The magic of words: what phrases will help change your life for the better. The magic of words: secrets of conspiracies and affirmations Magic words that have witchcraft

Our words are a concentrated vibration of energy. The magic of words can work miracles and change a person’s destiny. How? Read carefully!

What is the prototype of the physical world?

Words and thoughts are an invisible idea of ​​a more subtle astral plane¹. Our world is like a multi-layered cabbage. The physical world is the world that we see with our physical eyes; it surrounds us.

There are more subtle worlds and one of them is the astral and mental world - the world of ideas and images. The astral world is the prototype and basis of the physical world; therefore, by exerting an invisible influence on the astral sphere, we can change some processes in the physical world.

How can you influence the astral world?

We can influence astral subtle matter only through concentrated thought.

Therefore, let's learn right now how to create magical formulas and, thanks to the materialization of thoughts, influence the current situation.

Remember, any formula becomes stronger when spoken repeatedly out loud or mentally.

Agma is a powerful word with the help of which the energy mechanism is launched, thanks to this you can achieve prosperity and improve your financial situation.

Magic words for fulfillment of desires, love, weight loss

To fulfill your wishes, you need to make a wish and say “I want.” For love, prepare 4 candles, lighting one at a time and saying, “I’m not lighting a church candle, I’m kindling passion and love in the heart of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Free online interpretation of dreams - to get results, enter the dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

To lose weight, roll a figure out of wax, removing a little wax at a time, making from a piece of wax the figure you want to get, saying “I’ll remove the excess, I’ll create the figure of your dreams.” Bury excess wax.

It is possible to get rid of a love spell, as well as protect yourself from new magical attacks, thanks to the improvised items available in every home.

For example, wearing a pin in a place hidden from prying eyes will provide reliable protection against love spells.

When disconnecting it from clothing, you should say the text three times:

“I remove the pin from the clothes and the love of the servant of God, the servant of God (name)

I delete the servant of Bogarab of God (name).

Then put it in a place where no one can find it.

It is best to bury it in the ground.

— Getting rid of a love spell

Magic words for attracting money, men, clients when they are urgently needed and proven seduction

To attract money with a coin in your hands on the growing moon, going to the window, they say “The coin in your hands is like the stars in the sky, let it grow and multiply.”

To attract men “He who created me will help me find my love. So that men would hover around me, so that there would be a choice among them. Let it be so".

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that may be overshadowed by moving to dark side, if there is not enough strength to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision similar to prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

To attract clients at sunrise, turn to the east and say, “The sun rises in the east and begins its work. So I get up early, work, let the clients go, and don’t notice the competitors.”

Magic words to return your loved one and the man called

Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put a photo of the guy next to it. “My dear, beloved, my clear falcon! Remember how good we were together, how you loved me, how I loved you. Let boredom for me make you call.”

Words have power! The beliefs that guide you influence everything that happens in life. If you fear the worst and constantly think about it, this is what happens, have you noticed? And vice versa - if the day began cheerfully, actively, with a positive attitude and wonderful thoughts, it will continue like that.

There is a strong psychological technique , which is equivalent to magic. You can influence the reality in which you exist, you just need to choose the right attitude. Everything is incredibly simple...

Magic words

The two secret words you will learn about can be used daily. We often do this without realizing it, but if we approach the issue meaningfully, the result will be completely different.

Start practicing this exercise and after 2 weeks, see what changes have happened to you. Say “I allow!” if you think about positive events, and “I cancel!” if you are bothered by unpleasant thoughts.

Say what you dream about out loud, and at the end add “I allow it!” This technique will help you take care of yourself, approach life more consciously, and take small steps closer to your cherished goal every day.

By adding the sentence: “I cancel all obstacles,” you will further enhance the effect of what was said. Self-hypnosis is a powerful practice, and people who do it in Everyday life, achieve a lot. The ability to pay attention to your actions and words leads to awareness of what is happening and training of willpower.

Try it, it will be especially useful for people who lack self-confidence. Only you bear responsibility for your life, be attentive to what you do and think about the good! This will inevitably lead you to happiness...

It has long been known that the word has enormous power. The energy said in right time phrases can both destroy a person’s life and rebuild it from ruins. Knowing which words have this power, you can completely change your life for the better in a short time.

In ancient times, the power of the spoken word was extremely respected. The most respected people were considered to be magician-speakers who knew cherished conspiracies against diseases, evil witchcraft and life's troubles. Over time, strong words have become devalued or forgotten, but many phrases have retained their ability to influence a person’s energy and change life in better side.

To maintain calm and control negative emotions you need to turn to willpower. Source of peace and natural protection is located in the yellow energy center located in the solar plexus area. To strengthen this chakra and maintain sober thinking, you need to repeat the key phrase several times: “Sunlight illuminates and fills me.” Repeat these words until you feel calm and confident.

To achieve financial well-being You need to strengthen your monetary energy. The structure of a financial flow is similar to a water flow, so the key phrase is addressed specifically to the element of water: “The waterfall does not dry up, is endless, eternal. Water wears away stones, turns them into gold, and returns them to me.” This phrase must be pronounced as often as possible, vividly imagining the image of a powerful water flow.

To get rid of diseases it is necessary to strengthen your own energy field and cleanse your aura of negative energy. To do this, you need to open all the chakras. In addition to meditation and special practices, you can achieve strengthening of the energy field using the key phrase: “ White light fills all the space around. The pain recedes and disappears without a trace.” This key phrase can significantly increase your energy field and start the process of restoring your biofield.

Get rid of resentment and jealousy you can by turning to the energy of the green heart chakra, located in the middle of the chest. Negative feelings destroy our lives, and it is the accumulated resentment that can become the beginning of a series of failures and illnesses. You can “remove” negativity by regularly repeating the key phrase: “Resentment dries up and crumbles, love rises and blossoms.”

Not only esotericists, but also psychologists work with the power of words. Both agree that you can change your life for the better with the help of positive attitudes and affirmations. We wish you speedy pleasant changes and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.06.2017 03:28

Every spoken word is a direct signal to the brain to begin action. Energy bindings of words act...

Affirmations are powerful positive attitudes that help you become happier, attract sincere...

Everyone knows about mantras, but almost no one knows about Agmas. More precisely, you most likely know some Agmas, but you don’t know that they are exactly Agmas. Agmas are also called words of power and strength, and in Slavic Voloshba - quick words...


Several agmas:

1. Word "KASLIS" must be said out loud three times. Then a protection of links will be built around your energy field, which will stay around you for three days. At this time, no one will be able to send anything to you. No matter how evil people try, all their messages will fall into this chain. After three days, this energy chain will spontaneously disintegrate.
When pronouncing a magic word, you need to imagine that around you a blue glow is emanating from the ground upward within a radius of one meter. This protection is destroyed when touched by anyone other than children. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid tactile contact with anyone. You can use this type of protection once a month. It is best to pronounce the magic word of protection (put protection) at home (in the yard).

2. GHEA- the force of air moves in space

3. ALSHEN- the main power of the shadows of the gods

4. ASTERIUM- star energy or power

5. CHANDRAM- Moon or from the moon

6. ETHU- show up or come

7.DHIMAHI- quickly introduces you to shallow meditation

8. SHAD- the word of power. I command. (demon language)

9. ARGH- I'm acting. (demon language)

10. RAH- I continue (basic language)

11. HRA- Penetrate (language of basics)

12.GHAAR- I return it back. (basic language)

13. ZAARL- secure, ARL - seal, FOR - accession (language of demons)

14. RUKH- wisdom. (basic language)

15. HUM- I multiply. (Bon language)

16.AUM- The Almighty (Bon language)

17. IT- yes (basic language)

18. INNA- Located. (Ellic language)

In general, I know the following about quick words: such a word needs to be said out loud only once on the right occasion.
In "village magic" such words are not often used, but they exist and are considered very powerful. From what I read, only one thing seemed important to me:

ABARA- this quick word, as one eminent sorceress says, must be said if any weapon is pointed at you, and then the weapon will instantly turn on the attacker. I haven’t checked and I wish everyone to never find themselves in such circumstances, but everyone needs to know.

Also a quick word is CHUR (CHYUR, SHUR, SHCHUR). If you pronounce it in kemar, it will instantly drive the enemy away from you, but you will most likely wake up. I haven’t tested it in reality, but I feel like it’s closing some kind of passage for entities. This word always works for everyone.

A few Slavic quick words:

RADOGAY- this mantra gives strength that supports family ties and grants connection with ancestral amulets and mentors.

ZROZDEN- useful in healing and treatment, able to end a dark period in life and begin a bright one. Shifts the processes of being from a dead point.

DRAGO- helps to get out of poverty, but not by having money, but by creating situations for a new business. Harmonizes the physical relationship between a man and a woman, provides assistance in love.

URRA- gives great power of the primary divine quality. Brings knowledge and forms intelligence. Embodies the unbridledness of the primordial creative force. Concentrates the will and helps create new situations.

BEAR - helps to understand repeated mistakes, controls the reality of our Reveal, gives the energy of prosperity.

BOGOSCH- helps to establish order, hide secrets, allows you to see unfavorable situations.

YASUN— gives energy of mutual understanding and strengthening of success and business. Provides protection in healing.

RADOR- gives the energy of justice and punishes the unrighteous. Restores broken ties, weaves the fabric of fate.

DARO— strengthens the balance of spiritual and physical, helps to resolve conflicts. It is a powerful weapon against evil and gives energy that brings good luck.

SLAVO— cuts off troubles, senses them and points out their dark deeds, gives an intuitive ability to adapt to changes in life. Gives the energy of harmony in doing business.

Svyatoche- turns darkness into light, indicates a way out of hopeless situations, gives the energy of creation (sometimes used as love spell energy), restores a good state of mind.

KHRON— stops the whirlwind of failures, wards off the energy vampire and nullifies someone else’s magic.

YARUNA- rune of justice. Strengthens karma, can plunge us into a duel with fate. Indicates stagnant situations and brings a person out of inactivity. Strengthens the will and mind, quickly removes fresh curses.

TRADO- helps to recognize betrayal. This is a teacher rune, it gives strength for active and good deeds.

ISTRA- can slow down decaying processes. This is a protective rune at all levels, it helps to understand the reasons and take control of the event and not lose it again. Gives the energy of enlightenment.

YARGA- this is a cleansing rune, it gives reviving powers. It can cause an unexpected miracle and can attract money. Clears the way for good events.

LADOLEYA— gives energy that embodies goodness. Organizes support from higher powers, resists stupidity and emptiness.

VARRA— organizes the transition from disadvantage to good. A powerful weapon against chaos, can penetrate the secrets of any world, even if there are no connections. Helps establish connections and contacts with various opportunities.

ZARROT- promises a victorious will and realization of goals. Gives the necessary push to break out of the vicious circle.

RAGA— gives strength in battles, used as a support spell. This is a talisman against witchcraft and damage, and helps to anticipate impending danger.

WEIGHT- helps to climb the steps to fame, career or material well-being. It does not allow one to rise to the top, who goes to the goal, neglecting others. Helps you live with honor and dignity.

ZARGA- attracts energy to restore health, helps to achieve success and promotes magnetic attraction not only of the opposite sex, but also of the situation that you need. In principle, this is a revitalizing force, it supports those who ennoble the world, and gives those around them the opportunity to realize their plans.

EPA- this is the energy that protects the home and family, gives rapid growth for prosperous purposes. Protects against deception and illusions, gives strength to start something anew.

TAROHORO- patronizes enrichment, organizes magical powers, affects situations, can connect two human beings. It is also a love spell. It can be used to get closer to someone.

GARA— calls for the help of spirit-amulets that help a person find opportunities to solve various problems.

CHARADORO— helps to penetrate through thresholds and prohibitions. Helps find a way out hopeless situations. Frees you from obsession and illuminates you with clairvoyance.

VERGA— destroys the energy of laziness and arranges a person’s affairs with the most significant benefit for him. Helps a person understand his mistakes and make his work fruitful.

If anyone else knows, it would be interesting to know.


Not a bad set, but the words are very superficial, not original...
but as they say, let’s say proud no to empty criticism!
Here are a couple more “fun” words and a technique for using any keys of power (words of power, etc.) So:

MPA- a terribly destructive, destructive and almost uncontrollable word, used very carefully, it has a very powerful effect even on the physical.

TERR- the word is also destructive, but much weaker, fits well into various ritual techniques, into astral battles but not into physical ones.

GOOD- a positive, harmonious word - calming, perfectly applicable in everyday life for calming nervous system, for a gentle energy boost.

HEALTHY- the word is more powerful, also positive, used for healing, suitable for everyday life, calming pain, filling with positive energy.

ALIVE- the most powerful positive key, applicable everywhere, brings a strong flow of positive and bright energy, can heal, can fill with energy, invigorate. goes very well with the words good and sane, pronounced in the morning in the order: GOOD - HEALTHY - ALIVE, give a very noticeable effect.

So, how to manage all this “economy”?

Firstly, you need to pronounce words correctly, with the correct intonation and correctly placing stress and intonation.
You need to pronounce the keys of power not with your throat, but with your chest or, ideally, with your stomach.

This can be learned quite easily, try chanting the mantra “OM”, reduce the frequency of the sound until it begins to vibrate and resonate rib cage, it's already normal level to speak the keys, this is exactly how they need to be pronounced.

It’s better to pronounce positive keys as if pulling them out, like fresh linden honey flows, so the words should flow, softly, elastically, and easily...

Negative keys, on the contrary, should seem to be spat out (by the way, after using the key “pestilence”, I advise you to use the words “healthy”).

Now about the action

The most powerful word given is MPA, it is precisely this that is best felt physically, for example, spitting it out in the face of an enemy, you will see an amazing effect, the person begins to swim, stagger, when experiencing it on yourself, feelings of ears clogged with cotton, slight blindness, severe headache, dizziness, nausea arise.
This is with “chest” spitting, but if you spit it out "MOR" from the stomach, then the person may well lose consciousness,
so be extremely careful.

By the way, a small addition that I forgot to give.
The words of power exist in different, you mean, different peoples. and native words work best, since they are embedded in your genetic code, so to speak, blood. For all residents of the countries of the former Union (except Georgia, they have their own), it is best to use Proto-Slavic words, there are about fifty of them in total, I know, of course, not all, but I think over time, if there is interest, I will post the rest I know.

By the way, about the first message... comrade Sparky, check your sources, firstly, almost all keys act instantly, and secondly, half of the Slavic words you cited are in fact not very Slavic... although they are also effective ...

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