Event for the week of primary classes 'KVN in the Russian language'. KVN in Russian language in elementary school KVN in Russian language schools

Topic: KVN in Russian.

Prepared by: Stryukova T.A.

    Learn to play mind games.

    Teach teamwork.

    Develop interest in the Russian language.

    Develop a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

    Foster a culture of speech.

Introductory part.

Teacher: Ours native language- Russian. According to M.V. Lomonosov, our language is characterized by “the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian.”
A.S. Pushkin believed that “the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.” Every person must know their language! Let's see what kind of language experts you are and how you speak it.

"The Story of a School Bag", Yu. Timyansky.
Meet Petya. My neighbour.
He is already 12 years old.
But he still talks
Not a corridor, but a collidor.
The lecturer enters the office.
The store is closed for lunch...
The hostess washes glasses...
Slices beets... Bakes pancakes...
And it was my turn:
He calls me a briefcase.
But it’s not for nothing that I have “Native Speech”
Fate entrusted to protect,
And I came up with this in earnest:
Let his name be Petya too.

Teacher: Ignorance of norms literary language, a careless attitude to the word is unacceptable to the residents of our country. Every person is obliged to know his or her language.
Learn Russian -
With soul, with zeal,
Is waiting for you great reward,
And that reward is in himself.
Our KVN is dedicated to the native Russian language.
Our friendly class loves KVN,
And he will announce the meeting now.
Here are the fans, and here is the jury
The path to victory is difficult, no matter what you say!

2 teams come out to the music of Shainsky's "KVN".

Greetings from the teams. 1 team

We are funny guys
And we don’t like to be bored
We are with you with pleasure
We will play KVN.

We answer together
And here there is no doubt.
Today there will be friendship
Mistress of victories.

Team 2 And let the fight rage more intensely,
Stronger competition
Success is not decided by fate,
But only our knowledge.

And competing with you
We will remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship grows stronger with her.

We root for the teams and will be able to help our friends!

1.competition "Warm-up"

Guess the “Say the Word” riddles, 3 points for each correct answer.

Mikhail climbed an oak tree
So that the doctor does not pull out ... (tooth)

Out of stubbornness, not a single step
Will not advance... (donkey)

The goldfinch sings all day long
In a cage on the window.
He's in his third year now,
And he is afraid...(cats)

It's round and red
Like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables
There is no juicier... (tomato)

2. Competition “Find the word”.!

Task: Make a word by rearranging the letters. (each word - 1 point) Find the extra word. (additional - 1 point) Justify your answer. Time 5-7 minutes.

1 team

2nd team

Lanpe (pencil case)
Tarpa (desk)
Ganik (book)
Vatra (herb)

Chkaru (handle)
Kisark (paints)
Vonzok (bell)
Elon (deer)

3. Fan competition "Form a word that answers the question Who?"

Assignment: form from each word words that answer the question WHO? Time 5 minutes. Adjectives are written in 2 columns on the board:

Stupid -... (stupid)
Boastful - ... (braggart)
Strong - ... (strongman)
Lazy - ... (lazy)
Brave - ... (daredevil)
Old - ... (old man)
Chatty - ... (chatterbox)
Strong - ... (strong)

Brave - ...(brave)
Naughty - ... (naughty)
Rich - ...(rich)
Wise - ... (sage)
Loud - ... (screamer)
Little - ... (baby)
Kind - ...(kind-hearted)
Rude - ...(rude)

4.Competition “Find meaning”

Explain the meaning of proverbs. Time - 3 minutes (for each proverb the team is given 2 points)

Birds are strong with their wings, and man is strong with friendship. A person without friendship is like a tree without a root.

The mountain is destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is destroyed by words. A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

5. What is the name of the place where...

1 team

    They sell bread -

    Haircut -

    They sell sweets -

    Accepting laundry for washing -

    Sew clothes -

    You are being treated -

(Bakery, hairdresser, confectionery, laundry, atelier, hospital.)

2nd team

    They lend books -

    Vegetables are grown in winter -

    Cars are stored -

    They teach children -

    Cooking food at home -

    Clowns work -

(Library, greenhouse, garage, school, kitchen, circus.)

6. Competition with fans “What words are there?”

There is a sweet word - candy.
There's a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a prickly word - hedgehog.
There is a word for wet - rain.
There is a word stubborn - goal.
There is a prickly word - spruce.

7. Continue the rows of words. 1 command

    Sweet words...

    Book words...

    Forest words...

    Funny words...

    Prickly words...

2nd team

    Forest words...

    Funny words...

    Prickly words...

    Quick words...

    Fluffy words...

8.Competition: Letter from Grandma Riddle"

Teacher: Guess the riddles. Tell me how many letters and syllables are in the guess words.

Team 1.

Spins on a sharp leg,
It buzzes like a bug.
If he wants, he can gallop a little,
If he wants, he will lie on his side. / Yula /

Team 2.

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color. / Hare /

Team 1.

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running. / Skates /

Team 2.

You will always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet.
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress. / Spruce /

9. "Let's Relax!" competition

Listen, tell me, but don’t make a mistake! You will answer silently; instead of answering, boys or girls stand up.

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket...

The skates drew arrows on the ice,
They only played hockey...

Test your strength in front of everyone,
Of course they love, but...

Cowards are afraid of the dark,
All as one, they...

The jury sums up the results. Counts the points scored by the teams and announces the winners.

- Guys, carefully preserve all the wealth of our language. After all, by the way a person speaks, we can immediately easily judge who we are dealing with. Learn good, intelligent speech. Treasure your word.
There are many words on earth. There are daily words -
They show the blue of the spring sky.
There are words - like wounds, words - like judgment, -
They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.
A word can kill, a word can save,
With a word you can lead the shelves with you.
In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,
In a word, it is fashionable to pour it into striking lead.
But we have words for all words in the language:
Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.
Let them not serve as bargaining chips, -
Keep gold as a standard in your heart!
And do not make them servants in small households -
Take care of their original purity.
- These beautiful lines belong to the poet Vadim Shefner. He calls on all people to handle the Word with care.
The jury's word. Rewarding.

KVN in 2nd grade “What we know in Russian, we apply without mistakes!”

Target: repeat the material covered in the Russian language in grades 1-2.

Competition program

1. Greeting the teams.

I command - “Search”.


“Explore everything, find out everything,

Don’t look for easy paths!”

Team II - “Sparkle”.


“Burn yourself, ignite others,

To be ahead, period.”

Greetings from fans:

“Your people didn’t eat enough porridge to defeat ours.”

“He who does not burn smokes the sky.”

2. Greetings from the jury.

(A tray is brought out with a needle and a glass of water on it.)

“Let your eye be as sharp as this needle,

And the conscience is clear, like this water.”

3. introduction presenter

Who doesn’t know Winnie the Pooh - a little bear who makes funny noisemakers, puffers, and grumblers?

There are probably no such people. But there was a time when no one in our country knew him. True, it was a very long time ago - as much as 30 years ago! Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All his friends then lived in England, in the Enchanted Forest and could only speak English.

But they all turned out to be good students of B. Zakhoder. Soon Winnie the Pooh became a very, very Russian bear cub. At one time he even taught the children Russian on the radio. That's why I decided to invite him. (Winnie the Pooh runs in to the sounds of cheerful music.)

Winnie the Pooh. I will host KVN!

I. Competition - Warm-up “Say it in one word.”

(Tasks are read to each team in turn.)

Brave man... (brave man);

Chatty person... (chatterbox);

Lazy person... (lazy);

A wise man... (sage);

Rich man... (rich man);

Rude man... (rude);

Strong man... (strongman);

Cheerful man... (cheerful fellow).

II. Competition "Answer 5".

(Each team has 3 people speaking.)

1. Read correctly what is written here:

Briefcase, case, statue, store, prettier, ringing, kilometer.

Alphabet, means, carpenter, library, pamper, repeat, driver.

2. Insert the missing letters where needed.

Wonderful, location, smooth, but..ki, by..sign, announcement, tr..kick, potato.

Beautiful..ny, rope..nik, how..kiy, lo..ki, o..give, under..drive, snow..zhinka, m..rkov.

3. Count how many sounds and how many letters are in the words:

Skates - …

Sun - …

Money - …

Heart - …

III Competition “Who can find the most?”

From the letters of the word transport make up as many new words as possible. The one who names wins the last word.

(Sport, cake, mouth, and wasps, dispute, cable, variety, port, litter, growth, toast, fasting, crust, or, tone, note, path...)

IV. Poetry competition.

The sun... the window,

Hello... office.

V. Competition “Well, give me some water to drink.”

(One person from the team speaks.)

The well will allow water to be drunk by those who complete the task: “The fourth odd one.”

Water, driver, underwater, watery.

Led, flood, high water, underwater.

VI. Competition “Who Lives in the Forest?”

1. One by one, remember and name fairy tales where there is actor bear.

2. Who does what? (A piece of paper with a picture of a squirrel is posted.) In two minutes, you must select and write down as many words and phrases as possible that denote the action of this animal.

VII. Captains competition.

I. Using the named parts, make up a word:

Its root is in the word forest, prefix in a word flight, suffix in a word fungus, ending in a word wolf. (Copse.)

Its root is in the word path, prefix in a word jump, suffix in a word forester, ending in a word hare. (Plantain.)

2. Make up folk signs from two parts.

1) The tit squeaks... ... for a long spring;

2) A column of smoke... ... announces winter;

3) Long icicles... ...towards frost;

4) The swallow flies low... ...towards a thunderstorm;

5) Noisy coniferous forest... ... rain foretells;

6) The ants are hiding in their nests......wait for a thaw.

(While the captains are preparing, team members answer tricky questions.)

1) Like from a small one ponytail make it big?

(Remove the “hic” - tail.)

2) Is it possible to turn fish into a person?

(Add “k” - fisherman.)

(A dictation-riddle is carried out: words are written down on a piece of paper. The presenter reads, the teams write down and submit to the jury.)

VIII. Contest " Homework».

(Members of one team ask riddles to their opponents about the forest and its inhabitants.)

1. Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile.)

2. What is the tallest grass on earth? (Bamboo.)

3. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot.)

4. Which giraffe legs are long - front or back?

(The same.)

IX. Summarizing. Rewarding.


Knowledge is a mysterious book of human wisdom that amazes all people on the planet at any age with its amazing pages. It is never possible to turn over these mysterious pages to the end, which means that throughout his life, every day a person opens more and more pages of the book of knowledge, becomes wiser and more literate.

A soundtrack of cheerful music or a song about school plays. Two leading students (hereinafter referred to as teacher assistants) come out.


Knowledge is light, but ignorance is darkness!

This truth is right.

We invite all the guys

Play with us!


Along with humor and jokes

Let's take a minute to learn

And let's check which one of you

Knows more at this hour.


Today, the two most friendly teams that meet in the club of cheerful and resourceful people will go into the mysterious world of words.

But first we must greet our experts. Meet!

1. Welcoming teams to the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

1st team - “Seekers”.


Explore everything

Find out everything

Easy trails

Don't look.

2nd team - “Dreamers”.


Burn yourself

Light up others.

To be ahead -

(They're coming, greetings from the teams).

1st competition: “In the world of proverbs and sayings.”

Listen to folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings:

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

They give two non-scientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it.

Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

And now the task: continue the proverbs and sayings about knowledge. (The team that named the most proverbs wins).

Possible answers:

I read new book— met with a friend.

Knowledge is the tree, and action is the fruit.

Live and learn.

He who does not consult is not deceived.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

What I studied is what I learned.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster.

Without effort there is no knowledge.

Study, think, otherwise there will be no point.

A dropout is worse than an unscientist.

2nd competition: “Say it in one word.”

Tasks are read to each team in turn. It is necessary to call a combination of two words one word, i.e. define the previous phrases:

Brave man... (brave man)

Chatty man... (chatterbox)

Lazy man... (lazy)

Wise man... (sage)

Rich man... (rich man)

Rude man... (rude)

Strong man... (strongman)

Cheerful man... (cheerful fellow)

3rd competition: “Explain the aphorism.”


Well done, now listen to some statements about the knowledge of great people and try to explain how you understand these words.

“Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free and great” (D. I. Pisarev).

“One can reveal more than another, but no one can reveal everything” (Ancient Roman saying).

“Whoever studied the sciences, but does not apply them, is like one who plowed, but did not sow” (Saadi).

“By teaching others, we learn ourselves.” (Seneca).

The teacher invites students to think about these statements. The team whose reasoning was more convincing wins.

4th competition: “Literate”.

Three people perform from each team. The teacher or assistants distribute several cards to each team.

The teacher suggests inserting the missing letters where needed.

Wonderful, terrain, smooth, but...ki, po...write, announcement, tr...kick, potato.

Beautiful, rope...nik, how...ky, lo...ki, oh...give, under...drive, snow...zhinka, d...rkov.

Count how many sounds and how many letters there are in words.

Yula - ... Hedgehog - ...

Skates - ... Days - ...

Sun - ... Heart - ...

5th competition: “Make a word.”

Make as many new words as possible from the letters of the word “transport”. The one who says the last word wins. (Sport, cake, mouth, nose, dispute, cable, variety, port, litter, growth, toast, post, crust, ar, tone, note, trail).

6th competition: “The fourth wheel”.

Determine which of the five words is superfluous in this combination:

Water, driver, underwater, water carrier

flood, flood, flood, water

7th competition: “Through the mouth of a baby.”

The teacher or the leading guys ask both teams questions at the same time. To guess the hidden word, several leading questions are asked. The team whose members guess the meaning of this word faster wins:

If it is not there, then there is no joy;

Without it there is not life, but existence;

They always wish it to each other, especially in letters; you can't buy it for any money.


Every person dreams of him, that everything will be good in his life;

But no one knows where to look for him;

There is a fabulous bird that brings it.


Such a person brings everything into his house - whether he needs it or not;

He doesn't like to give gifts or share candy;

It’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway.

A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed;

Adults say that this helps to educate correctly;

A person is deprived of something, not allowed to go out for walks because of a bad deed.


We always miss her, and therefore we often wish her for the departing or departing person;

She accompanies someone everywhere, and therefore he is happy;

When it happens, they say “Well, lucky!”

For a correct answer on the first attempt - 3 points, on the second - 2 points, on the third - 1 point.

8th competition: “Correct the mistake in the proverb.”

In this competition, you need to correct the mistake and name the proverb correctly. The speed of task completion is taken into account. The team whose players completed the task faster wins.

Assignment to the first team:

The woman is busy, but there is a clamp. (The woman is with the cart, it’s easier for the mare).

Troubles torment, but hands do. (Troubles torment, but teach intelligence).

You can't put on a scarf without difficulty. (You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty).

Assignment to the second team:

The eyes are frightening, but they teach the mind. (The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing).

You can't take a fish out of the pond just for the sake of it. (You can’t put a scarf on just any mouth).

If only there was a neck, it would be easier for the mare. (If there was a neck, there would be a clamp).

9th competition: “Overtaking”.

All children are given questions that must be answered at a fast pace. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer. In the end, the team whose players scored more reward points for correct answers wins.

Dull noise from friction. (Rustle)

The junction of sewn pieces of fabric. (The seam)

Baby jackdaw. (Galchonok)

A thorny bush with sweet and sour berries. (Gooseberry)

Car driver. (Chauffeur)

Crew of a ship, plane, tank. (Crew)

Visit, trip, travel of a group of people for a special purpose. (Excursion)

Underground Railway. (Metro)

A magical tablecloth on which food appears by itself. (Self-assembly)

One side of a sheet of paper or book. (Page)

10th competition: “Homework”.

Members of one team tell their opponents riddles about the forest and its inhabitants.

What is the tallest grass on earth? (Bamboo)

Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)

Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (The same)

Summing up, determining the winners and awarding.

Prepared by: Kovalchuk N. A .

KVN for primary school.


- develop Creative skills children

- develop speech, logical thinking, memory, attention, intelligence of students

- learn to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others, make the right decision

Celebration progress:

- Hello, dear friends! Today we will not torment you with anticipation, but will get straight to the point. We have a large supply of ideas! And they are all for you!

You guys are fun
It's no good for you to be bored
With pleasure today
We'll play KVN.

1st competition Quiz “Russian folk tales”.

What is always valued in fairy tales of all peoples of the world? Answer: Mind.

What in fairy tales does evil always win? Answer: Good.

What words do Russian folk tales begin with? Answer: “Once upon a time...” “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”.

What affectionate word do heroes of Russian fairy tales often call their fathers? Answer: Father.

What do noble people do in Russian fairy tales in honor of a wedding or victory over an enemy? Answer: Feast.

What is the most popular number in Russian folk tales? Answer: Three.

What animal is nicknamed Sivka-Burka? Answer: Horse.

With what object can you kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? Answer: Needle.

What is the name of the home of the cannibal snake in the Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”? Answer: Den.

What is Ivan the Fool’s favorite place to sleep and relax? Answer: Oven.

What did the evil stepmother say at the failed wake for her stepdaughter in the Russian folk tale “Morozko”? Answer: Pancakes.

Which hero was spent on pies? Answer: The bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”

What is called “living” and “dead” in the Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”? Answer: Water.

What food product helped the hen save the life of the cockerel in the Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”? Answer: Oil.

What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? Answer: Sleigh.

What was the name of the princess who became the wife of Ivanushka the Fool in the Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”? Answer: Elena.

Without which main product would the soldier not be able to cook porridge in the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”? Answer: No cereal.

What did the crane wear to serve okroshka in the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”? Answer: Jug.

2 competition quiz “Who talks like that” (answers are written in groups, captains answer at the board)

Assignment - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:


























buzzing, humming












squeaks, wings

3 "Zoo" competition.
And this is the most fun stage. Here teams are asked to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging for food
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt

4 competition. Twelve Questions

Game: The game can be played in teams or each participant plays for himself. The host puts an item in the box so that no one can see, and then asks the players what it is. It could be a fork, a watch, matches, a book, in a word, anything. Players must guess what is in the box by asking yes or no questions, such as: “Is it round? Edible? "Etc. Winner: the player or team that names the item after twelve questions.

5 competition. From newspapers

The presenter gives each player three newspapers and scissors. Determines the game time. You need to create a short story from newspaper headlines - headlines are cut out of newspapers with scissors. The player who completes the task efficiently and faster than others wins. The game develops the ability to creatively create holistic combinations from disparate elements.

Short break (game)

- Summer is a wonderful time,
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have both rivers and forests
They give in the summer...(miracles)
- Who performed the miracle?
In the summer, into a fairy tale... (turned)?
- Who made the whole world like this:
Loud, joyful...(colored)?
- The whole Earth became circle
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns lushly green... (forest).
- And flowers are blooming around
Unprecedented... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
- How nice it is for us to run
Along the chamomile... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams,
Golden... (dandelions).
- Into the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world... (flowers)!

6th competition “Compose”.


7. Game “Trap for Foreigners”

-How foreigners can misinterpret a word. Give the correct interpretation of the word.

For example, “Conservator” is a person who makes canned food. (Incorrect meaning)

The words on the cards are given:

Buldenezh is a garden ornamental plant, a type of viburnum.

Troubadour is a poet-singer who glorifies something.

Goalkeeper - goalkeeper.

8th competition “Through the mouth of a baby”.

Children's statements about waste are read out. The teams' task is to try to understand what the children meant.

    I have a lot of toys made from it.

    It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.

    Items made from it weigh little.

    When lit, it smells bad and produces a lot of black smoke.

    It does not decompose on its own in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

    We get it from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    People usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

    Most often it is transparent.

    When it falls, it breaks.

    If you heat it up, it becomes viscous.

    Left in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


9 Competition “Add a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards within the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
The bushes were cut down - goodbye to the birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.

Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.
The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

KVN in primary school

(entertaining and educational event).

L. V. Lisitsyna teacher primary classes OU Korolevskaya Municipal Secondary School of Tyumentsevsky District, Altai Territory.

Goals : Develop students’ horizons, speech, and thinking.

Learn to work in a team, listen to the opinions of your comrades

And make the right decision.

Cultivate respect for your comrades and younger children.

Equipment : Colored cards for playing with questions in all subjects,

Cube with different colored sides, task cards.

Progress of the game.

Good afternoon, dear guys!

Good afternoon, dear guests!

We are glad to see you in our class. Today we have fun - educational game KVN. (CLUB OF THE FUN AND RESENTIVES)

This game is for the generous, kind, and sensitive. Do you consider yourself like that?

Then the game is for you. During the game, there is no need to quarrel; know how to give in and recognize where necessary the resourcefulness of your opponent.

To play we need to recruit two teams of players. I will ask questions to each class, whoever answers first will work as a team. So let's begin.

4th grade - 1. A pair of horses ran 4 km. How many kilometers did each person run?

Horse? (4 km)

By 2. What is the name of a mountain in a sandy desert? (barkhan)

2 hours . 3. What is the name of the ice rink? (ice rink)

to the team

4. An animal that walks on its own? (cat)

5. I grew up in the garden, my character is nasty,

Wherever I go, I will bring everyone to tears. (onion)

Grade 3 - 1. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother? (cuckoos)

2. Not a Christmas tree, but a peg. Not the cat, but the mouse is afraid. (hedgehog)

2 hours 3. In what city did Dunno live? (In Flower)

to the team

4. A cow eats 8 kg per day. hay How much hay will a cow eat in

10 days? (80 kg)

  1. “I sang the whole summer, didn’t have time to look back” - who are these lines about? (about dragonfly)

2nd grade - 1. Who has Winnie the Pooh stuck in the door? (at the Rabbit)

2. Planted a grain and raised a sun. (sunflower)

3. How many ends do two sticks have? (4)

4. What is the name of the writing package? (envelope)

To the team.

5. How many legs does a beetle have? (6)

1st grade - 1. Is a penguin a bird or not? (bird)

2. First letter of the alphabet? (A)

To the team . 3. Is roach a fish or a vegetable? (Fish)

Task 1. – Choose a captain and come up with a team name.

Jury presentation:

Message to fans:

Dear fans, I hope that there are no indifferent among you?

This means we will have loud applause and support for our players.

And now a word to our teams.

(captains introduce their teams)

Host: To win in KVN

You have to be very smart and kind,

Don't hide behind shields,

Don't be afraid of a sharp sword,

It’s not very easy to win in KVN,

Here they fight for every point.

Competition 1. - “Warm-up”

1 k. There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire intelligence. (school)

2 k. A white bunny jumps across a black field, shedding tears.

Children read them and erase them. (chalk)

1 k. Can you cut your hands on water? (yes, when she's ice)

2 k. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (for wet)

Competition 2. - “Answer the question”

The captains of each team go to the leader. Cards with questions are laid out on the table. Each color corresponds to a specific academic subject. For example, blue is Russian, green is drawing, etc. take a card, return to your team, discuss and answer the question. Who is faster and more correct?

Questions on cards

Russian language

There is one more word hidden in each of these words, find them.

Stable pillar crack regiment prick bison scythe darkness (10b)

Words “Piglet”, “leg”, “neck” have several meanings.Name them. (12b.)

What can escape? (10b.)

Name as many polite words as possible (1 word - 2b.)


  1. Solve the problem in verse:

We're just off the boat,

We're just back from the hike,

Eleven weeks

We visited on the water.

How many days is this?

Do the math better. (7b.)

2.Solve the problem - a joke (5 points)

A plane flies from city A to city B in 80 minutes, and back in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Why?

3.Read the words written in rebuses.

3 buna to 100 chka for 100 howl 40 a

4. Game “Endings” I start a mathematical sentence, and you have to finish it. (3 points each)

A) If the red pencil is 3 times longer than the blue one, then ---------

B) If the table is 30 cm higher than the stool, then………..

B) If a notebook is cheaper than a book, then ……….

D) If a brother is 5 years younger than his sister, then…….


1.Name the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (3 points for each fairy tale)


2.Recite a poem about winter by heart (12 points)


3.Explain the expressions: Tongue is tied

Hang on a phone

Only the heels sparkle (4 points each)

Natural science

1.What does a cabbage butterfly mean? (4 points)


2.Answer the question: (4 points)

A) Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the foot)

B) Which giraffe legs are longer, front or back?

Q) Which animal has the loudest voice?




1.Sing a lullaby


2.Draw in 3 minutes. As many items as possible

having this figure in their contours


Competition 3. “Correct the mistakes”

Autumn has come. Animals are preparing for winter. Some birds fly south. These are swallows, rooks, magpies, cranes. Forest dwellers moult. This is a hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox. And autumn work is coming to an end in the fields and gardens.

Vegetables and grain plants are harvested, haymaking ends, young trees are planted in the gardens, and fallen leaves are raked. Snowdrops are blooming in the forest.

Competition 4. – “Letters Lost”

You need to put the letters in the correct order to form words.

Mabuga, Yenikuch, Tradet, Nigasma, Kuta, Ovarko, Tsurika

Competition 5. – “Which word is younger”

It is necessary to arrange the words in the order in which they appeared in human speech.

Ship, nuclear-powered ship, steamship, sailboat.

Pilot, cosmonaut, pilot, aviator.

Floppy disk, manuscript, book, birch bark.


Competition 6. – “QUESTION – ANSWER”

I ask each team a question in turn.

  1. What wrench cannot be used to unscrew a nut?
  2. What note is put in the soup?
  3. Which marigolds cannot be used to make a bouquet?
  4. In which forests can you not get lost?
  5. Which tap should you not take water from?
  6. What kind of onion is not put in soup?
  7. What device can you use to navigate in any weather?
  8. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
  9. What city do they wear on their heads? (Panama)
  10. Name 4 colored seas. (BLACK, WHITE, RED, YELLOW)
  11. Which human organ is called the command post?
  12. Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (sighted)
  13. What wood are matches made from? (aspen)
  14. Who is red in summer and turns gray in winter? 9 squirrel)
  15. The tree is a symbol of Russia. (birch)
  16. Wolf's legs..... (being fed).

Competition for fans:

Reveal the meaning of the expressions:

1. Just a stone's throw (close)

2. After an hour, take a teaspoon (slowly)

3. Fool your head (deceive)

4.At full speed (quickly)

5. Roll up your sleeves (work well)

6.Bite your tongue (be silent)

7.No fluff or feather (wish you good luck)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror

Blue glass, green frame (pond)

Troshka stands on one leg,

They are looking for him, but he is silent (mushroom)

The tailor carries the needles with him, not the tailor (hedgehog)

A toothy animal gnaws an oak tree (saw) with a squeal.

What makes noise without wind? (river)

The bird waved its wing

And night covered the whole world with one feather)

Captains competition

You all probably love receiving gifts. Let us remember the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”.

Fleas came to the fly,

They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple

They have gold clasps.

Attention: How would you accept a gift and give thanks for it?

  1. What wonderful boots!

Where did you get them, fleas?

I will wear them all my life

And thank you for the rest of your life.

2. I already have boots

And better than these fleas.

I'll give them to my sister

What lives on that mountain.

3.Thank you, my fleas,

For beautiful boots,

Oh, what grief it will be

If they are not right for me.


Congratulations to the teams.

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and loud laughter

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be short

We say goodbye

See you again!

KVN for 2nd grades


Matveeva Natalya Konstantinovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 19, Volzhsky, Volgograd Region

Purpose: to develop interest in learning, thinking, ingenuity; cultivate love

to Russian language and literature.

Decoration and equipment: 1) decoration of the hall - letters KVN; team names;

2) for the competition of Russian language experts - words






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9

4) pens, paper for the jury;

5) musical arrangement;

6) costumes for fairy tales;

7) sheets for drawing lots.

Leading. Today at school

Big and interesting day:

We have prepared a fun

Our school holiday KVN!

So that this KVN holiday

Everyone liked you,

You need to have solid knowledge,

Be cheerful and resourceful!

Jury presentation.

    Command View(choose the order of performance by lot).

“Clever girls and clever girls” and “Angels”

    Mathematical warm-up .

Leading. In 1 minute each team must solve greatest number tasks. Jury

keeps track of time and counts the correct answers.

For team number 1. For team No. 2.

a) Girls 5 apples. She ate everything, a) The goose weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh?

except 3. How many apples does she have left if she stands on one leg? (3)

elk? (3)

b) How many fingers do 4 mice have? b) How many ears do 5 mice have? (10)

boys? ( 40)

c) Which number has the same number of digits? c) What year lasts only a day?

how many letters? ( one hundred) (New Year)

d) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? d) Three brothers have one sister. How many

(one) total children in the family? (4)

e) Son with father, yes son with father, yes e) 6 tractors plowed the field. 2 of them stopped

grandfather with grandson. Are there many of them?( 3 ) foxes. How many tractors are there in the field? ( 6)

f) Seven brothers have one sister. f) There are 4 corners in the room. There's a cat in every corner

How many sisters are there in total? (1) ka. Opposite each cat sit 3 cats

How many cats are there in total? ( 4)

g) 3 ostriches were flying. One hunter g) Dunya was carrying 12 apples in a sieve, and the bottom fell.

shot. How many ostriches are left? How many apples are left in the sieve?

(Ostriches don't fly) (Not a single one, because the bottom has fallen).

h) Name 5 days without naming numbers and h) How many legs do 2 centipedes have? ( 80)

names of days of the week.( The day before yesterday, yesterday,

today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

i) What can’t you build a house without? ( Without i) There were 12 books on the table. How many books have been removed?

angle) or if there are 3 times less of them left than

was? (8 books removed).

3) Homework. Theater competition .

Team No. 1. Team No. 2.

Russian folk tale"Kolobok" S. Mikhalkov “The Deceiver Hare”

4)Competition “Experts of the Russian language”.

Each team member gets a question.

Questions for Team No. 1.

    How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

    SMART GUYS - name the third sound and describe it.

    What parts of speech do you know?

    What is the spelling of the word B. ZHAL (card with the word)

    Sort by composition ORAL (card with word)

    How do you understand the expression “Out of the blue”? (Suddenly, unexpectedly)

    How to write – IZVES? NY?

Questions for team No. 2.

    How many vowel sounds? Transfer.

    ANGELS - name the 7th sound and give its characteristics.

    What parts of the word do you know?

    What is the spelling of the word ZARYA. KA?

    Break down the word - GOALKEEPER.

    How do you understand – “Keep your eyes open”? (be vigilant).

    How to write the word WONDERFUL?

5) Captains competition.

Captains receive a task (on cards). While the captains are working, the guys perform the song “If There Were No Schools.”

Task No. 1.

Instead of question marks, replace the question marks with the names of the numbers to make nouns.

1) PO?L 2) S?ZhKA


Task No. 2.

Place an = or - sign after each digit so that the equality becomes true

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =9.




6) Fan competition .

    Who knows more proverbs?

    What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

3. How to say correctly:

Fish have no teeth.

Fish have no teeth.

Or do fish have no teeth?

    What was the name of the ancient Greek mathematician who believed that numbers are very important for people's lives. He said: “The world is ruled by numbers.” (Pythagoras)

    Who can tell a tongue twister better?

The student was learning his lessons, his cheeks were inky.

Questions for parents.

    Not flowers, but withering; not their hands, but clapping them if they don’t understand something; not laundry, but they are hung out by those who are overly gullible. (EARS)

    It is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person; it is advised to look for it in the field when someone disappears without a trace; words and money are thrown at him by those who do not value them. (WIND).

    Which heavenly body has two names: one masculine, the other female(MOON - MONTH).

7)Literary competition.

The guys discuss everything together and give an answer.

Questions for team No. 1.

An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly 30 years and 3 years.

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

3. Determine the genre of the work of art.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty...

(Poem by A.S. Pushkin)

A fly flew to a man and said:

You are the master over all animals, you can do anything! Give me a tail.

(Tale “Tails” by V. Bianchi)

6. Recite a poem about the Motherland by heart.

Questions for team No. 2.

(K. Chukovsky)

2. Where do the lines come from?

The Prince rushed after her, but there was no trace of her. Only on the step of the stairs

there was a small glass slipper lying there.

(“Cinderella or the Glass Slipper” by Charles Perrault)

    Determine the genre of the work of art.

“How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile, harmful,

Yes, but everything is not for the future.

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.”

    Where do the lines come from?

“The hungry wolf got up to go hunting. Her cubs, all three of them, were fast asleep, huddled together, warming each other. She licked them and walked away.”

(Story “White-fronted” by A.P. Chekhov)

(V. Dragunsky).

6. Tell a poem about nature.

8) While the jury is summing up the results, the guys perform the song “Big Round Dance”.

9) Summarizing. The jury's word. Awarding the winners, the best fans.

KVN in mathematics for 2nd grades

Target: Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games. Develop the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes according to two, three, four characteristics. Develop logical thinking, imagination, speech. Improve the ability to form a whole from parts, determine number series clockwise. Foster friendly relationships, revenue, and the desire to help teammates.

Two teams of 10 people each, two leading, participate. Each team has a distinctive uniform - red and green T-shirts, name, motto, greeting. Parents from each class are invited.

Progress of the event

The guys performHymn to mathematics

To drive ships. To fly into the sky

You need to know a lot, And at the same time, and at the same time,

Notice, very important science MA-te-ma-ti-ka!

Why ships? Don't run aground

And they are following the course. Through fog and snowstorm?

Because, because, mind you

The captains are helped by MA-te-ma-ti-ka!

To be a doctor, a sailor. Or become a pilot.

It is necessary first of all. Know mathematics.

And there are no professions in the world. Will you notice?

Wherever you need it. Mathematics!

(let the children learn the tune of KVN)

Teacher: Attention! Attention! We invite all boys and girls to go to a fun country. Don’t forget to bring your quickness of thought, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

Presenter 1: Not in a theatrical performance, but among our school walls We will now see a cheerful Mathematical KVN.

Presenter 2: Everything is ready for battle. The teams are just waiting for the signal. One minute of patience
I will present you with a formidable trial. (presentation by the jury)

Presenter 1: We warn fans that the meeting will be hot and therefore we wish you
Get sick without calling a doctor.

Fans will be given chips for the correct answer, and then at the end of the game they will be added to the team’s points. (chips are given out)

Teacher: I competition. GreetingsGreetings from 2nd "A" class.

Our team: " Smarties”. Our motto: We are a team no matter what! Good luck always awaits us!

It's been a long time since we've met. And finally, friends, that hour has come
And even if you are stronger now. We are very glad to see you.
We are happy to play in KVN. Both in the heat and in the cold
Defeat or victory. – It’s not a problem at all.
We will sing and have fun. Guess, joke, joke
And let the jury decide. The one of us who wins.
We'll ask our fans. Support us more actively
We're sure you want it too. May we win now.

Greetings from 2nd "B" class.

Welcome to the team “ Znayki" Our motto: “We will think, convince, Going to the final, win.

Friends, we are glad to welcome you. All of you at the KVN meeting
We don't need any other reward. We want victory in return!
To give your team a name. Five raised to the power
Five lies at the base. Success, whatever you say!
To our rivals. A huge hello. Luck and happiness,
A bouquet of smiles. Although the opponents are strong,
But we are not blind either. Even though we are younger than Pythagoras. But they are brave and strong.

Presenter 1: We are starting the second competition. We will find out the winners. There are puzzles and riddles here. For the solution, you will be rewarded.

Presenter 2: I thought that all sciences are studied this way, out of boredom. But luck turned up and the challenges smiled.

2nd competition. Warm-up.

Teams receive three questions, each question is given 1 minute, and one point is awarded for the correct answer to the question. The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.

1) Near the dining room, where the skiers who came from a hike were having lunch, there were 8 skis, and 8 poles were stuck in the snow. How many skiers went on the trip? Answer: 4 skiers.

2) The grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren. In total she knitted 3 scarves and 6 mittens. How many grandchildren does grandma have? Answer: 3 grandchildren.

3. Artist competition.One person from each team.

1. Draw with both hands at the same time: one a circle and the other a rectangle.
2. At the leader’s command, draw a square with your eyes closed, an oval in the middle, and a triangle on the right.

Questions for fans math auction Each correct answer can earn teams one point. Answer funny questions as quickly as possible

· Seven brothers have one sister: Are there many sisters? (1.)

· Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many people are there in total? (3.)

· When a goose stands on two legs it weighs 4 kg. How much will he weigh when he stands on one leg? (4 kg.)

· The housewife was carrying 100 eggs in a basket, and the bottom fell off. How many eggs are left? (Not a single one, they all crashed.)

· 4 eggs boiled in 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil one egg? (4 minutes.)

· Three ostriches were flying, the hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)

· When the goat turns 7 years old, what will happen to her next? (The eighth will go.)

· In the cellar, 5 mice were gnawing on a cheese rind. They were so engrossed in this that they did not notice the cat sneaking up. The cat rushed at the mice and grabbed one of them. How many mice are left to finish the cheese? (None.)

· Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled the turnip and finally pulled it out. How many eyes saw the turnip? (12 eyes.)

· Three little pigs were walking. One is in front of two, one is between two, one is behind two. How were the piglets doing? (One after another.)

· 9 sharks were swimming in the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived into the depths. How many sharks are left in the sea? (9)

· The blacksmith shoed three horses. How many horseshoes did he have to make? (12.)

· The long-awaited January has arrived. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, and then 3 plum trees. How many trees bloomed? (Trees do not bloom in January.)

4 . Competition of ditties. Homework (ditties). Each team performs school ditties on the theme “Math Lesson”.

1. We gathered moms and dads, but not for fun. Today we report on our successes.

Vanya yawns all day, and he doesn’t even know why.
Math lesson. It doesn't suit Vanyusha for future use.

2.Vlad sobs over the notebook: He doesn’t know how to solve the example.
The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying, Well, the answer doesn’t add up!

3.I have the multiplication table. I studied before bed.
I got up in the morning - the whole table. I completely forgot!

4. My neighbor and I are together. The test was decided.
For her we have two. We got four.

5. Well, why do we need theorems? And why do we need an algorithm?
We are not robots, we are children, We can’t keep up the rhythm!

6. Every day we count, multiply, divide, subtract,
We answer and read - How much time are we wasting!

7.Dad solved the problem for me, helped me in mathematics,
We then decided with my mother. Something he couldn't decide.

8. I count very quickly. Everyone at school is proud of me.
Not a single boy in school. Won't keep up with me.

We sang ditties for you, whether good or bad.
And now we ask you to clap for us!

Presenter 1: Whoever was able to be a captain at school, all paths are open to him:
He will own the ocean, air, water and earth.

5th competition of captains “Keen Eye” Teams must determine how many triangles there are in a given shape. For the correct answer, each team receives 1 point.

Answer: 9 triangles.

Between competitions, games are held for fans and tasks are offered.

A game. I'll tell you a story. In one and a half dozen phrases,
As soon as I say the word “three” - take the prize immediately!
Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside
We saw small fish, and not just one, but... two.
A seasoned boy dreams. Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command “one, two, ... march!”
When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself. Once or twice, or better yet... five!
Recently there was a train at the station. I had to wait three hours
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize, when did you have the opportunity to take it?

6. Competition of proverbs and sayings. Within 2 minutes, each team must remember and write down as many proverbs and sayings, riddles containing numbers as possible. For example: Seven troubles - one answer. One for all and all for one.

7th competition "Logical" Teams receive 1 point for a correct answer. Who's older? Three brothers - Vanya, Sasha, Kolya - studied in different classes. Vanya was no older than Kolya, and Sasha was no older than Vanya. Name the older, middle and younger brothers. Answer: older brother - Kolya, middle brother - Vanya, younger brother - Sasha.

Contest "Fun tasks" for the fans.

1. The cat walked along the path, leading the kittens:
There are two whites and five blacks. Who managed to count them? (7)

3. A kitten was running along the grass, and a puppy was running after him.
Who, guys, can count how many legs were running there? (8)

4. Children took 10 places on the carousel. After this there are 2 free places left. How many seats are there on the carousel? (12)

5. Vova is three years younger than Sveta. He is 6 years old. How old is Sveta? (9)

6. A piece 8 cm long was cut from a ribbon 1 dm long. How long is the piece of tape left? (2cm)

7. Half a kilogram of sweets costs 10 rubles. How much does a kilogram of these sweets cost? (20)

8th competition “Guess the rebus” Each team receives a block consisting of puzzles. For each correctly deciphered rebus, teams receive one point. The maximum score for this competition is 3 points. Answers: number, one, two.

Presenter 2: You guys are all tired, you thought and considered a lot,
It's time to rest. And for you now - game “So - it’s not so.”

    It's very cold in summer. When I go skiing or skating, I put on a warm jacket and felt boots. There is also New Year in the summer. The guys are decorating the Christmas tree. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come to visit them. This is true?

    In autumn, leaves bloom on the trees. Birds fly from warm countries. The guys and I are hanging birdhouses. This is true?

    In spring, the first snowflakes fall to the ground. The hare changes into a white fur coat, the bear climbs into its den, and the birds fly away to warmer climes. This is true?

    In winter, everyone goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Apples, pears, and cherries are ripening in the orchards. Multi-colored butterflies fly from flower to flower. The guys sunbathe in the sun and eat delicious watermelons. This is true?

9th competition “Attentive Team”

From geometric shapes make a figure (sticky paper) one animal at a time (cat and fox)

10th competition “Mathematical beads” I made beads from different numbers, And in those circles where there are no numbers, Arrange the minuses and pluses, So that you can get the answer.

4 4 . 1 5 . 13 . 7 = 23 86 . 4 5 . 34 . 3 = 78

Answer: 44 – 15 – 13 + 7 = 23; 86 – 45 + 34 + 3 = 78

For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point, the maximum score for this competition is 2 points.

11th competition “Fairytale”

1) How many kids did a goat with many children have? (Seven)

2) How many fighters did Ali Baba have? (40)

For each correct answer, teams receive one point. Maximum competition score – 3 points

while the jury sums up the results

Physical exercise “If you want to do it this way, then do it this way!”


The game is over, it's time to find out the result
Who worked the best and distinguished himself in KVN?

The jury announces the winners and the awards ceremony begins. Team awards.

Well done, guys, let your fathers praise you.
Mothers will be delighted with such a skill.

Kozlova Lilia
KVN script “Jolly Guys” for 2nd grade

KVN script« Funny boys»

2 Class

KVN « Funny boys»

Goals: cultivate cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for rivals;

establish partnerships;

develop communication skills, instill in children the desire to overcome obstacles.

Equipment: 2 glasses with water and spoons, cut cards with congratulations, team names, mottos, presentation, song

Progress of the event:

Organizing time. Song .

I know: You love games, songs and riddles. And today we will play and have fun.

The teacher proposes a jury. (High school students, parents).

Children are divided into two teams, choosing team captains.

1 team- "Girls are naughty merry fellows»

Team 2 - "Boys - funny mischief makers»

Greetings to the cheerful and resourceful!

Competition1. "Team Greetings" (say together in unison) Mottos:

Girls. We are always all together, the best comes first!

Boys. We need victory. We will never miss!

Girls. We will be the best. We will achieve victory!

Boys. Never fall behind, win all games!

Competition 2. On the board: 1- draws an airplane or a tank, 2- a flower. Write word: Congratulations!

From the team - 5 each guys at the blackboard.

Competition 3. "Name it correctly". Girls are asked to name kitchen utensils, and boys - work tools. The team that names the most wins. The teams answer one by one.

Competition 4. “Who knows more fairy tales?”

Teams answer one by one

“Who sat on my chair. ? ("Three Bears")

“The beaten one is lucky!” ("The Fox and the Wolf")

“Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east.” ("Seven-flowered flower")

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, and not a bear at all.” ("Winnie the Pooh")

“He got leeches and sold them to Karabas.

The whole smell of swamp mud was his name.” (Duremar")

“He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye, that was his name.” (Kolobok)

“Beautiful and sweet, but very small!

Slender little figure, and her name is.” (Thumbelina)

"With blue hair and huge eyes,

This doll is an actress and her name is.” (Malvina)

“I can’t do it any other way.: I keep crying, crying, crying.

Who will heal the princess and make Nesmeyana laugh? ( "Princess Nesmeyana")

“I am a wooden boy, wearing a striped cap.

I was created for the joy of people, the key of happiness is in my hand.

The turtle gave me this magic key.

And then I found myself in a kind fairyland.” ( "Pinocchio")

“He treats small children, treats birds and animals,

The good doctor looks through his glasses. (Aibolit).

Competition 5. The next task is called "Decide fun puzzles»

1 team: “Tanya and Anya had 3 pears and 2 apples. How many vegetables did the children have in total?”

“Egor and Andrey drew pictures for 2 hours. How many hours did each of them draw?”

What kind of dishes can't you eat from? (empty)

What do we hear at the end of the lesson? (letter a). What rocks are in the sea? (wet)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (letter c)

In which fields does grass not grow? (hats)

Competition 6. “Line up according to your height”

Competition 7. Continue the proverb.

Finished the matter - walk safely.

1. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

2. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without labor.

2) Do you like to ride - --- also love to carry sleds.

3)What goes around comes around.

Competition 8. "Guessing riddles" Teams answer one by one

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, and burns without fire? (Sun)

Without arms, without legs, he was able to break out of the ground.

In the summer, in the icy heat, he gives us water to drink (Spring)

Afraid of bright light

Crochet beak

Eyes - heel (Owl)

In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind,

Lives without a window, has never seen the sun. (Mole)

About sport.

Red helmet on the head

By the glove on my hand,

Enters the ring

He is not afraid to fight his opponent. (Boxer)

2. I am a rope - a driver,

Everyone is playing with me.

Even every bully

And he knows me. (Jump rope) .

3. I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker. Who's carrying me? (Skates) .

4. You hit anyone -

He gets angry and cries.

And if you hit this one -

Jumping for joy! (ball)

5. Comma Stick

He kicks the ball in front of him. (hockey stick)

6. Let's assemble a team

Taking a corner -

We score with our heads.

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love it very much. (football)

Competition 9. “Sleight of hand. "Collect items". Laid out on the desk academic subjects. We need to collect everything in a briefcase, everyone puts one item.

Competition 10. Transfer water from glass to glass. Who will spill less and fill the glass more?

Competition 11. Captains. The boy captain portrays a wolf (movements, words)

The girl captain is a fox.

Congratulation. Boys' girls are girls' boys. Poetry.

The jury sums up the results.

Both teams receive gifts. (Tea party).

Bottom line. Song “What are our boys and girls made of?”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 2 r.p. Tumbotino

Pavlovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region

KVN in Russian for primary school students.

primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 r.p. Tumbotno

Undalova Olga Valentinovna

r.p. Tumbotino 2015

Goal and tasks:

- summarize and systematize students’ knowledge;

- continue work on developing competent writing and spelling vigilance;

- develop speech, thinking, ingenuity, creative and cognitive abilities;

- cultivate accuracy and diligence;

- instill interest in the Russian language;

2 teams are participating. Each team has its own symbol and name.

“Language is a tool, you need to know it well, master it well.”

M. Gorky.

I love my native language!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets.

At the council, at the round table

Speak it:

Unambiguous and direct

He is like the truth itself.

Teacher: So, friends, let's start the program.
We have a large supply of ideas!
And who are they for?
For you!

"Team Greetings"

1st team: We answer together

And here there is no doubt.

Today there will be friendship

Mistress of victories.

Team 2: We are funny guys

And we don't like to be bored.

We are with you with pleasure

We will play in KVN

1.Warm-up: “Name it in one word”:

Fan competition "Be affectionate."

The teacher names the noun, and the children, adding diminutive suffixes, create new words.

Vanya time book name Sonya sieve crown daughter baby strip raisin birch fox bunny.

2. Competition "Transforming words"

Replace one letter to make a new word.

Elephant-syllable catfish-juice

Sally-sledge son-sor

Village-hay salt-role

Light-color elephant-moan

Sook souprock horn

3. Competition. "Typesetter"

From the letters of one word you need to form other words. ADJECTIVE (field league spruce roofing role atelier)

Fan competition "Funny Questions".

1. What pronouns interfere with traffic? (I-we)

2. You are behind her, she is from you, you are from her, she is behind you (shadow)

3. Which number has as many letters as numbers? (one hundred-100)

4. What disease has no one on earth ever had? (nautical)

5. What stands in the middle of the earth? (m)

6. What is the first thing we do in the morning? (we wake up)

7. How many peas can fit into a glass? (they cannot enter on their own)

8. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind the teeth)

9. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at the mushroom)

10. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)

4. Captains' competition "Verbal Shootout".

Who can name more words starting with the letter R?

5. Competition: “Parts of speech”

Children come out and read poetry, team members name the part of speech.

I give myself completely to my work,

I replace names. (pronoun)

I define objects

They are very noticeable to me.

I decorate your speech

You need to know me, take care of me. (adjective)

I've been living in this world for a long time,

I give names to objects. (noun)

What are objects without me? Only names.

And I will come - everything will come into action. (verb)

6. “Anagrams” competition, come up with new words consisting of the same letters.

Head-moisture scarf-stuffing

Mountain-horns ore-strike

City-road numbers-strongman

Gul-lug address Wednesday

Gusli-servants halva-praise

Fan competition"Rebuses".

WITH 100FACES (capital)

R1A (Motherland)

S3ZHI (swifts)

7th (family)

7. Competition “Entertaining Models”.

I- - - (game caviar frost)

And - - (the fox drank the stork)

And (glasses sleigh geese)

Competition "Ladder".

(horn lynx fisherman homeland joy)

Competition "Pyramid".

A- - A

A - - - A

A- - - - A

A - - - - - A


Competition 8 “Count - ka!”.

How many phraseological units are in the text.

From head to toe.

I was once on friendly terms with him. But one day he (got off his left foot, or what?) started to fight me. I'm heading home as fast as I can! The ate took away his legs! But now I don’t set foot near him. He won't have my leg anymore.

Yes, he behaves extremely badly. We should take it in our hands. So that you know: don’t give your hands free rein! And then - I give you my hand to cut off - he will immediately stop letting go!

No doubt - hot head. But if we came to an agreement with him, on our own head, then now we are responsible for his behavior with our head. I don’t yet know what we should do first (my head is spinning), but I think there’s no need to hang our heads. I guarantee my head that together we will always be able to soap his neck!

A. Shibaev. (20 phraseol.)

9. Complete the proverbs and sayings.

Without a tongue and a bell... it's dumb.

The language of kingdoms... tosses and turns.

The conversation... whiles away the journey.

A good word will build a house, but an evil word will...destroy it.

A kind word... inspires.

Know how to speak in time, know how to speak in time and... be silent.

A kind word, the iron gate... unlocks.

10. Summing up.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

The jury announces the results. Rewarding participants.