that interfere with this to opponents and low-grade people. We fall for the hook of pride and vanity, increasing our sense of self-importance, and forgetting what the original motive of our intention was. As a result, we begin to fight with all those people who do not share our views on the world around us, as a result of which our human qualities leave and all that remains is the thirst for one’s own righteousness.

Chronic Discontent Syndrome

Why do most of us feel so bad when by all indications it should be good?

If there were a good wizard somewhere, I would ask him to reveal to people the biggest secret in the world: why is it so bad for most of us, when by all indications it should be good? Most of us have a job or other source of regular income, a place to live, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where to have fun. It would seem, live and rejoice, enjoy this existence! No! Everywhere you look, there is disorder, enmity, discord, splits, hatred, oppressive loneliness. There is hardly a person in Russia who would not have any sorrows, problems, or unpleasant worries at all.

Why is there so much grief, pain, suffering in our world, a world designed to be beautiful? Someone will answer me: the problem is in bad rulers, politicians who think only about their own pockets, in general corruption, in harmful bosses who suck the “blood” of their subordinates, in worthless neighbors and acquaintances who dream and see how to harm us . The big problem is in the wife (husband), who does not want to live up to my idea of ​​an ideal woman (man), in the children who do not want to listen to my advice or orders, in the parents who are “morally outdated” and, not understanding anything about the “current moment in history,” they climb in with their instructions.

So, one of the main causes of the disease called “life is bad,” in my opinion, is chronic dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. Even against the backdrop of external prosperity, we find reasons to be dissatisfied. First of all, of course, those who are dissatisfied with their loved ones and relatives. Nitpicking, quarrels, conflicts, leaving the mother, and finally, the catastrophe of divorce are the consequences of the syndrome of chronic discontent. Many people go to work as if they are doing hard labor, because they constantly experience negative emotions in all areas: content of work, its conditions and amount of payment, colleagues, superiors, subordinates.

What is behind the discontent that pretty much poisons our lives? And is it possible to become truly happy, full of life and always joyful? Is it possible to be happy with everything? Let's talk about this.

The Spiritual Nature of Discontent

It seems that discontent is fueled by selfishness, a high opinion of oneself, and pride. A proud person who loves himself to the extreme, who thinks highly of himself, places himself as the measure of everything. Myself! He is the center of the universe, he is an expert on life, he is an infallible judge. It is, of course, human nature to love oneself, to consider oneself an authority, and to forgive oneself mistakes, shortcomings and sins. But the problem is different: a person considers his opinion, his views, his assessments to be the only correct ones. He trusts himself one hundred percent! He can't be wrong! He is always right! This means that he knows how everything in this world should be, how others should treat him, how life should be built.

Accordingly, dissatisfaction with anyone or anything arises whenever the actions of other people run counter to the ideal model of the structure of the world that a person has come up with for himself.

For example, I consider it normal that when I come home in the evening, I can count on my wife, who came home before me, to cook dinner. And then it turns out that she was carried away by an interesting TV show and did not prepare dinner. A legitimate reason for dissatisfaction and grumbling? Well, of course! What a legal one, without any alternatives! Why? Because I know for sure that the wife MUST do this and not otherwise. And if such “tricks” on her part happen regularly, I will begin to think - shouldn’t I change my wife?

A wife can also “harass” her husband with nagging and whining, because he has a small salary, no prospects for career growth, they still cannot buy a car, and he is also a bad housekeeper, devotes little time to the child, etc. and so on. Why is this so? Because in the ideal world invented by the wife, the husband must correspond to the famous song: “So that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke and always gives flowers, so that he gives away his salary, calls his mother-in-law mother, is indifferent to football, and is not boring in company, and besides so that he is both handsome and smart.”

Or at work: a picky boss who rather harshly demands strict performance of functional duties, shouts, threatens, harasses, etc.... I would leave if I had somewhere to go. But you have to clench yourself into a fist and endure. At least he pays money for the work.

We want to change others, and when this fails, we become angry, indignant, and upset.

Familiar pictures? I think for many of us - yes, acquaintances. We want to change the world for the better, but according to the model that we ourselves consider the best. We want to change others, to adapt them to ourselves, and when this fails, we get angry, indignant, and upset. What kind of happiness is there? What a joy? One displeasure.

What to do? The answer suggests itself: you don’t need to change the world to suit you, but you need to change yourself to suit the world. Do not try to adapt others to yourself, but adapt yourself to others - first of all, to the closest and dearest people. However, this is possible if the measure of the “correctness” of the world and people around us is not me, who is not without shortcomings, but Someone Else. Absolute ideal, without the slightest spot. And we have such an ideal. This is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You need to turn your life around

Our Lord Jesus Christ took on human flesh and became the same as us, a man, except for sin. There was and is no sin in Him. All of Yours earthly life By His teaching, finally, by His suffering and death on the cross, which He undertook out of love for His creatures, He testified for all future centuries to the great truth: one can become like, come closer to God only through self-denial, through sacrifice, through love. Christ is an example to follow for all who want to find happiness both in this short-term earthly life and in the afterlife, eternal.

Why is a person who loves Christ satisfied with his life?

Why is a true believer who loves Christ happy with his life? Because he sees the image of God in the people around him, he sees Christ, Who is love, peace, joy, bliss. The believer sees Christ in every person, no matter how outwardly evil he may be. A believer measures the world around him not by himself, but by God, Who commanded to love everyone, even enemies, forgive any offenses, not hold a grudge against anyone, but seek peace, tranquility and joy everywhere. And if a Christian doesn’t like something, he doesn’t complain or get irritated, showing humility without grumbling or discontent.

Why does a person need this? Yes, because he wants to become like his heavenly Teacher and Father, who said: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; for My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

To find real happiness, you need to learn meekness and humility from Christ

It's simple! To find real happiness, joy - in the word of Christ, “peace” - you need to learn from Him meekness and humility. If we succeed, dissatisfaction with others will simply disappear from our lives.

True faith turns many things in our lives 180 degrees.

Were we intolerant of the misdeeds of others and forgiving ourselves of our own spiritual ailments? Faith makes us intolerant of our sins and encourages us to forgive the sins of our neighbors.

We were in constant dissatisfaction - with other people, salary, politics, bosses, our destiny? But have we always been satisfied with ourselves? Faith reveals to us the truth about ourselves: it turns out that we are far from perfect. Faith teaches us to be dissatisfied with ourselves, with our rotten words, actions and thoughts - this is the only way to reconciliation with everyone, the path to which Christ calls us.

A person, having found Christ, finds a source of endless joy. Only one who has fallen to the Savior with his whole being can understand the words of the Apostle Paul: “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything” (1 Thess. 5:16–18). You cannot rejoice if you feel dissatisfaction or hostility towards someone or something. Everything needs to be covered - the shortcomings, weaknesses, sins of other people - with love. This is the way of Christ. Moreover, the path to real joy and happiness. Why? Yes, because through forgiveness and love for everyone, peace, tranquility, and silence are established in a person’s soul. The source of this peace is a clear conscience.

A person striving for salvation is a peace-lover and a peacemaker

A believer, a person striving for salvation, is a lover of peace and a peacemaker. He must sow peace and love everywhere around him, wasting the warmth of his heart on the reconciliation of those at war, the unification of those who are divided, and the establishment of understanding among the irreconcilable. This is difficult at first, because the devil strongly resists, but then it becomes easier and easier, as the Lord helps.

The Lord Himself wants us to be just so happy. After all, He is our Father. How can the Father not want good for His children? Only we, being free, decide for ourselves whether we want to be happy or seek “happiness” in attempts to change others according to our “patterns”. But these attempts are always associated with bitter tension and displeasure. It happens that a person spends his entire life in the sorrows of chronic discontent, in grumbling and irritation. That's why his life is bad. It happens that when a grumpy woman dies, her acquaintances say about her: “She was exhausted.” It seems that now there, in Heaven, she will definitely live happily ever after. How, with her suffering, she deserved eternal peace!

I think big mistake consider the blissful eternity beyond the grave as a reward for sorrow and suffering in this earthly life. Of course, if outwardly a person’s life was sorrowful, but inside he found Christ, became close to Him and endured all the misfortunes sent down with steadfastness, with hope for God’s help, then, of course, eternal joy can await him in the Other World. But if a person’s sorrowful life has become a direct result of the chaos in his soul, his irreconcilable rejection of God, his belief in his own exclusive infallibility, then even there he is unlikely to calm down, that is, to rest in peace.

The joy of the Kingdom of Heaven, I am sure, begins to be acquired here on earth. The only path to this joy is the path of ascension to Christ, by whom the entire world around us is measured and by whom alone we acquire a complacent, full of love, attitude towards everyone who meets on our life’s path.


How to defeat the person who is "always right"

249 messages

1. Resist the urge to defend yourself. Understand that you cannot defeat such people in a frontal attack, just remember this. In their opinion, you are the source of all troubles and problems, and you will not change their opinion in any way. Your opinion doesn't matter at all because, by definition, you are already guilty, despite the fact that this is absolutely not the case.

2. Accept the situation as it is. Don’t get excited, yes, there is such a person in front of you.

3. Don’t try to involve another person to solve the problem. This will not solve the problem, and it will convince your interlocutor that he is right.

4. Imagine that there is a child in front of you. Most of all, the behavior of such a person is similar to the behavior of a child. So, just like with a child, you won’t be able to have a reasonable conversation with him.

5. If this is not the first time you communicate with him, then remember what happened before and stop behaving the same way.

8. Remember the main slogan of such people: “I can’t be wrong!!!”

9. Banish your thoughts. Be cold and calculating. Don't let your emotions take over. This is exactly what he wants.

10. Be nice and friendly. This turns them on and infuriates them.

12. In an attempt to piss you off, when such a person is driven into a corner, he may begin to pour out on you all the dirt that has accumulated over the entire time you have known each other. There may be some insults, but be cool.

13. All arguments are aimed solely at getting you out. Hold on!

1. Be prudent. Don't rush things.

2. Wait until the person has exhausted his strength.

3. Under no circumstances, even partially, admit your guilt.

5. Don’t let yourself be driven into a corner; from there it will be harder to strike back.

6. Do not allow yourself to lose your own self-esteem under pressure from your opponent.

1. Start with an indisputable fact, on which the opponent is guaranteed to stumble, and continue the attack until he comes to his senses.

2. Tell the person how he currently looks from the outside, but refrain from insults.

4. Remember that at the end of your attack, you must create such an atmosphere that you can leave calmly. After successfully attacking a person who is “always right,” he needs to be given time to think.

5. Remember similar situations in which he was and how they ultimately ended.

6. Remember that a person will look for an opportunity in your attack to get hold of your personal data. Don't talk about yourself.

7. In front of him you should look indestructible, tolerant and wise.

The patient is always right

- Hello, please come in. Give me your ticket. Yeah! Are you on on a paid basis. Well, that's good.

– You know, I’m a doctor, somehow I don’t trust free medicine.

- Well, why so gloomy? However, perhaps you are right in some ways. What are you complaining about?

“I’m complaining about the loss of joy in life, doctor.” It’s not life that has come, but a complete misunderstanding. At least go to the cemetery yourself.

- Come on, that’s enough. You'll still have time, don't rush. Let's do this, first you describe the symptoms of your illness, then we will do tests, and then we will begin treatment. Are you happy with this option?

“Then I’ll listen to you.”

– I have two symptoms. The first is forty-three years old, height one hundred and sixty-four centimeters, weight, seventy-five kilograms, dyed blonde. The second symptom is sixty-seven years old, height one hundred and sixty-two centimeters, weight seventy-seven kilograms. Also dyed, all red.

– What’s so good about that?!

- That's me, don't pay attention. Let's not lump everything into one pile. First, we will cure you of the first symptom, and then we will tackle the second. If you treat both at once, complications may arise in the form of side effects. Do you agree?

- I agree, doctor. You know better. You, a specialist, taught you this.

- Thank you. Please tell us more about the first symptom.

- Well, what can I tell you? Until recently, this symptom did not manifest itself as a symptom, well, perhaps sometimes, and then not often.

– I understand, a latent form of the disease. Please continue.

- And about three years ago, he began to show himself, so much so that he couldn’t stand up or sit down, even climb on the wall.

– What and how was this expressed?

“You see, doctor, I, a peaceful, calm person by nature, have always agreed with this symptom in everything, and have never said a word against it.

- Yeah. However, your case is not isolated. Unfortunately, most citizens neglect the rules of personal hygiene, which, in turn, leads to the development of a variety of diseases. Moreover, if you do not consult a specialist in time, the disease can develop into a chronic one and then, to my great regret, nothing can help the patient except surgical intervention. But I hope you reached out on time. Continue.

– You see, doctor, before this, one might say, the symptom did not bother me at all. Of course there were attacks, but they were mild and I resorted to folk remedies, helped.

- To different ones. There are all sorts of fashionable dresses, fur coats, three cars. On vacation only abroad and only to far away places. Do you understand me. And it was somehow embarrassing to run straight to the doctor. I thought I was still too young to go to doctors. I hoped it would go away on its own with time.

- Why are you a doctor, it only got worse.

– You see, doctor, this syndrome of mine suddenly began to mutate.

– Are you talking about mutating? Very interesting. Continue.

“Suddenly, out of the blue, he decided to trade on the stock exchange.” He, this syndrome, said so, they say, it’s enough for you to earn money alone, and just look, a bald spot will appear. Now I will earn money, and you will have a rest, so give me money, I will start earning it.

- And what did I give, of course. I always agreed with this symptom in everything and never went against the word.

- Well, what is the result?

- But no result. It’s good that the symptom stopped in time, otherwise it would have gone around the world. And then, even worse. Next, my symptom decided to learn how to cut hair.

- Well. This is, one might say, a positive dynamic, why did it bother you so much?

- But because this symptom began to take its toll on me. You see, doctor, it would be all right, only my head is full of bumps, I got it from birth. And when the symptom began his hairdressing training, I had to cut my hair to zero. People won't laugh as much as if I have a hairstyle. And here they are, sticking out in different directions on the head and you can’t get them anywhere, apparently they got it from their parents. I had to buy a wig.

- Yeah, interesting case. Please continue.

– After that, this symptom was taken up by Feng Shui.

– As far as I remember, is this harmony in the house? Correct me if I'm wrong.

- Absolutely right. But the symptom began to create this harmony through me. Of course, at first the furniture is all upside down, you won’t understand how. But it seems that if you build this harmony only through furniture, the effect is not the same. You see, furniture is wordless, silent all the time. This is my symptom that decided to attract me to this harmony.

- What was this expressed in?

– The symptom began to move me from place to place, mainly at night. One night I sleep in the kitchen, the second on the balcony. And once, actually, I had to spend the night on the landing. And there's no escape. If, suppose, you go to a hotel, or to one of your friends, the harmony will be destroyed. I had to endure it.

– I got excited with positive dynamics. Everything is just the opposite; the dynamics of your disease have a pronounced negative direction. Tell me, have you tried, how shall I put it, to find an antidote?

- I tried it. Found. Everything seems to be normal and the symptom does not indicate anything. I just seem to be unlucky. My school friend turned out to be the antidote for my symptoms. She took it and called him and boasted. Can you imagine what kind of attack I had after that? I kept thinking I wouldn’t survive.

– Yes, you need to be careful with antidotes. Here, both the choice of the antidote itself and the dosage are very important.

- Well, how did I know that they were in the same class?

– This is a factor of chance. It cannot be discounted either. How did you manage to survive the attack? What medications did you use?

– I had to use a new Mercedes and two fur coats. And you know, it let go.

– Yes, the means are proven and effective.

– What’s worrying you now? What are you complaining about?

– I’m complaining about another attack, doctor. I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear it, that's why I turned to you. – apparently the attack was so severe that the patient tried to cry.

- Well, what are you, what are you. No need to be so nervous. Nurse, please give the patient some water.

Smiling on duty, the nurse handed the crying man a glass of water. The patient drank about half and seemed to calm down a little.

- Well that's just wonderful. Please continue.

- You see, doctor, my symptom decided to take up raw food eating. Well, I decided and decided, I don’t feel sorry. Just, for starters, a symptom, I decided to try this raw food diet on me. I have the kind of guy that if something gets stuck in him, he won’t back down until he gets his way. Well, once or twice, he decided to observe this raw food diet for six months, and then, if the effect was positive, start using it himself.

- So, during the day it seems to be fine. To be honest, it would be quite possible to survive this attack.

– I found the antidote quickly. In the morning, on the way to work, I stopped at a cafe and had breakfast like everyone else normal people. Lunch, of course, here no syndrome with its raw food diet could reach me, because I either sat at home or went shopping. In the evening too. Before going home, I had dinner at some restaurant. I ate a hearty dinner so that there would be enough until the morning.

This is where the attack began. When I arrived home, the syndrome, confident that I was one hundred percent committed to a raw food diet, began to feed me dinner, mind you, a raw dinner.

Here it began, even a wolf howling. Syndrome, believing that I was hungry and ready to eat a horse, only raw, began to feed me so abundantly that there are simply no words. Not only is it raw and tasteless, but there is also a lot of it. But you have to eat everything, the syndrome sits opposite and watches carefully, waiting for the effect. Where do you want me to take dinner? The real one that you ate at the restaurant.

I'm from a simple family. My parents worked at a factory, since childhood I was used to potatoes and meat and pasta, but not to this, and even in its raw form.

“And they did the right thing by turning to us.” The most important thing is on time. Yes, your case is not simple, but not hopeless either. Further, you understand, it would only be worse.

I think, whatever I think, I’m sure we will help you, get rid of this syndrome, and painlessly for you and forever.

– Is it also painless for the syndrome?

– Well, it depends on what type of treatment you choose?

– Basically, we use two types of treatment – ​​surgical and therapeutic. I think in your case, one of them will be quite enough. Of course, we also use other, more complex, and, if you like, even exotic types of treatment, but, I repeat, your syndrome can be eliminated either surgically or therapeutically.

– Can I choose which one?

- Of course. The motto of our clinic is the patient is always right! And believe me, these are not empty words for us. So what type of treatment do you prefer?

– I think therapeutic would be more suitable. Just tell me, will the syndrome not come back?

- Excluded! We give a 100% guarantee.

- Then let's go to therapy.

- Okay, your word is law for us. This is a good choice, although more expensive. Excuse me, please. Surely you are aware that our treatment in terms of price characteristics corresponds to the exclusive level. Doesn't this bother you?

- Not at all. I am the owner of a metal products factory, and there is something else.

- Amazing. I think we can start collecting the material necessary for analysis.

- I've already collected everything. Here you are. – the patient pulled out an impressively sized envelope from his briefcase and placed it in front of the doctor. – Here are photographs of the syndrome, his car and a detailed analysis of how he spends his day. I had to hire a detective, but where to go?

- Well, why was it worth spending money? We provide this service to our patients completely free of charge, as a bonus. Thank you, though.

– Doctor, please tell me, what is this therapeutic treatment?

– Therapy, by its nature, is not straightforward. In surgery, it’s all quite simple and monotonous: cut it off, cut it off, and throw it in a bucket. And in therapy, each case, each syndrome, requires an individual approach.

– What will be the approach to my syndrome?

– I can tell you about the course of treatment, but this is, so to speak, a draft version, everything will depend on the results of the tests.

I think that we can eliminate your syndrome through remarriage.

- Why should I get a divorce?

- In no case! I repeat, these are, of course, only sketches, some adjustments are quite possible, but the general direction and the process itself are already clearly visible to me.

You send your syndrome on a tourist trip to one of the southern and exotic countries. Does your syndrome like tourist trips?

- Amazing. Your syndrome goes on a tourist trip along a route specially designed for it. You don’t have to worry about the voucher; the voucher is included in the cost of treatment, so it will be provided to you.

– You probably didn’t listen to me carefully. We are discussing a therapeutic treatment option, there is no talk of any surgery and there can be no talk.

Our partner, he is the leader of one of the local tribes. Do you understand now?

- Okay, I’ll explain. According to the laws of this tribe, their men must have several wives, five or more. The leader, as having the highest status in the tribe, is entitled to at least twenty wives. Do you understand now?

– Our partner, who is also the leader, seems to invite your syndrome to visit him. The methods of invitation can be very different, but we prefer the principle of voluntariness. Next, upon arrival to the tribe, the leader, who is also our partner, will marry your syndrome. The fact that the syndrome is already married does not matter to the tribe. They have their own laws there, often incomprehensible to us. That's all, the syndrome has been eliminated, because there is no way back from this tribe and, believe me, divorces are not welcome there, because they do not exist at all.

– How long has this partner been working with you?

- Yes, for about ten years, maybe a little more. Believe me, a reliable partner. There have not been any failures in treatment yet.

- Excuse me, then it turns out that during this time he probably already got himself twenty wives, plus local ones.

- Oh, what are you talking about? Sorry, I was lying a little. You know, medical confidentiality and all that. The fact is that our partner is a cannibal.

- Yes, very simple.

– But I chose therapeutic treatment, not surgical!

- Absolutely right. This is exactly what therapeutic treatment is. Our partner, he is quite well-mannered and cultured person Moreover, he once studied at one of the institutes in our country, by the way, that’s how we met.

So, he treats his many wives in a completely European way: he is affectionate with them, takes care of them, gives them gifts, and all the things that an exemplary spouse should do.

– What does cannibalism have to do with it then?

- Let me explain. Cannibalism here is due to the fact that if any of the wives begins to show her character and even in small things begins to go against the will of her husband, the ancestral memory awakens in him, and with it, all the customs and traditions that are in modern world are nothing more than a relic of a dark and wild past. And what is noteworthy is that in this case, he is not able to cope with his ancestral memory; for him it is sacred.

So, a lot, yes there is a lot, almost everything, will depend on your syndrome. In particular, how quickly the tribe leader and husband will remember the traditions and customs of their ancestors and whether they will remember at all.

Please note that the treatment is purely therapeutic and only in exceptional cases, due to the fault of the syndrome itself, can it become a surgical treatment. Well, do you agree?

- Yes, of course I agree. Good treatment. Tell me, what about the second syndrome? I also prepared data for analysis.

- It’s good that you prepared it. With the second syndrome, we will probably do the following: when the first syndrome is eliminated, we will send the second syndrome in search of the first. Well, then, it will depend on him how quickly the leader will remember the traditions of his ancestors.

Yes, I want to make you happy. For the treatment of the second syndrome, you, as a regular customer, will be given a ten percent discount. How do you like this option?

Secrets of psychology

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to defeat the person who is "always right"

1. Resist the urge to defend yourself. Understand that you cannot defeat such people in a frontal attack, just remember this. In their opinion, you are the source of all troubles and problems, and you will not change their opinion in any way. Your opinion doesn't matter at all because, by definition, you are already guilty, despite the fact that this is absolutely not the case.

2. Accept the situation as it is. Don’t get excited, yes, there is such a person in front of you.

3. Don’t try to involve another person to solve the problem. This will not solve the problem, and it will convince your interlocutor that he is right.

4. Imagine that there is a child in front of you. Most of all, the behavior of such a person is similar to the behavior of a child. So, just like with a child, you won’t be able to have a reasonable conversation with him.

5. If this is not the first time you communicate with him, then remember what happened before and stop behaving the same way.

7. Don't blame, but prepare the facts. Such people are very good at blaming, but easily miss blows with indisputable facts. Moreover, one such blow takes a lot of strength from the attacker.

8. Remember the main slogan of such people: “I can’t be wrong.”

9. Banish your thoughts. Be cold and calculating. Don't let your emotions take over. This is exactly what he wants.

10. Be nice and friendly. This turns them on and infuriates them.

12. In an attempt to piss you off, when such a person is driven into a corner, he may begin to pour out on you all the dirt that has accumulated over the entire time you have known each other. There may be some insults, but be cool.

13. All arguments are aimed solely at getting you out. Hold on!

1. Be prudent. Don't rush things.

2. Wait until the person has exhausted his strength.

3. Under no circumstances, even partially, admit your guilt.

6. Do not allow yourself to lose your own self-esteem under pressure from your opponent.

1. Start with an indisputable fact, on which the opponent is guaranteed to stumble, and continue the attack until he comes to his senses.

2. Tell the person how he currently looks from the outside, but refrain from insults.

3. If the person is your loved one or you do not want to lose touch with him, take care of the future. Use phrases: “Tomorrow you will understand all this, but now I would like to.”

4. Remember that at the end of your attack, you must create such an atmosphere that you can leave calmly. After successfully attacking a person who is “always right,” he needs to be given time to think.

5. Remember similar situations in which he was and how they ultimately ended.

6. Remember that a person will look for an opportunity in your attack to get hold of your personal data. Don't talk about yourself.

7. In front of him you should look indestructible, tolerant and wise.